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PORT OF AUCKLAND. YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS. Oman* <l2-25 am.), from Silverdale; Kft- «.,« <1 50 a.m.). from Big Omaha: 'laniwha 7*05 am ). from Coast; Mahuransfi (0.55 .m ) ii-orn Coast; Apanui (2.20 p.m.) from tlrMira- Hauiti (2.25 p.m.). from kopu; Ska ts" o from Waiheke Canadian Highlander (8.35 p.m.). from YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES. TVaiuku (9.30 a.m.), for Waiheke; Waipu US p.m.). for Kerepeehi; Claymore (7.10 ttto.j. for Whangarei. Wpipahi (7.15 p.m.). for Newcastle. Caijwian Challenger (9.35 p.m.), for Ivew York. vessels due to-day. Hinemoa, from Norfolk Island. 9 a.m. C'anopusi. from Westport, 7 a.m. Clansman, from Russell and bays, 7.30 Matangi, from 7 a.m. -• Oniana. from Warkwortu, 1 p.m. JlakO' from East evening. Middlesex, from Napier. . Oiamona, Southern ports. . VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. Oroana (Lamb), for Kuipara. Herniinius, for Napier. 10 r>.m. Hauiti. for Coromandel. 3.30 p.m. Matangi, for, 7 p.m. Rangitoto. for Ths-mes. 4 p.m. Waiuku, for Waiheke, 0.30 p.m. Hawaii, for Kawau aiid bays, 6 p.m. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. £if'. TNTEKCOLONIAI, AND COASTAL. Kamona, Southern ports, March 9. Hinemoa. No,-folk Island, March 9. Waipiuta. Sot them ports, March 10. Bona, Fiji, March 11. Niagara. Syduey, March 12. ' Maunganui, Sydney, March 13. Kaponga, Lyitelton, March 13. Xaimanuwa, Westport, to sail. Tofua, Suva, March 19. XHimaroa, Sydney, March 20. Marama, Sydney. March 27. Waipahi, Suva, April 4. H.M.S. Veronica, South, April 27. H.M.S. Laburnum. South, April 27. ' ' - OVERSEAS. Middlesex, South, March 9, to load. Port Bowcn, South, Marcii 11, to load. Yoseric. Bunbury. March 11. lkala, St. John. March 11. Slatatua. South, March 12, to load. Waitemata, San b'rancisco, via Apia, March 12. Piako. New York, March 15. Somorset, Liverpool. March 15. Cambridge, South. March 19, to load. Port Adelaide, London, via Wellington, March 21. Remuera, London, March 24. Aorangi, Vancouver. March 25. Pakeha, Australia, March '26, to load. Kin Ora, Liverpool, March 27. King Egbert, Antwerp. March 30. Port Albany, New York, March 31. West Conob, San Pedro, April 2. Port Napier, South, April 2, to load. Zealandic, London, April 5. Tongariro, Liverpool, April 9. lonic. London. April 9. Hurunui. London, April 21. Turakina, Liverpool, April 24. Kororata, Liverpool, May 3. Taranaki, Liverpool, May 4. _.... Eimuto.ka, London, via Wellington, May 25. EARLY SAILINGS FROM AUCKLAND. . INTERCOLONIAL AND OVERSEAS. Hinemoa, Niue Island, March 9. Middlesex, America and England, March 13. Niagara, Vancouver, March 13. Port Bowen, England, March 14. Matatna, London, March IG. Maunganui, Sydney. March IG. Ulimaroa, Sydney, March 23. Cambridge, England, March 24. Aorangi, Sydney, March 26. Marama, Sydney, March 30. Port Napisr. America and England, April 6 Southern Cross, Solomon Islands, May 1. BRITISH PASSENGER STEAMERS. Corinthic. left Southampton February 2, due Wellington on Sunday. " Remuera, left Southampton February 17, due Auckland March 24. lonic, left Southampton March 2, due Auckland April 9. Tamaroa, leaves Southampton March 30, due Auckland May 12. , Rimufaka v leaves Southampton April 13, due Wellington May 25. Tainui, leaves Southampton April 27, due ' ••••• Auckland 1 June 4. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMERS. . Makura," duo at Wellington from San Francisco on Monday. - -Tahiti, due at San Francisco from Well- ■> ington on March 16. Niagara, duo at Auckland from Sydney on Mondpy, Bails for Vancouver on Tuesday/ Aorangi. due at Auckland from Vancouver March 25/ VESSELS IN PORT. In Stream— (bq.), Wainui, Kawatiri, H.M.C.S. Iris. Kaiwarra. Devonport—H.M.S. Philomel. North Wall—Kaitoke. Whangape, Waipori (U.S.S, Coy.). Prince's Wharf—Mataroa ■' A. S. Paterson), West Nivaria (Henderson and Macfarlane), Canadian Highlander (Canadian Government), Southern

Cross (Mission steamer). Kine's Wharf—Herminius (L. D. Nathan). Elsie Mary (A. G. Frankham). Central Wharf—Devon (U.S.S. Coy.), Omana. Lamb (N.S.S. Coy.). Queen's Wharf—Kurow (U.S.S. Coy.), Rotorua (N.Z.S. Coy.). Western Wharf—Kins Edwin (N.Z.S.

Coy.). Chelsea—Ouercus (R. Millar and Coy.) In Dock—Katoa.

Th» Ktirow will at noon to-morrow tor Wellington. Lyttelton. Dunedin and Bluff.

The Hauiti will sail for Coromandei at 8.30 this afternoon, leaving on the return at 7.45 to-morrow "morning.

The Kaponga arrived at Lyttelton yesterday morning and is to leava for Auckland direct to-morrow afternoon. The Apanui will for Mercury Bay, W-hangamata and Tairua at eleven o'clock to-morrow evening. Cargo will be received on Saturday morning. Tie Waipiata arrived at Wellington yesiterday and was to sail for Auckland late Jast night. She is due on Sunday has been allotted a berth at Prince's Wharf.

The Kamona should arrive from Southern Ports 'o-day: She will berth at King's Wharf. After discharge she will proceed to Greymtiuth to load for Auckland direct. The Katoa was docked at one o'clock yesterday afternoon for overhaul and to have a ..F ew propeller fitted. After imdocking she ■fell! proceed to Gisborne to load sheep for Auckland.

- Captain W. Lloyd is in command of the Corinthic which is due at Wellington from England next week. He visited New Zealand latt year in command of the Delphi. The Gun bar has been delayed on the East Coast by stormy weather. She left Gisborne early yesterday morning, and is cue at the end of the week. She will sail for Gisborne and Napier at three o'clock on Monday afternoon. Captain It. L. Davies has been appointed jo the command of the Wingatui, relieving .Captain A. B. Sizer, who has been transferred to the Kaitangata. Captain J. L. Briaco has taken command of the Kr.ituna, replacing Captain A. H. Howie, who is awaiting orders.

Messrs. "Watkin and Wall in advise that the steamer Mako has been delavcd on the cast const bv stormy wes-ihev. Sho is not fjpected at Auckland until to-morrow ramat the earliest, and she will probably siil for Gisborne and Napier the same evening.

= HJNEMOA DUE TO-DAY. -Government cteani"r Finemoa is due *t AncHand from Norfolk Island ft nine 0 clock this moraine with mails •jM cariro. She will sail for Niue Island thia evening. OMANA TO LOAD. The Northern Company advises that the ; Mimb steamer Ornana. which arrived from JaurariKa on Wednesdsv evenintr, will sail *flr Ivainara to-day. She has loaded timber at Auckland and will fill up at Kaipara lor Sydney and Melbourne. MATATUA TO LOAD. ' - 'The Shaw. Savill and Albion steamer flatotua is to leave Wellington for Auckland w-niotrow end will fill up here for London v |j* Panama. She is expected to leave finely next Friday. THE WEST NIVARIA. .tysssrs. Henderson and Macfarlane ad'tlict the Swayne and Hoyt Line steamer Nivaria will now sail on Monday for and Lyttelton" to complete dis5.V ar 3? of cargo from Pacific Cons* porta. &he is at Prince's Wharf. _____ BULK OIL CARGOES. 1 - r> 'The tanker Oliva. which left San Pedro on t-ebruary 19, will arrive at Auckland about fWcn 17 to discharge a cargo of motor motor-shin Pnua wjll arrive from -cat° n on Mnrcn z 2O to discharge a 1 Th? Ring D EdwFu d ivj'll' leave for Napier "•morrow afternoon to- continue discharge « case oil from Texas.

HUNTINGDON SAILED. A departure from Wellington yesterday was the steamer Huntingdon. - She left at 7 a.m. for Southampton ancf London. THE CAMBRIDGE. It is hoped to despatch the steame*- Cambridge from Wellington on Monday for final loading for Home at Napier and Auckland. She is due at Aucklaiid next Friday. CANADIAN CHALLENGER. The Canadian Government stoamer Canadian Challenger sailed last might for New York, Boston and Halifax. She took general cargo from New Zealand ports. THE WAITEMATA. The Union Company's transpacific cargo steamer Waitemata is expected on Monday morning from Pacific Coast ports, via Apia; After discharge here she will proceed to Wellington, Melboumie and Sydney to complete unloading WAIPAHI SAILED. The Union Conpanv's fruit steamer Waipahi left for Newcastle and Sydney yesterday af'.urnoon. The vessel will load at Sydney on March 20 for Fiji, leaving Suva for Auck>and o.i Maich 30. She is due on April 4. ARAWA DELAYED. L. D. Nathan and Company, Limited, advise that the Shaw, Savill and Albion steamer Arawa was to leave Wellington for Southampton and London at ten o'clock last evening with passengers, mails and cargo. ' THE KOTORUA. The New Zealsiaid Shipping Company advises that the Rotorua, will, now sail for Napier on Tuesday evening,' to commence Homeward loading. She will fill up at Lyttelton and Wellington, leavimg the lastmentioned port finally on March 31. THE HERMINIUS. The steamer Herminius will leave for Opua at 10 o'clock this evenimg for further loading for London and West Coast of England ports. She will continue at Gisborne. New Plymouth aaid probably Dunedin.' THE CORINTHIC. L. D. Nathan and Company, Limited, advise that a wireless message has been received from the Shaw, Snvill amd Albion steamer Corinthic stating she will arrive at Wellington from London and Southampton at six o'clock next Tuesday morniaig. She is due at Auckland about a week later to discharge the local portion of her cargo. CANADIAN HIGHLANDER. An arrival from Halifax last evening was the Canadian Government steamer Canadian High.landet. After pratique ha 3 been granted she will berth this morning at Prince's Wharf to unload the local portion of her cargo. Discharge will be completed at Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru and Dunedin. CANOPUS DELAYED BY WEATHER. Stormy weather on the coast has delayed the Westport Coal Compnmy's steamer Canopu3 en route from Westport to Auckland. A wireless message received from the vessel yesterday stated s>i 1 expects to arrive at seven o'clock this morning. Sao will berth at Prince's Wharf. " NIAGARA DUE MONDAY. An expec-ted arrival on Monday, morning is the Union Company's Royal Mail steamer Niagara, which left Sydney yesterday afternoon, with passengers, mails atnd cargo. She is announced to leave Auckland lor Vancouver via Suva and Honolulu at three o'clock on Tuesday afternoon. THE MAUI POMARE. A cable message from Liverpool reports the departure for Wellington of the new motor-ship Mfiui Pomare, built by Dublin Dockyard Company for the Now Zealand Government. The vessel was launched last September, and will be employed in trading between the Dominion and the South Sea Islands. She is of 950 tons, and has accommodation for passengers. RANGITOTO DELAYED. A steel hawser was fouled by the Northern Company's Rangitoto as she left Thames Wharf yesterday morning. The hawser bscame entangled around the propeller, ar.a it proved necessary to await low tide before the wire could be removed. Ihe vessel subsequently left for Auckland at o'clock last evening, and arrived at 10.45, nearly 11 hoars late. AORANGI CLEARS VANCOUVER. Advice was received by the local office of the Union Company yesterday that the Royal Mail liner Aorangi left Vancouver for Auckland, vift Honolulu and fcytrca, at noon on Wednesday. She is due at Auckland on March 25. ~ . . • A cable message states the Aorangi is bringing 350 passongci-3, and 600 tons of cargo, including canned fish, flour, lumber, 80 motor-cars and B£o crates of eggs. In addition, she is carrying mails WITHIN WIUELESS RANGE. The following vessels are expected to _ be within range of the undermentioned wireless to-day:— , Auckland. —Tofua, Hmeraoa, \\akakura. City of Hankow, Waiolapu. Waitemata, Rona. Karetu, Canadian Challenger. iaeara. Waipahi. Yoseric. Canadian HigbaChatham lsl»mds.- Hertford. Corinthic, Port Adelaide. Ikala. , Wellington.—Mi'on, Wghine. N saio. Arahura. Tamnhine. Plume. Sprmgbank. 1 oolta, Knianoi Mataroa. Cornwall, Argyllshne, Port Bowcn, Middlesex. Westmoreland, Aorpngi, Maha<na. Huntingdon, Arawa. Awarua. —Makura, Tahiti, Sir J. G Ross, C A Larsen, N. T. Nielsen Alonso, lutanekai. Manuka. Kamo, Kaikorai.

PORT OF ONEHUNGA. Yesterday's Departure.—Ngapubi '4.30 p.m.), for New Plymouth. The Hauturu is due at Onehunga from Raglan, Kawhia, and Waikato Heads at s.x o'clock thia morning. fche I 7 1" ® ai * lor Hokianga at three o'clock this afternoon The Northern Company advises the will leave at four o'clock noon for Raglan only. She is to lea e Onehunga again for Wanga.mi at, o'clock on Wednesday afternoon. The Arapawa will leave > for Waikato Heads and Kawhia at four o clock on luesday afternoon. ■ * '

BY TELEGRAPH. WELLINGTON .—March •8: ArnyecK Maori (7 a.m.). from Lyttelton : Matatua /o or> a rii ) from Nelson; \\ a*piata. (1.-1) dm > froni Lyttelton. Sailed-Huntingdon m), for Southampton; Holmda.e (125 nm ) for WanganiU; Port Bowen (hi p-m.). for New Plymouth: Maori (7.50 p.m.), for Lyttelton. LYTTELTON.—March 8: Arrived—Wahine (6 55 am ) from Wellington; lvaporga am).from Wellington: Ashburton (10 am.) from Wellington: Cygnet (5.i0 p.m.). from Kaikoura a.m.). for Dunedm; Wahine (8.-5 p.m.), for Wellington. DUNEDIN.—March 8: Arrived—Oreti (2 45 a.m.). from Port Craig: Manuka (12.50 p.m.). from Lyttelton: Storm '-■■■- p m.). from Pigeon Bay : Ka'konu (5.30 nm) from Bluff. Sailed-Connna (o £m.). for Or.maru; Breeze (6 P.m.), for Tim aru. SYDNEY.—March 8: Sailed—Niagara (5.15 p.m.), for Auckland. VANCOUVER —March 7: Sailed— Aorangi, for Auckland. , GALVESTON. Texas.—March 7: Sailed— Cowdeplaw". for New Zealand ports. LIVERPOOL.—March 7: Sailed—Maui Pomare, for Wellington.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXV, Issue 19891, 9 March 1928, Page 7

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXV, Issue 19891, 9 March 1928, Page 7

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXV, Issue 19891, 9 March 1928, Page 7