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Tho annua.l presentation of prizes to boys of the Auckland Grammar School took place in the hall of the school, Mountain Road, last evening. The chairman of the board of governors, Professor AP. W. Thomas, presided. The scholastic prizes were presented by the Hon. C. J. Parr, Minister for Education, and tho

sports trophies by Mrs. Parr. The report of the headmaster, Mr. «T. Drummond, opened with a reference to tho death of Mr. J. W. Tibbs, for so many j'ears headmaster of tho school. Tho numbers on the roll for the three terms were 858, 854 and 812, practically the Bame as those of the previous year. While the form was regarded as the school unit, the school hall, the cadet battalion and organised games provided ample opportunities for the development of a strong school spirit. As far as the successes of the old boys were concerned, the school congratulated Sir James Gunson, the first old boy to be knighted, and J. A. Dunning, the Rhodes Scholar for 1925. A. S. T. Plugge was the first boy to win a cadetship at Dartmouth Naval College. Ten university entrance scholarships were fained bv tho schojl, out of 50 offered, he L f pper Sixth. while maintaining a high standard of work, took its full share in the life nf the school. He firmly believed that a post-matriculation' year was the best year in developing manliness, initiative and sense of responsibility. The year had been very successful in cricket and football, and, indeed, in most forms of athletics. Practically all boys who were physically fit were laking part in some form of athletics under guidance of the masters.

The Hon. C. J. Parr said tho test thing a boy could do was to work, and do work for au object. Tho school years were the most influential and momentous years of life. The Minister referred to the g.'eat strides secondary education had xnadi! since he entered the school in 1884, and '.he obligation was on present boys to go to school for three or four years, and, better still, five years. In those years they built up a discipline of mind and force of character which would be of immense value afterwards. At srhool boys learned how to livo and liow to get the best out of life.

The Minister referred to the valno of literature and of the love for good books. He congratulated the boys on keeping up the record of the old school and on maintaining unsullied the old tradition. The extraordinary way which the school won university scholarships still kept it supreme in the world of scholarships. The school orchestra played an enjoynble selection, all the boys of the school eang "The Yeomen of England," and a forest scene from "As You Like It" was well acted by a number of boys.

The prize list is 03 follows:—


Special Prizes.—Enii:ish Essay (Erio Hoqton prizes): Senior, R. W. Towers; junior, K. W. .Rae. History (given by tho Hon. A. M. Myers) i Senior, R. W. Towers; junior, R. D. Munro. Laboratory: J. B. Brooke. Drawing: Lower Sixth, A. B. Jodcb; Fifth forms. R. Wharton: Fourth forms. F. R_ Foote; Third forms, R.. W. Turnbull. Reading: Senior (Catherine Stevens Prize). P. H. Hayman; junior. X. E. Crowe. Workshop: E. C. Schnackenberg. Upper Sixth Form.—English. Latin, French (Kenneth Commons prize): J. A. Stallworthy. 1: F. H. Sugar, 2. Mathematics *nd Science (Eric H. Astley prize): J. A. Stallworthy, 1; L. H. Lidgard, 2. Certificate: Mathematics, D. G. Mawson. Lower Sixth: C. E. . Gat]and. 1: W. G. Smith, 2. Certificates: English, J. R. C. Don; Latin, G ,8. Meredith: French, E. Jenkins; Mathematics and Science. J. H. F. Rishworth. Fifth Form.—Division A: J. C. Black. 1: K. W. Rae. 2. Certificates: English and Latin, A. H. McDonald; French, H. J. Addis; Mathematics and Science, J. C. Stewart. Division B: J. C. Williams. 1; C. H. Downes. 2. Certificates: English. S. Speight; French. A. F. B. McCredie. Division C: E. S. Rishworth. 1: G. S. Robineon, 2. Certificates: French. H. S. Davenport ; Science, F. W. Craig. Division D: L. T. Smytheman, 1; T. A. Green and F. G. Hataway. equal. 2. Certificates: English. G. A. L/ovell: French. H. D. Saunders. Modern A: X. J. V. Martin and J. W. Poynton, equal. Certificates: English. T. V. Elliot; Mathematics, D. H. Wallaco. Modern B: H. L. Bell and W. G ; R. Brialey. equal. Certificates: English. E. H. Blow: History and Geography, X. H. Patterson; Mathematics and Science, H.s H. WnJlis. Remove R. M. Buchan. 1: H. A. Rudall. 2. Fourth Form.—Division A : C. S. W. Yockney, 1; A.J. Ockleston. 2. Division B: J. F. Kenny. 1; S. J. Walker, 2. Certificates: English, D. Beggs; Latin, E. R. Vickery. Division C.: E. Sellars, "J.; J. M. Daley. 2. Certificates: Mathematics. H. S. Mellsop; Science, H. X. S. Tapp. Division D: F. R. Foote. _ 1: T. G. Proctor. 2. Certificates: Latin E. A. Forsman; French, C. J. Tisdall. Remove: T. G. Young. 1; H. Mitchell. 2. Certificates: English and French. S. H. Lee; Latin. J. L. Duigan. Middle Division: H. W. Hoffman. 1; G. K. Fowler, 2. Modern A: W. Meip-han. 1: G. S. Gamble. 2. Certificates: English. R. B. Robinson: Commercial subjects, E. H. A. Kean. Modern B: D. S. Lamb. 1: M. L. Beck. 2. Certificates: English, F. G. Belcher; French. J. W. Clark; Commercial subjects, L. Wallis. Third Form.—Division A: J. L. Mandeno, 1; F. D. Reeves. 2. Certificate: English, D. H. Monro. Division B: R. K. Gnnn, 1: E. H. K. Turner, 2. Certificate: English, A. S. Hooper Special Division: C. N. T. Moor, 1: W. Williams, 2. Certificates; French, G. A. D. Porter: Mathematics. A. W. Montgomerie; Science. F. K. Garry. Division C: V. C. Martin. 1: G. W. Frater. 2. Division D: C. G-. Lobley. 1: T. B. Matthews. 2. Certificates: English. J. Til. Stewart; Latin, W. W. Gunson. Division E: E. J. Searle. 1: H. C. S. Woolcott. 2. Certificates: English. R. D. Munro; Latin »nd French, J. F. Tasker. Modern A: R. F. Spragg, 1: H \V. Young. 2. Modern B: H. C. Garlick, 1; A. W. B. Corley, 2.

SPORTS TROPHIES. Shooting.—School Cup; R. L. Munro; junior cup. H. J. Willonghby. Aggregate medals. Senior. It. L. Munro; junior. D. A. Wiseman. Mrs. Morgan's medal: R. Willmott. Stanley Esam challenge cup for most efficient N.C.0.: J. A. Stallworthy and L. J. F. Colgan. equal. Swimming.—School Cup: C. A. H. Sparling. Old Boys' Cup: F. W. Edwards. Athletics.—School Cup: P. C. Minns: junior cup, G. H. Wooller. Governor?' prizes: Senior, P. C. Minns; junior. G. H. Woolier. Donald Lane Challenge Cup: J. S. Watt. Norman Carter Challenge Cue: E. J. Orr. Old Boy 3' Challenge Cup: P. C. Minns. Challenge Cup for old boys' race: A. C. Garlick. 220 Yds. Old Boys' Race and GOYda. Mufti Old Boys' Race: N. 0. Williams. Opun Steeplechase: R. L. Stewart. Waikato Shield: P. C. Minns. Best Batting Average: A. if. Matbeson. Alec Ellis Lawn Tennis Challenge Cup: A. W. Lamb.

Old Boys' Football Cups.—First fifteen: Tj. J. F. Colgan; lI.A fifteen: H. S. Davenport. The following received handicap medals.— 2'2oyds and 440vds handicap, under 15: IT. \V. Hoffman. One mile and two-mile cycle (open): E. J. Orr. One-mile cycle, under 16: H. Cr. One-mile championship (open): J. S. Watt. handicap, under 10: G. 11. Wooller.



The annual prize-giving in connection with the Mount Albert Giammar. School wan held ut, the school yesterday afternoon. Owing to the absence of a proper assembly hall, the ceremony took place at the junction of three corridors. The Minister for Education, the Hon. C. J. Parr, referring to the agitation for an assembly hall, said that, provided Parliament granted a similar vote for new school buildings as that allowed last year, he would endeavour to have a start made on a building for this purpose at the commencement of the new financial year, namely, April I. The promise was conditional on assistance being forthcoming from tho Grammar Hchools' board of governors. The hall, as estimated by the board's architect, would rust £1C .000. and he did not think he would be able to afford so large a vote. If, however, the board and the department agreed upon a more modest plan than the one suggested to the Minister, it might be possible to reduce the coat slightly and still furKißh an excellent assembly hall. He was personally anxious to see the finishing touches put to the school, and provided he -was met reasonably by tho board of governors. lie did not despair of seeing tho boys in their no* assembly hall next prize dav (Applause.l ' ,- Professor A. P. W. Thomas, chairman of t he board of eovernora, -who presided, nit id he would lom no time in'conferring with Mr Parr on the point mentioned. He spoke also of » proposal to establish a hostel at the bo'&ooi

for boarders. Tho department's verdict on this proposal was still awaited. He col } - gratuJated the boys on their work, both inside the school and out, and expressed complete satisfaction 'with t.ho results achieved by tho masters during the three years that the school had been established. The report of the headmaster. Mr. fc. W. Gamble, showed that the roll averaged 3/2. The examination successes included 35 matriculation passes (complete or partial), tour Public Service entranco passes, four University bursaries, a Senior National Scholarship and two Junior National Scholarships. The first playing-field, which was now almost ready to l>e sown, would be used next year, though perhaps not until tho third term. , The school scholastic prizes, a liat ot which was published in yesterday's Herald, were presented by the Minister, Mrs. r arr presenting the athletic trophies won during the year. Part-singing by tho boys was a pleasing featuro of the ceremony.



A year of happy and successful work was reported this .week by the principal of the Wesley Training College, Mr. R. C. Claris, M A at the first breakmc-up and prizegiving function held since the college removed its headquarters to Paerata. was a large attendance of board members and friends of the pupils at the ceremony, over which Mr. J. \ eale presided The new college with its 700 acres of land, said Mr. Clark, afforded the boys a splendid outlet for their energies Cattle, eneep and poultry provided a cons ant interest, and thero wns ample opportunity for the pupils to become thoroughly acquainted with conditions of farm Me. At the same time, the boys were receiving a sound all-rounji education Four hoys had sat for matriculation, and i\. wis hoped that next year there woukl. be "at leash scholars in the college, enabling n much larger number to tho matriculation examination. , , ~, A high tribute to the work of tb* principal was paid by Mr. A. C. Caughev, who presented the prizes. The school was destined to give fine service to the community and its future would bo safe in the hands of .such a headmaster as Mr. Clark. , .I An interesting address was given by the Rev. C. H. Laws, the gathering also being addressed by tho Bovs. E. Dr&ko aud A. 13. Chappell. The tmzes were presented as follows:— Matriculation Class: i!.. H. Goiidie. Junior Matriculation Class: C. H. Harding. Sixth Standard: H. G. Hill. Fourth Standard: S Anderson. Third Standard: R. Dickie. Second Standard: W. Eodley. First Standard : W. Tawhara. Scripture prize: K. I). Henderson. Best collection of grasses: ,T. Parris. Gardening: First prize. R. Harris and L. Fisher; second prize, T. Poole and R. Crawford. Sports prizes.—One milo: C. IT. Harding. 100 yds open: G. T. White. 100 yds under 10: R. Crawford. 100 yds under 14: R. Curtis. 440 yds open : C. H. Harding. Throwing cricket ball: K. Murchison. '220 yds under 14: Simon Ripaki. '220 yds open: G. T. White. Long Jump: Junior. S. Rapaki. High jump: Senior. C H. Harding-junior. R. Curtis. Long juniri: Senior. J. Morgan. Sack race: Tonga Mahuta. Football: Most consistent, player, Ato Poihnkeue; most improved forward, Charles Harding; most improved back, Anata Teamo.




PUKEKOHE. Thursday. The prize distribution in connection with the Pukekohe Technical High School took place at the school to-day, Mr. F. Perkins, chairman of the ooard of managers, presiding. A fine dit play of work by tho pupils was on exhibition. 'A collection from tho Christchurch School of Art attracted special attention. A report on tho year's work was given by tho headmaster. Mr. W. P. .7. Munro.

The Rev. D. C. Herron, of Auckland, delivered an interesting address. Ho congratulated tho prize-winners and the school on the good work accomplished during tho year. Tho prize-list is as fo'lows:— Form THAl.—First pr-.ze and first certificate: Rhona Bodle, John Logan; secondclass certificates. Phyllis Gardiner. Po iglas Dyer. Form lIIA'2. —First p;:ize and first i ertificate, MarjDrie Perkins, Gordon Sommerville; second-class certificates. Archibald Jamieson, Shaw. Form lllß.—First prize and first certificate. Dulcie Wright. Alan Papesch: secondclass certificates. Ethel Dingle. Rupert Hull. Form ITIO, —First prize and first certificate. Stella Hiscock, Alex Donald; secondclass certificates. Sylvia Mcßae, Victor Tuohey; special pjriio and first certificate. Hazel Lapwood. J Form IVA.—First prize and\ first certificate. Vera Melville, Ivan McArAUy; secondprize and first certificate. EtheJ Honeyford. James Jamieson;: second-clasn certificate, Elsie Rawlings, Jnck Clarkson Form IVB.—Jirst prize and first certificate, Beatrice Perkins. Roy Gardiner: sec-ond-class certificate. Mary Rawlings. Edgar Leo; special prize and first certificate. John Eyre. Form IVC.—First prize and first certificate. Cora Dingl&: second prir.o and second certificate, Clara Reeve. Form VC.—First prize and first certificate, Nita Stringer Form VA.—"Dux" medals and first certificate. Ethel Ro'i>ertson, Howard Knight; first prize and first certificate, ' Glynn Watorhouse. GrVnam Hamilton: second prize and second certificate. Myrtle Noil, Alan Mackie; ''DebaV' Cup and prize. Frank Levien.

Form VB.—Progress prizo and certifcate. William Larson.




The annual prize-giving ceremonies of tho Sonning Girls' School was held this afternoon. Tho principals report was read by Archdeacon E. M. Cowie. It stated that tho pupils on the roll lumbered 14L Rogroi was expressed that Miss M. Hay and Miss E. Symes wore leaving. The Government inspector had visited ■he school and his report was extromely gratifying. Tho prizes were dniribufed by Atclideacon Cowio. A musical programme was provided.




HAMILTON, Thursday. The annual prize-giving ceremony of the Hamilton Technical High School took place in tho school hail this morning. Tho chairman of the board of managers, Mr. F. A. Snell, presided. In his report, the headmaster, Mr. T. N. Pemberton, stated that tho school opened in May, 1920, with a roll number of 25. This year the highest total had been 226. At the close of tho last term there were 184 full-time clay pupilti. Tho complete roll of tho school for the year was: technical high students. ;!26; evening students. 147- high school, 115; convent, 44; Southwell, 2G; primary schools, 686; returned soldiers, 1; nurses, 16: total, 1261. The matriculation and evening classes showed an increase. Although in August, 1922, four new rooms were added to tho school, tie accommodation was now seriously overtaxed, and a grant for another three rooms had been obtained from the Education Department. He expressed gratitude for the generous assistance rendered by the Advisory Board. The prizes were presented by Mr. J.i A. Young, M.P., who congratulated tho sclxbo] on its rapid, progress, and paid a tribute to the principal and staff on the results achieved.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18896, 19 December 1924, Page 14

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ANNUAL PRIZE DAY. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18896, 19 December 1924, Page 14

ANNUAL PRIZE DAY. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18896, 19 December 1924, Page 14