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I Pianos and Organs v tKGM Pianos and Organs _,~^* , 1 i -_. -ww w-w jrn* w* « <* r4 The Popular Editrola 1 II Columbia GramotDhone E - bishop and son-cia> und OT - # #♦ 11/# %T F>lfl V* C TOMW «a» ««* _, f „ Jf 0 - 1 I WUUllUk* \Jrai4lUpnOll« damper che<fc action, lid oak MJ, Ms WASM' \*% Sls/A MM ¥ WALDOF, New York-" Queen Anne," maho- Table Model £15 1 I Table Model £13 l.«Saffjß^ ta *SH») W, ° ° M^ * MJ JLjITLMJ AAJ *JZ?i*?fT* UIC IYIOOU, 1 I IaDIC IVIOCiei, X,*o Walnut full » tricho « —————-_——----_,--_»—____■_-_ STANSSEN, New York-Three leg,, "Baby,"- I | _ action ... ... 87 10 0 , i__ mahogany case, sft, to arrive. GRAMOPHONES, PHONOGEAPHS. ETO 1 M RETAIL PRICE LIST OF " COLUMBIA » *• BISHOP AND SON—(2A) Walnut **■, "T"- M, -SS:^^^^===^^^^^====^^ Sar CHAPPELL, London — " Boudoir '3 Model, ' 1 1 * ECOEDS - S. Solid 921 °-° 1 Uli mahogany case-£350. COLUMBIA GRAMOPHONE - "** | ffll ~» «» k case, overstrung, full iron . W. IjW!«==—-. V-«.. l Tj|n^f--_-^J. , \V- H Grafonola Tab!« ra.Wr.ot " ft*i; H IB* 00 ** %% BBASTED "London SON-(IB) Solid 95 10 ° 'I fl IN* IF RK ■ mahogaDy PLAYEE PIANOS. COLUMBIA GRAMOPHONES- £** 1 « d ? ak case > overstrung, full iron IW. IMr -' • - ITSS/I-—-~J\V- !■ Grafonola Tahla fl a v ED » REGAL » Double Sided .5* « « •~«" ®° ° 1 7 P* 5 If 1 I PLAYER PIANOS. No. 15 °t eiC 0 1 DD - COLUMBIA," lOin, Double Sided ... 4 6 /S ??*" B ~ J" temß Stan I »'I & ,{ J 111 \ll H „™i,«» „ . „ , £8. d. Grafonola Table Cabinet, Oak, i HI 12in, Double Sided . 7 0 M nn Ta'™ M w° g f y f!' "="• I ■ EVEESON, Canada-88-Note Model, m -25 - ... ... -J 15-0 C 1 llil Light Blue Star, lOin, Double Sided ... 5 0 SSL ' * ,nc n n JT ißsga S ■ ■ ■ walnut case 175 0 0 Table Cabinet, Oak ... ... ~10 0 0 1 ID Light Blue Star, 12in, Double Sided ... 7 0 EVVS«?nw f i 4" • t.;"« "i ° ° .Jf ££&i»j£«LL ~ ? HI tavtot? T^™_a 9 v»- *n Table Cabinet, Mahogany 10 10 0 HO 1 Light Blue, Win, Double Sided ... .6 0 ,?^S M J^ P l*l t fe d eUS? ' I B *™***-" * . ° Cm " *>» «i. Grafonola Table Cabinet, Oak 1 M Light Blue 12in Double Sided ... .-9 0 WartSE?' extended keyboard "> M H ' pass, walnut case, overstrung ... 220 0 0 No. 35 * ... is 0 0 1 | Hww iTiIpBBBSIF ~"~.J» ZBo ° I 1 Red 12in Double Sided ... -.12 6 of er ,fl3 ' Upnght Grand ' ton n n A V W IffTOH « ORGANS. . Table Electric, No. 50... „ .3500 I. ffl Red 12in Double Sided ... ... ... 18 0 OHAPPT-Vt S T^ rt „ - M J. v' 12 ° ° I ft Km^^^^^^^ — M s UeH„f|>C COBNISH- £8. d. Floor Cabinet (E.2) ._ .. „450 0. 1 /I 20N0PH0NEEEC0EDS- e^quSg 1 toli' • fc If Mr No. 35-Walnut case, 18 stops ... 65 0 0 J& oSS gH " "" I 1 lOin, Double Sided" , ra ... 4 0 overstrung .....?!?'. 145 0 0 1 l^^fe^lr^- •M'li Ht No. 35-oak case, 18 stops . ... 70 0 0 BIS SS* SI ** " Son ' I I 12m, Double Sided -.6 0 CHAPPELL. London - Model IV « iII HT No. 50-Oak case, 13 stops ... 45 0 0 j } 85 0 0 g 1 Grand Opera, Double Sided ... ... 5 3 deep rosewood case. A delight- "- lIHQI I HQ WMf>f No. SK-W&lnut case, 16 stops ... 45 0 0 EDITEOLA GEAMOPHONES— jjuj M CINOH RECORDS. lOin, Double Sided ... 2 6 ul instrument of this most " J> * IiILHL Na 58— case *..• M ' .- 35 0 0 v Ta P* Cabinet Gramophone, Mod. - f® I EDISON DIAMOND DISC RECORDS, w- m"' 16 ° ° No. 59-Walnut case m ... 40 0 0 "v "' «j" 15 °"° f H Unbreakable. Double Sided, from ... 6 6 l MARTIN ORME, Canada — Highly- I^.P^ «s°» Cabinet Gramophone, Mod. § 1 "SMSSJ™ BLUE 1 ™ E0I! SPSIJte IS! "535S • " ■& ctL^G^ophone;- Mo* K°* a 1 Pour Minute, Record ..4 0 kiys^ovS^g^..^ 06 .: ■*"?„ 165 0 0 A RU A I TTII7I TI DDITCI7MX A BUYING OPPORTUNITY. bs© S&X WahmV..? "° ° 1 | gs ffisft Mgsr* ::. -4 5 ™sj Jsaftt?& a A tSLAU 11FUL PRESENT The pnbKc recogßfec thrt tte abttTe •-. wa . teM - ° ° I I rs bJj 9 «2r£SS : " fist is a Special FestiTe "— CracCs - u : 7M 0 J 1 quired. keys, and the CHaK The N&W ZfiS flnH mflHp RlQhnn Pifinn- «011. Any pf the gOOds enumerated will EOHOPHONE, Table Cabinet .12,00 1 I EEOOED °LEANERS~I/9 each. pfc quality „_. 75 0 0 ITiaQe DISHOp nanO"— be delivered at Net Cash Prices quoted, LYRICPHOKE, Horn Model 12 0 0 I 1 fS^ S NEEDLES-2y3perboxof2oo. ° oT^'^ J' ™ Oanada_ffi g hiy.fmished SPFHA! THRKTMAC n™ to any part of the conntry, provided tH EDISOH DIAMOND DISC I M H.M.V. NEEDLES— per box of 200. figured mahogany case. Recoe- CDFPIAI rUDiCTUtc « «»j i«ui vi iu tvuiuji ihviiikd iri PHONOGRAPHS— OHi 1 COLUMBIA. NEELES-2/: per box of 200. nised as one of the world ? s SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OFFER. Order IS given before ~*=<* ■*»GEAPHS- |, ffl UNIVERSAL NEEDLES—I/3 per box of 200; leaders ~« „ ... . 75 0 O ' „„ m __._ B Sr^? >le Cabmefc /" «;■ —&,10 ° M 1 I REGAL NEEDLES-1/3 per packet of 200. ° The above model in Oak finish delivered to vour HEW YEAR ' CISO-FloOr Cabinet, Oak or []' mn ID BEILLIAirrONE NEEDL9s-4A per packet I w «WB DDOH m uaK nnisn, aeilVered tO your .Mahogany ... 5710 0 1 I of 100. "\T7« TD/,« "D j. nearest port or station, for £87 10s cash. (Terms can be „ M Aioo-Fioor Cabmet, Oak 45 o d jDD I sS^2S^i^ir? 1 ??- we ray Postage arranged), Other Models up to £125. Send for Catalogues ? k 75 0 o 1 1 5U 'Py 10 fameS " l/ ' | -. ( __ O C250-Floor Cabinet, Oak or . Maho- 85-0 0 (1 I P 6 * P* o^l, of ' ' : : — —• gany 85 0 0 |P 1 We have an Expert Mechanic in charge of oof I~\T m rf"V-\X jrr%T tu t«-»« "" ~~~-—— . ™ . EBISON PHONOGEAPHS- ..- g I Repair Department. ,A$ OUR COMPLIMFMT9 A CYLINDER MODELS- M 1 We pay postage on TtL Records or more, V^IYITL4IVICIN i&• <£ ISSSIA ? 5 tS'mSI «• 8 8 1 | hirf. fid nxtra. i<? rharcrpr! -bSC J££ "send .. T concluding another year of the long period during which LEWIS R. EADY AND SON, LTD., of Auckland, have had amberola! No. 75,'Fioor cabinet 25 ;0 0 1 1 o c Sg RecSSr pIS send .. concluding another year of the long period during which LEWIS R. EADY AND SON, LTD., of Auckland, have had ambeeola, no. 75, Floor cabinet 35. 0 0 I 1 Sock 6 event of Bom 9 being * em " privilege and pleasure of the public confidence in the matter of high-grade musical instruments supplied on most generous edison ambebola, no. 3 .„ 60: 0 0 g I yoa °s ° * terms and reasonable prices, the firm wishes to thank heartily customers throughout New Zealand, who, by their splendid ■"•■ ■-.- "- 1 i recognition of " The Service That Satisfies/' have contributed so much to the development of the business, and have helped to ? ™ 1 \V~\ make the house of Lewis Eady the leading Piano and Gramaphone Establishment in the Dominion. The firm appreciates - " - §§ 1 - fMtlp uJ indeed, the patronage accorded it, and will endeavour to maintain that confidence by continuing to offer facilities and values • lIIT IB ' IS 1 imsdt* a which will make it more than ever easier for every home to have a good musical instrument. In pursuance of that ideal the , UAAs W 8 - 3 I iBH I X • firm, while extendmg best wishes to an for a HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR, calls attention to its ■ -"*'' I I 1 fine stocks of superior Pianos, Gramaphones, and Accessories, from which, a substantial and very suitable seasonable gift could II I 1 " I 1 iIS now be chosen. Mail orders receive very careful attention, while country visitors, who may be in town at any time are ■■••& ™ § ; M 1 specially invited to call at these commodious showrooms, opposite His Majesty's Theatre, Queen Street. ' Bflfn 1 I The LEWIS EADY PIANO and GRAMOPHONE SERVICE I I Lewis R. Eady & Sop, OPPOSITE HIS -MAJESTY'S THEATRE, Incorporating I Ltd. 162 QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND and 15 KARANGAHAPE ROAD Warner's Series \ esl mm

I TAMCAM C ADI IPIf'C I s i uiiuUii IjAKLKJ\ 5 ■ 1 ED I Xmas Presents | M ' .DID I and Seasonable Goods 1 fii * J —for one and all ■ [ w w I STRING HAMMOCKS—From 11/6 each. A PLAIN AND CUT FLOWER TUBES—I/3, 1/6, 1 I CANVAS 'HAMMOCKS—I 9/11, 23/6 each. a ' , 1/.9, 2/., 2/6 each. $ i HANGING CANVAS SLEEPING BUNK— CUT-GLASS SALAD OR FRUIT BOWLS— § ED each. 7/6, 12/6, 18/6 each. I 1 CANVAS FOLDING DECK CHAIRS— TEAPOTS, fancy, decorated, all sizes— 6/€ 8 J M 11/6; with arms, 14/-; with arms and foot- 7/., 7/6, 8/6 each. M M rest, 18/- each. CHILDREN'S FANCY PLATES—I/-, 1/3 each. 1 1 FOLDING CANVAS VERANDAH CHAIRS— CHILDREN'S CHINA MUGS, floral d)ecora- 1 M 23/- each. tions— 1/-, 1/6 each. M m CHILD'S MORRIS CHAIRS— 17/6, 18/6. BABY'S HEAVY PLATES, natural coloured I ii CHILD'S SMALL WOOD CHAIRS— 5/6. figures—4/6 each. gjQ 1 WALL BOOKSHELVES, Rimn-21/- each. CHILDREN'S DECORATED CUPS AND U 1 BABY BEN NICKEL ALARM CLOCK— SAUCERS— each. I I each. ENGLISH ALUMINIUM SAUCEPANS—9/., 1 i SOLID BRASS VASES—7/6, 9/6, 21/6, 25/6, 10/6, 14/6, 22/6, 27/6 each. 1 I 27/6 each. CAST ALUMINIUM KETTLES—2 quart, 35/- 1 1 ARTISTIC CHINA ROSE BOWLS— I 4/6, 16/6, 3 quart, 39/-; 4 quart,- 42/. each. |j I 18/6, 19/6, 21/- each. JARDINIERES, well assorted—lo/6, 12/6, 15/-, d i COPPER AND BRASS VASES—7/6, 9/6, 12/6, 17/6, 19/6, 21/-, 25/- each. 1 II 18/6, 19/6, 21/-, 25/., 30/-, 32/6, 45/-, 50/- each. CANE-WORK BASKETS, fancy shadles, with Kg 1 FRUIT SALAD §ETS (Bowl and 6 Small silk-lined centres and draw cord— 5/9, njjj 1 Dishea>-9/6, 15/-, 17/6, 21/- set. 7/6 each. 1 I BIG BEN ALARM CLOCK, nickel-plated—22/6 CANE-WORK BASKETS, round shape, silk I M each. lined, all shades, with draw cord—2/6, 3/3, n$ 1 ANTIMONY PHOTO. FRAMES.-1/3, 2/3, 2/9, 4/11, 6/9, 8/6 each. $| 8 11 3/6, 4/9 each. ARTISTIC LEATHER CUSHIONS, cut fringes M m LEATHER ATTACHE CASES—I 4/-, 18/6, 21/- and embossed designs; splendid for smok- 1 1 each. v°-E an d lounge rooms, also motor-car use, M 1 KHAKI CANVAS SUIT CASES-23/6, 25/-, etc.— l 7/6 each. . 1 m 27/6, 30/- each. Large Assortment of PLAIN AND FANCY ED 1 WHITE ANTIMONY REVOLVING CALEN- WHITE NAPERY, hemstitched and em- W 1 DAR AND MIRROR—6/6 each. broidered; also CRASH NAPERY of all J m LEATHER SUIT CASES, fitted with double descriptions. ( m locks-27/6, 30/=, 33/6. ROUND SILK CUSHIONS, plain and figured d 1 JAPANESE SILK PANEL FIRE SCREENS- -14/6, 22/6, 27/6 each. W I 8/11, 12/6, 13/6, 16/6, 17/6 each. SQUARE SILK CUSHIONS, with gold and ail- i 1 FRUIT BOWLS, assorted decorations— 7/6, ver-worked design— each. . M I 10/6, 12/6 each. "VELVOS" CUSHIONS, in art shades of 1 I Good Variety of ENGLISH CHINA FANCY Prune, Blue, and Fawn, with self designs— 11 1 CUPS AND SAUCERS— 3/-, 4/6, 5/6 14/6. m | each, upwards. ,-, Special Line of DAINTY THREAD DESIGN 1 1 GLASS DISHES, oval and round, all sizes— M? CUSHIONS, all shades—s/6 each. W I 2/9, 3/., 4/9, 5/6, 8/6, 10/6 each. J II To avoid delay kindly make a second selection where possible, as some articles SI I] may be sold out before your order reaches us.. Take our advice—order early. J E Orders should be accompanied by a remittance including sufficient to cover [] ii postage or freight (Furnishing Drapery Parcels only, posted free) || i —. . m I TONSON GARLICK | HE lull I Coy- Ltd., | | The Foremost Warehouse of Auckland for Xmas jjj 1 Presents and Seasonable Goods l mn M

'Happy Faces /jS^ - HUTCHINSON BROS.' I i Great Xmas Shows |l. - ' r Boys and Girls, Little . Mites and I , Grown-up Folks seem to be infected by ! rl - ght among the thousands of Joy-Toys ; - **— g mised yourself and. the little ones early Yn [; a " in ' the day; and make your happiness* quite 1 |; complete. . .. pj |; FOR THE BOYS. I'm Ik , j lj MOTOR LAUNCHES, Real Working Models— 4/11. the . -Ilr2l^ir^ EXPLODING BATTLESHIP BUILDER— Goll y D <>s- WJ^Sv*^ !;| POPGUNS-«d. 9d, If-, and 2/-. SOME l^l^'lßaf* j CRICKET BATS-1/6 to 2/6; WICKETS, 2/3. ' Watch Dog. *»*~~ YACHTS—I/-, 1/9, and 2/6. See my JWBO\X Site" $ TRIOYOLES-29/6, 35/-, 45/-. £yes! (\ V | ; TOY SOLDIERS (aJI Regiments, British made)— 3/3 and 3/6 box. 4s//stiffo R A PAINT BOXES. HUMMING TOPS, GAMES, BOOKS, AND - Bny wlX^^ \\ Thousands of other Toys for Boys. 9d and 1/6. W£^T 1 •'] Aw FOR THE GIRLS. I . ifllllll ; 'DOLLS, Dressed and Undressed; RAG DOLLS, CELLULOID i '/Iff €? I 11 fl ''fIT ff* DOLLS, UNBREAKABLE DOLLS, DOLLS OF EVERY § '£^||I^W ,- l| 'ill' /I 1 I <&i\ DESCRIPTION-Prom Id to £2/10/-. | J IPT|I|PS6(SfI!E " i////I//// *«r^ BOLLSJ WRJKES peaks -*/ il " 1 ' f ' WTlTfcii TEA ZWS—VG, 2/3, 4/6, to 10/.-- j ! II JI || KEWPIES-6d to 27/6. 0 ;(I MM til llffll GO-CARTS (Collapsible)— 8/6, to 37/6. |j ;^ A // 111 J 111 BA***-*! 11 - PICTURED CUBES— 2/6, and S/- 1 JVw / nil I (111 I MBt XMAS STOCKINGS, fun of good things— to 17/6.', I 'fff m V / htltKll Hill* PICTURE BOOKS, RAG BOOKS, READING BOOKS, FOR I fir / fB/fu} t BRING THE KIDDIES EARLY. | 1 I the Dav @SttN ST. ** 1 11 o y ' m w^S^o^t^

(Where You Pay Least] I AND GET MOST SUIT CASES, in convenient sizes for travelling, from 18/6 to 63/-. II; FANCY N APERY. || DRAWN-THREAD PILLOW SHAMS-4/11. ' POINT LACE TABLE COVERS—S/6, 8/6, 9/11. |jj DRAWN-THREAD TABLE COVERS—S/11, 11/6. | J EMBROIDERED TRAY CLOTHS—2/6. I(I WHITE DAMASK CLOTHS, 54 x 54in—10/11. {{; WHITE MERCERISED SERVIETTES—I 6/6 half dozen, jj PLAIN PILLOW SLIPS— 1/9, 2/6. '," I J FRILLED PILLOW SLIPS—2/9 and 3/6. 111 DRAWN-THREAD RUNNERS—2/11. \\\ POINT LACE RUNNERS—2/3. POINT LACE TRAY COVERS-2A, 2/6. | J}) DRAWN-THREAD TRAY COVERS— Ijj CRASH CUSHION COVERS, Embroidered— BRUSH AND COMB BAGS, Drawn-thread— j | jjj NIGHTDRESS BAGS, Drawn-thread—2/6. I jjj POINT LACE AND CROCHET D'OYLEYS— 6d, I/-. j if OUR GLOVE AND HOSIERY VALUES ARE I j UNEQUALLED. | LADIES' SAMPLE UNDERWEAR. 1 jj; SILK TROUSSEAU SETS, Nightdress, Camisole, and ( (j Knickers, Handsomely Embroidered— J SILK MUSLIN SETS OF 3 DITTO— and 69/6. ] 11/ SILK EMBROIDERED NIGHTDRESSES—42/. and 47/6. ]| SILK UNDERSKIRTS— and 45/.. j SILK BOUDOIR CAPS—6/11 and 9/6. jj LONGCLOTH NIGHTDRESSES, trimmed Lace and Em]l) broidery— 19/9, 12/6. . j ]II CAMISOLES, prettily trimmed Lace and Embroidery— J (, 8/11,9/6. ] j jj LADIES' BLOUSES, ETC. j jll CREAM NET BLOUSES, Latest Style--15/6. ;j jj) WHITE VOILE BLOUSES, Smart Shapes—6/11, 8/11, 12/6. I H {({ COLOURED VOILE BLOUSES, trimmed Cablestitch— ill I {(' SILK BLOUSES, all New Shapes—ls/11, 19/6, 22/6. ji Jj/ CREPE SILK BLOUSES, all Colours—23/11. ] Jj CHILDREN'S WHITE EMBROIDERY FROCKS— 10/6, a j) 12/6. /.'i B I LADIES' "READY-TO-WEAR" STRAW HATS— and k) 12/6. • ;;j 0j ) ART SILK SPORT COATS, Various Colours—4s/-, 65/-, 75/-. j 0 LADIES POPLIN SPORT COATS, wide Stripes—22/6. I D{{ SILK BLOOMERS—Tusso»e, 8/11; Fuji, 17/6. ','.l jJJ LADIES' WHITE COTTON SINGLETS—I/9, 2/8, 2/11. ] D|j LADIES' DITTO, with Fancy Top, 36in—2/11 and 3/6. j 1I) LADIES' STOCKINETTE BLOOMERS, White and Navy— I J I (J, 3/6 pair. ,'{ j 11 FANCY GOODS. ;{ j I 1 LADIES' MUSLIN COLLARS, Prettily Embroidered— ! ] I/-, 1/6. i 1 LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS, in Charming Variety—4fd, 6d, i I jji Bd, lid, 1/3. '~' D LADIES' EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS, 6in box— / J D f 5/-, 7/6, 10/6 box. , J Also a Variety of CHARMING "GIFT GOODS" too II jj numerous to detail. Inspection invited. ' | J MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS D {(' —Shirts, Pyjamas, Underwear, Hats, Ties, Sox, Braces, J j Etc.— LOWEST PRICES. II The Economic. 1 I 111 \ T : | HI LATE BRIDOMAN'S, j jj; 364-370, QUEEN STREET, Opposite Town Hall.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17348, 20 December 1919, Page 15 (Supplement)

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Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17348, 20 December 1919, Page 15 (Supplement)

Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17348, 20 December 1919, Page 15 (Supplement)