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King GrulTyd (2.30 a.m.). from Antwerp. Oinamv (2 a.m.). front Warkworth;HauiU 10 a 111 I. from Kerepeeln; Ilerekino (i ;,"„, ) from Portland: Wntolalt. (noon), from l'areitga; Kangitoto (12.10 p.m.). from ' Oman a (7.10 p.m.). from Wiiiheke; Lytteltiin (H.HO p.m). from Coast. YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES. Tnnbvlia (12.15 a.m.). for t'nerca ; Maliita.m.). for Const; Omana 10 20 •V ,' f„. Wailieke: Hawaii ( 10. u 0 a.m.) for 1! .. Omaha. Itonaki (1.5 p.m.). for I»u----laiT-a: I'ono (5.15 i>.tii ). for (; bangilot o' (5.50 p. 111.), for Thames Ilerekino (7.45 p.m.). (or Loitland. VESSELS DUE TO DAY. Heron, from Rnlikpapan. evening. Tiniiwiin. from I'neroa, 5.M0 a.m. Claymore, from Whar.garei. (...50 n.m. Ran-iloto. from Thames. 1 (10 p.m. Kawau. from Hi'-' Omaha. 5.110 p.m. Gunhar. from (iisborne. evening. Waiotnlii. from Orent Barrier. i> p.m. Canopus, from West port. 4 p.m. Knitoko, from Westport. •> p.m. Waipiata. from Southern ports, afternoon. VESSELS SAILING TO DAY, r'iiv of Salisbury. for Wellington, 7 n.m. Katoi!. for Sonthern ports. ;> l'lll- - for Pinko. noon. Omaun, for MulaUana. noon. ('hivmore, for Wliangarei. 7.30 p.m. Taniwlni, for Paeroa. midnight. VESSELS EXPECTED A'l AUCKLAND. I NT Eli COLON 1 At AND COASTAL. Waipiata, Southern ports. July 11. Cnnopus. West port, July !'■ Kaitoke. Westpoit. July 11Maninm Svdriev, July l(>. "\Vaipalii. ('ook Islands. July -1. Aorani:i. Sydney. July 29. Maui Pom a r-* Apia, via South. July 29. Maheno S'vHr.ev July o0 11.M.5. Veronica Suva. October 10. OVERSEAS Harm: Jedburgh, Cuba, expected. Heron, Borneo. July 11. Kent, South. July 12. to load. Newton fine, Casablanca. July 12. Port Gisborne, N'ew York. July 12. Mahia. Gisborne, July 15. to load. Canadian Scottish, Montreal. July 11. CVrasu*. limn De Nova, via Southern ports, July 15 Anglo-Indian. Galveston. July 15. Niagara Vancouver. July 15. Canadian Conqueror, Montreal. July 15 Northumberland. Liverpool, July 17. Canadian Victor, Montreal, July 25. EARLY SAILINGS FROM AUCKLAND. INTERCOLONIAL ANP OVERSEAS. Ulimaroa, Sydney. July 12 Kent, England, July 10. Mahia, America and London. July 1G Niagara Sydney. July Hi. Mamma. Sydney, July 19. Aorangi, Vancouver, July 30. Maui Pomare, Norfolk Island, July 30. Hurunui, America and Eondon, July 31. Maheno, Sydney. August 2 Cumberland. London. August 21. PACIFIC MAIL SERVICE. Makura, due Vancouver July 19; sails for Auckland July 21 Tahiti, leaves Sydney July 12. Wellington July 1(1, for San Francisco. Niagara, left Vancouver Juno 2fi. duo Auckland Julv 15; sails for Sydney July 10 llaunganui. left San Frnncisco July 10: duo Wellington July 20. BRITISH PASSENGER STEAMERS. Huahine, left Southampton Julia 1-1; duo .Wellington July IS. Mataron. left Southampton June 21: duo Wellington July 23. Bimutaka. left Southampton July 5: duo Auckland August 13. Tainui, leaves Southampton July 12; duo Wellington August 17. Eotoruu, leaves Southampton August 2; due Wellington September (5. Rcntnera. leaves Southampton August 30: duo Auckland October 4. AUSTRALIA-NEW ZEALAND. Mamma, leaves Sydney July 12, due Auckland July 10. Ulimaroa, at Auckland; sails for Sydney July 12. Maheno, nt Sydney; sails for Wellington July 12. VESSELS IN PORT. In Stream—Rewa (brj.l, Ilinetnoa, Waitomo. JI.M.C.S. Iris. Povonport —H.M.S. Philomel. King's Wharf—Kaikorai (U.S.S. Coy.). Queen's Wharf—Toftm (U.S.S. Coy.). Ulimaroa (Huddnrt-Pnrker). I'ri-'-o'a Whn rf—lonic (L. D. Nathan). Kntoa (U.S.S. Coy.). ■ Motuilii Anchorage—llororafa (N.Z.S. Coy.). Tho Gunhar is due at Auckland this ovenlng to load again for East Coast bays. The Katoi. is loading at Prince's Wharf for Wellington. Lyttelton, Dunedin nnd "Timaru. Sho i 3 to sail at fivo o'clock this evening. Wireless advice received from tho Kai,toke states sho will arrive from Westport at threo o'clock this afternoon. Sho will 'berth at Prince's Wharf. Tho Westport Coal Company's steamer Canopus i.s duo from Westport at. four o'clock this afternoon. She will unload her coal cargo at Central Wharf. The tramp steamer Aelybryn, which bunkered at Auckland and sailed on July 3, is reported to have reached Sydney yesterday. From Sydney sho is to go to Rabaul. Having left Wellington nt 5.30 p.m. on Tuesday tho Waipiata is expected at Auckland this afternoon. She will berth at Prince's Wharf to unload general enrgo from South Island ports and Wellington. From Auckland tho vessel will be. despatched for Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff and Oainqru. THE MATAROA. The Shaw, Savill nnd Albion Company #'l vises that, the liner Mataroa cleared Balboa last Friday morning in continuation of her voyage from London and Southampton I" New Zealand. Tho vessel is scheduled to reach Wellington on July 23 to land passengers and mail. Afterwards sho will unload her general merchandise cargo at Lyttelton, Port Chalmers and Bluff. THE NEWTON PINE. No wireless ndvico bad been received yenterdny frorn the steamer Newton Pine, •V'hich is scheduled to arrive from Casat'liincn, Morocco, to morrow. 'i'he vessel is to berth nt King's Wharf (o unload phosphates to the agency of Henderson and Maclarlane, Limited. The, remainder of pliospliale cargo is for discharge at New Plymouth aiirl Wanganui. KAHURANOI POINT LIGHT. I he Governmei t. 'steamer Tutanekni. Much left Bluff for Milford Sound. Jack?on s Hay iii l( i West port, on Tuesday mornnig. will later proceed to Kahurnngi Point Jo . make arrangements for putting in a temporary light until permanent repair.) can be carried out nt the lighthouse. , LPS tower is practically undamaged, arid it 13 thought that little difficulty will bo experienced in fixing a light with a radius of about eight miles. THE KING GRUFF YD. iho King Line steamer King GrufTyd reached Auckland yesterday morning with a lull cargo of slag from Antwerp. Me is unload j nr. !t ,|uantity of the cargo I'm . I s Wharf nnd is to sail for New , >mouth (tn Tuesday to completo disThe vessel sailed from Antwerp m I ay 2 and during the voyage acros3 v,';'i , Atla " t ic tenipestuciiH weather prei„ i V ® u| ikeis were replenished nt New7, ' 4 and Panama was cleared ori ;, lno I■ After passing Pitcnirn Island noro was a, repetition of stormy weather nun the vessel again received a severe bttf,'uiK. but rnly minor dantftgo was done, .nptain L \\r piaster and the ,l! °wuig nro the officers:-Chief. Mr. T. 1 ■ Simmonds; second Mr. A. Purnes; V ur «. Mr. A. Brown; chief ensineor. Mr 4V ""nurd; second Mr A. Walker: third, imil E ". Qovcrdale; fourth, Mr. R. Turn"i«, w ; operator. Mr. E Carter: chief " lo »ard. Mr . A _ F j nrt ' on t THE lIORORATA. Iho New Zealand Shipping Company s learner Hororaia, which arrived from Lon- ' " "u Tuesday evening, is expected Jo cmpleto unloading explosives at Motiuhi '"•day nnd to come into port this "(ter- ! She will berth at Queen's Wharf l!i 'j 0 , rge general merchandise for Auckt.'.'ii 1, remainder of tho cariro is for n'.li.i."', ' ,pr ' C'iiiiliners and New Plyt,, l'he vessel Railed from London oil (i' ly "J, and cleared Panama on Juna 17. 'fllerally fair weather prevailed until tho vtsse had pnHSL , c j I'Hcnirn Island. Stormy , 10,13 w ?ro experienced during tho ret Li ti voyage. Captain G. Mn ?i V 18 1,1 coninnind and he has with mill the following officers:—Chief. Mr. A. ,C- '-etlincton. second, Mr. F. E. Tether; Jo ' r T' K - A - Quick; fourth. Mr. K. M. "Opes Llnyd; surgeon. Dr. D. I>. Golder; rmef engineer, Mr. W. MacEwen: second. ?on. r f' \ Po ": third. Mr. M. A. John- *?? S t fo S, r th. Mr. C. W Shepherd: fifth. . Wtl»on; sixth. Mr. J. H. Taylor; •«I h> . Mr W Turner: chief refngeratMr e . nK1 ' IPer .' Mr. W. P. Leeyd; bc l ¥. n: wireless operatpr # Mr. .iN. • fttnith; chief steward. Air. J. Mackins.

KAIKORAI TO DOCK'. Tlio Ktiikorai, which is undergoing overhaul and survey, ia to be docked on Monday. 13 ALLAH AT AT FREMANTLE. Tlio P. and O. branch liner Ballarat arrived at Ercmar.tlo from London yesterday. Sho ia scheduled to reach Sydney orf July '22 THE HUNTINGDON, l'he Federal Line steamer Huntingdon is reported to have cleared Curacao last Monday in continuation of her voyago from Auckland to London. Sho sailed from Auckland on .Tune 10 THE CITY OF SALISBURY. In continuation of her voyago from New York the A. and A. Line's chartered steamer City of Salisbury is to sail for Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin at seven o'clock this morning. HERON FROM BORNEO. Expected from Balikpnpan, Borneo, this evening, the Norwegian tanker Heron wlil berth at Western Wharf to-morrow morning to unload bulk oil into the Shell Company's tanks at Freeman'o Bay. From Auckland the vessel will go to Wellington to complete discharge. I'll F. MATAKANA. Reported to have cleared Montevideo last Monday the Shaw, Savi'il and Albion steamer Matakaua is en route from Wellington to London (iml West Const, ports of Great Britain. Sho vis despatched from Wellingioii on .1 ui:o 111. THE i'UKEKO. Messrs. Watkin nnd Wallis advise that the Richardson steamer I'ukeko is duo at Portland to-morrow night and at Auckland on Saturday night. Sho is scheduled to leave Auckland for Fast Coast bays, Napier and Wairoa at three o'clock on Monday afternoon. I'OUT GISBOKNE REPORTS. Wireless advtco received from tlio Commonwealth and Dominion Line motor-ship Port tlisbornn slates sho will arrive from New York to-morrow evenirg Tlio vessel has general merchandise for discharge at Auckland. Wellington. Lyttelton and Dunedin. The Farmers' Auctioneering Company tiro the local agents. THE MA 111 A. A. S. fnterson oncl Company, Limited, hive teecived advice that the Shaw, Savill nnd Albion steamer Mahia has been delayed loading at Gisborne and is now duo at Auckland next Monday. At this port the vessel will complete loading New Zealand produce for New York Boston. Halifax and London. THE PIAKO. The New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Pinko arrived at Newport News List Saturday and sailed the following day in continuation of her voyngo from New Zealand to England. She was despatched from Oisborno on June 0. CAMBRIDGE AT NEW YORK. 4 The Federal Line steamer Cambridge, which sniled from Auckland for New York, Boston and West Const ports of Great Britain on June 7. is reported to have reached New York last Monday. R.M.S. TAHITI DELAYED. The docking of the Royal Mail L.ner Tahiti at Sydney has delayed the vessel and her departure from Sydney for San Francisco, via Wellington, Rnrotonga and Papeete, has been postponed until to-morrow instead of to-day. PIPIRIKI AT COLON. The Federal Lino steamer Pipiriki is reported to have reached Colon Inst Monday, en route from New York to Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru and Dunedin. She is due nt Auckland early in August. Tlio New Zealnnd Shipping Company are the local agents. PAKIPAKI FROM NEW YORK. The Federal Line steamer Pakipaki is scheduled to leave New York next Monday for Auckland Wellington. Lyttelton. Timaru and Dunedin She is due at Auckland about August 20. The vessel was formerly the llnin Line steamer Trewinnard. She is tinder charter to the A. and A. Lino nnd the New Zealand Shipping Company are the local agents. THE PORT VICTOR. Following the Port Gisborne. which is due at Auckland to-morrow evening, the next Commonwealth and Dominion Line steamer to be despatched from New York for New Zeaiand will bo the Port Victor, scheduled to eail during the second half of August for Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin SULPHUR FROM TEXAS. With a full cargo of sulphur from Galveston, Texas, the steamer Anglo Indian is expected, at Auckland early next week. The cargo is for discharge at Auckland, Newcastle, Sydney, Port Kcmbln. Geelong and Port Pirie. She is reported to have failed from Galveston on June !) and cleared Panama on Juno 16. Messrs. R. Millar and Company are tho local agents. R.M.S. NIAGARA REPORTED. The locnl office of tho Union Company has received advice that the Royal Mail liner Niagara will reach Suva from Vancouver and Honolulu :it 5.30 a.m. to-morrow and she is to sail for Auckland at noon. The vessel is duo at this port about mid-day on Monday and after landing passengers. maU and cargo for New Zealand she is t.) bo despatched for Sydney at ftvo o'clock on Tuesday evening. THE RARANGA. A. fi. Paterson and Company, Limited, have received«advice that tho Shaw, Savill and Albion steamer Rararffea was despatched from Liverpool on July 6 with cargo from West Coast ports of Great Britain for discharge nt Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin and Bluff. She is scheduled to reach Auckland on August 12. KENT FOR FINAL LOADING. The Federal Line steamer Kent is to leave Gisborne at nine o'clock this evening nnd is expected at Auckland to-morrow evening. She will berth at Queen's Wharf to complete loading refrigerated nnd general cargo for London, Avonmouth. Glasgow and Liverpool Her despatch for London is scheduled for next Tuesday. Tho New Zealnnd Shipping Company are the local agents. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. Tho following vessels tiro expected to be within rango of tho undermentioned wireless stations to-day:— Auckltind.—Nucuh. Sonoma, Golden Rod. Canadian C'onnueror. Heron, Makambo. Moeraki. Port Gisborne. Port Pirie, Canadian Scottish. Baron Pentland, Canadian Transporter. ~ . ,i • Chatham Islands.—Continue. Wellington.-Dimedin, Diomcdo. Niagara. Makura. British Glory. Kent. Maluu. ( lvairaAwfirun.—Tutanekni, Kia Ora, Paun,, K ere til, City of Batavia, Surrey. PORT OF ONEHUNGA, Yesterday's Arrivals.—llaulurtt _ ((',.15 from Ilokimign; Ngapulu (7.1.1 a.m.). front New Plymouth. Yesterday's Departures.-Hnuturu (0 nm.). for Raglan and hiiwJim. llokianga (11.55 p.m.). for Ifokianga. by telegraph. WELLINGTON.— July 10: Arrived--Wnhino (7 a.m.) from Lyttellorr Cortnna (0 45 a.m.) from Lyttlton. Storm (11 a','n ) from Wangar.tit. Sailed—Kniranga (') i 5 pnt ) for Port Stephens Storm (5" pin), for Onekaka; Corinnu ((5.5 p.m.). for Nelson; W.ahine (7.50 pm.) foi Lyttelton Uolmdale (9.30 p.rn ) fo. Dunedin LYTTELTON.—JuIv 10: Arrived-Gale (G 40 a.m ) from Timaru; Maori <C,.50 nm) from Wellington: Progress (8 am), from Timaru Cygnet '8.30 p.m.), From Knikoura Sniled-Brand (3 40 Dunedin: Progress (3.45 ' m.). f"i ton- Gale (4.15 p.m.) for Wellington. Wirigntui (G. 5 p.m.). for Dunedin Maon p.m.) for Wellington. nUNEDIN —.lulv 1": A rri ved-- Kn i warra nt.) from Port Kcmbln. SaileH-Kutw (10 a.m.). for Lyttelton; City of Batavia (12 15 p.m.). for Sydney. BLUFF-Jul? 1°: Sailed—Kia Ora (4 25 n.m ) for Lyttelton; Paun <4.40 p.m.), for Lyttelton. . SYDNEY.— July 10: Arrived—Aelybryn, from Auckland. FREMANTLE.— July 10: Arrived—Ballarat. from London. f'OLON —July 8: Arrived—Pipiriki, en route frbm New York to Auckland. MONTEVIDEO.— July 8; Sailed—Matakana. cu routo from Wellington to London CURACAO.— July 8: Sailed—Huntingdon, en routo from Auckland to London. NEWPORT NEWS.—JuIy 6: ArrivedPinko en routo from New Zealnnd to kngland. . ' NEW YORK.— July 8: Arr.ved-Cam-bridge, en routo from Auckland to Ensland.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 20304, 11 July 1929, Page 7

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 20304, 11 July 1929, Page 7

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 20304, 11 July 1929, Page 7