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.' '-■'- -..'•-•.■■ AMUSEMENTS. :' -" ; --■ FULLER'S . f\PER\ ■ 'iffftSwl ULLER'S V/PERA XlOU&i^ Direction: John Puller and Sans. Ltd. ', , FIRST SEAL LECTURE TO-DAY/ >rk, FIRST SEAL; LECTURE TO-DAY, AT 3.15 P.M. PATROLS PLEASE NOTE.—This is a Lec- . ture and ! Performance .0*: th© Seals •; Only. 1 and in primarily for school children .only- ? The Performance consists of an object- . lesson, , and the I Seal Performance. ,. Sen :a '.- lars are •"■ advised to ' ask > their , ► teacher* -which day is allotted to the various croups ./of" schools., rJ '■'"'■■• . •', .'.■' •*•- THE ADMISSION IS SIXPENCE.: ; "," ■ '• Should' pa'rents wish to accompany ,--"'.: ■>~ their children, they will be'admitted ... ... at -a flat rate ;of ONE • SHILLING '■"'•. ■. - (Plus Tax).- ...' •- | "■- •'••: TO-NIGHT. — .AT B—' TO-NIGHT. ;/;'< . TO-NIGHT —, AT 8 — TO-NIGHT. •K . ' .'■: Last > Few Nights of . '-• -■'~ • ODIVA AND HER SEALS. . „- ; '« V; ODIVA AND HER SEALS. ; ~ ODIVA AND HER SEALS. -..'..'-- ,■ -:, The' Wonder Act of the .Universe.' ]>VA' i ; ODIVA AND .-;■■ HER ;>f SEALS. ..:• .v.-;- -: ODIVA ;> AND :.'HER !: SEALS, v: /An* Educational Treat .be You .Nine /or ''■'~.'■ Ninety. •'..■' _ 7 ODIVA AND HER \ SEALS. ! . ODIVA •: AND HER SEALS. ' Eight Seals ; and . Sea Lions in_ a. Performance that Beggars :■ Description. .£;■:• : ODIVA AND : HER,< SEALS. ■'"■"■'■, ODIVA AND; HER SEALS. ■ Endorsed >. by the 'Auckland.; Education '. '■■':. .'&■■■:■■■ :■,'-'*:,..'<.> ■■ 'i- Board. '■■■"■• "■:•;■••■/-"■;.'<::■::.■.'•'■' '■:--••_ THE NIGHT PROGRAMME CONSISTS OF '' . ODIVA AND HER ' SEALS. :"■'■-■■•• ODIVA AND HER SEALS. . THE ANGEL BROTHERS. i THE ANGEL BROTHERS. •< ln Feats ,of •' Super Daring. SIGNOR ENRICO PALMETTO, - SIGNOR ENRICO > PALMETTO, ' .-- j..;The Danish' Court Tenor. < , WONG TOY SUN, ; '■% WONG TOY SUN.-, . . :.■■... The ■ Famous Chinese ' Magician. ■■'■-■■'•v .„•,::•.:.•> And ■•■:•:-'- ■■■>■*■;"■ '-"■•■• *'■-<■. BERT LE BLANC'S TRAVESTY STARS. BERT LE BLANC'S»TRAVESTY STARS. BERT LE BLANC'S ■ TRAVESTY STARS, I In a Wonderfully Entertaining Miniature .'"•■■•• 'Musical- Comedy :; Entitled :' '■..■'■>. "THE DOLL MAKERS." ~..-. : , v '~,:,V;':' THE DOLL-MAKERS." \ v.: ;..:■;.■ Plans, at Lewis' R.'Eady arid Son, - Ltd.. till '5; - then nt - the THEATRE till 7. Phone 1595 for Reserved Seats. ;•'•,; :; Prices; Is, 2s, 2s 6d, 3s. Plus Tax. •:•'»■ J). I . X I , E ,-l A; 'n/.d; A. LONG NIGHT, ON v WEDNESDAY. v .'"THE MANAGEMENT WILL ,'.' ",. ..ENTERTAIN-; THE MEMBERS ';' , : ,. ; :. ;; Of The : _ i .-' / .-';.; r ''-" V " CAIRO COMPANY. ' •\' ; ■ ; ' CAIRO COMPANY. ' . "/ : ."' DANCING, 8-1. A.M. , ..* .' ADMISSION Mli 6d EACH; 8-1 A.M.. ;,- ,ss; EACH. • v •. -.' I .:--'.' .; ■: •*-. "rpRACKS." ■'•■ ; " s '.•••;■' 'u, ;:- : "1 RACKS." i :.-;,./ ■, . ■ ••'■.-■■■■■': LECTURES. " : -:'-?,;H .T* A UCKLAND UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. COMMERCE STUDENTS' SOCIETY. •';'". ■i A lecture will : be' given 'in the Science Buildings. (Biology .Lecture Theatre'.). < TODAY (Tuesday), at 8 p.m.. when Prof. R,' M. Algie. will illustrate by lantern slides .'..«■ An Alpine Holiday.*'. Public cordiallyl invited. *. V a v : ;. ■' ■; A. P. POSTLEWAITE. '■■•'.■■■■'■■ ■ ''•>- Hon. Secretary. GRAFTON- :■■'■■• LIBRARY. .WINTER COURSE. ;. . — -. ''■ ■'••■■'." Ai » ■ » , ■'. ' F. P. WORLEY'S LECTURE ':'■■' u On : ' \'i -; '" ; '"',' • ; " THE DRINKS WE DRINK." ' 'k!'i '-...'...■vHas Been Postponed. ■'..., : : \ ; -V-: ,r r'\v V ;^ MEETINGS. ;.- : i::- ■■../,;.'i "VTEW ZEALAND' INSURANCE % COM- '+* PANY. LIMITED.. _ Notice !; is hereby given that i the '■■ Ordinary GeneralyMeeting-: of the New; Zealand Insurance Company, Limited, will be held at . the registered office ■ of tho Company, ' Queen Street, Auckland, TO-DAY. . (Tuesday), at ,12 ; noon,; : for the purpose of receiving the Directors' Report ' and Balance-sheet for the twelve months ■ ended May 81. , 1928: for the Election of Three 'Directors in the room of Messrs. Robert C. Carr. J. H. Gunson and -Charles V. Houghton.';. who retire: by rotation, but are eligible ; and ; offer themselves ,;• fort re-election; ■■' for : > the: f Election 'of Auditors: and for the Parsing of Resolutions authorising, the Directors to make a call of 2s 4 per share, and \ to declare a dividend of a similar sum to ; be applied in payment' and satisfaction of such call. :. "Dated at Auckland this 17th;day' of July, 1923. >;.-. -•■"■•■ ;■:■■ ;-■ ■■■■■■■•.: .■■ ~ •, , '"By order or the Board, . - .'/";;.'.•;' •, . ',u; ~'-,,; ■';: 'H. KISSLING. '?' ; '- •!■". ■■.;:■:; General! Manager. CITIZENS'. INTERCESSORY SERVICES ITIZENS' • INTERCESSORY SERVICES ' CONCERT, CHAMBER.. TOWN. HALL.. /; CONCERT CHAMBER, TOWN ; HALL. i TO-DAY (TUESDAY). X O-DAY 1 (TUESDAY);" " ' ' FROM 12.30 TO 1.30 P.M. '...-• FROM 12.30;T0, 1.30 P.M. ': . {'.',',•'■. :*. :: '- '.•''."•■'■';"- ■'/"""* ':■• •-. •V'r.'Vrl- , ''.' :\\- . ALL ARE WELCOME. . UCKLAND Baseball' Club.—A Meeting of the above.Club',will:- be held TO-MOR-ROW • (Wednesday), at 8 p.m., at the Office of the; American' Consulate,' Union Buildings; All members and-those'-wishing 1 -t6play'base* ball are requested to attend.— McLeod; Hon. Secretary. ■ " : •■■■■■■■' ■■.■■:" **•;<■'?■:■.<■■;■■..■,.■■<■:■ -ui AUCKLAND FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION;! (Incorporated). . BLANDFORD PARK ; . COMMITTEE. The above Committee will ' meet at the Amateur Sports Club oh THURSDAY NEXT, at 7,30 p.m. : . t " -' ■■ A' > ' .'.-», . L. C. H.'dAWSON,' A.P.A.N.Z.. .- ';. ■ ! ' " . ' ' " '■■>'.; Secretary.'? „'; . -TO , ...RATEPAYERS. KARAKA./WEYMOUTH. MANUREWA. - : A meeting <■■■ will, held at Weymouth on August .9, at 12 noon, when' representatives of the Manukau County i; Council will :be present. ■"->:, r-.i,.-, 4.. w :r-- :-.'i - .--.-".'- '■'•,'.'■■■■ ■ ■• ''■,■ • : ' ; -.-- Business: To discuss the proposed bridg-r-ing of the;Papakura Channel." \ All interested tare'.'.especially 'asked , to at.W.'^.:''.-:-:::;:.'^".^!:^..:-'^-^^.. -■-:: : ... .... ■•;■:'• / TOaET :;:::,;■ ;:'■■; •;: ■. >^. ' % TjON'T DYE YOUR HAIR! " USE , —- " KAPO.;* ' '/ Guaranteed to Restore Grey or Faded Hair to its. Original Colour and: Beauty;;.::.% • KAPO 'is Not.a Dye, .but acts .by..means of • strengthening the ; roots of the hair. -It cures- Dandruff;: prevents ;; the hair . falling out. and promotes'' the growth 'of .the Hair. Price, 3s ■ per « bottle.*posted to ; any ;; ad--dress *3s. Bd.—-Preparedland sold only by • v ''•'■^:^-.:-:.M. , '-ECCLES. M.P.S.'. " "i"' ..%*:. Consulting and -.Dispensing: Chemist, • ~.': ■> (Our Only ,Address) ; ' ( " : ' .. - 218, • Porisohby. Road. Auckland. ■ .-.:-" s : KAPO,: — See yon -; get; ■■ ■ TvAPO.: ■ .16 Shades. NEOS. Post Paid.''l6s.' ; ,' ! DIRECT FROM« ENGLAND. '•;?:! THE WORLD'S GREATEST DISCOVERY ! 1. FOR .TINTING GREY HAIR, in powder form SAFE. SIMPLE. Permanent 1 and Natural".: NO LIQUID-STAIN- EQUALS NEOS. This new herb is:., guaranteed to ! ttain ; hair .in .. indelible '■■ natural col- i our without the; slightest v harm to hair skin or- eyes ; t?l stake -my 44 -.years'' reputa- ' lion on this assertion ;: SIMPLE i; TO USE ' ONE'S SELF. I have 5 Special Rooms I allotted :. for : this process' (or, r Ladies i, who : ! prefer ;to , have .experts do 5 the f tinting for I them:' the other.• 9; rooms ii ore devoted ,"to l Ladies' and Children's Kairdre&sing, Marcel ' Waving. ■ '.Electric Massaging, " Manicuring Hair-working .and: Wig-making,'' ■■< also thai Eagleton: method ,of treating Falling' or Tm. poverishad -: Hair.—RANDOLPH : EAGLETON,- Principal, 6, Victoria,, 1: Auckland -:• INECTO ,Hair -'Dye also stocked direct from the makers. ; :., •'...'■ ■ ■~■'•■■••..."■.■;.'■•.» ■■•.■. 12 Shades.*. -.. . .' "' .-': :■-.'• Sample Set. ; 65..:.; SUPERFLUOUS '1 HAIRS '. \ ■:•. REMOVED PERMANENTLY: WITHOUT -■ PAIN ' ■-. OR INJURY .TO SKIN: . X ■ ■ } is 1 Scalp and Face Massage. Ladies* and - Children's Hair-cutting, Sham* • * - ' -,■ ■'-.;■'-; pooing. Etc. ■■■• • -:- . v. : . ; Eczema? and. all Skin Troubles "Treated; r . ~•■■• MADAME amie: ' . 65. Queen St.. Auckland. C ■■'!:■' MRS. COLLEDGE, Expert. H.M. Arcade . Ist Flc«r.-:Udies'r Children'sT Hai?! cutting, v Electric - Waving, . ; Shampooing. Massage Parlours. ■■;■;'.•.;s-;r : v i -' ■■>■>■:■;■:■ 1 >::s~r?Vj MUX)'' Toilet Preparations reduced. Sale *~ Auguaji U.—MJaa Mo- •*, Elwauj,; 270, Queen St. Vi'i - ■ * : i : ' : ;.:::;.:'.- .'m;;;:; y^'^i'\^': : :w.^'^. : y-MV., :.;:::;-.;:;; :';■-:.: :ui;: ; .;:'v' : v^v l ;.^y

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18471, 7 August 1923, Page 14

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Page 14 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18471, 7 August 1923, Page 14

Page 14 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18471, 7 August 1923, Page 14