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ARRIVALS. I , MAKAIA (6 40 p.m.). 1159 tons, Norbunr. u?. m Whangarei. In saloon: Misses Campbell. Drcadon. Rubery. Boyd. McKay. Teal, wersps. Cambric- (2); Mesdame3 Cheeman, ! 2fßdrik»cn,, Brake. Hcmsley, Bedggood. «r v- W™' Rawusley. Bubery. Pooloy, V* aiJis, Mainland. Worsp, Sanders, Johns, I Johnston, Heidostrom, Gazlcy, Watters, woylaad Shrimpion, Leigh. Cochrane anc child. Harris and child. Lintern; Messrs, \S or s un Ji, McLcod. McMillan, McKay, Woods. Chesman. Graham, Mcllroy, Sands, Hawken. Nicholson. Moorcraft, Viycicich, Holland. Hittroe. Bedggood. Croft. Millen. grown. Pollick, Gregor. Mutsford. Phillips, i tjelhe©, Hardy. Anderson. Ferguson, Gregor, Daley, Nash, Ra-wnsley, Collins, Green: Thomas. brick. Johns, Burrows (2) Johnston. Davidson, Eames, Dunn. Nelson, Hitcher. Ley] and. Ross. Malcolm, Gifl'ord. Johnston. Pratt. McLiennen. Pullman. Hall Shears. Green, Lratern. West, Woods, Mc- ' Lcnnen, and 20 steerage—Northern Co. ' PARATTAH (10.10 a.m.), 4196 tons, Row- ' ley, from San Francisco.—Union Co. . WAIMARIE IBAS a.m.), 245 tons. Wann, from Paeroa.—Northern Co. WAIPU (7.50 p.m.), 201 tons. Pert, from Mangapai.—Northern Co. DEPARTURES.^ LEITRIM (6.50 a.m.). for Wellington. ARAHURA (4.30 pirn'.), for East Coast. In saloon: Misses Harvey, Harker, Mason, Sharp, Hoze, Eliery. Morrison, Jackson; Mesdames Mercer, Turn bull, Guy, " Hyaena and child. Cox and infant. Kay, Stidolph, Parkinson. Baillie, Livett, Holtham, Kirk and three children; Messrs. Duggan, Milter Martin. Pearcey, Turnbull, Guy, Hyaais, Bolton, Stuart, Baillie, Warren. Barriball, McGregor, Ingram, McFarquhar, Lucas. Brydon, Hewitt. Protide, Batt. King, Bassett, Simon, O'Keefe. Taylor, Rutherford, Cassen, Malonc. Maroncy, Arnot, Parkinson. Cox. Widdowson, Rimmer, Smith, Stafford, Pickford. Lawry, Ehrman, King, Warrens, Honey. Passmore, Taylor, Hendersonand 30 steerage. _ AWAHOU 14.20 p.m.), for East Coimt. KANIERI (8.15 p.m.). for Whangarei. (10.40). for Greymcuth. VESSELS DUE TO-DAY. Fiona, from Fiji.Paloono, from Fiji, 7 'a.m. Ngapubi, from Tauranga, 7 a.m. Clansman, from Russell, 6 a.m. Waiptahi, from Mercury Bay, 8 a.m. Taniwba, from Nethcrton, 4 a.m. Kanieri. from Whangarei, 8 p.m. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. for Opua. Flora, for Eastern Pacific, noon. Te Arau, for South, noon. Rakanoa, for Newcastle. Ngapuhi, for Wbangarei. 10 p.m Waiotahi. for Great Barrier, midnight. Clansman, for Russell. 4 p.m. v\ aipu, for Coromandel, 2 p.m Ngatiawa, for Opatiki, 7.30 a.m. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. IKTEBCOLOHIAi. AND COASTAL. E. H. Sterling, barquentine, Newcastle due. Fiona, Fiji, November 26. Paioona. Western Pacific. November 26. Waipori, Newcastle, November 27. lljumata, Newcastle, November 30. Kamona, South. November 30. Taiune, Western Pacific, December 13, Komata, Westport, to sail. 1 Katoa, Newcastle, to sail. I Rakanoa, Newcastle, to sail. Australford. Melbourne, December 30. CVEKSIAS Carpentaria, New York, December 8. Opihi, from Singapore, December. Port Sydney, London, December 11. Ruahine, I'.ymouth, December 23. Liberty. New York to sail. Rimutaka. Liverpool. December 28 Waitomo, Calcutta, end of December. Suffolk, Liverpool, December 29. Ruapeliu, Liverpool. January Port Caroline, Liverpool. January. Whakatane. Canada, to sail Orari. Canada, to sail. West Cavana!. New York, to sail. Iceland. New York, to sail. Port Chalmers. New York, to sail. Lucy, schooner. Portland, Oregan, to nail. TRANSPORTS FOR NEW ZEALAND. - . „ „ Troops. Transport. , Due. Port. Total. Akld. Ruahine - - - Dec. 23 Auckland 382 — Rimutaka - - Dec. 27 Auckland 192 — In addition to troops the Ruahine his 46 civilians. 11l women, and 41 children. The Rimutaka. besides troops, has 9 civilians, 9 women, and 9 children. About 900 New Zealand troops were in the United Kingdom when th» Rimutaka left, in addition to 200 wives. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMERS. Niagara, left Auckland for Vancouver. Saturday, November 8, duo back at Auckland December 17. Tofua. sailed,for San Francisco November 12, due Lack at Wellington December 22. Makura. left Auckland for Vancouver November 24, due back at Auckland January 3. Moana, due Wellington from San Francisco December 7. PROJECTED DEPARTURES FROM AUCKLAND. Te Anau, for South, November 26. Flora, for Eastern Pacific, November 28. Talune, lor Fiji, Tonga, and Samoa, November 27. Tarawcra, for Opua, November 26. Monowai, (or South, November 27. Maheno. for Sydney, November 27. Arahura, for Last Coast, December 2. Navua. for Western Pacific, December 22. Niagara, for Vancouver, December 30. VESSELS IN PORT. Flora, King's Wharf. 'iarawcra, Queen's Wharf. iru, at luuonnus Abemaraa, schooner. King's Wharf. Talune, Hobaon Wharf. White Pine,- barque, ting's Wharf. Narwhal, barque, King's Wharf. Maroro, schooner. King's Wharf. Vc Anau, tJucen a \v narf. Monowai, Queen's Wharf. Maheno, King's Wharf. Make, Central Wharf. Itakanoa, liobson Wharf. Paraltah, King'B Wharf. The Union Steam Ship Company's barque Glad brock arrived at Caleta Buena on November i to load nitrates for Sydney. The Royal Mail steamer Tofua, en route from Wellington to San Francisco arrived at llarotonga at 5 a.m. last Wednesday and sailed again at 9 the same morning for Papeete and San Francisco. The Commonwealth Government steamer Australford, which left Melbourne last Wednesday for Lyttelton. Wellington, and Auck. land, ha? about BUOU'tons of general cargo to discharge at those ports. The New Zealand and African Company advises that the Nuddea is due at Wellington to-day from Sydney. She is to load a quantity ot g«-neia) cargo, and is to sail to-morrow for New York. The Fo:t Denison is to leave Melbourne on Decernixr 21 for Wellington, to load meat, butter, and m«:,>. She goes to Wangamii, returning to Wo Ling ton to complete, saii--lEfrv")r- jnn "'' '' via I ' a,ia " 1 *. on January 10. Ihe Kiutuna, which is undergoing alterations and repairs, van shifted from the Hobson Whan to lay bheerlegs Wharf yesterday morning to .-.Lev,- the Talune to take her berth. Til- N<-•»-.• Zealand a::cj African Company's chartered Lclriiii completed discharge ol toe Aurk.und p.;r'ion of her cargo from Nov. York on Monday night She sailed for Wellington and Australian ports yesterday morning to discharge the buiumc of her cargo. No further wireleas advice had been received last night from the lame sixrnaetcd barijiiontiue E. R. Sterling. It in expected she will bo reported off the port at any tim<now. The barque Daniel arrived at Hobart from Whan.-arei on Novcbolkt 1.1. She was 28 days i.ii liio trip.

Tin- In:.'!., inline Sonors'.a arr.vcc] 0 ( Greymoi.t:; M-i.i.i Nowcafill- or. Sunday. She left New .... on November ii v.uii Australian l.aidttoo.l Aft..- «lisfiiarj{« slj„ will load a car«o of New Zealand timber for SytJnfiy. The To Ainin's departure for Wellington Tnr.aru, Oamaru, ami lilufl has been postponed until noon to-day.

The Tarawera was shifted from the Dock Wharf to the Queen's Wharf yesterday .evening. She is to sail this evening for Opua and Kaipara to load a cargo of timber for Sydney.

WAIPORI REPORTED. A wireless message received from the Waipon. stated that ah© will arrive from Newcastle to-morrow morning.


The Australian Government steamer Parattah—formerly the German steamer Berlin —arrived from San Francisco yesterday. After medical inspection in the stream she berthed at the King's Wharf to discharge, one J*" San Francisco on October 31. and caßed at Honolulu for bunker coal. The weather was fine until last Sunday, when a south-west gale was experienced. The fu't i»sted only about»a day, but during that time the vessel was bhfieted by the heavy seas and shipped ft considerable amount of water on deck. The vessel has a. full cargo of case oil for discharge at Auckto 'tj Wellington, and Brisbane. Captain • -\ Y' lam , > s in command, and lias associated with him the following officers: — chief, Mr. P.J. Quinlan j second, Mr. J. S. 1 nomas: third, Mr. J. Keauo; chief engineer, Mr. M. Lawson: second. Mr. T. Urquhart: third, Mr. M. Askew: fourth, Mr. A Evans; fifth. Mr. J. 8. turnbull; chief steward, Mr. F. G. Cairns; wireless operator, Mr. J. Tressler. THE ARAHURA. Tho.Arahura. which had been a week in port undergoing overhaul, resumed her running in the Auckland-East Coast trade yesterday afternoon. She is duo back at Auckland on Sunday, and is timed to sail again tor the coast at 10 a.m. next Tuesday, ' TALUNE SAILS TO-MORROW. The Island steamer Talune, wh ch had been discharging a part cargo of sugar at Chelsea, came from ' there yesterday morning -and berthed at the Hobson Wharf'to commence loading outward cargo. Her departure for Fiji, Samoa, and Tonga has been postponed until 10 a.m. to-morrow. PALOONA TO GO SOUTH. A wireless message from the Paloons, states that she will arrive from the Western Pacific at 7 a.m. to-day. She will undergo medical inspection in the stream before berthing to land her passengers and cargo. After discharge she will leave Auckland for Wellington direct. PRODUCE FROM THE SOUTH. The Union Company's cargo steamer Hamona, which has taken the Karori's place on the loading berth at Southern ports, left limaru for Oamaru at mid-day yesterday. She is expected to leave Tiruaru to-night , tor Auckland direct, and is duo hero next Sunday. THE PORT * CAROLINE. The Commonwealth and Dominion Line has received advice that the Port Carolina is loading at Glasgow and Liverpool f°r , Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Fort Chalmers, and is expected to sail on December 3. The Port Caroline is a twinscrew steamer, built by Messrs. Workman. Clark at Belfast, and was launched last July. INTERNED LINER ORSOVA. In response to a cablegram dispatched by tho a Acting Controller-General of Customs in Australia to the High Commissioner in .bondon, protesting against Australian cargo ' on board the Hungarian-Levant liner Orsova ! bemg discharged at Sourabaya, Java, and asking that the vessel might be ordered to bring the cargo to Australia, the follow- j ing reply has been received from the High Commissioner:—" Italian Government Commission has cabled for definite advices as to movements of the Orsova, and orders have •1 f-P* to tbo master. As at present ad- ' vised the commission understand the ship will proceed to Rottnest, Western Australia for orders, thence to some other Australian Ports to. load wheat for Italy. We are endeavouring to insure that Australian cargo ehalljgq, forward in tho Orsova. Will advise 05 o»ole as soon as possible." DAMAGE TO VALMARIE. Examination of tho hull of the schooner Valmane, now in the Williamstown. Victoria, floating dock undergoing repairs after ' having been successfully refloated off the i Ninety Mile Beach, where she grounded on I September 30, shows that the vessel has not sustained nearly as much damage as might have been expected. Her false keel has ! been broken, **$ the schooner has "hogged" slightly but when these faults have been repaired and the vessel has been well caulked ehe will be .none the worse for the experience. Her timbers, which are Australian, are considered to have held together remarkably well, despite the very heavy j strain placed upon them. y ! PASSENGERS FROM SYDNEY. frrJrr?" M,raki ' wh i oh {""rived at Wellington from 1 Sydney on Sunday evening, brought thefollowins passengers. In saloon: Mes*»mes Whish. Hammond. Booker. Moses Green. Henry. Sl ?- B °™ke, Macourt Moon.. Oldham Lewinan. Whyte,. Neil 1 , Holthouae, Bobbins (2)), Thomson. Koh n Lewis and child Bostock and child, McDuff ' Paterson. "m" it.nd child. R gchbteth I Twi,? r U £ r ,? ay ' Kmsella. Cullen ' Brusen. Coghill tnd infant. Lane Misses T loy ?, <lEr ' F«quhar, Tapperell Scott. Lascelles. Whyte, Asher. Smith Honeyman. Macandrew. Crome. Ko'in Boss' Arbon Vr BrUSOD A Messrs. Whish, VtSml qmlil, Ha gSl 0nd TT Piston Jones. Fauvel. ! Smith. Ball Upham, O'Connel Murray ' Sterak Collins Bathgate. Wilson. L,pT combe Henry. Ross. Cow ev, Forsyth Moon Drysdale Be,d Oldham. Newman. Preston' Pernn, Hicks Mummcrley. Eudus. Walter' Furniagc, Neill, Herring. Holthduse, Ro D : * bins, Thomson, Firth, Petty. Kohn Pater Woods ß °fe rtß 'Pet?^ tt - T W \ Uelln - i'ar»«s. woods v' fethie, Tomkinson, Cripps S US " C& ' lb Suckling. M "rrty. IJewn, Cahill, Kinsella, Pozaro. Harris Thomson . Coghill. Noel, Quinn', and 120 in steerage (including 12 Chinese)'.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17327, 26 November 1919, Page 7

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PORT OF AUCKLAND. New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17327, 26 November 1919, Page 7

PORT OF AUCKLAND. New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17327, 26 November 1919, Page 7