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|jfß|g__ KARO KARO KARO KARO KARO KARO KARO if RllfSf |I, va,- 6 or v— — >L.msmmmmmam ■■■■■»■■ " ' ■■■■ ' Extra Big Garments, and the nn- -jj _ _ I ; set-in sleeves—22/6, 251/6, 25/- -<e * ,-'■ ' » ■■•' • . - ' usually small sizes many require. B |jj£. V fV 3j Infants' Gowns, in extra fine V The designer of "Karo" Lingerie is always in a practical mood, and you to whom You may select a special design or B v'l I You may select a special design or |jj ■ M^var 1 stv-le baiid'; •s&> CN< underwear is not "just clothing," but a personal expression, we invite to next week s • » a a m T\ 1 any of the Karo patterns, and have 1 A A I j>' c k- and sleeves finished vb| wffi\ / display of "Karo" made garments. A whole week in which to. see infinite variety in FmJ H I them made up at very short notice. I I ' if dainty edging—Price, 3/11. j r| 1 / \ carefully constructed underclothing for ladies. "Karo" underwear has long been a fa= JL V • 'J[ • '' This service costs you nothing extra B D'? R| Infants' Gowns in fine inada- / { \ /Lgg&j / vourite, at competitive prices for each and every article a . for making, when three or more gar- fl **> \ I j for making, when three or more gar- I I 1 Swiss'embroidery inscr- YA'rtf 1 - - .-tM / WATCH THE "KARO*' DISPLAYS IN EVERY WINDOW NEXT WEEK. — - ■ " ments are ordered. I I Swiss embroidery and inser- W"-) 1 WI "WATCH THE "KARO*' DISPLAYS IN EVERY WINDOW NEXT WEEK. — ments are ordered. I tion in very pretty designs— 11 ill ©•' Q I Price, 5/6. %£"* /\l |\i (/II // - Dainty' Nightdresses. •' " —'— ~ ~~ "SSSX /I/ lif M/A Dainty Nightdresses. '■•' ~ 20in.. 7/11. " S lif / lI I 1 Ladies' Nightdresses, in good quality lonuclolli:' 1 103R-0 ft BR/IND } *g 3P" Isn& - IJI I* n> M An T1 jf i| *ssr J I' %\fLA S§i& Karo Brand tor Men. I :: • < i. 1. ™ .Price 3/11 £.*•.. IS • .''ffiVl fl. If I'/ I 1! 4>' down front and cuffs. .Sets of 5 rows of pin mm mm I] L 1 °cn <» _ ' tucks finish this very serviceable nightdress. ... . *nd a Pviama that B i I Infants' Flannel Barras, hand W. size—Price, 8/11. Oh! the comfort of a good fitting Shirt, and a Pyjama that fl embroidered a.nd _^ a ' l^/ f; TTt \\ I . Extra goo: quality Madapolam Nightdresses, long * T TCC , • n * 1 V T/" • 1 nositively feels "tailor made"— the "Karo" feeling all M K! beautifully made-Price 13/6, \\ I \\\ sleeves, open fronts. The square neck and cuff NeW hliects 111 LamiSOieS RclTO RniCKerS. . richt nlus the good service that we have learned to sew in BR. i -/ 6 * I V \ \ \ are trimmed with good quality Swiss . embroi- . "8«»» i» iM ® nt a ! Infants' Pillow Oases finished I \V \ derv and insertion. Finished! with sets of P iu Ladies . Fine Nainsook Camisoles, slip- Ladies' Good Quality Madapolam .' every game i. ■ b A I frill, edged with ''' \ I \\ \ tucks down front rice, 1/6 .1 . slzt (m style, taped inside round waist Knickers, elastic waist, wide, knee ' § j\}' P row laces Prices, / \ . \. \ \ Inexpensive, Pine Madapolan?! Nightdresses, \ neck . <) draw; square neck; daintily trim- and leg; daintily trimmed fine Swiss T"1 * ' Nlanli/va Ql-»ivfe S 1 y 4/11. \ \ I \\ back and front, daintily trimmed fine ( '°|'°'j med fronts of fine Val. lace ;v Swiss insertion and linen lace; motif edged, I VI2UTI3S# llCgllgC Jtllllb* 9«v H Infants' Dainty Net and Silk \ 1 i \\ ' ace ser^on . with pointed edge, slotted. an d lace insertion; slotted ribbon, , frill of embroidery. Finished rib- • 8 Iwl Ri Matinees, finished hand em* / \ /Uf\ \\ through, with ribbon; elbow sleeves, sinulailj also round armholes. W, . size—. ' bdn beading; full size—Price, 7/6. _. .. B ! B hroiderv in all colours, fa. *A J&T \\ trimmed. W. size-Price. 7/11. Price, 5/11. «. ™ . , -t , • Men's Fine g-jnmet Weight Flannel- A . . . fVk I i finished Pale" Blue. Beberib- fa] LA \\ Special value in Lades' English Crepe Nightdresses, " J Knick f ers " elastic otte pyiamas, smart stripes— Men's Fine Oxford If\ Ol boil 14in 16/11; 16in„ V\J W in soft shades of Pink, Sky, Maize, and Helid.; Dainty Halestone Musi n Camisoles, ~ waist, made to remove for washing; ette Pyjamas, , ' ing Shirts-6/11 %-Y i^" g 18/11. ' , hemstitched contrasting shades. Square and open fronts, square necks, no sleeves ; wide legs edged good quality em- Men's Soft Finish-Striped Flannelette «,.«.» or Work- i£l!i I h „ , „ .. „ 195—11/6. 295—12/11. Y npo i,s W size—B/11. trimmed back and'front; broidery, finished hemstitching. Wi . • Neglige or worii Mffli m j Infants' Hand Crochet Mercer- iyail/ \ necks. W. size U/IX. dainty Yal. lace, organdie and Val. site-Price, 5/6. Pyjamas-9/6. e »ch. J™ I II wed flats, in dainty shades of insertion, in very good designs; Ladies' Longcloth Knickers, in fine, Men's Fine Twill Flannelette Pyjamas, Tt.ii™ I k Blue I ink, or C ream-Prices nius NO. 195 (al>ove) is a Ladies' Karo Ver y P rattical Chemise finished ribbon bow. W. size- good quality wide legs, elastic strioes—Our Special, ' ISIL T "BMI 8 I I 9/6,10/6 Longcloth Comb., verv smartly and eia- ' for ordinary wear, in . Price, 7/11. waist; finished at knee with cotton ve y smart stnpes-Our special, . Oloth SUrte, «*- MMI 3 | 1 If ,)[ 1. borately trimmed with Val." lace and Sw SlT"' J «Te Extra Fine Madapolam Camisoles, slip- f 1 nhton how. 13/6. . *» gWMteed- W& I [i Inrants rocks. fine Swiss insertion, and threaded bead- 1 ,)lain' rill edged daintv " v^ r st - v ' e ' square neck, fronts and ' _ ' , ... • . . 6 /H» 7/ll» 8/6 T«|w\)ls I || , I*, -p-i-a 11/6 A yfTte\ ' ■ M tnr Bebe sleeves, smartly trimmed good Out Sire Knickers, extra good quality T T J_„_L_ v i. ei each I/smßll P I Infants' White Jan. SiikFrocks, . l " S an m ° 1 S ' jdr gMfcsi choice, open fronts; imitation real design Val. Lace and longcloth; open shape, deep shaped UnderShlrfS. . 1 f I__ v 1 hemstitched z, dainty de- Illus. No. 296-Illufltrated , Fine Nainsook Mff W . size-4/6. Swjss and lace insertion; smartly band; ™ o f r atdy wicle nee; . nt IKf Kts! r, i Qf-ail,l „ ..x. x , ... J• x ifiia aft'.; w ' finished beading slotted r.bbon: full finished tucks and edgod gooa de- H b Mgns; pUn hem or scalloped Combination, slip-over style, with damtv m V size-Price, 7/6. sign Swiss embroidery—Price, 5/11. Men's Grey Doctor Army Flannel | 1 -18m.. 8/11, 2iiii., 9,11. embroidery. A deep frill, edged with \ Ladies' Good Quality Undershirta_6/U each. I 4 1 Infants' Fuji Silk Frocks, vari- • ] ace and ribbon beading-Price, 12/11. Mmsm k \ Longclo. i Chemise, very i tnr ' 1 A A 3 ous designs of hemstitching. \ durable, open fronts, v Men's Fine-made All Wool Doctor ,v A I SS: rr-vm / ssiu'tid is; w a M » PmLU " g " T ™ «. n Ri 10/6. , W I Swiss eriil-oidery and IVS s)lf|C r ll 1 nfl IsH Pi 1 1 OCKSa Dark Grey, Natural, and Shetland— smart Black or Blue stripes—S/ll l\y; I ants' Dainty orene de Chine Frocks, beautifully / MA and narrow ITIOIU9 I ' , V WW ' 8/U. ,«h; or Witt »U« » matcb-10/fi ;t i madA—lfiin 12/6- 91 in 13/6 ' \ | Y M ribbon beading; fine pill > each. A Oi J w/e, ' 1«/ D tiggs&m >\M tucks, drawn into waist IT ot -J V%n*la}n*>A Men's Shetland and Grey All Wool Men% Kstra Heavy Bepp Shirts, U I Infants' Crepe de Chine Frocks, very daintily hand V f=J with narrow basque; full JVaFO IVISCIC 21110 t/681gOCU« . w7-. M , Undershirts—7/11 8/6 White grounds with Black Or Blue I embroidered, n beautiful shades, or Cream— «(o£u 1 - J -\V. size—'7/6. • N.Z. Flannel UnaersnilrW— l/ 11, B/o, Stlfipes—7/11 each. I: 1 18in., 19/11; <?oin., 21/6. J v f J. * « ... - 8/11, 10/11. Men'* Cream pedford Cord Neglige tl 1 X'W ™ S l7 m' m, Karo Iww—l (Jnalit, is ..way. an economy. That ■ 4 I I ■mmmmdS&KL M%l D £i"°; ", BK3, is why there is a ge ° l "° e pr. f er«ce • .<2=tX . For Boys. »«'<iPWn lajl iWj. Biurta-i./« 1 *3 with trimmings of strong cotton OP for our taids ' Karo styles. In the ' . MmNi Plain Tail CuuM Shirts—4l/ f I » ZP 'i cL Clunv lace and insertion. Neck is Showroom this department is receiving Boys' Plain Canoe Cream "Wultafl" Men'a Airts' w'th'oolUr fei I I ' '/ »• bta! S F7f/ Jh/ special emphajis; lair prices lor .mail., Te „rts Shirts, a splendid _mm« _tc matcfT jpatt f| »r i Jf\3\ iBP f ribbon bow-Price, 6/11. / garments are leatnred. Une-Slzo 2, ~rice 3/9; 3. 3/11; 4, "tnllS 525t5 SS?S2n K ¥C I I' jr% \\ SS W| / Illus. 102 ' 011 left—Ladies' Fine Nain- / A-*/ , . 4 /! 5, 4/6,* 8 ' 4/9; 7, 4/11, *' s^ ' collar to match— *Vi ; . I# I !M\ ffi S y 11/ sook Chemise, V necks no sleeves i\ V/' /I ESsh' ore?e Frocks for smart v 9, 5/6. Men's Plain White Mercerised T^iil .",'V mm I 1 wS 8' »' Iff ' The fronts are beautifully trimmed \\ // / 1 English wool orepe rrocH ior smait Uw"Y \ ' ' y , Neclige or Tennis Shirts extra heavy Air AW# >«/ Il\ 99 \ iV fine Val. insertion and large Swiss V-Vl 11 V wear; long-wa.:sted effect, the laps yU J Boys' Plain Cream "Wultaff" Canoe ' ' fflfflff • T/TH each. ' ' miff Sgl l\ »i S i\ muslin embroidery motifs* finished /4(/V are finished embroidered tabs, joined /\t/ «u- CJ , ti , o n _ . Men's Striped Wf»r«iirl«nii Poclin NeeII I \\ l 1 .11 ■ neck »;£;£'££ ~l' \ together witli plaiting of crepe to •/« / Shifted extra per ala. on tennl. X'X «£; tti D D 1\ ! \\ \ 3 / • threaded ribbon W. si ' c - ,/6 ' |A A round 6 neck', 5 and"" £ S \V// / ShirtS ' quoted above. ™« "• alrlp»-IJA> W h. R V - BLaTI j (\\ 01, XT- , , /V stitched With silk- Colours are O. / ' Boys' Plain White Mercerised 1 Twill . Men's Cream " Wultaff" Canoe Shirts, iff r\ *■* * ;l liII \\ / ill M Nightdresses. ■ W! I'l OttjA IS*P- : Tennis Shirt ». P ri M . »/•? mSPn&-S"ESS 'ft. 01 V/ 8 *■- g[ j L |_J I i-,. \\ •JI /Wi / Bkm A\ ' ' ' /}. " [f\ 3, 3/9; 4, 3/11; 5, 4/3; 6, .4/6; 7, Neglige Shirts 7/6, 8/6, 5/6, to V£si § 9 iy r—"ilr ' Fine Madapolam Slip-over Nightdress, /:j|7W HH Girls' Smart Stripe Coloured Batine // / / \ 4/9-8 4/11' 9 5/3• Canoe 3d more. 11)% each.' I'M I -jao org square neck, i sleeve. The neck U'A'.fflj I \ BSKH Frocks, long waisted effect; tie sash. /.+3r.V"."sa^Vi;-v:i':.'"! ' » '' » . ♦ • ', r i fj"c*®--csS>sjßLl '°* " and sleeve are trimmed wide Swiss HjmW 1 ' round neck, opened at side; finished /• 'M'.v'v;•:: ' '• ' r ,; "j | y embroidery in very good quality and jyjj 1 HBHH • 0 large pearl buttons. In colours: t_.' R 5 *'\i '41 • Illus. 296 (on left) shows Girls' Mada- design; finished wide ribbon bead- yjl I HBH ' Lemon, Saxe, and J a U ■f" :. . )• "B" i A • '/•■! r:; [J polam Princess Petticoat, daintily ing. slotted ribbon. Sets of fine pin OJ\ BREffl c. . , ~ . A a (JmJm WL t-fvB&l i i'> f W trimmed three rows insertion and tucks down front; full size- Price, Ift price' 25/8 27/fi" 29/6* ' I 1" I- • 1 '_x : «§% K|%j& ■' one of lace in cotton Maltese: round 11/6. I\VIVHi* J '' '\ I «'Daphne" depicts a Smart } UMW-SB } • '"-'l^,® ■r - f !Jm neck, no sleeves—Sizes 24in.. 5/11; Wonderful value in All-over Embroi- iVy \ \ « T n»n»» , rirk» Smart Beadv. I I Striped Sponge Cloth yS JO? •; Mr m aV | f%» 1 *■■!&%,■ Wmg I Ww.l 27in.. 6/11 50in„ 7/11. dery Top Nightdresses, i„ beautiful i\\ \\ ■ Ji, S S \ / P'T'd a se ? band "le SOIPOI Girl. ■? " flB ' 1 / MM') Square or V necks—3oin., 8/11; designs of embroidery and hem- /) \\ M— effect- slight fullness 011 the hips, 1 I finished with ] a wide band, / ; |« : J\ /Mm $ 39in., 10/11; 42in„ 11/9; 36m., 9/11. stitching; elbow sleeves; well J) // Ik \g——.l bell sleeves. This dainty model is /// B' v,n « JiJ t T JSndX ( ' flUwMfilfa nt v v «- ~- . e . « . 'WAX' 'j finished and full sizes-Price, 9/11. M| \\ finished Pale Bine galon. outlined 11 A 6^ this dainty / '</ YViv /H \ 375 shows Regulation School '. ,#i=4 I Princess Petticoats. I lSSets'tSrUrtrimmed n f (m silk cabling to „. Rltt !^ d^"- Si h S 'l4m J r?*n\ \- . » no I ) ton filet lace to match; finished with " V'%\ *' 7 f s t }~ «/«' " ' \/ inch, 13/11, 27-mch, 14/11 i T /q/ T V ' selection m Jap, silk, -Fuji;- or cotton" ' /k\ , , . « wide floral satin ribbon to tie, in , Prices 326 85 / 6 37 / 6 „ . V 11(11 #» V/ I Cj' \] \ . crene— 1 lj|§! t|N\ Ladies' Fine Madapolam Princess Pet- dainty shades— 21/9. Joan—32/6. Daphne—l 4/11. .f/ I ' V 1 P . - . J^v ticoats, .V neck, no sleeves, long- . „ . /y; , •• • j|J '10l ' //'/' Jln sties 13»n. : Win. ISinl 16&t ' of# waisted. gathered on the hips; trim- T EE; If. * I A -ra • IAJII «•.„ WC ; •No. ■ 296 From 5/11. "med; very good imitation cotton ' nnin sm flHpHft «■» itfRA wbhb> |'8 /j I. f p Prices 10/11 ' 11/6 12/6 lj| %>7 Maltese lace and insertion! W size. Bli bP B Q gT V H ;| /j Jap. Silk 13/8 13/6 14/6 . Ladies' Fuji Silk. Princess Petticoats, rice ' 12/6, I# M I]§ B I .fl . fl .1 1 , , <% flf" 1 'II Fnii silk 11/6' '12/6 18/6 square neck and bottom of skirt Ladies' Fine, Good Quality Madapolam n¥l Hi M I ra ily AMJI fl fIV f!i#'' .JL fl Mr — ibHl rt T.-,v I /V", • rJrf*n« «>t1 K '-1/11 w e/n t edged with wide cotton filet lace to Princess Petticoat, V neck, no JUrif A BLJB JULmtS Auf B 1,1 - / Cotton^rejw^ll f ,4/11 5/11 6/11 ;| match. The petticoat is a long- sleeves; trimmed fine Swiss embroi- . ' ' •, Uk \ ' * ; •• : ■ g • waisted effect, gathered on the hips. dery and insertion, in very pretty "%JT _ llln ''1 ft |Q| _ J . '*1 , J -' : ' • (1 "uWs^i«;£ dainty si^&ricef 1 8/j; ilh a smaii beb " ivdr&iig&napc KOoCli:. • w . • j •'I ™"""' "" KARO -— KARO KARO KARO —- KARO : —" KARO KARO ' —

{ ft •. ;? .• f&\ •" . ' '** " i •'*' "*'* •* 1 - ' * ;' t "iIpiWMMMiMJIMnBMMPIBMBiP" lillllP 1 jjN. iii'iuikiiiiWWi | H |||||,N ' 1 l| i If GO TO GROSSMAN'S FIRST 1 | I J Plain Tmth— J ; ma No greater boon has been introduced to the public in recent years Hi |!Nj than the system which allows you to pay for your Furniture while you |||| v M are using it. No need now to debar yourself of needed Home Furriish- AH >: H ing;»— lovely little Suite you saw in Grossman's or that Carpet I®| H you've set your heart on, can be adorning your own home before the MB , Ell day is out. And you never notice the easy payments. M 19 It is a satisfaction to US to know that Grossman was the FIRST IB IS in the field with this great helpful system. |f|| P| » It's even more pleasing to YOU to know that Grossman is still Hi flfik FIRST in the simplic! > and helpfulness of his EASY-PAYMENT Plan, j|||| « and that hundreds of happy home-lovers ißiiy testify to this undoubted IfeX h Credit is yours by _ Right, not Favour H - GRQSSMAfI'S,I? I

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18565, 24 November 1923, Page 16 (Supplement)

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18565, 24 November 1923, Page 16 (Supplement)

Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18565, 24 November 1923, Page 16 (Supplement)