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It was unfortunate that the brilliant

sunshine and blue shies that had gladdened people's hearts during the past week should have como to such an untimely end as they did on Saturday, but in spite of tho drawbacks of a howling gale of wind and rain the ball, which was given in tho Town Hall on Saturday night by tho president and officers of the Auckland Aero Club for the visiting aviators, was very largely attended. It was a very cordial welcome that awaited Squadron-Leader Kingsford Smith, FlightLieutonant C. T. P. Ulin, Mr. 11. A. Litchfield and Mr. T. It. McWilliam, who were first received in the Mayoress' room at the Town Hall by members of tho committee before they made their appearance in tho main hall. With tho committoo was also present Mrs. Murdoch, sister of Mr. McWilliam, who was presented on her arrival with a very beautiful bouquet. Much hand-clapping greeted tho guests of honour when they made their way downstairs and into tho big hall and in the latter place a brief speech of welcome was made to which Squadron-Leader Kingsford Smith informally replied. Full of animation and colour, tho hall presented a very attractive scene and the cordial atmosphere of welcome added a very pleasant note of warmth and informality to tho occasion.

Tho decorations had been simply but effectively carried out principally with lycopodium, ferns and palms, for which the ivory coloured walls of the hall made an excellent foil. Hanging baskets of fern and lycopodium, as well as mirrors against the walls, and foliage, had been made the most of and tho stago had been turned into a bower of greenness with nikau palms, pungas and bamboo. In contrast to the greenness were the bowls of Iceland poppies, anemones and other flowers which were massed in tho foreground, and coloured electric lighting added a, soft glow to tho decorative scheme. Among the trails of lycopodium which festooned the galleries on the outside were innumerable tiny lights and the space underneath the main gallery had been turned into a sitting-out place, decorated and furnished for tho occasion.

In the supper room the Wight colours of tho flags that draped the walls and the vivid hues of tho anemones with which tho tables were arranged made a very attractive decorative scheme, while over the tablo at which sat the guests of honour was suspended a miniature model of an aeroplane. During ihc supper interval Air. Alerritt, who took the place of the president during tho hitter's unavoidable absence, thanked the ladies of the Victoria League and the Navy League for their invaluable co-operation in organising the ball. Tho time had been so short and had it not been for their help the Aero - Club would have been very much at a loss. Mrs. Mowbray, who was chairman of the combined three committees—the Aero Club, tho Victoria League and tho Navy League—wore a frock of black brocade with silver and crystal beading; Lady Sinclair-Lockhart was in Naples blue channeuse with silver larao and diamante embroideries; Miss J. K Murray, sapphire blue embossed georgette; Mrs. A. D. Campbell, dawn pink channeuse with silver and crystal beading; Mrs. J. S. Brigham, gold lame with blue embroidered shawl; Mrs. Stanley Chambers, black with Oriental trimming; Mrs. R. Coleman, black satin and lace with silver trimming; Jlrs. Euan Dickson, black lace; i Mrs, G. A. Gribbin, black ring velvet j and gold lame; Mrs. I£. Hay, green | taffeta and rainbow lace skirt; Mrs. C. j Heather, black georgette with fuchsia i trimming; Mrs. Ifwcrson, black cliarj mouse with diamante trimming; Mrs. A. ! H, Iveesing, gold lace; Mrs. J. B, Maci i'arlane, black channeuse with gold embroideries; Airs, I''.' Moorchouso, pink beaded georgette with diamante trimming; Mrs, J. E. Russell, blush pink satin; Mrs. J. Seabrook, black with diamante trimming; Mrs. M. 13. Somcrs, blue georgette with crystal and silver embroideries; Mrs. W. Swan, gold taffeta and lace over apricot satin and jade green shawl; Miss V. Walsh, black lace and blue embroidered shawl; Mrs. E. Williams, black and white georgette beaded in silver and trimmed with fringe; Mrs. E. G. Woolcott, black beaded georgette with diamante trimming; Mrs. E. Yates, rose pink tulle and corsage of gold lace: Miss Gribbin, pink satin and lace. Mrs. Murdoch wore a frock of cyclamen georgette, with metalled embroideries; Mrs. F. Isitt, cream charmeuse, with heavy silver beading; -Mrs. J. E. Duigan, black georgette and lace; Mrs. Dawson, lime green crepe de chine and gold trimming; Mrs. B. G. Alilligan, carnation red georgette, with silver and crystal trimming; Mrs. Napier, black satin and georgette, embroidered in silver. Mis. D'Arey Folkard wore cream georgette. and silver lace, with bands of flamo georgette; Mrs. J. 'P. E. Mitchell, black georgette and satin; Mrs. Lees, black georgette and silver; ]\lrs. E. J. F. Kennedy, cerise georgette and lloral pussy-willow shawl; Mrs. Wills McLaughlin, deep blue and silver brocade; Mrs. Bryco Hart, blue taffeta; Mrs. J. M. Blair, black georgette; "Mis. llaridsou Abel, black lace; Mrs. M. Bull, ivory crepe do chine, with perpendicular lines of silver and crystal embroidery; Mrs. Trevor Walls-While, amethyst georgette; Mrs. Goidwatcr, lloral tissue; Airs. Billings, black georgette and lace; Airs. S. B. Stride, gold lace over Nile green crepe do chine; Airs. 11. Isaacs, moonlight blue georgette, with opalescent embroideries; Airs. Whit-comb, gold lame and lace; Airs. T. Bhilcox, black taffeta; Airs. 11. 1\ Congdon, cerise crepe de thine; Mrs. Kenny, black crepe de chine and silver embroidery; Mrs. I'rascr Castle, blue and silver; Airs. Patrick, ivory taffeta, with laco hem and shaded rose, on the shoulders;" Airs. Sheet, gold lace; Airs. Heath-Preest, lavender and silver lace; Mrs. Algie, blue crepe de chine, beaded in silver; Mrs. Wilmot, black and gold frock; Mrs. Corbin, apricot, with silver beading; Airs. Worley, green crepe de chine; Mrs. AliUiken, white secpiinned georgette; Airs. N. Kenny, black tafleta and velvet, with blue rose on tho shoulder; Mrs. Cowper, blue and silver frock ; Mrs. Berry, pink taffeta, with silver trimming; Airs. O'Connor, black georgette; Mrs. Norman Jervis, pink crepe de chine, with silver trimming; Mrs. Alexander AlncKenzie, black georgette and silver; All's. Kenneth AlacConnaek, ivory georgette, beaded in silver; Airs. T,' Brett, shell pink georgette, beaded in silver; Airs. Herman Geddes, leaf green georgette, beaded in green and silver; Airs. F. Lintott, electric blue taffeta; Airs. A. Henderson, black georgette, beaded in silver-, Airs. F. W. Sinimonds, black taffeta, with silver embroidered skirt; Airs. C. Sawyers, white tulle, heavily beaded in silver. Airs. IF. A. Steadman, wore powder blue georgette and silver lace; Airs. B. Beardon, bois do rose georgette, embroidered with sequins; Mrs. Sinclair White, cameo pink satin and cream lace; Ahs. J. H. Hubber, leaf green chiffon and gold lace; Airs. Ivan Eccles, black chiff.on velvet, with gold cmbioiderv: Airs. Lionel Shaw, powder blue satin and silver lace; Airs. Best all, apricot georgette, embroidered with crystal beads; Airs. Gordon Rutherford, silver lame corsage ami bouffant, skirt of pale green organdie; Airs. 'J'. Alarkwick, mignonette green georgette; Airs. C. P. Ford, cyclamen crepe de chine, with hem of cream lace; Mrs. F. Alpe, Venetian blue georgette and Paisley shawl; Airs. Stone, flame crepe do chine and blue shawl; Airs. A. 11 Aloore, pompadour pink georgette, embroidered with diamante; Airs. P. Frariehi,' jado greeu beaded georgette; Airs.

A. E. Saunders, powder blue chiffon, studded with brilliants; Mrs. J. Wilkie, lime green chiffon trimmed with silver sequin's; Mrs. J. Do Mar, cyclamen georgette and Iloniton lace; Mrs. Dudley Gordon, rose lace and georgette; Mrs. Felix Levien, gold sequinned net and red shawl; Mrs. E. Stevenson, white sequinned satin and guipure lace; Mrs. Bowron, blue lame; Sirs. C. W. Vennell, lettuce green taffeta; Mrs. A. Milliken, black georgette and lace and blue shawl; Mrs. R. Carew, gouni red georgette; Mrs. N. D. Carter, white georgette, with bouffant tulle skirt; Mrs. D. Plumley, black beaded georgette; Mrs. Duncan Ross, scarlet crepe do chine and black shawl; Mrs. _S. Tong, green tulle worn over green satin; Mrs. Charles Davics, geranium red ling velvet, embroidered with diamante; Mrs. N. Chapman, powder blue taifeta. Mrs. Geoffrey Clifton wore black lace over peach georgette; Mrs. Lionel Michaels, rose satin; Mrs. J. T. Tanner, cream georgette, with silver rose at tho waist;; "Mrs. Duff, leaf green georgette; Mrs. P. Olson, black georgette, emroidered with gold sequins; Mrs. Ilawea Recs, white georgette, with ankle-length frilled skirt; Mrs. Thuell, black sequinned georgette; Mrs. Osborno Owen, apricot beaded georgette; Mrs. B. W. Beaumont, larkspur blue georgette; Mrs. J. 11. Goydcr, ivory georgette over pink, inset with silver lace; Mrs. McCartie, pervenche blue georgette over shell pink; Mrs. Vickonnan, rose beaded georgette: Mrs. A. J. Bampton, jade green beaded georgette; Mrs. McKinlay, rose shot taffeta; Mrs. P. W. Spraggon, dawn pink crepc do chine, inset with lace. Miss Rich wore black satin, with white ostrich feather stole; Miss Kennedy, white beaded georgette; Miss Hooten, amethyst ring velvet; Miss Alfroy, a debutante ivory embossed georgette over apricot crepe do chine; Miss Harlo Giles, green velvet' and taffetas; Miss Mitchell, flame ring velvet, with vandyked hem of black on the skirt; Miss Toup, blue and silver frock: Miss Walls, black satin and georgette; Miss M. Blair, almond green and gold trimming; Miss Dalston, floral taffetas: Miss Marjorie Vaile, lime green crepe do chine; Miss Dina Isaacs, blue taffetas and silver, with pink relief, Miss Eileen Dixon, black lace; Miss SlacDonald, black crepo de chine and lace; Miss Purdon, pink crepc do chine; Miss Dewing, green georgette, with diamante tr<*nming; Miss Mitchelson, black taffetas, with a blue rose on tho shoulder; Miss D. Cheney, green georgette, with shaded pink shoulder rose; Miss W. peach pink taffetas, with tulle frilled skirt; Miss V. Jackson, blue taffetas, with frilled skirt ; Miss E. Jennings, bronze velvet and georgette; Miss D. Plummer, floral taffetas; Miss I. Jennings, blue taffetas; Miss Recs, black lace; Miss Bowell, apricot georgette; Miss McNeill, cyclamen crepe do chine; Brigham, delphinium blue taffetas, with tulle skirt; Miss Heather, lacquer red ring velvet; Miss M. Hunt, pale blue taffetas. Miss Una Dawson wore wedgwood blue georgette; .Miss Evelyn Stubbs, burgundy red georgette, beaded in silver and mauve shawl; Miss Jessie Lamb, sedge green panne velvet and cream lace shawl; -Miss Kathleen Maloy, maize-coloured chiffon, appliqucd with roses; Miss I). O'Neill, coral pink georgette, beaded over panels of silk fringe; Miss Katheleen Pilkington, Naples blue georgette, with tiered skirt; Miss Nancy Biss, cyclamen chenille, embossed georgette; Miss Isabel Wilson, ivory sequinned georgette, over pale pink; Miss Nancy Lennox, cream georgette and diamante; Miss O. Read, Lois de rose georgette, embroidered with silver beads; Miss D. Hunt, sedge green georgette; Miss I'. Dix, flame and mauve taffeta; Miss Molly Overton, ivory panne velvet; Miss Cramond, black satin, with red shoulder flower; Miss O'Meara, black chiffon: Miss Gwen Buisson, flame taffeta; Miss Edna Ballanlyne, cameo pink georgette, with tulle frilled skirt; Miss P. Miller, maize chiffon velvet; Miss Hildred Graham, apricot georgette, with pointed draperies; Miss Edna Craig, honey-coloured panne velvet, with draped skirt of georgette; Miss Walls, black | satin and chiffon; Miss E. Caldow, apri- J cot georgette, with girdle of blue velvet; Miss Tlico Halpin, white georgette, with crystal fringes; Miss Zona Bishop, white satin, with large bow of flame tulle; Miss I). Bainbridge, shell pink georgette, with tulle hem; Miss Bathgate, petunia geor gette, trimmed with silver ribbon; Miss M. Bartley, flame georgette and silver lace: Miss B. Dagger, ivory chiffon, embroidered with silver.

Miss 'Prix Ellet, wore pastel pink georgette, with hern of cream lace; Miss B. Little, silver corsage and skirt of floral crepo de chine; Miss Ruth Browne, peach and gold shot taffeta; Miss Una, CalInghan, lettuce green taffeta; Miss Wotherspoon, ciel bine taffeta; jNliss Brailey, blue lame and skirt of blue runori; 2SI iss M. Mitchell, black ring velvet; Miss R. Owen, acquamarino bluo sequumed georgette; Miss Garry, black taffeta; Miss J. Goodfellow, viola mauve chiffon, with hem of cream lace; Miss Foster, foxglovi pink ring velvet and georgette; Miss Rose Kennedy, ivory georgette with crystal beading; Miss Shrewsbury, leaf green georgette trimmed with silver beads; Miss Bullians. claret red taffeta and cream shawl; Miss G. McConnell, turquoise blue crepo do chine; Miss Paulino MeC'onnell, ivory georgette; Miss Pcrkin, iris mauve taffeta with lace side-panels; Miss Vera Cullen, midnight bluo panne velvet; Miss Irene Jenkin, while georgette beaded in silver; Miss \V. Eaves, cinder rose georgette; Miss Enid Edwards, period frock of lacquer red taffeia and black lace; Miss I. Bruce, gold lame frock with satin skill; Miss IX Beehan, steel bluo shot taffeta; Miss E. Sheridan, blade georgette; Miss Campion, Nile green georgette embroidered with silver bends; Miss Doreen Symons. rose chiffon velvet; Miss Joan Stirling, ivory taffeta; Miss White, white crepe de chine; Miss Mahon, black taffeta with green shoulder liower; Miss If. Nieper, black georgette embroidered with gold; Miss .Henderson Marr, black ring velvet and gold shawl. Miss Phyllis Andrews wore honeycoloured sprigged taffeta; Miss Gwen Richards, wtiito georgette beaded in silver; Miss Muriel Harrison, sailor blue crepo do chino beaded in silver; Miss Edna Champion, silver lame and shell pink georgette; Miss F. Vinson, midnight blue chiffon velvet and georgette; Miss Copeland, petunia taffeta; INI iss Adeline Walker, fuchsia georgette with' tullo skirt; Miss G. Trevethiek, gold lame and taffeta; Miss N. Freeman, Oriental lame and pink georgette; Miss 15. Bryant, ccru laco with hem of bluo taffeta; Miss Keen, black georgette with uneven hem; Miss Una Snowball, opalescent sequinned frock; Miss I. Taylor, brick red taiteta,; Miss N. Wingiiie, lemon chiffon with tiered skirt; Miss J. Wingate, pussywillow green chiffon; Miss Ashton, gold lace frock with black and red shawl; Miss Boardman, bottle green ninon over silver lame; Miss M. MeGarry, gold brocaded georgette with Oriental beading; Miss Rita Henley, cameo pink georgette; Miss Bella Thompson, topaz pink satin; Miss I. Casey, black satin and laco; Miss Grant, black georgette, trimmed with gold; Miss Bennie, apricot georgette embroidered with silver beads; Miss Audrey Harvey, ciel bluo satin and silver lace; Miss G. Melville, sand-dust chiffon and cream lace; Miss M. Francis, white satin trimmed with silver; Miss Burnett, blue and silver brocade. The. ball committee included: —Miss Mowbrav, chairman; Lady Sinclairl.ockhari, Lady Nolan, Mesdamcs J. Alexander, W. R. Bloomfield, W. A. Boucher, J. S. Brigham, A. P. Campbell, Stanley Chambers, R. Coleman, E. Dickson, A. Gribbin, E. Hay, C. Heather, It wet son. A. H. Keesing, o. laid brook, J. B. Mnefarlane, 1). Mill, K Moorhouse, 11. Mowbray, .1. E. Russell, .7. Scabrook, A. 11. Sinel, M. B. Somers, L. \Y. Swan, T. R. Vernon, E. O. Wool colt, E. Yates, Miss J. E. Murrav, Miss V. Walsh, Miss Gribbin, Miss Wallace, Captain W. R. Bloomfield, Captain J. Seabrook, Messrs. W. A. Boucher, 13. Mill and L. ,W. Swan..

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXV, Issue 20059, 24 September 1928, Page 5

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AERO CLUB BALL. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXV, Issue 20059, 24 September 1928, Page 5

AERO CLUB BALL. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXV, Issue 20059, 24 September 1928, Page 5