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SATURDAY'S ARRIVALS. Citv of Adelaide (0.55 a.ra.), from New Tork. ■! Golden Cross (7.30 p.m.), from Los Anjjeles. Kawau (1.30 a.m.), from Warkworth; Waipu (2.40 a.m.), from Gulf ports; Uauiti I (2.50 a.m.), from Kerepeehi; Ronaki (7 ■ a.m.), from Tauranga: Ngapuhi (7.20 a.m.), ' from Russell; Omann (9.25 a.m.). from Wai- ! hcke; Jiauiti (5.30 p.m ). from Waiheke. Saturday 's departures. ■i Hotorun (5 p.m.). tor Wellington. Tasmania (5.10 p.m.), for New York. Taniwhn. (12.15/, for Pneroa; Cnnopus '(11.15 a.m.), for Westport; Apanui (12.15 P'.m.)._f"r Coast; Motu (i.5, for Awajnii; Kawau (1.50 p.m.). tor Waiheke; Hauiti (1.55 p.m.). for Waiheke* Coronation (2.5 p.m.), for Awanui: Kawntiri (3.43 p.m.), for Westport; Kangitoto (5.15 p.m.), for Thames; Ronaki (11.10 p.m.) for Tauranga. YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS. Kainianawa (3.55 a.m.) from Napier; Tapi. wha (6.45 a.m./. from Paeroa; Otimai (8.20 a.m.). from Opo:iki; Polio (5.25 a.m.), from Coast; Tea (9.50 a.m.). from Coast. Kangitoto (2.15 p.m.), from Thames, Tregenna (11.5.5 p.m.), from Nauru Island. YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES. Otira (7.15 a.m.). for Wellington. Claymore (9.15 p.m.), lor V/hangarei. VESSELS DUE. TO-DAY H.M.S. Verojiica, from Wellington, mora- / I ... ILM.S. Laburnum, from Wellington. morning. Waimea, from Anpier, morning. Awahou, from Gisborne. morning. ■Omana, from Silverdale, 2 p.m. Pukeko, from Portland, evening. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. Tort Napier, for Lyttelton, afternoon. Norfolk, for Wellington, afternoon. Omana, for Silverdale, 6.30 a.m. Kawm, for Mangawai. 2 p m. Hau.ti. for Kerepeehi 3 p.m. Oiiinai. for Opotiki. 4 p.m. Ngapuhi. for Russell. 1 p.m. Tuhoe. for Mercury Bay, 4 p.m. Rangitoio. fo:r Coromandsl. 5 p.m.

VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND IXTEBCOLO.XIAL AND COASTAL, H.M.S. Veronica. Wellington. April 21. H.M.S. Laburnum, Wellington. April 29. Waipiata, Southern ports. May 2. Marama, Sydney. May 7. Maui Pomaro, Apia, via Southern ports May 8. Tofua, Fiji, May 13. Ulimaroa, TSydney, May 1-1. H.M.S. Diomede, South. May 17. Maunganui, Sydney, May 21. OVEnSEAS.

London, April 30. Baron Belhavrn, Antwerp, May 1. Hauraki. Los Angeles. May 3. , Matakana, Liverpool, May 4. i Canadian Challenger, South, May 5, to load. Port Darwin. South, May 6. to load. Wairuna, Los Angeles, May 7. Canadian Britisher. Halifax, May 7. Rotorua, South, May 9. to load. Benliolm, New York, May 10. , Raisdale, Antwerp, May 10. /' Sussex, Calcutta. May 15. Huntingdon, South, May 10, to load. Golden Cross, South. May If, to load. Niagara, Vancomer, May 20. Port Auckland, New York, May 20 Kent, Liverpool, May 21. j Cambridge, South, May H, to load. Wirral, New York, via 'Wellington, May 26. Remuera. London, via Wellington. May 2G. Surrey, New York, May 30. • Baron Maclay. Texas. May 31. Corinthic, London, via Wellington, June 10. Tourville, French warship. New Hebrides. j July 21. / EARLY SAILINGS FROM AUCKLAND. INTERCOLONIAL AND OVERSEAS. Waipa'ni, Cook Islands, May 2. ' Canadian Challenger. America and Canada, May 5. Aorangi, Vancouver. May 7. Pert- Darwin. America, Canada and England, May 8 ' Marama, Sydney, May 10. Maui Pomare, Norfolk Island, May 10. Ulimaroa, Sidney. May 17. Huntingdon, London. May IS. Tofua, Fiji' May IP. Golden Cross. Honolulu and Pacific Coast ports. May 19. i Niagara, Sydney. May 21. Maunganui, Sydney, May 21. ■ Cambridge, 'America and England. ° May 29. .Taranaki, England, June 12.

• AUSTRALIA-NEW ZEALAND. Marama. due at Sydney from Wellington April 30; sails for Auckland May 3. Ulimaroa. due Wellington from Sydney, April 30; sails for Sydney May

' 3. I - Maungamii, due at Sydney from Auck-

land, April 30. Mattuka, from Melbourne: due ue,lington May 3; sai 13 for Melbourne direct May 4.

PACIFIC MAIL SERVICE. Makura, due Sari Francisco May 10: sails for Wellington May 15. Aora'igi, leaves Sydney May 2, Auck.and May 7, for Vancouver. Tahiti, left San Fransco April 17: due

Wellington May 0. Niagara', leaves Vancouver May 1: due Auckland May 20.

BRITISH PASSENGER STEAMERS. Taraaroa, !eft Southampton Murch 29, due

Auckland April 30. Runpehu, left Southampton April 3. clue

Wellington May 12. Remuera, left Southampton April clue

Wellington May 17. CorinthW left Southampton April -6. due Wellington June 3.

VESSELS IN PORT. In S'ream—"Rewa (bq ), Wainui, Hincmoa. Waitomo, Y\ aipuhi. L.M.C.S. Iris. Brockobeek (Ct. W. Bews). Devonport—ll.M.S. Philomel. Kind's Wharf—Poolta (U.&.&. Coy. . Tregen.ia (Henderson and Macfarlane). Prince's Wharf-Port Napier (F.A. Coy.L Kaimanaiva (U.S.S. Coy.j, City of Adelaide (N.Z.S. Coy.). Queen's Wharf —Norfolk (IS.Z.S. Coy.). ■ Waimea (U.S.S. Coy.). Golden Cross 'Henderson and Macfarlane). In Dock—H.M.S. Dunedm. Chelsea— (Speddmg. Ltd.).

The Kairanga is at Lyttelton and is Beheduled to sail for Auckland direct next Saturday. The Kurow left Dunedin on Friday night for Oamaru, Tiniaru. Lyttelton, Wellington end Auckland.

The Westport Coal Company's steamer Canopus sailed on her return trip to VN esiport at on Saturday. The Kflwatiri. which was recommissioneS after undergoing overhaul, was despatched for Westport on Saturday afternoon.

The Wavpiata, en route from Southern ports, is to leave Wellington to-day, and is due at Auckland next Thursday rooming.

Russell and Somers, Limited, advise that tho Anchor Lino steamer i'itoki. Ib to ,oai j at Onohungn for Nelson and "est Coast ports next Wednesday.

The Waimfa left Napier for Auckland on Saturday evening. She is due this morning. and will load at Queen's Wharf for lier return trip to Gisborne and Napier. The Knimonuv.-a arrived from Westport, yia Wellington and Napier, yesterday morning- She is at Prince'a Wharf, and after discharge will undergo overhaul and survey. 'J he schooner Rahra. which has been engaged in the Melbotirne-Tasmanian trnde for the, last 15 years, has been sold to ?> r. 1. H. Cnruthers. Samoa. She is a wooden vessel of 9:) tons gross. and v.*ill be used lor the inter-island trade. NEW SCHOONER'S MACHINERY. The new schooner which is being built oy Mr. George Niccol for the Canterbury fiteamship Company is to be fitted with the folio wine machinery:— Twin-screw four-c.vlin-(ler Fnirbnnks-Morse Diesel engines, each of 300 h.p. nominal ratine; two !25/30cwt reversible tvne Fairbanks-Morse cargo winches; electric lighting plant and usual Diesel Jiuxilinries. Tl'o vessel vill bo eleelrically lighted throughout, including five very bowerfu] fjond lights for use in night cargo -handling. When completed she will liavo an average sea speed of nine knots. THE KARAMEA. Tho Shaw. Savill and Albion motor-ship Kara inea. which reached Port ( haliners from London, via Fiji, last Tuesday, experienced very stormy weather in tho Atlantic, and a strong south-west gale and heavy head sens for five days between Suva flnd Port Chalmers In spite of the delay sho averaged 14 fi knots from London to Port Chalmers. Her other unloading ports are Lyt tell on and Nelson. It is the vessel's second voyage. Captain A. Mcintosh is in command. TTih officers are; Mr. E. T. Grnceto'i, chief; Mr. (r. Fisher, second; Mr. It. E. Joneß, third: Mr. ,T. W. Thomson, fourth; cadets, •I. W. Nnnier, IT. M. Clark and A. (*". Fisher. Mr. J. G. Fergusson i<i chief engineer; A. Chalmers, senior second; ,T. S. Siargersoti; junior second; J T. Oliver. Junior third: 8. G. Whitwan. junior third: F. W. L. Kerr, senior fourth: K. Burt, fnrnor fourth: G. Tiirrhevthough. fifth; T. HoUinger. sixth: E. Riches, seventh; .T. Wright, first refrigerating engineer; A. warde. second: P. C Shaw, first elpcfrjcinn; A. Wilkinson, second: C. Mackeo. th"'d; JJ-. Simmons, chief steward, and N. W. Oriffiths,' wireless operator.

THE NORFOLK. The Federal Line steamer Norfolk is expected to sail for Wellington, Lytelton and Port Chalmers this afternoon, in continuation of her voyago from Liverpool. THE ULIMAROA. Tho Huddart-Parker steamer Ulimaroa is due at Wellington to-morrow morning with passengers, mail and cargo from Sydney. She in to leave Wellington on her roturn trip to Sydney on Friday morning. THE OTIRA. The Shaw. Savill and Albion steamer Otira left Auckland for Wellington yesterday morning to complete loading New Zeauu'd produce for England. She is to bo despatched from .Wellington for Loridou, via Rio de Janeiro, next Friday. THE BROCKOBECK. The steamer Brockobeck. which hao been delayed in port for over a week having repairs efTected to her boilers, will go into tho stream this morning to continue tho repairs at an anchorage. After the work has been completed sho will resumo her voyago to Sydney. THE PORT NAPIER. To complete loading for London the Commonwealth and Dominion Line steamer Port Napier is to sail for Lyttelton, Wanganui and Wellington this evening. From Wellington she is to be despatched for London, via Montevideo. MELBOURNE PASSENGER SERVICE. The Union Company's intercolonial passenger steamer Manuka reached Bluff from Melbourne yesterday and after calling at Duuedin and Lyttelton is due at Wellington on Friday. Sho is scheduled to leave Wellington for Melbourne direct lioxt Saturday. THE TASMANIA, Having completed loading in New Zealand the New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Tasmania was despatched lor New York, Boston. Halifax and West Coast ports of Great Britain on Saturday evening. TREGENNA FROM NAURU. The steamer Tregenna arrived from Nauru Island late last night. Sho will berth at Kings Wharf this morning to unload tho Auckland portion of her phosphate cargo to the agency of Henderson and Macfnrlane, Limited. The remainder of the cargo is for New Plymouth and Wanganui. NIAGARA AT VANCOUVER. The Royal Mail liner Niagara reached Vancouver from Auckland at six o'clock last Friday morning. The_ vessel is to pail on her return voyage to New Zealand and Australia on Wednesday. Sho is duo back at Auckland .on May 20 and at Sydney five days later. THE CORINTHIC. With passengers, mail cargo for New Zealand, the Shaw, Savill and Albion liner Corinthio was scheduled to clear Southampton last Friday. The car/») will ho unloaded at Wellington and Auckland. She is due at Wellington on June 3. and at Auckland a week later. THE TAMAROA. Due from London and Southampton tomorrow morning, tho Shaw, Savill and Albion liner Tamaroa will berth at Queen's Wharf to land passengers, and maii for New Zealand, and general merchandise for Auck'and. The remainder of tho cargo is for Wellington. L. D. Nathan and Company. Limited, are the local agents. MATAKANA FROM LIVERPOOL. The Shaw. Savill and Albion steamer Matakana is scheduled to reach Auckland from Liverpool next Saturday. Sho has general merchandise from West Coast ports of Great Britain, for discharge at Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin. A. S. Paterson and Company. Limited, are the local agents. NORTHERN COMPANY'S VESSELS. The Northern Company advises that the Otimai is to bo despatched for Opotiki and Kutarero at four o'clock this afternoon, and the Tuhoe for Whakatane at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. The Hauturu is due at Auckland from Oneliunga. via Hokianga. to-morrow. She is being withdrawn to undergo overhaul and survey. The Tekoa is to leave Auckland for Hokianga and Oneliunga at three o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, to relieve the Hauturu in tho West Coast service. AWAHOU AND PUKEKO. Messrs. Watkin and ■ Wallis advise (hat, the Richardson steamer Awahou is duo at Auckland this morning and will load at Central Wharf. She is to be despatched for Hicks Bay; Tokomaru Bay and Gisborne at five o'clock to-morrow evening. The Pukeko arrived ut Portland yesterday and is due at Auckland to-night. She will also load at Central Wharf and is to Fail for East Coast, bays, Napier and Wairoa tomorrow evening. THE ROTORUA. The New Zealand Shipping Company's liner Rotorua sc.iled for Wellington and New Plymouth on Saturday afternoon to complete discharging general merchar.dise from London. Afterwards the vessel will load for her Homeward voyage at New Plymouth, Auckland. Tokomaru Bay, Gisborne. Lyttelton and Wellington. Sho is scheduled to roturn to Auckland on May 9. With passengers and mail the vessel is to be despatched from Wellington for Southampton and London on May 25.

NEW MOTOR-SHIP MANUNDA. The Adelaide Steamship Company's new motor passenger vessel Manunda had a successful trial on tho Clyde on April 10, a speed of 17i knots being attained. She is now en route to Australia. Her tonnage is 9000 tons gross, and she has five decks, boat deck, promenade deck, shelter deck, upper and main deck. Luxurious accommodation has been provided for 312 first and se';t>nd cbiss passengers, on the shell or and prom" t.ade deck. Cargo winches and other deck gear are electrically driven. The Mallunia lias the latest model wireless apparatus, and is fitted with a direction finder. A range finder is also included. Another wondorfud scientific instrument is the recorder fitted on the navigating bridge, which shows the speed of the ship and distance travelled. She has the highest rower in electrical equipment for any vessel of her size in the world. Tho vessel is to be'er.pnced in the inter-State trade between Adelaide. Melbourne, Sydney and Queensland ports. TRANSPACIFIC CARGO STEAMERS. Duo at Vancouver from Suva on May 15, thfa Union Company's transpacific steamer Waitematu is to load at Pacific Coast ports for Auckland, Wellington. Melbourne and Sydney. Sho is scheduled to clear Los Angeles on June 5, and to reach Auckland on June 80. . Tho Waikawa left Vancouver on ,Frulft7 for San Francisco to complete loading Pacific Coast cargo for Apia, Melbourne and Sydney. , , Tho motor-ship Hauraki is to reach Auckland from Los Angeles next I' riday She has cargo from Pacific. Coast ports for discharge at Auckland, Wellington. Melbourne and Adelaide. _ From Pacific Coast ports, via Papeete, the Waiotapu is duo at Wellington to-morrow. Her other discharging ports are Lyttelton, Melbourne and Sydney. Having left Los Angeles on April 12 the Wairuna is due nt Auckland on May 7. Her cargo from Pacific Coast ports is for discharge at Auckland, Napier Lyttelton. Dunedi'i, Bluff and New Plymouth Tho Waihemo is en route to Pacific I oast r.orts and will load for Napier. LvHeTton. Dunedin. New Plymouth and possibly Bluff arid NelsonTHE CITY OF ADELAIDE. The Ellerman-Bucknall steamer City of Adelaide, under charter to tho A. and A. Dine, arrived from New York, via I'iji. oil Saturday morning. She is unloading a quantity of cargo at Princes Wharf, and is 1 o sail for Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin on Wednesday to complete discharge. Tho vessel sailed from New York on March 10, and experienced generally fair weather during the voyage. Captain Kearney is in command, and ho has with him the following officers Chief, Mr. A. <>,. I' reeman: second. Mr. A. H. Barnes; third Mr. K. Broadbent; chief engineer. Mr. W. J. iNelson: second. Mr. E. M Cooler; third Mr. ,T j Aggis; fourth, Mr. .7. It. M. Glass; fifth," Mr. J. R. Christie: wireless operator. Mr Tf. G. Corbett: chief steward. Mr.. C. h Gardiner. The New Zealand Shipping Company arc tho local agents. TIIE GOLDEN CROSS. With a full cargo of lumber, case oil and general merchandise from Pacific Coast ports tho Oceanic and Oriental iSavigation Company's steamer Golden Crosß arrived lrom Los Angeles on Saturday evening. day morning sho berthed at Central wharf to unload the Auckland portion ot tho car«o to tho agency of Henderson and Macfarlane, Limited Her other discharging ports are Wellington, Nelson and Lyttelton. lne cargo was loaded at Eureka, Seattle, ,loconia, Vancouver. Portland ban Irancisco and Los Angeles. Sho sailed from Los Angeles on April 1 and experienced fine weather during the voyage. 1 his is the vessel's first visit to Auckland as tho Golden Cross When she was last at this port Her name was tho West Henshaw. Sho has been fifted with refrigeratin" accommodation. and will inaugurate the company s new service between New Zealand and America. After loading refrigerated and general cargo in tho South she will return to Auckland to complete loading, and will be despatched from this port for Honolulu nnd San Francisco. Captain G. M. Curtis is in command, and ho has with linn the following officers -—Chief. Mr. C R. Pobins; second. Mr N. K. Jacohßon: third. Mr H Pedersen: cliief engineer. Mr. P. V . Blinn: first assistant, Mr. G TI. Parri?; sromy.7. Mr W H. Kierth: third. Mr. D. M. E lis: w :,.pl P3 a operator. Mr. .T. E. Brock way; chief steward. Air. E. M. Keith.

WARSHIPS DUE TO-DAY. Two warships, tho Veronica and tho Laburnum, which have been on a cruise to Southern ports sinco the middle of cebruary, will return to Auckland to-day. I"®-? ore duo from Wellington this morning, and will berth at Sheerlegs Wharf. THE WAIPAHI. The Union Company's Island steamer W.iipahi, which lias been laid up in the stroam for nearly a month, is to bo recommissioned in the Cook Islands fruit trade this week. She is scheduled to for ' Ra'rotonga. Mangaia and Ailutaki on Thursday. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. Tba following vessels aro expected to be within range of tho under-mentioned wiroleas stations io-day.: Auckland.—Rotorua, # Tofua, Tutanekni, Maui Pnmare, Hauraki, Canadian Highlander, Aolybryn. Maunganui. Baron Balbaven, Tamaron. Tasmania. Otira. Wellington.—Riinutaka, Baron Fairlie. Ulimaroa, Marama, Waiotapu, Port Darwin, Tainui, Rarnnga, Hotorua. Awarua.—Port Hunter, Mnluitn, Tahiti, Manuka, Canadian Challenger.

PORT OF ONEHUNGA. Saturday's Arrivals.—Rarawa (8 a.m.). from Ne\y Plymouth. Yesterday's Arrivals. —Hokianga (5 p.m.), from Hokianga. BY TELEGRAPH. "WELLINGTON.—ApriI 27: Arrived—Wingatui (11.30 a.m.), from Auckland; Totnra (G p.m.). from Lyttelton. April '23: Wahine (6.55 a.m.). "Waipiata (7.45 a.m.). Corinna (7,r>5 nnd Calm (8 n.m.), from Lyttelton. April 27: Sailed—Cygnet (12..20 a.m.), for K a ikon rn,: Rarnnga (7 a.m.), for London CIIRISTCHURCH.—ApriI 27: ArrivedWabino (6.40 a.m.) and Gnlo (7.15 a.m.). from Wellington; Corinna (9.10 a.m.), from Timaru; Tee 3 (<j.2o p.m.), from Chatham Islands: Cygnet (10 p.m.). from Kaikoura: .Tohn (10.15 p.m.), flora "Wnnganui. April 29: Maori (6.50 a.m.), from Wellington: Breeze (8'.40 a.m.). from Storm (5 p.m.), from Wellington. April 27; Sailed—Gale (1 p.m.), for Dur.edin: Calm (1.15 p.m.), Corinna (2.40 p.m.) and Waipiata (4.-45 p.m.). for Wellington; Kartigi (5.55 p.m.), for Greymouth; Wahine (8.15 p.m.), for Wellington. DUNEDIN.—ApriI 27: Sailed—llolmdale (6.30 a.m.) iinil Kurow (R a.m.). for Oamaru. April 28: Arrived—Kahika (iO a.m.). from Wellington; Gale, from Lyttelton. BLUFF.—ApriI 27: Arrived—Port Hunter (1.40 p.m.), from Port Kembla. VANCOUVER. April 26; Arrived— Niagara, 'from Auckland. _ Sailed—Waikawa, for Apia, via San Francisco.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 20241, 29 April 1929, Page 9

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 20241, 29 April 1929, Page 9

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 20241, 29 April 1929, Page 9