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PORT OF AUCKLAND. YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS. 1 EL M.S. Laburnum (1i.65 a.m.). from Suva. Ulitnaroa (12.10 p.m.), from Sydney. Passengers: Saloon. —Mr. E, Allen. Mrs. Allen, Mr®- E. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs, R. Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. B. Blackmore, Miss E Bass. Mr. and Mrs J- Bennie, Mr. D. and Miss V. Bennie. Miss M, Brooks, Mr. P. Braithwaite, Comdr. C E. Brooks, Bsshop Cleary, Mr. and Mrs. Christie, Mr. W Colina Master S. and Miss P. Conway, Mrs. EL Croas. Mr, F. Cox, Mrs. A. B. and Miss A Davidson Mrs E Dowlin«. Mr. D. Don nehy. Miss N Duffy Mr, J Entwistle. Mrs E. imager* Mrs. M Edser, Mrs. Fordsr and S children. Mr. S Fever. Mr. F Foy, Miss M. Fret wet], Mrs. A Pass. Miss G. Frame, Jlisses 1. and K Fugan. Mr. and Mrs trench. Mr J. Haynes, Mr W, Hunt. Mr 6. Henry. Mr. and Mrs. J. Johns. Miss K Johnston, Mr. Miss M Kin near Miss M. Kin Mrs. W. Little. Mrs. £.. Law, Mr. W Le Queans, Miss W Lonr R *?/*• » Mn V, P Morgan. Miss E, Matthews, Mr. R. McDowell, Mrs. M, hewman. Mrs. N Otter. Mr. 8 Orcrinstrm Mr V, Penty. Mi»» It Pierce, Miss L. Pntchard Mr H Po*»U. Mr, and Mrs C, Reynolds.Mrs M, Raes, Mr. C. Redwood, M-* J m U o? de r? Mi. and Mrs. D. Sharid. Miss W bt Paul Mrs. B Smith. Mr E. Shuts, Mr. EL Senior, Mrs L. Staicr Mr and Mrs. W. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs G and Miss R Trott Dr and Mrs. H. Turbatt, H r ' k' Mr rtntl Mrs P- Windsor. Mr. H Whstmore. Miss D. Watkins. Mrs E-. Mr. 'W West wood. Mrs F. and Miss T Zacflariah, Mr J. Brincourt, Mr. and Mrs. J Hermann. Mr. M Segedin and Si steerage, including 10 Chinese. H.M.S. Dunedin (1.45). from Rarotonssa, Tvonaki (2.30 a.m. 5. from Portland: TaniVha 14.50 a.m.), from Pseroa; Rarawa (4.55 ft. m i, from Onehunga: Manaia (5.45 a.m.) from vv hangars!Mo hi (8.5S p.m.), from Coast; _N»atiawa <2.15 p.m.), from Thames; Hauiti {2.35 »,m.), from Coromandel. Kawau <G. 15 p.m.). from Mancawoi. YESTERD A Y'S DEPA RTURES. Coronation (11.30 a.m.), for Whakatane; Tnboe <3.20 p.m.j, for Coast; Oman* <4.35 p.m.), for Arkles Bay. Clansman (5.55 p.m.). for Russell Claylaore (8.45 pro.). for Whangnrei: W sinni <10.5 Dm.), for East Coast ports: Ksi mariswa (10.55 p.m.). for Portland and Wellington, VESSELS DUE TO-DAY. Port Nicholson, from London, midnight. Wsiptt, from Waiheke, 6.80 p.m. Waipu, from Kprepeehi. 4 a.m. Matansti. from Tauranga,, 7 a.m. Apanui. from Awanui. 11 a.m. Oin ana, from Arkiea Bay. 6.30 p.m. VESSELS' SAILING TO-DAY. Torea, for Mansrapai. 3 Waipn. for Waiheke. 10 a.m. Matangi, for Tauranga, 7 p.m. Hauiti. for Kor>«. 3 p.m. Nsatiawa. for Thames, 4 p.m. Manaia, for Whangarei, 10 p.m. Omana. for Mahuranpi. 2.30 p.m. Kawau, for Big Omaha, 10 a.m._ Apanai. for .Great Barrier, midnislit. K»ton. for Southern ports. 5 p.m. Kartici. for Weliinjrton evening, VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND IXTERCOLOKIAI, KfSV COASTAL. Hinemoa, Nit?® Island, October 8. Rona, Fiji, October 10 Wanaka Southern ports October 10. Maucgaiiui, Sydney. October 13. "Wingatui, Southern ports, October 13. Flora, Rarotonga, via Wellington. October 15 Penmorvmh N- rn Island, October 1(5. H.M.S. Veronica. Tonga. November 4. OVERSEAS Turakina, South, at Wellington, to load. Hororata, South, at Lyttelton, to load. Port Nicholson. London. October 8. Canadian Spinner South, October 11, to load ' Maimoa. Capetown, delayed in Australia Waiotapu, San Francisco, October 8. Canadian Prospector, Montreal. October 9 Otakt Liverpool October 10. Aorangi, Vancouver, October il. Elsiston, Texas, October 13. Trefusia, New York, October 16, West Cslera. Los Angeles, Qctooer 18. Corinthic London, via Wellington. Octo ber 24. Suffolk. Liverpool, October 25. Wirral, Montreal, November 4. Trewyn, New York. October 80. Hertford. Liverpool. November 4. Canadian Challenger. Montreal. November Italians. London, November 16. BRITISH PASSENGER STEAMERS. Csrmtux left Southampton, September 11. due Wellington. October 20. Rotoraa. left Southampton. September 25. due Wellington October 31. loaie, leaves Southampton October 29, due Wellington November 7, Raainera, leaves Southampton. October 23. due Auckland. November 28. Raapeini, leaves Liverpool, October 24, due Auckland, December 5. EARLY SAILINGS PROM AUCKLAND OVERSEAS. Canadian Spinner, America and Canada, October 12. PACIFIC MAIL STEAM ISRS. Niagara due at Vancouver from Auckland on October 16. Tahiti, at San Francisco, sails for Wellington to-day. Aorangi, due at Auckland from Vancouver on Sund Makura, at Wellington, sails for San Francisco on Tuesday. VESSELS IN PORT. In Stream—Rew& (barque). Northern Chief (schooner), E.M.C.S. Iris, Beiucia, Waimana, Matakans., Devon Athenic, Kent. Eifrieda (bqe.), m Treverbyn Port Hacking. Rushine. De vonport—H.M. S. Philomel. H.M.S. . Dunedin H.M.S. Laburnum, Queens Wharf— Tainui Tofua. Prince's Wharf—Kartigi, Katoa, Ulimaroa. King s Wharf—Kaikorai. After discharging coal the Kaimanawa sailed last nittht for Portland to load •smeat for Wellington. i'fce Wainui sailed last night for TokoIfiaru Bay, Gisborne and Napier. She is due back at Auckland oa Sunday. The Nobel Explosive Company's ketch Miro was at Napier yesterday, en route from Southern ports to Auckland. With cargo from Southern ports tha Winzatui will leave Relliscton on Friday for Picton and Auckland. She is due here on Tuesday morning. The Waßsksk en route from Southern ports, was to ieava Timaru at 8 p.m. yeaJerday for Wellington and Auckland. She % expected at Auckland about Saturday. OTAKI FROM LIVERPOOL. An expected arrival about _ne*t Saturday is the Nt Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Ctaki from Liverpool, She is bringing general merchandise from West of England port for discharge at Auckland. Wellington, jjyttelton and Dunedin. THE MAHENO. The Unloa Company's intercolonial steamer Maheno arrived at Sydney from Wellington yesterday morning. ' She is scheduled to leave Sydney to-morrow with passengers, mails and cargo for to the Royal Mai steamer Makura at Wellington, arriving or Monday. The Makura will leave Wellington on Tuesday for San Francisco. PORT HACKING DELAYED. Having completed discharge of the Auckland portion of her cargo from New York, the Commonwealth and Dominion" Line eteaber Port Hacking should have left Auckland last evening for Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin and Bluff However, the crew refused to take the vessei to sea and in consequence she will go to an anchorage ia the stream this morning. ULIMAROA IN PORT. The Buddart-Parker steamer Ulimaroa arrived from Sydney at mid-day yesterday. Having been cleaned and painted in the dock at Sydney, rind experiencing fine weather on the journey, she made a good passage to Auckland. She barthed at i Prince's Wharf to land passengers, mails ; and cargo. She is a leave Auckland at -• a.m. on Saturday on her return trip to Australia. CANADIAN SPINNER DELAYED. Heavy rain delayed loading the Canadian Spinner at Bluff and her departure for Wellington end Auckland was postponed until Monday. Sae is due at Wellington to-day arid at A nek land on Sunday, ■from Auckland she is to be despatched for New York, Boston and Halifax on Monday, HINEMOA LEAVES NIUE. Spifddina, Limited, have received wire le=is ar)vice from Niue Island statins that the Government stmet Hinemoa left on Saturday fot Auckland She is bringing If tons of copra, n addition to bannnns an* £<»r- 15.1 car -o SVe is due on Friday even iuis oc Saturday mons ng. TIIS PORT NICHOLSON. A further wireless m#Bsaga from the Coumit uv.-ealth and Hoonnion Line sieamei Port «S choUou states she will reach Auck kud at 5 a.m. to-morrow. 8flf» a huge cargo of general mei tiom Msddfea'-ioro >.tid London. Over WKK) tons will be un'onded nt Pnnoe » \Vltairt an<n the rem# rider ut Wellington and New Plvui The Fi.rme:.a' Cooperative Auctioneenac Ccmpaay are the local agents.

THE KARTIGI. The Union Company's n«»w steamer Kartigi xa to sail this evening for Wellington, Fioton, Lyttelton and Dunedin to complete aisccarge of cargo from Canada. THE KAIKORAI, The Kaikorai is expected to complete discnarge at Kinsr s Wharf on Friday. She win then bs despatched for Newcastle to load another cargo of coal, THE SCHOONER HUIA. The Nobel Explosives Company's attxil tary schooner Huia is loadinst hardwood at Grafton. She is expected to sail at any time now for Auckland. OMANA AT SYDNEY. With timber loaded at Auckland. Onerati. Opua and HokianEa. the Lamb steamer Omana reached Sydney yesterday. KATOA SAILS TO-DAY. The Kaioa did not complete loading yesterday and her departure for Wellington. Lyttelton, Dunedin and Timaru has been postponed until i p.m. to-day. She is berthed at Prince's Wharf. RIRA AT MELBOURNE. After a prolonged oassage of five weeks from Auckland the Nobel Explosives Company's ketch Rira retched Melbourne osj Saturday. She will load explosives for Greymouth and Westport. CARGO FROM PACIFIC COAST. The Union Steam Ship Company advises that it has chartered the Sierra Nevada to commence loading at San Francisco about October 25 for Auckland. Wellington and Sydney, She should leave San Francisco toward the end of October and arrive at Auckland about November 22. AORANGI NEARING SUVA. The Royal Mai! liner Aorangi is due at Suva to-morrow and should reach Auckland on Saturday afternoon. She will leave for bydiiev at 10 p.m. on Tuesday WAIOTAPU DUE TO-MORROW, The latest wireless report received from the union Company's trans-Pacific steamer waiotapu states she will arrive from San r rancisco to-morrow morning. She has a targe amount of cargo from Pacific Coast Dorta for discharge at Auckland. Wellington Melbourne and Sydney. TAINUI FOR STREAM. The Shaw, Savill and Albion Line steamer Tainui has completed discharge of careo from London at (Jueen Wharf. Her holds are now being cleaned up ready for loading. She is to go into the stream to-morrow to await settlement of the strike. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are expected to be within range of the under-meationed wireless stations to-day:— Auckland.—Citv of Delhi, H.M.S. Veronica, Hinemoa, Port Nicholson, Largs Bay, Rona, Niagara. Waiotapu. Makambo. Port Sydney, Aorangi, Whangape, Otaki, Waikawa, Katoa, Kaimauawa, Waipori. Wellington.--Maori, Wahine, Ngaio. Arahura, Skramistad Moeraki, Kaitangata. Flora. Kaiwarra, Karetu, Arawa. Aws.rua.—Canadian Spinner, Sally Maersk, Hermes, Kaiapoi Wingatui, Waikouaiti. Wanaka, Tutanekai Susses.


WELLINGTON.—October 6: ArrivalMaori {6.55 a m.), and Opihi (11.30 a.m.), from Lyttelton: Skramstad (12.20 p.m.), from Napier; Moeraki, from Lyttelton; Skramstad (12.20 p.m.), from Napier; Moeraki (3.50 p.m.) from Sydney. Sailed— Opihi (? t >.m.), for Nelson; Maori (7.45 p.m.), for Lyttelton; Kaitaagata (9.10 p.m.), tor Westport. LYTTELTON.—October 6: Arrived-Woot-ton (3.45 a.m.), from Wellington; Wahine ni.35 a.m ). from Wellington; Kahika (7.10 am.), from Timaru; Karon (8.40 a.m.), from Timaru; Tutanekai (10.55 a.m.), from Wellington Gale (9 30 a.m.), from Timaru. Sailed; Job (5.5 p.m.), for Wellington; Orepuki (6.15 p.m ), for Timaru, Kahika (8.8 p.m.), for Wellington; Wahine (8.25 p.m.), for Wellington, DUNEDlN.—October 6: Arrived—Breeze >.55 p.m.), from Lyttelton. Sailed: Storm {12.20 a.m.), for Timaru; Koromiko (5.30 p.m. >. for Oamaru; Sally Maersk (5.35 p.m.), for Sydnev Wingatui (9 p.m.), for Timaru. SYDNEY.—October 6: Arrived-Maheno (8,30 a.m.), from Wellington; Omana. from Qokianga,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXII, Issue 19142, 7 October 1925, Page 9

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXII, Issue 19142, 7 October 1925, Page 9

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXII, Issue 19142, 7 October 1925, Page 9