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"AT HOME" CEREMONIES. ✓ CREWS RACE FOR TRIAL FOURS. NORTH SHORE CLUB'S FUNCTION. The North Shore Rowing Club held the opening " At Home " of the season at the boathouse. King's Drive, on Saturday afteruoor;. The boathouse was prettily decorated and a large number of frieuds spent an enjoyable afternoon. In the unavoidable absence of the president, Mr. J. fcarrell. the visitors were welcomed by Mr. \V. D. McLean, a life member, who referred to the club's tine performance of last season. He extended a tribute to the ladies' committee for the untiring efforts that have resulted in the presentation to the club of two new outrigger fours. Among the visitors were the Mayor of Devonport. Mr. E. Aldridge, several members of the borough council, Commander Attwood, of H.M.S. Laburnum, .Lieut-Commander O'Callaghan and Lieut. J H. Venville. , , . A set of tnu. tours was rowed during the afternoon for the president's trophies, five crews competing. The racing waft close and the rowing of a good standard. Very rough water conditions prevailed over the course from the Victoria Wharf to the Cargo Wharf. The veterans' race caused great interest and attracted three crews. The race was keenly contested throughout, and the form displayed came as a big surprise. A naval cutter's race between the crews of the warships war a happy innovation. Four crews competed, the course being just over a mile, from the Sheerlcgs Wharf to the Cargo Wharf. Afternoon tea was dispensed by the ladies' committee under the direction of Mrs. W. Seager, while the Devonport Boys' Band; enlivened proceedings with a tine programme The officers for the day were:—Mr. W. Seager (judge), and Mr. b. Butland (starter). The firßt heat crews were:—D. Davies, 1. Harvey, S. Challinor, E. Vowels; E. Korn, J Stead, VV. H. iiutton. A.Jack; W. Uean, D. Wrigley, W. Everson. A. Moore. Going of! to a splendid start Horn's crew was first to show to advantage, with De«n and Davies close up oh level terms. At the half-way mark Korn improved his lead, and Davies drew ahead of Dean Opposite the Dovonport yatch clubhouse the crews had. again closed up. A spurt was then put in and a hne finish ended in Korn winning by a length from Davies, who beat Dean by hall a length. M The second heat crewc were:—fc. INorris, D. Townsend E. Oliver, F. Graham; S. Gardner, M. McCallum, P. Muskett, A. Bailey. Getting away together there was little between the crews until tho half-way mark. Noma then took tho lead, but Gardner challenged and drew level. About 100 yds. from th.~line Norm spurted and won by a length The crews of E. JKorn and F. Norris faced the starter for the final. Getting away to a beautiful start the crews raced on even term 3 until jus* past ihe half-way mark. Norris then started to forge ahead. In the last 50yds. Korn made a big effort, but Norris held on U win by just on a length. Three crews faced tho starter in the veterans' event, and a closely contested race resulted The crew; were:—E. Bailey, r Best, R. Moody. H. Curlett; B. Rutledge, P. Weston. P. R. Graham, E. Harvey; K. Harvey, W, Mcllraith. A. Bailey, G. Harvcy. The crows got off to a fine start and raced evenly for about '2ooyds. Bailey then took - slight lead, but at the three-quarter mark was displaced by Rutledge. Over the last 50yds. all crews spurted and in v most exciting finish Bailey won by a canvas from Rutledge, whe was a similar distance ahead of Harvey. . , The race for the warsaiu cutters attracted four crows and proved a very interesting event. The crews were:--Philomel J\o. 1: C. Murch (stroke). C E. Anger. W. J. Batten. A. H. Brenn W. H Hutton. R- B Brend (cox). Philomel No. 2: R. McCallum (stroke) H. irATreon A. .T iroore. C. H. Lynt. K. Hathaway. A. G. Hall (cox). Laburnum: T. Jennings (stroke), S. Worth, P. Hutton, P. Horton. .J. McHardy H Green (cox). Veronica: J. D. Roberts (stroke). C. T. Nixon. .1. G. Gi'os. A Ludman, F. W. Roberts. W J. Taylor (cox). Starter, Lieut-Commander OCallaghan. fudge. Lieut. J, H Venville There was little between the crews for the first 100 yds. and then Philome. No. 1 moved ahead, with Voronica and Laburnum level for .second place. At the Victoria Wharf Veronica ran into second place Philomel No. 1 mov farther ahead and went on to wjc bv about 30yds.. with Veronica second and Laburnum about another 15yds. away third Philomel No. 2 was a considerable distance awa> fourth.

WEST END CLUB. RACES FOR PEACOCK SHIELD. The first "At dome" pi the season o' tho West End Rowing Club was held at the boathouse. St. Mary's Bay. The big boathouse was nicely decorated and the scene considerably enlivened the bay. There was a 'good attendance of friends. Afternoon tea was dispensed by the ladies' committee under the supervision of Mrs. M. Fairs, and Mr A Clark's Jazz Orchestra supplied music. During the intervals dancing was indulged in. Mr. E. Buckler represented the Auckland Rowing Association and among the visitors were several very old members of the club Trial Fours were rowed for the PeacoeK Memorial Shield and trophies donated by Mr J. A. l'eacock. patron. Six crews competed and the new course offered a splendid test The racing was the best witnessed lor some time, the members showing good form. The officers were:—Judge. Captrtin H H. Sergeant: starter. Mr E. Buckler. Mr. R L Stewart placed his launch at the club's disposal for starting the races. Other events of interest were tho veterans race, covswains' race and a swimming race The first heat crews were:—S. Hartley. (>. Conway. M. Taylor. E. Such: R, Snowden, V Mc.Farlane. A. Hunter. R. Ford. Ihe crews went off to a good start and raced for some distance on even terms. Rounding the buoy Snowden held a lead, but on the run up the straight Hadlev spurted and won by one and a-half lengths. In the second heat a great race was witnessed, but. as ft 'crew went out stroked by Sowden against orders, the race was awarded to J. Skinner. The third heat crews •were:-J. Havlook. A M. Spencer. L. R. McDonald. W. H. Conway: W. G. Bloxham. G. A. Dowlmg, T,.-F. Strange, P. Soufflot. From the stait Bloxliam's crew jumped the lead and went on to win easily. , , , , The crews in the final were stroked by S Hadley. J. Skinner and W. G. Bloxnam. Vrom a splendid start the crews raced on fairly even terms until the half-way mark. Skinner then went ahead, ard entered the straight with Bloxham lyinc: second. The three crews then spurted and Bloxham took the lead. Tho last hundred yards was very exciting and a great race ended in Bloxham winning by half a length from Skinner, who be-t Hadley by nearly a length. Ten men faced the utarter over a course of one hundred yards in the swimming race and a fine contest ended in G. Conway winning by two yards from S. Maccy, who beat Hadley by the same distance.

Two crews of veterans met in the rare from tho. Red House to the boathouse. _ J. he crows were-B. Andrews. F. L. yut'"'. l ®! Xj - Katterna, E. Magee; L. Culpa n, S. Shilling. E. Mcßae, L. Maunusson. The crews got away to an even start and raced level to the wharf. Culpan. then established a load and. although Andrews challenged, ho went on to win by nearly a length. ' The coxswains', race" was pood, the boys showing a good idea of rowing. ST. GEORGE'S CLUB. ROWSELL CUP CONTEST. The members of the St. George's Ho whig. Club opened the season with a set of trial fours for the Rowsell Cup. The course was from Paul's Point., Orakei, 'to the Purnelj Baths. Splendid water conditions prevailed under the shelter of the railway embankment. Seven crews competed, and the rowing was very satisfactory for the opening day. , The first heat crews were:—C. Kellewey, F. Solomon. E. Col beck, J. Young; W. Woolhouse, T. Lambert, R. Gooding, L. Davies. The crews went away to a good start and raced on even terms for threeparts of the distance. Woolhouse then took the lead. and. dspite a, challenge from Kelleway, he held the advantage and won by neai*!y a length.

The second heat crews were:—C. D'Authreau, J. Coote, S. Hiskip, T. Olsen; P. Hammond, H. Jackson, J. Gardner, V. Clark. There was practically nothing between the crews up to halfway, where D'Authreau took the lead. Hammond challenged at the "three-quarter mark, and forging ahead, went on to win by two lengths." The third heat crews were:—V. Hargrcaves, D. McGregor, J. McAlpine, F. Woodbury; M. Simons, J. Duncan, W. Carr, G. McDowell; D. Hume, L. Simons, H. Dong, C. White. From a good start Hargreaves quickly took a slight lead, with Simons second. Hume mot with an accident early and lost all chances. A fine race promised between the other two, but Hargreaves met seat trouble, and Simons won by two lengths. The crews of W Woolhouse, F. Hammond and M. Simons met in the final. From a fine start the crews jumped off together, but Woolhouse quickly gained the lead, with Simons next. These positions were maintained until near the lino, where all crews sprinted and Woolhouse got tho verdict by half a length from Simons, who beat Hammond by two lengths. WAITEMATA CLUB. TROPHIES ROWED FOR, The membors of tho Waitemata Boating Club hold a set of trial fours for #lub trophies. Five crews competed. The course was from the King's Wharf to a point off the new reclamation, and some splendid racing resulted. Tho first heat crews were:—C. G. Fearon, C. Read, L. Smith, T. Wilson; L. Brooker, T. Beasley, H. Kenrick, F. Simmonds; W. Lowe, D. Shoro. E. Bishop, H. Jones. From the start Fearn and Brooker raced on even terms along the reclamation. At the gap Fearon took the lead, but at the new wall all crews made an effort, and, in an exciting finish. Brooker got the verdict by a foot.

The second crewa were:—A. Mackay, H. Russell. J. Lawrence, J. Flatt; H. Cullen, C. Cairns, A. Dunn, J. Hunn. Tho crews raced on even terms along the old wall, but once across the gap Mackay jumped ahead to win by a length.The crews of Brooker and Mackay met in the final. The start-was a perfett one, and a neck-and-neck go resulted over tho course, the verdict going to Mackay's crew by inches only AUCKLAND CLUB. TRIAL FOURS RACES DECIDED. The Auckland Rowing Club held trial fours for the Schmidt trophies, and a good afternoon's sport resulted. Five crews competed. The course was from tho- King's Wharf to the eastern tide deflector. The first heat crews were:—G. deal, J. McCornish, H. Duck, It. Leabourn: G. Field, A. Andrews, G. Jonson, E. Hill; R. Stacey, T. Wrigley, A. Coutts. R. Martin. Stacey was quickest away, but at the quarter mark Cleal took command, with Stacey second. These positions were maintained until reaching the new wall, where all crews cracked on the pace, and Cleal went on to beat Stacey by three-quarters of a length, with Field two lengths away. The crews in the second heat, were:—A. Dotill, E. Mahon. ll.' Pearce. F. Morgan: A. Ross, M. Barrett, G. Thorburn, Fr Brand. Doull got the better of the seart, and. quickly establishing a lead, went on to win by two lengths. The crews of Cleal and Doull met in the final. From a good start the crews raced level to the quarter mark. Cleal then started to move ahead, and reached the gap with nearly a two lengths lead. In the lust stretch Doull challenged, but Cleal held on to win by a good length, TAURANGA CLUB'S OPENING. [BY TELEGRAPH. —OWN CORRESPONDENT. J TAURANGA, Saturday. The Tauranga Rowing Club's official opening was held this afternoon. The president, Mr. P. F. Carter, congratulated the club on the accession of new members and recent additions to plant. Ho also expressed the hope that the club would be represented at tho various provincial regattas. Refreshments were dispensed by the Ladies' Committee. Trial four races for trophies presented by the president were rowed, and provided interesting sport. Results were:—C. Randle (stroke), C. Haua, S. Collard and H. Salt defeated R. Howell (stroke). N. Campbell, A. Gosling and B L Evans by two lengths; J. Gilford, W. Turner. R. Mirrielees and S. Hammond defeated G. Lindell. G. Gibbs, A. G Gilhgnn and J. -Plummer by one length; C. Tonkin. T. J. Plummer, O. Broad and W. Clcmson defeated R. T. Goulding. J. Berridge. A. Gosling and W. Mansel by two lengths. In the semi-final Gifford'B crew defeated Tonkin's crew by a lengthy and a-half, and Randle's crew- defeated Neal's crew by two lengths. The final between Gifford and Randle was won by Gifford, by two lengths.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 19799, 21 November 1927, Page 13

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ROWING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 19799, 21 November 1927, Page 13

ROWING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 19799, 21 November 1927, Page 13