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'*' mm . urn——«—»■»«—— i. i<| i -"v:-' : .'.. B :."'-':■<• AMUSEMENTS. ' l . 3> 1 LA3T NIGHT OF CAIRO, '' ~ I -v - , LAST NIGHT OF,-CAIRO., ' ; V^i TO-MORROW— CHU CHIN CHOW •"1 f TO-MORROW—CHU CHIN. CHO>-; I :. CHU , CHIN : CHOW ; MATINEE " 1 CHU ;: CHIN * CHOW MATINEE! - ■'• -J - ' - SATURDAY ' AFTERNOON AT \2 * Wis. I SATURDAY AFTERNOON AT 2! : \'< .r'.lj TTIS fjL/£A JESTY'S 'THEAtRB. ::||| Direction: J. C. Williamson, Ltd. ' _ Managing Directors: Georce ' Tallis, ■B, v I J. . Tait. Clyde - Meynell. .1 LAST NIGHT OF CAIRO. * ;>| '-,V. . ~ ','.; . .'" TO-NIGHT, AT '8. '.: <''■'- t . ~ .;-, .. " TO-NIGHT. AT ■8. ' ' ;.-' - | .J. C WILLIAMSON. LTD., ' | :..,'•; ;i,^ Conjunction with • r I ■ }:V OSCAR ' ■ ASCHE. : | :' '<■■ '.'■'.' "■ ' ; -'--.:':'. -.Present '". • \] i;S|- \ - For'.;'.' the ' last occasion •.'...-"'■ ;; • STUPENDOUS AND BEAUTIFUL , 1 : ■}■■■" * — — r\ ; AMR O. _.' ' : ■;■-'" }om —__ ATBO. ' £ ■ : *:'.v ' —— : C A I.R O. —_-:.:. ;'?v;:« ■;. ,: ; ' ; — -CAIRO.——- - ."'":'-;aS| ■ A Mosaic in Music and Mim». ' .f j, OSCAR -ASCHE. •' t' SCAR • iiLSCHE. \'i OSCAR ■■•■■>'■ ASCBE. .'•"■■ OSCAR ASCHE. ' "■ /'■"■' And ••'...'-;';>/:■;; ■■]■$. \ ••-HIS COMPLETE LONDON - : - : ". i PRODUCTION. ', ,"' ~ | /The Play Produced; by OSCAR ASCEB., - t A TREMENDOUS " REVIV'4L;r. «;' •TO-MORROW (WEDNESDAY) Nl&i'P "' ■ ; TO-MORROW; (WEDNESDAY).. . NIGM |?f0 '■,■■■* And Following.-.- 3 i Evenings.'- , MATINEE ".SATURDAY,. AT 2.' ■ t .; .'• ■-'■'■ ■ ■■.":-.;:■.:■■ '. '■■■ 'I .- ■"■■■"/*■ Grand Special Revival; > of v-'.the World's i s Greatest and Most- Successful Play, - ( i ■ ,' CHU CHIN CHOWi .:'"# , CHU CHIN CHOW. -r I CHU CHIN; CHOW. j CHU CHIN CHOW, . ~:.' CHU CHIN CHOW. • ■ ' '' , ' With . •' ■ ' • t ■-.-. ' : OSCAR ASCHE/ 1,. : ::'. : M OSCAR v ASCHE v In'his • original role, -as -played by 'him":i,t *n | His '.Majesty's• Theatre.'.London, for ' fi-te :;< years.'.the' world's recotd run .for any stage \• a production";. •" Chit Chin Chow broke all M Known'; records * when it, was; originally ;'/ i staged in Auckland, and'-' judging by the excellent : -booking', yesterday ; ' its revival.,will ■;,. prove ; equally successful;. . , ,> \. ■ I ! Plans'.for the ; remainder,.;: of' the season .'(;■'J aire now'open' at'; Lewis 'R';['iEady and' Son, ; „ I Ltd. •'. Day" Sales ; at .Coleman's, f ,"- J - •'.''/' - : .' ' • ' ' '* i' l '. .-./. ;V;;i EVENING- PRICES:. - -'■. -■ Dress-Circle ; and:'. Reserved Stalls : (r«. served). 10s 6d: ' at' the door, Bs-. , btelt .- Stalls (early, door). ss; gallery (early door),' - 3s; late door stalls. 4s; late door gallery, ' 2V. • The late doors -to. stalls , and gallery "Will - ■;''. - be opened at'7.3o sharp. ;.' . r; , , MATINEE. PRICES: Dress Circle.-.and'...-Reserved. Stalls, 85; back, stalls, -fs:"'gallery."-Is ' 6d. Early -, door •'. r gallery,-Is extra.' -" ■..'-'':''.'-'*■'.:■ '.Children':" Dress ' Circle'. and Reserved Stalls. ss; - Back. Stalls,;-25;,, Gallery.; Is' 6a. ' ~ ... .■ .- r «■.-.,. .. ... ,C;■■ > ..' ■- . t - ■ ,- w,.;-.;!,- --'..?; - Business, Manager ■: : John, Farrell. ' , - ;^vM. '••...■-..;..■» : ~rr —; r "TRACKS." " 1 RACKS.", : _, —l— '—- ,; .• ";•,.! ! ' : : MOTOR AND COACH TRIPS. ■ ; T T— — ~- . .'■"- ROTORUA MOTOR. TRANSPORT CO., - ! LTD.'. ROYAL,MAIL CONTRACTORS. ' : " R.M." HUDSON MOTOR SERVICES— ; To Whakatane..:dailr.'.-8.30 - a.m. ; and 5.30 " p.m. (fare 20s);, to Oii-otjki.- daily (fare 80s); ' - , to Gisborne from OpotikiAMon,, Wed., ,Bat,j' '- to Wniota'puiv-Wairake;!,. Taupo. Tues., Sat.,,' ,;' : and .': Sun:: to-Napier- from.'. Taupo,,. Tnes., Thu'rs.', : Sun;; to ,Waimarino, ; from-i Taupo, Mon.; and '•' Thurs., . All comfortable ' tounop 7", ■ cars; no trucks.— " Motoco/' ;Rtjto-' \ : rua.' :'.•■■■'Phones i 9 and 853.-. ... -.'* ?x* J'JS^Si^ ■ — , ■ :■.'-,..,;= ' ; v. MUSICAL >N3TRUMEMTB" POW■.•ilAi'tV£f: '-. ....... ;rv ,\V- ■■~,.. ,:,,_■: ■, , a<ir ,„ . a I? ;:'.-; -' AEOLIAN Vocaliojn j.<Gradula), rosewood,V "'; floor cabinet, "with : records; £ 35;'c6r> £70;, snip.--70. , City. Chambers. -' " r -;%V '/"-■-! CCORDEON, 19m ;;6d: 1 Violin, Outfit, £3 '~ ' Ukulele. ?195,8d: Mandolins. 255; mm Banjo, .v£3.;'l7s;Cd.—Meltsser 8r05.,. 65.-. Vic- > ' tor i a 'St. ' - , .".--:';: \ ■■'■.'- : •-<•. '■ •'■■'. '■ .-. 1 ' ; ■.''.■•.'."''•:■ " . .. , >M AUSTRALIAN : Piano Co., '■ 465, Queen rM ; -~ - St. —iv ew overstrung, underdamper : : a Pianos, from £85;.ca1l and inspect, :. ■ I BE Glad! JE2O down, lis , weekly, will -; buy jbeautiful - English Pi.ano,-.-Moore's, : 5. Customs St. Inspect. '■■■'' ■'"' ;-'■ \'§ CASH Piano -Bargains;— 233, \ Karangah'ape " ""*| ; Rd. ?. See beautiful new models, just un- , ;.<m packed. Terms if desited. - ' ",-;« CASH Piano Buyers— .Moore's," 6. -' it ■ Customs ; . St. Big v assortment, -best :% makers. , Low., prices..-;; - ..,.■ ;, ,- • '-■ , -"-. EDISON Dealera, ,70, City Chambers— Cll|| -.-'•; Phonographs; ': Gramophones; ? Records §mm half-price; ; Keedles, per tin; repairs. ~,. -' ,_; G< RAMOPHONE Records,, half-price; as-le >v f or-'Exchange,:: or: library.—lPhoneries I y Exchange"; > 14, - Darby, St.. - City, .' * . 1 1 - .. —• HOFFMANN.' overstrung, nnderdamper . •:, action; :: upright ■-.■: grand; : magnificent: owner accept £49 103 cash. Crockery Shop, 143, Symonds St.,' L., . "■■ •> ; " ■ .::- : ' . ' — r. —, ~-~ '. .. J .,. < ~'- ~... »-..; -'. ..■' HAAKE. w overstruiis, <' full iron- frame, : eojiial v new ;\; sacrifice.~-£69 ,10b ;-,. mag- ;' /, nificent rich "tone.—Crockeiy; Shop; 143, by monds St., .<" ''*.'* '-"■ : '.'.,'-. ''■•''-■.. : '.';; ; LATEST "Rccbrds—'" SaWy/" "-'.The Sheik " Lt (Vocal-: and Fox-Trots), .?Hawauans."--310' (Basement).' NiZ;«. Insurancslt-Bui 1 dings. : , .; -,• ■! —— . ' " —7:- — Tr"" --~'pi 1 "VTEW and Second-hand .?Furriiture, newest ; - -v lv. ./designs:.bargain'.priceß.—Robertson. w,.y.% -Manukau-Rdf. Parriell. ■ '■■' ■" >■ - ':■■:■..'A-' "■ '<:\ PIANOS : v li t . .—l. : Goring Rd.. off Balmoral . PIANO'S, ' 2, ; "-beautiful" English.' giiat'af l teed Taultl<«B; 7 "£65 >and £70.-AUckr land Piano.; Agehcy. - 291. Queen' St. - -_ •:- op r»_K-IRCHNER Piano, iron frame'.. in <X<OU» splendid- 1 brder.-^-A. ! E.-> Savage, - I :Piano Tuner, opp. Richard" Arthur's. ; _~'| .yj ' :li?:CQ.— CARL ECKE.—Absolute gift;" I' ; " 3&Ot/f ! *VoaU-Ai;and'.fei'mspcc-t,— , ■',( Piano ..C0..-466. Queen St. ■ ' -. ;'"'■ ' ; " ' ■■•'..-. ■■ . -.-. -'n^fi' P^lV-ir-'-.N'tOl'-S.-'' .-! ri'yfi'rMM •I A NOB.. . .- - ■~' i| ;; '• In order .'to; Reduce Our Large ; Stock;of. \f [,>' : P ■■ ■■ -•.-." Pianos,- w«' have .-made-a- further - 'h . '•' -REBUqriON IN PRICES, ■ ',:,-■> • " REDUCTION; -IN- PRICES. ■• hiv- - -And are now- Offering Reliable- 1 : '•■ 'NEW OVERSTRUNG,. PIANOS ;:; ; vv3B .-.;:■:; >: , - :^ By ! First-class -.Makers; from '< "''•'* ■■\ y £100 UPWARD. -. . / Several. Second-hand'. Piaho'3.- at .Low, Prices. ~ , : 1 . ■ ;;...-.. *■■>:.. ':;"■ •■•■-• '. • ' " 1 -■'-■■■• -■■' ' .. .:.';;!..';::.'&;¥■. British; and»/continental:. ' 1 piANO '.'no:; ;■ , ;". HAYMAN'S BU.ILPDJGS ', (Opposite Parriell Car Stop), ~ ■" : CUSTOMS STREET EAST. ':; A. ; HEGMAN '-' -•-■-"- Manager. :' «|. v — ; —.. , ... .. : —; —~—- ■'■,-,-.•. ...; r^■■?r<Z,'A%:s WET ZEAL AND ' HERALD | AND '.'■' AUCKLAND, WEEKLY NEWS. . -■' N.Z.'HEnALi>: : 9d J per week, delivered-in ' town and suburbs. Prepaid, .posted within.'.., .New; Zealand, 12s (3d ; per quarter; £2 ss.per • annum, •''. ' .»'•'.; ~',«' ■ ': Auckland <WEEsiy.vNBWS Prepaid, -10* "per quarter; £1 '15s per"annum. • . ■'- «, N.Z. Hkbald: Small prepaid ■ advertise- '.;,■ ments under' classified 'headings, ,15 words •",,•.,; per insertion, 2s 6d''three .consecutive insertions.- 20 ; words Is 9d per v insertion. J' 4B '!™, ■.j.'-'-three consecutive insertions; !;5 words"' 2s 6a.j,;, . per insertion, ...'(s, three -s comiecutive , f . tiops. !,'..', ; - '•''.. -'.'>:'. .''.'", ,-'V ''. Replies' beaming or initiw* -pf; only.: care of; post office, ■ are not delivered ,; .by. the Postal .Department, - . ■.- .%■■ .':.-"'. ' Replies to advertisements will be received- ... at the office of the:-'HERAi.D.. and. if neces- w sary,, . forwarded on to the advertiser. •;. , "' 1 Birth, Notices, , 2s; ed; ,'per ; insertion; ;>, I doctors' or nurses' names; Is each 1 ™ 0 ,: 'A extra. ' Marrugei .'Dsath,'•' Bekeavembkt, , . - and I» Memoriam; Notices, 2s 6d per , inser- , tion of 30; words. :If in excess of 30 wordft. q; 9ct per line, fivo ,; words , extra. -"■ Sr* ijl ' announcements 'mast ' be' signed • by :!«•'; ■'■■% advertiser. - . ' " ';, / Contract rate 3 :on application. , - .'" ~: : *} •; The Proprietors do not' hold ' .themselves • f responsible;: for non-insertion of advertise ,/,,,- . ments through accident:' or ,• - from , otn?j -.-''.'. Causes;':, or ' foi; error ( in a .the;; publication «* any ; advertisement. *,/ ' ,-« v * .v. - , 7 ._ •.j ' . TELEPHONES; " .-,. ;' :;V;' : || : i Advertising and Commercially 129. t: /HE S f'f S|Job; Printing Order Office, 2800: Pnbl»KP»' ■ -.' -,' If; Editorial, '229;;Reporters;;'3693Ed!-or. ..:.■ • Weeklt News and : Photographic, .229. •• ... - , - Address' Communications to Wilsoa ■;- v ' „■■ Horton. P.O. Box- 32, Auckland. . •' .. • Waikato; Branch: .Victoria Street Wf» P. 0.), Hamilton., • ■' v: London Office: 85. J Fleet Gtroet. • _^« , :

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18471, 7 August 1923, Page 14

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Page 14 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18471, 7 August 1923, Page 14

Page 14 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18471, 7 August 1923, Page 14