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SEVERAL OUTSIDERS SCORE. CHIEF EVENT TO ROI L'OR. LOCANDA BOY'S SURPRirE. ,'nv TEi.EC.UArn. —rnEss association. 1 CIIKISTCIIURCII. Saturday. The Now Zealand Metropolitan Trotting Club's August meeting was opened today. The weather was fine, but tho track was muddy and holding. Tho attendance was good and' the totalisntor investments were i.ll.C'lO 10s, against £30,708 on the first day last jear. Results were:— INTRODUCTORY HANDICAP. Of £300; 3.32 class; 1} miles. 2-KOKO PETER. G. McMillan's. limit (R. B. Berry) 1 6—LADY. PAN. Mrs. l'\ C. Allington's. 21yds <L O. Thomas) 2 11—WILD lIEBE. B. Lorgelly's. 12yds (G. S. Smith) 3 Also Started.—s Dolores, 3 Peter Lin. limit: 7 Audo Bell. 10 Voting Carbine. 7 Kerbilwyn.' 12yds bhd: 8 Lazarus, lo Nelson McKinney. 21; 13 Nelson Boy, 30; •I Tonic, 11 Nourmahal. 13: 12 Duke Bingen. CO. , Won by two lengths, with six lengths between second and third. Duko Bingen was foilrih. Time. 3ni -13s. ELECTRIC HANDICAP. Of £300: 2.15 class; 1 mile. I—EXCLUSIVE. F. Pox's, limit (P. Price) 1 I—DAHKNITE, G. R. Hunter's, 12yds (K. 13, Horry) 2 4—D OWN C A ST, J. Hislop's, 12yds (A. McLellnn) 3 Also Started.—9 Nelson McCormnck, 8 White Sun. limit; G Harry Audubon, limit, and Henry Louan. 12yds bhd (bracketed); 3 Marshal Neil, limit: 2 St. Bridget, 13 Granite City, 5 Grey Cloud, 10 Lady Matclilicht. li Omaha. 15 Rebel. 11 Sahib. 12yds bhd; 7 Great Sun, 21; 12 Cardinal Logan. 00. Won by two lencths, with the 6amo distance between second and third. Sahib was fourth. Time. 2m 13 2-ss. On the totalisntor Exclusivo and Darknitc , were bracketed, AUGUST HANDICAP. Of £1000; 4.30 class; 2 miles. 9 KOI L'OR. P. Brown's, 2tyds (A. Smith) 1 2—DUNDAS BOY, G. McMillan's. 21yds (1!. B. Berry) 2 12—ZENITH, W. Houston's, limit (E. C. MfDerrnott) 3 3—GLIDEAWAY, J. Barton's. 21yds (J. Walsh) 1 Also Started.—B Jluon Denver. 3 Youns Blake (bracketed with Glideaway). limit: 11 Vesuvius, 13 Daphno De Oro, 10 Logan ("liitf. 12yds bhd: G Silk Thread, 21; 1 King Pointer, 1G Loganwood. 36; 1 Kingscraft, II Quality, 5 Imprint, 48; 15 Talaro, t'.O: 7 Waitriki Girl. 72. Won by two lengths, with three between second and third. The fourth horse was •five lengths nwny, Logan Chief was fifth. Time, 1m 41 3-ss. TRIAL HANDICAP. Of £100; 4.10 class; 2 miles. 13—LOCANDA BOY. W. Bevan's, limit (D. Bennett) 1 6—MORNING SUN. M. M. Harrall's. 24yds (J. McLennan) 2 10—CURFEW BOY. D. R. Kcvell'a. limit (R. B. Berry) 3 Also Started.—ll Golden Ore. 8 Kautomn. 13 Mac Dillon, 2 Robert Guy, 3 Zella. limit: 8 Roddy, 1 Carmel. 15 Erin's Lynn, 5 Lady Cello. 4 Sunny Bob. 12yds bhd: 7 Delightful, 16 Firpo, 24: 17 Hector's Own, 30: 12 Great Dclighl, 18; It Steel All, 72. Won by three lengths, with a length between second and third. Robert Guy was fourth. Time,. lm 48 1-59. STEWARDS' HANDICAP. Of £150: 4.10 class; 2 miles. S—BONNY BELMONT. J. W. Murphy's, limit .. 1 X-WESTERN VOYAGE. M. O'Brien's, 12yds (W. J. Tomkinson) . . . 2 4 —NIGH BORN, R. Henderson's. 21yds (H. Gaskell) . . 3 Also Started.—2 Bingen Starr, 12yds bhd: 3 Snrsaparilla, S Audominion, 24; G Lee Todd. 30; 7 Engagement, 00. Won by 12 lengths, with two between accond and third. Time, 4m 4G 2-ss. QUEEN MARY HANDICAP. Of £400; 4.35 class: 2 miles. I—LINKMAN, V. Alboni'3, 30yds .. 1 4—DILWORTH. T. B. Louison's, limit (L.. F. Berkctt) 2 B—HARVEST CHILD. R. Ward's. 48yds (C. E. Lindsay) 3 Also Started.—l2 Ariki. 7 Avenger. 9 Desert Star, limit; 2 Evelyn Locandn, 5 Maiwhariti;/ 10 Real Light, 12yds bhd: 11 Billy Sea, 3 Travis Axworthy, 12 Native Star. G Glenelg, 24. Won by two lengths, with a head between second nnd third. Maiwhariti was fourth. Time. 4m' 37 2-5s SELWYN HANDICAP. Of £300; 2.49 class; 11 miles. B—PLUTO. W. J. Gudsell's, 12yds . . 1 6—LOGAN HANLON. W. Brady's. 21yds (P. Gallagher) . . 2 4—NELSON McCORMACK. W. J. Tomkinsorf's, limit (owner) . . . . 3

Also Started. —3 Kiowa. 11 White Sun. limit: 7 Hector's Own. 12 Omaha. 1 Orphan, 10 William the flreat, 2 Jolly Pot, 13 Granite Ci!y, 1 Trimmer, 12yd3 bhd: 8 Exclusive (inc. 24 pen.). 14 Acre, 24; 13 Golden Bubbles, 36. Won by a length, with half n, length between second and third. Time, 2m 51 l-ss.

INTERNATIONAL HANDICAP. Of £100; 2.13 class; 1 mile. 6—PADLOCK, J. A. Mitchell's, 3Gyd3 <\Y. Hughes) 1 B—FIGHT EVER. E. J. Fearon's, limit (F. Price) , ■ 2 2—BESSIE LOGAN. C. S. Donald's. 12yd3 (owner) 3 Also Started.—o Genuine. 7 Harvest Child. 1 Lingfiold, limit; 3 Clief. 12yds bhd (bracketed with Fight Ever): 5 Urentlock, 5 St. Maura, 12yd3; 11 Black Admiral, 24; 12 Ahuriri, 10 Jean McElwyn. 4 Native Prince. 13 Bonny Logan, 3rt. Won by half a length, with two lengths between second and third. Genuine was fourth. Time, 2m 12s. NOTES ON THE RACING. SOME GREAT DIVIDENDS. FINE DISPLAY BY PADLOCK. [nv TELEGRAPK. —OWN CORKESVON OKNT. ] CHRJSTCHURCII. Saturday. Heavy rain overnight somewhat spoiled the opening of the Metropolitan Meeting and the track was heavy throughout, although improving. Aiiccn Wood was made a good favourite for !he Introductory Handicap, with Koro Peter next /in demand. lleibilwyn led for the greater part of the journey but three furlongs from homo Lady Fan was out in front, with a. good lend from Koro Peter. The 1 att•• r drew level as the straight was entered and in the run home won very easily. The winner gave li grand display of trotting from start to finish ur.d 11. B. Berry never called on liini for his best. Un -looks likely to leach the highest company arid should win again before the fleeting is over. Lady Fan went well and the best of the others was Puke Bingen,

The Klectrie Handicap »»w :i tturprisingly r'utd dividend returned, for tlio bracketed Viorse:', Exclusive find Darknitc, run first and second. After licinft well placed tlivonpliout the pai r had tlio finish to themselves and tlie race ran without much intercut. Marshal Noil made tlio early l'ltrirung, hut lv« faded bndly and the best of the unplaced division inny prove to be Jjownciist, who finished at a great rale.

Kin it .Pointer was favourite for the An',*ll4 Handicap, with Ilimdas Hoy and tho bracketed pair, Youtis IJlako and CJlido* nw.iy, next in demand. Zenith and Koi I/Or shot to the front at the start and were in front practically all the way, with in opt of the field bunched. Dundas Boy, who started slowly, was nt the rear half a iriile from home, but then commenced a sensational rlin. Ho picked up ground r.t a event rate and was second to Hoi L'Or as the straight was reached. Ho could not reach the leader, but put tip a remarkable effort, which stamps him as one of the beat hones in Nov/ Zealnnd.

Tho winnor paid a great price, considering bia public form. Zenith wqnt a fino race nnd Glideaway did tho best of the others. Roi'L'Or has now qualified for the New Zealand Cup. Locatida Boy upset nil calculations by winning tho Trial Handicap, and paying u great dividend. Tho Aucklander, Carmel, was favourito, but from tho start he was badly placed and Robert Guy and Locanda Boy carried on tho running for the greater part of the journey with Morning Sun handy. In the straight tho last-named challenged but could not roach tho loader. Locauda Boy bus been very soro and tho 30ft track suited him to perfection. Carmet was driven a peculiar race after getting to his field, nnd Sunny Bob niado a poor showing. Great Delight was not seen 011 the joumey, but Curfew Boy put up a really good effort to get third place. The Stewards' Handicap proved a onehorse race, for Bonny Belmont began smartly, soon put a break of a hundred yards on tho rest and wont on to win pulling up by a dozen lengths, after n good display of trotting. The winner was brought from Australia by tho Wellington sportsman. Mr. J. \V. Murphy, and was trained by ,T. J. Kennerloy. Ho only recently joined C. S. Donald's stable. Bingen Starr, one of tho favourites, broke up badly, nnd Western Voynge, Audominion and Nighborn were tho only others to trot solidly.

The Queen Mary Handicap found Linkman a decided favourito and he justified tho support. Maiwhariti nnd Dilworth made most of the running, and while tho former broko several times, Dilworth hung on in tho gamest manner possible. Linkman made his run three furlongs from home and buried tho rest for speed. Dilworth lasting just long enough to got second money from tho fast-finishing Harvest Child. Linkman has been a very consistent performer and in his Inst 15 starts has been out of the money only three times. In tho Selwyn Handicap Trimmer was made the hottest favourite of tho day and the support seemed justified on his brilliant track work. However, ho faded out long before the final stape. Nelson McCormnck shot away at tho start and led practically all tho way, but he failed rather badly as the straight, was reached. Hero Pluto camo with a well-judged run and won nicely, but he may liavo been n bit lucky in the fact that Logan Hanlou did not get a good run. However, tho latter finished with a great burst of speed, and bis form is worth remembering. Omaha was tho best of tho unplaced division, while Jolly Pet, whoso track work has been good, stood on tho mark.

The bracketed pair. Chef and Fight Ever, wns mado favourito for the International Handicap and it was a good race throughout. In the early st.nges Liugfield. Genuine. Fight Ever and Bessio Logon carried on tho running, but Lingfield faded out and Padlock canto with a great rush on the outside to win by half a length, with Fight Ever, Bessie Logan, and Genuine almost in line. Padlock, who only arrived from tho north this morning, camo over tho last furlong at a grent pace, nnd provided a sensational win. 110 nppenrs to be in creat form and may bo heard of again at the meeting. Njtivo l'rinco broko badly and Bouny Lognn and Black Admiral fell. SECOND DAY'S EVENTS. THE HANDICAPS DECLARED. [DY TELEGIUFH. —PRESS ASSOCIATION-] CHKISTCHURCH, Sunday. Handicaps for the second day of tho Metropolitan Trotting Club's meeting arc:— IMPROVERS' HANDICAP, 3.32 class; H miles.—Ailccn Wood. Brigand, Dolores. Peter Lin. limit; Audo Bell, Horbilwyn. Wild Hebe. Young Carbine, 12yds bhd; Koro I'oler, Nelson McKinney, Lazarus. 21: Cloumel, Nelson Boy. 36; Lady Fan, Nourmahal, Tonic, 48; Bonny Belmont, Cminonball, Duko Bingen. Little Logan, GO; Tamerlane. Masegin. 84. DASH HANDICAP, 2.14 class: 1 mile.— Desert Star, Downcast. Grey Cloud. Horry Audubon, Henry Logan. Lady Matchlight. Macaranda. Marshal Neil, Nelson McCorniack, Omaha, Rebel, Royal Serene, St. Bridget. Sahib. Shine Soon, Tarznn, Whito Sun. Wilma Dillon, limit; Darknite. Doubto Event, Firpo, Great Logan, High Jinks. Lingfield, Harvest Child. Logan Hanlon. 12yds bhd; General Bir.gen, August Dillon, 21. KING GEORGE HANDICAP. Of £1000; 4.29 class; 2 miles. Daphne Do Oro Lt. Yds bhd Logan Chief . Lt. Logan Park . . 21 Malo o' Mino . Lt. Roi LOr . . . 3<> Native Prince . Lt. Imprint . ... JO Vesuvius . . . Lt. Kingcraft . . . •«, Young Blako . . Lt. Padlock .... St. Zenith .... Lt. Quality .... 30 Yds bhd Cardinal Logan 48 Glideaway ... 12 Terence Dillon . 48 Silk Thread . 12 Kohara. ... . . GO Dundas Boy . . 24 Y.attnki Girl . . CO King Pointer . 24

BELGIUM HANDICAP. 4.40 class: 2 miles.—Author Franz. Curfew Boy. Explosion, Grand Light. Golden Orc.Kautoma. Krtna. Mac Dillon. Rich ore. Robert Guy. Wakataua. Zclla. limit; Carmel. Erin a Lynn. Fair Wave. Lady Cello. Mercury. Nelson De Oro. Roddy. Sunny Bob. Kiowa. 12yds bhd: Sir Author. Locanda Boy. 24. Granite City. Hector's Own Morning Sun. Tactless. 36; Exclusive. Great Delight. Great Logan. Lindbergh. Royal Serene, 48: Steel All. T2; Juno De Oro. ineligible. LINCOLN HANDICAP. 2.48 class: H milea.—Downcast, Evelyn Locanda Granito City, Grey Cloud, Lady Matchlight, Bon, Nelson McCormack. Orphan, Kcbcl. Trimmer. White Sun. William .the Great Dilworth. limit: Acre. Genuine. Great Logan. Jolly Chimes Roicole. tracker, 12yds bhd; Logan Hanlon, Golden Bubble. Steel All. Travis Axworthy. Brentloc, Chef. Zenith, 24; Linkman, Harold lliorpe. 1' >nal McKinney, Bessie Logan. 00; Loi li ur. 4». AVON HANDICAP. 4.30 class; 2 miles.— Bin-en Starr. Tonic, limit: Audominion, Nighborn. Sarsaparilla, Western v oyage. 12yds bhd: Le Todd. 24: Cainnonball oG; •Engagement. 4fi; Kempton. e>4: Native Stai. 90; Young Blake, Money Spider, 13->.

CANTERBURY HANDICAP, 4.30 oh": 2 miles.—Ariki. Avenger. Bay Nut. Desert Star, Lady Matchlight. limit: Dilworth. Evelyn Locanda. Maiwliariti. Omaha. (Orphan. Real Light. 12yds; Billy Sea. Epigram. Glenelg, High Jmka. Jolly- Chinios. Jolly Pet. Travis Axworthy. 24yds bhd; Haivest Child, 3G: Acre, tight Ever, Pluto, 48; Linkman, CO.

SPEEDWAY HANDICAP. 2.44 .class: 1J miles. —Bessie Logan. Black Admiral. _ I'.Pi-t'l-am. Golden Devon. Imprint, King 1 ointer. Lingfiold, Miivvhnriti. St. Maura. Western King. Jean McElwyn. Glideaway. limit: Loganwood. Cardinal Logan, Dundas Boy. .Tack Potts. Bonny Logan. Nntivt> i rmce. Tainro, Almviri, 12yds bhd: Logan Chief. Terence Dillon, 21; Great Bingen, Logan Park, Padlock,. 36. SEASON'S FIXTURES. August It. IG—N.Z. Metropolitan Trotting August 31 —Auckland Trotting Club (Earthquake Ifelicf Meeting). September 17—New Brighton Trotting Club. October 5— Wellington Trotting Club. October 12—Waikato Trotting Club. October 26. 2s Auckland Trotting Club. November 20, 23—Otahuhu Trotting Club. February 22, 21—Otahuliu Trotting Club.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 20331, 12 August 1929, Page 7

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TROTTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 20331, 12 August 1929, Page 7

TROTTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 20331, 12 August 1929, Page 7