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I it iiis w 6CKS ' tt2tr§&ins _ ; 1 ; j aire as good. as. ever before. 1 111 SI fyl I M Showroom Bargains. * Cotton Dresß.Fal.rics: 1 • H -.•B*. Shetland knitted Wool Frocks;, S§BS? * ''■ ■■-•■•■• : "" ':>■ ■'■'•': ;'-^''":.: ; -P'--W' "■':/' £ Colours: Jade, Saxe, Lime, Tobacco', - ' InHa '>i r '" ; 'HP " K -■"W^ : s^^£^-' :; Cambric—Our beat _ qpality Cloth, free .-.-;*. at | . '** 1 V Hose, and Grey—Usual Price. - 29/ is! Allll ' Hill i; ' Wiw-W&?L, from filling. A limited quantity-to be ; i\ H Sale Price, 17/6. ;.;.;■' .' ' HH HP'* ■■ sold during the sale. Whilfi, with neat. ~ ,| & 1 « *» ~*„;„ " ' ■ iBBI * P P rice, l/6i yard.'' Sale Price,; lljd 3 ,;, B Sensational Reductiloas in Model: Kaitted ■ ■ IM^ : '' 11" ' 1 lIWII Ht vard.' ' '• " ■ ' B I. PI shades, Frocks perfect fitting.—Usual '■'•« lilfk m 19nl 11 lite*™ W' "■• Plannel Finish Blousing, in smart pat- . § i," shades, and perfect' fitting—Usual ■ «y»''.- : ' 'TOllilk. '"■ '''■M'J^^l' ,: - Y : P^'•'■'''''liS'y«H»'-''W" ''' flannel Pkdsh Blousing, in smart pat- ' 3 Prices, 59/6 to §3/6. . Sale Prices, 39/6 *tir m llHl • iffl'""' '■'ill P.-''. ■ terns and-floral effects. A really g00d..-; ;■'. B and 69/6.. ; ' . jg, '• "BIS ' 311 '' ; 'iUP™*'' p|; Y -quahty cloth, at a'Tery low price; 30in.V ;■; | J!0 Exclusive Imported "Model Gostuiaaj, ; |p| Jf Price, 1/2$ yard. ' * | These are going out below cost price.--" Jfflk IJ®lt'P1 J ®lt'P M>M ' llfiraF Check Gingham. A heavy, strong make, U| I Usual Prices, lOgns. to 16gns. Sale ; wH--flB-''" MEW jo&>> ■in the i'oUowing effects:-iarge Navy 4\ ■ m . Prices, Sgns. Aligns. ' . ■■'.■' r Jm> M lliir IrfHik and White Rod and - White,, Vieux ... j ■-■'■■-■■'-■ 1 ' ~Mm~ : H ■ iHl' ff^'■ '■iW s Rose and White, Eeho. and White, . 3 • ; ' \ An Extensive Assortment rt Ute -.Jflk ™ Bit Iff/lii Jr Brown and White, and Pink end White ,'§ ' :: 5 An Extendva Assortment oJ , Exclusive - < block checks A double width Cloth, H- ■ □ Frocks, m new Reason 8 materials and ' JIJSkIPs. at a very low price to clear; 38in. wide. 8 , ;■-■.:■;■ fi- colourings, suitable for evening and re- '• . —Usual Price 1/IU. Sale Price. 1/41. ■□ B: ception wear.-Usual Prices, £6/19/6 to ' : • -Usual ±-nce, i/iijj. 0i« *- ,y 3 B » .;. g; 9gns. Sale Price, 84/-. : ; » A ■ -, . Dl ;-' I ' ■■■' ■ ■ ~,,,,,,,„,,_.: . Bed Coverings. .g , I' - Ladies' Underclothing. I A Special ;in ' Boys' I' Pull Double Bed Size White Blankets, 11 . 1 , ladies underdoihrag. A Special m Boys . '.. j B Ladies' Pull-length White Fleecy-lined 1 C! ,•■ tI . 52/6, 56/6 per pair. \ jj Ml M Vests, with long sleeves.—Usual Price, § ui'llK- I «™ .'x « j.. «..n ti m m. '■ II 3/9. HiMiw ' • . f "f 1 •»-•. I Sfwi.'SE* 'Slfc.'tS ■j, 1 "SbWi, , 2t^ l £'t:i Boys' Sports.Suits in All- |-^«^££^-uS I mS; :.\ > 8 with V necKs mL long sleeves.—Usual JC-.4L.-__ „ I • I■■"■■■'■:' ■ 55/-; -W/6, 65/-, 0r,,! 70/-. Sate t»tW<i 4\ a. Pr. M , 10/6. m *¥», t/h. j Wool N.Z. Tweed. Light %SS.afe-3feT > w 7' ':■ fl White Fleecy-lined Bloomers, with elastic ! andmediuin shades of Greys, i ' , ' _,-. '. - ; S 4 waists and knees.-Usual Price, 4/6. \ cUICI meCUUUI Shades Ot breVS, ! SalePrice ' 3/6 Browns, md Fawns. Well • Coloured Bed Tickings. ■j. Good Quality Winc9yette Chemises, trim- . 1 , 1 i —• \- A\ ) / ".-Ift ™«L homstitehiDg.-Usual price, 6/U. cut and strongly made,, Tit 58-Inch . oolo^ ed l Bed Tick J^-n, 1 Strong \; r j Sale Price, 4/11. I , - . b J **?***'" * " ; qualities.—Usual Prices, 2/3, 2/11, 3/6, | I Pure Wool Bloomers, in Navy, with hnv« n*nm 4 Vaarc {-a I A \r/a~vc 3/11. 4/11 yard. Sale Prices, 1/9, 2/8, "I !| Eoman satin . gussets—Usual Prices, \ °°y lTOni " J eS *? 10 10 yectfs 1 3/3, 3/8, 4/6 per yard. | ! 2 12/6,12/11. g»ie Price, 7/11. Usual Prirp 45 : /- AW/ '■•■■•■ ft ! ,-, fe UfcUdl lUte, TJ/- tO -'-'/•* I . sY.mch coloured Bed Ticking, a most' J ? White Flannelette trndersldrts, with seal- C! 1 " IV* ■' ■■ mm I*t « ■ "■■ v • 1 serviceable width.— Prices, 4/11 3 , loped flounce.— Price, 5/6. Salle bale FiriCCf 97/11 I .and 5/11. Sale Prices, 3/11 and 4/11 3j i : Price, 4/6. J ■..-,' T *■» »/JL 4 f | per yard, .. ■ H J' »■ mmmmaimmmmmmmmmimmmimmawmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmm 0 11 B I I Woollen Fabrics. \ Blouses.. 1 ! I All-Wc*l Botany TwiU Gabaxdine, close in weave, and fine m texture. Heavy Quidity White Jap. Silk Blouses, roll collar; neatly hemstitched J ■ Specially selected for smart Coat Frocks. Showing in Wine, King- " ? iStZ» ifiili Sale Price 13/fi. 3i ! - fisher, kectric, Saxe, Nattier, Banna, Brown, Fawn, Putty, -Usual Prtce, 18/11. Sale Price, iw. u. f» ' ffl Silver, Myrtle, Purple, Cerise, Terra-cotta, and Vieuz Itose; 54m. . Cream Fuji Silk Blo\'isei*, Inset sleeve, roll collar.— Price, 22/6. g| U wide.— Price, 14/6. Slate .Price, 8/11 yard. , Sale Price. 13/11. 3 I vWn%^ r Smart Jap. Silk Blouses b soft I ] 60-Incn Indigo Serge, guaranteed fast dye, «nd thoroughly shrunk. A and V neck; embossed design.-Usual Price, 16/11. Sale Price, 11/6 b j,."?. i good weight serge, suitable for either costumes or frocks. In ':. i\ I' Lig&t Navy and -Navy.—Usual Price, 18/6. ; Sale Price! 14/6 r ; J J 5>S-Inch'' Indigo Suiting, fancy tubular weave. In --Navy only. Dico FlOOr * 'LOVeFIUgS. ■ : .::'i Bi' pattern, self stripe, and Navy with White zig-zag stripe. This is . , ■ ~- _ ■ • U, !- ; a superior Cloth which we can thoroughly recommerad for .' ' 'All : W6ol Eeversible Floor Bugs in Cream, Pink, and 1 Blue effects; M , smart costumes or coat frocks.—Usual Price, 22/6. Sale Prise, 4ft x 7ft.—Usual Price, 79/-. Sale Price, 59/-. B . IBS-Inch "indigo Suiting, fancy tubular weave. In Navy only. Dico 3ft. x 6ft—Usual Price, 49/-. Sale Price, 37/6. .. | pattern, self stripe, and Navy with White zig-zag stripe. This is . H, a superior quality Cloth which we can thoroughly recommend for '"All-Wool EeversiWe Floor Bugs in Cream, Pink, and Blue effects j ;| smart costumes or coat frocks.—Usual Price, 22/6. Sale Prise, 4ft x 7ft._Usual Price, 79/-. Sale Price, 59/-. HI 9/U yard. , 3ft. z 6ft.—Usual Price, 49/-. Sale Price, 37/6. Q ".-■ !; 84-Inch Cheviot Serge, a strong serviceable Serge, for costumes. Coats, Ve'lvetPib Buss, heavy make, in Brown and Blue colourings; 4 ft. 3in. ffl. '-; ;| skirts etc. . SufableJr entance halls. Me Price, 62/-. . . . | B Dark Grey, Wine, and Black.—Usual Price, 5/11. , Sale Price, »/8 , Aaoninster Hearth Bugs, fringed ends, a good range of serviceable de, M ' - v signs;; 27in. x 54in.—Sale Price, 17/11 each.. , I H ,jk : ""V «.;■ J' ■ /oKininster Slip in pleasing colours, fringed ends.—Usual E mi | Aprons and Dressing Gowns. i TSp^uff« ! *-^ ,,M ' 1 /?' ' Ladies' Coloured Check «md Stripe Oambrie. Aprons, without bib. . : -„«ir^ r ' '" ■ . i 5 Splendid washing material, W., O.a-Usual Price, 2/6. Sale MenS Department. - 1 •Vj.'.-'v' '•:■■■■■ '- Price, 1/&. ■ , :.,'-..: : . . .-• ,* • ■ >'■■ in) .-. 1 - M t&U Z?F™ Women's, O.S.- . 75 Wide Suds and Knitted; Ties; very neat designs-Usual 1 ,'- 1 Price, 4/1 L sale JPriee, 4/6. , .-..■,. • ...■«.« Pricea _■ 3/1 - Sale Price 2/s*. - - v ' m\ | : £ - . Ladies' JUpieridie'quality Wool SUppleOlotoDreKdng'Gowns, inset •■■■ ."■:„-* ■•<■ . »; ; -.» . ; **•*" * ''..;', ' ; ; .-v-- v . '■* v'' + i ''* ' 5 .' v ■ sleeve roil -&&&• trimmed satin facing; self colour; loose tie belt .-.;-. gn om i 1 Men'fl Soft Felt Hats (Wool Mixtures), smart shapes, cut M U |'- at waisC- i Dft?k Grey. Saxe, Ease, i Sky— Prices, Women's,. ' edges:—Usual Prices, 10/6., Sale Price, 6/10. H| : !i , - ?&, SSS S?* 11 Sa ' S I?riCe,, WOmen ' W/8: ' 35 ; M. ! 'M' Harvard Working Shirts; very ervicable.-Usual | - A Ladies' Red, Dark Saate, Scarlet Bipple Cloth Dressing Gowns, kimono Price, 6/11. Sale Price, 4/10. , M ■;, K |r'.' ■.'■:-■■:: : ; ' shiipe.—Usual Price, 13/11. Sale Price, 8/11. " <j$ jjoseu Men's Flannelette Pyjamas. stripes; good washing flan- M I ■ Ladies' Cream Bipple Clc4.h Drossing Jacket, to shape.—Uanal nelett*.—Usual Price, 12/6. Sale Price, 8/81. , • « M S ' Price, 8/11. Sale Price, 6/Di« ,• .'• \j 1 Ptostege, Ifr -. V « & SONS LTD. ... , 111 Postage. | forage nifaifafo-i RiaJ. . , AuctdaiKl -.jJ ... !■■■!» ■■■ ■iiiiiwiwii iiiwiwi—ri —i 1 — '"" ' """ ■ Flllir » MllM<l " M,tfcM * Mlll —'— g) — E=rra:::::r "-"* ™

r'T" i .. 1 1 TTTTI—TTTT ' ——^—— ■- AilkOatfes Joy! Make the morning , j #■■•::•""•:'-. preparation of /•■ i-V.-Lx, Breakfast remark!j ably simple. Just ■ pop the tender flakes straight into :.i'ff boiling water or , milk. Five minutes — and breaklast joy! With rich milk [ and a little sugar. ';: ■,*'>.'• W~'--' ; r-' V.. y;- "' ' '-_.—_! *\.. -v .mil i ; imwi■iiii—rliiriiß mfp™^™————a— - " GOITRE! I . A Udy, who tried every remedy in vain, V ,'• iind at last discovered a siimplemetoodol nelf cure will wad paKiculars FREE to .-'■': .-'•: miy«n« afflicted. ;; ' ; P<»> aielf addressed, maraped ««»elop. to. -! AUCEMAY. G.lP.O.Be*4B2CkrltltßßTcb. | ri ■D ° s HE DRINK? •-« D2UTKO " TSTLL CI7RE HIM. Whether ' the caw'you haw in mind ifl ', ' a ".aardetoa" drinker or whether be _ baa i just, started to fell the craving for, liquor. w ' DRINKO" will tako fctoay from hip all dwire for drink. A grateful uwj»««J-; t\ "'I hive (treat© id. informing , you , thai; .the. DBINKO POWDERS have .been 'I Jsoit Buocessiu.l.- They were;' .erven seoretlr / ill tea, «nd for the P»Bi -lto* i^ 96 ™. th ' ttitlieat has shown improved health and no , for drink. I recommend your, treat- '•■•'■■ , merit to others." „,:" r ' j . • , ' w „„i, Write in strictest confiddnco for fre« Book- . let. : .Plain, 'scaled envelopes used. 'y' liADY MANAGES.••; '■' '"'■: ' ';>; / ! BtJ.nlKj Proprietary. 213H, Lamb-toa Quay; i :~vjjj - ■ ; .■ Q7elluuitosk ._• ' - . ~..■••..■..'■'

• : I ', ■ '.;:,■'■". DRAPERY' IMPORTER, . Ill; I 102, 104, 106, 108 Karangahape Rd, Auckland ! J: ",'■ , NOW ON. >! ;; ' I MORE BARGAIN ■ LINES. | I Fancy Bargains. * ' Showroom Bargains. 11l . „ , V t tie Maids'' All Wool Cardigan Jackets— to ' JO/3. '. ■." ',',' | Ladies' Black Sateen Magyar Aprons-Reduce* to 5/J. gv-g. Lemon> , Nat | ie Jade Fawn, Navy, Black ■ '„' j, Ladles' Black Sateen 3-Gore Apron, with pocket- Full . fltting ; Beautiful Quality, All Wool Card!- V || to 3/6. ' - ' Reduced to 215/9. Colours: , Brown, Nattier, : , 8! Silk for Knitting Jumpers, in V. Rose, Copper, Mastic, Rose, Black, Navy, v , . •.V m ' * . - f{ Light Saxe, Grey, Dark Jade, Light Putty, Rose special * Rainproof Gabardine Coats, all i Reduced to i{r Pink—Reduced to 4/3.1 hank. 19/11 each. : : « « .» . •■• i Child's' School Handkerchiefs-Reduced to 2/6 dozen. Molleton Dressing Gowns-Reduced to 10/9 11 Ladie3' Plain Net Costume fronts, with high collar— indies' All Wool Hopsack One-piece Frocks, trimmed % |(, '.' duced to 9Jd each. „ stitching and steel buttons— to 25/9 each. ]' ft, ,•.--', Shades: Brown, Navy, and Grey. ;;■/■.■ .'V-r,, : " Iff wAee Maids' Warm Coats, special reductions— IS/6; 27in., j i |j JL/IT6SS DargOJliS* 15/6 . in> 15/6; 33in. 19/6; 36in., 19/11; 39in., ; W '".•',,...; .'-. : i& 25/9. All good dark colours. , ■;; ( 2Tin. Navy and White Largo Check Jap. Slilk-Redueed - A Un 6of mm pawn Stripe Dresis Skirts; waist 27int : ! V i( to 4/8 yard. ' - only—Reduced to 4/11. f ,' • , i) 27in. Dark Cardinal Thick Corded Velveteen—Reduced to A Line 0 Dark Grey Coltonade Tweed House Skirts; 1 |) 1/11J yard. ; ' ; , . waist 26 and 27 inches Reduced to 4/11 each. \M■:<))[ 11l «oln. Plain Nattier Blue Soft Battel— Price, ; 27/9r- Ladles , French e i our Gouts, smartly trimmed with stitch- '!,], « Now, 6/11 yard. / inp and large buttons; in Fawn, Mole, Brown—Re- : | IJ ]>Bin. Proof Gabardine—Reduced to 4/11 yard. Splendid. duced to 89/9 each. ; / :V • 1 ) for raincoats. ._ _ £ few left only, of the , Biggest Bargain. ever offered is i / I -nrtViWft Width White ground, Wincey, coloured, striped Ladles' All Wool Costumes, smartly cut a&d lined— i, 1 !3w3ueed'tol/llfyard. 26/9, 27/9, W. 85/9. See , window. : Come early. r:;;;; See Windows. Come Early. Postage Paid on Country Orders., : E?==- fcs7^ri^^ ===^S = LUNGS, THE fHROATr'THEVOICE."^ iienipy nugnesi * hudsows eumepithol jujubes N ' THE GREAT- ANTISEPTIC FOR m^^i^rß^: REGIS rEREO PATENT AMN.fc, . '^gg s (jOLDS,. BRONCKJTIS, J*«^t> M - B Thi,^ ; Tr-,rh« a , EiUbliihedJ M 2..-- - ■ ■■^MFLUEMWJ-AHD^THB^^ TRADE MARKS ,:..,:, ~. J*:£f :"I '•■ VEM7ION "OF ' CONSUMPTION. ;, c ; Si,!.! «.,£,retf. ; O a< aTJ) Un li] Corn* Medicines.Eumenthol .■ . Tube™ of a° ditand- 5l»/w H 9 Jujubes do not interfere with the diges- •. •-. '°r2tir -^Slir^r-Z ■■' sected lune : -' .jS"* E-f ' tion. On the. contrary, they have a * W » s _. ■■-,' *% W*% rT oblnined beneficial effect, as their antiseptic pro- X^uA^^^«mcmM6^fi >.':■ J|^''«j|••'■■-''• '■ |».n"i.tti«« pe:rties prevent abnormal fermentation J [ ! 1 -. - 'J** i ••AWe«»olu*e««6"" sold by Chomilsts. Tins, 1/6, post free, ;,■ ■ ,:: : JM^T? 1 * ysfflb ***;■ : a> V] ''-,v ■ -'y-:;-.,'■■:,.:, Ireaenipjlicaiida- ...-, o f,| receipt of Stamps, from .■•.'■-:-.■'>■':■'. "'^ffif [■« mw&Sr ■' ; " ■:. ■■.■' ; '•■''•■:; ' ]^:; • . S ! tbeir B HUDSON'S EUMENTHOL CHEMICAL #il|ißaP D. The lob. ;of '■ '•«]:: *p:.''..; •„■•;.??;,.' ■•.-'■ .•';'"; \?~-*'h':i~.-.-.:'.:r', ■■':'';■■' ■''-'■' "''■' "-:'■■■ '*• '' *'' ;?. . ;; .':' ;"-'''. /■ ."':C : -'.;"■ •"•.■■ ."•■■'.'.. :■'.■.fv ..-'.- ; '; ..'.'-'- ,■■'. - : .| ,-vo;.'. -•' '■':■'■ -■ :'■:'■' :•;■••;• : ..- ; : ; ' ,;;' ; 'i[. -'/ : /; ; ' j: 1 ■ ■'':, ■■_ •..'•,;•■'■ ..;'.v>..;'i:'Vi-V'i.: '*..-i :"''•...,:.<'/.' : .':L-.'j: '.■ •.. 'r :. : ,*i;'-;. ;.4:.';•!! '■ 'p■:'t ; \ X.■"''>( '.'?'■'q :'■ •V-''r. ; l.->. : '.','.-;-':"' : '.- ; i'': ■•:'''' ;'■/ \'--"^:!. '.' J . '•' ;!-.. ; -: '•'* ■"■ "! : -!- ; ■ ; .' ; : J -^ :^''2; ;';.'-' : :':^": ■:-: : ■.'[. i:-'~'-.-: . ■•'"■'> i. '' .'. : -. f "■'".■ :', '." "■ : ■;.■..' .-.■■■' ' ./■ ' ■' '■'■■■ ...," ' L --..•' ,;. ~, : : ,■'■;■_..■ !| ." '.'".■•, . '{.■■ ';,;'.■"'-'.,•: .'' ; ■

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18458, 23 July 1923, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18458, 23 July 1923, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18458, 23 July 1923, Page 11