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A draft of sick and wounded soldiers, also several who are returning on duty, numbering in all 43 officers and 758 other ranks, is due at Auckland shortly. The officers include four chaplains. In addition, five nursing sisters, two masseurs, one officer, and 18 other ranks, comprising the personnel of another transport, 10 voluntary aid workers not attached to the New Zealand Forces, and two indulgence passengers who have been on service, but who are not attached to the New Zealand Forces, are also returning with the draft, the whole contingent totalling 837 of all classes and ranks. Following are tho names and particulars of the next of kin j of the officers, of nursing sisters, and of men belonging to the Auckland Provincial district :—

I Roadie, Joseph G. (Lieut.-Col. M. Roache, Sydney. Saunders, John L. (Lieul.-CoD—Rev. W. Saunders, Ounedin. Weston. Claude H„ D.S.O. (Lieut-Col.)-T. S. Weston, Wellington. Johnson, William H., M.C. (Major)-Capt. H. Johnson, Wellington. Mackay, John S. (Major)— Mrs. M. Mackay, Dannovirke. Wallis. Wilfred S. (Major)-Mrs. E. Wallis. Timaru. Batten Frederick H. (Capt.)-Mrs. N. Batten, 5, Bracken Avenue. Caws, Robert 8., M.C. (Capt.)— S. W. Caws, England. Deck, Edward J. (Capt.)-Mrs. M. D. Deck, Waipawa. Gowor. Georgo W. (Capt.)-Mrs. E. C. Gower. London. Irvine. Robt. (Cnpt.)—Mrs. Irvine, Wellington Ulrich. Frank F. A. (Capt.)-Mrs. C. Ulrich, Dunedin. Vercoe. Hcnn R. (Capt.)-Mrs. A. Vercoe, Ohinemutu. Wells. John R (Capt.)—Mrs. P. D. B. Wells. Timaru. Cox. Cecil T. (Capt.)-Mrs. I. G. Cox, Weilesley Street. I (White, James R. (Capt.)-Mrs. J. R. White, London. „ . ~ Evans, E. iChaplain)—Mrs. D. Evans, Onerahl Minogue, Patrick J. (Chaplain)-P. Minogue, Palmerston North. Peat, Harold T. fCkap!ain)-Mr*. O. Peat. Rotorua. Saamer, Arthur J. (Chaplain)— Mrs. J. M. Seamer, Wellington. Brindley, Norman (Lieut.)— W. Brindlcy, Belle Vue Rd. Curham. Daniel W. (Licut.)-Mra. J. Curham, Wanganui. Davios, "R. B. (Lieut.)—D. Davies,,Wanganui. Digntin. Alan A. (Lieut.)-Mrs. M. M, J. Dignan, Alegra Rd. Edgecumbo. Honry P. (Lieut.)—Mrs. L. M. N. Edgecumbe, To Awamutu. Guthrie. Stanley G., M.C. (Lieut )—Mrs. J. Guthrie. Havelock North. Hind, C. A. S. (Lieut.)-F. E. Hind. Timaru. Lockie, Charles J. W. (Lieut.)-Mrß. E. L. W. Lockie. Glenmoro. McLcod, John M. C, M.C. (Lieut.)-A. McLeod, Geraldine. ' Meredith-Kayo. C, L. (Lieut.)-Mrs. R. M. Meredith-Kayo. Chrstchurch. Olds, Edwin T. (Lieut.)—Mrs. A. Olds. Christchurch. „ „,. ~ Wilson, R. L. (Lieut.)—W. V, llson, Hokitika. Bailey, Frederic E. (2nd Lieut.Mrs. P. Bailey, Wellington. Gilmour. Ernest M. (2nd Lieut.)-T. Gilmour, Baiclutha. Hobson, Patrick McA. (2nd Lieut.)—Mrs. J. Hobßon, Ellerton Road. Mount Eden. Hutton. William B. (2nd Lieut)-R. Button. Timaru. ~ , , . ~ McCusker. Gordon (2nd Lieut.)—A. J. McCusker, Blenhoim. _ „ ~ McHaffiie. John T. (2nd Lieut.)-H. N. Mc Haffie, Port Chalmers. MacKinon, Kenneth J. (2nd Lieut.)—Mrs. LE. MacKinon, Waihi. Newton, Ernest W. (2nd Lieut.)—Mrs. T Newton, Southland. Roach. Gordon H., M.M. (2nd Lieut.)-G. F. Roach, Hastings. Russoll, Douglas W. (2nd LieuU-Hon. G. W. Russell, Wellington. White. James H. (2nd Lieut.l-Mrs. F. White. Waimnte. „ „ ,„ ... .. Willis, Alexander L. M., M.M. (2nd Lieut)Mrs. H. Willis, Christchurch. Beswick Mary 8., R.R.C. (Sister)-Mrs. B. Beswick, Oamam. T „ Campbell, Janio L. (S.-Nurse)-Mrs. L, G. Campbell, Dunedin. Gubbins, Beatrice (S.-Nurec)-F. Browning, Mount Eden. Human, A. (S -Nursel-J. T. Hainan, Dunedin White, Emmclino M. (S.-Nurse)— M. White, Nelson. _~ Adams, Reginald W.-Mrs. A. Farrol, EdinAlexander, Bryan C. C— B. Alexander. Clover Nook Rd. Anderson, C.-Mrs. J. L. Anderson, Opotiki. Arthur, Edward-Mrs. E. Arthur shames. Bailey. Melville J. (Sgt.)-A. R. Bailey, Duncam St. „ „ ,_, Barrett, Alphonso— Barrett, Mount Eden. Baker, W.-Mrs. M. E. Baker. Raglan. Bcllshaw, William C.-Mrs. J. Bcllshaw, Cracroft St., Grey Lynn. Boggs, Joseph W.-Mrs. M. Boggs, Karetu Rd Bowers, William G., M.M.. D.C.M. (L.-Cpl.) —Mrs H. A. Bowers, Morrmsville. Braha, Sidney-Mrs, A. Braha, O'Neil St Brnsell. George (L.-Cpl.)—Mrs. Brasell. Mt. Roskill. w ~ _ „ , Brennan, F. M.-Mrs. M. Bronnan, Onehunga Brott, Ray G.—Miss N. Prendergast, Cook St. Brown, C. T. (Cpl.)-Mrs. C. Brown, Wairoa. Bruce, A. M. A.-Miss N. Bruce, Cambridge Buckley, Harry—F. Watson, Devonport. Burns. R. F.-Mrs. A. E. Burns, Randolph St Burnside Ennis (L.-Cpl.)-W. Burnside, Papatoetoe. Cameron, George P.—Mrs, M. Cameron, Tauraarunui. . _ . ... Candy, William H.-Mrs, M. A. Candy, Vir ginia Av., Eden Terrace. Carter, William H.—Mrs. M. Carter, Dedwood Terrace. Casey, Thomas J.-Mrs. E. Casey, Campbell Rd., Grey Lynn. Cater/ Claude (L.-Cpl.)-Mrß. M. J. Cater, Wharfc, Rd. w l Chitty. Walter W. (Sgt.)-Mrs. A. Chitty, Clark/Thomas 8.-J. Clark, Wilson St. Clegg. A. G.—Mrs. A. Clegg. Victoria St. W. Collins, Jas. E.— G. M. Collins, Parawai Cropp, W. H. J—W. J. Cropp, Thames. Comngham, Thomas G.—Miss F. Andrews, Henley Street, Parnoll. Cooney, Eugene P.—Mrs. M. Cooney, Arawa Streot. Khyber Pass. Cornthwaitc, Arthur-Mrs. S. E. M. Cornthwaite, Hamilton. _ Coventry, Arthur R.-Mrs. T. Fairwether, East Tamaki. Cowan, Wm. J.—R. Cowan, Mt. Eden Road. Davidson, William J—Mrs. Davidson, Hackett Street, Ponsonby. Davies. Howell—W. Carter, Whakataio Delahunty, Patrick—Miss R. Delahunty, Khyber Pass Road. Dent Robert A.-Mrs. A. Dent, Henloy Rd, Dewar, Victor S.—A. G Dewnr, Auckland. Dixon, Harold P.—N. Moore. Waitotara. Dcberty. John lI.—J. W. Dohcrty, Onehunga Dunn, Thomas—R J. Dunn, Russell Road. Edmonds, William—Mrs. E. Edmonds, Birkenhead. ~..-,, Edwards Henry H. (L-Cpl.).—H. H. Edwards, Cambridge. Eruera Tu— T. Enuera, Hokianga E/ans, Germie-Mrs. E. Evans, Mt. Eden Rd Ehing, Ronald-G E. Ewing, Whangarata. Farmer, Edwin W.—E. Farmer. Albany. FiUGibbona, Henry J. (L-Cpl.)—A. W. Hawke, Waihi. FitzSimmons, William— E. Mulholland, Auckland. Fleming, William H.-T. Fleming, Whan-

garoa. Fleming, N.— A. Fleming, Whangarei. 1 Fletcher, James A.—Mrs. J. M. Thomas, Marumaru, Wftiroa. Forrest. George E—Mrs W. E. Bullm, Hamilton. Franklin, Alfred L. (L-Cpl.).-K. Commons, Mountain Road. Freeman, Robert—M Freeman, Victoria St. Frew, Alexander—Mrs. A. Frew, Ohaupo. Frost. William E.-W. E. Frost, Otahuhu. Gallaugher, Neil M.—R. W. GaJlaugher, Sarsfield Street. Gibson, Martin R.—Mrs. E. Gibson, To Awamutu. Gibson, William John Gibson, Freeman's Bay. Gilbert, John R. (L-Cpl).-S. R. Gilbert, Onehunga. Gilltndcrs, Charles McR.—C. Gillandors, Ngaruawhaia. Gillham. James—Mrs. E. Gillham, Orakei G anfield, N.—Mrs. A. Gladfield, Onehunga. Glavin, Michael J.—Mrs. M. Garlick, Piopio. Gray, John P.—J. Smith, Vincent Street. Goss, P. H.—M. W. M. Gobs, Maungatapere. Grey Clifford E.-Mrs. C. T. G. Grey, Manurewa. Grice. Lionel L. J. (L-Cpl.).-Mrs. A. E. Grice, Whangarei. Grieve, George M.—John Grieve, Grey Lynn Hallam, Robert-L. Halhvm, Opotiki. Hancock, George— Hancock, Whitford. Hartner, James—Paul Hartner. Manukau Honda M „ _, ~ , Harrod, John—Wm. Cox, Waitakaruru. Hartmann, Ferdinand—Miss A. Hartmann, Brixton Road. Harvey, Leonard J.—Mrs. K. E. Harvey, Ponsonby Road. ,„ ~ _ _ Hehama, Eohi T. (L-Cpl-)—T. Heraama, Henderson, Wm. J.-H. 8- L. Henderson, Otorohanga. , ~».,„ Herd, Thomas (Cpl-).—Mrs. N. Herd, Seafield View Road. . Hiamoi, Humana— Renata Haimoe. Inui-inga Hill, Walter W.-Mrs. C. C Hill Ne\v North Road. Hindruan. Walter L.—Airs. A. 0 Hindman. Waiheko Holt. Frank D.-Mrs. E. E, Holt, Avondale Hooker, Wallace 9 - Mrs. E. Hooker, Manukau Road. Howarth, Arthur -W Howarth, Birkenhead Hughes, Clifford—T. Hughes. Hamilton. Hutchings. Frank (C*)l.).— J. Hutchings, Pukenul- _ . ~ _ , Hutaki, Piripi—Haine Moerus, Onehunga Inkster, John J-Mrs. McCullor, Brighton Road. Jacka. Hubert W.— S. Jacka, Prospect Terrace, Mount Eden. ■ James. Alfred (Cpl.)—C. W. James, Harcourt Street, Grey Lynn. Jaraieson, William R.—Mrs A, Hooper, Hamilton. Jenner, Frank ,L. (Cpl.).-Mrs. 0. M. J. Jenner, Mount Eden Road. Johnson. Francis L.-P. P. Johnson, fleaderson,

Johnston, Percy—P. Johnston, Thames. Kearsloy, J.—F. Kearelcy, New Bond Street. Langwell, Herbert J. (Sgt.)—Mrs. E. M. Langwell, Newmarket. Lawless, Henry C— J, Allen, Riverhead. Lawry, George R. (L.-Cpl.)-Mrß. A. H. Lawry, Kihikihi. Lee, John W.— M. J. Lee, Hangatiki. Leeks. Ralph L. (L.-Cpl.)— Mrs". M. Leeks, . Ouingaiti. Leyland. Charles W.—A. Leyland. Dominion Road. Little, George H.-Mrs. G. E. Little. St, Benedict Street. Livingstone, Stanley G.—J. Livingstone. Hamilton. Lloyd, Charles G.— C. Lloyd, Waihi. Lord, Hector—Mrs. A. Lord. Otahuhu. Lovegrove. Claude J.—G. F. Lovegrove, Cecil Road. Lucas, Charlos—Miss V. Lucas,- Ponsonby Terrace. Lyon. Bernard St. J. (L.-Cpl.)—D. Moroney, V rank ton McComi6li, Adam—Mrs. Levell, Rata Street. McCoskrie. Harold-J. McCoskric. Albany Road, McGmtli, Henry—P. McGrath, N. Wniroa. McDonald, Donald—W. McDonald. Te Kuiti. I Mcllwraith. Ronald (L.-Cpl.)-Z. A. Mcll- ! wraith, Whitianga. 'Mackay, Thomas S.-T. Mackay, Tauranga, iMucken, Victor—F. W. Macken, Tairua. 1 McKenzie. James-Mrs. McKeuzie, East I Tamaki. Maclonnan, Kenneth G.—K. Maclennan. Victoria Avenue. McQuoid. Harry Mrs. E. McQuoid. New Lynn. Mahoney. Willsford F., D.C.M. (Cpl.)-W. H. Mahoney, Paeroa. Malam, George—Mrs. 8. J. Malam, sen.. New Lynn. Manning, Arthur W.—Mrs. A. E. J. Manning, Hamilton. Maseneld, Edward B.—Mrs, A. Masefield, Wood Street. Meredith. Thomas R.—Miss M. R. Meredith. Commercial Road. Mothven, James— J. Crooks, Auckland. Miller, Thomas 8. (Sgt.)-T. Miller. Axgyle Street. Minoham, William E.—Mrs. H. Mincham, Grey Lynn. Mitchell, Conway C. A., M.M. (Cpl.)—Mrs. A. E. Mitchell. Hamilton. Mokaraka, Rawiri—Rawiri Mokaraka, Kaikohe. Moore. John C— Moore, Claremont Street. Morris, Christopher H. (L.-Cpl.)—Mrs. M. A. Morris, Kakahi. Morrison, Arthur R.—Mrs, F. J. Morrison, Grey Lynn. j Mortensen, Ernest A. (L.-Cpl.)— V. Mortensen, Piopio. Mundell, Frank—B. Mundell, Mangapai. Murtagh, Gerald-A. Murtagh, Clevedon. i Naylor. Arthur C. (Cpl.)—Mrs. H. Naylor. Prospect Terrace. Neville. Patrick E—Mrs. C. Handyman, Now Lynn. Newman, Richard H.—Mrs. A. Newman, Vermont Street. Nicholson, Finlav—A. Nicholson, Waihi. Alison. Gustaf-Mrs. K. R. Nilson. Piopio. Niven, Gordon 8,-Mrs. E. Niven. St. George's Bay Road. O'Hara. Frederick—Mrs. M. M. O'Hara, Te Awarautu Oliver. Willie V.—J. W. Oliver. Tauranga. Osborne, George (L.-Cpl. Mrs. G. Osborne, Ngaruawahia. Palmer, Corrie J.—Mrs. A. M. Palmer, To Awamutu. Palmer, Thomas C—Mrs. M. A. Palmer, Mangapai. Pannill, Wilfred G.-G. Pannill, Albany. Panther, Walter L—H. Panther. Mangonui. Parfitt. A. H.-Mrs. H. Parfitt, Onehunga. Parker. A. C.-Mrs. S. Parker. Papatoetoe. Parsons, Albert—Mrs. L. A. Parsons, Waihi. Pennalligan, James W. S.-J. A. Pennalligan. Epsom. Preston. George V.—J. Preston, Nelson St. Purdie. Edward L.-H. W. Purdie, Edendale. Rnharusi, Patu— Pururu, Okero Falls, Rotorua. Reeve, W.-I. Fellowes, Federal Street. Robinson, Alfred A. (L.-Cpl.)—A. Robinson, East Tamaki. Robson. T. (Cpl,)—Mrs. M. Bobson, Owhango ißushbrookc, Thomas A. (Sgi.)-T. E. Rush- | brooks. Te Mawahai. I Ryan, William G.-Mrs. C. Clifford. Paeroa. Sands. R. F. K.-R. K. Sand.-. Whangarei. Scurrah, G. L.—Miss E. C. Vile. Matamata. Self, Owen R.-J. R. Self, Hackett Street. Shaw, J. G. Y.-Mrs. S. A. Bryant, Hamilton Shepherd, E. W.-W. Shepherd. Parua Bay. Skinner, W. C.-W. ,1. Skinner, 2, Mackey St. Smith, F. S.-Mrs. A. Smith, Otahuhu. Smith, G. D.-Te Mete Raultawa. Smith, Roy E.—Mrs. S. A. Smith. Whangarei. Somerfield, Stanley M. (L.-Cpl.)-C. F. Somcrficld, Frankton. Sowerby, Thomas S. (Sgt.)— A. Sow erby Raiipo. Sowry, William J.— Sowry, Keppell St. Speeding, Reginald— Waihi, Stirling. Sydney G.. M.M.-Mrs. F. A. Stirling. Whaniaroi. Sullivan. William H. (C.S.M.)-Mrs. M. Sullivan, 9, Williamson Avenue. Sutherland, Eric R.—Mrs. A. Sutherland, 53, West Street. Sutherland, Henry, M.M.—Mrs. M. A. Sutherland, Waihi. Tarrant, C. 8.-C. A. Tarrant, Manukau Rd. Taylor, Douglas W. E. (S.Q.M.S.)-Mrs. D. J. E. Taylor, Te Kuiti. Taylor. F.-J. Taylor, 29, Surrey Crescent. Thompson, Ernest W.—Miss L. Lesby, Harding Street. Thompson, Harold A (L.-Cpl.)-Miss M. Tnorapoon, Parawai. Tinmins, John (L.-Cpl.)— Tinmins, Te Aroha, Tumatahi, William—T. Manahi, Rotorua. Underwood, Herbert, M.M.—W. Underwood, Paparoa. Waiomio, W.— Mrs. R. Whatarau, Hukerenui. Walter, George—Mrs. A. Isaac, St. Paul St. Warren, Robert J—Mrs. H. M. Warren

Alfred Street. Webster, Jamos A.—Mrs, J. A. Webster, Telford Avenue. Whittle, Alfred D.-T. W. Whittle, Auckland. Wilkes, Wm.-Mrs. H. Wilkes, Richmond Rd. Williams. Stanley F. G.-Mrs. T. A. Williams, Drury. Wise, Ronald W.-Mrs. R. K. Wise, Ngaruawahia. Wood, Francis D.-Mrs. F. D. Wood, To Awamutu. Woodham, Oscar—Mrs. Woodham, Dovonport. Woods, John P. B.— Mrs. H. Woods, Whansarei. Wrack, C. Mrs. H. A. Wrack, Onerahi. Williams, A. K.-Mrs. B. J. Williams, Avondale.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 16968, 30 September 1918, Page 5

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SOLDIERS RETURNING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 16968, 30 September 1918, Page 5

SOLDIERS RETURNING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 16968, 30 September 1918, Page 5