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AUCKLAND COMPETITIONS. PLAY IN INTER-CLUB MATCHES. ] C 1 SOME INTERESTING CONTESTS. \ ] i Inter-club matches under the auspices of ; the Auckland Lawn Tenuis Association were : continued ou Saturday. Many of the players were below form owing to lack o.t practice, but in spite of this some interest- • in? contests took place. ... , ! In the A grade the closest match was between Remuera A2 and the newly-formed j University C!uo. Remuera weii ( by the narrow margin of one set. In tno men s singles Hubble fought Sturt on even terms for the first set, but in the second the young Remuera player established his supremacy and did not loso a garoe. V. atkms and Nicholson had a. closely-fought, match, the , la iter's persistency being the deciding lactor. Vat kins volleyed attractively, and at one stage appeared to haxe his opponent well held. In the doubles Sturt and Ohl.scn scored in an in-and-out match against Hubblo and Turner. .Hubble neglected the short., sharp, angular shots so essentia! m a doubles and tried too often to score by speed. These shots wore more often than not cut off at the net Nicholson and • Hardy scored without difficulty over Watkins and Hunter. « , , . . The ladies' singles were both closely fouglit. Miss Witherow took the first set from Miss Miller, but then failed before the stonewall game of the University player. Mrs. Kobson played well against Miss Brownleo. and held the upper hand throughout, nUhoucrJ only by a slight margin. Miss Brownlee has "a fine style and proved herself to be a stubborn fighter. University won both ladies' doubles after close matches. In the combined doubles Ohlson and Mrs. Brookes were too strong for Turner and Miss \\mtclaw, although the second _ set waa closwy fought. Ohlson was hitting cleanly and volleying well. Hunter and Miss Kerr-Tay-lor did well to defeat. Hardy and Miss Mueller. Hunter played aggressively through°UEden and Epsom A2 won somewhat easily from Birkenhead and Northcoto. Entwis.tle drove well against Rowlands, but there seemed to be no plan at the Lack of his shots. The Eden and Epsom player used his head more and at all times kept his opponent on the move. In the second set Rowlands was never in danger. Brown and Campbell had a marathon match against Potter and Steel. Potter drove well, keeping a low trajectory and frequently catching his opponents by driving at their let. Eden and Epsom A 1 lost only one mat on against Parnell. This was the one in which Chalmers and F. J. Robinson defeated A. C, Johns and V. R. Johns. S or the winners Chalmers was very reliable, while Robinson supplied the brilliant shots. and Lamb started well against buns, and Knott, and took the first set. Knott at this stage could do nothing right. Steel was wonderfully safe and Lamb played well. : The Eden and Epsom pair ran away with the next two sets for the match, Knott regaining his touch. In the singles Ijamb started very quickly against Johns, and secured an initial lead of 4—l, which the Eden and Epsom player could not overcome. John's steadiness prevailed m the next two sets, which he won with the loss of only three games. _ Miss Potter, for Parnell. played well against Miss rviiight. toreins the second set to advantage. Results are as follow, players of the firstnamed club being mentioned first m each case:— A GRADE Remuera A2 v. University A.—Men's singles: N: Sturt beat Hubble, 6—5. t>—o; W. G. Watkins lost to Nicholson, 5—6, G—4, 3—6. Men's doubles: Sturt and Ohlson beat Hubble and Turner, I—6, 6—2, B—6; WatI kins and Hunter lost to Nicholson and Hardy, 4—6, 4—6. Ladies' singles: Mrs. B. Witherow lost to Miss Miller, 6—3. 3—6, 3—«; Mrs. Robson beat Miss Brownlee, G—2. 5—6, 7—5. Ladies' doubles: Misses Brookes aud Witherow lost to Misses Miller and Mueller, 3—6, 6—4. 3—6; Mrs. Robson and Miss Kerr-Taylor lost to Misses Brownlee and Whitalaw, 6-5, 3-6, 4-6. Combined doubles; Ohlson and Miss Brookes beat Turner and Miss Whitelaw, 6—l, 6—5; Hunter and Miss Kerr-Taylor boat Hardy and Misa I Mueller, 6—4, 2—6. 6—4. Reniuera won by 14 sets to 18. the matches being even. Eden and Epsom A'2 v. Birkenhead and Northcote.—Men's singles: H. C. Rowlands beat Entwhistle, 6—5, 6—l; T. Clark beat Robinson, 6—2, 6—l. Men's doubles: Rowlands and Clark beat Entwhistle and Robinson, 6—2, 6—t4. Ladies' Singles: Mrs. beat Miss Maxwell, 4—6, 6—4, 6—4; Miss Fletcher beat Miss Major, G—l, 5 —6, 6 4. Ladies' douhles': Mrs. Francis and Miss Fletcher lost to Misses Maxwell and Major, I—6, 6—3, 6—4; Misses Laurenson and Bartleet beat Mrs. Herriclc and Miss McCrea, 6—3, 6—4. Combined doubles; Campbell and Misa Bartleet beat Steel and Mrs. Rerrick, 5—6, 6—3, 6—3; Brown and Miss Laurcmson lost to Potter and Misa McCrea, 6—5!, 6—3. Eden and Epsom won by 8 matches to 2. Eden and Eps9in A 1 v t Parnell.—Men's singles: A. W. Sims boat Steel, 6—o, 6—3; V. R.. Johns beat Lamb, 4—6, 6—l, 6—2. Ladies' singles: Miss Knight beat Mrs. Potter, 6—2, 7—5; Miss Ramsay beat Miss Fearnley, 6—3, 6—2. Men's doubles: Sims and Knott beat Steel and Lamb, 6—B, 6—l, fi—l; V. R. Johnß and A. C. Johns lost to Chalmers and F. J. Robinson, 5—7. 4—6. Ladies' doubles: Misses Knight and Clouston beat Misses Potter and Fearnley, 6—4, ; 6—2; Misses Wdrrall and Ramsay beat Misses Sham and Frankham, 6—4, B—6. Combined doubles: A. C. Johns and Miss Worrall beat Chalmers and Miss Sharpe, 6—2, 6—l; Knott and Miss Clouston beat Robinson and l Miss Frankham, 6—3, 6—3. Eden and Epsom A 1 won by nine matches to one. B GRADE. Eden and Epsom v. University.—Men's singles: Potter lost to North, 4—6, 4—6; Francis beat Andrews, 3—6, 6—5, 6—l. Ladies' singles: Miss Evans beat Miss Adams, 6—4, 6—4; Miss Knott beat Miss Hume, 6—5, 6—4. Men's doubles: Potter and Partridge beat Andrews and North, 3—6, 6—4, 10—8; McKeown and Francis lost to Patterson and Spencer, 3—6, 6—5, I—6. Ladies' doubles: Misses Knott and Evans beat Misses Adams and Hitchings, 6—5, 6—3; Misses Snieeton and Robson beat Misses Hardy and Hume, 6—5, 5—6, 6—4. Combined doubles: Partridge and Miss Robson v. Patterson and Miss Hardy, not played; McKeown and Miss Smeeton beat Spencer and Miss Hitchings, 3—6, 6—5, 6—4. Eden and Epsom won by seven matches to two. Remuera B1 v. Birkenhead and Northcote.—Men s singles: A. C, Stedman beat C. Morrin, 2—6, 6—3, 6—l; J. C. Stedman lost' to Mander,'3 —6, 3—6. Ladies' singles: Miss Richardson beat Mrs. Gray, 6—3, 6—l; Miss Wilson beat Mrs. Cadness, 6—4, 6—4, Men s doubles: Stedman and Stedman beat. Morrin and Mander, 6—l, 6—4: Tonks and Macfarlane beat Keith and Johnston. 6—3, G ~-2. Ladies' doublea: Misses Richardson and Wilson beat Mesdames Gray and Cadnesß, 6—3, 4—6, 6—3; Misses Sturt and Narner beat Misses Entwhistle. and Keith,, 6 ~2, 6—o. Combined doubles: Macfarlane and Miss Napier beat Keith and Miss Ent. wistle, 6—2, G—s; Tonks and Miss Sturt beat Johnston and Miss Newman, 6—4, (>—2. Remuera won by nine matches to one. i .Onehunga v. Auckland B2.—Men's singles: Ohlson beat Sellar, 6-0, 6-1; Cole vf- Hutchison, 6—.3, G~~-l, Ladies' Camnhplf Ar* 6 ~ 3 ' 6 ~ 3 : Campbell beat Miss Wickes, 6—2, 6—2 r; e P doubles: Ohlson and Cole beat Sellar I n'Tl' £~ 6 ' G ~h L* Roche and Bold beat Jones and Fletcher-Jones, 4—6, 6—3, 7—5. Ladies' doubles; Misses Mks W,V!rn r b * at J'- rS ' Smith and . 'F vV'n' n u" & Misses Armstrong Snftt fU?K Uga p r n Hackett and f-5, 6-5 Combined doubles: La ffis &. "fetst-vS ten matches to nil. n " y Mm. Burnett beat' <jrl ; r Mr ?- Hogan beat Mrs. Grant, 6-5 ci -Su \ T f® ns doubles; Morrison and Smith beat. Robertson arid Clay, 6—l. 6—4w?T£ n and , Ma ~ ky lost West anci Whitehouse. 4—G. 6—3, 6—l. Ladies' doubles:, Mrs. Hogart and Miss Taylor beat Mesdames Page and Grant, 6—3. 6—5- Misa Mason and Mrs. Burnett lost to Miss De Lough and M;ss /man, 4—6, 5—6. Combined doubles: Macky and Miss Mason beat West and Mrs. Pope, f—4, f—2; Simpson and Miss Taylor !os!. to Whitehouse and Miss Zwan, 6~2, I—6. o—6. Devonport won by sis matches to four. C GRADE. Trafalgar v. United.—Men's singles: Turei beat Buckler,, 6—4, 3—6, 7—5; Turei beat Smith, 6—l. 6—2. Ladies' singles: Misa Rukutai beat Mrs. Morro, 6—2, 6--2; Miss. Rukuia beat Miss Wagstaffe, : 6—5, <3—4. Men's doubles: Rukutai and Chamberlin beat Smith and Budd. 6—2, 6—2. Ladies' doubles: Mrs. Gear and Miss iSew ton beat Misses Sands and Vause, 6—2, Combined doubles: Turei and Miss Newton beat Foofre and Miss Sands, 6—2, —5: Rukutai and Mrs. Gear beat Budd and -'iiS3 Vat'iie, 6—2 6—3. Trafalgar won by eight matches to nil. Stanley Bay v. Campbell Park.—Men's singles: H. Anderson lost to Taine, 4—6, I—6; Turbott beak Barfoot. 6—l. £■—s: Ladies singles; Miss Daniel lost to, Miss Daldy, 5—6 5—6. I—6; Mrs Roberts lost to Miss Griffin, 5—6, 6—5. 3—6. Men' 3 doubles: Anderson and Turbott beat Taine and Barfoot. Dirrock and Haggett lost to Wkurer and Winger. 6—5. I—6, 5—7. ■ Ladies' doubles: Misses Wyatt a Kncrwles lost to Misses Douglas and Armstrong, 2—fi, S---6. Combined doubles: Miss Knowles and Darrock lost to Ifsss Armstrong and Winger. I—(s, 6--1. 3—6. Miss Daniels and Mrs,, Roberts lost to Misa Dowdy and Misa Orifliu. 6—3. 3—6. s—l. Campbell Park won by seven matches to tW U'nit.v C.I v. Mount Albert.-Men's . Singles: Alexander beat Elliot, 6—l» ■l—6, 6—2; Mullitis lieat Bowler. 3~-6, b—s. , G—3. Ladies' einKles: Miss Avghton bwt Miss Ellis, 6-0. 'Mv M JSw, I'M • Rudman, 4—6 6—l. 2 |fen , Alexander an<l Mulhiis beat beat . Bowler, 6-0. fiJa LadiesBeck and Astley, 6-4, *-6. HiVcoA bcat . doubles: Misses Aughton and Hiscock near ■ Misses Ellis and Dickson and Mrs Booker lost Mm Mo lr r Di^tn^Bgy ' Wt Miss McPine and Beck. 6-4. 6-*. M?s Booker and Wilson beat Miss Cooper ' and Astley. 6-3. 6-3. Unity won by eight .matches to two. 1

PAEROA V. TE AROHA. [BV TELEGRAPH. —OWN CORRESPONDENT-! TE AROHA, Saturday. An inter-club tennis match between To Aroha A and Paeroa A was played on the Te Aroha courts to-day, the result being »t win for Te Aroha by 15 sets to 9. The following arc the detailed results, Te x\roha players being, mentioned first in each instance:—Men's singles: Somevs lost to Ruston, 7—9; James beat H. Thorpe, o—3; Wright beat F. Thorpe, 9—3; Mnckie beat Leech, 9—4; Lewis beat Wells. 9—3; Bradley lost to Hamilton, _ 4—9. Ladies' singles; Miss Biggs beat Miss Taylor, 7—3; Miss Wright lost to Miss O'Grady, 2—7: Miss Matheson beat Miss Ellis, 7—s;' Miss Ray lost to Miss V. Shand, 2—7; Miss Frood lost to Miss H. Shand, 2—7; Miss Lipsey beat Mrs. Pitts, 7—2. Men's doubles: Somers and James beat Ruston and T. Thorpe, 9—S; Wright and Mackay beat H. Thoroe onci Hamilton, 9—o; Lewis and Bradley lost to Leech and Wells. S—9. Ladies" doubles; Misses Biggs and Wright lost to Misses O'Grady and Taylor, 2—7; Misses Ray and Matheson lost to Misses Shand, 2—7; Misses Lipsey and Flood beat Miss Luis and Mrs. Pitts. 7.3. Combined doubles: Somers and Miss Biggs beat Ruston and Miss O'Grady, 9—S; James and Miss b right beat H. Thorpe and Miss Tny*®r»_9—o; Wright and Miss Matheson beat I'- Thorpe and Miss Ellis, 9—7; Mnckio and Miss hay beat Li?ach and Miss H. Shand, 9—'; Lewis and Miss Frood lost to Wells and Miss V. Shr.nd, 3—9; Bradley and Miss Lipsey beat Hamilton and' M-. Puts, 9—2. AMATEUR. ATHLETICS. SPORTS AT HENDERSON. GARLICK IN GOOD FORM. VERY KEEN COMPETITION. The recently-established Henderson Amateur Athletic and Cycle Club held its inaugural sports meeting at the Henderson Domain on Saturday afternoon. There was a good attendance, including members of the Auckland Centre and others from the city. A heavy shower fell prior to commencement oE the programme, but the weather then clewed for half an hour. Then rain again fell, compelling spectators and competitors to run for shelter. The well-rolled straight and sprint trackwas in surprisingly good condition and fast, but the oval track was !u'uv> in places and wan all against fast Junes. Keen competition was witnessed throughout the afternoon, bat in the half-mile and one mile running events the competitors slowed down when they could not hold J. W. Savidau over the fiual stages. This athlete showed « welcome return to something liko his best form, while his rival, G. Kells, had an off day, running in a markedly cramped style. Waugh, an ex Grammar School champion, who hails from Henderson, won the 100 yds. ladies' bracelet and the long jump. Ho also finished second in the 100 yds. handicap, and was third in tho shot putting handicap. A. C. Garlick, tho Auckland 440 yds. flat and 440 yds. hurdling champion, carried ol! both handicap events by narrow margins, his 440 yds. in 54s being a smart effort. N E. Williams, a brother of L. C. Williams, won the 100 yds. maiden handicap and was second in the long jump. A, .7. Elliott accounted for tho 100 yds. and was second in tho furlong event. Tho cycling iraces were a feature of tho day, in spite of the roughness of portions of tho track. The three cycle handicaps were won by narrow margins, a different rider scoring ill each. E. J. Blakeway put in a fine finishing effort to win the two miles event, Mr. H. Scally acted as starter and Mr. W. Morton as tiandicapper for the carnival. Mr. G. R. Metcalfe was referee, and the judges wore Messrs. F. B. Ross, W. Waugh, A. R. Elliott, Pickering, and P. J. Atkins. Messrs. W, G. Waugh (chairman) was clerk of tho course, and Messrs. D. Smith. W. Morton and H. Meredith timekeepers. Mr. R. Norcross, the honorary secretary, ably controlled the meeting, assisted by Mr, F. Ross, junr, the honorary treasurer. At > tho conclusion of the sports Mr. W. Morton, president of the Auckland Centre, heartily congrti.tula.ted the executive of the club upon the success achieved, in. spite.. of the rather unfavourable weather condi-, tions, and promised to assist with another strong contingent of Auckland athlete* at the next meeting. Mr. W. Oliphant, vice-patron of the club. \ apologised for the unavoidable absence of Mr. H, G. R. Mason, M.P., and in a short address complimented tho executive upon the successful establishment of an amateur athletiei club at Henderson. Mr. Oliphant said it. was probable another olub would be formed shortly at Swanaon, and this should bring about healthy competition and good club rivalry in tho district. Results are as follow: 100 yds. Ladies' Bracelet.—P. Waugh, scr. Is A. E. Butt, ecr, 2: A. E. Butler, lyd, Mno competitors. Won by one and a-haU yards, one foot between "second and third. Time, 10 3-ss. 100 yds. Schoolboys' Race;— Jack True,, 1; F Adams. 2; N. Waugh, 3, lOflycis. Handicap.—First heat: A. E. Butt, 7yds, 1; J. F. Shand, 10yds. 2: A. J. Elliott, 4 J yds, 3. Seven competed. Time, 10 1-53. Second heat: P. Waugh, 7yds. lj J. C. McCoy, 3yds, 2;, G. Mcßride, Byds, 3. Seven competed. Time, 10 l-6s. Final: Elliott, I; Waugh, 2; Shand, 3. A fine finish, five men flashing through the worsted almost in line. At first tho number of P. Waugh was hoisted, but after consideration Elliott was placed fust. Time. 10s. _ 220 Yds. Haiadicap.—First, heat: A. G. Bond 14yds, 4; A, E. Butt, 14yds, 2; L. 11. Meredith, 7yd i! 3. Time, 23 2-6s. Second heat: A. J. Elliott.. 12yds. 1; J. L. McCoy, oyds, :2; G. Mcßrid©, 14yds, 3. Time. 23 2-Ss. Final; Bond, 1; Elliott, 2; McBride, 3. One yard .separated the placed men. Time. 23 1-Ba. 440 Yds Handicap.—A. C. Garlick. scr.. 1; J. D. Willis. SOydfi. 2; W. L. Binton. 20yds, 3. _ A splendid finish ended in Garlick winning by a, foot, with a yard between second and third. Time, 51b, Half-mile Handicap.—J. W. Sn.vidan, 10yds, 1; E. C. Leikis, Byds, 2; E. S. Wills. 45yds, ,8. Leikis was going well a furlonu from home, but Savidan cut him down over tho concludinß stasfcs and won by six yards. Wills was eight yards further away third, and Kells (ecr.) fourth, . lime, 2m, 10s. One Mile Run Handicap.—J, W Savidan, 12yds, 1; G. Kells, scr., 2- C. Hansen, 75yds, 3. Thirteen started. F Adams (200 yds) forced the pace for over three-quarters of the joarney, with Savidan and Kells (scr.), gradually workhing their way through the held. RotmdinK into the straight Savidan led 'Hansen, with Kells,making « big effort to overhaul the pair. Fifty yards from the two Kells passed Hansen, but could not make any impression on Savidan, who won by 15yds, with Hansen third, Time, 4m 45 2-Sh. . 440 Yds Hurdles Handicap.—A. C. Garlick. scr.. 1: B. M. Murray, oyds, 2. This event was contested over the high hurdles, Murray struck two hurdles, but- fenced, brilliantly, while Garlick shone between the obstacles. A, stimn« finish resulted in Garlick winning hy inches. Time, 655. Long Jump Handicap.—P. Waugh (18in), 21ft IflHn, i; N. E. Williams {Gin.j, 21ft 2in. : 2: B. M. Murray (3Siii). 21ft Jin. 3. High Jump.—B. M. Murray, sft Sin. 1. i Throwing the Discus.--G, R. Metcalfe i (36ft), 971t Gin, 1; W. Stewart,. sen., («ft). | 03ft lin, 2; B. M. Murray (28ft). 88ft lOin. ' 'Putting 161b Shot.—E. S. Wills (2ft Cin). i 12ft 4in, 1; G. It. Metcalfe (Bft Gin). 32ft f 3iin, 2; P. Waugh (scr,), 302 ft Gin, The > *hot used was over 161 bin weight. "bstacle Race.—F. Ross, 1. • Halfmile Cycle Hanificoo.—First heat: ■ K. Rov/e, <loyds, 1; L. G. Chambers. 45yds. > 2; E. i. Blakeway, syds, 0. ■ Time. 1m 24 2-ss. Second 'heat: A. Baird, 50yds, 1; J. V. Gore, 40yd®, 2; W. T. Bray, scr., 3. Time, lm 23 2-ss. Final: Chambers. 1; Baird, 2; Rowe, .1. A pretty race, won : by a wheel, with half a wheel between ; second and third, Time, lm 21 3-ss. : One Mile Cycle Handiean.--F.irsl heat: K. Rowe, 70yds, I; E. J. Blakeway, !oyd«, 2; F. J. Casey, scr., 3, Time. 3m 10s. Second ' heat: C. I. Gainsborough, SSyds, I: W. I. Bray, scr., 2: C. G. Galbraith. 25.yd8. 3. ' Time, 3m 13 2-ss. Final: Galtraith. 7: Bray,, 2; Blakeway. 3. Galbraith won by a a wheel, with half a _ wheel covering tin; next three.' The plaeings were announced I as above but it. was generally considered i that Gainsborough gained second position. Time. 3m 4 3-ss. _ , Two Ms!!ea Cy'e Handicap.—E. J. Blske. way, 15yds. 1: W. T. Bray, scr.. 1* J. : Casey, scr.. 3. Pacing one another in : good sty?.?, the backmarkers were within striking distance of t«e leaders entenmr upon the last lap. The pace was on at , high pressure from the bell, but Blakeway ? zot the jump a furlong from home and " after a stirring race won by » s»rd /mo ' a-half from. Bray, a .wheel behind whom came Cawy. with Gainsborough a similar margin away, fourth Thirteen started. Time, 5m IF* i | M

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19503, 6 December 1926, Page 15

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LAWN TENNIS. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19503, 6 December 1926, Page 15

LAWN TENNIS. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19503, 6 December 1926, Page 15