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The Akarana Yacht Club held a general handicap for 18ft boats and under on Saturday. The weather conditions were ideal for yachting, a whole-sail breeze from the north prevailing throughout the afternoon. This gave the boats a close haul to the Resolution buoy, a beat to the S.tndepit beacon, -and a lead to the mark boat moored off the King's Wharf. The entries totalled 25, and of that number all but four boats started. The officials in charge of the racing were Messrs. W. A. Wilkinson. G. E. Laycock, and G. Miller. Details are us follows: The race was timed to start at 3 p.m., but owing to a steamer from overseas berthing nt the King's Wharf at that hour the boats were not sent away until 3.5 p.m. All the competitors were handy when the first flags were hoisted, and on the fall of tho last one there was a general mix-up, which was brought about through th* boats keening rather close to the mark boat. Minor collisions occurred, but nil hands took their knocks »in a sporting manner. A number of the competitors got over-anxious, and crossed the line before gunfire, and were ordered to recross. When the boats began to draw clear. Joan was first to show out, and was closely followed by Nyria, Wizard, Redwing, Secret, Tiri, Sea Imp. and CupiA, Then came Mawhiti, Sea Spook, Matarere* and Arawa, with the rest of the fleet handy, except Sea De'il, which lost 1m 30s in having to return and recross tho starting line. Wizard soon worked her way into tho l»ad, followed by Secret, Betty, Mawhiti, Matnrere, Sea Spook, and Cupid, tho boats rounding the Resolution buoy in the order stated. Wizard increased her lead on the beat to the Sandspit beacon, while Cupid passed Betty and Sea Spook. The two natikis, Mawhiti and Matarere, and the Secret were now making a. close race of it, and when tho Sandspit beacon was reached there was ouly a difference of 4s between the three boats. Wizard rounded the beacon lm 8s ahead of the Secret, and further improved her position on the beat up to the top mnrk. After passing the beacon, both Mawhiti and Matarere passed Secret, and when about half-way up the harbour the last-named also had to give place to Cupid, Betty, and Nyria. Rona. Nyria, and Betty stood well in toward the northern shore after making tho beacon, which enabled them to carry thoir spinnakers, the rest of the fleet working the middle of the harbour and carrying leaders only. Passing the mark boat on the completion of tho first round, tho times wero: Wizard, 3h 51m- 455; Mawhiti, 3h 54m 455; Matarere, 3h 55m 15«; Cupid, 3h 55m 35a; Betty, 3h 57m 50s: Nyria, 3h 57m 51s: Secret, 8h 57m 535; Sea Spook, 3h 58m 18s; Namu, 8h 58m 255: Soa Do'il. 3h 69m 15s: Sea Breeze, 3h 69m 20s; Atangatai, 4h 0m fis; Sea- King, 4h 0m 295 : Joan, 4h 0m 455; Eona, 4h 0m 465: Arawa, 4h 2m 10s; Redwing, 4h 3ni 30«; Cynic, 4h 6m; Sea Bubble. 4h «m 30s. Sea Imp and Tiri both gave up at this stage. Wizard continued her lead for the remainder of the course, while Mawhiti, Matarere, and Cupid also kept their positions. Namu did well on the second round, passing Betty, Secret, Nyria, and Sea Spook, while the last-named replaced Nyria and Betty. The finishing times were: Wizard (scr), 4h 35m 31s; Mawhiti (scr), 4h «9m 2s; Matarere (scr), 4h 40m 265; Cupid (5), 4h 43m 555; Namu (3}m), 4h 45m 30s; Secret (scr), 4h 46m 44s■ Sea Snook (9m), 4h 4fim 545; Betty (sim), 4h 47m 20s; Nyria (6}m), 4h 48m 14s; Sea De'il (7sm), 4h 48m 30s; Sea Breeze dim), 4h 50m 575: Sea King (11m), 4h 51m 51sAtangatai (7Jm), 4h 52m 4s; Rona (sm)' 4h 54m 8s; Joan (s}m), 4h 54m 28s- Redwing (12m). 4h 58m 555; Arawa (9m). 5h lm 455; Golden Bubble 02m), 5h sm; Cynic (14m), 5h 5m (Is. Result: Wizard 1, Sea Spook 2, Cupid 3. Mawhiti 4.


ONE-DESIGN CLASS. The Takapuna Boating Club held -a race for its 12ft Gin one-design class on Saturday, over a harbour course. The competitors were I'itty, Tio, Winsome, Maude, and Sport. From an excellont start Sport was first to show out and continued her lead on the close haul to the Sandspit beacon, followed by Kitty, Tio, Winsome and Maude in that order. Sport was first round the beacon and was also in charge on the lead from the Sandspit to the Resolution buoy. On the beat back again, however, Kitty replaced Sport, Winsome and Tio being a length further astern. Spinnakers were set well forward for tho broad lead to the finish. Sport got into difficulties with her light sail and dropped back. At tho Devonport Wharf Tio passed Kitty, and when the cable denot was reached Winsome drew level with Kitty. The boats lost the breeze under Stanley Point, and when they cleared it Tio got the wi-d first, with Winsome close up, followed by Sport. Tio continued her lead _ for • the remainder of the course. The finishing times were: Tio, 4h 41m 335, 1; Winsome, 4h 42m Bs, 2; Sport 4h 44m 425; Kitty, 4h 66m Maude 4ri 47m 435. '




The Victoria Cruising Club held a race to Arkle's Bay on Saturday afternoon. The fixture took the form of a general handicap for keel and centreboard boats, the first prize being a cup presented by the patron, Mr. E Davis. The race was started at 2.45 p.m. from the dredge Maui, moored off St. Mary's Bay, the course being direct to the destination. Twenty-five boats took part in the race, and they made a fine showing aa they crossed the line within a few seconds of one another. Vanitie soon drew clear of the fleet and established a good lend •> on the close haul down the harbour. Passing the King's Wharf the order was Vanitie. Waitere 11., Winifred, Venus. Starlight. Marie. Celox, and Starlock. A little further away came Marere, Gloaming, Kotare, Cooee, Awatere. Wairiki. Mermin, Yum Yum, Mistletoe and others. Wairiki worked her way into second place after passing Devonport, while Marie and Venus also improved their positions. The boats hauled on the wind after rounding North Head, the majority of them standing toward the back of Rangitoto and then working short boards to_ Arkle's Bay. Vanitie did well on' the wind and maintained her lead- for the remainder of the course. Starlight headed Waitere 11.. Mane, Wairiki, Venus and Winifred in the Rangitoto Channel, while Venus and Wairiki both dropped astern. The finishing times were:—Vanitie (2m) 5h 12m 15s; Starlight (2m). 5h 17m 45sStarlock (8m). 5h 22m 16s; Waitere 11. (scr)! Eh 24m 575: Marie (I4ni.) 5h 25m 22s;' Celox (8m). 5h 81m is; Winifred (20m). 6h 81m

355; Kotare 08m). 5h 32m 455; Venus (16mA. 6h 37m 169; Yum Yum (12m), 5h 40m 30s; Cooee (8m). f>h 40m 33b; Awatere (24m). 6h 43m 10«; Gloaming (28m), 5h 43m 17b; Mermin (35m). 6h 46m 40s: Wairiki (9m), 5h 49m ss; Waiapu (28m), 5h 53m 28b; Marere (26m>. 5h 55m 20s: Hilda (28m). 5h 57m 30s; Cynthia (28m). 5h 59m 49s:' Ngaro (29m), Ch 3m 3ls; Doreen (26m>, 6h 7m 455; Mistletoe (28m). Ch 8m la: Iris (22m), 6h 23m 3Co; Mow v. (28m), (ih 35m 4b. Corrected times place Vanitie 1. Marie 2. Winifred 3. and Mermin 4. The officials were: Starter, •Mr. A Deacon, assisted by Mr. P. Boonstra: judgo, Mr. P. Hickson; I timekeeper. Mr. A. Towers. In the evening a social and dance iva* held ashore at Arkle's Bay.



Owing to $io somewhat rough state of the water on the occasion of the Northcoto and Birkenhrjad regatta a fortnight ago, only the yachi and launch races were held, th« remainder of the programme being deferred till last Saturday. Ideal weather conditions then existed for the side-shows, in addition to which a sweepstake handicap for third and fourth class yachts was arranged, and brought out 12 competitors, Tho events wore started off the Birkenhead Wharf, tho vehicular steamer Sparrowhawk being used as flagship, and the water enclosure- dividing the passenger wharf and the cargo pontoon .from the shore jetties provided suitable swimming and diving competitions. Mr. A. Clare was starter, with Messrs. A. J. Hurley and W. Keen assisting, Messrs. N. J. Campbell and A. V. Tyer officiating as, judges. A ladies' committee, consisting of Misses V. Devlin, G. Clark, O. Reed, M. Crowley, J. McGilp, and C. Woodhouse, • assisted in connection with the ladies' and girls' portion of the programme. Mr. A. Patterson officiated at the start and finish of the yacht event. The various competitions resulted: — Third and Fourth Class Yacht Race.— Twelve boats took part in the combined handicap for local third and fourth-class vnehts, a light easterly breeze prevailing. These were despatched to a good start by Mr. A. Patterson at 2.30 p.m.. Valet crossing slightly in front of Sea Sprite, Rex, and Sea More, the others following almost in ft bunch with the exception of Veluro. The latter was two minutes late, and was unawbl© to catch up with the others, finishing last. An interesting contest ensued, the boats racing well together throughout. Sea Sprite eventually overhauled Valet, which was also overtaken bv Rover, these positions being maintained till the finish. Rex was fourth home, followed by Sunray, Sten. More. Rosina-e, Shrimp. lolft. Tootsie. arid Sea Witch in that order. The finishin times were: Sea Sprite (2*m). 3h 9m 30k,: Rover (2im), 3h 11m 40s: Valet (scr.), 3h 12m 6s: Rex (3Jm), 3h 13m G2s: Sunray (35: 3h 14m 2."5: Sea, More (35m). 3h 15m 15s:« Rosina (7m). 3h 17m 255; Shrimp (8m)l 3h 17m 425: lola (7m), 3h 18m 30s: Tootsie (7im\ 3h 18m 31s j Sea Witch (31mV 3h 18m 58s; and Velure (ll$m), 3h 2Rm IBs. Corrected times place Sea. Sputa first. Rover second, and Shrimp third. Allcomers' Dinghy Race.— H. E. Tyer, 1» J. Herwitt. 2; C. Clark. 3. Canoo Dinghy Race.—J. Taylor and N. Patterson. 1; N. J. Campbell and A. J. Hurley. 2. Boys' Dinghy Race. —Hugh Miller. 1; Raftph Garner. 2; Esmond Whitehead. 3. Ladies' Dinghy Race.Miss Q. Woodhouse., 1; Miss G. Clark, 2. LtidHcs' Pair Oar Race. —Misses J. McGtlp and C. Woodhouse, 1; Misses G. Clark and O. Reed. 2. Men's Pair Our Race.—H. Tyer and G. Minns. 1; W. Couldrey and H. Clark, 2. Sculling Race.—A. V. Tyer, 1; H. Tyer, *. Ralav Swimming Race, four aside.—Birkenhead team, 1; Northcote team, 2, Men's) Swimming Race (Local).—W. Rogers. 1;, R. Brownlee. 2; J. Simmers. 2. ' Ladies' (Swimming Race.—Miss Steele, 1; Miss Brownlee, 2; Miss Taylor. 3. Boys' Swimming' Race, under 14 years.— Percy C. Minns. 1; Jack Hill, 2; William Roberts. 3. Girls' Swimming Race, under 14 years. — Miss Brownlee, 1; Miss Steele, 2; Misa Taylor. 3. Local Greasy Boom, under 16 years E. Brownlee. 1 ; P. Minns. 2. All-comers' Greasy Boom.—R. Brownlee. 1: J. Hewitt. 2; G. Wilson. 3. Greasy Boom. Fancy Dress. —F. O. Devlin, 1. Corfu Dive— Hill. 1; P. Minns. 2.

POWER-BOAT ASSOCIATION. ______ I CRUISE TO AWAROA BAY. The New Zealand Power-boat Association hold a cruise in company to Awaroa Bay on Saturday afternoon, 15 launches taking part. In the evening about a dozen yachts also anchored in the bay, and a most enjoyable dance was held in the woolshed. which had been placed at the disposal of the visitors by Mm. Gordon. The launches conveyed a special orchestra to the bay, and as there was ati adequate complement of ladies the gathering was greatly enjoyed. During the stay in the bay a series of dinghy races was held with the following result:— Combined race: Miss Braund ' and Mr. Murphy, 1. Ladies' race: Miss Donaldf 1. Men's race: J. Inkstor, 1; G. Longdill, 2; J. Reid, jun., 3.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18346, 12 March 1923, Page 4

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YACHTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18346, 12 March 1923, Page 4

YACHTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18346, 12 March 1923, Page 4