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—.—_—_——,— — —- i mi mm ,iin"i in i LOST PROPERTY. * _ ' 1 •>' i - BAG, canvas, 'small, 'containing; -j?air lady's . '•shoes, comb, etc,,;.%etyfeen.;Quay'fSl. ■ ■■and Orakei Kd.--fciadw i please " BROOCH, circle aquamarines and pearls. -; ' Friday, afternoon, 'between -\ Strand Theatre and Auckland Station.—-Keward-at, ; Herald. ' ...■'•} \ ■■ /CAMERA,, V.P.E., in case, ThatnfS ■$*•' > V/ press, January 3; reward.—2l3, Vic- ■ toria St.. Hamilton. ; ■,- ' ed^4«iw?i ; ? lJ»io»:..pli% :; ■\J Australasia, .Hamilton: »ayj»M|t ' l ■ stopped.-—Finder- please'return Box 09, A_cfe land.. ; . . ■:• /' ' ■ .■'.' ■- •'. '■■■-■ /-.:■"•■ : C"'*"" OAT lady's, 'brown; ";at Panmure, "Man-. '< v/. ; , gere; VausojDickinspn and ■ . Co., Wakefield St. _ __.„ HANDBAG-, important -papers, loft,; Toe,.' ■ day evening,: car,-. Mt. ; Albert terminus., : :: ■!!» /Commerce ;SL ;Rewara,;,v.- i HANDBAG. Lady's, containing money, 'in , , or; outside Haft's Stoic. ;-10tu : im-l.; reWard.Address at Herald, -.:.." ___ . SANDBAG; Lady's; -grey, -. suede, _-highM- "■■ : valued, name.lnside; Edlahvale 80., or. vicinity, Saturday r'evening;;, December - 23;.: , reward.—Cowan, Baker. '.""■:-,'...' '-'.-/ '• ■- : '.■'■/■'. ~.. : -v '■'■■■■:-, P'OINT (white) of ;; Umbrella, in Parnell; ; ; reward.—l2, Gladstone SJ„ Parnell>' or Herald. .;■ -,-•' ■/ ■ ','■■_ '..;.;.:/v. ;:- :: :- : '- --"-. -■■''■ -■■.:■.•'■'. . PURSE, silver and papers, in.Symondaj;; • /•...;•/ fit.; reward.— rot r_ .. .tO' l 'll>; ; : Lower ... Syinonda St.; ' -'/ - , , PURSE, . lady's,: containing in'oney, -key, : '•:'■ and■ tram cards, between shops,; Three •; Lamps. Ponsonby,.and Melford St,, Monday.., - Reward.—Sing 1875, .or apply 17, Melford St.-' ■" ".' ./■/■ __ . ! ■'.■-■ . ■-■ -... ■■ ; . :"" RUN G (Diamond).: Saturday evening, be-/ ' ;' Woodford Rd; and Grafton'/Lib-/--rary; Hkra-8.. '■;>• :f : SHAWL, baby's, Fuji silk. Sund'ay; between; : ._ c station and -; Perry :;.Bldgs.;. -reward.— Address/at, Herald. -:'■■.■'■'■■■■'v' '.'.-■.'■■''. A*. ''•■:■..':'■''■■' .>■ SPORTS Coat. ) woollen, hairy;,; between One-' 1 ? O?■ hunga * and"Buckland's Beach,/via Pen* : . < ■ rose, 'Sunday.':' Reward;—-Turnbqli; jChehutit, ; ' Ojiehung a. •-. . ■■;;'■ ____■ y/u•-:.; ■/'• :*■'■:'■ ■ ' : 'v-i.': '■■■ SPLIT-RING off detachable Motor Tyre : ■-< Rim. Jan. •< 4 reward.— -'.'Phone ; 4489. ■/;,.;'' ;y; y'/ ■''-■';: ; -:--/■ : - ■/■.'-' ■-.'■.■ ';■ /.■' ; S" UITCASE. brown leather. : irorU;. Auckland; '; '.'■;• : platform;-. Tuesday- January ; 2;-; sub- , stantial reward.—Address. at .'HtHMjp..; -..''7 UMBRELLA, lady's, bone handle, inset ; ;; ; with .'■bltre enamel,. Romuera ear. .Sun-: day ; afternoon:;- reward.— 'Phone 11G0A. . ; ; : , ' TTMBRELIjA ■ : - (lady Wi. with ... silver .: : ' \J '■';•■ handle, left:in.Be.muera-terminus \s_el.;.: ter,shed; : or 8.40 a.m. tram Monday.—Finder : Please ring telephone Al6Ol. : ' W' *" ILL'sGentlem"a'n who found 'Kid' Cloves, ; .T.i'?pr>una '.mid-day : tram, kindly re*: .turn;— Cutler;; PupukeDajryi-iTakapuna. : ;•;' , STRAYED AND IMPOUNDED. B ELTON, half-bred, name •'Mac," .lost ";botween' WaiWeta and Bedvale;^—Pirider - ■■ please linn IS?. Dev'onport. ;■■■■ : ■ --'■-. ';.-; ;■-.. GELDING, .dark.brown, 10 hands, 9 years, j ... white" : hock ■ near . hind- -leg; ■, branded' '; 8.7.; reward.—Crig,' Mo.kai. .putaruru. ■- v ' GELDING, medium . draugM .(bayj.ffroin ; . Mangere, about : Jan. 3, white ;hind fetlock.—Reward,' '.;.", -information 'D,;. - Ua&tio, '; Mangere. 'Phono 126, Onehunga, &■■ i PONY, dun. '10 or 13 hands, unshod.- - :■ Finder please riiiß 'phone 2429, or ai> ply W^Condon, Alba Rd.. Epsom. IMPOUNDED in; the Kaukapakapa Public JL .• ■. Pound by.-'the Ranger' .for tfespasmng* on the KaukwakapaiWainui'Rd.-irlrDjauglit: : < Bay Mare, aged," wjiite : face, star on' bfek,' side bones on:front feet; also, '1 Grey Pony" Mare,; shod?all round, •>no visible 'mark or .: brand. If-."not claimed and: .expenses .> paid. * to be 'Sold --on the '-27th -day _ of- January; '■ 1923. jit 12 o'clock -noon.—GAVIN;,-,SHANKS,:' •: -Poundkeeper. , • ■ —-■; .. ■—■ :___- ''■—— " "—~-n OWNERS WANTED. ; .— OVEBCOAT• : -"'; (Youth's),- ' between ::Pok'eno ; „nd" Mercer.—Owner can . have ' same, applying _____________ Co-, -Pokeno;' : ■■- PARCEL.'' containingf drapery, fonnditGrajSv,; y;;';:■ ton.—Address ;at Heralp. :/ ; ■■;■■'•' <■. ■■ -. :.;-;■:; : q''k \ PASSPORT,-- from New Zealand to, Enskp.fl.- „ JL ■'. — Apply HkbalP.- . - ' " ,-■"'■: 1 ' ' Ml II | | | | _~ - •;.;-.;VI .\.:'>V- PERSONAL. ;,.>,■■■,;■>'.■.■ ■: l -;-'.\: GREEN ';.;:Apple/. CLeltenhatn,—Care to ': correspond?—Omar Khayyam,.:: Ciiemi-it. . JACK.— -Write" me, - Newmarket, : say ; whon.l can see you.—Olga.. '■' . . . ■. :^yf:A,B,C..-:- P.R —6 o'clock; writo.-|- : ■ ;-iM.5.;.:-Ahsi6uß. ■;-V';-.:''; : ."'.^'.v , ',v-\' " \' JTtA/JtLLlJamea, White, :Botorua,s : <;aU: :■■ : If' ux ently for letter, IG6,' Hobaon St., to-day.Friend. .;."-.'-. ■ :'■' -,; r^. ; ' ■■'■'•''':'■' ■ .;:' : ; ? : WILL Mr_;.;;ijjydia-r ; Graht.H-orSMissftßdna.. ' Bayliss cull at Symonda' St. P. Cfc-' for lett;er.?::» Urgent.-—A Friend. ' '■■■_■' ',-•-_■' :.■ ■-'. ' -. ■",■: \ , MATRIMONIAL. .. ■ - GENTLEMAN (SO), wishes to meet nice, ._ o-mtaniontible younff \ _?, viewmatfilnony.—Confidential.- -930. HEnAi.i>. v. . ■'■.:■;.'■•. LADY, ill business, Wishes introduction; view matrimony, ' : refined • sent., .".per-' ; _lament. position.—36, : PhdeniX Chambers. ■'-"""••■■■ ,"jl ({"AN, .'young; SO,; in good ■ position, " wishes: : ,iML ; acauaintance of young. Lady ': who would:pr«for; life;: view matri- ; -. mony.-^— 820, ! ;Hesai<i>. T ; MAN," young'(29), would like to corres- .■' pohd •: with .. young; Lady, ion©.'; used;to; '-■ country.: preferred,,: good i appearance iphoto?, exchanged if desired; view matrimony,—sin-. . cority, r : 780, ; Herald. ; .-.■ ':■. : '' : ]:/''■ "]'.-:.-,■. y\ ■;■''.;- 'TIJIDOW-'(45),- own hoine. wishes introduc-' ' Vt :. tion, ; .View matrimony, steady .;'working::: gent;— 36, Phoenix Ch-mbers.'. / ;; ; .'■/.'-. '<:■ WIDOW: (60) .wiflhea to '\ meet ; respectable . V'». man, over '60,'- with own home, view,'.: matrimony ;\: lonely.— Uncle Prank S.Z-, . c.o. Rnshton, Ponsonby. : MORTGAGES. ■/.. . MONEY, to Lend on. froc-hci-.", security a* : . current rates. —Gittos,..;,U.roa,,:|J>nd :Gre-: gory. 131. Shortland St, MORTGAGE; second,' -, wanted purchase; for : ',: cash: city, „ suburban : freehold': property., Send.. particulars,:quickly,; Box 8,-v;Devon 1 -' ■port. : --. ;- , ' - ■ -. ■ . SECOND of; £200 dm sale; .-safe'. ' ~:',■:,; guarantee furnished if desired; liberal discount.—Boy. 1305. : ■PI Kf\ .WANTED; at :,7 per cent; on three- ■■ ••■ d*fX*J\J roomed Cottage at 'Deep' Creek, ■ .'handy, to'.wharf and beach.—Security, 1?7, '■', H-RA-D. ;;'■:■' ,;' : '■:-,:.-'. .;.-V : '.',- ; : '.::' ;''.;:':;"-; : . ; JpOfid WANTED on Second 'Mortgage, ■ Bemuera -Freehold; margin; 30;; per cent.—'Phono 2014Ai:,',, Butler, > 64, " Queen St. '■'■'/:''■ '. ■" y": r -'.:\: ....... < : '~ - ; ':^...■''■•;■.; -: :-:■-. OOKA—Second ':, Mortgage; v-.', T . will'■' accept, ■■> oWZ-tiv/ £225; property 'worth ''f 1250;' V Ist : Mortgage,:: jSSOQ.—Box a29;:iHamiltoP-. ; : ; PO|K DISCOUNT allowed. Gilt-edge • cV _»J»-» Mortgage, :; i 1195, Suburban Free- 5 hold;, must sell,'urgently. -.Great' opportun- ' ity.—Butler. 64. Queen St. ..'■■■ ■'"/;'-•■> j '■'■ \ -PI OAA FOB Inyegtinenti ■ freehold -se-'- ( cVX_«vv,', curity, "city ■or suburban; -half ' margin.—Fitchett;; and ■\ [. Bees, : ■ Solicitors,- ", Auckland. ■ .'■ ■'' ■~.;' '•■; :■''■.■.- -. '; .;'■ __________■■ ; ;- ; Q Aft ';- *700. ' £600, ; AND'JEGCO, for ■■• o&10UU» =:.- v advance, ,- v Ist ''• • MoHgage.— ; __________ ■ Solicitor, 9, Wyndham St. -jf? 1 AAA. FOB Loan. City Property . cwXw-i/J \J\i\j. second: mortgage, good mar-' ' gin. will ba, , iconsidered,-—Trustee, "; 784, : , HERALD. '.■'•'". - , ..■■■■..-. 1 .^,._^_-__^,,...;.^.,._^* ; __TT,..i!:.?. 1 ...^.j...._.,;;.. --■ PUPILS WANTED. \ AST Leatherwork, Basketwork,''Pdkorworkii' ;' Carving, Pen ,' Paintings Stencilling. Tatting. ' Prospectus = pbstod.-~Miss.:Ayling.; 4, Strand Arcade. ■■/■.■:■:■.]:'■'■'■'.:■ .-;-;;.-':■'.,■'- : ;.- -..'. : ASHLEIGH'S Cocchinff College. N.Z. Ins. Bldgs.—Coaching for .Public .Exams., v Backward 1 Education, .Book-keeping :,(jun; and sen.). •. • ' ■- ■ • > ; MOTOR-Car i-Driving.—Couhcit:,' Certificate ' guaranteed.— and- Sexton, .Queen-' : St. Garage; ; 317, Queen : St.' ; 'Phone 2367 - . O' LADIES, " Ladies!": Study the ! j;*' Ukulele"; now, , with : Walter,, Smith, 16, Turner St. ■'•...'. ■.; :- : ; : - : ;. '- /.V.'-,:";. -;; ,V .'J -;;;;-;' ■QOOD'/iJ.EETH. '^ : '^ ' ■■•■ ■ \ ■'■-'" .-.'■■■:■■. ...,."-. .i ■:■'.-. .V ,' . ./:'; Good Work,:: ;■ - Fair Fees. "Gentleness and-.Extreme Cere.' ;■ ::;; ''' : : < : :.i?\^' ; : ::^ ''-'.'/> : <' : :'-- ::^ i-'^':I'-';.."':':-''-:-:::--^:H'':-':^.A/-^:.;;1'-';.."':':-''-:-:::--^:H'':-':^.A/-^:.;;: l :',-v': ; :-.;"^ , :. : -:: ' ' — JTOWEY walker/ . SURGEON DENTIST.', :■';-• ;• Bight- opposite . John Court, Limited ■■• ■■ ; ' (On the Corner). * , ' " : '. '0;>^ ! -' '■■:'■ ':^. : . : ■:'^':^:y.'.-:--^';''v^:' : :' : . ! :.:,:;: '■ * !:' i 1 t -I vV.'.' ;, ?,:'V:;.-.L-'^

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18295, 11 January 1923, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18295, 11 January 1923, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18295, 11 January 1923, Page 1