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The Best place to SHop After All ffi uiwnM A* Rendells Karangahape Road I . Some men fret and fume at the climbing isercury, , T_T 1 C*o f\ I S i' when it's their choice of attire that makes the day jf/ '"" ™ = * / v v'' ;| a sticky abomination- Once wear Cellular Under- KT f' fj * ittUWjf WS.L£,&<t3 //Jl / ; wear, and no other kind will be tolerated these hot J,\|o OUC SiIOUIQ ®\ I AW-sAa ~ ■ ' " 7^^S '■»' i 1 days - ' in /\itacii6 .-. PSa- -• --- • to ;;v [! MEN'S PINE WHITE OELLTJLAB UNDER- 1 ' f ✓"■ ;1 I® Ml q»Ba«MWMEu PJQ| lif <q// " i: wantonly -choose i ; ► <-ases . \ \f 1 ?/6 | i °°'~. 5/6 all sizes, discomfort oys Column Cabin and Motor Trunks in Variety j •' "Di . r 1 r* 11 1 C< ! i Here are selected items of Boys' Attire, ~"~" ■ —— ') » Dliy & LoOOl \-«ellUlar Omelet • selected because of their suitability for — ■ __ )7 I. ' ° this hot climate. . 'in j: - ~, . '.— q The Best Is The Cheapest § »' lVr^n t Q l\L><*fafV/> QTl«*»f<« ftftftflf-vr (~\~*~.r, AMU TAN LEATHERETTE SUIT OASES, leather corners, 2 locks; a good light and strong ca=e— ||i I *"* «J ' / Better quality than above—22 inch, 28/6; 24 inch, 31/- 26 inch, 33/6. 'j, i We are still able to quote exceptionally good value in MEN'S' COLOURED STHIPPn — .— SOLID HIDE SUIT OASES, will last a life time, and would make a handsome and useful present )! I NEGLIGE SHIRTS, in a smart range of stripes. We are able to quote these prices on account (t lift „»„ o«r m * /S inch ' 92/6 ' ' ')' t of holding large stocks. Buy now, for the rise is surely coming— 8/6 10/6 iL-M' AN 3-PLY SUIT OASES, heavy • leather corners, covered with Tan leatherette- 2 suDerior 5)5 i MEN'S WHITS NEGLIGE SHIRTS—B/6, 9/11, 10/6, to 12/11 locks; very strongly made— inch, 49/6; 26 inch, 55/-. V i !■: __. ' ATTAC *I-f 2 I |; " : : : : .. %JL *"**" S^7^ei7 ° I^^^ T*tlvt£ h * **» i 4/6; IS inch - 16/11: I j Cool Panamas for the Long Hot Days Happy thoughts in Xmas Gifts Choose Comfort in your J~ w ./a to /6 . Visit the Men's Dept, for j Headwear JW__j-j..11._., Boys' Panamas ) ■ Presents | | MEN'S STRAW BOATERS. »°*f PANAMA HATS, in popular BOT SraSS?"2 l^fuill^f I '■ Specially-priced range of MEN'S RUSTIC STRAW S2?*Bflk"lSS*«ri «S"S«S? «/•; 7, B,Vb/ll " '' ' ' ft [ BOATERS, fitted Bon Ton Ivy leathered; B °' S **?™* «**• gg, We are showing a first-cla- „ , * I cool and comfortable fitting-10/6, 12/6, 13/6 .' £/ J J t() J Q/Z W 2TJ MEN^C^^^ 0 a li vy > * IU *V//0 «*,*«-f m .... . * ,\T antl great selection at 1/- and 1/3. j • • ' BOYS' STRONG WASHING 'VARSITY comfortable fitting for the holidays- SILK COLLARS, in White and Tussore- 4' ' 1 j»W 4 m « SUITS, just the thing for holiday. Moderate prices, 12/6, 14/11. 17/6. 6 * 1 / 8 - i'" 4P\ rVfflma wear—lo/6, 12/6, 14/6 each. They 21/-, 27/6. MEN'S GARTERS, aU colours-1/9, 2/-. v| ' ' ffe#l J J<*i.lla> VjUCCldi are rand m the washtub. ' ' ,_ I 1 * %3 boys' Holland sun helmets, or «.„, m„„ ..„.„,„ _. Tics always appreciated. '} ) JISW A HIGH-GRADE QUALITY PYJAMA, in bar White Khaki or Crash, Green lined- -MEN S DR. JIM PANAMAS. Tins is MEN'S COLOURED KNITTED TIES ! ~ and fancy coloured stripes. This is a specially P " Ce ' 2/11 and 3 /* quite the smartest and most fashion- unequalled for wear, in smart pat' '■: xr P ss,s.i.sXl 8 a / .f° s '° s6 " ,l, " ,dacc • p, • t,, c. c, .u. w™, vuTtfil'*/ii* 4/s '*"*• El,ci - I Miliar OCT/ The First Shave m PEDALSTEAWBOAraBS «„ "S«sf»|«»9; r ! Z*Zjk I - n-Wr, ««,, the best Bon Ton leather bands— B0? i™ t , ? ,TJB STRIPED KNITTED i 1 I TB£Sf%r*j** THE GEM SAFETY RAZOR. 16/6,18/6,22/6 TIES, in afl oombinationa of two col- !j WBSuBh iHt'if * ._ _ ' ' w/ » •*■/"• ours—l/ 6. ,i)i MB , |fi'/f * • ' ' , The Gem Safety Razor gives the perfect * }) ■fiW I 'KB f *4- -. C r 4~* r a I- ice ' 2/6 each Jackets of seven A ' m •£*. C .* ,» =-. - / HI JUJ a 01 Comfort 2/< '- *" ideal Ira -» for A Glft Suggestion for Your Lady Friend. fMIIM TUic W7-,. • In The Mmvs' T"W>t " TEST HO ' I!I :7r D \ ESSE , D bio cusmoss, with hahblss. lhis Way m ifte Uept. /fill Hi! TROUSERS, for bowling, cricket, or GSNT.'S MILITABY gATR BRUSHES mm, KW=ti v I 1 I Iff mil tenms-26/6, 28/6, 29/67 ' CtlT> IT> » * r* «» 23/- pair. '***» ° Wt£5 ' pare bristles, ebony— i ilf Hi YOUTHS' GABARDINE TROUSERS, in OTtiaU. IJOyS VlSlt the Fairy MaZe ° El 6' S ea?h 0 "^ 8 BBUSEES » P—b*a* satinwood backs- 1 • jW fll Cream aU sizes Pric e. / 6 - The Fairy Maze in the Playroom will be open next week as follows:- i?J^ G «i?H£F' on stenda "S<*e! frames-2/3 2/9 >' ' mg Mil MONDAY AND TUESDAY-10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m., 2.30 to 5 p.m. 4/6 each VI2TO MIRRORS, on stands, nickel frameV-3/9 and 1 ! V m* " t&JSRgSrkTS. TE ? IS • t^e^tSJ. 10 10 *" . "WS?- ™ B pencil combmed- -« oveTlneie^ric/s 6 and'ou'te "■ OLD WOMA:N WHt LIVED IN A SHOE. Smg"l£&? A, & TS d buy your requirements now. THE FLORAL BOWER AND FAIRIES, ETC. lttßß * os FLASKS, metal, hold one pint-Price, 7/6. T Saturday After Xmas Eachp« Bo nwm be presented with a Mit * ble gift, admission £& Try and Shop Early! ! We close all day Saturday (day after Boxing fjff====== ' ; «=== ' ■■ \ ; ■■~,, ■ ra Only three more shopping days for Xmas We i , Day). Do your shopping early. fl T\ rr -m T~r TIT r*i Jfl Oj % «- " «--- »- T y j »—» ¥~\ " I S« vo^to shop in the morning for preference! We i'" I A 17 . C. CZTJVJ J<±LJS/IDELJLS X/A/77jEZ). f therushseten, 1» 1 An bxtra btatt Holiday | karangahape rd. . Auckland. 1 3 Shopping Days to Xmas 1

[ IF YOU SUFFER 1 From ANAEMIA | SICK HEADACHE INDIGESTION MELANCHOLIA, OR CONSTIPATON | DEBILITY USE CLEMENTS TONIC IT MAKES THE HEART SOUND I it WILL PAY ALL PEOPLE THE STOMACH STRONG Trt -.„„ THE BLOOD PURE IO lAKH I THE NERVES LIKE STEEL I THIS SPLENDID MEDICINE | Get it to-day and get well. All Chemists and Stores sell it ererywhere in New Zealand i. „, ~ , • Price 3s. per bo-tile B|« Clement* Tonic Ltd.. Rozelle, N.S.W. -JH turn* - ——■ , , _ Jam

Artificial Teeth that save Nature's 1 Everyone likes to retain their natural teeth. For this sideways falling puts them out of if '. i It u a laudable desire. Yet, -when one has their proper relation towards one another. Their <<'' | ; lost a number of teeth it is unwise to hesitate appearance is spoiled, the wrong surfaces meet ' \ I U about having them replaced by artificial ones. and. the powes of mastication is greatly im- I i /',' ■ paired, m j It is quite true that one can lose a tooth op i'V j j, two without immediate detriment to the health. r. . i . .. , l'i'' ; in But you cannot lose even one tooth without the 7.™ tar better *°. be fitted with the necessary /' others suffering. artificial teeth. This prevents the leaning ten- '.','. dency. The proper surfaces of the natural teeth '{/, • /.j' _ . . meat and the gsmaral appearance of the mouth M ,'V Why is this ? It is because as soon as a tooth . is conserved. » |j| is lost, Nature tries to fill the vacant place. This i - !' m she does by inclining the others sideways to- i V wards the gap. Where one tooth is missing, 9°°** arfcificial teeth are healthier and far more ';; J this inclining might matter little. If more than satisfactory than natural teeth, which are de- (i i one is missing, the inclination of the remaining °f yed and Regular. Made in accordance with I/' 1 teeth is to be taken seriously. the m °dern principles which underlie the prac- ( ill • tic % of i^ e I*odon Dental Institute, modern '' i ( | artificial teeth are true to Nature's best. mV [' The above shows a man without teeth, and _ _ ((' ~i; how he now looks alter getting a Lnmoid Metal The New Lumold - Note the thinness. ii;| Plate. Observe the change in his features. Old-style Vulcanite Plate (end view). J J i,',' They match the natural teeth in shape, grain, (i and shade. On tbe Lumoid Metal Plate they \!< 1 defy detection. They are made of the best T , . , .... })■' English procelain, strong and clear The molars, 7 n •♦uS "£ ™ nhlm Z y ° U ' whv no * have }) iii or back teeth, have ample grinding surfaces, * ™ th ™ r F \ Hr Batten Principal of the .~. ~ . rA * . x , " . ' London Dental Institute (I 1 • i enabling the wearer to eat with comfort and -luowuui*. m i satisfaction everything that is fancied. (l" The Lumoid Metal Plate is a great advance on (i "' the old style vulcanite. It is thin, light, con- Remember the London Dental Institute uses (i ' ;;, forms exactly to the shape of the mouth, and Sanathaesia. This is the wonderful new ana«- j 1 ! 1 ! |jii ensure-! perfect articulation. Moreover, it is thetic which makes all dental operations possible }!'> ,;/ agreeable to the hard palate. without discomfort to the patient. Consultation / ij;| is free. )' London Dental Institute, 195 Queen Street, opp. John Court, Ltd., next E. &F. Piano Co. / fj

■■ mm - 1 1 -gmX UVERCiMPtI PldTOra

When a child droops. Children droop, become sickly Chamberlain's Tablets will relieve and puny, if you permit them to be the little stomach, liver and bowels constipated. of sour food, bile and constipation You know constipation means poisons, that b;le, sour fermentations and They are invaluable for children constipation poisons are being a ? d should be kept in every mediabsorbed into the system. c^nc chest. You cannot expect a child to be atch OUT^ ild ' s J*?? 14 * 1 - Look well when this is going on ! a V! s to ." e often * If *1S coatcd _ L . white, its breath feverish, stomach lue next time your child is sour, you can always relieve the droopy,, picks at its meals and is trouble and restore the child to tretiul just get out your box of health if you give it a mild and Chamberlain s Tablets. gentle laxative like CrtMERLAIIfcIABLETS I~ - -*V THE' fiTOMAPH £> LIVEP

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17348, 20 December 1919, Page 14 (Supplement)

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Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17348, 20 December 1919, Page 14 (Supplement)

Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17348, 20 December 1919, Page 14 (Supplement)