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KaOgsassaQcaQE— injga=gE==aoiapc==aiw^ . I . L ■ 1 . _ ■•■•': •• ' & . FARMERS' TRADING CO.'S r RAroN Order all your Requirements Direct from our Ware s? "I w £E •' I j D/lWll. _ , 1% , I* 1 ' • I? telephone 'oe post : Bestßashers - 1/sper,b - house and Reduce your. Housekeeping Expenses. isr^Sbs^il • '&s¥' ' —"*~— ** - Eppj--:Sj: g: S Ssiali Huts 10d tO 1/4 lb. n. 6lb. tins (Oak only), Assorted, Peach, Hellaby's Extract of Beef (Bovo)-- " ~ ■ - ■■— —v»Ula lUU IU • /■* iw. la Plum, Melon and Lemon. Goose- 1/1 per jar. 2oz. 1/11 per jar, ioz. « •JtsT 11 —— * — ~~ QERSTENA berry Qui:ice, Blaokberry and Apple W.F.M. Meat Extract— w _. _. r-. CL i Thft X**■«*' Porritlce Meal made in two 4/4 tin 2oz. pot— ©acli. SAGO YOU GET IT FOR LEOS AT "THE FARMERS." *'brings in Sauce- minutes- 1/8 perbag. ' Gib! tins' (Oak only). Apricot. Apple 12oz pot or jar-3 9. ' White-5d per lb., Gib. for 2/5. M^onoclie° ilb-7d per tin. GINGER— and Raspberry, Cape Gooseberry and Christchurch Meat 0.-20z.—1/1 jar SALT— Maconochie's' lib— per tin. Ground warranted pure- Melon—4/18 tin. , y „ u Ox Tongues, 2lb. tins—3/9; Hellaby 8 Fine Dairy Salt —231b., 2/2; per cwt., 08. this page we give you a list of high quality grocery goods at attractive Kippered Herrings— Small'—Sd per tin. 6lb - tins (Oak only), Raspberry, 21b. tins—4/5. - /ii . -fT Al i a i, v » H „ o . r< . prices. Compare these values with the offers of others, ?.nd convince yoursell that Maconochiejs, ilb.—'?id per tin,. . Medium— per tin. f/4*tin rant ' ape r0 °* e " 5 31b °tnis—6/9. " . ' poses)—2Blb 2/1* 7/4 "per* cvtf Par " it will pay you to buy from our Warehouse. Thousands of people already know G^MUlerd'a. iib.-l«Jd tin ;*i/7 half Loos^l/4w'lb • Imperial oV A .B.C. Jam, Sheen Tom^omb. 1 lib. Table Salt, in 7lb. cajico bags-lid bag. that WO sell as low as possible—quality considered. We buy and sell for cash— dozen. Preserved, best imported—l/ 3 per lb. Qm'ifjf' 1 anrl I emon Goose- 1/s per tin. ' Shaker Sail—Jd'per tm ' that is why we save you money. & S».' " - * 00«i^vWK-, «* 'ipph-W ME^. N ?nd Bl«k" ICH PA ""~ §S!7u?Si&S^Sfiif. "" When making UP your grocery order, include all your other requirements in wtoMchic'f —aid per tin. fib Tins_l/11 W* tin' lib. tins', Nectarine, Apricot, Apple Salmon and. Shrimp Bloater, Meat SALTPETRE Hardware, Drapery, Boots, Saddlery, etc.—that's the way to save freight. Use loir's (Aberdeen) ]lb.-9id tin. 561b. Tin£-11/3 per tin. 21™* P Awo^Ted' Peach*' Plum. M?*ot£hie' B or MoiYs. Assorted. Meat *^ cd " 4d per lb " 2/16 for 6& ' i our 650-page Catalogue as a guide in aU your buying. II you have not a copy of Bed Hemng (Wish)- grape p NUTS- ~ . . . AnStt/f jar. C and B &(best, imported.-1/10 per , this money-saving book, write for one to-day. 24 in t?n-4/3 per tin. • GRAVY SALT— ■ berry and Apple, Yellow Gago-1/«l Anchovy-1/6 jar _. 2/3 per doz. medium-size bottle. < Less than tin quantities- 3d each. Gravis, Garlands, for making delicious nv er *• n ' x- « »•„„ Annlp 3oz tins—4id per tin- 4/3 per doz. Holbrook's Worcester Sauce—Small, 1/1 Mullet, lib.—9d tin; 8/9 per doz. Gravies at a .moment's notice-4id ilb tins Apncot. Apple AsWteH Fish nd T bottle: medium. 1/7 bottle. „ ~ FRUITS in Heavy Svrup. Mussels, lib.- aid per tin. per «=,%;k ,I ISr-e£te and Raspberry - 1 /«, per tin. Tall iar«—l/3 uer Ur J^a and Perrin's Worcester—Small, 1/10 PDI TITC • !_I C Lobster—lib 2 3 per tin; ilb.. 1/3 per Bwto Gravy Maker (thickens colours, 61b. tins. Assorted. Peach, Plum, ■ lall jars 1/3 per 1 pu d Meatg _ bottle: large, 3/3 bottle. rßUllb m fell L SvrUP. t "" *"• and seasons Soups/ Stews, •ctc.)_l/- Qmnce, Melon and Lemon-«/2 per METAL Aswrted lotted Meats Wnbyjs Chef-1/9 botUe ' mwv% * J gf' l>ilrhprd« lib —11 d per tin: 18/9 doz. oer tin. . , . , . , metal oni i#ues_ Lazenby's Metropolitan—lld bottle. i ' D • f A » ij n Pnliorons-' 2 5 lier tin GROATS-- .tins. Apricot and Apple, Apple _ *» Courtney's Worcester Sauee--10d bottle. 4 Special Pnce for 14 Days. o }* l ™- Robinson's Patent-1/7 per tin. and Raspberry-4/4 per tin. ■ iSL iS; Sharwood's Worcester (small)-1/S bot. Th„. Fruits m naiaMMd pack.d o this year, and not (wo or .1™ roar. Choice rink. Jib. tiua-JM per ,i«. GRUEL MEAL bae . o.k'or K~lSd" per tin The orijirwiJ ffiU'USL'i S. ~,|SSa™»UCe' **■ ™ u ~, 6S. v.; 25 s, 7,, bag. f! S VfJ P pVr' Jg. ? « "RIVAL" TOMATO SAUCE— _ . . , . . — Middlecut lib. tins—l/ 3 per tin. P* }}"*» £or ill p }■ ' Silvo 1/- ner tin A T>Artiriilft.rlv BRAND TOMATO SAUCE— APRICOTS (Heavy Syrup)—"J f m per PINEAPPLE- Middlecut ilb tins-9d per tin. U fitrovnnrn P " noliTh forsilver' or D F»tcd wS Special- quality-Pints, 10d bottle. 9/9 tin. •*-' Singapore, First Quality Cubes— Reffib tj n( ,__l/4 jx-r tin. /. SHREDDED MARMALADE— SUvershine (English)-1A rver tin - dozen; . Quarts, 1/3 bottle, 14/8 down. QD tin. Red lb tins-rlßd per tin. HARICOT BEANS— „ lib. tins, per ,V n - MILK- V P®r tin. WhittomeV-Pints. 1«d; quarts, 1/4, .Red' (Special) lib —1,9 tin. Finest Cleaned, Very Best— per lb.; -lb. tins. Oak—l/ 9 per. tin. Highlander Condensed Milk ' Thompson and Hill's (Octagon)—l/2 per PEACHES (Heavy Syxup)--!/. per Singapore First Qualify Slices- lied (Special)i {lb. tins—l/ 3 tin. 6lb io n.«. ,x.«" lib tins Keiller's Scotch Marmalade- ifghUnder Condeneed Milk • bottTe. tin. •*•/ lAD tin. Sardines-- HEINZ SPECIALITIES— . EI ,I»« PW tln > - Famitv bitp, tins— ner tin Koeford's (pints)—l/1. ixi - S or J _ „ Norwegian Sild. smoked. wrapped Baked Beans. Pork. and. Tomato Sauce, JELLIEfr- (; flnvmlr ,. . fl „.i to . 11/5 per dozen. ' "RIVAL" BRAND WORCESTER SAUCE- , Libby s (Hawaiian), Sliced—Small, with kevs l-16tli lb. 3?d per tin; lloz., small—llrf per tin. Ji, iT *. If ' all flavour*., eQual to 45/6 r)©r case of four dozen Finest quality (specially manufactured) ' PEARS (Heavy Syrup)— P« tin. 1/11 tin. Large, 0/5 tin. ilb,. 5d per tin; lib., per tin; |lb. Baked' Beans. Pork and Tomato Sauce, Homeste B ad° per pkT' per gig's™ Unsweetened— wr?* int «. ( M Wch^u»^/Sd»^ • A/ U J - /J - L *•' ° tins. lOd. .>•: 1807... medium—l/ 3, Per tin. , Homestead Jellies 40 per pkt.. 3/8 per 11d per tin; 18/9 per dozen. Whittome's—Pints, Mi^Uftrt«,*l/<i;'- —— — ■ ■ —"' 1-■ Crossed Fish (Brisling), Jib—l#d tin. Peanut Butter, 3)0z., stna) '•'* ' ar .- Tucker's Sunshine Jellies—Md per pkt:- „ «/• P® r ease of four dozen. SECCOTJNE— ' "... ! A COFFEE— FISH AND MEAT PASTES • v Peanut Butter. 6ioz., ngjwmjfl -11 »/J per dos Kid per pkt, Family Size "Pestle's" Swis 3 Milk— . Medium «ze-9d per tuba*.- i'■ 'v' -J'" A (Highest Qualityalways fresh.) St. George's Meat Pastes—6id pet tin. ■ Gem'^m^to r 'Chu?ney B*oT amili- Tucker's Elfin Jellies-3d per pkt.; 2/9 Iq'/B^L- 1^. 1, /5 per dozen. ''' S. LF-RAIBING FLOUR— < ACID— „ ~ - v IX , Unity (pure)— 2/11 per lb. tin; loose, Crosse and BlackweiUs Pastes- « , G iTll bottle • per doz. "IV,.® 8 ??' * , Kot. Packets-Sid per packet.- • Acetic2/# small, 4/4 largo bottle. 2/18 lb. Salmon And Shrimp,. Bloater. Meat Gem Tomato Chutney 12oz medium— ....fijriand s—sd per pkt ' : 4/9 per doz - • iirt iL Size,. Unsweetened . SEMOLINA'— ts. :- - Boracic (granted best quality)—l/- lb. Unity. (No. l)-2/4 per lb. tin; loose. Pastea-1/3 jar. . "i tottfe C J * ' JUNKET POWDER- 11 J, per tin; 10/9 per dozen. lib. Packets-71d packet. -■ " ' Citric (Powdered)2Jd per oz., 2/® lb. 2/3 lb. Anchovy— jar./ Tomato Ketchup small. Boz.—l/5 bottle. ' English—ls bottle T MINI*! mSat ' ... 4Mb.• Ba*e—l/4 bag. • -%%sr'V 7 packets Id oa«h. Daisy (Nb. 1), net weight — 2/4 lb.; Maconochie's or Moir's- lomato Aeicnup. emau, o . , Ml MEAT SHREDDO— , ,b • Citric, best Quality (CpotalsL war- 15/11 per 7lb. tin ljoz., 2|d per tin; 2/3 per doa. a- f\ ' ' miisunnnu «tpu% L Beef Suet— packet.' ,-v; )>},'■ II ranted per oa., 2/9 per lb. Daisy (No. 2), net weight — 2/2 lb.; 30z., 4}d; 4/3 per doz. ■' KELLOG'S CORNFLAKES ?/!«,? i. ETCMUP SOAP • V -'V Tartaric (Powdered), beat— per oz„ 14/8 per 7lb. tin. Peck's (tall jars) Pastes—l/ 3 per jar.„ 1 lid per packet. Miitrion bottae. Unity per large , bar f(wrapped); 1/2 per lib., 2/1 per'lb. .. - . Daisy (No. 3), net weight—2/- lb.; 13/6 "Skipper" Salmon and Shrimp—l/ 4. KNIFE POLISH—- ™ plw. 9/11 i, " 14/4 per doten; 23/4 ' case (20 bars). Tartaric, beat quality (Small Crystals). per 7lb. tin. S Oakey's-BJd per tin. ' r° ' «i?'o / i. Bekker'a -Boap-1/2'.IWS^ -» - for use in seliiogene— per oz., 1/2 Club Coffee—2/8 per lib. tin. - s „£ a £'~ .Vu' }- va *~S fa * ac t' Blue Mottled Soap—lid per bar, 10/4 per ilb.. 2/2 per lb. . Coffee Beans (Roasted)2/S per lb. . • : r 11U?5 ,S '...Sal.*., flu Xnß ~V,\ eac il* dozen, 23/. per box ( of 27 bars. '"U ALMONDS , Finest Green Berries— per lb. n. B\r ♦••J' «lb. tins— each ' Carbolic Soap— per large bar, 18/8 Ground—M per ilb., 2/3 per lb. ih. Strang's Soluble Coffee—Small, 1/4 per /Xr Peerless Mustard »,■«*«.» {«_*«. bars, 27/-, per,case -20 Choice Jordiwi—l/7 per ilb., 3/- per lb, tin; large tin, 2/8. llb.good Quality-7id per tin, or 3 Us. . . •'' Cooking—l/ 5 per lb. COFFEE BSftEMre t ««.« iu Household—7^..ner-bin, 7/» .per .dozen,V AMMONIA- ' Coffee Essence to be one of the ' m SPECIAL • wf -—ir-b. Soaj-l/ajarge bairl4/9 doz. « Rock-r—l/5 per vvjta*. strongly recommendedl/3 " bottle. GS® ' V H J NEAVE'S FOOD T.o® 8..U1d p.. E«.'. 3/i' ar Fluids p« bottle, 3/4 per '•. Brown. Barrett's-1/5. ... , % YIV/I A C ATTDAPTinWQ %\ 1/8 per tin «.,» M r»». Victory Soap-«id per email bar. 8/3 • | Scrubb's (cloudy)—l/1§ per bottle. Whittome's—l/4 per bottle. --qSo : m «v I NLITMCPS m • ?' i/m i, Is/c •% ARROWROOT- . Symington's-2/2 P p e r bottle. % V H/I A C A TTD A PTIHWC W, I Wh"-2d per oz.; 70 per ilb. Pf d ° n ' Alwr f° t i llb Qe ffirtfh»jJ U Mr ®b CONDY'S FLUID- J• mL /L |V| A i\ I £ KAI a I li f Ground-3d per oz.; 10d per ilb. Peerless Soap. Our very keen priceliutiifiuu ' BiSr - 9ifl lb - 8o«. Bottles (liquid)—l/11. ' & /llfiraU *1 A A « a AWA W NUTS- S*d per bar; 4/3 per dozen;:; 16/ case A 8 At.,l srtl Loose Crystals— per oz. , Almonds-1/- per lb. « of 24 bars. : ■ .Large tins—2/4 and 2/11, CORDIALS— M , ( ' Barcelona—l9d per lb. Velvet Soap— per bar; 8/3 per dozen : BuwnuiALo— ii/V^ozen!™ 6 cjfic . 1 ; We are ready for Christmas—are you? Hyou.haye-- - . '■ Brazil—lod per lb. .. / K ars barCl/i^per *r- . , Heal (he&vy)—Raspberry, Lemon. Lime //. tf&s I - Peanuts~-8d per lb. g 0 ft float)—lld ner tin ?<■*■»*' i-' (Padsy), 150J.—lid-pep tin; .Juice, _etc.—l/. bottle, 11/6 dozen. «;• ", \ not yet are ready lor grocery needs, you? alf you haye 'A& Walnuts—l/. per per lb. SaNdsoap Soan—M ' rer bar-i, 1/4 per (Fairy), 1505.-110 pep tin SbW 400 Z .-2/5 \ not yet ordered your grocery needs, here is a helpful llat M Mixed Nuts-lid per lb. SANDSOAP ° f 3 barS " \ . T Si S?ra M) "* ' Ship's 'Lime Juice (pure) 260Z -1/6 fe 3' )of good things to eat during the festive season. Every •, T ... * OATMF4 , M • Unity (the Best)-M per cake; 2/4 doz. I M tin; large. 1/3 tin. bottle . A, '/ - , % ¥C, ' ' item is a money-saver. Compare these prices with those Standard." coarse or fine-1 II per slb. £* ntoy' pi? DoS cake " : BAKING SODA— „•. t ' \ in Waca Juice. -lOoz.— l/18 bottle. ,vr j • .-J ' L..,. r charged by . your l«c»l storekeeper, and you will not ■ « , bag; 7/9 per 261b. bag. - levh BROS «li> ' LTD MAPS p« ib.. 61b. i<jr 1/2. > v hesitate to send us yoor order. We are folding tog., , S Xfe%lb ta ..«,,, „ s , bb „ • "l-'T" Patent— tin. 1/4 bottle. ] . ; fresh stocks, and can supply all your requireraents to oit %a"% c<l i/°rf' "t&LSi i, SSSIS. f r:. Pearl—3d per lb., 1/4 for. 6lb, CORKS— your absolute satisfaction. Post your order TO-DAY. ' mi « 4 1/9 bag. 20*8—8/- bag. Lifebuoy Soap—sd per for 1/I§i Feed. _ ~ , _ . Ordinary Taper— site. 4d per dozen; ■' J f . . . I - ; . , . w '"-. n ., „ . ,* J, , • Lux". (Soap Flakes)—*"per packet;-2 B Seed. See Fortnightly Produce List. quart size, 4d per dozen; pickle cite. •'., * ' I Castor Oil, Mortons English— for 7d. 7 **'" * 8 BATH E'RICKS — * 10d per dozen. ANGELICA— per oz.; 7/6 per-lb. ' ALMONDS- ; ' Castor Oif Rinßo (Cold Water WashM-& per > I B7d each. - CORNFLAKES—. packet. . CRYSTALLISEf CHERRIES (French)- - ; 1 Cooking—l/fi per lb. ■ . C^or _ Oif' best Quality —100 bottle- packet: per doten. 24 shades)- I BEANS— - Kellog'a—lld per packet. . CRYSTAL LI SET CHERRIES (French)— , Cooking—l/ 5 per lb. . _ M»z. 1/6, Desi Quainy. . , Twink (Washes and Dyea.,24 shades)— Haricot, finest cleaned, (very best)—3d CORNFLOUR- " 2/9 , per lb. -Ground-id per Jib.; 2/9 per lb. * Z-l/l ffi ' 110 per packet; 9/0 per.dozen D P" lb A« fo ® 1/4. C Clement's (English)—3d lb. FIGS ._ " J ° rdan_l/7 per Jlb. ; 3/. per lb. Cod Liver Oil, soz'-1/4 per bottle. • M^ e c y ak ®" n " double bar; 3d BEVAItA Ell— English (good), l's and 's, packets— rlUs— I Lucca Oil, local, high-class— , cn*D , £ »* - .»S 4 ."aJ=:„ ■ ■ - • 8?0".r.i-Pol,o».. ,C— r.r , . ' . sssgtfz#"*;, «•- • • Mi&rc!^r»A w Choice White Cookinß—7d i)er lb. 1. 5 isaMl"- . rowde,-,,.. * Yates'— small bug, 1/5 large bag, ':- ■ i lb;. 6lbii for 3/10. Just arrived. Peanuts—Bo lb. I Nominal J pints—l/ 8 bottle. ' ' large .P*®*'®*- . 9ltl T ,„ r m .u t . 2/4 Yates' Parrot Food—Bo and 1/4 packet. Bulk Cornflour—4id per lb. MiißraTt, « i ri '* " iV Soft Shell Almonds—l/' lb. Nominal pints—3/2 bottle. SSfdMen^ 14?fta? ' iiFwSl-lwto 1 & °"WSJ T 2-ta paakst. DATES. Carton. (b„.)-7d wt paclct. , b . net tms-1/1]I ~h I w "Whizz Stow Polish - '(liquid)—l/-. . JH£F tel/ APPLES, Dried, Extra Choice; Üb. packets IE - net *"»—*/• I Salad Oil, local—2/6 per quart bottle. padket; •/• P«r dwsn. •uSwmmm 7 - cußnvTowDM-- , lemon peeu-i/i. lb. I s.w ori. W..,v (E»,.i. W - CerAos-M. packet. 1/3 halMoz.o. E„ 6 ,Mort„„',)-1W »te belli. . APRICOT, B„t Dried 1/2 lb. '' ' ORANOE PEEt-1/3 lb. I 01-d'DUToV'M.MN.kR- " ' Powd.r)_ld per is & jraaArsAE- T.«T 4 f'T b l?' A TtJ pmomm. Drtei - ,rt !b - ■ citron peel—2/. ». J *%»,£* am^m . , ' C sS*fo"iSiZ£r m " W *" "" • : ,r,!r ««««*««. »r ft. • CONFECTIONERY, Sib. bo.«. Special OU &.:eor'r.p»W.pipt^/«b 0 ' 80 "«bo».t. (Fipe.t Ouatito ttoi moo./; Reckitt'a (square), 16 to the lb.—l/3 lb. 3— ' small, 1/9 per SULTANAS, Beet Californian—Bd per lb. ,! Christmas Mixtures— box. I . „ Morton's! * pint net—l/ 10 bottle. . ' oan v buy)— *id per lb.; 2/31 for 121b. _ Reekitt's (bag)— dpzen bags. J«ge. tin . * 1 „ _ V . Morton's 1 pint net-2/18 bottle. . ..* Washing-lid per lb.; 1/8 ; 141b.; 3/- ' BORACIC AO!D— ■ ' CUSTARD POWDER— „„ , - RAISINS— CH( ?n OL fJ! S * Fancy Bosw- I ORANGE PEEL— 1/3 per lb. „ SttUb. 1/- per lb.' Birds—«tf per packet 9/3 per doz. l ; . . . .•, Seeded, Fahcy Quality— per packet. .. ilb.— box. I , OTO (Petrfdfe Meal)—-1/«< per bag.. SOUP— „ * ~. '. . '=-• . , BORAX— Garlands Creamo (makes delicious Cus- " Seedless. Fancy Quality— 9d per packet. ' >»*• I OXTONGUES— , Tucker's (All Kinds)—4d per packet; M^^ ) " 7e,Perlb - ■ «dLVV*pr«i» S 1 Pei dO2Cn: , . , :i • Seedlew, loose, Fancy Quality— per & IWlti. " ,-' '' per packet; 7/9 doaen. V BOVRJI—. - per lb. / _ Foster Clarke's-1/6 cSfltard'Powder—r-' .•. ' prunes— «• CHOCOLATES, English arid Canadian— I 'Hellaby's, 21b.—4/5 * tin. Soup (Heinz, Tomato)-Small, 11d; tin, - Tuckers Sunshine Custard Powder—7- CHOCOLATES, English and Canadian— Hellaby's. 3lb.—C/8 ; tin. medium. 1/4 tin,; large, 2/3 tin. . each. /. Pint cartons 510 each, 5/3 per dozen; PR r-i Jh*" kih per lb i's-3/-, 3/4. 4/4 box. . OVALTINE— . ' Bor Oak Tomato Soup—l/2 tin. 4ot. Jars 3/- large tins, 10jd each; small tins, 4|d Choice aid per lb. i '• ... ... _ ;fi ... , • The Great Tonic Food—.. ~.. .... SPIVES— J- v . . j . tSJ* 3 TSZ?4 S /ii ««3i. M • Extra Choico-r7d per lb. 1 s-4/6. 5/6, 6/8, 7,0. 8/1 box. . , No. I—2/5 tin! : •- — Chilließ (Bird's Eye, Selected)—2id per ri . .- 16ot. Jars—eacn. [> No. 2—4/4,, tin. ..' oz.; kd per Jib. .h r ". BOVG> — _ - . ■' * ■ • - ' • ? — it j No.: 3 —7/9 tin. ;s *• Cinnamon (Best, Pure Ground)— per ' Hollaby's Extract of «•»««• Jars DAINTY DISH AND CREAM- 1 mr ft ._ _ _ /• „ • , , I/O nA „ 1L P or •70 per ilb. ' 1/1 jar; 4oz. Jars, 1/11 jar. 510 per packet. 5/3 per dozen. . AHISS JtISHTIS* Best Brands . Only. 1/ PC* ID* . !««« ' > Cinnamon (SticK)—3d per.oz... BRASSO— _ .... ... DATES— II " : '-'vV -■ - / PARROT FOOD— - Cloves (Fine s Selected Quality)— per , The Famous New Metal Polish, with Loose— per lb., 3/9 dozen lb. Jgjk f' . v V < ~-JL. Yates.—M and 1/4 per. packet. , - oz, .r ' r '* « ! Sprinkler Top—Small, lid per tin; Packets—7d, each. 6/9 dozen. h&rk ORDER''AT ONCE TO PREVENT PE « F Li ♦ Cloves (Ground)—3d per oz. large, 1/10 per tin. .: ORDER at ONOfciu packet. Mixed Spice (Pudding)—2d per packet; k . BREAKFAST D'LICHT— N/.t«^ nr Tv«nl nnd all Poison v . DISAPPOINTMENT. • PEAS— /-noW-.i '•« Sii' 1b . filb ' 1/2 ./ Mece .(Whole or Ground)—3d-per, oz.; A real meal for the morning; 21d. Special Note.— Lysol and all I oison- •' Green cooking)— 2JO Por_lb., 61b., 1/2. , ... i 190 per jib. , V packetslid per packet. " Ufl . Disinfectants the Government I Packets (Unity brand) 50 per packet. Nutmeg (Whole)—2d per oz.; 7d per Jib. RDILLIANKHINE METAL POLISH Regulations reouire that you i-.end a. . —- — L. , Split, best colonial—4lo lb.; 2/2 for 6lh. Nntmnir (Ground.—Jd nni or • 16d iier BRILLIANTSH i NE. METAL. POLISH separate .signed application for them. LARD Tinned K Green-1/2 tin. = lib g 1 per 0z.,. lea per . hVt ahfie ; .troW . recommended. stating tee purpose for which they are FLOOR POLISH- : ' ===== Jib. per lb. P6.MIUTO- ■■ . - 'Pi'ieW <WM.)-«d. P«r »b„ .or 1/« .£ o(K ats r~ l/1 1? cr lb " • ner lb ' Pimento (Whole)—sd per ilb., or 1/6 l -Medium size 1/- per tin. C; Sfp.« p„ tin, „'3 to, £&"«'■ SfYS..} ."SJ'f.S?tS", , Ketchup. W,.1^,-2, 3 Jlbjei T'A'it»« "»■ „ •' ■ '"llSj? '- C .small,-,/, eacb, 12/9 do, S ' W ' U ' p., V f Tomato Repp. _ per i„ • Medmm. W. 4 CAN I? L per lb 18/6 per boa of 251b Jeyes' Fluid (large)—l/8 each. 19/6 doz. Tanol—l/3 per "tin.-. •«, IMWI ~d. Tomato Soup, » 300z.—2/3 per tin. LEMON PEEL- lb. Sanitarium Health—Small. 1/*; Medium. P K ' 4 -• per lb IS/S per box of 251b.- * Jeye ?; Fluid-i-fallon tins, 5/9 each; 1- Wolfe's Wax-Small, 6d; large; lid. . Horse Radish, small. 2oz-1/6 bottle. Loose-1/I per lb. • -I/* I Large. 2/3. ' vV> • ■ - B^| h P«r"bOl*rf I8 °*' _M "" lb '" ColS™ Fluid (^>z.) —1/11. . Polifloo, lKu«.t)Jd and ltd per tm. • ■ §%sss> "U'''.io. LE Pb~mx pack..., thick-1/6 per lb. "fce-l/S 11. ' ' . ... J''k *t .sSlvtil -iTJSJZt'IArmf-, G0.,.;.., FLY r"Si7d each, i, t.d per d.a.n. y. E SP«hetti. W. 300Z.-2/3 per tin. • Sljlit. Red, veg CTO d <,u,lity-5d per . \ggS3P & . T T ?fS 6 Ik Wnf .fell, i-gallons, 7/6 each; 1 gallon, 12/11. Fly Rolls—2d each; 6 for lid; 1/9 dozen. , • u; , Ajf • Voy.w Thvnif. LIME WATER * Phoenix, thick peel -(lemon)— ~ Sylvia—lib. Reg. 110 per packet; large, . Candid itl'tA DY^ k < Le ver's)-100 ner packet P;ipers—2d eacii; L ,Wge o««l, l»-0„r price, «d bott ' Vs and I'.. pa.kets-1/4 lb,, • . S si % ?S» per pSf % Tapers (coturedt' *£' packets—Bd pkt. Dy-o-la (all colours, including black)—• . Daisy • Fly Killcrß—l/1 each. V Thyme Sage ::?f&Mms- e 7d' d ' For Varnishing Linoleums-Medium, 2d 1/8 gross; 8/2 box 5 gross. • • fLj B^\ # inzlish 4ot bottle—l/« ■ Na^l Packet * o , FRUITS DESSERT (DRIED)- T ; . -Mint.-Marjoram, and Parsley, bottles- " " Whtte. ground,/ warranted pure/ for ' B«Sr if 'SllfW « CA f^" EDS - Bec« 1 . !e Cream Tints-3d each 2,« SSWSIfiESSJf'LW/ V lb. ' MinV Marjoram, and Parsley, tins— tKd, medium^, largo- T'- , , • C *i!S (J . ,1-a-n tin .d; Reekitt's Cold-water Dyes (fast) 8d pfet. SiS'LSfKjf HONEY B~- LofaffehSait'' 0 '' -3 ' 2 P " lot ' p-lift-lrt «rW ';■ . ■ , « per V r Powdered (dwmfectapt) Small tm. Sd. E 3/9 for 1211>. . • 2's Tins—2/1 each. soa.— per bottle; lOoz.— per 1 Black, ground--, . - ' =v . B /.iBBftMATE 4AD At— Muscatels Dessert Frfpcy Cluatsre 1/2 ■ rs> Cartons, 1/2 each; and 2's, Car- bottle: quarts-4/11 per bottle Small tins—Sid; medium— largo TANOL POLISH— WRMt Ow»lUv-Md ner lb 61b lot 1/2. EGG— , „ _ ... ... packet. Arriving November. tons, 2/- each. LUX (Washing Powder)— ... , _ 1/1. m . „ »V.-, , r . ,~" a; For Linoleums. 800t5... etc..- A wonderr*«riSo Oil— ' ' Powder—Garland's Esco, the well-known Figs, Choice Dessert—- 's. Class Jars, 2/6 each; I's, Glass, 4d per packet; 2 packets for 7d. ' ' Loose—l/ 1 per lb. ' *;y:• ful polish—l/ 3 tin. 1/. Wtt.; A • •&.'SSSp3i 4 A. Tip? Imp, ox. weight tcb,)-!.;. per M .., "SW STiSI per! ilb, j». Pastor, " " a RU.TS 'So! c™,_ „„-"°' MA CT-lb. ( Ap.„.li»,. ■ per .tb, ; ■/. CASTOR SUGAR— 1/4" large 1 reser\ati\e laste-dmall, Apples, Dried, Extra Choice—l/2 per , Packets—2/9 lb. Pipe—l/ 1 lb. (Australian). A 1 Quality— " . White Pearl-5d lb.; 'bib., -/5, r».!srfr r <?nba — Sbarl'and's 'Egg* Preservative—l/2 tin, lb.; Üb. 1; 2- , lftr lb ,- f HORSERADISH- ' , . MA fci„ „ i nrt m - - Local Pickles. Cho-.r Chow Piccalilli, Loose-1/11 and 2/3 lb. CAUSriC SOD. 6/. i-gallon, 9/11 1 gallon. re, doa Apricots,;,Bes^t Dr:led 1/2 per Season's- Heinz, EXTRACT SOAP— , Wnole—3d Pf.r oz., 10d per ilb. . ' Mixed Assorted—l/ 5 per bottle. Fannings—2/7 lb.; 15/5 6lb. tin. liu' an Yolk (substitute for eggs)—l/- per doz. C urrants,.-Good Quality, >iew bea HUDSON'S EXTRACT SOAP— Grouna—3d per oz., 11d per ilb. Local Onions—l/ 6 per bottle. " Rival "—2/18 lb.- 16/11 Bib. tin. St Tins— each. ' E fc%duce, 'Yates')— Packet. . C,M, %*. Choice-Sid per packet. ""Td^X^V?^ per packet. JJJJCAR.NE- llb ' packet-11d per pkt. p.^o^fel 73 W " fSer,' 'c'bMee'.'-S/. lb, 17/11 Gib. CH |Xc,.. r Che... (approa. tilb.,-1/11 eAojS FRUIT SAtT- Sf.Tb.Ww. |- Safaties., bejt^ualiW-H - per doze., W« <*. *>. ' "Whole, cut in any quantity (first grade Household size-3/6 bottle. Prunls Choice-sio; Extra Choice. 70. SuMfl- 1 " Wax Vestas-Plaid-Sid per dozen-. 8/3- P |MBMT^ lCkhng ~ ilb - pkt " " P6T The famous shellfish found.on parts of only)— Present Price, 1/1 per lb. Handy size—2/4 bottle. • ■ ' c ppf ii < . ( ,a Loose 8d per lb 4<|' - « ~.I )W %r°ss. m T M 1 the ]N.Z. coast —2/5 tm., , 4 (The above Prices are. Subject to Market Fruit Saline—2/- per bottle. — (Extra cleaned'on our latest cleaning v INSfeCT ;POWDERS . ,LV 8 (Tins)—3d per tm; 2/11 per I'ner 1 lb' ' " TOI ?, A1 C OE8 T f 1/? ner tin «tefe — — Ib ' "ffiSf" Cochineal Lemon. Ratafia. ! X „aop's-„. Packet. IS S Wit " c|f 1/.1 Mb. ba, Sb.f^.'lS. slb Bag*—l/ 6 per hag. " Vanilfa (any otfier' flavour if re- . Snltanas Am^n(ra i)-8d lb .. g , .' Roast Beef—l/ 3 tin; 14/0 doz. r 251b. bag 6/-. ]t . TUMERIC - 1011." Bals—2/9 per bag. quired)— - - Sultanas (American)—lod per packet j Spiced Beef— tin- 14/9 doz ' Yates' Egg Producer— per packet. Jd per oz. o?lK Raftls/. ner bag ]oz. Local— (choice).. U , Luncheon ■ Beef-1/3 tin- U/B dor • PRESERVED GINGER TURPENTINEYates' Cartons-Fid. 10z..' Rival_7d. FRUITS. COOKING—. JAMS. (MARMALADE, ETC.- ; Corned Mutton-1/3 tin;' 14/9 doz. ' ' -üßest quality, looee-1/3 per lb. mall bottleeCHILLIES— ]oz " Unity—9d. , (BEST PIE) Ihese Prices remain stationary until the Boiled Mutton— tin- 14/9 doz ', . PUDDINGS—. Large bottles- Z/«. Bird's Eve (selectedld per oz., M Lemon, Vanilla. Almond, lib. bottles- * • Approximate Contents:- e . ~ factory prices rise or fall, Roast Mutlon-1/1 tin; 14/9 doz. Milk Puddings, Tucker s-4d per pkt. V per lb. • 7/6 each 1 Gallon Tins Apricots—l/ 10 per. tin. St George, K., and Oak First Grade Spiced Mutton—l/ 3 tin; 14/9 doz. - Plum 1 uddings (X»n«s)-- VASELINECHUTNEY— Crosse and Blackwell s, loz.—l/5 cacti. . /. n ii nn Tins \pricots 3/- per tin Jams. »?Ib. tins Brawn—l/ 5. . * H"- net tl . ns —L',l l « ac "' VASE LI Nt ~r tji„ a qai Whittome and Stevenson's—l/ 1 per bottle - (ii.llon Tins Peaches-1/10-per tin. lib tins, assorted Peach, Plum, Goose- ... . Nominal 21b. .tills Dripping-1/6 per tin-. per pkt. t-Td per j® &5.-1/- per jar. English Small, 1/9 per bottle; large, 2,9 p i Callon Tins Peaches per. tin. A " 5 ' Blackberry and Apple, Babbit and Bacon, 21b. tins—l/ 5 per tin * uteam Puddings (Tuck J Petroleum Jelly. White — per bottle. 4 Gallon Tins Plums— tier tin. ft 1 '!""' „«P an e '- ow (ja B *' Sausages "(tinned)— Q «2oz —8d per jar: 40z.—1/2 per jar. CINNAMON— ~, FOODS. 'j'ins ac ] c Currants—2/-.per tin. ■ . Melon, and Lemon tin. , Epoing—2/- per 2lb tin. _ " Petroleum Jelly, Yellow Ground—2d per oz., 7d per lib. INFANTS' AND INVALIDS'- cm . diii d ' " Jlb - tins Apricot Nectarine. Green- Oxford-2/ per 21b. tin. QUICKSHINE- -4d per jar: 40a.-10d per jar. Stick—3d per oz. Allen and Hanbury's Food— FRUIT PULP .... gage Apple _ and Raspberry—l/7i tin. Camp Pies (St.- George)—l/3 large tin. ®d P er in: large tin. 1/-. Petroleum Jelly, bellow (veterinary)— CITRON PEEL— No. I—2/6 per tin. Raspberry, Gib. net—6/11. lib. tins Bliwk Currant. Raspberry, ear s -21b. tins, beef or mutton—l/ 4 per R lib tins gross—llo each. 2/- per lb. No 2—2/6 per tin. Black Currant, (jib. net—B/11 [Gooseberry— 110 tin. tin; 15/9 per dozen. ..... 4lb tins net—3/6 each. CLEVER MARY— No! 3—l/7 per tin. FRUIT SALINE— lib., Strawberry—l/- tin. MEAT EXTRACTS, PASTES, TONGUES- RABBIT AND BACON— VEGETABLES-^ A Great Cleanser, for removing grease Barley. Robinson's Patent-1/7 per tin. PK "'" .*%«,;< V,. 3/8 and 2/4 Handy : 21b. . tins, Assorted Peach, Plum Bovnl- 2lb tins-1/5 each. Tinned. Libby's— _ „ ~ , spots from pots, pans, paint; it's great Benger's Food— Lno s 1 ruit Salt—3,6 ana 2,a. runty Quince Gooseberry, Blackberry and 2oz. jars— each. RENNET— Special Price while Present Stock lasts. ; " — try it—Price, 1/2 per tin. No _ I—2/8 per tin. T . S,? f'e i;„„ o> ' Apple, Damson bellow Gage. Melon IGoz. jars— each. Hotorook a-I/-. __ Bd ve , tub . Whole Potatoes— per tin. CLOTHES PEGS— No 2—4 ! 8 per tin , K ru ! 1 S ."V- n ,t.' ; . - *.« ' and Lemon—l/sJyt>n. 4oz. jars—3/- each. Rennet Tablets. V k ing-60 / per tuoe. Cabbage—Hid per tin. 2d dozen. 1/8 gross, 8/2 per box 5 gross Doctors' CAsam o' Groats— per pkt. I-ruit Saline (Bishops) 2,5. ; 2lbj/tills. Apricot. Nectarine. Green- ~801. jars—s/6 each. „ Junket Powder • i,n »' l " /• 1)0 e. String Beans— per tin. CLOVES— Groats Robinson's Patent—l/ 7 j>.r tin. —— sage Ar,ple and Raspberry—l/ 74 tin. Gears Extract of Beef— RICE— -r, „j ->h n P r lb - 1/4 for 6] , Carrots—Hid per tin. ' , Whole—2d per oz. Glaxo—Medium tins. 2/6; large tins.4/3. DCM7IMC 1 ■ ? l^ tln s; Black .-Currant ;• Raspberry, 2°z. ;a«-1/. each rVnnnd'^wai^nte§)^''per lb. ' - Beet. (sliced)—lllo per tin. Ground—3d pe r oz. Malted Milk-No. J, 2/4; No. • Kr.IMX.II P.. ,t>l>e Gooseberry-i-1/10 tin. Amco Extract of Beef— pi b;!, Tw ner packet Turnips—Hid per tin. COCOA- ,st i\ „ 2 4/2 JLPJUI ,£Jli 21b., tins, Strawberry—l/ 11 tin. 20z.~1/1 ,jar. 4oz. jar—l/ 11 jar. • t laked per pacKet. P,impkin-11W per tin. Neave''a » Wr 15/9 W 1 1 "" """" lb, ./. dor... \s, H tS?!ji ( i?rs, l j!i d Wa. ,w • °?'s!sr,sS n s: ,w.7 x "- '• L ™ B "" n s «"*• KEROSENE. MOTOR SPIRIT. Vl ""3» >r«.d vi..,..-,^ "\il U l". tin. C °* <eltra<ir '°" y """ Sugartot Milk—l/ 8 per lb. Spirin and T/'/V'l LAUREL. 810 TREE case lots, PLUME. SHELL. 810 TREE. OtOna—Small. i/« bag; iarse. «/.. cf.mpio"" Vineßar—j/4 bottl.T"'. COCOANUT— ' secla ' value)— F,o^ w Season', (arrive Xovep,her)- BMLM« u» 1. " 14/11 12/8""""' METOOK-3 ca.e l=ta. JO/J! Per ""&<•, s„,.r of Milk Ru.k- "'"'r" J.'K'Jmf 5,15. S» 'nifioj SSlShd-'Wrlib. !Sd V "packet, lid «T' "• • . L *" ta s"™ 10/J"; >-» than 5 ->—12/ll caae. L,„ than 5 17/9 caae. x.'Xry-./» per 'tin. ««■»• / per lib. lead packet. • . Choice White (Cooking)—7d Ib. L — 1 —> -j — —— r— — : ' ; — r . FLOUR ' SUGAR. FARMERS' TRADING CO., Ltd. Snewdrift, or Chamßjon:— ,j. No. 1 and ,IA. ... Per 701b. bag, 18/11 . rAIMVICIIW' 1 V* V*V/*> 25 . s . 5/1 . so>s ~/,9/8; No. 3 ... ... Per 70ib. bag,' 17/n Kobson Street and Wyndham Street, Auckland loo's 18/9. - -200 - 3S^^ agl foaSi — i QCg®^^g^^aiigg@^sag^o^[o!a:^^aoßSsS=3oc=go^^^g- 0g0 -"^' OCTOi> ~ ri!;^^^^ =:: ~~~^^^

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18565, 24 November 1923, Page 15 (Supplement)

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Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18565, 24 November 1923, Page 15 (Supplement)

Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18565, 24 November 1923, Page 15 (Supplement)