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WEEKLY WESTFI ELD SALE. STEADY DEMAND FOR BEEF. DECLINE IN SHEEP PRICES. & A smaller yarding of beef met with a steady demand at the weekly AVcstfield fat stock sale yesterday. Larger offerings of heavy prime cattlo were made, and values generally for these were a little easier. Prime cows and heifers met with a keener demand and sold at improved rates. Extra choice ox again sold at 37s per 10011). Some of the cattlo was of the best quality appeared for some weeks,

Tlioro was an increased yarding of sheep and in spite of a steady demand values wero slightly easier, except in a fewcases where last week's rates ruled.

An avcrago number of lambs was offered and met with a ready sale at Into rales.

There was a heavy yarding of pigs, lor which competition was not so keen as last week. Values, especially for porkers, were easier. Thero was a better demand for store pigs and an improvement in values.

Tho following is a summary of tho pi ices realised for fat stock for tho last two weeks at tho Wcstfield fat stock sales, together with the latest quotations for New Zealand meat on the London market:— This Week. Last Week. BEEP (per 1001b) Extra choice ox 37/- 37/. Ciioieo und prime OX ■ ■ ... 34/- to 3C/G 31/- to 30/Choico and prime cow and heifer 31/- to 34/- 31/- to 33/SHEEP (per head) Prime wethers . 33/- to 42/- 38/G to 42/J'riino ewes . . 25/- to 31/- 23/- to 33/6 Prime lambs .. 22/-to 33/- 23/6 to 32/CALVES (per head)Runners .. 00/- to 110/- 100/- to 147/G Vealera • . . 40/- to 112/- 48/- to 110/PIGS (per head)— Baconera . . 57/- to 67/- GG/- to 89/Porkers . . 40/- to 75/- 40/- to 7G/Wenners .. 11/- to 20/- 7- to 22/SlipH • . . IG/- to 30/- 20/- to 28/Large stores . . 31/- to 30/- 30/- to 3(1/LOXDON MARKET RATES. • Following are the latest quotations for New Zealand meat on the London market : Mutton.—Wethers and maidens, Canterbury quality, selected brands, light, 7d per lb; medium, heavy, s£d. Other brands, light, medium, sgd; heavy, sjd. Ewes, light and medium, sd. Lambs.—Canterbury quality, light, 9j}d ; medium, Bj{d; heavy, B£d; seconds, B£d. Selected brands, light, 9£d; medium, Bjjd. Other brands, first quality, light, 9gd; medium, B^d; second quality, 301b to 321b, average, 9gd. Pork.—Porkers, Bld to BAd ; baconers, B^l.


Alfred Buckland and Sons, Limited, report:—Wo penned fat cattle to the number of 339 head, as attains) 502 head at last Wednesday's sale, comprising 251 steers and Hs cows and heifers. The entry included many consignments of heavy primo cattle, and generally values for tlieso were a trifle easier. Medium weights, choice quality, were unchanged. Cow and heifer beef was, if anything, slightly firmer. Extra choice ox sold to £1 17s per 1001b; choice and prime, £1 15s to .£1 Ills (id: secondary and plain, i'l 12s to £1 14s; prime young cow and heifer beef, i'l lis to i'l 13 s; ordinary cow beef, i'l 5s to i'l 10s. Extra heavy primo steers ranged from £ls 5s to £l(s, the latter price for steers from Mr. W, Vesper* Cambridge, bought by Mr Thomas Raster. Ponsonby. Road: heavy prime steers, £l4 to i'ls 2s Gd: lighter prime. £l2 15s to £l3 17s Gd; light prime, £ll to £l2 12s fid: ■small and unfinished, £8 15s to £lO 17s Gd. The highest averages for steers were:— Twenty-four from Mr. W. Vospcr, Dingley Dell, Cambridge, £ls Os IOd; 1G on account of the Guardian Trust in the estato of the late Mr. Alex. Bell. £l4 17s Cd; 17 from Mr. C. It. Morgan. Matamata. £l4 7s: eight from Mr. C. Sampson. Waercnga, £l4 Is 3d; eight from Mr. A. W. Alley, Hikutaia, £l4 4s Sd: 1G from Messrs. Ring Brothers, ljinuera, £l4 03 lid: 10 from Messrs. Trcwin Brothers. Marohemo, £l4 4s !Sd; eight from Crossing Estate, Put a.ruru, £l3 10s 8d: eight from Messrs. W. .T. and 11. H. Thompson. Te Awamutu, £l3 lis IOd: eight from Mr. F. J! Brigman, Aka Aka, £l3 8s 9d; 01 from Mr. J. I!. Self, Benchlea Downs, £l2 Us lid. Extra heavy prime young cows and heifers made £lO 10s to £l2 2s Gd; one extra special cow from Mr. Frank Potior, Otahuhu. realising £ls 10s. the purchaser .being Mr. A. W. Naylor, New Lynn: heavy prime cows and heifers, £0 10s to £lO 7s Gd: lighter prime, £S to £9 7s Gd j other killablc cows, £5 to £7 17s Gd. Sheep were penned in increased numbers. In isolated cases last week's values ruled, but taking the sale on the whole prices were slightly lower. Extra heavy prime wethers made £2 to £2 2s; heavy prime, £1 17s Gd to £1 10s Gd: medium to heavy prime, £1 15s to £1 17s .'id; light to medium prime, £'l 10s to £1 Ms fid; unfinished, £1 7s fid to £1 12s Gd; extra heavy prime young ewes, £1 12s (id (o 11 Its; heavy primo ewes, £1 10s to £1 12s ltd; lighter prime, £1 7s to £1 0s fid; other killablc ewes, £1 Is to £1 lis Od (9GS sheep sold). Lambs wore penned to the number of 282. and sold readily at ruling prices. Extra heavy .prime lambs made £1 9s to £1 13s, tho last-named price being obtained for lambs from Mr. S. W. Bagnail, Turun; heavy primo lambs. £1 Gs fid to £1 8s; lighter prime. £1 4s'to £1 Gs 3d: light, prime, i'l 2s to £1 3a Gd; small and plain, 19s 9d to £1 Is Od. Fat and young calves wero again in full supply. Bidding wns slendy unci nil classes realised into rates. Runners made £5 fis to £7 Gs; heavy' vealers, £5 to £5 12s; medium, £4 2s to £4 15s; light, £2 18s to £3 14s: good luickelfed calves, £2 lis to £2 IGs: rough and unfinished, £1 5s to £1 IBs: fresh-dropped and small. 4s to £1 Is ,(293 calves sold). Wo niso had a heavy yarding of fat pigs.. Competition wns hardly so keen, and values, especially for porkers, wero easier. Choppers made £1 to £4 15s, according" to weight; heavy prime haroners, £4 4s to £1 fis (one extra special made £4 lis): medium £3 12s to £3 18s: light, £3 7s to .£3 10s; heavy porkers, £2 IGs to £3; medium, £2 8s to £2 lis; light, £2 2a to £2 Gs; small and unfinished. £1 13s to £t 18s, No good sloros wero otTered. Slips made lfis to JUI Is: wcaners, lis to lis (401 pigs sold). DALGETY AND COMPANY.' Dalgcty and Company. Limited, report:— Beef: Wo penned ox beef in more than average numbers.. Tho quality was firstclass and last week's prices again ruled. Threo trucks of primo heavy bullocks front Mr. W. E. Short, Matamata. realised £ll 2s Gd to £l7, tho line averaging £ls 2s 2d. Ono extra primo heavy bullock sold on account of this vendor realised £l7, and was purchased by Mr. .13. Wilson. Eden Terrace. Tho next pen at £lfi 2s Gd was purchased by Mr. A. W. Scotting. St. Helicrs. Bullocks from the £,orth averaged £l3 3s 9d. Two trucks of prime bullocks sold on account of tho Guardian Trust in tho estato of the Into Mr. Alex. Bell, realised £l4 to £ls, the latter pen being purchased by Messrs. Cooper and Parkes and R. W. Hellaby, Limited. The lino of lfi bullocks averaged £l4 9s 3d. Two trucks of bullocks from Mr. Burling, of Piriaka. realised £ll 12s Gd to £l4 12s Gd. the latter pen being purchased by Messrs. Bridges and Overington, Wellesley Street. Cow and heifer beef came forward in lesser numbers than last week, the quality being good. Competition was strong and prices hardened, A line of 10 exceptionally prime young cows and heifers 011 account of Mr. A. Ciller, Waikato. made up to £ll, and were purchased by Shanks Brother's, of Penroso. Good young cows and heifers made 1111 to £ll 17s Gd: heavy prime to £10: medium, £7 10s to £9 2s Gd: light and unfinished old cows, from £fi. An extra prime heifer sold 011 account of Mr. Harold Windsor realised £ll 17s Gd, and was purchased bv Mr. 11. Thompson, of Grey Lynn. Cows and heifers from Mr. J. V. Orr, of Kaikoho, realised £6 15s to £fJ 6s, the latter pen being purchased by Messrs. Fearon Brothers, of Avondnle. Extra choice ox sold to 37s per 1001b; choice and prime, 31s to 3fis; plain and secondary. 30s to 335: prime young cow and heifer beef. 3°s to 31s; just killablc, 28s to 30s. Sheep: Sheep were yarded in more than average numbers. Competition wns inclined to be erratic, and values showed an easing tendency 011 last, week's realisations. Primo wethers realised 3Ps to 39s 3d; medium, 35s 9d to 375: lictit. 33s to 3ts Gd: prime heavy ewes, 335; lighter, 30s fid; other ewes 29s Od. Prime wethers on account of Mr. J White. Paparoa. realised 31s 6d to 38s. the latter pen being purchased bv Messrs. Shanks Brothers and C Nears Ewes 011 account of iMr. 11. cr. K'imnton realised 32s 3d. Wethers on account of Mr Agmen Smith, of Papakura, sold at 37s to 39 S 3d. the latter pen being .purchased by Mr A. W. ScoHinjr. of St. TTeliers Wethers 011 account of Mr. ». IN. Worker realised 39s and wero purchased by Scotts, Limited, of Devonport. A lino of choice two-tooth wethers sold 011 account of the same vendor realised 37s to 37s 3d, and wero purchased by the Auckland Meat Company. Primo ewes from the Waikato sold at 335. and were purchased by Mr. J I. Hood, of Manurewa. Lambs: An average yarding of lambs sold, well up to late rates. Heavy primo lambs mads 275; medium, 25s

Gd; 22s fid. Calves penned ill larger numbers sold steadily at equal-to late rates. A riiliner from the North lopped our sale at £8 Cs and was purchased by Mr. A. W. Scotting, St. Heliers. Two venlers from Kuatangata of outstanding quality were bought by Mr It. Stott, Birkenhead, at £4 Ids each. Runners mado £5 to £3 ss; medium to heavy vealers, £3 10s to £5; light, £2 5s to £3 ss; rough, £1 10s to £2 10s; small, Ps to £1 Bs. Bigs met with good competition and sold consistently at fully recent rates Heavy baconers made £1 to £4 ss; medium baconers, £3 14s to £3 l. u s; light baconers, £3 9s to £3 12s; heavy porkers, £:i to £3 Gs; medium porkers, ill 12s to £2 IBs: light porkers, £2 4s to £2 10s. LOAN AND MERCANTILE. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, reports:—Beef wan penned in leas than average numbers, choice and prime ox selling at late rates. Prime cows and heifers penned in small numbers were better worth. Extra choice ox sold to £1 17s per 1001b; choice and prime, £1 ],] M ( 0 £• | iGa; ordinary and plain, £1 11 a to £1 13a ; prime young cow and heifer beef, £1 12s to £1 14s ordinary cow beef, £| Us to £1 lis; heavv prime steers, £l4 to £'ls; lighter prime, £l3 to £l3 17s Gd; light prime £ll 10s. to £l2 l.)S; unfinished and small, £9 to £ll f.s; heavy prime young cows and heifers, £9 10s to £lO 7s Gd lighter, £8 to £9 7s Cd • light cows. £G 10s to £7 15s; other cows £5 to £G 7* Gd. Sheep were yarded in more than average numbers, and although there was a steady demand generally values were slightly easier. F.xtra heavy prime wethers sold to £2 2s for wethers fatted by Mr. C. S A. Ceard, < jape Colville. and purchased by Messrs. Scolts, Wilson and Lees, butchers , heavy prime wethers £1 jßs to £1 19s9d: medium. £1 IGs to £1 17s 3d; light prime. £i Ms to £1 15s Od • small and unfinished. £1 9s to £1 13s- heavy prime ewes, £1 |)s 0,1 f 0 £ 1 12s fid: medium Prime, £1 7s fid to £1 3s : light prime. £1 5s to £1 7s. inferiorly fatted 9s to 18s Lambs were penned in average numbers and sold readily at late values. Heavy prime made £1 7s to £1 8s 3d: medium prime, £1 5s to £1 fis 9d: light prime £1 3s to £1 4s 3d; unfinished. £1 to £1 2s 9d Pigs were periled in less average numbers and sold at late quotations. Choppers sold at £3 to £3 15s; heavy and medium baconers, £'! IGs to £4 7s: light baconers and heavy porkers. £2 17s to £3 15s: medium porkers and light porkerß £2 to £2 IGs. There was a better demand for store pigs, which improved in values. Large stores made £1 lis to £1 13s; slips, £1 Is to*£l 10s; weaners, 13s to £l. Calves were penned in large numbers, comprised mostlv of smaller calves. All classes were firm at late values Runners made £4 10s to £7 Gs: heavy vealers, £4 8s to £5 12s: medium, £3 to £4 (is • light. £2 to £2 18s; smaller. £1 5s to £1 13s; small and fresh-dronped. 5s to 13s; rough calves. £1 to £2 ss. COUNTRY SALES. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, reports:—Sales were held during the past week at Westiield, Pukekohu (cattle and pigs), Waiuku (cattle and pigs), and two clearing sales, one in conjunction with the Fanners' Auctioneering Company, on account of Mr. W. llayward, Ngatea, and the other on account of .Mr. W. (i. Bell, Ardmoro. All classes of cattle sold readily at late rates. Mr. \V. G. Bell's sale was a particularly good one, the dairy cows realising up to £29. We consider this salo to be tho best held this season. Wo quote; —Extra choice dairy cows, up to £29; choice dairy cows and heifers, close to profit, £l4 to £lB 10s; others, £lO to £l3 JOs; backward springers, best, £9 10s to £l2 ]Us; others, £7 to £9: aged cows and inferior heifers. £4 to £0 15s: bulls, I'.'j to £lO, according to weight and quality; store and boner cows. £3 to £0 15s; yearling heifers, £2 10s to £G; yearling to Id-months steers, £2 15s to £5 17s fid; 2 to 2j-year steers, £fi to £7 15s; 3 1o 31year steers. £7 17s fid to £9 ss; 4 to 4i-year steers. £3 7s fid to £lO ss. Fat and store pigs sold at fully Westfield quotations. Alfred Buckland and Sons. Limited, report:—During tho week we held sales at Westfield. Wellsford, Rnnciman, Tuakau. Helensville, pig sale at Waiuku, and four clearing sales. There were average yardings for the time of (he year, and there continues to be a good inquiry for all classes at ruling values. Best dairy cows mado £l7 to £2O 10s; good cows, £l3 to £lfi 10s; second grade, £3 to £l2 10s; others, £4 10s to £S 15s; best springing heifers, £l2 to £10; others, £8 to £ll 15s; small and backward heifers, £5 5s to £7 15s; empty young cows and heifers. £4 10s to"£fi 10s; store and boner cows. £2 to £5 15s; cows with calves, £7 to £lO 10s: heavy prime fat cows and heifers. £7 10s to £lO 2s Gd: lighter fat cows and heifers. £5 5s to £7 7s fid; fat steers, £lO 10s to £l2 17s fid; well-bred yearling heifers, £5 5s to £6 10s; other yearling heifers. £3 5s to £5; grown steers in forward condition, £9 10s to £lO 3s; three to four-year-old steers, £8 to £9 7s Gd: two to three-years-old steers, £7 5s to £8; yearling 1o IS-months-old steers, £4 10s to £fi 15s; heavy bull", £7_ 10s to £l2 ss; sound young herd bulls, £G Gs 1o £l2 12s; other bulls. £2 10s to £5 10s: fat and forward wethers, £1 14s to A'l 15s Gd: store wethers. £1 10s 3d to £1 13s fid;, full-mouth ewes in lamb, «C 17s to £1 10s; hoggets. £1 to £1 5s fid. There was a light yarding of pigs at Waiuku wji-'ch sold well. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. Limited, Hamilton, report that at the Cambridge sale on Monday there was an average entry of all classes of stock, including three herds of dairy cows. Quotations are:—Fat cows. £G 17s to £8 13s; fleshy cows, £4 IGs to £5 ss; boner cows. £3 to £4 12s; young dairy cows, £lO to £ll 10s; aged and moie backward cows. £7 to £9 ss; springing heifers, £ll 10s; weaner pigs made fls f O ]1 s The Farmers' Co-operative Auctioneering Company, Limited, report Inning held a clearing sale on behalf of Mr. C. S. Moule. Bruntwood,. on Tuesday, when his dairy herd and implements were sold. Tliero was a good attendance of buyers, and the herd of 22 cows averaged £ls 3s. Quotations: —Choice Jersey and Jersey-cross cows, second, third and fourth calvers, and due July and August, £lB to £25: Jersey mid Jersey-cross cows, due later, £l2 to £lO 10s; more backward sorts, £9 10s to £11: yearling Jersey-cross heifers. £H lis.

The Fanners' Co-opera 1 ive Auctioneering Company. Limited, report having held_ a clearing s;ile on account of Mr. H. Kirk. Walton, on Monday, when his Jersey herd was sold at .satisfactory prices. The Shorthorn cows were not in such keen demand, and backward cows were dull of sale. Quotations Jersey cows, close to profit. £ll 10s to £ls 10s; September calvers, £9 10s fo £11: Jersey-cross rows, August-September calvers, £9 to £l2: farm horses, £ls to £25: sows, close to farrowing. £3 15s to £4


[nv TEl.KGltAl'ir. —OWN- CORRESPONDENT. ] OPOTIKI, Wednesday.

DalgM.v and Company, Limited, report having held a very .successful clearance sale on account of Mr. W. 0!. Richardson, Opourino. Tho whole herd of 74 dairy cows and 27 springing heifers was disposed of under very strong competition. Best, early calving cows'brought from £22 to £23 17s 0d: good cows later calvers, £l4 10s to £l7 15s; others, £l2 10s to £l4 ss; later calvers, £0 10s to £ll Uls; backward and unsound, £7 to' £S 15s. A lino of choice two-year springing heifers sold well, the tops bringing £ls 10s to £10; others. £lO 10s to £l2; late calvers £0 to £9; twoyear grade Jersey bulls, £7 7s to £lO 10s.





At the Addington market entries were larger tn-day in most sections of stock, stoic sheep being an exc'ei.tion. All classes maintained recent values and fat catllo improved. Storo Sheep.—The yarding of store sheep was again small and the quality indifTerent. Ewes in lamb and the better clas.? wethers sold freely and there was no quotable change in prices. Prices were:—Medium threequr.rlerbred ewe hoggets, to 27e; ordinary halfbred ewe hoggets, to 22s 3d; ordinary wether hoggets, to 21s; extra good six nnd oighttooth crossbred owes, to 375; ordinary six and eight-tooth crossbred ewes, to 27b; infcriofc crossbred ewes, to 17s Gd; extra fjood four and six-tooth halfbred ewes, 3, r )« to 3(3a Gd; good sound-mouthed halfbred ewes, to 31s fid; aged and inferior halfbred ewes, 14s to 17s; good six and eight-tooth haltbred wethers, 27s to 29s 9d; ordinary six nnd eight-tooth halfbred wethers, to 2 '>SFat Lambs. —The entry was 200, head smaller than last' week and the finish ge erallv was very irregular. the sale was a good one at lato rates. I ho best pru.e Wl Pat 37 Sho2p!-Tho entry was considerably bi'"'er, there being 12 well-filled races, as against eight last week. Ihe quality was greatly improved nnd the sale was a satisfactory one throughout, although heavier ewes were a little easier in value. Others remained unchanged. Extra primo wethers made to 42s 7d: prime wethers. 34s to 37s Gd; medium wethers, ols to 3oS Gd, light wethers. 20s to 30s Gd; extra primo e\ves to 37s 4d: prime ewes, 28s Gd to 325; medium ewes, 24s to 28s; light ewes, 21s to 23s fid; aged ewes, 17s to 20s. Fat Cattle.—The yarding was slightly larger and there wfts a noticeable improvement in quality, some particularly wellfinished steers being forward from North Canterbury nnd the Peninsula, Some of the "tail enders," however, were better suited to the store pens. The saie was a keen one and nil good steer, cow nnd heifer beef sold nt an advance of 20s a head. The inferior stuff showed little change. Specially good beef made up to 48s Gd per 1001b; good prime, 43s to 4Ga Gd; heavy prime, 40s to 435; medium quality, 37s Gd to 40s; good cow, 37s to 395; inferior, 32s to 355; lough, down to 27s Gd; extra heavy prime Bleers, to £24 7s fid; heavy prime steers, £'l9 to £2l 10s; medium weight primo steers, £l6 10s to £lB 15s; medium Quality Bteora,

£l3 10s (o £10; light steers, £lO 10a to £l3; extra prime heifers, to .117 17s Gel; prime heifers, £'l2 15s to £ls; medium heifers, £lO to £l2 ]oa; light heifers, £7 10s to £10; extra prime cows, to £ls 17s Gel; prima cows, £l2 to £l4; medium cows, £9 15s to £ll 15s; light and nged cows, £U 103 to £3 10s.

Venlers.—The entry was small and tho quality on (he poor side. Butchers' soifn showed a rise in price, tho top figure being £9 lu.

Store Cattle.—There was a very small entry and a keen sale. Two and a-half year steers sold to £lO 17s Gd; cows, to £7 15s; yearling steers, to £1 lGs; yearling heifers, £1 7s Cd.

Dairy Cattle.—The yarding of dairy cnttlo was smaller. The sale was an average one, with good cows and heifers at tlm drop sought after. Best cows made £ls to £l7 10s; heifers, £l3 to £lB. Fat Bigs.—The entry was a small olio and there was a good market, porkers showing a sharp advance in price, the valuo per lb being from 8d to 9d. The price per pound for bacon was from Gld (o 7d. Baconers made from £3 10s to £1 183 Cd; porkers, from 37s to £3 Gs Gd.

Store Pigs.—There was a large entry, hut a' very firm sale, with an improvement. Weaners mado.Git to Da; bettor, 10s to 11b Gd; «tores, 12s fci 225; large, 2is to 333.




Australian and N.Z. Press Association. LONDON, July 3

At the opening of tho London wool sales to-day 9493 bales were offered, of which 2553 were from New Zealand. It was a wretched selection of all sorts, except slipes, which were fairly good. The attendance was large and all sections were represented. Tho Home trade did most of the bidding, French buyers were reserved. There were considerable withdrawals.

For poor sorts the prices, compared, with May closing lates, were:—Merinos, good, 5 per cent, lower; shabby and faulty, 7g to 10 per cent.; crossbred, fine, medium, per cent.; low, par to 5 per cent.; slipes, fine, medium, 10 per cent.; low, par to 5 per cent.; lambs and crossbreds, about 5 per cent. New Zealand slipes, T.B.'s, Canterbury, halfbred, three-quarter, C.M.C., Eclipse Triangle, halfbred, 22!,< i; three-quarters, 20J,d.

Dalgcty and Company, Ltd., report having leceived the following cablegram from their London house, dated July 9:—Tho wool sales have opened. The attendance of buyers is large. The selection is poor, mainly slipe. Competition is irregular, but is fairly animated. As compared with the closing rates of the last series Merino is per cent. lower; crossbred, fine, 7j per cent. lower; crossbred, medium and coarse, 5 per cent, to 7j per cent, lower; slipes, combing, 10 per cent, lower; slipes, clothing, 5 per cent, lower.

The Bank of New Zealand has received the following advice from its London office, dated July 9; — The wool sales have opened with moderate competition and a largo attendance of buyers. Compared witli the close of last, series prices for Merinos and fine crossbreds are Id to lid lower and medium and coarse crossbreds Id lower.

The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, has received advice* by cable from London, under date July 0, as follows—There was a good attendance at (he opening of the wool sales to-day. Competition by Home and Continental buyers was slow and prices as compared with the close of preceding series ruled about 10 per cent, lower for fine. 5 per cent. In 7i"prr mit:'lower for medium, coarse, crossbred slipc combing, crossbred greasy and Merino, and 5 per cent, lower for crossbred slipo clothing. The opening catalogues were not representative. RECOI?D BANK DEPOSITS FIXED AMOUNT AGAIN HIGHER CHANGE IN PROPORTIONS. The record of deposits with the com« niercial banks revealed by (be March quarter's return has been eclipsed by tha total for (lie dune quarter. The laVssfc increase has been £1,706,399.

Following is a (able showing the occasions when the deposits have been more than £50.000,000, with the corresponding advances and the excess of deposits over advances in each instance:—

Excess of Quarter. Deposits. Advances. Deposits. Mar., 1020 . £50,61)5,007 £32.042,0.13 £18,623,048 .Tune, man . 54,508,002 34,789,581 10,505,511 Sept., 1920 53,13f,092 39,017,808 14,113,884 June, 1925 . 51,403,1535 43,935,709 7,527,80(5 .Tune, 1928 . 52.947,133 45,420,955 7,520,173 .Sept., 1028 . 52.590,018 45.119,424 7,470.594 Dec., 1028 . 51,001,40(5 48.101,102 3,500,302 Mar., 1020 . 55.315,495 40,359.744 8,985,751 Junc\, 1929 57,051.894 47,407,211 9.644.G53

There figures are exclusive of Government deposits. The latest return also shows a new record for fixed deposits, the amount of which exceeded the previous record in December, 1927; every return since then lins shown an increase. Interest rates were raised in May. 1927, and reduced in Julv, 1928.

Following is a summary of (lie expulsion of fixed deposits "since March, 1927, showing also the excess over free deposits and tho ratio of fixed to total deposits:—

Fixed. Fxc.ess cent. March, 1927 . . £21.055.53 l *£3,351,944 40.32 J lino, 1027 .. 21,749.104 *2,992,158 4(5.78 Sept., 1927 .. 23,398,240 1,582,742 51.75 Dee., 1027 . . 24,280,100 2,824,387 50.94 Mar.. 1028 .. 25,476,144 993,993 50.91 .Tune, 1928 . . 27.559.988 2.232,843 52.11 Sent., 1928 ~ 29,251,004 5,900,110 55.19 Dee., 192? . . 29,481,057 7,301.909 57.07 Mar., 1929 . . 29,005.7.">2 3,872,009 53.68 .Tune, 1020 . . 30,211,013 3.430,132 51.59 'Excess of free deposits. Since March, 1927, fixed deposits havo been increased by £9.152,979, and freo deposits by £2,370,103. SHARE ISSUE SUBSCRIBED. Tho recent issue of 15.000 S per cent.' preference shores bv Northland Canneries, Ltd., has been siiecessfuly subscribed. United Brokers, Ltd., who handled (ho issue, report that the lists were closed on June 29.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 20304, 11 July 1929, Page 7

Word Count

FAT STOCK MARKET. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 20304, 11 July 1929, Page 7

FAT STOCK MARKET. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 20304, 11 July 1929, Page 7