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'■> • •' ' ' '■*■' :-■ - V ■ -•■:- ,-.-". * vIWS ft US 1 "ALWAYS BUSY." and : "ALWAYS GROWING." .-V V Mm - '"■ ' *....".. ; .-. ■,-'- v ■''■BB S EMBROIDERY WEEK at The J.C.L. Store and The Model House, § COMMENCES MONDAY. || owfiss manufacturers finding a large proportion of their trade entirely This week we received the original cable message from Switzerland to suspended, sold us several large lots of Embroideries at Special Job Prices. our London buyers, as follows:— W. have marked them at Specially Low Prices, and for the EM- -ENORMOUS ADVANCE OF COSTS OVER LAST SEASONBROIDERY WEEK ONLY they show a Further Price Reduction. EMBROIDERIES AND INSERTIONS, in Muslin and Cambric; pretty' ~ : MUSLIN AND CAMBRIC EDGINGS, 1J to 2 inches wide; neat designs— designs; 3 to 5 inches wide— Well worth «H. To Clear at 2<d yard. ' RSmSSi to $ & d «<* 1& _£, iVS yard •" \. LONCCLOTH MUSLIN AND CAMBRIC EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS. 17 INCH rAM iSOLE AMD SKIRTING EMBROIDERIES in CamKri. - ■ heading with C e e d e^ ly °° d ™** *'" "° SOmo «" S furtive de"!"' and "reliable* .—- ~ , " qualities— ~ , Well worth 6d and 6,d. Special Price, 31d yard. Usually 1/- 1/5 1/4 1/6 1/8 1/9 to 2/11 yard EMBROIDERIES. INSERTIONS. AND FINISHED EDQEyINSERT.ONS, C,Bari " " " "H " 1 * 1 * 1 " 1 * 16 ' * ™Wd lnLongcloth, 'Muslin, and Cambric, 21 to 6 inches wide; some very 17-INCH CAMISOLE AND SKIRTING EMBROIDERIES, superior de- v ." tIP cßective, also neat designs— sign? and qualities— ~ ' \ Well worth 7Jd and 8»d. Special Price, Sid yard. Usually 3/fi 5/11 4« 4/11 For One Week Only 2.11 3/6- 3/11 3,11 yard -~": 5-INCH MUSLIN EMBROIDERIES, with Beading for RibbonWell worth 9d. Clearing-Price, lid yard. 27-INCH MUSLIN -~INGS. extra soft finish, very dainty pattern,. wen worth 3d. wearing Price, lid yara. There will be a, great demand {or these goods to meet present day LONCCLOTH EMBROIDERIES, sto 10 inches wide, close and open de- • style i-„ ,„, „_ „„ „„, ... -~,-„ > >' signs. Exceptional value—. * Usually 1/11 2io 2/6 2/11 0,0 o;lI to a/6 Well worth 10|d and 1/-. For One Week Only, 7Jd yard. To Clear at 1,8 1/111 2/3 2.6 2/9 3,6 to 4/6 yard LONCCLOTH AND MUSLIN EMBROIDERIES, 5 to 3 inches wide, 45 - ,N ° 16 MUSUN BOUNCINGS, very attractive goods and wonderful ; -J very dainty patterns- ' Usually 2/11 3/11 4/6 4/11 5,6 to 6.11 -V ffi'i Well worth IOJd and 1/-. To Clear at Sid yard. Special Prices 1/11 2/11 3/6 3,11 46 to 5 6 yard *: 17-INCH CAMISOLE AND FLOUNCING EMBROIDERIES, extra soft MUSLIM AND CAMBRIC EMBROIDERIES AND INSERTIONS, 2to 21 ' ' -■ - ? finish, vary effective designs. This width will be greatly in demand inches wide, in very dainty designs— *-- ■?--:< this season— Usually. s*d yard. Reduced to 2£d yard. Worth 2/6. Special Price, 1/8 yard. Also 2to 5 inches wide, in a wide selection of open and neat designs " " Usually, -lid. Reduced to 3|d yard. * 27-INCH MUSLIN FLOUNCINGS. in latest designs, very soft finish— ''- W«,H, fmm /c ♦„ a « =,j Wl .i d*».« .. ~7 ~ MUSLIN. CAMBRIC, AND LONGCLOTH INSERTIONS AND EMWorth from 2/6 to 4,6 yard. Special Prices. 2/3. 2/6. and 3/6 yard. BROIDERIES, 2 to 5 inches-wide; good qualities; latest patterns- l|P 45-INCH MUSLIN FLOUNCINGS. in very attractive designs, good quali- Usually. Old. 7ld. and Sid. Special Prices, Sid, 6|d, and 7Jd yard. ■:, tJea ~ , , 45-INCH VOILE FLOUNCINGS. with Embroidered and Hemstitched -" Well worth from 2/6 to 6/11 yard. Edges; a very wide selection designed in newest patterns - • ik ■ Prices for One Week Only, 1/11, 2/6. 2/11, to 5/11 yard. Usually 4/11 5/11 6/11- 7/11 8,6 to 11/6 .. ?- For One Week Only 4,6 .4/11 5/11 6/11 6/11 to 11 r 45-INCH VOILE AND ORGANDIE FLOUNCINGS, very dainty goods ' r some, exclusive designs; reliable qualities— ' 45-INCH VOILE FLOUNCINGS, superior qualities, daintiy embroidered Well worth 7/11 8/11* 9/11. 12/6 Ud u3f W "M/6' 15* <»2'fi 05, 97<n > Mm To Clear at 6/11 7/11 8/11 10/8 yard Sal Prices 12/6 12/6 iT/C 19/6 M yard - ft B£ Our entire stock of Embroideries reduced for this one week only. % JOHN COURT, LTD., S S. \<- POST ORDERS receive best possible attention. As usual we pay the Postage. • bo%. college boots _£„ Be sure and see our College Boots for Grammar School Boys and Girls. All styles are shewn in the windows. Boys' Calf Derby Bals„ full round toe and square 9 Girls' Calf Derby Shoes, Patent Toecaps, full toes and heels, solid leather throughout—l 2/9, 14/9, 16/9. Tow heel—ll/9, 12/9, 14/9. ?1&f Girls' Calf Boots—l 3/9, 15/9. i - f JAMES , ADAMS ,- & CO., gS^^ Good health is your greatest asset With it Tlle tmtil °* our rl *' m " ***"** excellence of the Broadway Csfe you can do anything—without it yon can d* dwEt *_fiß__M_ : _1 be proved when you dinejhere. Lunch there to-day, and nothing. VITADATIO i, a graat life-giving /WjtJfffM *gr7iKififf ■■ vi you will realise just how splendid the cooking and attentioni_ - " tonic and it will till your system with health mil / ' - %*&* ' afl -'' '-'•=^^. : VrTADATIOc«r..Tn-ar.Brirfif.DU..ia.Hyd«ti*., ff K/?_■ KQpr 1 A ___* DDAAHW/AV o a t VITADATIO c-r«.T__ar._r>_ht'«.Hyd«tia.. fl| J(' AIH DivVy/AL/ Wf\ 1 V j£\ l"* Tj Troubles Debility. Chronic v _ ~ _K ] / /»_■ ft ' v) /WW/ VV/i *" TV * *- 1 V>X-A __ Indigestion, Insomnia, Nerrooa- sen*/5 en */° r BBBBKW I* £fj_| BbV " 1 V § JWJ «_. 0..- C, » * —i-" L ■ C. »r\ " » new etc. ADVICE FREE Sa.rpt. ■>] / M K; Ifff/fl Ua««n otreet, just above Sewart Daw-sons. Dat v/C"d |BJBJp /' WUh Syl I 439 Flinders Lane, Mclboume~~~~~^ 'WUWntW /f' ™~"^■mhhmpmw ■'..'■"■ / Sendme free sample ofvrrADATl ° t j Hf///l// ' 3/6,5/6 ftf^SSSSSSSSStSSSSSQQSffiSSrBrB^E^B^^ ' • lin ' '— 1 AMER,CAH DENTAL PARLORS. ""^^TOffn^SKpffc price l nn YftH KMfIW * I SOLD ONLY 1/g ® W« IUU i%ilUfl I IN TINS. ilfea^OHUDSON^^^l: .. riw ,„- .. . © oi^c i » ? method being tued at the AMERICA* DKTTAE B^ Wjl B'l \\i ""~i __jTr~|r At Chemists and © PABLOKS, whereby you can have your teeth drilled and filled with- ST' Storekeeper*. ffi out the slightest sensation of pain inconvenience to yon- -^fi^P \MKt - % t - This method is the invention of Dr. Clark, of New York, and ii^SSB S T?- use by tha *°*dmg Dentists of America. We an the onjy S The Great Antiseptic and Prophylactic for | " ft; ItSSS? I ofJSSSiS 1 '13 COUGHS! COLDS! INFLUENZA' I SSerprSn hw^tive^^ttß « aß « 1 " © _ OTO SYSTEM OF PAIKLCSS ZXTEACTION IS TAR IB AD- f '. © VANCE OF THAT USED by any other DeaW Concern in th* Do- ® ' i ii. g< minion. -S^^ RII D TT* IT R P i T WE ABE HOT BEGINNERS, and we have treated thousands of |4fi %J A. M %J It. «Va# • g g , a i JSr*«l2.*il^fi'iS n > ears - OTl]tt HEPDTATIOK stands job 'Wljg^^ " « PAINLESS OPERATIONS AND QTJALITT OF WORK THAT WILL g It tannot be too thoroughly insisted upon that the reason why the wearing of a a " & r^r?i> * TE^«°^^ ME ' . „ \ ■ ft truss does not cure Rupture is because the principle upon which the truss works abso- g , .* CiIABGES ABE REASONABLE, and we make the most - S utely prexents healing. The pressure directed by a truss is simply meant to withstand V? daraole and life-like plate obtainable anvwhera in th» mnAA tWim S the pressure from within, and when it fails to do so the pad has to be enlarged, till -ha © £3 s*. - ' ouwunanu. aDJwnere in the World, ITOffl & wearing Incomes not merely unsightly and cumbersome, hut also painful In the extreme. (R. -. __ .__ Li, J,'J L ' ' ' ' ' A Ihe Dr. .1 A. Sherman method of treating rupture is diametrically opposed to the truss i S _ THIS PLATE IS NOT AH EXPEBUffENT WITH A PANCT V^S-^S method, for. instead of wrtme the downward " spreading " pressure, which absolutely *£ NAME, IT IS MADE OP TEE SAME ; MATERIAL. THAT XYBtT m prevents healing, by pushing the ruptured wall apart, it cures by exerting an upward © AMERICAN DEHTIST nssfi • " '•' nn *o*i ***** -en = •contractile pressure, holding the injured membrane in such a way that the parts © ■—*-—-« «ju>iioi «sw.. .- M must unite, and healing becomes possible; and such healing is aided by a useful adiunct Si AMCDIP AM ■"> aT akiaaa a■ " v% » ■>»« ». nn ' £i in the form of a curative compound. The result is startling-not to the patient has m - »*«VItKIUAN DENTAL PARLORS* S long prayed for such reasonable treatment, but to those (even in the medical profession* 2? fornor flnaan .■■( n 1!..t... e*. * > ... j j_._. «- _». • -S?S^^S who have everlastingly preached of believed that nothing but a severe operation could © ... WHIM UUeefl BBS WellSSley StfeetS. AflCWairf, SOd at WelDSgtfti. llffl^l possibly extirpate the rupture. pi DILRAYNER X>aily from 9t0!6. Satnrday 9 till L Op«« Friday Evenings only. ' @^^ That Tinder the Sherman treatment a rupture' is gradually reduced and finally dii S ®®®®^* : 2®-S©©SS©©©©SSS©©©©©S©^SaffiSS©©SS^tf appears has been proved in cases of 10. -20, 30, 40. and even 50 years" standing. ■ ———--———-—-—--—-— ""-'"-■■ " '■-. ' ■ "-" " -; ; _ Send for booklet, "Rupture and Its Treatment;" it is posted free- to any sufferer. ft,> . CJaw »m*mma, pj -■■ "iflWI at onto*. M " rfln DOW n * Ti3i ' ,0 the Coramonw " li &> but all letters will 'be posted on XL IT Rl'l WB It'' '' *«»»= A- W. MARTIN. '\ I lit DIU I ULC Samson Buildings. s*w3\<» '" ,, z Dowling Street. Dunedin. ■ A{ I ■ I I ii wl cl in i. .1 .r. . is coming back. r fl Why, She Wears It Herself! MillfC* - ».*-*."-«—* : -;l ————— —— raf 1M Mr I ji IBilf ■ M_w '_<i'' Bicycle is coming into its own again. Ql "VV, rM/"T"TC • _T IB , '_li ' r ' ° Bicycle " s '- ,;;! the most Perfect J *'A's Wl '-yyay»3rVV^v - UR 1 ii) IS a _Jail -P ! means of transporting a single person -- *•??.. ..S!_y_2s/ : L„„„ . „ k-*L «_f fi® "A "i iii-'i3^^ ever invented, and it probably always : 7m3 4W__ ~- ! DO On tO bOth 1j« ?||f' 3J-I j ~W 1 will be. It is more, perfect now than it /!«£ • $MItWfS shoer shop-girl. Minimises , (J[ M |1| much*__* height ° f ** popularitJ ' Md IS fatigue by giving ample support to il Mi Sfe !.'!"*!! , _v <„ ,-i. : ; _s®___^-^^V^_K»/ filth L - , ' a a ,* . Y • • - «Ksj? ■'-.. It is bound to come back, for «» ' TafaaT ~ 1 \®T=*l'l •— WaiSt preserves the elasticity K^^T__^S^__!(_»S^^^^^lx;^^^ X Keneral use is justified a? a convenience, -•$9 %\l r~ and shape of the corset—keeps "1 U ,,TT' a nec ? ssi ! y - " d .« fpart n IMH IVWI i r j - * yi EBBireiMßil " has been said that every person _IS_fcv the figure neat and trim. >i over five years old . in c ° aatry ha * ■ MS| : - OKXIS COStS lESilV^^^Sw^^Wr^ViHX In our new and up-to-date warehouse - E /„ H I I»V\. -~r.. '. -..i , t I ■_' 'Wtß_S iliiiMi) we haTe a splendid showroom, wherein -' [*« | > . little, lasts long, - JJBtxiil' is shown the latC£t masterpieces ™- v *na is absolutely rustless. ____i^__f^_Pfr"?^^ 1 1 bicycle baild . ins - The prices range from $** »«*>w«a. l> 1 £Sl\ol- to £16. and we can make ihe s«r<w ft», r _-v \a/\ I I terms easy to those who don't want to GET ONE TO-DAY. ALL DRAPERS STOCK \\ j\ )i P*» casl,. We invite you to coma in M fji| * \\lr|/* and inspect any time, without obiif--1 _. tion. but if you can't do that send for •• • - f*^^Pl/ r ?Jp''> out catalogue, which gives full inform*-- ~§mm — 'lip? I SKEATES Come to Cycling Headquarters for Vasm. ::: TOJI K) |jli|J SKEATES a? WHITE, V^,,^^^ "The Cyclists' House for Quality," 48 Fort Street gl

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 16020, 11 September 1915, Page 8 (Supplement)

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 16020, 11 September 1915, Page 8 (Supplement)

Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 16020, 11 September 1915, Page 8 (Supplement)