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Australian and NZ. Cabla Association. (Reed. 11.30 p.m.) LONDON. Dec. 6. Copper.— On spot, £79 17s 6d; forward, £79 12s 6d. '. . ■ Lead.—On spot. £26 10s; forward. £27 ss. Spelter.— spot. £30 15s; forward. £32 10s. Tin.—On spot, £218 15s; forward £228 12s _6d. Silver.—3s 7jd per oz. standard. LONDON CHEESE MARKET. ..The produce department of the Bank of ».™ Zealand has received the following advice from London, under date. November Cheese.— prospects are verv uncertain; market is overstocked; lower prices are anticipated ; heavy losses are being made. English, cheese is offered at Is 3d lb. PROPERTY SALES. '. Samuel Vaile and Sons. Ltd., report having sold by auction at their rooms, 83, Queen ,SS*h, y«*"*ay two houses, Nos. 2 and 2a, tivel Cet ' f ° r £9CO and £S5 res Pe c' STOCK SALES. AUCKLAND. port l Bucklaad and ' Sons. Limited, rest There was about -,?- 11 average of dairy and store cattle at Westfield on Thursday, w % 2 and values realised were on * ?t (r«™ Best dairy cows »W i™ m m flB 10& to £27, second-grade cows jlj._ to £17, aged and inferior £5 to £10'10sbest in 81 5?, heifers £1 ? 10s to £22, others 1 * 10£ L to * 14 x los small an d backward £5 as to £9 ; empty cows £4 10a to ,£7; 3 to 4-year-old steers £8 10s to £12 10s, 3 to 3-year-old t steers ,^ 6 ss ,„ to £3. yearling steers ii iJ% £4 10: 12 to 13-month heifers calves, according to breed and quality; calves, £1 5s to £2 ss. ol L i ?2 lld *7 we held a special sale in the Westfield saleyards of Mr. F. A Price's, Mansonui herd of pedigree Aberdeen Angus cattle. • ■ Buyers were in attendance from Hawkes Bay. Waikato. Te Puke, the North, and surrounding districts, and we report a most successful sale. Best cows with calves 47gns. to 93sns., other cows with calves 23gns. to 40gns.; dry cows, £14 14s to ?£P!' ; e ™ pty 2 anA 8-year-old heifers £10 lOs to 23sns., yearling heifers £10 10s to oOgns.; stud bulls 46gns. to 70gns.. BesS yearling bulls 27gns. to 39gns., other yearling bulls £12 12s to 25gna Yesterday, at our week Westfield fat stock market, we penned beef to the number of 306 head, comprising 214 steers. 89 cows and heifers, and 3 bulls. The demand and values were much the same as the previous week, although the market still has a downward tendency. Extra choice ox sold to £2 15s; choice and prime ox, £2 12s to £2 14s; ordinary and plain ox, £2 83 to £2 lis: rough beef. £1 Ss to £1 15s ; cow and heifer beef, £1 16s to £2 10s; extra heavy prime show steers. £30 5s to £37 15s. The- latter price w£p obtained for Messrs. Mears Bros.' Friesian steer. Heavy prime show steers, £25 15s to £30; other heavy prime steers, £20 10s to £23; .lighter prime steers, £17 to £20; light prime, £15 to £16 10s; unfinished and small steers. £7 to £14;' show cows and heifers, £18 10s to £30. The latter price for Mr. F. R. Seddon's Ist prize heifer, and is a record price for a fat heifer at Westfield. Other heavy cows, £13 10s to £15 10s; lighter prime cows, £10 to £13; other cows. £5 10s to £9 10s. The highest averages for steers weri: —Three from Messrs. Mears Bros, Walton, £33 18s 4d; 1 cow. same vendors, £23 10s; 9 steers from Mr. F. R. Seddon, Hamilton, £29 10s; 1 heifer, same vendor, £30; 1 cow. same vendor, £18 10s; 8 steers from Mr. C. G. Robertson, Otaua. £20 8s Id; 25 ex coast, £18 17s 7d; 23 from Mr. Len Guest Maungatawhiri. £18 8s: 8 from Mr. C. J. Storey, Woodstock. Te Awamutu, £18 5s 7d; 8 from Waiuku. £18 5s •. 8 steers from Mr. C. H. Hope, Papatoetoe. £17 ss; 8 from Mr. H. E. R. L. Wily. The Falls, Mauku. £17 4s 4d; 16 from Messrs., Death Bros.. Waitakaruru. £16 8s 9d: 17 local. £16 ss. There was a full yarding of sheep, the quality generally being good. There was a steady demand throughout. Wether mutton was slightly firmer, but ewes sold at last week's reduced rates. Extra heavy prime show wethers from Mr. F. R. Seddon, Hamilton, made £2 7s; lighter show wethers from same vendor. £2 to £2 ss; heavy prime wethers £1 16s to £1 18s 6d. medium to heavy prime £1 15s 6d to £1 15s 6d» light and unfinished- £1 5s to £1 15s: heavy show ewes from Mr. F. R: Seddon, .£1 17s to £2; lighter show ewes, same client, £1 16s; show ewes from Mr. A. D. Bell, Clevedon, £1 15s; heavy prime ewes £1 10s to £1 13s 6d. lighter prime £1 7s to £1 9s. other fat ewes £1 3s to "£1 ' 6». Spring lambs _ were short of requirements, and met . with a sharp rise on last week's advanced" rates. Heavy prime, £2 Is to £2 2s- 6d (for show lambs from Mr. N. Reid); lighter, £1 16s to £2; light, £1 lis 6d to £1 15s. (123 lambs averaged £1 16s 6d). Fat and young calves were penned in average numbers. Competition was keen and values were firm at last week's-rates... Runners made from . £6 to £8 2s 6d; heavy vealers £4 7s Bd to £5 18s, medium £3 6s to £4 ss, light £2 10s, to £3 ss, small - £1 to £2 7s 6d: fresh-dropped. 8s to 18s. (123 sold.) Pigs - were yarded in average numbers. There was a steady demand, '■ and values were equal to last report. Choppers, £& 10s to £6 10s; light and medium baconers, £5 3s to £6; porkers, heavy £4 2s 6d to £4 17s 6d. medium £3 10s to £4, light £3 to £3 8s; store pigs. £2 18s to £5 10a; woaners, £1 to £1 ISs. (241 sold.)

The New Zealand. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, report: — At Westfield store sale on Thursday last, dairy cattle in average sold well: Best £15 to £22, others £11 to £14 15s; inferior cows and heifers, £7 to £10 10s. Store cattle in small numbers sold at late rates. Empty cows. £5 to £7 ss; yearling to 18-months heifers, £3 15s to £7 ss; yearling to 18months steers, £3 to £5 10s; bulls. £6. to £12; calves, £I.los upwards. On the Show Grounds on. Saturday ''- wo held a special sale of show stock: Romney rams, Ggnsr to lOgns.; Lincoln rams, sgns. The number of . cattle offered proved dull et eale. • ' . On. Tuesday at Papakura we- had a large yarding, the demand ■ for store cattle being better than late sales. No grown steers were yarded: 3J-year steers £10 10s to £12 17a -6d, 3-year £8 10s to £10 7s 6d,: 2 to 21-year £6 to £8 ss, yearling to 18-months £3 10s to £5 15s; calves, £1 153 to £2 10s; yearling heifers £3 10s. to £4 15s, 18-months £5 to £8 15s: empty cows, £5 5s to £7: bulls, sgne. to 615n5., according to weignt ana quality; springers, best £16 to £25, otners fll to £15 17s Cd; aged cows and inferior eifera, £6 to £10 10s. Beef in large num bers at fully Westfield prices. Weaner pigs, 30s. ■ " At Westfield fat stock market oh Wednesday, beef was penned in large numbers, selling under steady competition at late quotations. No extra heavy or heavy-weight oxen, were penned. We quote: Choice oxen sold to. £2 15s pea- 1001b. prime £2 93 to £2 14s, rough anO inferior £3 to £2 8s; heifer beef, £2,5s to £2 lis per 1001b.; cow beef, £I,lßs to £2 7s per 1001b. Steers sold at from £18 10s to £21 l&s for best, others £12 12s 6d to CIS 17s 6d : cows and heifers, £6 to £15 12s 6d. Some -of the averages .were :—8 steers from Mr.,.JR. A. Bent, Puketurua Estate, £17 15s 3d; 8 steers from Mr. C. H- Hope, East Tamaki, £17 15s; 32 steers from Waikato, £16 13a 6d; 5 steers from Mr. E. P. Paul, Mangere, £16 0s: 8 steers from Mr. Robert Hall, Wiri, £15 7s 6d; 27 steers from Mr. Thos. Coates, Oraksi. £11 12s;. 7 stecr3 f.-om Mr. George Chamborlin. Ponui Island. £16 4s 6d; 6 steerti from Mr. W. L. C'rr, Papstoetoe, £18 is 3d; 1 heifer fro:?i Mr. Gecrge Chamberfe. Ponui Island, £15 12s 6d: 2 cows from same client. £13 sa; 21 cows end heifers from Mr. W. W. Fitness, Rehia. £10 4s. ~ Calves were penned in more than average, numbers. Competition was s;ood, with prices firm at late quotations-- Runners, £5 5s to £8 18s; heavy vealers, £4 to £5 4s; medium vealers. £3 5s to £3 193; light vealers, £2 6s to £3 4s; smaller,, £1 to £2 os; small and fresh dropped, 9s to 18s. Sheep -were penned in large numbers, and although competition . was; good, 'prices were i-o befferthan last report. Heavy prime wethers, £1 13 to £1 163 6d; medium prime Mothers, £1 Us to £1 12s 9d; light prime withers, £1 8s 9d to £1 10 3d; unfinished and small wethers, £1 ""4s 6d to £1 8s 6d; heavy prime ewe 3, £1 9s to £1 3.35, medium £1 6* 6d to £1 8s 9d t light £1 4s to £1 Gs 3d: unfinished and inferior ewes, 17s 6d to £1 33 9d. L.a-nt/3 were penned in averrgo numbers, soiling imder keen competition a advanced prices. Several pens of show lambs were sold, gelling at from £I.lßs to £2; heavy t fine, £1 17s to £2; : . medium prime, £1 l(.-s to £1 16s 9d; light prime, £1 83 6d to £1 12s Od ; unfinished and email lambs, £1 2s f.d to £1 7 3d.. Pig 3 were penned in large numbers, declining in prices on last Teport. Choppers £6 18s to £7 15s; heavy baconers. £6 7<i to £6 17s, medium £5 las to £6 6s. light £5 to £5 14s: heavy r>crk»rs, £4 16s to £4 19s; medium porkers. £3 ISs to £4 9s ; light porkers, £3 to £3 17-;; slips, £2 to £-2 18s: veaner:, £1 to £1 18s; sows in young, £11 to £13.

Dalgcty and Co., Ltd., report as follows on their fat stock sale, at Westfield yesterday: — . Beef.—A medium . yarding. Prices much the same as last week, cow beef showing a slight tendency to harden. Extra ox £2 15s, choice £2 13s to £2 10s. unfinished £2 Ss to £2: cow. estra £2 6s, others £2 to 355. ' Sheep.—Good'yarding; slight improvement oa.last -week. Extra withers 375, prime 35s to 53b. others . 32s to 30s; ewes, good 28s, prime 27s 6d to 255. others 2-is to 21a Calves.Bis yarding; prices easier. Runnel's. £7 10s to £6; vealers. £1 10s to £2 10s; fresh dropped. 25s to 10s. Pigs.-r-Good yarding; prices considerably easier. ' Baconers, £7 to £5; choppers, £5 10s to £4 10s; porkers, £4 to £2 10s. ' Lambs. —A short yarding. Prices improved considerably. Best 38s to 365, good 35s to 335. others 30s to 28s. -**■

- 4-: AIANAWATU. s ' * Abraham and Williams, Ltd.. report: —At Palmerston North on Thursday last vr« had a moderate yarding of cattle but no sheep. We Quote : Ccws in milk, £7 to £3 10s, At Feeding on Friday there was a small yarding ■ of- bath sheep and ;t cattle. We Quote: Fat ewes, to 2os: dairy cows. £7 to ■£§;' springing heifers. £3 10s to £16; store cows. £3 2s 6d to £4 2s-Cd: forward cows. £7 5s to £7 10s; fat cow*, to £10; bulls, £5 7s. 6d« to £7 15s; 2J-year eteers, to £7; 20-month steers, £3 12a 6d to! £5 19s 6d.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 17649, 9 December 1920, Page 5

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 17649, 9 December 1920, Page 5

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 17649, 9 December 1920, Page 5