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THE CHAMPIONSHIP AWARDS. OTHER PRIZE-TAKERS. GOOD ATTENDANCE OF PUBLIC. The Auckland Kennel Club's Annual Show, held in conjunction with the Agricultural and Paßtoral Association's Show, was concluded at the Epsom Show Ground on Saturday. Large crowds passed through the exhibition tents during the day. Judging, which was resumed from the point where it was dropped on Friday evening, was concluded in the principal classes by noon, but the champion and special classes were not completed until eveniug. THE PRIZE LIST. The following awards were made on Saturday :— Grand Challenge Stakes, open to all breeds.-J. D. Willis' Brae Digger, 1; Mrs. 0. Hum's The General, 1: J. Mason's Mountain Monarch. 8. Champion Class.—Best in class: A. S. Brown, 1; E. T. Howell, 2. Best Terrier, any variety: J. Mason, 1; C. A. C. Woodford, 2. Brace Terriers: C. E C. Woodford, 1; J. Mason, 2. Team Terriers: W. Ingram, 1- Best sporting dog.: F. J. W. Taylor, 1; R- G. Newell, 2. Brace sporting dogs: J. D. Willis, l. Best aon-spoTting dog: Mrs. G. Hunt. 1: Mrs. C. Neale, 2. Brace nonsporting; does; Mrs. Hunt. 1; Mrs. Phipaon, 2. Team non-sporting doga: Mrs. Phipson, 1. Ladies' Bracelet Classes.—For all breeds other than terriers and toy dogs: 8. H. Ra„tall, 1: F. J. W. Taylor. 2. All breeds of terriers other than toys: A. L. Dcsgrange, 1; J. Mason. 2. All breeds of toys: Mrs. G. Hunt. 11 Mrs. Neaie, 2. Lady Owners' Class.—Best in class: Mrs. G. Hunt, i: Mrs. Neale. 2 Grand puppy stakes (all breeds toy dogs): Mrs. A. F. Raudinet, 1: Mrs. C. Botts, 2. Ail breeds other than toy dogs: J. Mason, 1: E Hah, 2. Relrievera— Best in,show: 0. E- Lynds, Dogs, maiden and novice: F. R. Goodall, 1: Steel and Young, 2. N.Z. bred. Colonial hred. limit, and open: Mrs. T. C. Soniers, 1: F. R. Goodall. 2. Stud: Mrs. Somers, 1. Bitches, puppy under 12 months: Steel and Young. 1. Maiden: 0. E. Lynds, 1; Steel and Young, 2. Junior: Steel and Young, 1Novico, N.Z bred and Colonial bred: 0. E. Lynds, 1; Steel and Young. 2. Limit: Mrs. R. W. Skinner, 1; Steol and Young. 2. Open: 0. E. Lynds. 1: CI O'Dowd, 2. Brood, brace and team: Steel and Young. English Setters.—Best in show: KG. Newell. Best dog: R. G. Newell. Best bitch: Saunders and Faulder. Best novice bitch: R. P. Newell. Best puppy: C. Newell. Dogs, puppy under 12 months: C. Newell, 1; S. Saulbrey, 2. Maiden and novico: 8. 6aulbrcy, 1; F. Gilland, 2. Junior: C. Newell, 1: E. Dean, 2. N.Z. bred and colonial bred; R. G. Newell, 1; Saunders and Faulder, 2 Limit: Saunders and Faulder. 1: J. M. Hirst. 2. Open: R. G. Newell. 1; Saunders and Faulder, 2. Stud: R. G. Newell, 1. S. Saulbrey, 2. .Bitches, puppy, under 12 months, and maiden: G. Hughes, 1; R. P. Newell, 2. Novice: R. P. Newell, 1; C. D. A. Rayne, G. Junior: G. Hughes, 1; R. P. Newell, 2. N.Z. bred, colonial limit, and open: Saunders and Faulder, 1; C. Raynes. 2. BTood: C. Raynes, 1; Saunders and Faulder, 2. Brace: Saunders and Faulder, 1; C. Raynes, 2. Irish Settere.-Best dog: C. H. Pnnce. Dogs, junior: A. C. Beere, 1. N.Z. bred: C. H. Prince, Is A. C. Beere, 2. Colonial bred: 0 H. Prince, 1. Open: C. H. Prince, 1; A. C. Beere, 2. Btud: C. H. Prince, 1. Gordon Settere.-Best dog: J. D. Willis. Best bitch: J. D. Willis. Dogs, N.Z. bred and colonial bred: J. D. Willis, 1; J. H. Langlay, 2. Limit: J. H. Langley, 1. Open and stud: J. D. Willis, 1; J. H. Langley, 2. Bitches, all classes: J. D. Willis. 1. Pointers—Bert dog: A. McLeod. Best bitch: G. R. Pearson. Best novice: F. W. Hosking. Dogs, puppy under six months: G. R. Pearson, 1, 2 and 8. Maiden: F. W. Hosking, 1; W. H. Brown, 2. Novice: F. W. Hosking, 1; V. Colgan, 2. New Zealandbrod and colonial-bred; A, McLcod, 1; FW. Hosking, 2. Limit: F- W. Hosking, 1; D. D. Wilson, 2. Open: A. McLeod, 1: F. W. Hosking, 2. Stud: A. McLeod, 1; R. F. Reid. 2. Bitches, puppy under six months: G. R. Pearson, 1. Maiden and novice: A. H. Burkill, 1. New Zealand-bred: H. Murroll.l; A. H. Burkill, 2. Colonial bred: A. H. Burkill, 1. Limit and open: G. R. Person, 1; H, Murrell, 2. Brood: G. R. Pearson, 1; A. H Burkill. 2. Rough-ooated Collies.—Best colonval-bred, over 12-months: V. 3- Roberts. Best opposite sex: Miss M. Trythall. Best dog or bitch: V. S. Roberts. Dogs, maiden: H. A. Craig, lj A- Jackson, 2. Novico: L. Read, 1; Nurse Colnett, 2. Junior: H. A Craig, 1; Nurse Colnett, 2. New Zealand-bred and colonial-brod: V. S. Roberts, 1 and 2. Limit: L. Read, 1: Nurse Colnett, 2. Open: V. S. Roberts. 1; H. A. Craig, 2 Stud: V. S. Roberts, 1 and 2- Bitches, all classes: Miss M. Trythall, 1. Brace: V. 8. Roberts. Smooth-coatod Collies.—Dogs, all classes: A. E. Smith, 1. _ u . ~ Old English Sheep Dogß.—Bitches, maiden and novice: Major C R. Spragg, 1., Now Zoaland-bred and colonial-bred; H. Kinl°ck, 1; Major C. R. Spragg, 2. Limit: H. Kinlock, 1. Open: H. Kinlock, 1; Major 0 R. Spragg, 2. Brood: Major C R. Spragg, 1. .Working Sheep Dogs.—Best dog or bitch: Cocker Spaniels (coloured).—Best adult: Dr. McKiilop (cup). Best opposite sex: Dr. MoKillop (cup). Best dog or bitch: Dr. McKillop. Best coloured puppy: Dr. op. Dogs puppy under 6 months: Dr. McKulop, 1. Puppy under 12 months, and maiden: Dr. McKllop, 1 and 2. Novice: Dr. MeKillop, 1; J- Groves, 2. Junior: Dr. McKiilop, L New Zealand bred. Colonial bred, limit and open: Dr. McKiilop, 1 and 2. Bitches, puppy under 6 months: Dr. MoKillop. Puppy nndor 12 months, maiden and novice: Dr. McKil.op, 1 and 2. Junior: Dr. McKi - lop. 1. New Zealand bred, Colonial bred, limit, open, brace and team: Dr. McKiilop, Cocker' Spaniels (Black).—Boat dog: FJ. W. Taylor. Best bitch: E. Hay. Docs, puppy under 12 months: Mrs. P. E- Tudehone, L Maiden and novice: Mrs. W. A. Taafe, 1; Miss 0. R. Handlcy. 2. Junior and N.Z. bred: E. Hay, 1: Mrs. Taafe, 2. Colonial bred: E. Hay, 1; Master G. S- Cole. 2. Limit: Master Colo, 1; .Irs. Taaffe, 2. Open: E. Hay, 1: Master Cole, 2. Stud: Master Cole, 1. Bitches, puppy under 6 months: E W. Cowdon, 1. Puppy under 12 months: H. Kinder, 1 and 2. Maiden and novico: G. S Cole, 1; H. Kinder, 2- Junior: F. J. W. Taylor, lj G. S. Cole, 2. N.Z. bred: F. J W. Taylor. 1; E. Hay. 2. Colonial bred: F. J. W. Taylor, 1; F. S. Miller, 2. Flirt •and open: F. J. W. Taylor 1; E. Hay, 2. Brood: E. Bay. 1; F. S. Millar, 2. Brace: E. fry, 1; G. S. Cole, 2. Team: E. Hay, 1. Irish Water Spaniels.—All claesea: G. Aire'dalo Terriers.—Best dog: A. S. Brown. Best bitch: A. S. Brown. Best puppy dog: J. Maeou. Best puppy bitch: J. Mason. Dogs, puppy under 6 months: Mrs. W, H. Kearney, 1 and 2. Puppy undeT 12 months, maiden, novico and junior: J. Mason, lj w. Righton, 2. N.Z. bred. Colonial bred, limit and open: A. S- Brown, 1; J. Maeon, 2. Stud- A. 8. B'own. 1. Bitches, puppy under 6 months: Mrs. W. H. Koamey, I Puppy under 12 months, maiden, novice and junioT: J. M-"son, 1; 0. R. Youngbn«bsnd, 2. N.Z. bred and Colonial bred: J. Mason, 1. burnt: J. Mason. 1; Mr=. Kearney, 2. Open: A. 8. Brown, 1; J. Mason, 2. Chicuahuas.-Best either sex: Mrs. A. 8. Bedford. Dogs, puppy under six months and under 12' months: Mrs. A. S. Bedford, 1. Open: Mrs. Bedford, 1: Mrs J. Adams 2. Bitches, puppy under 12 months. New Zealand bred, and open: W. Murdoch, 1: Mrs. J. Adams, 2. , , , _ D Sydney Silkies—Beat m «how: H. H. Oxlcv. Does, all classes: H. H. Oxley. 1. Bitches, all classes: J. H. Baggott. Fox Terriers (Wire).-Best adult m show: E. T Howell ftwo silver cups). Best New Zealand-bred smooth-coated terrier m show: C A. C. Woodford (silver challenge cup). Best New Zealand wire terrier in show: E. T. Howell (silver challenge cup). Best New Zealand-bred smooth-coated puppy: N. Wade (silver shield). . Best New Zea-land-bred puppy, opposite sex: U A. U Woodford (trophy). Best smooth-coated puppy: N. Wade (cup). Best brace smoothcoated puppies: C. A. C. Woodford (cup. Best brace wire or smooth: E. 1. Howell itrophy). Best wire puppy: E. Hall. Best brace smooth or wire puppies: E. Hall. Best wire puppy: E Hall, (trophy). Black and Tan Terners.-Best in show: LRichardson. Dogs, all classes: C RichardW Aus\'ralian Terriers-Best in show: J. H. Baggott. Dons, all classes: J. H Baggott, 1; H. T. Dell. 2. Bitches, all classes: Mrs. M- A. Trvine. 1- _ . _ TO „ Maltoso Terriers—Best in show: H, Wells. Dogs. New Zealand-bred colonw-bred, limit, and own: Mrs. Hill. 1, Bitches, novice, limit, and New Zealand-bred: U. Pub's (Fawri).-Best in show: Miss E. Levensten. Dogs, limit: R. B. Seott. 1: Mrs. G. H. Fitt. 2. Open: R. B. Scott. 1: Mrs. G. H. Fitt. 2. Stnd: R. B Scott. 1. Bitches. New Zealand-bred, colonial-bred, and open classes: Miss E. Leyenston. Pomeraniano (Miniature),—Best ell-black do? not previously won nrize. sired by Hnzeldine Billy Boy: Mrs. L. Michael (silver oun) Beat wolf sable dog: A Roger (silver cur>). Best black Pomeranian in show: Mrs. G. Hunt (sdver cup) Best in show: Mm. G. Hunt., Best opposite sex- Mrs. A. F. Baudinet. Beat puppy under 6 months: Mrs A. F. Baudinet. Best ounnv under 12 months: Mrs Baudinet. Best novice: J H. Miller. Best novice exhibitor: Mrs. G. Hunt. Best puppy, by Hazeldene Billy Boy: R. A. Dutton. Rest Waok Pomeranian: Mrs. G Hunt, Bost black dog: Mrs. G. Hunt. Over 71bBest in show: Mrs. K Roberteon (oun). Beet opposite sex: A. Lovegrove (cup). Best in show, either sex: Mrs. K. Robertson (tronhy). Beat dog: Mrs. Robertson. Best bitch: A. Lovegrove. Best pupny: A. Lovegrove- Best novice dog: Miss Fabian. Best novice bitch: A. Lovegrove. Dogß. pupny under 12 months: Miss C. Fabian. 1; Mrs. Coster 2 Puppy under 8 months: D. Mitchelson. L Maiden: Miss Fabian. 1: Mrs 8. A. Robinson. 2. Novice: Miss Fabian. 1: Mrs. Robinson. 2. Junior: Miss Fabian. I. New Zealand-bred, colonial, bred, limit, open, and stud: Mrs, K. Robertson, 1: A. Perry. 2. Bitches, puppy under 12 months, maiden,_ novice, junior. New Zealand-bred, colonial-bred, limit, and open: A Lovegrove. 1: Mrs. Russell. 2. Brood: Messrs- Hunt and Asher, 1: B. Murgatroyci. 2. Brace and team: A, D. Mitchelson.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17956, 5 December 1921, Page 9

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KENNEL CLUB SHOW. New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17956, 5 December 1921, Page 9

KENNEL CLUB SHOW. New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17956, 5 December 1921, Page 9