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PORT OF AUCKLAND, YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS,, e*i^o a; ' t6mata (s * 3 ° p " from San FranLyttelton, -with raft in tow (2.30 a m ) • Hikurangi (6.20 a.m.), from Whane*™ • Matansri (6.50 a.m ) from Tauranga;S (7.*0 a.m.), from Matakana; Clansman (9.35 a.m.), from Russell. Ranmtoto (6.30 a.m.), from Thames; Gael <9.45 p.m.), from Coromandei; Kawau (10 p.m.), from Warkworth. R.. J. Hanna (10.40 p.m.), from California. YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES. West Ivan (11.15 a.m.), for Wellington. Port Hardy (l p.m.) f or Wellington. •/ rt .? wau { a-m.), for Warkxvoith; Gael <9.15 a.m.), for Coromandei; Gu-nbar (12.10 T \ (toast P° r^s ; Kaimanawa (3.50 p.m.), for Westporte Pono (5.20 p.m.), for Coast; Omana (6.35 p.m.). for Waiheke; Matangi (7.45 p.m.), fc>r Tauranga. Glenelg (10.40 p.m.), for Whangarei. VESSELS DUE TO-DAY. Rona, from Fiji, evoning. Claymore, from Whangarei. 3.30 a m. Omana, from Waiheke. 8.45 a.m. Waipu, from Rerepeehi, 9 a.m. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. Port Curtis, for Napier, 5 p.m. RangUoto, for Thames, 10 a.m, Paroto, for Awanui, noon. Waipu, for Waiheke, 1.45 p.m. VESSELS DUE TO-MORROW. iWingatui,_ from Southern ports, morning. Wairnea,, from East Coast ports, afternoon Matangi, from Tauranga. 7 a.m. Waipu, from Waiheke. 8 p.m. Rangitoto, from Thames. 8 p.m. , Omana, from Waiheke. 8.30 p.m. VESSELS SAILING TO-MORROW. Claymore, for Whangarei, 7.30 p.m. Taniwha, for Paeroa, 8.30 p.m. Apanui, for Mercury Bay, midnight. iVESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. INTERCOLONIAL AND COASTAL. Rona, Fiji, Novemlw 19. Wingatui, Southern ports. November 20. Niagara, Sydney, November 21. Maunzanui, Sydney, November 22. Kurow, Southern ports, November 23. H.M.S. Dunedin, South, November 25. H.M.S. Diomede, South, November 25. Tofua, Fiji. November 28. Ulimaroa, Sydney. November 29. Marama, Sydney. December 6. Waipabi, Fiji, December 14. OVERSEAS. Ruapehu, South, November 21, to load. Pacific Transport, Nauru Island, November 25. Athenic, London, November 25. City of Khios, New York, November 25. Turakina, South, November 28, _to load. Matakana. London, via Suva, November 28. Crosskeys, San Pedro, December 1. West Calera, San Pedro, December 4. Aorangi, Vancouver, December' 4. Hororata, London, December 5. Cumberland, Liverpool, December 7. Remuera, South, December 7, to load. City of Lyons, New York, December 8. Gisla, Montreal, December 8. Canadian Seigneur, Montreal. December Port Sardy, South, Decembor 10, to load. Huntingdon. Liverpool, December 20. Southern Cross, New Hebrides, DecemTamaroa, London, via Wellington, December 24. Wairuna, San Francisco, December 24. Pas3at. Texas, via Australia, December. Surat, Peru, to sail. T Ruahine, London, via Wellington, January 7. ~ City of Delhi, New York, January 15. EARLY SAILINGS FROM AUCKLAND. INTERCOLONIAL AND OVERSEAS. Hinemoa, Norfolk Island, November 21. Niagara, Vancouver November 22. Ruapehu, London, November 24. Maunganui, Sydney, Novemoer -o. Ulimaroa, Sydney. December 2. Waipahi. Fiji. December 2. Tofua, Fiji, December 8. R.M.S. Aorangi. Sydney, December Marama, Sydney, December 9. Remuera, London, December 10. Port Hardy. England. December 14. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMERS. Makura, due at Wellington from San Francisco, on Monday, sails on Tuesday for Sydney. . ~ Tahiti, due at San Francisco from Wellington. November 25. . Niagara, due at Auckland f . r ° m y 4? S J' on Monday morning, -sails for \ ancouver an Tuesday. Aorangi; due at -Auckland from December 4. BRITISH PASSENGER STEAMERS.. Athenic, left Liverpool October 18, due Auckland November 25. lonic, left Southampton October 21, due Wellington Novemoer 28. Hororata, left Southampton October 28, due Auckland December 5. Tamaroa, left Southampton November 11, arrives Wellington December 17. jßimutaka, left Southampton Novemoer 11, arrives Wellington December .1. Ruahine. leaves Southampton November "5 arrives Wellington December 31. Tainui; leaves Southampton, December 9. arrives Wellington January 16. Arawa, leaves Liverpool December 13. arrives Auckland January -0. VESSELS IN PORT. In Stream —Rewa <bq,). Northern Chief (schnr.). Kurnalpi, Wainui. Whan Devonpo'rt—H.M.S Philomel, Wakakura, H.M.C.S. Ins Nucula (Admiralty oil-tanker). H.M.S. Labur KingTwharf-West Ivan (Henderson and Que^a fa Wharf—Port Curtis (Heather, Prinze's 81 Wharf —Kaitoke (U.S.S. Coy.). Hinemoa (Spedding, Ltd.), Waitemata (U.S.S. Coy.). r In Dock—H.M.S. Veronica. Western Wharf— Raiapoi (U.S.S. Coy.), R. J. Hanna. ■ . North Wall—Kawatiri (U.b.S. Coy.). The Kaimanawa sailed for West port yesteriJay afternoon to load another coal car„o. The four-masted auxiliary schooner Margaret W. camo off the slip noon and berthed at King s Wharf to cjn tinuo her overhaul. The Waipiata reached Dunedin from -northern ports on Thursday afternoon She •was to sail last evening for Oamaru. limaru, Lyttelton, and Wellington to continue leadins for Auckland. The Richardson steamer Awahou is dije from tho coast on Monday morning and will herth at Queen's Wharf. . Sh Vr-R,Vks Pav" spatched on Tuesday evening for Hicks fay, Tokomaru Bay and Gisborne. The Ki: row, en route from Southern ports, -was to leave Lyttelton yesterday• allertiton for Wellington. Napier and Auckland. She is expected at, Auckland about tht, middle of next week. ► Tho Union Company's chartered^sUjamer "Waimea was to leave Napier for, Auckland at 10 o'clock Inst evening. 3he is to tomorrow afternoon and will beith at Central .Wharf. With general cargo from South Island ports and Wellington the Wuigatm left p, 0 . {on for Auckland on Thursday evening. Iho vessel is due to-morrow morning - i "hprth at, Princo s Wharf. After ctißcnarge fth'o is to bo despatched on Wedneadny for .Wellington. Lyttelton. Dunedin and Timaru. THE MATAKANA. An expected arrival at Suva early• next week ia the Shaw, Savill and. Albion steamer Matakana. The ,. VCBB ® " i jnnrLondon and after unloading general mer chandise at Fiji she will discharge H.ainder of the cargo a t A ucKland, Wei ington and New Plymouth. She is sched uled to reach Auckland on November -8. Jj. D. Nathan and Company. Limited are the local agents. P. AND O. LINERS' MOVEMENTS. Russell and Somen?, Ltd.. advise the itineraries of the following P. and O. ~ The Moldavia left London November! Hue Fremantle December 6, Sydney December 15. Leaves Sydney December 26, due London February 10. is The Naldera left London on Novembeir lb, duo Fremantle December 20. Sydnej Jecemher 29. Leaves Sydney January 11. due Lon ""■Fhffey ft- .• fsasni: and leaves December 14; duo London nary 20. WAITEMATA_ ARRIVED. With nearly 9000 tons of lumber, case oil and general cargo from I narific torts, tho Union Company s transpacific steamer Waitemata arrived from San j ran eisco last evening. She berthed at Pnnce s Wharf to unload 2000 tons, for Auckland. The 5-emainder of the cargo is for Well B > Melbourne and Sydney. She « exacted to resume her voyage on Monday e\enuv. id c cargo was loaded at Vancouver, 1 River. Ocean Falls and.San She failed from San Francisco on October 25 Captain W. W. Hentler is in command and he has with him the following officers.— Chief. Mr. A. Macdonald; second. Mr. J. W. Thomson; third, Mr. J. Macne.l. chief Engineer, Mr. P. Brewer: second. Mr\ A. Fleming; third. Mr. J. B. Be»ryinM. fourth. Mr. J. Dalinel; wireless operator. Mr. D. S. Bell; chief steward. Mr. N. H. Olio day before the Waitemata reached 'Auckland the fourth engineer, Mr. J. JJalfciel, who is on the eve of being married, was presented lay the officers and engineers Yrith a silver entree dish. Tho presentation 'was made by Captain Hender, who referred in eulogistic terms to Mr. Dalziel s popularity on the vessel.

BONA FROM FIJI. The Colonial Sugar Company's steamer •Kona 13 ecpected to arrive from Fiji this evening -with a full cargo of raw sugar. She will unload at Chelsea. THE R. J. HANNA. The tanker R J. Hanna arrived last night from California and anchored in • the stream.' She will berth this morning at Western Wharf to unload hulk oil for Auckland. THE HINEMOA. The Government steamer Hinemoa is to sail at three o'clock on Monday afternoon with passengers, mail and cargo for Norfolk Island. THE KEKERANGU. The Kekerangu left Lyttelton on Thursday afternoon for Wellington, CastleclifJ, New Plymouth, Portland and Auckland to complete unloading general cargo from South xVustralia. TORT CURTIS. An endeavour is being, made to desatch the Commonwealth and Dominion Line steamer Port Curtis at five o'clock this evening for Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, New Plymouth'and Newcastle, in continuation of her voyage from New York. MAKUEA PROM SAN FRANCISCO. Bringing passengers, mail and cargo from San Francisco, Papeete and Rarotonga the Royal Mail liner Makura is due at Wellington on Monday morning. She ia to resume her voyage Sydney on Tuesday afternoon. THE WEST IVAN. The American steamer West Ivan sailed shortly before mid-day yesterday for Wellington, Neison, Lyttelton, Dunedin and Bluff to complete unloading cargo from Pacific Coast ports. CAPE COMORIN TO LOAD WOOL. The Cape Comorin, which is en route from Texas to Napier, New Plymouth and Australian ports, has been chartered by the Scales Line to load wool in New Zealand for the United Kingdom early in January. THE WAIPAHI. The Union Company's steamer Waipahi was to leave Portland yesterday afternoon with cement for Wellington and Lyttelton. The vesi * is scheduled to load produce and general (argo at Lytteltor next week for Auckland. After discharge she is to leave on December 2 for Suva, where she is to load fruit on December 8 for Auckland. RUAPEHU FOR FINAL LOADING. The New Zealand Shipping Company's liner Ruapehu is due at Auckland on Monday from East Coast ports, to fijl up with refrigerated and general cargo for England. She will berth at Queen's Wharf. With passengers and mails the vessel is to be despatched at four o'clock next Thursday afternoon for London, via Panama. THE PORT HARDY. The Commonwealth and Dominion. Line steamer Port Hardy sailed for Wellington yesterday afternoon to .complete discharge of cargo from London. Afterwards the vessel will load for her return voyage at southern ports, and she is due to return to Auckland about December 10 to fill up. She is to be despatched finally from Auckland on Decembjr 14. NIAGARA DUE ON MONDAY. The Royal Mail liner Niagara, which left Sydney at 5.15 p.m. on Thursday, is due at Auckland about six o'clock on Monday morning. She has passengers and. mails from Australia and will berth at Prince a Wharf. After loading cargo and mails and embarking passengers for island ports and Canada the vessel is to sail at five o'clock on Monday evening in continuation of her voyage to Suva, Honolulu and Vancouver.

KIWI SOLD. The small steamer Kiwi, 79 tons, has been sold by the Devonport Ferry Company to Messrs. Bradney and Binns. Iho vessel was built by Mr. U. Holmes at Devonport in 1894. Her name was then the Weka, and she afterwards traded tor some years on the Manukau, running Onehunga to Waiuku, until she was bought by the Northern Company. Later she was owned by Messrs. McCallum Brothers who sold hei to the Ferry Company. THE ATHENIC. Scheduled to arrive from Liverpool nest Friday the Shaw. Savill and Albion liner Athenio is bringing passengers and mails for New Zealand. She also has general merchandise from West Coaßt P°rts of Great Britain for discharge at Auckland, Wellington. Lyttelton. and Port, Chalmers. A. S. Paterson and Company, Limited, are the local agents. THE CITY OF WINCHESTER. The City of. Winchester, which left Cape town on November 9 for New Zealand ports, is reported to be bringing cargo from Delagoa Bay, East London and Capetown After discharge the vessel is to load in New Zealand and she is to be despatched from Port Chalmers for London toward the end of December. MAUNGANUI AND MAEAMA. With passengers, mails and cargo for New Zealand, the Union Company s intercolonial steamers Maunganui and Marama left Sydney yesterday afternoon, the Maunganui at 4 o'clock for Auckland, and the Marama an hour later for Wellington. The vessels are clue at their destinations on Tuesday morning. C. AND D. LINE'S LOADINGS. The Commonwealth and Dominion Line advises that the motor-ship Port Fremantle is scheduled io commence loading m New Zealand for England on December 4 and is to be despatched finally on December «.3. The Port Sydney is to commence loading in New Zealand on December 21 and is to be despatched for London about the middle ° Wellington is to commence loading in New Zealand about the end of December and is to leave for England about January 21. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are expected .to be within range o? the undermentioned wireless Bt Auckknd.-Kk Ora. Wingatui Bona, Niagara, West Ivan Port Hardy, Maunganui, William Mac Arthur. Chatham Islands.—Epspny Cape Comorm. Wellington.—Maori. Wahme, Ngaio, Ara hura, Tamahine Ulimaroa, . Pootta, B «i-nnin" kawa Kartigi, P-rt Darwin, Bussmum, Antie'tam Aorangi, Grangepark, Mahia, Ruapehii, Canadian Pioneer, Kairanga, K fr,r-s"Tal<..., C,. A. L...en, H. T Nil son Alonso, Tutanekai, Maktira, Ta hiti. Manuka, Karetu. Remuera, Paua. PORT OF ONEHUNGA. Yesterday's Arrivals .-Hauturu <6.80 a.m.), from Raglan and Ivawhia; Wetere (10 a.m.), from Waitara. Yesterday's Departures.—Ngapuhi (4.20 pm.). for New Plymouth; Hauturu (5.1 o p.m.),' for Hokianga. BY TELEGRAPH. WELLINGTON.—November 18: Arrived— Wahine (7.35 a.m.), from Lyttelton; h- e £. e ' rangu (12 50 p.m.), from Lyttelton; Mahia (1.15 p.m.). from Auckland: Folmdale 4-30 pm), from Lyttelton; Port. Darwm (4.40 r> m ) from Gishorne; Calm (5.50 From Lyttelton. Sniled-Paua (8 a.m V for Bluff; Canadian Pioneer <11.30 a.m.), for Lyttelton; Ulimaroa (noon), .for Sidney Ruapehu (4.25 p.m.), f°r Knirang* (5.40 p.m.). for Newcastle; Wahme (7.50 n m.), for LyfteHon: Breeze (11 P.m.'. for Pioton: Kekerangu (11 p.m.), for Castle cliff. . , LYTTELTON.—November 18: Arrived— John (4.35 a.m.), from New Plymouth : Kabiki (5 35 a.m.). from Gisborne; Maori R4O am) from Wellington; Queen Eleanor (8.20 a.m.), from Wellington-. Kotiti (10.30 n.m.>, from Akaroa, ° !t!l ™77 Kahikft (9.45 a.m.). for Dunedin: John (3.45 p.m.), for Wellington; Kanna '< P.mJ. for Timaru: Maori (7.40 p.m.), for Wellington, Kurow (9.25 p.m.), for Wellington. DUNEDlN.—November 18; (3.15 p.m.), from Bluff; Tutanekai 3.4b p.m.), from Akaroa. SYDNEY. —November 18: Sailed—Maunganui (4 p.m.), for Auckland; Maramiv (5 p.m.), for Wellington. NEWCASTLE.—November 18; Arrived— Maheno, from New Zealand.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 19798, 19 November 1927, Page 9

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 19798, 19 November 1927, Page 9

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 19798, 19 November 1927, Page 9