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The third round of tho Auckland pennant bowling competition will be played on Saturday. Teams are as follow : — ' Ponsonby v. West End.—At West End: Swinburne, Farrow. Griffiths, JMoore. H. Wright, Conway, Rowlands; Blincoe. Self, Crowe, Garry; Rolfe. Donovan, Harkins, Parsons; Stevenson, Simpson, bommerville, Jury. Fonsonby v. Edendale. —At Edendale: Lcvett, Lye, Campbell, R. Johnson; H. Smith, Black". Rolston,__ Bryant; E. Smith, Goldw.-iter, I'aterson, Kelly.

Mount Eden v. Devonport.— At Devonport: Bigelow, A. Walton, Leighton, Burley; Fin.dla.v, Boyce, Gordon, Bainbridge; burmail, K. Robertson, Murray, B. Smith; Mn _ ler, J. B. Itobertson, Bertram, Mueller; Chapman, Middleton, Fogerty. Delamore. At Mount Eden: Fraser, Young, Rudman, Hughes; .Tas Smith. Marshall, Ferguson, Miljoy; Tut:. Trayes, Cordes, Chambers; Gill, Sargea, t, Sherriffs. J. Smith; Spinks. Turner, Cochrane, Spenee. Mount Edrn v. Ellerslie.- —At Ellerslie: Bridges. Huj, Bourke, T. Nairn; Cornea, Jones, Bartl:'et. Elliott; Baker. Uaisley, Faram Hayman. At Mount Eden: Gat en by, Dickinson. Gray, Campbell; Hudson, Joll. Sheriff. Dignan; T. Dick, Woolley, \\ agatalT, Vivian. Epsom v. Remuera and Avondale. At Epsom: G. "White. Morton. Fraser . . Wright; J. I'arrison. R. G. Clark, Kendall, Tanner; Dul ;, J. Wallace, Parker Hill. George; Gou , Bruce, lilake.v. .Lewis, Waddingham*. Wilkinson, W. Taylor; A. Taylor, Haye i, Grattan, Crabtree. Epsom v. ""leiriuera. —At Remuera: Kingswell. Burton, Morison, de Launay; Lamb, F. Parsons, Hassard. Foulnster; _ 'iOCK, Reid. Millen E. Richmond; A. Wright, J. "V\ T Harrison Salisbury, A. W. Jones: <■;. Braithwaite, fc\ D. Parsons, Gosling, u. l ■ Jonej. Epsom v. Avondale.—At Avondale: Laud, T Stuart, F. Richmond, W. Wallace. Carlton v. St.. Heliers.-At St Heliers: Angove, Barter, Wishart, Tniscott; Bell. Buxton, Clarkson, Snedden; Doyle. A. L otlard. Cook, Ball. At Carlton: Reidy, Rose, Thornes,' Lamb; Morton. Guy. Josey. Hosking; Scherer, Gould, Bird, Laurenson. Carlton v. Dominion Road.—At Dominion Road: Robertson, Perry. Colitis, Duthn; Little, G. Pollard, Stevens. Kilgonr; Mitchell. G. Murray. Laird, Fookes; Ramsay, Scarborough, Dillicar, Graham; Overy, Burns, Blair, Mantell; Cross, Keesing, Bates, Wrightson. At Carlton: Leitch, Kent, Thomson. Martin: McNab. F. Wilson. Cotterill. Warren; Wright, Blewden, Watson, Packman; Edmunds. T. Mountain. Gordon, Arey; McLaughlin, Gray, Rowe, Gules; Holford, Williamson. Kelly, Holmes. Grey Lynn v. Papatoetoe.—At Papatoetoe: D. Young. Gibbons, Stotter, Whittle; Harris, J. Reed, Butland, Boyrie; Dowding. Cottingham, Newton, Mclvor. At Grey Lynn: Mir.cham, Curtis, F. Moran, McLean; Lye, Capp, Buckley; G. Little, Bin mires. Lanigan, Dawson. Grey Lynn v. Rocky Nook.—At Rocky Nook: Jas. Preston, Jno. Preston, C. Little, Baildon. At Grey Lynn: D. Moran, Jones, Fletcher. Edendale v. Porisonby.—At Ponsonby: A. Smith. C. Dee, James; Bradshaw, Manix. Edwards, Brownett; Davidson, Neilson. Goldsmi'ih. Geo. Clements. At Edendale: Ciilnan, McLiOod, Bleakley, Freeman; Baker. Black. Tlorsoool. Forshaw; Cronin, East, Roy Smith, H. Dee. Mount Albert _v. Onehunga.—At Onehunea: Constantino, Rowe. Dann. Jenkin; Walters. Bonnett. Cm forth, Murray. At Mount Albert: Maxwell, Amoore, Muir, MeNaughton; Beecroft. Floyd, J. Thomas, Baildon. Mount. Albert v. Waitemat a.—At Waitemata: Steveiiß. Iloldsworth, .T. vlavlick, (r. Clarke. At Mount, Albert: Wallett, Guthrie. Preston, E, Thomas. Onehun-ra v. Mount Albert.—At Mount Albert: Schnackenberg, Richardson, Livingstone. Hills; E. George, Flowerday, Macklow, Sutherland. Or ehunga v. Otahuhu.—At O'ahuhu: Hickman, S. Brown. Lloyd, T. Wallace; Gibbons, Kniglit, MacFarquhar, W. Wallace. Onehunsra v Rawbiti. —At "Rawhiti: "Westney, G. H. Brav. I. J. Sutherland, Robertson: McLaren, Hill. Hartley. Miller. OtahUhu v. Onheunga.—At Onehunga: Summers. Thomasen. Gardiner, Carson; Ogi'ivie, Aitlcen, .T. Harper, Baily. At Otahuhu: Thorne, Tavlor, Davies, S. E. Harper: Be-st, Mann. Svkos. Ferguson. Otahuhu v. Waitematn. —At Waitemata: West. Wlivte. Murdoch. Fenrnley. At. Otahuhu: C. Jeffries, Goodwin, Mclvor, T. Jefries. Papatoetoe v. Grey Lynn.—At Grey Lynn: M. McCullough. Galloway, Brown, Rosevere; Buckton. at son. Death. Knight; Daisley, Crawford, Cowling, Rawnsley. I?jipiilootne • Brvant, Leonard, Cutforth, Hall: Fricker. Thomns, Millinrrton. Andrews; Bygrave, Gubb, Coles, Smytheman. Takapuna t l . Rocky Nook. —At Reeky Nook.—Burnett. Bull. Matthews. Morrison: Buckley. Galbraith. Brown. Ilanna At Takapuna: Hunt;. Veale. Peters. Codd ; Bennett. C. R. Wil'iams. Fraser, Hooper. Takapuna v. Papatoetoe.—At Papatoetoe: Sinclair, Spencer, Boulton, Brake: Perfect, Davis, Ward, G. Walker. At rakapuna-. Collins. Cutler, Hayden. Andley; Eckersley, Dunlop, Rowbottom. Ocrilvie. Ellerslie v. Mount Eden.—At EUerslie: Richmond. Cuppins, Henry Dickson; Lvnch, Slye. Macklow, Godfrey: Watson, Ryan. Tavlor Reed. At Mount Eden: Christmas, G oil an Pcyk. Osborne; White, Garmson, Goidan, Closher; Wood, Whyte, Somervell, Eawiiiti.—At Rawhiti: Murray, Wlielans, Moncur,; Eaves, Burcliey, "fiomson, Chiplin; Millar. Samways. Macpherson, McKinlay. At Waitemata: McGowan. fetubbs, Millward. Hiuslam. At Onehunga: Vaughan. Pitt, Oldham, Paterson; Good. Sykes. I\. Tavlor, Irvine. , , , Devonport v. Mount Euen. At Mount Eden: Sullivan, Wright, Jackson. Snoman. Hamlin. Blackburn, Warren: Goldwater Martinson. Johnston. Mills; Ansell, Rice All wood. Anderson; Bailey, Krig'ht, Gooding. Lowe. At Devonport: Andrew, Arnwtroncr. Cox, Puscpc: Sifso-. Bln'-Kie. Trayes. Snoad: Melville. McCallum. Morgan. Elvy: Naylor, Watson. Sparrow. Bayly: Norton, T. Wrigley. Rowell. Mason. St Heliers v. Carlton.—At Carlton: Crawshaw, Holdsvorth. Norris Wright; Chambers, S. Whit'?, P. White, Brookfield; Camplieli. Lawrence, Cahill, Lowe At, St. Tleliers: Civil, Hayes. Knight. Russell; Bradshaw. Plunket, Philip, lorter;, Jackson, Keys, Hill. Remuera v. Stanley.—At Remuera: H. I". Robinson. Nichol. Ross, Hall: O. McMaster Niblock. lyambie. R. McMaster; Howitt, Ilipkins Spring, MacGregor. At Stanley: Paterson. Wilson. Brookes, John-oil: Graw, Hooker. White, Smith; Campbell, Parsons. Boyd. Bartlett, Rocky Nook—At, Takapuna (:atch 1.20 boat): Mullins. Lamb. Miiner Pearce: Sidler, A. Gladding. Adeane, Kayis; .Tones., Turner. Buckle. Keatlev; Walker. Stone, Eoylance. Finch. At Grey Lvr.n: Hunt, Baxter Smith H. Jenkm: L. Lent, Stuart. Aldern' Blackwell: Fulton. Huston. Berry, Sadler- Hudson. Hedges. 11. Kent. Tongue. At Rocky Nook: Compston. Chambers, W. Williams. Eagleton: J. Kaves. Horpy. W. Jenkin. Boi-kill; Barton. Wrnnit, Bain G. Gladding; Buscombe Cunnmghain, B akey, Waker'ev • Hulp, White, Randell, Clarke; Iszod. F. W.lliams Fraser, Middleton. Wpaf Knd v. Ponsonby.—At \vest i^nri: Lydford. Murray Worsfold. Hosking; Harford, Plummer. R. K. Scott E. Bell, Kna"gs, W. Reid, Draffin. Hill; McKeown, Payne. Newton. Quin; Ritchie Thomson, Hon wood. Langsford. At Ponsonby: tornwall. P. Darby. Cooke H. Brookes; Andrews Kirkham, Ure. Maben: Breniford, Mo'rlev, Whit ten. T. Clarke: 'Haig. Price. K Pierce, W. Bremmer: Horsley, \Vyiiyard R \ Scott. C. Ilardley. Remnera v. Stanley Bay. -At Stanley Bay: M Rfid. Hill. Hobday. McLaren: Alexander. Scott. Mellara, McLean: Mahon. 1 uke, .Tacks, Proctor. At Remuera: Pollen. Baker, Pe'-'ler, Long: Monzies. Dransfield, Johnson Brookes; Denipsey, Wyatt, llarbutt, Daniels. Retnuera v. Ep«oin.--At h.psom : lght, Priestley, Soooner. Saxtou: G. H. Kissling, Rathbone. E. A. East. Watson; Stansfield. Cut field. Young, Townley; H. E. East, Gannaway. Newton Vugler: Ridings. Murphy, I Coc*. Wooller. At Remuera: Clark. Stubbs. Paterson. Dingwall; Somerfield, Farmer, J. P. Cauipbell, McHohi"; Vicjcornnin, I Grieve, T. A. Ashton. Mc-Farlnne; E. 1). Ashton. Lambourne, Mae.ey. Sautiderson; Bell, Davis, Garrard. McCallum.

INTER-CLUB MATCHES. Following iiro tho teams for inter-club matches in bo played on Saturday:— Mount Eden v. Avondale.—At Avondale: Ladley, Tyler, Sealey, Short. At Mount liden: Kcuniburgh, Brooks, Postles, McCauley. Carlton v. St. Heliers.—Af St. Heliers: Moulden, Lundon, C. Mountain, Noton. At Carlton: Meanoy. Brittain. Konayue, J. Brown. vest End v. Ponsonby.—At Poll sou by: Selby, Lambourne. Egginton. 10. Darby: Moselem, Green, Adams, W. White. At West End: Ivil, Lovatt. Harris, Urquhart; Swales. R. ('ox, W. llurdley, Munns. St. Heliers v. Carlton.-—At Carlton: VVatfion, Blon.ftslfl, McKellar, Fry. At St. Hellers: Pholan, Samways, J. Diamond, (i. Diamond. Oroy Lynn v. Pocky Nook.-—A' Pocky Nook: Smith, Howard. Mooro, _ If. Itecd: M.i'.F.lroy, Gollati, Boden, Christny. At Grey Lynn: Pitkethley, Goldsmith, Conmill. Margrove, Joe Preston, Civil, Leydon, J. Wilde. Avondale v. Epsom (Lambert Cup).—At Epsom: Porritt. Trigg, Beaton, Hosking. At Avondale: Cole, Harrison, Johnston, Jas. Somervell. Avondalo v Mount Eden.--At Mount Eden: Gilbert. ■Inn. Somervell. Dodge. Harrow. At Avondale.: Nunns, Witham. Pooley, Darrach. Ellerslie v. Mount Wellington.—At Ellorslie: Woodward. MeKelvie, Diggins. Jackson. At Mount Wellington: Campbell, Toy. Donnell, Hunter. Ponscinby v. West End.—At West End: Cowburne Dougherty. Braid'vood. Miller; iimgslaad, Gray, Ba.v,*aon, Gorman.


Results of Ponsonby Club matches are:— Champion pairs: J. Veale. Sommervjlle 21. y. J. Black. Donovan. 20; J. Lovett. Paterson, 22, v. Moore, Gibson, lb; M. bmittt. Chapman, 24, v. Swinburne., Clarke. 12. Club pairs: Dougherty, Schischka, 2L v. Parkinson. Otto, 15.


A Denison Pin 3 challenge match was played yesterday on the Auckland green, between the holders. Auckland (H. 1 . Wyatt, G. J. Mackay. E. A. Craig and A. ■). Parker) and West End (J. . Hardley. C. Hardley, J. F. Hosking and Irving Clarke). A very close and well-contested game resulted in a draw. 17 all. consequently Auckland retain the pins. When the last head was commenced Auckland were one down on ttie board. They scored one. thus making a draw. The Auckland team lias successfully withstood five challenges for the pins, thus putting up a record in tho competition.

AUCKLAND V. EX-CANTERBURY. The annual reunion of px - Can i"k."7 : f players took tho shape of a game alarms Auckland bowlers on the West End green on Tuesday ofternon. Mr. J. • Hardley. on behalf of the Canterbury players extended a welcome to the guests and an enjoyable time was experienced. Results aro as follow. Auckland names being mentioned tirst ;-- Campbell. Chapman, Snedden, Mclnness v. Morton. Coe, Green. Graham, la; lvirK. Gray. Muston. Parker. 13. v. H. P. yatt. Ganaway, Coltman. Parsons. 25: Gooding, Mason, Harty. Pascoe. 30, v. N. Ay,yalt. Vickerman. Scantlebury, Daniels. H>: Chappell. Clitfe. 80-den. Moir. 21. v W -Hardley. Norden, Steele. Davidson. 23: Leitch. Ball, Thompson. Kilgour. 28. v .Tacks. C. Hardley, Saxton. Mcßobie. 39; Chambers, S White. Brookfield. P. White. 15 v. Pollen. Johnson. Lawrenson, Proctor. 18; McKeowm. P. Darby, Eel!, Langsford, CO. v. J W Hardley. W. White, Garrard, Tniscott, 16: E. Darbv, .Burke. Hopwood. C'larko. 27, v. Cornwal . Mellars. Kenvig, Hobday, 11. Totals: Auckland 177, ex-Canterbury 143.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18895, 18 December 1924, Page 8

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BOWLING COMPETITIONS New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18895, 18 December 1924, Page 8

BOWLING COMPETITIONS New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18895, 18 December 1924, Page 8