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i ii < - ' ( "* ; w SiTUATIONS WAMTEP. ACETYLENE Wsldor,' used to all classes :-tJI- .Welding; recent, arrival '". frojn-:Eiag-: i " land; ; excellent si—Acetone, fc)3, HEitAU). ASHPHA3-T, Tar i- Sanding, Lawn",' Tennis, -XX. '-j.'iby,.-; my ■- special process ;' no splashing ,or carrying into" he use ,^—T, '£rne. -~- 'Phone: 4071..(3..ring5). : .■ -.■■..;, -' S-" ' .•' J3AKEB, bread chly, seeks position, first I :*-* ''or second :"ha!tid: ■ town or • country.—- ] Baiter, $SQ, Il__ut_dt,. u ; n ■ "| BLACKSMITH) competent; vail found,. ■ v; : seeks position; wages or: contract: ex-'; tvPerienced:mills; etc.—Smith, 762, HEHAX,i>.. ! BOY wants A»_lrentfce__vip- -'to,;; A¥atch-; , '-■-'; making:; • teatirrionialsj"-secondary .eiduca-;:tion.—-4Ci. Virginia! Av-f .-Eden Terrace./ ' :':T)UILDEB, compistent; : requires: work; all' " *-* work guaranteed.—Builder. 790, Herald BUTCHER, and Provision Hand,? good," ali; ~,, Y ;,cround, requires situation disengaged., —Nemo, . 763, Heralp. ' ■.. ■ CANVASSER, f energetid,.: seeks good lines,h „ ' to- ~, canvass.—-(lkmuhuhjcate: ! Kihgstone; ' : 923. : Herald. . . :■' „ ■ _____________ CIABPENTEBS good,; reuuire .country ... '.': .-work?, or■'; seaside ;cottages;- labour bi:-; . 'contract.—Diggers, 867, Herald. ■ ■ '■':/.' : . ";■ I CINEMATOGRAPH Operator, ; '.ifirstrclasS;;; I ' \J ■ -.. wants; position,: or country.-—Ur-gent,;B3l, Herald. .: ~ '"■..- CLEAN. 'Satisfactory, '<■ and: : vEcnnomjcal-— . -> Motto- of ■/Chilmifn. Painter, Papel'hanger. 32, Livingstone.. St.', : Richmond. '<:; ; \y.'-.. :■';;: r &t* LERK,"■:.. 12 .' years', legal /.experience,' .3 "V ; {years' .'secretarial and-book-keeping;, dii- | siroi position with legal or otherv'nrm^ : ' E:-:-I ccllent" rcfarences.-irLegal, 845, y . Beralp..;;:;' [: COMPANION-Help.— Lady, domesticated;' : ,- .. '..;' .desires uosit -in-, 1 refined home: 'cap- ! 771; E. : esai.i>. - I /lOOK; man usi.ntß position- abstainer'; i \J-~ competent: —i'Ool'ebrook ' New -North I. Rd:,- Mt,"; Albert. L -..-: ■ -.■■.'. '-,:;-,..-,.■ F-jS^OOK'-,• elderly ,'man, "active, abstainer, '~,«-/: seeks employment,'" hotel' experience: :.'refe.-j-tEhtf'ee, TOS. IHerai.o. -■■ ■ ; I ; : /"IUTI'JSK, la-dieslv ;gent's," &nd ' breeches^; ,; V';. ,10 'years',; London and Edinburgh ' exi Perienca;'.'■ higneat I lostimonj lis- -Mac .770, H>RA_l>J | t '' ■'■ i', .-, ■ '" . DOMESTIC -Work, ,w_nt*»d. ladyai 2 .:.«r: • J L' t 3 days-; weekly; 'Grey , Lynn "or , : P6')3-. : appby :94i; Heraxp DRAFTSMAN,. . architectural. ■:.:' cornpe". , ■;«.;tent.--. required'position; .fourth "year i ■_____.901. Her'alii.' '.'. ' ■- ___. : j; DRESSMAKER/ijexperieno'ed, .waßtsv'wdrk; , ~. ~ ,f ountry,,]jorne)s; :.8s a-day and fares.-- ■ S'__J-_____ 5 7' Herald.' -:''V": '■■"'' _. -- :; >; ; i^r\RESSMAKEB,; : auick. worker,''-.;desires' | J-' " ':■ day; •- town 'or, country.-— I i___t"jmaker, 852. Herald. ■ .'■ .-'.■ ' __ '; -. ; .gi. ;' DRESSMAKING : and ; Renovation?, cxceTi._.,,;• lent'' finish:-, : "lOs- daily.—Miss 'Barman, [■;5,; :Melvern.' Terrace; ;-,v'',y ' "„'■'''. ":.' ?1 4':, EJTGINEDRrVEE. second-class; seeks posi- , ,- J ' , --..log (hauling, J ; icompeten* all ' __p.?'B-—Address _ab _________ "r _________ ■' ;,15nG-INEEK, ■••:; Ekctrical -and -Automobile,:' ■"■*-* : : practical-,, teclhnioal,'- commercial ' (cpr- ' |88poridehce), deaijJßs!re-engagement,-sales ■ 'travelling-.will go iihywhere;■ Wellington. preiferred.—.Bo;t, 809, He a alp. . j.;; ENGINEER' ?-w"aijts':'-iituation'- as ? Salesmatf. .''-J-*-:, farming; andfagricultural.. impleDierits, :etc.,, llWkekoHo District,;; kndiws district i> thoroughly;— Traveller. 181. Hera!dp. CJABDENEB,,; all branches, excelli3r.f ..... «'■:-.; testimonials, if wants; work, - one day weekly.—Hotb_e__J;G3._H_Sß.__D.____ ,' : : _j,. GARDENING, iisbbingT _ by""ono who <ian ~:::? scythe, mow;; soot supplied.'—Chimney SA-eep. 933, H_nAi|i>. ■;:.-.:';;.. -;"^- ,;'.;;;,'- GARDENING- Hone, Tidying Up; Rood ; work, : reasonable grates,— -684. Mjnnkau:Bd. t : Greenwood's, Co.ner.; Epsom. GARDBNlNG.witntediby,' experienced than; .:si2^' days '.vacant',weekly.-;« vicinity; Heme gay:or .Pongonby.jr-Reliable., 040. "Herald.,' GENERAL ; ; Smith;.' all-round, g.'bpenV-' for . _ .-.";:, take job.—-Smith, ■', 954„ Heralp. ... ,;-; ".- • -. -"- ' . ■it ilßL,: Scotch. (2ii) ► .requires: situation ;. as•■ ■■|« - SyablemaidjS'ipjrivata family preferred.— ■Scotia, 796, Hera'UDi. , ■ . .- ' . HAIBDBES'SEB;:fIrst-class,,::gent:'s hand: ; 4emperate: Ji,nd ] reliable.—'Hairdresser. W ," Jljaa _o ■; :, -'.!;\" :^: '. --i"' -,;'.':; :■ " HAiIIDRESSEE-. ; flrot-clam. open engage.;:.'ment; "-. country- '■ town:: ■ erred; •.-'' state wa-ges.—Abstainer;' -855, Herald. ,;■-.-.'.;: .;; . -. HELP, .required'position', - capable; good —.^jCQok.---R6licibla, >.: 960, i Herald. . '~ ,-' .-.; HOUSEHOLD Worker, thorough, seeks I daily ' engagement; . fond children.— -lioroagh, 906, Herald. v ;.; HOUSE KEEPIIK, honest, reliable; know; .: 'ledge ■■'. of -nursing; ;. no ''''.encumbrance';', :State wages — 789. Herald. ■ ■"-, .'.:;,..;: HOUSEKEEPER, middle-ago. ""general, '.'.--cooking. . and ■ housekeeping; wages-. £l %_5 f ' B - .804... HERfCP. t > | ■'■' ? f |:■ .TTOUSEKEEPSIB' Tor::; other V.:poaition;' "J,X,.wanted by soldier's widow, 2 children; —Manage. 915, Herai.o. KOUSEKEEPE-B,; with child ■ school; age, ] >-. wants position; "capable :-'■:' all; duties.-r-: Writa'nrgeritly.SjExperieincefJ, !i_i?Eßitn. HOUSEWORK- wanted by widow 1 child; ■ , Devonport or :-,'Gliertonhamr™Write-.-: to - Capable. Hhralc. -:-v;-' :-■.,:.;;;,; : '- ; y- /y '■■' '■' ':■■ JOINERY ■■•■-iWojrks.,-, -Eareman, '■ .exHerienced A ''": draftsman;: '',! working.- drawing,': and'. 1 ■all' ■ of.; the f > tfa'de.v seeks; position. '• -fi<->m January' IS.—Joiner. 972,;, Herald., :..:; ■} LADY;'yaun?, i desires poaJtidn.lieht house-' JLV- hold:duties';-coed -home;-,- 15s.—Address Trustworthy, ;97ji'- Herald. '<,: ~ ;: 0 ;' ; ,■:.%■'■:' ; ;■ ■;■:'; :' LADYi' young^fteacher, ' : -d&Bitm- position ■"as J ' Junior' Mistress, or .charge of small school.—Teacber, 9G9. Herald. '.-■■'■ , ■■"'■.■ : .-: : - : :.:' lADY requires position,- Help, with:- nice . 1-1-, people r'.-aS];'', duties; good- cook;—rCook, 452, Herald. ,' ■' ■ - "'-.-' LADY,,:' young, exiierieneadr-botk-keeper. J : ■: -wishes' position town'': or';.country .—.■ Willing. 786, Herald. ■■; -■'/■: •;•■;"■"■ '■■'.■i';;. -..'"■. . LADY, •■; domeisticatcd, >■;• with , ■.■ smalk I wellJ'. behaved boy; .desires "A position , Housekeeping ; or Gieneril.— 161, HeralP,, Hamilton ■ . ■-'■-. - - LAUNCHMAN, '; fully experienced, , holding*' ~-: river niasjier. and: river'oil-|;ickets,l : seeks employment; good refs.—-Lauachman, 824, ■ HKR'AtP;:."; •' "' '"jj"';.:'\ :'y..'. ;: ■; V' "E'\ ''■ ~°} : ' ':-;''- . ; '";- LORRY - Driver ; and Mecfeanio, 9 years' teioxperiehcei^iiandyj'any .aapftfiity good. r<-if.—3-., 020, HgRAIP. '.."_'. -■ .. MAKER,?' 'competent; white glazed' pedesl tftls; smksii insulators;'? salt-glazed ware, etc.,- ' seeks ■ engagement: able -\ take charges or contract making and firing.—Howie, ' Argyle St.,. Wangapui,;;■ .: -, ; t\ ": .;. MAN, 23, ; deiiires employment. . anything; -■willing; isiiiiaTtv appearance,' i good 1; ;, : can/start ;immec';iately.—Urgent, 947,; Herald MAN, ; educated, strong, .seeks any temporary employment, .clerical, or manual; halfedaya preferifed.-r-Willingi.TTS/iH-RALD.'., j MAN, ypungyiaeeks."position, milking arid i .;: general .nirrn- work;-.four' years' -', ex- , iperiencevrnear Auckland; preferreq;, : respeot- r : able.—Respectable ;817. ■ Herald.-" ::"; ~'; , j ARRIED Couple wißh. employment with ; I 'private, family: Chauffeur and House- . maid.— Chauffeur ' '■"- '' ' , MARRIED Couple seek position,• Share-' milking or other > Farm ■ Work; ,dis-. engaged end month.— 402. Herapo. ■; ■: ; "R'/TArRON-Housekecper : requires re-encage- i "ment : in school:or hostel, English and ! New 1 . Zealand .experience.—Miss ■■■. ' Chennells, j Box 54.-■ Ma-«tcrton. v" . ' • ■:.■.":'"■ }■ :.'':-■-■ ?■■-<■ - M..C. -seeks position farm, team-work; * domestic ■- duties % •■ both -x experienced;: willing'help , milk.—Farm; 764;' Herald;'? ■'-,>: MECHANIC, - .- first-class■'« marine, ''motor,. A general .fitt(?r, turner: 5 , years', apprenticeship.—Mechanic. 833. Herald. H" ll__Wßi;GHJ.and-'GenerairEngineer re-4-WL; ciuires situation, any factory; ; good " efii-iMartiri,r:Pleasant 'St.; Oak.'.;;' MOTOR Mechanic; expert/will effect :Re- , ,t, pairs : (overhauls guaranteed);:; at:.your, own-garage, I-..and". guarantee" saying:. 25 peril cent, outlay.—l2. Welledley St. W. ;j MOTOR^Driver 'V seeks ; : employment soberi ' iiX: careful: ~cs,r, lorry; town, or : country.— ' Bonnet,:; 5, Roslyn Terrace, - Devonport- .'- ' OPENING'; in legal': office required for welt' 'educated', Youth, :.Big;k.-;: state, w'ftgeß,-—.-Parent, 935, Herai-p.- ,- ~ : :.;■■:■ '.'.: V ~'";;' '';:".:'' — ,— ■ ——— PAINTERS -and .Paper-hangers'- (2). want, , ■ town. : country work •; - ■ labour *$• , eon- ' tract.—First-class, 868, Herald. : -' . " PAINTER, '.'Baperhangef,-: 'I Sighwriter, ,-■':• competent, seeks • work, town , or, cd.un- ; try; charges reasonable-—Bell, 3S,;'Anglesea St.." Ponsonby. ■■'■'•'■■' - '" ■ ' ■ : '':''-:'-. ■ .;_. + _, __ __,_,__.« .... ,M,..-„-U..-..,v- _...,.„, ~,,,___. ;. PAINTIIJG/'Paperhangmig;, wanted -by two ■ qualified men; graining, : speciality 7;-., George' St,, -Newmarket. .';': ■ ~ .; PAINTING and : Piperhangihg: neatness .a ■jt; •'. BpeciaHiyj' prices moderate;.; all ma-: terials supplied,—Ha in an, 1 15, Baafo»afiel_ ■ St.. " ■ , i'. ~ '■■.. ■J- : ■ -.; , FAINTING, I'aperhanging, roofs; town, -country; bejtt materials;, labour or,con- ■ tract.—Painter,' 33,;" Edinburgh St.; New- , ton;."'■'■ :'r'--..-; •:. > '■'■:. ■ '';":--:' :■ : ; '.,:;:: -' •;:■:' •"-"..,;"V '" " PAPERHANGING.— Wall paper, in ..'■ workmahli'ce manner. lls 6d per : roll.— : Painter, '200.' .Herald. ■;'■;;■ ■ l ; ■■' i -' = y r ;;.^- 'y ''. ... liiCTUBE-Frjirner, 10 years' experience .•; ■::-:. capable taking charge; "good refs.—-Art, 803, Herald, . . . TJOBTEB or Handyman -Mm, ', young, -. IT >/' wants ,work, near Auckland,—X.Y.Z./ 7___JJ_ram»'. f, ' ; ' m _ _!__; POSITION ICousekeeper- or Help, good -.:■ - cook, experienced; ; r :' trustworthy.—3 965,-.;Hera.Ll).:" -.■.-■ ________ -'. ;";:-':-.''.,' "POSITION w.iated by thoroughly .-capable ' .'$- •:•'.'■ mother aiid l daugnterj .good .-home.:: £ 1 week . ' -each;, v- references.—Capable, , "950; i:___a__o;; ~ ; \ts' } -, rll i: K*SKff. i kfe;;:®i:SMli:K . ; & ... \ . M. -. ... 1 -....*, •.'. i . «

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18295, 11 January 1923, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18295, 11 January 1923, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18295, 11 January 1923, Page 1