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PORT OF AUCKLAND. VESTKII DAY'S All 1! IV A I,S. forea (1-13, from Coast; Herekino from Portland; Claymore (0.30 m )'. from Whiuurutea; Rangitoto (10 from G resit Bar rier : Omana (10.20 a m-)'. / roni MaUkmla ; Apanui (10.30 p.m.), from Thames. YES IT: R DAY'S HE PART U RES. u ca sts» (7.30 p.m.), for Wcllinslon. ' Rnn'gitoto (8.5 a.m.). for Great Barrier; Oinana (S.lO a.m.). for Ksiwau; Apanui (10.10 ft-" 1 -). Thames; Hum ( -.10 p.m.). { or " Gieborne; Herekmo (5.30 p.m.), for Portland; Cla.vrnoro (•'■ '■> P.m.), for WhaBC.irei; Hamti (7.5 p.m.), for Kerepeehi; laniwbi (7.30 p.m.), for Paeroa.

VESSELS PUIS TO-PAY. Port. Hardy, from London, D a.m. Tairo.l, fri'in Liverpool. noon. TVaka, from Tauranga. 7 a.m. Clansman, from Russell. 0 a.m. Rangitoto, tloni Coromandel. '1.30 p.m Kawau, from Warkworth, 9.30 p.m.

VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. Jlakura, for Sydney. 5 p.m. Wcstmoor. for Sail Francisco, 7 Kawau, for Wark'.vorth. in.3o a.m. Pangitolo, for Coromandel. 11 a.m. Apanui. for Thames, noon. Omana. for Waiheko. 6.30 p.m.


ISTKRCOt.ONIAt, AN n COAST At.. W.iipnlii. Southern ports, April 12. Ka/epo. Son tin: rn ports, April I<>. frabnelln. Melbourne. April 12. Kaimanawa. Westport, Apiil 13. Tofua, Fiji. April 11. TJlimaroa. Sydney, April 15 Manns mini. Sydney, April -1. Maui Poniare, Apia, vin Southern ports, April 27. jf.M.S. Veronica,/ Wellington, Aptil 28. H'jl.S. Laburnum. Wellington, April 23. OV KB SEAS. Tairoa. Liverpool, April 11. Canadian Commander. Halifax, April 11. Port Hardy, London. April 11. EARLY SAILINGS FROM AUCKLAND. INTr.RCOI.ONtAL AND OVEriSEAS. Makur». Sydney, April 11, Pakelia. London. April 12. ■Wnipilii, Apia, April in. Ulimaroa, Sydney, April 17. Tofua. Fiji, April 19. Aoranji, Sydney, April 21. JJaimffanui, Sydney, April CL Port Hobart. America, Canada and London, April 30. J Hertford, Hamburg and Great Britain, May 10. Mahia, London. May IG. Ruahine, London, May 24. AUSTRALIA-NEW ZEALAND. riimnroa. at Sydney: sails April 11; due Auckland April .15. .Mahfin', sailed from Melbourne for Wellington. via Southern ports, April 3; due Wellington April II: snil3 for Melbourne, vin BlntT, April 10. Hpuiiganui. Nt Wellington; sails for Sydney April 11. Makura. at Auckland; sails tor Sydnoy April 11.

BRITISH PASSENGER STEAMERS. Ruahinc. left London March 10; duo Auckland April 22. Mataroa. left. Southampton March 2S; duo ■Wellington April 2S>. Raneitata. leaves Southampton April 11; due Wellington May 14. Tainui, leaves Southampton April 25, due

Auckland May 31. Rangitane, leaves- Southampton May 0; duo Auckland Juno 11.

PACIFIC MAIL SERVICE. ' Tahiti, due Sydney April 12; ?ails for San Francisco, via Wellington. April, 17. Aorangi, left Vancouver April 2: duo Auckland April 20; Bails for Sydney April 22, Kiajrira. due Vancouver April 25: 6ails lor Auckland April 30. Ifarirna, left Wellington March 26; duo San Francisco April 11. • . VESSELS IN PORT. In Stream—Rewa (bq.). Waitomo. E.M.C.S. Iris. Mako (Watkin and \Vallis), Kurow. Derraport—H.M.S Philomel. Qneen's Wharf—Makura (U.S.S Coy.). •Kmir's Wharf— Sinnmgton Court (N.Z.S Coy.). Western Wharf Kuru-i (Gisborna dredge), Egero (Shell Coy.l. Central Wharf —Pakeha (A. S. Paterson). Jn Dock—ll.Si.S Duncdin. Chelsea—Elven? (Spcdding. Ltd.)

The Kartigi is to load at Lytteltou about, jiext Tuesday for Auckland. The Kanna is expected to leave "*.l i'"j - month to-day for West port ami Auckland. Tlik Komata will leavp Wellington at 10 o'clock ne.-t Tuesday evening for West port. The Waimcn left Gisborne at 11 o'clock yesterday morning for Napier and Auckland.

The "Wingatui will load at Dunedin toinoriow for Auckland, via Timaru, Lyttelton. Wellington and Picton. The Kaimanawa, has been barbound fit iWf9tport, and was expected to sail at nine o'clock last even ins for Napier and Auckland.

The Katoa will leave West port next Mon day and completes loading at Picfon and Wellington for Auckland. She is expected 1o leave Picton on Tuesday and Wellington the following day. The Richardson Line steamer I'ukeko is Sue at Auckland this morning and will berth at King's Wharf. She is to pail nt tvro o'clock next. Tuesday afternoon for East Coast bays and Gisborne. Tlit- Karepo left Wellinglon at midnight on Wednesday for Picton, where she arrived yesterday morning. Sho was expected to leave Picton last - evening for Auckland. After discharge here sho will go to Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin and 'Timaru.

Captain W. Lloyd is in command of the Shaw, Savill and Albion liner lonic, which Arrived iit Wellington on Tuesday afternoon from London, lie has associated with him the following officers:—Chief, Mr. 11. 0. Griffiths; first, Mr. R. I'. V,'. Stevens; second, Mr. S. S. Fieldwood: chief, engineer, Mr. W. Scott; senior second, Mr. H. Warren; junior second. Mr. W. Saukey; purser, Mr. E. W. Kettle; chief steward, Jfr. E. L Whitfield; surgeon, Dr. T. L. I'. 5s mica.

MAUN(i A X UI'S PASSE Nfl EES. Ihe following passengers arrived by the TTnion Company's steamer Maunganui. "which reached Wellington on Tuesday iQ'jrning from Sydney:— First Class.—Mrs. M. Agar, Miss M. Agar, iMaster I*'. C. Agar, Sister S. Alplionsus, Mr T. Hev/ley, Alius G. Bidurd. Mr. L. If. 'Bosher, Air. J. Brown, Mother M. Bernard, iMiss E. Bedford. Mrs. E. G, Heaticliamp. Mrs. F. E. Hevan, Master T. Bevan, Mm. C. Bake,, Miss M. Baker. Mr. W If. Burnett, Mr. 11. Baidfiley, Mrs L. Chan. Mr. E. Cortes. Mr. D. K. Cavaye. Miss V. Charlton, Mix M. Christmas, Mrs. V, A. Cotton. otain P. L Davies. Mi. C, Drakelev, Mr. W. Dobsdn, Mr. H W. ForTur, Mrs C. I'nrrcst, Miss M. Farnsworth, Mr. Tf. R. Mr. 11. Hood win, Mint* V. 'Gambit, Mr. S. K. (taskin, Father J. Hick fc on, Mr 10. IJou«;liins, Mr. H liafti/rsley. Mr. L T. Hnrldon. Mrs. .f. Haddon. L. E. Harrison. Mr. A. H. Heather. Mrs. A. 11. Miajj S. Ifeatbu, Ma'rf*ir T! Heather. Mr. V. O. Ingram. Miss M. Imdis. Dr. Sydney .lones. Miss ' L. Xmo-. M,. '.V Kivell. Mrs. W. Kiv.ll, •Mr. S. H Ke;ine. Mms M. Kemp, Mr. C. K'uje:, Mr. .J. S King, Dr. K. Lee-Brown. Miss .1. V n Lindsay, Mr. Low. M.s. M. Aev-if, Miss I''. Lewis, Mrs. O. Llovd-Hill. .Mrs. J. t:. ,\L Donald, Mi. A. (i. McGrath. Mr. A. Mr.N'aughton, Mrs E. C. Mora'n, *Mr. H. Mitchell. Mrs C. 11. Mitchell. Mrs. .r. M,ir;ili.v. Mis, E.'Murphy. Mr--. <'. Mar.ll ihss K. M. Mackerra.s Mr. W. S. •Kewbursi, Mr.,. W S Newburgli. Dr. A. B. O'Brien Mr.-- A. 11. O'Brien. Misa M. Orteifa. Mr. A' D Paislev, Mr. It. W. Plaste. Alias 0. Phillips. Mrs. M. J. Phillips, Mr C. Parker. Mrs. M Ouill. Miss M. Min, M. R«.,d. Mrs. H. Reid. Mrs. [, M Miss M. Pae. Mr. R. Richards. •Mr. ,1, Kankin Mr. H. Shallard. Mrs. IT. Shall,.rd. Mr. E ('. Stutterd. Mr. W. E. Spong, Miss L. Simpson, Mrs. M. Sell. Mrs hj". Sclanders, Mr. E. Salrnond. Mi-s S. Tin n 1 >nll. Mr P. E. Taylor. Miss L. M. Jotnl.m, Mr. W. Turtle. Mr. H. Van de ~e ' de, Mr c: Vsn do Velrje, Miss I'. de Velde. Mrs. II 11. Vare. Mr. G. gilding, Mrs. 0. Wilding, Mr. T. WaHis, Captain .1. Wnlker.' Rev. fl. It. Williams. Mrs. 11. VB Williams. Mi.s V. J},d!iam rf , Mr. I| ]{ ' Wilson, Mrs. 11. R. J'ilami, Mr. ("1. Willinnson, Mr. L. W. W.iLli. Mis. 1,. W. Walsh. Miss I-. Wa'W Smith. Miss 1,. It Wills, Mr A .r. whitemaii. Mr. 11. Watt, Mrs. 11. Wad. Second Class.—Mr. F. C. Allan, Mr. I.'. S. Bleu rley. Mr A. D. Bishop, Mis H V. Brammili Mrs J. Bricliflins.-. Mr. \V. If. Boyd. Mrs. 1,. Bradlield, Mr. .1. Campbell. Mr. 11. Crysell, Miss 11. Clieyne, Miss E. W. Chapman. Mr. E. Carter. Mr. <l. 11. Crisp, Mrs. M E. Dimond, Mr. O. Eni'elbr rrl-1, rs FT. Eugelhreeht. Mies M. ■Ejigelbiecht, Rev. 1!. Fish, Mrs. A. Good win, Mr. ( . Hunter, Mrs. C. Hunter. Mrs. M. Hnp,., Mr.-. M. Hiikinbottom. Miss M. B. Hobliard, Mr. W, Hancock. Mr 11. E. •fumes, Mr fl. Jackson, Mrs. H. Jackson. Miss r,. Jackson. Mr. J. D Kinvia. Mi. W. B. King Mi; W. Kohn. Mrs. W.' Kohn. Mr ,T. F. Kt-lly. Mr. T. Kidd. Mrs. P. Kidson. Mr H McKilvray, Mr. W Mc Gnire, Mrs, W MrGnire, Mr. IT. R. Meyer. 'Mrs. 11. B. Miss L. Meyer, Mrs. I. Mason. Mis>s >f Mavne. Mr A. Percy. Mr. A. R. ferry. Mips ,T Scrivener. Mr F. A. Sslter. Mrs. M. Tl. Smith. Miss L. Wood. Mr. J Wood. Mrs. J. Wood. Mr. H. Wood, Mi. C, Wood. Miss T. Ward, and 71 third •class.

WAIPAHT FOR ISLANDS. Tho Union Company advises that the Waipahi is to leavf Gisbovne today for Auckland. The vessel will leave here next, Wednesday for Samoa, where she will load for Auckland.' MAKURA TO SAIL. The Union Company's steamer Makura if" echeduled to pail at live o'clock thin even ins: for Svdney with passengers, mail and cargo. Tho vessel is dun at. Sydney oil Tuesday. GOLDEN COAST'S MOVEMENTS. The Oceanic and Oriental Navigation Company's steamer Golden Coast, which is nt present, discharging at Wellington, will load at Napier after leaving Dnnedin. After loading the vessel will go to Honolulu. TOFUA LEAVES SUVA. /The Union Company's Island steamer Tofua left, Suva at noon yesterday for Auckland, where she is due on Monday with passengers, mail and cargo. WEIKBANK DISCHARGING; Tho Bank Line motor-ship Weirbank is due at LytteHon today to complete discharge of her cargo of phosphates from Makatea Island. She will afterwards return to Makatea Island to load for Australia. PORT DEN I SON AT LONDON. The Commonwealth and Dominion Line steamer Port Denison, which left. Wellington on February 28 for London, via Panama, is_ reported to have reached London on Wednesday. CUMBERLAND CLEARS COLON. The Federal Line steamer Cumberland, which left Wellington on March 15 for London. A vonmoiith. Liverpool and Glasgow, is reported to have cleared Colon on Tuesday. KIMUTAKA REACHES LONDON. The. New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Rimutaka, which left Lyttelton on February 20, is reported to have reached London on Wednesday. WESTMOOR TO SAIL. The motor-ship Westtjioor, which has been discharging her cargo of basic slag and phosphates from Antwerp at Central Wharf, is to bo despatched at seven o'clock this morning for San Francisco. HUIA DESPATCHED. Thrt Nobel Explosive Company'."* auxiliary schooner Huia. was despatched early yesterday afternoon for Melbourne, via Gißborne and New Plymouth. The vessel loaded a cargo consisting chiefly of timber at Auckland.

ACASTA DEPARTS. The Norwegian tanker Acasta, which arrived from Balik on Wednesday morning under charter to tiio Shell Company with a full cargo of hulk oil fuel, eailed' last evening for Wellington, where flic will complete discharge. PAKEHA'S DEPARTURE. The. Shaw. Savill and Albion steamer Pakeha, which arrived at. Auckland on "Wednesday morning to load a Quantity of New Zealand produce for Jvottorduin mid London, is expected to bo despatched at five o'clock tomorrow evening. A. S. 1 aterson and Company aro the local agents. TAIROA DUE TO-DAY. Tim Shaw, Savill and Albion steamer Tairoa is expected to arrive at Auckland at noon to-day from Liverpool Sho has a cargo of general merchandise from \Vest, Coast ports of Great Britain for discharge at Auckland, Wellington, Lyttoiton, Tiniaru arid Dunedin. She will berth at Ouoph s Wharf. A. S. Paterson and Compr.ny. Limited, are the local agents. lONIC'S PASSENGERS. The following cabin claas passengers arrived by the Shaw. Saviil and Albiou liner lonic, which reached Wellington on Tuesday afternoon from Southampton:—For Wellington: Mr. and Mis. W. Worthin&ton and Miss M Worthinston. For Auckland: Lieutenant-Colonel F. Crosier. Mr. and Mrs. M. Pizer, Miss S. Pizer. Mrs. M. SaundersJones and Miss H. "West. For Christchurch: Mr. J. Merrett, Mrs, G. Tisdall. and Miss A. Whitenian. For Dunedin: Mr. J. Austin and Mr. R. Brown. There we re 90 third-class passengers. The lonic left Wellington on Wednesday afternoon for Lyttelton. Dunedin and Bluff to discharge her cargo from London.

PORT HARDY FROM LONDON. Wireless advice received yesterday from the Commonwealth and Dominion Line steamer Port Hardy stated that the vessel win expected to reach Till at nine o'clock this morning from London. She. will anchoi off' Motuihi Island to unl jad explosives,' passengers being conveyed to Auckland by lendei. The vessel will afterward conic into port to discharge cargo for Auckland to the agency of Heather IJoberton, Limited. Her other polls of discharge are Wellington and New Plymouth. The Port Hardy is bringing (lie following passengers For Auckland : Mr. and Mrs. Lanibourne, Miss McFarland and Miss S. Ball. For Lyttelton: Mrs. Guineas. Miss S. 11. Guinness, and Miya P. 11. Guinuc-ss. F'U> Dunedin: Mrs. Begg and Master Hoggnns. For Sydney: Mia. Mitchell and Mis. Savige.

HOLIDAY SERVICES. The Union Company announces alterations in the intercolonial service made in accordance with the Easter and Anzac Day holidays. Tho Maungunui will leave Sydney next Thursday for Auckland, and the Makura will leave on the sumo day for Wellington, each arriving on the following Monday. The Maunganui will leave Auckland on bcr return trip to Sydney at five o'clock on Thursday evening. April 21. instead of April 25. and the Makura will leave Wellington at the same time for Sydney. The Wriimea will leave Auckland next Tuesday for Gisborne and Napier, and will leave Napier on April 13 on Lev return trip to Auckland. The Northern Company advises that the Clansman will leave Auckland at four o'clock on Monday afternoon for Russell and at tho same hour on Tuesday. April 22. for the same port. The Ngapuhi will leave Onehunga. at 3.30 on Monday afternoon for New Plymouth and at the same hour next Wednesday and oil Tuesday, April 22. The Apanui will leave Auckland at noon on Saturday, April If), for Houhorn, Totara, and Parenga. The Rangitoto will leave Auckland at 5.30 on Thursday evening for Thames and the Apanui on the same clay at, four o'clock for Coromandel. A vessel will leave Auckland next Wednesday at 8 a.m and on Thursday, April 24, at the same hour for Great Barrier. The usual trips will be made to Waiheke on Thursday evening and excursions to the various resorts during the holidays.

WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are expected to bp within range of the undermentioned wireless sta t ions to day • Auckland. Niagara. Tofua. Mam Poiunre, Port Caroline. Canadian Britisher, Wuiton, Kaitoke, Southern Crciss, lairon, \ entnra. Sierra. Canadian Explorer, Port Hardy, Kairanga, Niiciila. ( 1 |,a tha in Islands.-Southern I rineess. Reriniera. Olaki. . Wellington. Aorangi. Wakakura, .NorthUMilierl.ipd, (llokia. Corinlhic, Wnmui, Middlesex. Raneitiki. Malieno, l.uapehu, Waipahi. Canadian Transporter, /ealandic. Port Victor. AwaMia. City of New i ork, Eleanor Boiling, Karetu, Kaponga, Canonesa, Tahiti.

PORT OF ONEHUNGA. Yesterday's Arrivals.—Ronaki (V a.m.), from Raglan Yesterday's Departures.-Ronaki d.lO p.m. i. for Wanganui; Ngapuhi (130 p.m.), for New Plymouth; Hauturu (a p.m.), for llokianga. BY TELEGRAPH. NAPIER— April 10: Arrived—Ngatoro (7 p.mj, from Grev-mouth. WKLMXGTON.-April 10: Arrived--Otaki (1.10 a.m.), from Son Pedro; Maori i? 11.111.1, from Lyttelton; John (4.45 p.m.). from Lyttelton: Progress (6.30 p.m.). from Pufoir Port Victor (7 p.m.), from Napier. Sailed-Karepo (12.30 a.m.). for Picton; Huapehu (12.30 p.m.). for Picton: Katoa ,'•3 lor West port; Maori (7.50 p.m.), for Lyttelton.

JiYTTF.LTON. —April in: Arrived—Wahine (6. to n. 111.), front Wellington; Holmrlale '7 I,'j a.m.). from rimaru; lonic (P. 40 a.m.) II 11>I Wingntui ".If. p.m.). from WellinKton: Alaheno (5.10 .i.m.l, from Dunedin. Sailed Wahine (6.20 p.m.), for Wellington; Kuku (i: 15 pm i. for Nelyon: Maheno (1.30 p.m.), for Wellington; Plume < K'tg ».m.). for Dunedin; Holmdalo (5.20 p.m.). for Wellington. DUNEDIN.--April 10: Arri-'ed - Kut.onga 17. to a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed- Port Napier (1 p.m.). for Bluff; Paua (1 p.m.). for Wellington; Kaponga 16 p.nt.L for Oamaru.

BLUFF. April 10: Arrived Hertford (12.10, from Port Chalmers. SUVA.—\r»ril 10: Sailed—Tofua, (noon), for Auckland.

COLON. -April S: S.nled Cumberland, on mote from Wellinston to London. LONDON". --April 0: Arrived—Port Denison. from New Zealand, Rimtilnka, from New Zealand.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20537, 11 April 1930, Page 7

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20537, 11 April 1930, Page 7

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 20537, 11 April 1930, Page 7