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TILTED DAY'S RAGING. STAR STRANGER S DERBY. VICTORY FOR TE MONANUI. CAWNPORE'S GOOD WIN. The Auckland "Racing Club's mooting was continued at Ellerslie yesterday. Now Year's morn was ushered in with an accompaniment of rain, and with a keen south-west wind in ev-denco all day there was at times quite a dash of winter in the atmosphere. However, though several showers fell, the racing was not affected, and the gathering passed off pleasantly. The Prima Minister, Mr. Coates, Sir Francis Bell, Attorney-General, and the Hon. R. F. Bollard, Minister for Internal Affairs, were included among the visitors present, and there was an attendance at about 26,000. The management of the meeting throughout was excellent, and with prompt lime observed in starting the various events, the proceeding.l! wero never allowed to drag. The totalisator investments amounted to £'110,652 10s. Compared with last year's figures this represents a decrease of £12,32-3, but it has to bo explained that last year the programme on Derby Day comprised eight events, while this yoar it was limited io seven. Win for Mosaic. The first event to which backers had to direct their attention was tho Ellerslie Handicap, and in a field of seventeen Mosaic ruled favourite. The little sor. of Seme Boy 11. justified the confidence reposed in his ability to win, and ho got home first by three-quarters of a length. lho field for the Midsummer Handicap —an event confined to the two-year-old division—only numbered seven, but with tho issuo voted very open it proved a good betting race. Seatown, a chestnut gelding by Archiestown, was the one singled out /or most attention, but h»i never got into tho lead. Tho winner turned up in Ngawati, who was always playing a leading part with the pacemaker, and he finished up his task so vigorously that there was a gap of two lengths between him and the nmner-upj Helen, when tho post was reached.

Prince Rufus at last. The New Year's Hardlo Raco attracted a fiold of 11, and, desipito the fact of King's Guard having failed to get past the third fence on Tuesday when contesting the Ponsonby Hurdle Race, and that ho fell heavily then, tho Waikato gelding was made a warm favourite. King's Guard made a move to endeavour to win his race half a mile from home, and ha was challenging at tho seventh hurdle, but he did not jump tho obstable boldly and lost ground. Peter Amans, who had been making the pace five furlongs from home looked like winning at the bund of tho straight, but Prince Rufus was level with his rival at the last fenco, and in an exciting finish the latter beat his rival by a hisad.

The elovan horsen coloured on the card for the A.R.C. Handicap went to the punt. Count Cavour, who was in the post of honour with 9.8, was a bit dry in his coat, but he commanded sufficient admirers to send him favourite. To Monanui, who carried a very bright appearance, was second in demand. When the first three furlongs were reded off, Surveyor was making the pace for a veiy conpact field, and ho we»s first into the straight. J The concluding stage saw Te Monanui dash through on the inside and the son of Potoa, finishing in bold style, combated all challenges and won by a length from Transformer. Exciting Derby Contest,

The succeeding event was the Great Northern Derby, and when the numbers went up it was found that the field of contestants for the classic race had been reduced to 10 by the withdrawal of Automne, Merry Damon, Mimetic, Mint Leaf, Mosaic, Nippy, Penman and Lomint, With no outstanding performer in the field the issue was popularly ruled opes, but when backers cwne to operate it was a case of odds being laid on Star Stranger. Mandane and the bracketed pair Mask and The Thorn being most, favoured of the others. The contestants all moved well in the preliminary and though Star Stronger was not required to stretch out his bold gait served to inspire confidence that Mr. A. B. Williams would furnish the winner. In tho first four furlongs Star Stranger figured in tho rear batch, but the contestants wero racing so well together that there were no heart searchings as far as the favourito was concerned, and when the son of Martian was required to improve his position ho did so in a style that gave his followers renewed confidence. Aberfeldy, who had been making the pace, was headed by Mandano four fourlongs from homo, and tho bay filly, having a couplo of lengths advantage of Star Stranger when tho race from the distance camo to be undertaken, matters looked promising for the Wanganui filly. Star Stranger, however, answered gamely the calls of his rider, and in an exciting set to over the last twenty yards the favourito got tho best of his rival in the last stride and won by a head amid a scene of great excitoment. There was a warm round of applause for Star Stranger when Roy Reed brought the bay colt back to the enclosure, and tho owner, Mr. A. B. Williams, was the recipient of many warm congratulations on the success of his colours. After the race, the pleasing ceremony of encircling tho winue? s neck with the blue ribbon was performed by Lady Clifford, amid a very warm round of cheering. Star Stranger was bred by Mr. A. J. Toxward, of Wairarapa, from whom he was purchased when a yearling by Mr. Williams. Star Stranger is a line up r standing colt and can be adjudged well entitled to havo his name enrolled among winners of the Great Northern Derby. The Sprinters.

Tho Newmarket Handicap brought out the eight coloured on tho card, and Black Cat ruled the popular fancy. Tho daughter of Absurd gave her followers a good run, but the upshot of an exciting finish was a head victory for Cawnporo, while Civility and the favourite were separated by a like margin. In a field of eighteen saddled to contest the Glasgow Handicap, Fool's Paradise was the one singled out for most attention, and the son of Absurd endorsed the opinion by winning his race with a brilliant run in the concluding stage of tho journey. Fool's Paradise, > however, displayed lameness on coming back to the enclosure.

DETAILS OF THE RACING. ELLERSLIE HANDICAP, Of £500; second £IOO, third £SO. Apprentice ridcirs. 1 Mile. 1 MOSAIC, R. Porter's b g, 3yra, by Como Boy ll.—Marble Star, 8.8, car." car. 3.3 (F. Dunn) 1 3 MISS VERA, L. J. Hyde's b m, aged, 8.3 {F. Foster) 2 4—WENDAY. Mrs. R. L Caro's ch f. 3yrs, 8.0, car. 7.91 (C. Beere) ~ 3

Also Started.—ll Waltzer (Long), 8.2, car. 7.11; 8 Exactly (A. Comer). 8.0; 11 Gay Comet (C. Hastings), 7.13; 5 Nucleus (J. Mephan), 7.13; 12 Curraghmoro (C. Potter), 7.-1; 15 Homai (P. Mcllroy). 7.0; 9 Quincoma (E. Tuokey), 7.3; 2 Golden Autumn (C. Eastwood), 7.3, car. 7.8; 6 Archeno (A. Driscoll), 7.0. car. 7.1; 10 Everest; ("W. Bagby), 7.0, car. 7.10J; 13 Han S awera (C. Davies). 7.0; 16 Thursby (C. Goldsboro), 7.0; 7 Appellant (W. Jones), 7.0, car. 7.10. ("Winner trained by T. R. George. Ellerslie). From r> good start Golden Autumn was first away and she led along the back from Ifangawera, Nucleus, Mis 3 Vera, Waltzer and Mosaic. Golden Autumn showed the way through the cutting olosely attended by Mosaic, Nucleus, Miss Vera, Hangawera and Everest. Mosaic and Nucleus were first into tho straight from Golden Autumn. Miss Vera and Quincoma. Mosaic had charge at the distance and camo on to win 1 " L ree P'Yta °f ® length from Miss Vera, who beat Wenday by a neck. Nucleus was fourth, followed by Curraghmore, Homai and Archeno. Time, lm 40 3-ss. MIDSUMMER HANDICAP. Of £C0O; second £IOO, third £SO. For two-year-olds; 5 fur. 4—NGAWATI, D. J. Barry's ch g, by Autumn—Blue Sea. 8.12 (L. G. Morris) .. 1 2—HELEN, G. P. Moore's b f, 7.13 (J. •Barry) 2 I—SEATOWN, J. Fredric's ch g, 7.12 (R. Reed) 3 Also Started.—3 Decoy Bird (E. Keesing). 7.8; 6 War Officer (B. Rosen), 7.3; 5 Capella Abbey (E. Tuohey), 7.0. (Winner trained by IL Goscomb, Gisborne). . Ngawati, Holen and Capella Abbey jumped out cleanly. With a furlong covored Helen had charge, closely attended by iMgawati. with Seatown and Decoy Bird together next and in this order they turned for home. Ngawati drew out in the straight and wor k by two lengths from Helen, who defeated Seatown by a head. Decoy Bird was fourth and War Officer fifth. Time, lm 23. NEW YEAR'S HURDLE RACE. Of £600; second £IOO, third £SO; 2 miles. 6—PRINCE RUT US, W. H. Wackrow's b g, aged, by King Rufua—The Boyne, 10.2 (W. Rcnnie) .. ..I B—PETER AMANS, L. Coleman's b g. aged, 9.12 (S. Henderson) .. ..2 11—BRIGHT LIGHT. C. M. Emanuel's b g, aged, 9,0 (A. Gilmer) .. ..3 Also Started.—s Sir Fanciful (H. Burt). 11.7; 'i Askarj (Robinson), 10.10; 1 King's Guard (G. Holland), 10.9; 2 Crown Coin (R, Thompson), 10.2; 9 Kendal (C. Carmont), 9.7; 3 Black. Cruiser (A. McDonald), 9.3, car. 9.6; 10 Cnirrup (C. Mcßae). 9.0, car. 9.1 j; 7 Bahadur (W. Fielding), 9.0. (Winner trained by J. F. Tutchen, Frankton Junction). Chirrup and King's Guard were quickest to the first fence but once over Kendal took ohiM'go. Xc-ndnl showed tho way pa3t -She stand to Peter Amans. Prince Rufus, Abk&ri and Chirrup. Along the back the order wild Eondal, Peter Amans, Prince Eufua, King's Guard, Chirrup and Askari, Crown Coin falling at tho fence by the six furlong post. Crossing the top Peter Amans had chargo from Prince Ri.fus, while Bright Light and Kendal moved up. Peter Annans was first into the straight from Prince Rnfus, Bright Light -and King's Guard. Once over the last fence Peter Amans and Prince Rufus had a great tussle, Prince Rufus eventually winning by a head. Bright Light was half a length away third, with Kins'a Guard fourth. Then camo S'ir Fanciful and Kendal. Askari fell at tho last fenco. Time, 3m 48s. A.R.C. HANDICAP, Of £2000; second £4OO, third £200; 1$ miles. 2—TE MONANUI, Mrs. W. D. Graham's b hj, syr 3, by Potoa—Unity, 8.11 (J. Barry) .. .. 1 7—TRANSFORMER, D. Twohill's b g, aged, 7.0 {C. Eastwood) ..2 I—COUNT CAVOUR, J. 9. Barrett's ch S, 4yrs, 9.8 (F. C. Porter) .. ..3

Also Started.—s The Banker (M. _ McCarten), 9.4; 3 Royal Divorce (E. Keesing), 9.1; 8 Surveyor (A. Tinker), 8.9; 4 Muraani (H. Goldfinch), 8.2; 6 Star Ranger (W. Jones), 7.2; 9 Royal Present (W. Bagby), 7.0, car. 7.10; 10 Cureaform (E. Tuoney). 7.0; 11 Kamehnmeha <C. Potter), 7.0. (Winner trained by E. George, New Plymouth).

They left to a perfect start and passing the stand Surveyor held command from Te Monanui, Royal Divorce, The Banker, Kamehameha and Cureaform. The four leading positions were unchanged along the back where Cureaform moved up fifth and Star Ranger sixth. Surveyor piloted the field through the cutting with Cureaform, Star Ranger, Te Monanui and The Banker his nearest attendants and Corint Cavour moving up. Purveyor led into the straight from Royal Present, Te Monanui, Transformer, Count Cavour and Star Ranger. Below the distance Te Monanui came through on the inside while Transformer and Count Cavour also made efforts. Te Monanui finished well and won by a length from Transformer, who defeated Count Cavour by half ft length. Muraahi wijs fourth followed by The Banker. Surveyor and Royal Present. Time, 2m 365. The following sectional times were supplied by tho official timekeeper, Mr. J. K. Douglas:—2 furlongs, 275; 3 furlongs, 40s; 4 furlongs, 52 l-ss;' 5 furlongs, 1m 7 2-ss; 6 furlongs, lm 20s; V furlongs, lm 31 3-ss; 1 mile, lm 455: 9 furlongs, lm 57 3-ss; 1} miles, 2m 36a. WINNERS OF THE AUCKLAND RACING CLUB'S HANDICAP. (Since 1900.) Time, m. s. 1900—L. D. and N. A. Nathan's Explosion. 9.10 ~, ... 2 39 1901—L. Marshall's Coronet, 8.3 ... ? 40 1-5 1903 J. T. Ryan's Nonette. 9.4 ... 2 371 1903 —L. D. and N. A. Nathan's Rosella, 7.12 2 401 1904—P. James' Romeo. 8.6 .. 239 2-5 1905—D. Stewart's Scotty, 8.6 ... 2 411-5 1906 J. George's Paritutu, 8.2 ... 2 37 2-5 If,o7—R. nnd R. Duder's Akarana, 7.0 2 39 1-5 It) 0 J. D. Ormond's Zimmerman. 51.3 2 36 3-5 ?909 St. J. Buckley's AH Rod, 9.11 2 37 2-5 t9lO—J. H. Walters's Sedition, 7.1... 235 2-5 1911 —G. D. Greenwood's Miss Mischief, 5.13 ... .... .... 232 3-5 D. Greenwood's Miss Mischief (8.4) and J. McNicol's Maxwell (6.12), • ' dead-heat ... 2 35 4-5 1913 F. W. Arnold's Antoinette, 8.1 2 37 2-5 1914 E. J. Watt's Sea Pink, 7.7 234 1915 T. H. Lowry's Marshal McDonald. 7.0 .... ... 234 191G-—J. Hand'b Mullingar. 7.5 ... 2 35 1917 W. Gardner's John Barleycorn. 7.12 2 35 Whelch's Multiply, 7.8 ... 2 35 1919—P. Dorset's Red Ribbon, 7.10 2 37 2-5 .13-?O—K. S. Williams'. Vagabond, 8 8 234 2-5 192.1.—11. Hanr.on's Tinohoro, 6.10... 234 2-5 1922—Potts and McDonald's Manga--nahoe 6.7, and W. H. Wackrow's Boomerday ,6.7), dead-heat. .. .. 232 1923—Rua Moetahuna's Muraahi, 6-7 2 41 3-5 1924 J. Richardson's Rosedav 9.0 233 3-5 1925—Rua Moetahuna's Muraahi, 7.13 2 35 1928—MrB. W. D. Graham's Te Monanui. 8.11 .. .. 23G GREAT NORTHERN DERBY, Of £3000; second £6OO, third £3OO. Breeder of winner £IOO if bred in New Zealand. Colts and geldings, 8.10; fillies, 8,7; 1} miles. I—STAR STRANGER, A. B. Williams' b c. by Martian—Star Lady, 8.10 (R. Reed) 1 ?—MANDANE, Mrs. M. Blackruore's b f, by Panmure—Cherry Mart, 8.7 (M. McCarten) ■ . <. ..2 3—THE THORN, G. M. Currie's br g, by Absurd—Rose Queen, 8.10 (L. Morris) 3 7—Aberfeldy, R. Hannon's ch g, 8.10 (G. Holland) ~ 0 s—Beacon Light, W. T. Hazlett's b g, 8.10 (J. Barry) 0 B—Diogenes, H. P. F. Blundell's b c, 8.10 (D. Watts) .. 0 6—King Lu, R. B. Hines' b c, S.lO (A. Tinker) 0 6—Queen Arch, R. Hall's b f, 8.7 (bracketed with King Lu) (R. Hall) .. .. 0 3—Mask, G. M. Currie's br g, 8.10 (bracketed with The Thorn), E. Keesins - .. 0 4 Star Area, L. A. Bradley's b g, 8.10 (H. Goldfinch) j .. 0 (Winner trained by J. H. Jefferd, Hastings.) From a good start Aberfeldy was first away and ho lod past the stand from Mandano, Mask. The Thorn, King Lu and Star Area, Star Stranger being last. The order was much the same along the back, where Star Stranger commenced to move up. Aberfeldy led through tho cutting a couple of lengths in front of Mandsne, who was two lengths clear of The Thorn, Mask and Mandane. Mundane was first into the straight, closely followed by The Thorn and Star Stranger, with Aberfeldy next btar Stranger challenged Mandane at the distance and in a great finish beat her by a head. The Thorn was two and n-half lengths away third, with Mask fourth. Then came Diogenes, Star Area and Beacon Light Time. 2m 35 3-ss. The following sectipnal times were supplied by tho official timekeeper, Mr. J. K. Douglas: Two fjrlongs, 28 3-ss; three furlongs. 40a; four furlongs, 52a; five furlongs, lm 6 l-ss; six furlongs, lm 18 3-ss; seven furlongs, lm 31s; one mile, lm 445; nine furlongs, lm 56 4-sa; 1): mile 3, 2m 36 3-ss,

WINNERS OF THE GREAT NORTHERN DERBY. Timo. 1875—Toi, by Diomedes »« 1876—Ariel, by Dainty Ariel .. « 1877— Danebury, by Traducer .. .. 1878—Venu3 Transit, by Sledmero .. 1879—Omega, by Sledmero .. ..38* 1880—Libeller, by Traducer -v . .. 1381—Tim Whiffler. by Tim Whiffler (S) . • • • • . . 2 56$ 1882—Pitz Hercules bv Yattendon ~38! 1883—Welcome Jack, by Traducer ~3 9 1884 —Nelson, by King Cole .. .. 2 50 1885—Tigredia, by Leolinua .. .. 246 1886—Foul Shot, by Musket . . .. 2 404 1887*--Disowned, by Albany .. 243 1887+—Sextant, by Bobinson Crasoe 2 46 1889—Cuirassier, by Musket ~ .. 240 i 1890—Tirailleur, by Musket .. .. 244 i 1891 -Medallion, by Nordenfeldt .. 2 55J 1892—Morion, by Captivaior .. ~ 240 1893 —St. Hippo, by St. Leger „. 2 46 AS9l—Loyalty, by St. George .. 2 40\ 1995—Stepfaldt. by Nordenfeldt .. 251 Fubuliat, by Fabulous .. 2 39* 1837—Nestor, by St. Leger . . .. 240 1893 —St. Crispin, by St. Leger „. 243 lafla—Bluejacket, by St. Leger .. 240 1900—Misa Delaval, by Seaton Do llaval , .. 242 2-5 1901—Benown. by Dreadnought .. 2 401-5 1902—Memschikoff, by Stepniak .. 2 381 1903—Wairiki. by Soult .. .. 2 371 190-I—Gladsome, by Seaton Delaval 2 411-5 1905 —Gladstone, by Seaton Delayal 2 44 1-5 1906—Multifid. by Multiform . . 2 36 4-5 1907—Zimmerman, by Birkenhead . . 240 190S—Boniform. by Multiform .. 2 3C2-5 1909 —Husbandman, by Treadmill . . 236 1910 —Kilwinning, by Kilchoran .. 2 371-5 191]—Danub». by Martian .. .. 237 1912—Counterfeit, by Treadmill .. 236 1913 —Bon Rove, by Boniform . . 2 33 1914~Cherubmi. by Martian .. 2 37 2-5 1915—Reputation, by Martian .. 2 36 2-5 191G—Desert Gold, by All Black .. 232 3-5 1957 —Sasanoff, by Martian . . .. 238 1-5 1918—F.stland, by F : nland . . . • 2 38 3-5 1919—Gloaming, by The Welkin . 234 2-5 1990—Royal Stag, by Auttimnus . . 2 34 3-5 1921—Crasbas. bv Demosthenes . . 234 4-5 1922—Winning His, by Autumnus 2 35 1-5 1923—Enthusiasm, by Panmuro . . 2 35 1-5 1924—Ballymena, by Nassau . . 2 36 1925—Count Oavouf, by Rolferino 236 3-5 1926—Star Stranger, by Martian . 236 3-5 *Now Year's Day tßoxing Day. PEDIGREE OF THE WINNER. Sire: Martian, by Martagon (son of Bend Or and grandson of Doncastor) from Otterden, by Sheen (son of Hampton) from Springmorn, by Springfield (son of St. Albans). Dam: Star Lady, by Demosthenes (son of Desmond and grandson of St. Simon) from Lady Lucy, by Seaton Delaval (son of Melton), from Hilda, by Musket (son of Toxophilite). NEWMARKET HANDICAP. Of £1000; second £-200, third £IOO. 6 fur. 7 —CAWNPORE, E. "W. Alison, junr.'a b g 4yrs, by Lucknow—Catherine! Dock, 7.7 car. 7.8J (W. Bagby) . . . . 1 S—CIVILITY. H. L. Russell's br m, syrs, 8.1 (H. Wiggins) 2 I—BLACK CAT. E. L. Riddiford's b f 3yxs, 7.10 (E. Keeßing) . . .. 3

Also Started.—3 Glentruin (F. C. Porter), 10.0; 4 Finelli (H. Dulieu),- 8.4; 6 King Merv (R. Reed), 8.2; 2 Oration (\V. Jones), 7.4; 6 Master Doon (Potter), 7.0. (Winner trained by F. Gilchrist, Ellerslie.) From a perfect start Black Cat was first to single out. With two furlongs covered Finelli was out several lengths fjrom Black Cat and Oration, with Cawnporo next. Finelli led into tho straight from Black Cat, Oration, Civility and Cawnporo. Below the distance Black Cat and Oration closed on Finelli,_ while Cawnporo came through on the inside and Civility on tho outside. Cawnporo, Black Cat, Oration and Civility had a great set to over the last furlong and in a brilliant finish Cawnporo won by a head from Civility, who beat Black Cat by a head. Oration was fourth, followed by Glentruin and King Merv. Time, lxn 15s. GLASGOW HANDICAP. Of £650; second £IOO, third £sO. 7 fur. I—FOOL'S PARADISE, E. L. Riddiford's b g, 4yr3, by Absurd—, 8.7 (E. Ke63illg) . . 1 '3—AUTOMNE. D. J. Barry's br g, 3yrs,

8.4 (M. M'Carten) .. 2—THE LAMB. J. M. Hickey'a br fi, syrs, 8.13 (J. Barry)

Also Started.—i Pelham (W. Bagby), 8.7, and Uralla (H. Dulieu), 7.0 car. 7.10; 9 Tall Timber (A. Tinker), 8.7; 3 Sun Up (H, Goldfinch). 8.2; 8 Arcneen (R. Reed), 7.12; 7 Prince Abbey L. Hanson), 7.12 car 7.13J, and Alfort (13. Rosen), 7.7 car. 7.9, bracketed; 5 Eoromea <D. Watts), 7.12; 14 Charlady (P. Mcllroy), 1/.9; 12, Princess Ronnie (H. Wiggins), 7.8; 10 Mount Mart a (C. Eastwood), 7.1; 13 King Smock (W. JonesO. 7.1; 15 Namutere (C. Potter), 7.0; 16 Attractive (A. Corner), 7.0 car. 7.2; 18 Gold Fern (J. Cammick), 7.0 car. 7..JJ; 17 Tactician (C. Goldsboro), 7.0; 11 Ripon Abbey (E. Tuohy), 7.0.

(Winner trained by T. F. Quinlivan, Trentham.) From a perfect start Mount Marta and The Lamb began best. The Lamb showed the way along the back to Mount Marta, Sun Up, Prince Abbey and .Pelham. Sun Up led through the cutting from The Lamb, Tall Timber, Mount Marta and Prince Abbey. Sun Up was first into the straight from' Tall Timber, The Lamb, Mount Marta and Princo Abbey. At the distance Tall Timber had charge, but Fool's Paradise came along with an irresistible run and won by a length from Automne, who also finished well. The Lamb, threo parts of a length away, was third, with Tall Timber fourth. Then came Sun Up, Namutere and Charlady. Time, 'lm 275. THE CONCLUDING DAY. The Auckland Racing Club will bring its summer meeting to a close to-day, and given fine weather soma good contests may be anticipated. The following is a list of the horses engaged in the various events:— GREY HANDICAP. Of £500; 1 mile. st lb «t lb Uoromea ..00 Chairman ..74 Miss Vera .. S 7 Currasrhmore . 7 0 My Hobby ~83 Appellant ..70 Diogenes .. 8 3 Archeno . . 7 0 Dal Eaton .. 713 Brushwood Boy 7 0 Wend ay •. 711 Danae ~70 Exactly ..79 Fr. Beauty . 1 0 Gay Comet ..78 Holymond ..70 Waltzor ..76 Mint Leaf ..70 SYLVIA HANDICAP. Of £660; G fur. st lb st lb Tea Bell ~86 Seatown . . 7 13 Kiosk ..86 Threadneedle 7 0 GRANDSTAND HANDICAP. Of £1000; li miles. st lb st lb Royal Divorce 9 1 Passionate ..70 Surveyor ~88 Tresillian . . 7 0 Star Stranger 8 5 Attractive ..70 Town Bank .. 711 Barometer . 7 0 Transformer . 7 6 Cureaform . * 7 0 Spoony ..72 Desert Glow . 7 0 Gala Day ~71 Sun Up ..70 Siaosii ..70 AUCKLAND HURDLE RACE. Of £6OO ; 2 miles. . st lb st lb Peter Maxwell 11 5 Kendal ..96 Sir Fanciful .11 5 Black Cruiser 9 2 Lucullent ~10 13 Miss Melva . 9 2 King's Guard 10 7 Brightlight .92 Merry Singer 10 5 Pendennis ..90 Peter Amans . 10 4 Colonel Abbey 9 0 Crown Coin . 10 1 ROYAL STAKES. Of £IOOO ; 6 fur. st lb st lb The Thorn .. 910 Ngawati .. 711 Automne . . 9 0 Joy King . . 711 Merry Damon 9 0 Royal Tea ..79 Nincompoop . 9 0 Capella Abbey. 6 13 Oration ..90 Seatown .. 6 13 Commendation 8 2 True Blood . . 613 Lysa.udor .. 8 3 Saucy Lass .. 610 CLIFFORD PLATE. Of £650; 15 miles. st lb st ib Rapine ..94 Beacon Light 8 0 Count Cavour 9 0 Star Stranger 8 0 Town Bank ..90 BOWEN HANDICAP. Of £650; 6 fur. st lb st lb Hipo ..86 Dan Quin ..71 Civility ..85 Sun Up ..70 Tukia .. 9-1 Air Queen ..70 Cawnpore ..81 Day Guard ..70 Fmelli ..80 Master Doon 7 0 The Lamb ..80 Prince Abbey 7 0 York Abbey . 713 Dave ..70 Black Cat .. 712 Yaqui ..70 King Merv .. 712 REVIEW OF THE FIELDS. BY ARCHER. The programme to-day will open with the Grey Handicap. As a result of their good showings earlier in the meeting Miss Vera, My Hobby and Diogenes may be among the popular fancies. There are only four_ acceptors for the Sylvia Handicap and Kiosk, who was un- | lucky on the second day, may receive most attention from backers. The Grandstand Handicap has drawn a field of fifteen. Despite his failure yesterday Boyal Divcrcr may again be in strong , emarid, whi.l# Star Stranger, Transformer and Gala Day bound to command good followings. A useful field of hurdlers will be seen out ! in the Auckland Hurdle Race. The popular I fancier may come from Crown Coin, Lucullent find Sir Fanciful. The question of supremacy between Lysander and Commendation is still unsettled owing to the latter being left standing in the Great Northern Foal Stakes. They are both expected to compete in the Royal Stake* and their meeting should be one of the features of to-day's racing. Mr. A. B. Williams holds a strong hand in thu Clifford PU.te with Rapine and Star Stranger. Should ho send both his horses to thr' post the bracket will, no doubt, see a short price. . A good field of eighteen is carded for the Bowen Handicap. Civility and Black Cat have both rn.ced consistently at the meeting, and should find favour. Hipo, who will be making his first appea rsjice at the meeting, may slso have a solid following.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19215, 2 January 1926, Page 13

Word Count

ELLERSLIE CARNIVAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19215, 2 January 1926, Page 13

ELLERSLIE CARNIVAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19215, 2 January 1926, Page 13