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NOTES BY .PHAETON. THE ENGLISH CLASSICS. The Two Thousand Guineas-the first of the time honoured clanuo events of the English turf— up for decision at Newmarket on Wednesday last; and with Tetratema, the crack two-year-old of last season leading the field home in the contest over the Rowley mile,- such will, no doubt, be made the subject of enthusiastic writing, for the grey colt has ruled a warm fancy for the Derby. At Newbury, at the beginning of tut month, * defeat that came to Tetratema was calculated to shako tho | confidence of his large army of admirers; .but a victory in the Two Thousand Guineas serves to brighten, his p'rospiets in the impending Blue Ribbon contest at Epsom. Descendants of The Tetraroh have been well I boomed, but it has to bo admitted that they have so far been more noted for speed than endurance, and they have yet to win over a distance. ARROWSMITH IN ENGLAND. Arrowamith having succeeded in placing himself so prominently in the limelight in New Zealand, the character of tho form he c'ieplayod when racing in the Old Country forms a frequent subject for discussion, and a striking U'-luetraiion of how wide of the mark people can at times got when the subject ranges to English racing was furnishod during the present week, when 1 was called upon to decide the question whether the brown horse had ever won a two-mile face in the Old Country, the contention .n one quarter, of course, being that he had., inai question was easily disposed of, for, in the first place, Arrowsmith never contested a. ;ac« extending to the distance named, and the only evont that fell to the eon of Chancer, was a six-furlong race (the Linton Plate) at Newmarket, which he won at two years old In all Arrowsmith contested 14 races in England, and his record was,one win, three seconds, one third, and nine tnnea unplaced. What a moderate customer Arrowsmith was at threo years old was very pointedly demonstrated when ho was beaten four lengths by New Guinea in tho Trial Selling Plate at Newmarket, in which race, it is interesting to note, ho was entered to be sold for £100. Arrtwsmith'e last race in the Old Country was in the Norwich Handicap, which event was run over a mile ana a furlong, and in whioh he waa weighted with fist 7!b. He was beaten a. neck by Mulfit, whom he met at equal weights ARROWSMITH IN THE SALE-RING. | Though Arrnwsmith'e form was decidedly poor in England, there must have been some sort of an idea that he had a good race concealed ajout him, for when ho was sent up to auction on October 17, 1918, Captain E. Tanner (who was acting «m behalf of Mr. J. N. Hislop. of Auckland), had to bid up to 850gns ere ho silenced the opposition, rossibly the chsn«e from the northern to the southern hemisphere played a.Mroug part in bringing out a brilliant racing quality in Arrowsmith, for up to a. mile and a-quarter he is to be now accepted as a first-rater, when Mr. Hislop w'd Arrowsmith in December last for £3000 a lot nf keen people considered such a lucky deal, but tho winning exploits of the brown horse in the interval shows that Mr. H. W. Brown made a fine speculation when he boinht Arrow»mjth at th* sum named, for he has already won £3510 ;n stakes for tho Welington sportsman. SILVER LINK. THE CONSISTENT. In the decision of the Hawkoa Bay Suites on Wednesday Silver Link kept up her record for consistency by winning that race under Ost I2lb. Though Silver Link (in only bo accepted as a sprinter, there i* a great deal in her career eerving to make her record pleasant reading, especially to hor popular owner, Mr. A Alexander. When the brown daughter ol 'Achilles and Secret Link went into the Ea!c-ring at Alexandra Park in the December of 1016 Mr. Henry No an did his best to impress iirxm his aud.ence that there was a promising filly below them, but tho bidding for her possession only went to BOgita. at which price she fell to Mr. A.cxunder. In the interval Silver Link has contested 30 races, and has won 11 of her enoseements. while stakes to the value of £4640 ere down to her credit. CETIGNE RETIRED. The New South Wales sportsman, Mr. T. A, Stilton, owner of Cetignc, was credited with the ambition of seeing His horse eclipse Carbine's stake-winning record (£23,476), and when the son of Grafton succeeded in raising his total to within £2100 of that compiled by the phenomenal bay" matters assumed the bright phaw for his owner to achieve his desire. Tins month, however, has witnessed tho end of Mr Stirton'e hopes that Cotigne would oust Carbine from the head of , the list of winners in s'ake value. Cetinge developed leg-w»arineM. and. as a result his careor a» a racer has been terminated. Though Cetinge was probably not ft true stayer, he accomplished some remarkable feate up to 10 furlongs. hi» victory in the Craven Plate <,f 1918, when he defeated Wolaroi, Estland, Desert Gold, and company in the great time of 2m fle. ranking as a sensational performance o»er a mile and a-qusrter course. At Flemington in Norember last Cetignc put an a fresh mile record for Australia and New Zealand when he won the Liin'tthgow Stakes in lm 375. When ft yearling (etigne was bought a great bargain by the Sydnoy bookmaker. Mr, J. Barnitt. for 200gn*. find. after ho had won «15J33 in ftakw with him, he sold him to Mr. T. A. Stirton for /1500. In his re*' owner's colours Oati.ns wen £10,000, so that he proved a fine speculation.

A second meeting between AraythQ? and Arrowemilh at weight-forage is considered probable neat month when (ho Marlborough Stakes come up for derision at Biccurton. This event is run over a mile; and it is a ponular belief that inch . will bo to »ho ' advantage of the English horse. The Awapuni Gold Cup. in winch Atuythaa de- . feated Arrowsmith, extended to a mile and . a-quart«r. , ~ , ' Advices to hand from lliccifrton state hat | Gloaming looks well after his r*st. and is I in steady work again. The unruly Quality hat The Welkin gelding developed, \n the summer is. however, stated to be sul.l with him the stockwhip having to be requisitioned at tints to. get him to move off. Gloaming was such a tractable horso at three year. old that the development of ii temper in hit cm must be warded as highly remark*B°y all accounts the Hawke's Bay Stake* ffftfa rise to a very stirring contest. The fbree-yeM Golden Bubble .8.1 Bib), who waaunpenalised. cracked on the great rate, and he nearly 'succeeded m Lie fart of Seeing it right out . The closing | law, however, saw Bi.ver Link 9st 1 and ifumbuK lost IMb), on hand with /<"»'«'« I challenges, and the trio daihed past the post Separated only by heads, Silver Link, who $?& ridden by A. 3. McFlynn. securing the judge's verdict. The Sinner gelding Dusky Eve. who put up a beet time record for a nil a and lhree : quarters journey when he won the Winuwm Clin of 1619 in 2m Ms. has not been, able to , extend hi* winning, record in the. interval | even though many times Position-* " the matter of poundage. In the ce.Ms ' on « the Hawke's Bay Cup on Wednesday Dusky | Eve (7st Wlbl came home a moderate h.r.l to Lovemateh list Sib) and Fed Ribbon (Bst 21b). and on the day following, in the Burke Memorial Stakes, when made favourite under 7st 13lb. he failed to gam a situation It would seem safe to conclude that Dusky Eve will novor be able to repeat his Wanganui Cup feat. Tetrstema, who led tho field home in the Two Thousand Guineas at Newmarket on Wednesday last, is like his sire The Tetrarcli. of the grey shade in colour. It is interesting to note that only on three occasions has a coll of the grey shade led tho Sold home in the Two Thousand Guineas since the race was instituted 111 years back; andlf'2 years have elansed between tho win of Tetratema. and Grey Mourns, who carried the colours of Lord George Bentinck. As the works in progress at Alexandra Park will precede training operations being carried oa at the Epsom ground for some little time, the formation of the now track at Olahuhu will be especially welcomeo By all accounts, the Otahuhu Trotting Club are in the happy position of having secured & property that will easily fulfil all require ments as a racing rendezvous, and will require the expenditure of but a moderate sum oi money to bring tho ground in proper order for trotting. Sir George Clifford has sold the three-year-old colt Macduff (by Antagonist 'Scottish Star) to Mr. G. Pulton, and no ' has gone into E. Brui:l!ar's stable Macduff .will he gelded and will be spelled for a| : few months, after which he wil ho got | I ready to race. It is probable that he will ! bo tried later on over hurdles. i Vagabond was popularly selected to win n 1 good race thin back-end. but the son of ! Martian h«J not succeeded in extending h'« ! record. At Hastings on Wednesday he was eent Hit favourite for the Hawke's Bay Cup, in which ho was weighted at ust, but he failed to gain a situation, and he was again counted out in the Ormond Cup on the day following. The Martian— Lovelorn marc Lovcmatcii brought off a. mild surprise on Wednesday | hti, when she silenced the opposition in tue Hawke's Bay Cup. Lovematch accomplished I her task in a very complete manner, and I she was responsible for running a credit-ante I mile and a-half. | The late Mr. James Hawkins, who nassed I away at New Plymouth on April 22, ' was a resident ol Auckland for many years I prior to going to the district where he died. ' At various periods the deceased c«imo to Auckland at race time, and with the Maniarvito gelding Toatero he won the St. George's Handicap decided at Elloralie in tho autumn of 1917. Of genial disposition and generous nature Mr. Hawkins made many friends, and the announcement of his death at the ag« of 58 is much regretted. I In awarding praise for the marked suc- | cess of the Royal meeting held at Eller3lie this week the gardening and < racecourse stuffs must not be overlooked. The state of the court* and the tr'm character of tho suri rounding reflected credit on the staff marshalled by Mr. Albert Hill. By winning the Ormond Memorial Cup, run at weight-for-age, over a mile course m lm 40 1-6*:. Parisian Diamond furnished pointed evidence that he is still to be accepted as a brilliant performer over eight furlongs, even though he is rising eight years old.

Thfl Broiform-Braytou mm. W^^, 0 was tod by Mr. ?-. L Stead to Mr. W. K Kemball in March last for M gave *« now, owner a. winning turn at ftwtinfi on Thursday last when she registered a flotOIJ in the Burke Memorial Stake., run over a mile and a-quarter. ; carrying 7st 611), and running the distance in 2ni vs.

NOTES FROM ELLERSLIE. The railway strike prevented a few of the country 'S&tttm at *• Boyal meeting from being conveyed home, and at time o writing Rockfield is amwig those still located at Ellerslie. Glensnire created a favourable impression when Kedi over.hurdle iin company wiih St. Carl on Thursday morning last. Taiamai is still located in the Racing Club Sable i at headquarters* showing a very enlargedI front lorto have been caused by one of her racing plates becoming loose. General Stephen and Multiple wfcra companions over the wheeling hurdles onTbu.eday, the former clearing the obstacles mere stisiactoriiy than tho Utter. Mister. Harold, who was schooled in connanv during th,'week, baa, qualified for the era... 4 by fK" Nocklade, and » trained by W. W«w» Kerehone and Hessian are two of the latest aspirants for hurdle honours. They wore both schooled during the week. Monooole and Glutei are among Ibe up at EUeralie on account of tie railway strike. , xr.-vmi mav be a competitor in steer iewhere the country to be negotiated is not severe. MMtschikoff continues to sohool satisfactorilv over hurdles, and was accompanied by fSble companion over the small ten:es %Xck y Woody Glen were Ul;en home to Te Aroha by boat via Paero.. blowing Bowl, who is looking latter a. arall is b£ck again at Julian \ while V,'a Tank is booked to return to his owners ilwe at Pukekobe and .rest tor a lew months. A.R.C. WINTER MEETING. Owina to the interruption in postal ijervicel consequent on Ac .railway troul the A B.C. Committee decided .on a pus ponemen of the closing of entries for leadC events at the Great Northern Meeting, which was originally fixed for yesterday, "nd the date for closing the same has 3 en extended to Monday next, at 5 p.m. TE AROHA TROTTING CLUB. The following handicaps have been declared by Mr. F. W. Edwards for. event! to be decided at the Te Aroha Trotting Club's meeting on May 8:— INTRODUCTORY HANDICAP, .one rails and a half-Emma Salisbury, Piccaninny, limit, Tgaroto 12 7 ds bhd. tndronn. 12yds, Tiliymea 12yds, Native Boy 12yds. Lad 12yds. Imperial Star 12yds. All Blue 12yds, Nell Todd 12yds, Norland liyda. Albert 12yd, Grattanora 12yd». Prince Swithir vSS& Topsy Rothschild 24yds. Appeal 21yds, Miss Murphy 24yds. WildlN»t 72yds, Luna Dillon 72yds. Malmsbury 72yds, Miss Marvin Downs 108 yds. MIDDLE-CLASS HANDICAP. . one mile and u-haif.— Specialise, Miss Gladys. Miss Joyce. Dulciphone, St. Ives, Whispering Dell, limit: Login 24,vds bhd.. Kotiro 36yds, Rotomanuka 72yds. TE AROHA TROTTING CUP. two miles. -Flora Dillon. Winestra, limit; Gallipoli 12yds bhd., Lucille 24yds, Puwhenua 24yds. Hymen 48yds. Kcmpsey 60yds Bronze Patch 84yds. Queen Pirate 108 yds, Rotbclifl 156 yds, Comedy Chief 168 yds. PIA.KO HANDICAP, one mile and a-quarter-Guinea, Flora Dillon, Rotomanuka, limit; Kirikiriroa 12yds ohd., Kita Bell 60yde, Bronze Patch 120 yds. STEWARDS' HANDICAP, one mileLad, limit; Winestra 12yds bhd., Gallipoli 24yds. Puwbemia 3Gyds. Kempsey 48yds, Hymen 60yds. Bronze Patch 72yds. Dorothy Dimple 84yds. RothcHK 109 yds. Comedy Chief 132 yds. WAIHOU HANDICAP, two miles.-Lad. Grattanora, Norland, Malmsbury, Nell Todd, Ngaroto, Imperial Star, Mips Murphy, Logan. Wild Nut. Canberra, limit; Rotomanuka 60yds olid.. Kirikiriroa 120 yds. FAREWELL HANDICAP, one mileFlora Dillon, limit; Gallipoli 36yds bhd.. Nita Bell 36tHf, Lucille 36yds, Taneatna 48yde, Kempfcy 48yds. Hymen 60yds, Queen's Pirate SOyds, Bronze Patch 72yds, Dorothy Dimple 84yds. Acceptnncos (or all sbove events close on Monday next.

AUSTRALIAN JOCKF.Y CLUB. Australian and N,£ C»b!e Association. (Reed. 5.30 SYDNEY, April 30. The Australian Jockey Club has increased the added meney to the 1921 Derby to $000; the St. Lewi of 1922 to £2000; the Sires' Produce Stakes of I*o2 to £4000; and the Epßom Handicap of 1020 to £8000.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 17459, 1 May 1920, Page 8

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SPORTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 17459, 1 May 1920, Page 8

SPORTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 17459, 1 May 1920, Page 8