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jJMirTTTXi"! IT I 1111 IT] fgj||§ JlfiMill • m- Begin the Week Well -Save. Money ' £ 1 To-day at The FARMERS' UNION. , :i A r S . ALL DRAPERY AND CLOTHING REDUCED. " «• .««=«=«««««=««*«« : ' S m Baby Baskets. Ladies' Underclothing S? RSE 'S h <"> m«-H,.MM,''t»»%W ' . A*TBA«nWI,T PBIOH) TO OLEAB. at LeSS 111811 ty X mod in Satin de Luxe and Lac« {rilling. Ladies* Calico Combinations, with square and V neck, no &ILSLU && ICQ» '■■; V- ' ►J Shades White or Pink—Usual Price, sleeves; trimmed with embroidery. Sizes, W. and M 1 00/fi s O.S. " ~ Ladies' D. and A. Corsets, medram top,. ■ M _y/o. ■ Usual Prices 10/6 .12/6.',./.: lone skirt. Sizes. 32 to 36-inch -Usual: '. :.; r* C-- w m Sal* Price 17/6 SftloP - 4/9 4/11 pA, u/11. m H '■•> y**T * * *TT* ** ' v Ladies' Cambric Camisoles, square neck of, embroidery, Monday's Special Price.. g 71J r"V" ' ; short sleeves. Sizes W. and O.S.—Usual Price. 8/11. - « . ' <■ M 1 Only— Basket,- trimmed in Pale - Sale prlce » 5/6* — ~~ " """— M Bluer Organdie and Lace Frilling—Usual ' Ladies' " Aerteic" Vests, open front, short sleeves, r— ' "-| >.« H Price, 35/-, .* Sizes S.W. and- Usual Price, 8/11. M«»_»l__*a ' I M ' # .'■ Sato Price, 2/g DIIUIKeiSe J p H.' ijSUC il iriCCj iAj n Ladies* Calico Knickers, shape bands, trimmed with em- Colonial All Wool Blankets. Big, heavy,. V ; M ' v v ' ' :' ; broidery. Sizes W. and 0.5.--Usual Price, 7/11. fleecy, warm Blankets, that are excep- ~M, :, __ . -—> ;';"' ■■, _ - ! , -*—- '...'"•: Sale Price, 9/11 ■■':-' tionaU y good valuo -- H , M ; ■: ■ ' 'Z/li. i Sale Prices- £" >■<* r :, . ;; : — -» ladies' Natural Woven Cotton Nightdresses, with collar. ■ >-• i m fl «_«•/•» ' f < . - -. , ~ , Women's size-Usual Price, 15/6. , Oinfftev Bed , '^ : . : : v 2.0/11 M ; .- ■? .Ladies Coats. sale price, m _ Ladies' Tweed Coats, in Fawn check, asaga=rteg===g'-s :■ FYniiklA R#J| ». . IQ/tfa M H large convertible collar, loose sleeves- ™ 1 ~~ tJOUDIe ISeCI » 39/ » ,^ M Usual Price, 70/-. . Sfaeetmg. - *^——- ~" y ! ■^~ l /L« ' , l. D&1& Jl riCCj W/'O ; .-..':... White Twill Sheeting, a splendid doth of close weave and \~ '. ■.'' m ' >:.f-l>' :i' ; -^^^H'fe^ _-•■ - ■■- ■ -••-■ ___. : good finish. -..,.,: . -r*. ■ Flannels;. •■•■ m' ■ / M :.' ■'-.:.::■ :"'■■ Usual Pnce. Sale Price. ..';■..■• :•:. ,•■: H ________ ______ _-__, ' ' 54-inch _< ... « 2/6 , j/9 27-Inch Colonial Tlannel, in Shetland, ■M , .. __._. , . ; . . — ; ■■: , ,/,. on ;■■■ t. . ■ ] :. : U,c- '-'■ ■<■ '"'A:/« Light Grey, and .'Dark Grey. ::.''. -' M.I/ :; ■ " CI * * 80-inch *.. .-i ~ iw. 3/5 2/9 i-« * . t* • 1! /O II • Tj ►1 ..' wSK-irtS. , j Plain Unble6cnea sheeting, a closely-woven cloth that will Sale FriC©, I/O yd. . T # M Ladies' Tweed Skirts, in checks or stripe,; ■ wash and wear to your complete satisfaction. Better Q fc N Darb Grey , H H patch pockets; waist finished with belt. > '" 2/3° e ' *1/I?' and Navy. H g Sale Price, 12/6 J ch " J 1. 3/5 2/11 Sale Price, 2/5 yd. m _ m ' Tables of Remnants at -Marked Prices. h''•,' ' ' ■ * : Farmers , Union Trading Go. | |T' !<AUCK.) f LTD. Eh Mil . Hobsbn Street and Wyndham Street - . . ".'•■■.- KHobson Street and yyyTVvVYVTYV-v-v M

Jj^^rxX if M (L Beware of \\ PEPS Yonr Best Safeguard. When your throat feels hot, inflamed and sore, and too painful to swallow anything; when you- are troubled with. sin. irritating dry cough—be wise, end \ the trouble by dissolving one or two i infection-killing Peps tablets in your mouth. ._ -"' ' ! 7 The powerful germicidal and healing; medicine condensed in Peps and released in air-Itke form, is carried 'with' 1 the breath into the innermost of throat, air-tubes and lungs. These Volatile Peps fumes' -• ■ EXTERMINATE ' GEBfe TROUBLE * before it can affect. the windpipe and chest, I they soothe sore inflamed membrane, and promptly end your cold, chill or bad throat like nothing else can. Our changeable weather and frequent chilly f night temperatures soon search out any throat •r lung weakness, but i Peps so strengthen and ■riviigorate the breathing ; organs that they lecome immune to climate and disease, Peps, which bring- the rich batemic air </ ihel mountain pine forests into every?home* provide a safe pleasant remedy for the throat, best and lung troubles of young; and old. fluty contain no harmful drug 'nor any for- ' .nalin or other throat irritating chemical found - , in common tablets, j * • -> o \"\ . i ' " I PEPS are obtainable '*f all Chemist* and Sitrtt «i I :{)6/tr itx and 3! (fecial family sis*). ' v Instant Belief lor ! BILIOUSNESS 1 I and ether lilver : Troubles. i r The astonishing-efficacy of Dr. CattplTi l Insttant Relief is due to its toning eiJect I upon the liver ; and; bowels. It gives strength to the - organs and helps tJhem bwik health ani natural action. In. other words, it enables the system to cure itself. Don't weaken your liver with purgative ,pills or morning ?. salts, i don't get th«> salts-taking habit; let Dr. Cassell's liisitanf Relief bring you natural and therefore lasting curs. \ Take Dr :;:; CasselV * Instant Relief, for constipation, biliousness, 1 torpid liver, 1 sick ' headache, dizziness, ; ■ specks; before , ; the ; eyes, ;\i flatulence %'■ and , f windy : spasms, :'r acidity, heartburn, and .impure blood. I Ask for ■ Dr. Cassell's Instant Relief and '} take no substitute. ;;-.Dy* I Cassell's Instant Relief" is the; companion preparation to : - Dr. - Cassell's - Tablets. Prices ain New Zealand, la M and 4s, All Chemists and ; §*»«&>■■ ;: - '■"" "-•■.'.," }■-■" ' :r-.rl -'*■.•' ';.T : ■''"■■ '■'■■■■ ■■' ■';'-' '■■ '■:' '■'•' •' <:' ':'■' '■•'"- ■■•■•'"-• ■''■ '■■■■ '■■'■■-■

... ■ ..LimwmiMMiwwMiitiiiimMiw iiiiimhiii iiiiiiini — . .... .. . ~.....'.'. . . ■'■ ■•"'*' ■ '.','..■ ■ \ f. ' ~ 1' ■ ■ '..., "■' : • - . ;-.■'" .' : ' \'. ' ■ ■ ' ■'■ . ■'■. ■' '- '■■■ :'' ( ' ■'■■■." ' '■■■■■■' ■■■.■.■:■'. '..'"■".. .■■ ■■■ " . '''•' ';" ■■/■■• •■■ ;i .;■::? ■'■■ ■ Another APOLOGY from aDBURY'S \ . Applications for the Bournville Free Gift Casket have far exceeded the supplies from England, while the London Dock ~ ! Strike will further delay the receipt of gifts. Cadbury*s must j therefore ask applicants to exercise patience. j ! All applications to June 28th will be dealt with fortius supplies mow coming forward, bit after that d&le no J further gifts can be «ent ~ until; arrival of «.$. " Corinthic "even this shipment may be delayed ; owing to the London Dock Strike. , ; , j Every application will be honoured, and gifts will be sent out as J j soon as supplies are received, but in the meantime patience must j be exercised owing to conditions entirely beyond Cadbury's control. | - Use Bouitiville Cocoa i For fret itirle: theet tend seH-iddrewed and iisrap«d *- j 5 , eaTelopetß"Gif»D*pt."Box3«.TßAro.WellMigtoa. & , ,' iJijlllMUmi ■-HTTT i 1. I " ••" ' ■ ' '•"' ■■.—.—opiJ ■;

Kini—■HWUaitwMwn iiiiwi iiwwi i , —— • * . ... — ■ " ~"~~,-~ -■■■■■ ■ ■<..■■■■--■ ...■-..•• ■■._' -.);.,.■* .. - «. i * ■ ■— '" "***" ' ' '— *" . tT Ask ujotir diemist about ' He will tell you that Pulmona Pastilles will «3q .wSiat no liquid ' , cough or cold remedy can do: that they will ,givei yo« immediate ~■■.', relief from the moststubborn cough, or i;he sorest tliroat. • *>& ' p»3i«M »gi lIMIIILI ii— ii «gj f ' —"—ll ':■..:■'.._.'.■ : '.."f< RAiIA'P Vvil It stands' to reason. When you have a .cough cold* ft its I MIICI ; ' I YOUR AIR PASSAGES which are affected.' TUaa. , / ? . Inhalatldn j *<**«* phlegm is IN THE AIR PASSAGE, and it is the" ILs^aaggsss—= .: —— , membranes of the air passages which axe affected amd inflaradL l > ; / . - ; ■■'. mi : (W By the mere act of sucking a Pulmona, you draw the healing " > vapours, which are released by ,your tongue and saliva, right \?< down into the congested air passages The phlegm is broken, your cough becomes easier, soreneiis disappears. Pulmonis I /\ vapourise on your tongue, and the vapours gelt where no liquid V :■. ■' &~\ remedy can possibly get—right to the seat lofthe trouble* - TV T: VJKHH i . PULMONAS arc, *A lin jggKgEf<2* X^W" I|,,J " IS ' convenient fiat tins, .by all >'-:^v^HßS>; , -E'.:\' (ff? ff*'W Chemuts. Price. 2/6 & 1,16 JcSIY l T 11 w \fe» if t,n ' The former COT' , iU.» >t > V **zL*Syh*L double the quantity. Always' ' V** ""■""*-* Os! 0 \ N v fc ," carry Pulraomas'witli yoii^ i jr. >C?ifZ \et\wi T V\ Invaluable to public speakers, ■ f jr Ay .„■ > W// If V—■ i i ■»,-■-' WMseaete. 1 £ . ," :. I :■"-■' , i/ , ;.;Vfi ilil!l!tljWi||||]l iM WI/ Is ■ Klilp " p f ou ' lblve iEtlicu'lSy in securing ," j!?' ■'"■ ' II '' ' TJj pMrIS Iff' /// If Till I! PuJiiaonm, oend ipaittlwie pice to ; -l 'I I V I! 1V» W/M \ ¥ I! I Stsceyßws., 6!Mi{o*»StAiu&l»»i U ' \ \wtfw C V \1 I Jljffc »n<l»»"»will bo iiat post fcee. k; ;,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18458, 23 July 1923, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18458, 23 July 1923, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18458, 23 July 1923, Page 11