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IM&E RUGBY GAME. THE.SENIOR COMPETITION. GRAMMAR AND COLLEGE DRAW. GRAFTON DEEATS.PONSONBr. I "fte senior competition :of the Auckland' tTufb}' Union was continued on - Saturday, 'afternoon at Eden Park, iu fine, though cold, windy woollier. The- grounds vero ••; )rr ea£p after the recent Tain, nevertheless, the rge number of spectators present wero treatod to "tome excellent football. Gramujir School Old Boys played College Rifles on No. 1 ground, and 'a ' fast and open citi)* Waited in a draw, each side scoring .it points. Old Boys were tho first- to opfE their account, but College Rifles soon j «Qta!ised the scores, and at half-time the leafflj had 8 points each. Tho second half t t\m most exciting, and a fow minutes Ijafcro time College- Rifles were M points _ iti ] Grammar School Old Boys 11. It 'losied though the- former had tho game '■ : ia hand, but as the result of a combined jaib. the ball was kicked across tho C 01,,,.. ~,.. fee* Rifles' line, and C. Badcley dived over, making the game a draw, which is a fait indication ,°', &*, merits of the two teams on the day's play. Grafton created a surprise by defeating Ponsonby. on No. i ground, by 14 points to 8. Ponsonby had Wati been beaten previously this , season, tori on Saturday Grafton held their own in SiiStliaJforwftrds and had the better of- tho giae when the backs were operating. Uaiwrsity easily accounted for Newton. ItfMfaahßa -22 points to 0. . > $mgi?lt» rations of the teams in the senior competition aw as follows:— School Old. Boya ? points, Ponsonby 6 mm&>s*' university i points, • Grafton - 4 points, toilette Rifles 3- points, Marist | 111 Brother* 2 points, Newton a points. CoUef WBffl&W®*''* ,pl*j'fed fivo matches. UniTer»;ry IggiKihrM; and all the other teams four. GRAMMAR V. COLLEGE RIFLES. !0» ; game opened very Quietly, and did SifWpfe *"* much promise of developing into is interesting contest, both aides handling vie bail inaccurately and failing to gain any SfStvJtantage from the combined play ■•-! atSpgjySapted." *'. Eventually : tho game settled in ißitmuw- School's territory, a free kick aJordint,' relief. College Riile«m»re" immediate penalised, and V. Badeley had a icn; kick at goal, the ball falling just short rf the bar. Play was in midfield, again whea Cox took a mark. V. Badeley had &M®£ easier shot straight in front of the posts *Wws boa sear the half-way flag, - and this ; ; ms lllfiws-successful. Tho College Rifles' forwards !^StS*i:aUacked but V. Badeley gained poasession ani kicked to Heard., who put • the* '■■'■ bill oui in Ms own 25. Good work by Wibi» removed danger, and a . free ppaflisk.--:* enabled 4 '- College - Rifles to -■ in-. Ya<s»' their ■' opponents' 25. Tho Ctol:tii ■ Bines kept up the pressure, * and Watson securing the ball, passed to Laxoo -~}v> ■ raced over. McLean failed to convert. Grsnucer School then set up an attack and IfMimaia'scrttm the 'ball went out to' Fisher SfpKtad?«■• to Goodwin, who . lost it, when easring the line. Play returned to midfield. ! a College Rifles were attacking when the is^il!'ssH*i*n2 ? for ; the - change : over—Gramnitr School Oii Bjjs 5, College Bifltti&3>.#' Gratamftf School invaded their opponents' tftaty-five almost ' immediately;' * and ; V. Bsdeiey had an unsuccessful kick at. goal i§M|fcim.a penalty. Both teams began to develop more combination at this stage, s Col-' h& Rifles showing to most advantage. i|w|.R«n a passing .rush by the latter the bail i;WJ w» kicked over the line and Cox forced just |8l|g&;^;»e3 A. little later College Rifles were awjded -a free kink, but McLean was unMceessful with lus kick. i* The Grammar pllp(&&oel/'brwards iicain attacked find the ball wis kK-ked back to Beard. Laxon and C. pm&&isb/i were on hint before he could dispose ci it. Badehy gave the ' ball a short ffegajkiek and. snapping \ii up on the bounce, teered between the posts. V. Badeley easily added the extra points. C. Badeley headed another ; attack by Grammar School but was tiapded a few feet from the line, the ball being eventually kicked out. Close forward play by College • Rifles gradually shifted ifsrations to the other end of the field. A. • Mtieia got the ball 'wd sent it out to ' Goenioß, who got over. ■ McLean converted, ':.:- MS»skssfcithe scores at half-time, 8 all. \ '.:">' ffonieuniing offside play ~ allowed Gramsat Sehool to invade their opponent*' treliffee, but a passing rusk started by o-rO&esi:'■*»• "intercepted, and the game re,.:vi:'tened>te midfield. < Good work by C S«*Jiy and Nicholson had - College •■ Rifles "«WD defending, and eventually they were Jwiftied. V. Badeley having a flood though gsaucct&sful shot at goal, a force resulting. C'ld'Boya again pressed and Olsen started a pswsing rush, the ball eventually reaching '£>0&i. Badeley, who raced past Heard anil '.fi||p scored. "■' He failed to improve on his tryn§gmMcLean. Grierson and Pfflinf lien carried pjay to Grammar School's territory, vrheie Kronfeld met with an injury to nis J.-nte and Lintott replaced him. From the linef%i4fiont a forward rush relieved and gradual y J "-' the ball was .carried to College Rifles' * twenty-five, where - Fisher made a good though i unsuccessful. attempt to pot a goal. The change over Bounded a little later with ;•;': the scores: Grammar Old Boys, 11; College 'iV--s-;- : Rifles, 8.""*"'-- "Tf-'r.-ii :,".-•. '■' ■ 1 - ' Wilson was beaten for the bill by GoodifSSprin shortly after resuming, and play settled WMfii in 5-College Rifles'- twenty-five, but a free kick relieved. Grammar School soon re turned, but offside play sent them back to > neutral territory. i- Here Wilson got the '• ball and carried it to Grammar School's twenty-five. He passed to Watson, and the -• ' latter -to* Barker, who got over. Pilling ' failed with the kick and the scores were again • "-''" equal. The game now became very exciting, . both sides playing strenuously. Prom >« i scrum near College Rifles' twenlty-five, ; Gram ismfiivar. School were awarded a free kick and V. , Badeley found tho line near the corner. Fron '' • the line-out Grammar School started a, pass - - ing rush which ended in one of! them bckuw and College obtaining a mark. This WW ' - •the iiituation. College Rifles then workec . the liall to near Grammar School's tweaty five, where C. Fletcher got possession and " after a great run. scored. Pilling failed to convert. Grammar School then attack** with a cliw passing rush, which was stoppec '■'s^':- : a. few feet from the line. The ball wa< kicked ovtr and C. Badeley dived across anc touched down. V. Badeley failed to convert -■:■■■ and'.the game, saded: Grarumir School Olt ; .' Boys, 14; Collets Rifles, It Mr. Donovar. 5 * "-was referee. GRAFTON V. PONBOXBY. Grafton attacked at the commencement anc forced Ponsonby back into their own twenty five, where tho ball .went'out to Hughes ■';;?,:' and he cross* at the cornor. The kick a ' goal failed. Grafton then took a ntnd al '■ S"'.•"'. attacking, but a penalty kick forced then -.i- lack to mid.ield. Hickey headed anothei ; J;..'- Ponsonby rush, and a kick by Rom beat th( .vV::- Grafton backs. Hunt touching down. # Taj .\'; : W,'tiy was not converted Grafton .hen mitt .-"."•- a«d a passing rush, m which Gasparich ::.." SLton, Hughes, Wakeley, Moore, and Froai ::' tock part, the last-named scoring. , Nuoi '.:',-•. ■; converted, making the score* at time: ...y.:-.'Grafton, 8; Ponsonby. 3. --":-• ■;'.'--'■•' On resuming, Grafton pressed, but O-aspanci •':"-: -; failed to take a pass when neanng the line .■'v.'V"'ahd Prentice and Ross cleared. Graltoi •-■■•:,.' wtorncd. and tho ball was, kicked over tn< :.'"■"-line, Ponsonby just forcing in time, braltoi mainlined the pressnre, and Gaspanch wai '.-'■■-"; &t nearly over a few minutes later. Ponaonb' •';; retaliated, and Thompson had a penalty kicl 'i-'t.«t goal, the ball striking ft post. P'^so^: '■■■?■- continued to attack, and eventually Donovai tedded another try, which was not converted J«:st before time was called N-xon got pos „.»Sieion and after a good run scored for Oral '.■U*. The kick fwled, and the if.imo ended ■:'.-: Grafton. 14; Ponsonby. 8. M.-. MerediU was referee. HI UNIVERSITY V. NEWTON. -Newton kicked off and play settled in Uni Tensity's twenty-five, but good work by Uos. ";:?S Sieved and University soon had Nowtoi V,-. defending. Newton were penalised anc '■■SrV-'" O'Connor had an unsuccessful shot at goal A? » force resulting. From a kick out tin fjA University backs got under way Mdowci t' stored near the corner. Gaspanch failed t< convert. The University team continued, u X- -,1 attack, but no further score resulted be ion ': , the change over. University,, 3; Newton, 0 ■MA University maintained the pressure, on re • ■ Burning, and a forward rush resulted in i**ew % ' ton forcing. From a mark, a little later -' ■ Brinsden had a shot at goal, the ball etrik *■>■'■- in? tho upright. The Newton forwards thei ••• attacked, but faulty handling spoiled the] chances and Un.versity cleared. A inw later Newton wero penalised, and Gaspancl Jtickd a goal. Play was in midfield for »m« time, but eventually Newton were forced v the defensive. From a scrum the ball wen out to Park who got over near the corner Gasparirh failed. The scores at half-tin* . . vere: Unwrsuv, 9, Newton, 0- •'' ' „ohortl7 after the second spell openeo '»< University backs got going, and l^iiim Jjded another try, which O'Connor converted The University forwards now showed tf \ ' peater a J vait-i?e and eventual.y Newtor had to for» J.i«t bcle" tho quarter end« ':;■ the Newton firward" rallied «nd got UP J< ? ll n iver9 ; ly , line, bu' a fro« kick relieved: ..('" University, 14, Newton. 0. . ■k*&. The Newton forwaHs nc»m attacked, l>u :-?•.•' *we force-i ba-'l- into their own territory .:'- Here Thomas ga'Wed nn the hall in -hi --.;V 'now ajid got over O'Connor "Jaded IB< '".;. *rtra iv mU Just before time - ■?$ t Peiied th« performance. b»t OTonno' fail« ;;i.V.,; wift th. Wirk. and lb- came ended: Univer I |f Btj. 22. NcKton. 0. Mr. Pc*«s was referee. Ife THi: JUNIOR MATCHES. M Second Grado: Brothers Old Boys ';-;;.'''.: S3, defeated Training College. 10; Collog< :'-.£.:.. Rifles. 11. defeated Ponsonby. 3- Gramma, •v.-''- . School Old Boys. 12, beat Grafton. 0. . Jfcad Grade: Y.M.C.A, 13, defeat* Thames Old Boy». 8; Grammar School Uii - , •P'OTs, 21. beat University, «; P*"*"?' i it ■ , defeated Technical College Old Boys, 0; Col ip%3.!«5? , Rifles. 3, beat St. Stephen 0 -'<?!- ='^ Fonrt Grade: Grammar School Old Boys • S3, beat Parnell, 3.

SECONDARY SCHOOL GAMES. ' niSfcoS, e 6. BiCied He " i ' * *»» ** /, . . TACRANGA UNION. , ,[« TELEGRAPH.— OWN CORJuisroiDWV.] \ ' TAURANGA, Saturday. *ntn?«.f : - up J««n»etition under ? the 3 n w f %££&& Hueby Union vru £° t ' n i?! d 1 0 * d , a y/ A«»» defeated Mataktri nM IDO i n,a V 5 *»»»««* «d Karl'pim defeated MoUti by 3 points to Q.-<::-~n~' y±«J h A W^ECKrade.-.Te!l»ana defeated TanwngvCadeta by 3 poj.uta to .o.a'°"^°* THAMES MATCHES.'' [BY TEUGRAPB.—OWN CORRESPONDENT.] ,: 4 -THAMES,i Sunday, »« io - r j m t lc k City . T - Beturned Soldiers. was played at I'arawai on Saturday, mull«ff in; a;,wm^for City by 10.points to 3, Hams soared two tries for City, which i were oonvortcd ,' by I > Mln ]| • while i- Houghton scared a try? for the soldiers. > : • 10 the hrst-junior division High School defeated MaUnri by 40 points to 3; and Plains defeated City: by 3 lo 0. V- > i A match. H-kutaia v. School of Mines, was Played- at -Hikutaia. and resulted in a,,'. win for Hikutan by 8 to 0. -For the: winners Clark stored a try which McCollum conscried; while Has'kicked a penalty goal

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 17484, 31 May 1920, Page 7

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FOOTBALL. New Zealand Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 17484, 31 May 1920, Page 7

FOOTBALL. New Zealand Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 17484, 31 May 1920, Page 7