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YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS. ITaurnki (4 a.m.), from Los Ancrelcs. Tanwiha (2.10 from Paeroa; Claymore (2.'15 a.m.). from Whansarei; Apanui (9.50 a.m.). from Awanui. Ransritoto (7.50 p.m.), from Thames. Riinutakn (11.30 p.m.), from London, llauili (11.30 p.m.), from Ivopu; Kawau U1.55 P-m.), Irom Big Omalia. YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES, Antonio (12.35 p.m.). for Lyttelton. Ilauiti (8.55 a.m.). for Kopu; Kawau (0.40 a.m.). for Bis Omaha: Omana (11.30 a.m.). for Matnkana; Clavmore ((3.5 p.m.). (or Wlinnsnrei. Dnuybrvn (5.45 p.m.). for W<v»tpnrt. N«apuhi (G 50 p.m.), for Tauranffa. Kurow (10.50 p.m.). for Wellington. VESSELS DUE TO-DAY. Westmoreland, from South, earlv. Clansman, for Mansonui. 7.30 a.m. Hutiiti, from Coromandel. 10.30 p.m. Apauiu, from Great Barrier, (> p.m. Omana. from Matnkana. 11 a.m. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. Marania, for Sydney. 3 p.m. Jluuiti. for Coromnndcl. 11 a.m. Ilangitoto, for Thames, 1 p.m. Omana, for Waiheke. 0.30 p.m. Kawau. for Wnrkworth, 11 a.m. [VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND tNTERCOLONIAI AND COASTAL. Canopua. Westport, to sail Winsatui Southern ports. October 14. Balls Uead Greymouth, to sail. Waipnlii, Suva October 17 "H.M.S. Laburnum, Fiji. October 20. Niagara, Sydney October '22. H.M.S. Veronica October 23. M-iheno, Sydney. October 23. Southern Cross New Hebrides, Decombor OVBESEAS JRimutalca, London, October 12. "Westmoreland, South, October 12, to load. Canadian Winner, Montreal. October 13. Port Darwin. Liverpool. October 13. Wairuna. South, October 14. to load. Lionel. Texas. October 14. Ccrafus. Nauru Island. October 15. Kazembe. New York. October 16. Karamea. Liverpool. Oclober 10. Saltersgate, Nauru, October 21. Devon, South. October 22, to load. Canadian Explorer. Montreal. October 22. Hertford. Liverpool October 23. Uunhine, South. October 2(5, to load. Golden Bear, Los Angeles, October 2G. Kasama, New York October 27. King Edgar, Mexico. October 29. Canadian Conqueror, South. October 29. to load. Waitemata. Los Anseles, November 3. Olivebank, barque Seychelles, sailed September 10. Aorangi, Vancouver, November 4. Matakana. Liverpool, November 6. Vcco. San Francisco, November 6. Norfolk. London. November 'J. Wirral, Montreal. November 11. Canadian Traveller Montreal. November 14. Benhnlm. Now York, November 15. H.M.S. Diomede, England, November 19. Somerset. Liverpool, November 20. Golden Cloud. Los Angeles. November 25 Cumberland. Liverpool. December 4. Tamnroa. London, via Wellington, December 13. Maimoa. Liverpool. December IS

EARLY SAILINGS FROM AUCKLAND. INTERCOLONIAL AND OVERSEAS. Maramn. Sydney. October 12. Wairuna, Vancouver, Octcber 15. Maui Pomnre Apia. October If>. Westmoreland London. October 17. Waipahi, Fiji, October IS. Niagara, Vancouver. October 23. Mabeno. Sydney. October 'JO. Devon. America and England, October P.O. Canadian Conqueror America and Canada. October 30. Tofita, Fiji. November a Aorungi, Sydney. November !>. Kuahine, London. November 10 BRITISH PASSENGER STEAMERS. Rimutaka left Southampton August 31. due Auckland October 12. .Mataroa, left Southampton September 28, due Wellington November 1. Tainui leave" Southampton October 12. due Wellington November 17. Rotorua, leaver Southampton October 2G. due Auckland December 1. Ruapehu, leaves Southampton November due Wellington December 12. T-.imaroa, leaves Southampton Nover;ibor P. duo Wellington December Jo. Remuera. leaves Southampton November 53, duo Wellington December 20. PACIFIC MAIL SERVICE, due Vancouver to-day, sails for Auckland October 17. Makura. left San Francisco October 3. due Wellington October 22. Jlatingnnui. due 'oan F'aneisco from Wellington, October 26; sails for Wellington October 31 Niagara, due Sydney to-day; leaves Auckland for Vancouver October 23. AUST K A LIA-NE W ZEALAND. Maramn, at Auckland; sails for Sydney to-day Ulirnaron, leave 3 Sydney to-day; due Wellington October 16. Manuka, nt Wellington: her next trip to Melbourne is indefinite. Malic-no, at Wellington, sails for Sydney to-day. VESSELS IN PORT. In Stream —Rewa, "(bo.). Wainui. H.M.C.S. Iris. Hinetnoa, Waitomo, Kaikorai. Kaitoko. Devonport—H.M.S Philomel, IT.M.S. Wiikakura. Nucula (Admiralty oiltankori, H.M.S. Dunedin. In Dock- Maui I'omare iSpodding. Ltd.). Queen's Wliarf—Tifua 'U.S.S. Coy.), Rimutaka (N.Z.S. Coy.). Central Wharf—Mamma (L'.S.S. Coy.), I'rinco's Wh'irf—Hauraki (U S.S. Cov ) King's Wharf—Westmoreland (N.Z.S. Coy.), Elfie Mary (A. G. Frnnkham). The Main" Poinare went into dock yesterday morning. The Arapawn will leave Onehxinga at. rnou to-day for Hokianga. The Waimea left Gisborne for Napior nt two o'clock yesterday afternoon. Tho Kurow left last evening for Wcllinston, Lyttelton, Dunedin and Timaru. H.M.S. Dunedin camo out of dock at Devonnort yesterday and berthed at Shearlegs Wharf. CANADIAN WINNER TO-MORROW. The Canadian Government steamer Canadian Winner is duo at Auckland from Montreal to-morrow evening, and will berth at Prince's Wharf. After unloading the loral consignment of her cargo from Eastern Canadian ports, the vessel will be despatched for Wellington to complete discharge. DANYBRYN FOR BUNKERS. Tho steamer Danvbryn yesterday completed discharge of her cargo of sugar from Java, at Che'sea and hist, evening sailed hr Westnort. where she will replenish blinkers prerun>tory to sailing for Ocean fslunl to load phosphates. PORT DARWIN TO-MORROW. The Commonwealth and Dominion Line's Port Darwin is due at Auckland from Liverpool to-morrow evening, and vill berth at Queen's Wharf to commence' discharge of tier cargo of general mercli,indis« from West of England ports on Monday. The vessel also has cargo for We'linsfon nnd Lyttelton. She wi'l start loading for England at Timcru on November 1. but t! o Jent of her loading programme has yi I to be fixed. THE ANTONIO SAILED. Repairs to her propeller having been completed, the steamer Antonio left Auckland for Lyttelion yesterday. There the vessel will complete di -charge of her cargo of phosphates from Casablanca before going to West port to replenish bunkers and load coal for Papeete. From Papeete nho will go to Mnkutea Island to load another cargo of phosphates for New Zealand and Australia CERAFUS ON MONDAY. The steamer Cerafus, with a cargo of phosphates from Nauru Island, is expected to nrrivo at Auckland at noon on Morulny according to wireless advice received bv the Incal agents. Henderson and Macf.irlane. Limited. After discharge of the local con signment of her cargo, the vessel will go to Wanganui to complete unloadiriß. THE HAURAKI ARRIVED. With cargo from Pacific Coast, Canadian onil American ports tho Union Company's motor-ship Hauraki arrived at Auckland early yesterday morning, and after inapec tifn in the stream berthed at Prince's Wharf, where a start was made with tho discharge of the local consignment of her °»rgo. After loading at Vancottvor. Powell River. Ocenn Falls. Sun Francisco and Loa Angeles, the. Hauraki sailed from Los Angeles on September 20. Fine weather wan encountered during tho greater part of the trin. but the vessel encountered heavy sens and strong winds oil the New Zealand coast. It ia hoped to despatch the Hau J"»ki for Melbourne Adolaido and Sydney at Boon to-morrow Captain A T. Norton is In command and w ith him are the following ofllcern:— Chief officer, Mr. D. McL«ish; aocond, Mr. T Davis; third Mi. F. .1 Cochrane; chief «nKineor, Mr. H. R Frith: sscond, Mr, W Williams: third, Mr, W McLean; fourth. Mr. J. Boyle fifth. Mr. J Duncan: wiroJ'lis operator, Mr. R. W. Sorman; chief •toward. Mr. 11. Tliorsbury.

BALLS HEAD BARBOUND. Tho Union Company's steamer Balls Head, which has been loading coal at Greymouth for Auckland, is barbound and will not bo able ■ to leave beforo this oveninc. KAIMANAWA AT WESTPORT. With coal for New Plymouth and Auckland, tho Union Company's steamer Kairaanawa i 3 barbound at Westport, and is unlikely to leave bfcfore this evening. PORT DENISON FROM LONDON. The Commonwealth and Dominion Line's steamer Port Denison. with a cargo of general merchandise from England. left London for New Zealand ports on Wednesday. SPINANGER AT LOS ANGELES. The r.iolor-tanker Spinanger, which left Auckland on September 17 after discharging portion of a cargo of bulk oil, arrived at Los Angeles to load a fresh cargo on Wednesday. THE WINGATUI'S MOVEMENTS. Tho Union Company's steamer Wingatui left Timaru on Wednesday evening for Lyttelton. arriving there at 8.30 yesterday morning. Tlie vessel is expected to sail for Auckland this evening. KAIKORAI TO RESUME. Tho Union Company's steamer Kaikorai. which has been lying at an anchorage in Hobson Bay. is to bo put into commission at;ain. The vessel will leave her anchorage tins morning and will berth at Queen's Wharf. NIAGARA'S NEXT TRIP. The Royal Mail liner Niagara, which s expected at Sydney from Auckland to-day. v.ll leavo again for Auckland next Friday. The vessel is duo here 011 Monday, October 22, and will sail at eight o'clock the next overling for Suva. Honolulu. Victoria and Vancouver. NORDHVAL FROM PACIFIC COAST. Tho steamer Nordhval, under charter to tho Union Company, will load at Vancouver on November 5, completing at San Francisco, for Auckland, Melbourne and Sydney. The vessel is expected to leave San Francisco about November 13, and should arrive at Auckland early in December. . KATOA WITH TIMBER. Wtih a cargo of timber from Port Craig and other general cargo from southern ports the Union Company's ateamor Katoa, which left Bluff on Tuesday evening, sailed from Dunedin late on Wednesday night for Auckland, via Wellington, Picton and Napier. GOLDEN BEAR EN ROUTE. The American steamer Golden Bear, which left Los Angeles on October 1 with cargo from Pacific Coast, Canadian and American ports, is due at Auckland on October 20. Henderson and Macfarlane, Limited, are the local agents. The vessel also has cargo for discharge at Wellington. Nelson rind Lyttelton. MA RAM A SAILS AT 3 P.M. Tho Union Company's inter-colonial passenger steamei Marama, at present berthed at Central Wharf, is: to. leave for Sydney this afternoon In addition to passengers, tho vexsel will carry mails and a quantity oi general cargo. WAIRUNA DELAYED BY RAIN. Heavy rain hindered cargo operations on ♦he Lnion Company's transpacific cargo steamer Wairuna at New Plymouth yesterday, and tho vessel will not leavo for Auckland until to-morrow. She is expected to arrive here on Monday, and after loading will sail for Apir,. Fanning Island and Vancouver. WAIPAHI LEAVING SUVA. The Union Company's special fruit steamer Waipahi. which arrived at Suva from Auckland on Wednesday morning, is expected to leavo this morning 011 her return trip to Auckland with a cargo of Island produce The vessel is due here early next week and is announced to sail again for Suva on October 18. RUAHINE AT WELLINGTON. The New Zealand Shipping Company's, steamer Ruahine arrived at Wellington ftom London and Southampton late last n'".'ht. The vessel has cargo for discharge at Well inglon and Lyttelton. After loading in <h» South tho vessel will leavo Auckland for London on November 10. WESTMORELAND THIS MORNING. Tiie Federal Line's steamer Westmoreland, which left Wellington for Auckland 011 Wednesday morning, is due early this rnor-riig, and will berth at King's. Wharf to complete loading for London The vessel is to to despatched at daybreak next Wednesday. The New Zealand Shipping Company are th» local agents. THE RIMUTAKA DELAYED. Heavy weather in the Pacific yesterday delayed the New' Zealand Shipping Companv's steamer Rimutaka, which was due at Auckland from London and Southampton early last evening. The vessel anchored in tho stream early this morning, and will berth at Queen's Wharf this morning to commence discharge. She will also unload at Port Chalmers and Nelson. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are expected to bo within range of the undermentioned wireless stations to-day: Auckland.—Veronica, Rimutaka. Kinwood. Niagara. Kaiwarra Canadian Winner, Port Darwin. Omana. Antonio. Lionel. Danybryn, Westmoreland. Chatham Islands.—Canadian Explorer. Wellington.—Maori. Wahine. Ngiuo. Arahura. Tama hi Ravenscar, Ruahine. Devon Tutiinckai, Canadian Conoueror. Port Dunedin. Kairanga Baron Inchcape. Awarua.-- Maunganui, lonic Sussex. Port Hunter. Golden State, Tnrakina, Karetu. C. A. Larsen, Sir J. C. Ross, N. T. Nilson Alonso. PORT OF ONEHUNGA. Yesterday's Arrivals. Arapawa (5.50 a.m.), from Wanganui; Kaitoa (10.10 a.m.). from Nelson. Yesterday's Departures. R'arawa (4.30 p.m.), for New Plymouth. BY TELEGRAPH. WELLINGTON.—October 11: Arrived— Maori (7 a.m.) from Lyttelton:" Canadian Conqueror (10.5 a.m.), from Montreal. Sailed—Corinna (6.20 p.m.). for Dunedin; Maori '7.50 p.m.). for Lyttelton. LYTTELTON.—October 11: Arrived—Orepuki (4.40 a.m.), from Taraknho.: Storm (0.45 a.m.), from Timaru; Wahine (7.5 a.m.). from Wellington: Winjrntui (8.30 a.m.) from Timaru: Progress (9.20 a.m.). from Timaru; Knhika (9.35 a.m.), from Timnrn. Sailed—Progress (4.20 p.m.). for WelHncton: S'onn (5.50 p.m.), for Wellington: Wahine ( p.m.). for Wellington. DUNEDTN.—October 11* Arrived— lTurnkina (2.45 p.m.). from Lyttelton. Sailed—lonic (4.15 r>.m ). for Lyttelton- Oreti (5.30 p.m.). for Invercargill LOS ANGELES.—October 10; ArrivcdSpinanger. from Auckland. LONDON.—October 10: Sailed—Port Denison. for New Zealand.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXV, Issue 20075, 12 October 1928, Page 11

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXV, Issue 20075, 12 October 1928, Page 11

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXV, Issue 20075, 12 October 1928, Page 11