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ACTIVITIES OF LEAGUE. SPECTACULAR PROCESSION. A striking demonstration of the activities of the Auckland Women's Patriotic League was given by members of the league yesterday, when a spectacular procession wended its way through the principal streets of the city with the object of bringing under the notice of citizens the campaign to raise £25,000 to provide gift parcels for soldiers at the front, and ,to subsidise regimental funds. The procession started from the vicinity of the Railway Wharf at 12.30 p.m. and traversed Quay and Queen Streets Wellesley Street East, Hobson Street, Karangahape Road, Upper and Lower Queen Street to its starting point. The National Anthem was sung before the patriotic workers dispersed. Most-of the business premises a!ong the route were gaily bedecked with bunting, and thousands of citizens took very keen interest in the proceedings. The procession was headed by a lorry, prettily decorated in red. white and blue, carrying the 3rd, Auckland, Regimental Band. On either side were prettilydressed girls carrying bags for contributions, which were free.y forthcoming from interested spectators. Then came another vehicle carrying army veterans ; a second with boy scouts, over whom was the announcement " Our Future Hope ; " after which came lorries with representations of a transport, soldiers in a dug-out, and other phases of military life. Other conveyances carried a number of women and children, described as soldiers' dependants, while others, again, showed the activities of the league. On one lorry were women knitting, on another a fine display of hold-alls, a third contained an exhibit of reading matter, with the inscription, " For the mind, 77,000 magazines shipped," and a fourth carried a fine i' : splay of gifts over which blazed the announcement " 130,000 gifts sent,.'' At the rear end of the procession a number of motor-cars carried wounded soldiers and army veterans, I followed on foot by about 300 members of the league, many of whom carried j banners illustrative of the ramifications of i the league, a Red Cross ambulance bringing up the rear. All the lorries were lent by business houses. The Garrison Artillery Band took part in the procession. A collection taken up during the course of the procession through the streets totalled £107 3s 9d The following additional subscriptions are officially acknowledged :_ i

: ' \ THE NEW ZEALAND HERALD. SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1918. ROLL OF HONOUR. lb Sit M " WA SSfe ft' id W - M " w «* S?&Sa m IrT \Wft k «V Joha E - »«* 27m . two*. aATT , T ™, „ T ™ ~~ - . ■»«*" WiUi—M.. Hegarty. Ire- *»"* E ™«- B1 « fl <"■ oKSft a ... " S. (CpU. March 2 7-G. SOLDIERS' GIFT SCHEME UTTTPTl TN AfYTTON 93 PoS"*, R. (SgO-Mra. Lind, Oi, OLIVER. George March 28-Mrs. M. Oliver, HOLDEN. Edward-Thos. Holdcn, To Awa- Ashton. Aahburton (m ) 2*-Mrs. W. * TriTTTTl TINT AOTTON 23 OLIVER. George. March 28-Mra. M. Oliver, HOLDEN. Edward-Thos. Holden. To Awa- Ashton. AshbmW to) JOLdiLii lfl AbllUlX, 46. MACKAY. CUnde-8. Mackay, Wellington. cnvnurFv • >. , .. . o imffiplV'-'rj jo... x t, . BEAMSLEY. William C. March 28-Mra. J. ARTIVITIFQ nc I c a 11C McLAY. Peter-Mrs. R. McLay MaaterU C01WMAN. Francis. March 31—J. Corlman, HUNTER. Edward S.-Mias J. Hunter. Beamsley. Southbridgc (w.l. AOTIVITIES OF LEAGUE. PHILPOTT, Frederick H-Mra Ford r» ?££!£}JP- r.Xlfe?, 0 (8,) - BEG °. James A.. March 28-A. Begg. Featherston (a.). ' BLACKMORE, M.nail J.. March 30-Mra. JACKSON, Arthur E.-Mra. J. Jackson, Christchurch (I.). SIXTEEN OTHER DEATHS. SOMERVILLE. Thomas-G. Somervillo, M - BlacWe. Dunedin to.). Herauora (m.l. BRAMLEY- Wilfred L.. March SB-Mrs. D. " - Dannovirke (I.). my/,-™. _.„„. KENNEDY. Henry—Mrs. J. Kennedy, Scot- Bramley, Ashburton (w.). vjPFPTAPTTr ad pp.wEMviTnv WAKEFIELD. Sydney H.-Miss M. Wako S "6HT, REMAINING WITH UNIT. u „ _.. , . BROWN. Henry. March 28 - Mr »- Howe. bPtLrA CLLAR PROCEbSION. field. Marton (a) alLGOUR, James-Mrs. M. Kilgour, Auck- England (g.l. . , GILHOOLY, Joseph'P.. March 31-Mias M medical corps t ..ft? d .J5 , - ) ' ■ BROWN, Roderick, March 28-Mrs. Brown. A strieixu demonstration of the activities WOUNDED NUMBER 462. Gilhool, Hafina «..,. » M BAXTER. Rob,,, a.. M.cyc.,,.,. March U ffi ,A'""" - Th ° 8 ' L ""« coltfe a.. March »-«„. M. °'"» Auckland «™«" Patriotic League ta »..Uy li... ........ »n,i» 6 WOUNDED A"«™>> HOSPITAL. Uaiter ' " d " fr LAND, &'-""• W. Land, Eden » DIcffi^rt..'i„cH «_«„. E. ™ given J? members of the league yesTwo *.'«-.'- a. T morning «"««» -™. UWirilAU - .- -fife «-"'■ ->— - DICKIE. Fred N. March 28-Mrs E. *„j° *;, cr;'i p ;". ■ £3. "V,', IS *. h 2. d "11 ™ - A,8 K' ""* "■* AUCKLAND district. »*UffgT '-«» »■ '"" "- D „,fef'/*: «.,* «.,-»,.. e. *-u - *. * -S *. 4> *< .1 _,!„,) „., m 4A9 M .j,™ 17T „,» LEE.Thomas L.—John H. Lee, Me <••* (f.). Baker, ChriBtchiirch (».). bringing under the notice of citizens the the wounded number 462. of whom 173 are artillery. LEPPER. Eric-Peter Lepper Unehunga. DWYER, Thomas B. (Set.). March 28-Mra. „_* :* tn raiao one nnn . .. i( . from the Auckland Infantry Battalion*. MAITLAND. Lanw, R.. March 29-Mra. J. TTTVn Tv An , m „ McDONaLd, Herman C.-Mrs. E. fie, r SjOfb Christchurch (m). w w cam Pfg" t0 ™ se £25 ' 00 to P rovlde g lft ond OS from the Canterbury Battalions Maitland, Masierton iwj. auuitu W ACTION. Donald, Avondale (m.l ESSEX, John, March 28—Mrs. E. Essex, parcels for soldiers at the front, and to Sills.- ' ' T«K. fctn\,rth Mh M ' «ACm NE . GTO corps. iM (&* 1 - W - W " D " MCL6 "- March «-W. Fine, Ric- »«»id« regimental fund.. The proces- „..,._„,„.„_ ' March 26:— McNElL. George W.-Mrs. I. McNeil, tJTT c T art °? "•>• „ „ . no „ ,, „... «ion started from the vicinity of the RailAITKLA.M) DISTRICT. M « m . M ,:ZC!°Z>, m , „_„,.. «te w»,mn-». a M*. M „„, M.pfeSVU,, o.-w. »,pb.™. "HF'if '47 1, I " X* ""iV tt ." |un „.*:' ," ams «' J. Mar&ay, Hastings is). Rosklll (f.) Ponsonby (f.). HILLiEAR. Ernest A.. March 28—J. Hill- Quay and Queen Streets Wellesley Street -\ t T1^S.Kny',h^ m r ? 37 - M "- M " Ha = en ( '• <»««*-)-W. Haines, HOJS: slfif 3.S' 28-Mra. M. Hurst. &*. Hobo,, Street, Karangahape Road, KILLED IN ACTION. Marcli 28 — .>e\vion (t.) aonby „ , • Waimate Ira.). I pper and Lower Queen Street to its LUMJWIHST. Louts-Mrs. V. LundQUist. Auckland infantry MONTGOMERY, Hugh-Miss M. Mont- LAMB Hecte,'March 28-Mrs. M. Graham. starting point The National Anthem was Mf c„„, >,„,,„ ,„,, | - —. Md ra," s i, re „ „_„„.,, R Hi , PA «x«t M „., u ,c.,„„. o„::: rffi-H-t;« a Al'CKIAND infantry. DhA.v. Jack ,Cpl,-C. Harrison, New Ply- . ™"' R ° t0,l,a < m -> ,„ PRENdBrOAST TohnT Prenn fl r CRa t M«ham"m" " «ry keen interest '" the proceedings. Ahtnlnm Norman W L March 26 4 «."**» ,,,.,„ Andenon, Henry R., March ~ Mrs - C. PoSy (h* John - T ' Prendergaat. Bgtotan J.. 28-Jaraes Murdoch, 1 he procession was headed by a lorry, A SlunTamlieV 1"?*, L ' Cpl »~ M « E Pwtt ' Anderson, Cromandd (m.) REEVETrbort N.-K. Reeve, Grey Lynn. „ Scotland if.). prettily decorated in red. white and blue, M cci^;F?^S 8 E.' March 30-J. P. Person, Pal- CANTEKnVRV ..PANTRY. ROSS John-Captain Tho, Ross, Helens- PEARSE. Ranald, 28-Mrs. S. carrying the 3rd. Auckland, Regimental M,>Pau P hy. Papaya ,f,. ff' March 30-.. Clarke. *« Sl°' «• JffS^S r « t , H U M " Ch "" RaR8 ' Ked & SSjingtp'C eS & „&!Rh!r'-,, March 30-Mra I. Tin^ef 28-Mrs. Tiller nflSfeV Edward-M , M Sm!r on &£&&«&.?- InZsS^atorAn^ZInX; n r - srt i Urch ,. C i« M , roi< " ,iandci <-» ««-»«; B M smith "■ MEusntx March •""- st - JSir.iSB 30-Mrs. E. Nutter. (helm (».). Manaia (m .». otaco infantry Rangiriri (m 1 ' TRITT. Hermann (Bgt.). March 98-C. Tntt, with bov scouts, over whom was the anDIED OF WOUNDS. ™^£V,An*" A »' Driver, Benjamin H., March 28-Mrs. S. L -" Mr '- A " Th,,r - W E g ris fc h &h 8_M, S9 C. West. »«»"* '".""i Ful 1h fcuuS WOUNDED, EMBARKED FOR Kennedy Wellington Is i TRFGA8KIS Thomas' J -J M " Wski8 ' Christchurch la.). "' "' h . ,orn ,?. "'' h re P re8entatl0na Ri.LF RR.G.nE. WOUNDED, EMBARKED FOR g l/ wtSi*™* m °*£*? , H "u Mflrrh 28 " W - of L a transport, soldiers m a dug-out, and Drysdah, W » (2nd Lieut.), POLAND. ">»* cc« WA Tfu™n« F in " L -" TC0,! "** t'&H March "~ ™2 Tnlimh^ 0 f wotn 3 it ' i P iSL If.nU j ?' Ai DnBM » » m " »«»«>«• lhadwick lermeraTfl VL_i? w _,.. I ??L r A n >* "J. VrWlV^^T 1 AShW'OWt" 8 W. & March 29-Mra. M. children, described as soldiers'dependants, » i P in iianUi W e ' inTrient I „ nDcn . „»™ >«»"«• Sick Remuera If W^FTntTl Mr R J wVL^v\ hH^ d A8HTON "oiSrW* M'rch 29-Mrs. M. children, described as soldiers' dependants, Huntington, Stanley H. (2nd Lieut.), R0B80N Thomas. March »-Thomas Rob- McKen 'i fi Slnirt m a M, ' . « v „ SilST'Honrv t~m 'it W VrHK \* Ashton. Christchurch (m 1. while others, again, showed the activities Ann 6—Mrs M. Huntington, N'caio. son, England f.). jneftenzie, Rupert W., March 30-N. R. WARD Henry i.—Mrs. E. 0. Ward, Auck- DEXIA . Lewis A ._ March "9—Mra A . «f »K« ,„„„.. • s ()n ' * , " ", r f„„"n Apn g CHRISTIE. William. March 30-C Christie, McKenzie, Birkenhead (f.) WHrrroxfRV Willi. cm h n Buchanan, 'ros.'c" i£ .n?h T^TTT REPORTED MISSING. Glasgow. H WKi?,S fl™. 9-> Mrs - M. H. E8KETT. Roy. March 29-Mrs. G. Eskett. » tln ?' on , th " » fine display of DIED OP WOUNDS WRCRT T ', h r° w" i r ij Onawa (ml. , | hold-alls, a third contained an exhibit of ca« L corps SLIGHT, REMAINING WITH UNIT. „ w»u«us. gMYTH "Arthur .cfl" Mi™ FITZPATRICK Charles ..Cpl). March 29 | reading matter, with the inscription, For WALKER. Douglas. March 30-1. Walker. otaoo mam,. _ „ U ™'r C ° RPS ' S4 Clr " „ OEN-E S T r8 Ja A mer"M P «c r h *• ™"J' 77 '<™ magaZmeS -hW" and Maungakaramee .f... COOK. Henry L. (2nd-Liout), March 80- Bracewell, Walter A., March 27-Mrs. E. WILMS* George '2nd LieuD-Mrs. Wilkie, nfiton a fourth carrled a fine ,'splay of gifts Mrs. H Cook. Napier iw.). Bracewell, Mount Eden (m I London (m.l. GRIM WOOD. Lawrence, March 29—F. Grim- over which blazed the announcement REPORTED WOUNDED . v -.,,..»-,„ ,„..„„ wood. Kaikoura 'M. " 130,000 Ails sent, " At the roar end of CANTERBURY INFANTRY. WELLINGTON INFANTRY- James. March 29-J. Massee. ths „nw« rn , nnmWnf m , „ I pi j ,i , me procession a number of motor-cars car- , ri m-r?«T W « ! CANTERBURY DISTRICT " y ' JOhn . MCL ' March 28 - Mr »- A - March 27:_ NEWCOMBE Francis H. iCol.). March 29- ™d wounded soldiers and army veterans, I KEANi;\. Garrett. March 30-Mrs. L. A ' lllul ' terry, DranKton Junction (m.l BARGH. James (L.-Cpl.)-Mrs. Bargh, To Mrs. 8. Newcombe, Reefton to). followed on foot bv about 300 members aeanfy, uninemun im.i. Kuiti (m) . «f »i,„ i . , , RIDINGS, John, March 30-R. Ridings. UFj),CAL CORPS B0GG8* Joseph W.-Mrs. M. Bogga. Epsom * LnlTt' °J wh ° m carned I mMWlm ,„ KILLED » ACTION. ™-ton, N. ( April 6-Mm. Helen C °° h P , Herbcrt °- ' °' C °°"' ™" VARIOUS UNITS. STeagu'T Red* amS K! ' WOUNDED, ADMITTED TO HOSPITAL L. Jonnston, Uevoi.port. NEAL. Alfred, (SgU-Mra. N. E. Neal. _ ing up the rear All the lorries were lent W00dh0UM( j;« 30-Mrs., Mettaa ;Tr m m „ HSE&p- *■ Ncii - m DED 0F wounds fete-irst .^sar" CO M Cb|n|y: W.lli.m-M, A. Courtney. *«*«„ glands ,m,. "** L «' Pitman. Eden O March 30- of^'^^^u^ = CO»bert m t.-Mr,E.CoT.Mangoro<m, BIED OF WOUNDS. REpQRTED WQ TANNERLB H.-Mrs. K. J. T. Ten- Mrs. E. Fitzgerald Christchurch ,w.) ** PATjERSON James N.-Mrs. F. Patterson. BIfLB BRIGADE «UfUKlBD WOUNDED. gg. Jfhurajw.) Erlck on Eric A. 0 J. (L,0p . , 0.1, The following additional subscriptions villfBimT March "7 Mr. J „u, anciLasn infantbt. WOOLLEY, T»aman-J. J. Woolley, Ruku- _ March 2l--Mra. D.Encksen, Meanee. are officially acknowledged :- P M uk Haw?™ (m) Sutherland, Oscar R., March 30-T. Stan- March 27 - hla ltx m W Ohristopher B. (L,0pl.) D.v J fe £ d bury, Little River. Al***. ami. O.-B. Aimer. Kawhia. CAKTEBBUBT INFANTRY Inni, Mird. 22_E - Hayes ' Lower f™* idnjrfnj iV ,• • • 7865 6 , WttUSQTOS rcrANTBY. AAUtuxoiiA. Arthur ai.-a. Anuer.on. canterbury infantry. Hutt (f ,_ („«.«.«;««> Wt Collcctlon » ,„ March 31:- REPORTED MISSING. ***** «d t tu March M _ Mitchell, Valentine P., .March 31- BankTSow Zealand " ". ffi o o BERNSHAW Bernard Y.-Y. Bernsh.w. camel corps. "WrtSll \%£t2l" Jj* MOHAN. Alan A. (LieuU-Mrs. M. M. Mrs " A - Mitchell, K,lbirn,B (m.) Li™ $&&£ «g 0 0 J. - Mr,. William,.. AL ««?L,LK, M "' " — ' BOY D CE nan, -ir.. M. A. T. Boyce. REPORTED WOUNDED. ftft ig£!^" § j OTT»rE.iL,C P l.M Medal)-- WE ffin M " Ch ""'• W BAl^^ Uam Ball " d ' °- BDtW. Butcher. London ,..,. rifle br.oape. • ?'f&gfc " "■• " »g8 ROBSON. D. Robson. 0rt ,mm mn „„ nrB &?f^ H. Balm. England. March 27- PHASER, Henry C. (Sgt.). March 31-W. EAatley and Sons,' Ltd:" .'.' 60 0 0 England (ml. REPORTED WOUNDED. »A*xuut&i, t Auorey r,.-u. J. male- ATKINSON, Joseph B.-S. Atkinson. New „ Fraser. Gisborne. I.H.H. . , 252 6 \i.i J, au, „ VKV3rn lJ ' South Wales (f.). HARDACRE, Percy, March 29-Mrs. E. f> v M ' Winstone .. .. 25 0 0 .""-A " L . »r _ .... ACCKLASD ikfaktbi. BEGoviCH. &ic-vc-john Begovich. Dal- CASEY. Jamea-Mra. E. E. Casey, Pokeno. Hardacre, Yorkshire to.). Buchanan and Co., Ltd 25 0 0 McGOWAN. Joseph-J. McGowan, Mirimar. MILLAR. Robert March 30—Mrs I Millar „ I , Baw «•'• (w.l. YOUNG. Leonard 8., March 31-Mra. A. J. Paacoe 24 0 0 March 31:- Christchurch (w.). ' »BlA'U«Jt 1 Alan St, C.-Alfred E. Belcher, TOMES, Jack (Sgt.)-J. Tomes. New Lynn. „, Young, Petone to.). J. W. Young . ... 20 0 0 rrr? e-..»i, w \r„ a Tor n„„^^»,„ WILSON, Andrew March 30-Mrs C Wil. ... Unenunga. ((,) WAYMODTH. Henry N. (.Lieut. , March 30 Otahuhu Patriotic Committee bf5™$RTtt A MM""SjrTi TtffoSfi 5** U W BEaw, mctNlii i, ibkay, Baton March "8- -G. Waymouth. Feilding if.). „ (alto section of land) .. .. 20 0 0 Srt'hSiBl' MM -~ M "- M ' SUTHERLAND George. M « 21-Mrs. D, W . b. k-Ma'n 2-' „"„. i. I a . TV v p ORR Thomas W., March 80-R. On. Lower R. Walton Ltd .JO 0 0 t.,..-?*.^ £' f| ar "» lu » ""'.- _ ... _* Sutherland Linwond vant, Mount cden DICKMAN, John I A.—R. Dickman, Pon- Hutt (f. . T. S. Cul ing 20 0 0 miwl<^I^T E l FffSti *&£&£ buthcrl&Dq ' Llnwood - 8VtU*1, imp W.-T. Burley Hiku- 1 „JS?, by ;, 1L » „ n. McCLUSKEY. James P., March 27-Mre. Mr. and Mrs Selwyn Upton .. 20 0 0 HftSSL T.-J. Hhott. Pahiitua. BIfUSBIOAOT. »n« Uj. mm ' mxx MITCHELL, Arthur A.-Mrs. Mary Robin- M. Chester. Wellington. Mrs. G. Horton 20 0 0 SWC X H NK J%iS«.t«^ ) 11^2 *- B °^ie«5! d E - ,H8 l '»- R - — ' M. Stephen. other UN,ts. A.W.P.L. " 1. l8 S FLETCHER. Samuel J.-Mrs. H. Fletcher. WOUNDED ADMITTED TO HOSPITAL CHBjKTaS 'nur-Arth'ur Chriaii. ' L ° a " MaungaWamoa (m.). VANCE. Carl S, C.M.R., March 30-Mra. ' Chevalier Branch A.W.P.L. 15 0 3 HA«TanYR.-J.H.inin g ,W„, WOUNDED, ADMITTED TO HOSPITAL CL ™^°'- H . „ C oL c C MACHINE "° UN CORPS. COOPER. Oscar, Artly„ previously reported Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Hobday .. iS 0 0 HTLL D E ( di U Welling- artillery. COU^/l' , m 7, M " ch 2& " En C »" y U WRaing^ 8 ? " ]'. " Hog LYOVW-Mi- M. W n.-». C S. Si« SO-Mrs. (J. aai C (in l m " 8 ' Coulter ' Avon " G RAHAM. Alfred J. ,L - CPM "' Nel ' 18 ' CASKf. Richard. O.I., " M " Casey. W. M..Service . V. V- X iS 0 0 LYONS. Patnck-Miaa M. Danne- Collma. Chriatchurch <m.>. COVFlVl \\i in.m v m i . m r, „ .. Remuora (a.). Tiraaru (f.). W. McKeich 1010 0 » rtfrL M T v« a if ir r- GR 4? F i Atnold H.. March 31 " M »- E. sSSrsS, m ,Cpl) -- H. CoT ' !l1 ' SIDES. W. (Sgt.)-Mrs. H. Sides, WRIGHT, Robert J.. O.I.. March 29-Mrs. Misses E. and C. Bleazard .. 10 10 0 McKaY. Begmald - _Ur *- A. McKay. Gl8 " Graff, Tasmania (m.l COW1E Monon c PI \, „ ■ v Hamilton. E. Wright, Timaru (m.l. Jsgger and Harvey .. .. .. 10 10 0 Jffift. Vnl p UMA Pt^T tOWU,. Motiob C. P. L.-M. CoW,e ' Now- March _ GRACE. John (Sgt). Maori Con.-Mrs. M. Staff of Grand Hotel .. .. 10 0 0 MELL1SH, John-Mrs. E. Melliih, Feather- RIFLE BRI0A!)I. rniuVwiw a n » ,., „ nnwv tojii; \r n n _« o-.« u Grace. Tunaroa (m.l. W.R.Holmes 10 0 0 Ron (m.). , . u „ „ „ ., «.„i. 09 tUWIE. Wilfred B.-Mrs. W. Cowie. Dev- BOWN William-Mrs G. Bown, Seafiold v ""*- *"i""» '"'•'• Mr j Md Misa Grandis0I1 .. 10 0 0 NEILSEN. Frederick A.-G. H. Neilsen. March a8 -— „Tr,? nport tmj. « Road Auckland (m.). WOnNnrn AnMTTT-pnTft HOSPITAL H.L.T. 10 0 0 Mauri«Til]e(f.). . ., Al „ CALIARI, Colombo (L,Cpl.)-Mrs. R. CUKiib. Frank-Mr. R. Curtis, Remuera. GALL fN. ugh S. (Cpl.)-Hugh Gallon. WOUNDED, ADMITTED TO HOSPITAL \ b CarWr (Wa€r e D ga) " 6 6 0 OLSEN. Henry 0. (L-Cpl.)-C. 0!»en, Norse- Caliari. Kanieri (m.). Uuttoii, ttichard H.-Mrs. N. Clough. -.""'i 1 ',, . ,„„,,,,, „ rifle brioade. E. C. B. Midlane 6 00 „.J«ood(f.). ., „ „ T „ DEWAR. Andrew S. (CpU-T. Dewar. Wai- nr^S w ,i <*■»• HAMPSHIRE, Reggie W L-Cpl-Mrs. F. HARRIq0N Frank (L . c ,, March 20 _ T. Grandison 00 PATERSON. Alex. S.-Mrs. J. Paterson. mate (U. DEN BY .Arthur J.-Mrs. A. M. Steele W. Hampshire, Avondalo to.). HARRISON. * «»* fc a ff Wl Newton East School .. .. 6 0 0 Hawerata.). HARWOOD. Frank W.-W. Harwood, Ayles- „ AucaJand. ° ie ' MrFArHFRS' TSh? Maren »-Un F ' One-tree Hill Road Board .. 6 00 PERRY. David-Mrs. B. Perry, Eastbourne. bury «.). ELTKlAUnAM Stephen-Mrs B Ellrine- otaoo isfastrt. UcEACHERN John. March 26-Urs. " . W. E. Woodward 5 0 0 PETERSEN. Heniy-P. H. Petersen. Eketa- REID. Alfred G.-Mrs. G. Raid. Westport. hem, Aneiland tm.j. •«'»»« CON DELL. Robert. March 28-R. Condell. Ryan ThomaiF'March 26-A Ryan Glenfield Branch A.W.P.L. .. 00 imp, , A . „ „ „ HANLEY. Michael J.-Misa M. Hanley, FULl'ON. Samuel-Mrs. S. Fulton Papa- New Lynn (m T™ pS rt) " tty * n 'iH. and C. Lamb 5 ° ° SHEEKAN. Matthew G.-Mr». K. Sheeran, Morven. ' toetoe. °' . cuuon ' "»•" " ljyna "" TUP.BY'u', March o S _T) P, aiT , New ' T. H. Cooke, Ltd 600 • mnFfW* v ™ « « HOOPER. Sella N.. March 29-Mrt. J. GORDuN, William A.-Mrs G T Gordon artillery BARRY John J., March 28-D. Barry, New w A tota 500 PHILLIPS, Hugh F. A. (L.-Cpl.J-G. Phil- Selaa. Hornby (m.. Hamilton (w.). U - x " UordoD ' artillery. Plymou h p j and Co 5 0 0 „ Jin!i. Masterton I.). „ . ... HAINES. Herbert P.-W E Hainoa N« JACKSON. Thomas A.. March 27-John BAYL .iL A If ' ' BTREETER, Frederick R.-Mrs. E. Streeter. March 30.- to A). w. a. Uamoa. New- H. Jackson. Grey Lynn (U ?Nff- « \(.,A o«t fldli. £9.065 8 11

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 16823, 13 April 1918, Page 9

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SOLDIERS' GIFT SCHEME New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 16823, 13 April 1918, Page 9

SOLDIERS' GIFT SCHEME New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 16823, 13 April 1918, Page 9