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Siippertime in THF TfiMl! V RFMPnY After tennis, golf. I Corn Flour helps you to provide the right kind of supper for '" C tor n ™T' | hockey, motoring if •" ra 7 er 4, .P*Hf? lth :s^sfw ccU,SU L has ? lancman^ Spon f e - i or riding, Luce's Eau-de-Cologne is 1 Apple 1 rifle or Natural Fruit Jelly, can be made at any tune of the biuobsniss—coksxitatioh § i & i* r\ i Iff day and left in the pantry until evening. 1 y ffl _ EGTI ft II J refreshing and COOling. On the «| BrOWn *POISOnS I , "'P i ".™"?' I ' kerchief or rubbed on the hands, I ■jgoA mn - f For nearly half & century. Mother 1 .. r . 1**11*1(1 1 I Cw- - I For nearly halt a century. Mother : " I lips or forehead is delightful, and IHI OF!! Flour lips or forehead it is delightful, and |, J« t-l,*,"o -,£ ___„ » »" _ J •i - i-i thousands of homes throughout the \ I ~ , , , , , , |" § » mc oasis or many tempting ana nourishing summer dishes, world, for the prevention »nd relict j,| a lirr!<» arlnpH to the water VOU wash Of I i economical and simp eto prepare. Send for a coov of the Brown " of .tomach anS Hver trouble,, *nd 1 a lliuc aaaca ro mc waici you wwuui | » t>'i ' * • i* , " «Kf~- u ™" IUI * copy 01 me Drown M a ready means of recovering and it I .1 * * £ . a* 1 i* ! 11 & Poison recipe book, containing a selection of summer dishes, maintaining good health. J Data in IS Of great Stimulating Value. I IB free from J. B. Gilfillan & Co.. P.O. Box 848 Auckland Mother Seigel'a gyi up.has * emu ii " |.| ... ,Jf 1,, J Viini __ _ " Z.Z. POX °*°' Auckland. tonic action upon tho digestive (I 11 BtllWJHBB; ■( \ n U : ' Tj|~HHJBH3B organs — 'he stomach, liTOi\ and [j sgjffl- *J3»> .a^ 58 ® auyifcUaA *J -s 1 % j ta " ffl flßßr MEqflfl ! " bowels —toning and streugtljenißg t] >*. j j * i| | \ *T,. ™... " •,■»■_»_ »m= !J^«T^l^^jS them to that they are able to do jl If |] || M >- fesdl i I • ■ ' : their work effectively and obtaia It 1 0 0 8 -A &m " « f| '% 1 I ■————■— ■■——,— ,—| —nmminrT— ———i m i ——i mi ————■■« 'nourishment requisite to- all the I) . ___^^ ( JJ «■ irtr \wimiT' 11 i ) "• " . nourishment requisite to keep you % I j! 1 VBS IKJBEBB Keep Mother Seigel's Syrup handy. Id -»y jj II I While offering this Remedy to the public, we wish to assure them that no Wu@W& '' JSjSUall imW 11* ••111 -j 3 better is known. It is the formula employed by specialists, -who have-made an .^^J^uS^^@d l JJTlllfl jtLIT holds a privileged place On many a woman S \ I exhaustive study of this disease, and it is being used with signal success in all — ' ' ' '->—/; ; . —r>» — ** llfi > 1 • 11 1 . ill parts of the world. We have a great many testimonials giving unqualified TH_Jfr - 111 • dressing-table, its USe IS a Constant and IS praise. The beneficial effect upon the nerves and general health is immediate. " 4ta9 & ST9L.9~J XT* V HI , j i- 1. ; 1 - *. •.-.•,.. If I Write for circular, or avoid delay and send for on© of the courses. Prices, * ; ' •>;■".'•, ;. l\\i enduring delight, helping to maintain that air II lis 6d, 15s. Sis- ed. 27.i 6d. 355,~ or 38.. m ».'.rui.nH The 2ft bottle contain* S time* as 111 of subtle refinement which every ladv takes If ! ROBERT MUIR, Chemist. Mt. Eden Tram Terminus, Auckland. --.5 . | much the trial size told at 1/6.- 1118 • \ s i-iineincni wmca every wuj lases | I Muir's CAPITA, the positive Headache Cure, 1s 3d doz. J| ■ ' - - ■ » I fcj!jft pleasure in. When you ask for Luces Original I ■■■■•■'■■• ■ _ ' ; • ! I' Jersey Eau-de-Cologne, you may be sure that I] ' -,«,„,„«. '«gg«iMgwi . M=smm.-ujiiin !■■■■ -j.,ii.*.... ,' you are securing a toilet water of very high /} C"W '"gwra / F~\ your chemist cannot supply you l| H „(( »%/ U? Ml Sfffl i'(i-Tj write to the N.Z. Distributors, _ //J CDRI M. 9. Loves- ■I I A "*"°i ?**• /S / What Every Woman Loves- H : ; AucWan Dun e a^ llinßtoa ' * Jsk f „ —a beautiful, dainty piece of 'ffi' 4 I I &I& PACKETS */«5 ; ;j| a 'jewellery or silverware. ''Nothing : ■ ' " 'MLLiiA^^ C * ~ ' ":'' ', •-.'■'■', , '~ Ills gives a woman greater pleasure .' ■ S >^^^^Bf^^^^'Ss^«»J^ri ' ~==-— ~~f£&7' yS4.o^WfrfT^s >^^n. If you have not yet baked with Clover ~ MB.. than these, so if you have a lady . - ' -HB-- '^^^Z^ / '' Cream, you have not yet found the jj|| friend to whom you wish to give - -..■":'fl , ' -— 1 CT=3J^- 'Q secret or the toothsome, and dainty • iffii a present • - - '•"■'S» *""""—""' " l " l,,l,l '" lll,l ■■ , - ■'■■'■■-■ - 1 ' ..-.«.—.. —— mm « scones and cakes you get when you ffffi ■•'-*' §§§£[ ■r , * , «s»w< ,| l> tfC, 7 s&7 *EP' y C* J^ , * J%w " v -'^ v _ N. "S. > - r '/' I visit your friends.. 11l C*' TU'W/CI I CDV .L •' - SPI 1 ' / CLOVER .CREAM in your bat , M lve JE.WtLL.LiIKY this ;-. M. - < K^Mgd!l ing, means dainty cakes, and light, 113 < r> Vk*-»oi-i-*-»'ao ' - s^*—^illi\ white and delicious ! scones.. -;"l £& V/iinSimaS. . ;'• - ( ■ $!? I Mkl ) We guarantee satisfaction and should igS JEWELLERY is far and awav -H ' / ■ IbL * fcJw ' iSwJfff £> iSb IA% C/oflcr Cream -not prove'-satisfactory to ill - . JEWELLERY is far and away t :-'» '. 7(\V /l/ ' ' JT P' V^W - you, then send us the packet and we i gig : the beSt glft ; n J *^] cilery is an . jj|| £\l ~ W Ki will refund'your money. ;;'. V ■ ffl expression of REAL sentiment M*' IkY M > -• - ..-. :.r»BB ; a ' reminder of friendship and ; Ug§ AXI ' ■■/*%■- J- V i £&&* i'vlfr -« Follov/ the directions on the packet. ;'% ± ||| - ; , love and, is carefully kept aSdf" |||S VW ' £ §(L W ~^ | ,, 1 ,,,,- BrrTT< ' The Proprietors - P.O: Box 658 - Welliiijftoir '-'""Hi** * Ci \ U fondly treasured.. - >..„ :.t ..■-•* JB ;..;, .. / T_* ■■■"■ ' m— —— ! :^ » 5 •••' FIRLSE-RVE. youthful-complexion by - J -:.m Bki iJnliri!iii i?nW,' jjall , ■ : J ,"' massaging nightly with Corson's I s t- 1 x.' r >«^m, r K ' ! °~ I Cold Creani. l - I sealed tube. * - ■ M Soothing and refreshing to tired skins. k 4 Dozens of Onoto Pens are sent ' '< i . .Delicately, perfumed. ¥ ; every day .through the post full ■ ' -•■'.-- '•--■•.,.... 11l \ '••'"•■ ' irV .....--.''"■ fi- ... , /^ ? - of ink, ; often." in silk : lined cases. i—-s»>wA.v -\<*" *\ ' ' « : M . 'I''" "' . * : ."- '■, * lA They, get shaken and -tossed ' >£s" ie: s?i' w "♦ L' ' ' ■ - '~'.■ ~..- .-' ' ■' • ' " ; \ about in the mail-bags-.- But it is ' ■-■...- "^P^^^T^." " ' ' "'" %'-f^-';'-W' ! . *"•' 'Ayi^A/-'^' ''AJ a use—- '- '^"4 -perfectly safe to send them in this . . I tW- ; i«-« ; _ ; *»9SSTOM \. , Al, ° U!C • # ' C JV Way " ' ... ■■'.'' ' ; - : --..." ;.■•■ __ '■ ' __.__; ' ■•'■■" ~~~ 1 •'. /S?M : £&L ' W. Corson's Orchid and 5 cannot- leak:- When you close it, , lit: t^.r^^'n^^"!:^^?rtr^/-;":;l "f '^^.■CC.?^^.'-'/.-i^~\\~ - - ~"'" ./j 'V-'nfi Bl ft - Karessa Talcum. lA : becomes, alsealed tube. '■ I*'', ' '^I^/^ &* s tofrb <% /f* " ■ " '■■■'•'' <?•/«> '• 11l ■■f •■ '*'' **"-'<" r3• r- •■» » V Corson's Charcoal 1.: thumb, it becomes a sealed tube. j ' ■3S&?/<*»-ft* . [pi €6S jUS ','} f) ; - ■^^T^ A- -^. ; // ' Lorson s Charcoal drop of M, can po Ssitly L; J JfOt; ;! W 7 / Tooth Paste. When you open-it again, you find |/ _ _______ „ i 1 ' -•. '■''' j^S»«,j t r j '^^^ S a ' / ' Corson's Vanishing Cream. I. JpII (4isS Sf sT\{ n ai I'' There is no doubtas to the Quality of the Goods [\ A" ■ o^"s ' L !• n t d °more Ink -|i T!h! • look good and they v are- good : \\ A) * of all A , * Mill ' su° m i a I'' "We clai'm to have the best Diamond Setter in New |j "V $T>j\ ■ CHEMISTS '■/"■-"■ ■'■■ simplest, pen to |'| [ - Zealand. When we set a stone it stays there.' ,\ [j - -^-. j ft ; - v) '•" WfM' ™^op-s ox ;?;'' 'We specialise in Xmas Presents : I ffff ' AsdSlk' ', - i m*i-„, . Y :^ /iff Wm% LNOTO. .i) « , w-*»««fc«» . [ill- / "II /y Sole New Zealand Distributers i | - ffll-mml' ASK F ° R Qr j, GT ° INK i!;. ■:■ " r "i' • — : —■—- ' ''' "'!') \A ' -'.liV- . ■ Jllbcrl tfCemcemh & Co. t\J --; Si BH & Co. Ltd., uc |; ?r \ ir/wpyg Auckland i - London. e,c.i. ||m - . <► /fe'V a « 1 M Li |^«;_: y ; " '!{■; "236 queen street, AUCKLAND, -* ;' VSf^7^ s . - • Wj FOUNTAIN PENS i™™ ~ ~~ " mm2^^^^^^^Z for Vm_ac_ Gifts -=" Bafe v •s A -„ ' ' ■ - P I^ss^^^mam^m^^mm^ " ONOTO the Pen, 20/- AiiPost = » .«* ' VAJDIIOISSeur g - g ' M QUEEN CITY, Lever Filler, 15/- t^a .' = ■'. m bis own little way s ' '■■ CS M |_fcr_»_ ft QUEEN CITY, Piimp Filler, 10/6 =5 wrT „_-',-;,;, S 1 *■ - : '' ' ' ■'•From • ' S Hehkes—and must have—the be? t. You '- S S * ; B iis'rFi?YTns'--i m o A !sf\iMr« = cannot be too cautious in selecting his .' .-■ =. , - I—" ; ' H» ■■ EH ARTHUR J. HARDING I food. Use a food— a food which § ■ I - 'o^SsXm^^ : " W m Specialist in Fountain Pens' g • has been in the front rank for years. g Im> 3 B if ' "Ilk '! = - most efficacious equivalent to ■ $$$.$% S.' II * T«l_ IF . n l : II /f ' II i= Mother's Milk, and satisfac- . .%*3Sfl£& -'__.'- ■" .- - / 1 lie Vest Fccfcet g -1 ' cVh/Jril § tonly folffls all. the require- '. = S ' A I. XL 9 ; '1 1 M 11 J^^vfi' : --Jffl ; '----= ' - ments of an artificial: food | — __£ ___J 1 : .* •fl „ Autographic Kodak H ■ I ; -Y II • ';| = ; vr^ mpls ..?S tt ° f M^ U U n Pood, together with useful Handbook for = S * ".. Kvj I UU^B-^W^Ov"■'- - 5 " Movers, "The Care of InfMts." will.fae sent post Write ftSS/S • ; -'-.-_: -. --- S " Fo? PfchffM ?*v 15 Urs,« '*"- — Messrs. gollin & co. proprietary, ltd., Wellington. . H rictures xlt inches, *' | l he - most popular camera roade - Kodak which should |'i r " • ; • ■ oe in everyone s possession. - ' ;/ ESSESiSSa ' 9 - The V-P.K.—as it is popularly named-ls uniaue in I'--_ . '!'-"--, . « -.- ' f\r i/\ . I fr rwpectJitis ». dainty as a lady sparse and little [j * ■ __' ~_- ■_ '•>■ "-•/-;' '■ .'■■'>'■'■*':■■ ■ ' B ljrlil'»*»Cff r /--£*>fe •*• ■ ¥ ' _ ■-'•-■ 8 . fa,er than a man's cigarette case. It can be carried Hi Her FaVOHTite Cream * -*:,OparKllllg t ( SgS®- I'-)1'-)- faSISI I' /■ about without the slightest inconvenience ItiLoelsv pi With which she can, at any ' "'' S I h »\ Att/V ° n i- "8 to use * to °-i"st pull out the front, press th trigger and M ' moment of lhe day. revive the - "■ 1 1 ft ■ Setting! -■ <{§ the desired picture is yours-and such clear little pic- 13 vV*gff",S!iSs assy's; :: Gleaming- rt » I - fl re , ! Beau ? full finish and we!l madc ' 5t is " he I Cce.m, and all "shine" dis- , :; : V*ltsC»ll»Hlg V bottle. I ' :- H : camera for the everyday person. fel ; : appears;, so, too, does the hot, \ le ■'• " % ' "" L '■'"■' Leas, £2/10/- W$ .smooth, cool, j - jjj BI ™i Te £ ted Meabco, Achromatic Leas, £2/10/- H #*» f BBB&rS BBS I ' -■« :-'-I^ c » 1 > to mind and body and gives the V t^^^SisM : - ,' ~S " ■. |;V - *^r^--!^*^%»tf3#- :: --' : ' : " '-' :i 'S normal, healthy .outlook for day -head. "' ; ;'r^S*f>^^ff%!^Sl'"' ; ' .'•*'" I?" S i ~ ' " : ■ Tim f mam I Thare is M sitaplen « more »-««_ fI&iSSuSM fi ISend1 Send FREE SPECIMEN PRINTS & PRICE LISTS H - | ',' :f, buoyant cheerfal_e3s than-the'd__y T ? f fN' ~" — " : —— i ' Of a 8 Ch - sft«;i ''■ ■" $ "'' " ;glass oi water with, a dash of .:; "-' .:. s^ffiS^^p||^sll% :; - ;: -/ : -:--.'' I : .' ■-•-■ . : "-.-- s.' 'r. . H STOUT LADIES |-- S2Q«een r Stfeet,AucUand I ' n CAH REDUCE ~ ■ * | Preparea only by ' '" j ' g| Withoat usdess and sDjurions -dnics-l -t' ** ?-^ 0 ' Lta - " Frnis Sa «" tcndoß, En 3 . rk •' a t »"° at J?..- H ;.,■ Write for free rarticnlars to TT. i I »^**^^j^^ ""^ TtlUtrrei x "h ' 1-U iu | tC^Ur ■ D~n"edin. W

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 17651, 11 December 1920, Page 4 (Supplement)

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 17651, 11 December 1920, Page 4 (Supplement)

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 17651, 11 December 1920, Page 4 (Supplement)