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Saturday's arrivals. w ..If. a.iu.). fi'olii Warkworth; Tlnuili ) from Korcpeehi; Claymore (8.55 fl®' \ Vn'ni Whangarei: Omnna (9.15 a.m.). Wnihelic: R'lngitoto (0.5 p.m.). from " om .. Tiroa (10.Jo p.m.). from East Coast ifbutnos. J- 1 "'" buy®- .

, SATURDAY'S DEPARTURES. vt« L,,:„IU (noon), for Napier. " f* 4 it .in ii in.), for Thames: Coronnnin ). for Awnnui: Tuhoe (1.40 fnr Awauui: Hauiti (1.50 p.m.). for Ronaki (11 p.m.), for Taurangu.

'V YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS. :- A w „«r«t W. (1.10 a.m.), from Criahomo; n >. 'rom Portland; Canopus MjffJl); from \V export: To a (10.15 a.m.). p in.), from Gisborno: 7.15 «•'» )• fi : om W"iheke; llauiti (7.15 P." 1 -*- frolu VVnll ' ckc -

"in YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES. ' _ /in i m ), for Waiheke. ClTymye (5 p.m.), for Wluumarei; Tani (6.10 p.m.). for I aeroa.

• VESSELS DUE TO-DAY. •* runndian Explorer, from Montreal, 11 n.m 1 Snick. from Neu; noon. • Wairaen, from Napier morning. Oman a. from SilvorchHe, P-™* r™Jg tot o. from l.oromandel. i.30 p.m. gmX. from Paeroa. 11 p.m.

VESSELS SAILING TO DAY. 1 V»wnu, for Mangawai. S a.m. • Wjrcitoto, for Coroniandel. i) a.m. wnmana; for Silverdale. 11 a.m. ">iXe for Mercury Bay, 3 p.m. :Sl f,,r East. Coast bays. 4 p.m. ffifman. for Russell. 4 p.m. Hauiti. for Kercpeom. 8 p.m.

jfESSEI.S EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. INTERCOLONIAL and coastal. \'Kfiimnnnw.». AVestport, October 17 iWaipintn. from Southern ports, October

Vnipahi. Lyttelton. to sail. TIMS laburnum, Suva, October li). "h'xi'S. Veronica. Suva. October 19. K»itan'gata, Tasmania, to sail. Maui l'omare, Apia, via Southern porta, V : October '.'o. i iNingMß. Sydney, October Sydney. October 22. " Tofua, Fiji. October 28 Ulimaroa, Sydney. October 29 v g ou thern Cross, .New Hebrides, early January. OVERSEAS. Callamlia. Port Arthur, expected. ! Tredinnick. New York, October 11 Canadian Explorer. Montreal. October 14. Port" Melbourne, New Plymouth. October Ifi, to load. Giiftaf F.. Keuter, Los Angeles. October 17. Tamnroa, South. October If, to load. Spondilus, Singapore, October 20. 'U'aihemo. San Francisco, October 22. • Norfolk, Liverpool. October 2:?. 1 ' R.irangiv South, October 23. to load, ylnemoor. Bunbury.' vis. Southern ports, ■ October 21. Canadian Lender. Montreal. October 26. Golden West. Los Angeles. October 27. Remuera, South. October 28, to load. C'orinthic, Loudon, via Wellington, October

2S. liHngitiki. London. October 30. Canadian Explorer. .South. November to load. North Pacific. Casablanca. November 2. Aorangi. Vancouver, November 3. Keelune, New York. November 3. Port Hard v. Liverpool. November 4. City of Mobile. New . York. November 5. Canadian Transporter, Montreal. November 10. Bauraki. Los Angeles. November 10. Mabia. London. November 16. Kent, Liverpool., November 19. Min, New York, November 10. Port Campbell, London, November 27. Malolo. Sydney, December 1.


INTERCOLONIAL. AM) OVERSEAS. , Maui Pomnre, Norfolk Island. October 21. Niagara. Vancouver, October 22. • Waipahi, Apia, October 23. _ • Marama, Sydney, October 25. ' Raranga, London. October 29. ' Ulimaroa. Sydney. November L ..CunadiaJi Explorer, America and Canada, November 2. Aotanjii, Sydney, November 3. ~Aorangi, Vancouver, November li». Piaio, America, Canada and Lugiand, November 23. PACIFIC MAIL SERVICE. Tahiti, left San Francisco October 4. duo Wellington, October 22 -Aorangi, at Vancouver, sails October 1", due Auckland NoVember 3. Niagara, leaves Sydney October 17, Auckland October 22, for Vancouver. Makura, due San Francisco October 25, sails October 30. due Wellington No- ■ ' Member 18. BRITISH PASSENGER STEAMERS. Ruapehu. left Southampton September 33; due Wellington October 27. Corinthic, left Southampton September 13; i due Wellington October 21. RiDKitiki, left Southampton September 07: due Auckland October 30. lonic'. left Southampton October 4; due Wellington November 11. _ Ruahine, leaves Southampton October -5; due Wellington November 29 v Mataroa, leaves Southampton November 8, due Wellington December 10. Rimutaka, leaves Southampton November 15; duo Wellington December 24. Rangitata, leaves Southampton November 'f 22; due Auckland December 21.

" ■ AUSTRALIA-NEW ZEALAND. TJlimaroa, left Sydney October 11; duo AVellington October 15; sails for Sydney October 13. Mahcno. duo Sydney October 15: sails for Wellington October 18. Ifaunganui, under overhaul (it Auckland, leaves Wellington for Sydney November 22. ' Marama, due Sydney October 13: sails for Auckland October 18. \ Manuka, left Melbourne October 9: duo Wellington, via Southern ports, October 13: sails for Melbourne direct October 10 VESSELS IX TORT. In Stream—R e\v a, <bq.), Waitomo, H.M.C.S. Iris. ' Devonport—lT.M.S. Philomel.^ I'rincc's Wharf—Reniuera 0..Z.5. Coy.). Tairoa (L. D. Nathan), Kurow (U.S.S. Coy.). King's Wharf—Kaitoko (U.S.S. Coy.). Canopiia (W.C. Coy.). Margaret Wj, 'A. O. Frankham), Tiroa (A. G. Frankham). Central Wharf—Maunganui (U.S.S. Coy.), Riikeko (Watkin and Wallis), _ North Wall— Kartigi t U.S.S. Coy.). '. The Anchor Line steamer Kaitoa is expected at Onehurisa. early this morning to loa'l for Southern ports. , 'iho Kurow is now to sail for Wellington, LyUelton, Dunedin and Bluff to-morrow. Sho loading at Prince's ,Wharf. The Weslport Coal Company's steamer vaaopus arrived from Westport yesterday Jlorning. Sho is unloading coal at King H wharf. Ihe Tiroa arrived from the coast on Saturday night and is at. King's Wharf. She ?' to flitil on her returit trip to East Coast oaya at noon i.o-niorrow. 'the Maragaret W. arrived from Oisbome fnrly yesterday morniri/: and is loading at $ Wharf. .She is to sail for Gishorne at noon tn morrow. the Richardson Line steamer Pukeko arrived from Portland yesterday morning, and J a loading at Contra! Wharf. She is to "8 despatched for East Coast bays, Napier M'l Wairo.i at four o'clock this afternoon. . 'he Richardson |,ine steamer Awahou nrT )Vp fi from Cishorue yesterday afternoon and at Queen's Wharf. «Hho is to sail for '(' u ""'j'* 'l'okomani Bay, Tolaga J'ay and j j mborne at tivo o'clock tomorrow oveni»s. .

I be' Waimca arrived fit Napier from Gis-iS-'ne al midnight on Friday, and sailed for ; it l - land fl " Saturday evening. She is duo IP, 1 ' morniin;. and will berth i' l Queen's , Sill; is In sail on lier return trip ' tt Cualjorne mid Nnnier to-morrow afternoon.

- STEAM K,R IN V KKCAftG ILL SOLD. .'l'lie coastal steamer Itivereargill. which "" been laid Up at 'Wellington for Home ~! u "tllf>. i has b'crii sold by the Coastal ShiPP, n K Company, .Limited. Wellington, lo i!?? n ?t. Limited, f!hi slc'hurch. The sale , Bllt).>ect to *iie usual survey, which will T carried out. on (he Wellinstou patent this week. 'l'lie vessel's new owners W«Po,e_to run the Jnvereargill in (he Well-"StOn-KaikouraLyttcllon cargo service in auction with their steamer Cygnet. n l Ijivercarnill is a steel screw vessel JWI tons groHs nnd 12.'! tons net. She built It years ago i>y Messrs. Kin' j,'''. McQueen and Company, at Dunedin. mifinen are also by that company. Her Principal dimensions ale: Length. 128.7 ft.; O( 2W- 20.1 ft.; depth, B.7ft. in ti? was engaged for years tt« Bluff coastal service. She was subti«»i en l , y purchased by Johnston and Cornton Tir n!!l " r '' Wellington. for the Welling«.,"insamii service, to tnke the place of Mto rnnr Stormbird. which was wrecked thm. Kam,i -- The Invercargill was sold w..*-two' year? ago to the Coastal Ship- . Company, Limited, Wellington.

THE GABRIELLA. The Lamb steamer Gabriella sailed for Greyniouth, via Napier, at mid-day on Saturday to complete discharging Australian hardwood and to till up with Now Zealand timber for Australia. H.M.S. VERONICA LEAVES SUVA. H.M.B. Veronica left Suva for Auckland nt six o'clock on Saturday morning and is scheduled to arrive next Saturday. She lias been on a four months' cruise to the South Sea Islands, sailinu from Auckland on June 17. TAINUI AT PANAMA. Tin route from New Zealand to Southampton and London the Shaw, Savill and Albion liner Tainui is reported to have reached Panama last Thursday. She was despatched from Wellington on September 19. WAIPIATA CALLS AT TICTON. The Wnipiata, which is bringing cargo from South Island ports, is to leave Wellington to-day and will call at Pieton en routo to Auckland. She is now duo at Auckland on Friday. R.M.S. NIAGARA AT SYDNEY. An arrival at Sydney at G.ilO on Saturday morning was the Royal Mail liner Niagara from Auckland. * On her return voyage the vessel is to leave Sydney next Thursday arid Auckland on the following Tuesday for Suva, Honolulu and Vancouver. THE TANKER SPONDILUS. Under charter to the Shell Company, the Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Company's tanker Spondilus is scheduled to reach Auckland next Sunday with a full cargo of bulk oil from Java. Tho vessel sailed from Bank Papan on September 28. and will unload tho cargo at Auckland and Wellington. K A RTIG1 1 S ITIN E R A RY. Tho Kartigi. which is undergoing overhaul. is to be docked to-morrow to have hor hull cleaned and painted. On "Wednesday she is to bo despatched for Greymouth. Sydney, Newcnstlo and Brisbane. THE TREDINNICK. Due from New York at noon-today tho A. and A. Lino's chartered steamer Tredinnick will berth at Queen's Wharf to unload general merchandise for Auckland to the agency of the New Zealand Shipping Company. The other discharging ports are Wellington, Lyttclton and Dunedin. THE GUSTAF E. REUTER. Tho Atlantic Union Oil Company advises that the Swedish motor-tanker Gustaf E. Router is expected from San Pedro next Thursday with a full cargo of bulk oil for discharge at Auckland. Wellington. Melbourne and Sydney. The tanker is a new vessel of 6330 tons grosß and was built at Gothenburg, Sweden, last year. KENT FROM LIVERPOOL. The Federal Line steamer Kent was scheduled to leave Liverpool on Saturday with cargo from West Coast poets of Groat Britain for discharge at Auckland, Wellington. Lyttelton and Port Chalmers. Sho i 3 due at Auckland on November 19. RANGITIKI AT COLON. The New Zealand Shipping Company's motor-ship Rangitiki reached Colon on Friday. according to cable advice. The vessel is en route from London and Southampton with passengers, mail and cargo for New Zealand. Tho cargo is for discharge at ■Auckland and Wellington. Iho Rangitiki is scheduled to reach Auckland on October 30. THE TAMAROA. The Shaw, Savill and Albion liner Tamaroa is to leave Lyjtelton for Napier and Auckland to-morrow to continue loading New Zealand produce for England. The vessel is due at Auckland next Saturday, and from this port she will go to Wellington to complete her carso. She is scheduled to clear Wellington for Southampton and London, via Panama, on October 30. THE REMUERA. Tho New Zealand Shipping Company's liner Remuera is to sail for Wellington to-, morrow to complete unloading general merchandise from London. After discharge the vessel will load for London, Avonmouth, Glasgow and Liverpool at New Plymouth, Lyttelton, Auckland. Wellington and Napier. She is scheduled to ® a rl from Napier for London, via Panama and Southampton, on November 9. PIAKO'S ITINERARY. The New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Piako, which left Auckland on Thursday, will complete unloading at Wellington, Lyttelton. Dunedin aud BlufT. Afterwards the vessel is scheduled to „ a >. re ~ frigerated and general cargo at BlufT. Dunedin, Lyttelton. New Plymouth. Wellington and Auckland. She is due to return to Auckland on November 13 and is to be despatched from this port for New lork. Halifax and West Coast ports of Ureat Britain on November 23. AORANGI AT VANCOUVER. Advice received by the Union Company states that the Royal Mail liner Aorangi reached Vancouver from Auckland at seven o'clock last Thursday evening, 12 hours ahead of schedule. The vessel ia to sail on her return trip to Honolulu, Suva, Auckland and Sydney on Wednesday. She is due at Auckland on November 3. CANADIAN EXPLORER. \ further wireless report received from the Canadian National steamer Canadian Explorer states that she will arrive from Montreal at 11 o'clock tins morning. A previous report stated that she would ar« rive to-morrow. The vessel has general merchandise for discharge at Auckland. \\ oilington. Lvttelton, Timaru and Dunedin. She will also load in the South and is scheduled to return to Auckland on November 2 to complete loading general cargo for New York, Boston and Montreal. DAL VEEN AT GALVESTON. The steamer Dalveen is reported to havo reached Galveston. Texas, last Thursday. The vessel is scheduled to load a full cargo of sulphur for discharge at Auckland, r*ew Plymouth, Newcastle, Sydney, Geelong and Adelaide. The Dalveen i 3 a steamer of 5193 tons and was built at Greenock in 1927. Her owners are the United Steam Navigation Company. Ltd.. Newcastle-on-Tyne. A. G. Frankham, Ltd., are the local agents. NORTHERN COMPANY'S VESSELS. The Northern Company advises that tho Hauturu was delayed by rough seas at Hokiango. arid is now due at Onehunga tomorrow morning. At four o'clock to-morrow afternoon she is to be despatched from Onehunga. for Raglan, Kawhia and Waikato The Otimai has been delayed by bad weather in the Bay of Plenty She is now due at. Auckland to-morrow, and is scheduled to sail on her return trip to Opotiki and Kutarere at noon on Wednesday. The To a returned to Auckland yestcrdny morning, and is to sail on her return trip to Whakatane at noon to-morrow. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. Tho following vessels aro expected to be within range of tho undermentioned wireless stations to-day:— ~ ~ Auckland.-Tofua. Tredinnick, Canadian Explorer, Kiiramea, Callandia, Mururn a, Misty Law, Waipahi. . . Chatham If lands.—Connt Inc. Wellington- Sir .1 C. Ross Rotorun, Matoppo, Maheno. IJlimaroa, AVaikawa, U A Lnrsen, Kosrnos, Maui I omarc. Awarua —Southern Princess. Lfiwheatll. Manuka. Tahiti. Makura. Waikouaiti, Vmemoor, l'lunie, Tutanekai. PORT OF ONEHUNGA. Saturday's Arrivals.— Ngapuhi (8 a.m.), from New Plymouth. Yesterday's Arrivals. —Arapa-wa ( 2.*30 p.m. . from Ka ipara. BY TELEGRAPH.

T, YTTF, LT ON. —O c lob e r 12: Arrive;]-- Wahine from Wellington; W aipmta ,roi, J,.,,,.) and Storm (9 a.m.). from Jimam; Mako p.m.). from (iisborno. October 1 a—Maori (7.20 a.m.). Wingatm (•> IF. p.m.) and Totara. (11.35 a.m ). / ron l Wellington. Sailed: October pin.), for Tsplflon; Storm (0.40 p.m.) nnd Wnhine (8.15 p.m.). for Wellington.

WF',UNOTON.~Arrived: October .12— v-;,,i ( 73 0 am.',. I'iako (7.:)0 a.m.) and Mr lotto .' p.m.), from Auckland; N«a oro (-,50 pm.). from Wcstport: James Clark Una, p.m.). from Norway October V.'al.ino (7.25 a.m.). from L> ; lU p'?,a Voforua (8.10 a.m.), from Auckland. lat a Cii"') a.m ). from New Plymouth. Storm LV'nw L from LvUelton; Calm X> ni.), {roif W'inganui. Sailed: Odobcr Ut Ooloen (•louil x 1 T» r..m.). :»»•* Dniicclm; (!..» pmi mid .Tohn (1.5 run.). for JiviioUon; 'koinio.. mid seven chasers <0 Antarctic. Wingatni (0.10 p.m.), for Lyttcl--1 on. DUNK DlN.—October 13: y*'e. from Wellington. October U. " a V..'' Plume (1.20 P.m.). for San I-rancisco; onemoor (2/10 p.m.). for Wellington. "BLUFF. —October 13: Arrived—Manuka (10 a.m.). from Melbourne. SYDNKY.—October 12: Arrived—Niagara a.m.). from Auckland. SUVA.—October 12: Sailed-H.M.S. Veronica (6 a.m.), for Auckland.

PANAMA.—October 10: Arrived—Tainui, en routo from Wellington to London. COLON.—October 11: Arrived— Rangitiki. en route from London. tor Auckland. G-ALVESTONr Texite,—October 10: Arrived—Dalveen (to load for Now Zealand).

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 20385, 14 October 1929, Page 7

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 20385, 14 October 1929, Page 7

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 20385, 14 October 1929, Page 7