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. .,,,. 1 .,--. iV..i...,...».i..' iimmni Gerstena Food Talks, No. 4 W - ! W™' ft "My 12 months La ; K'_W_--P'_ 1 - i_£2&"--'--' ' "My 12 months ■* frC f\fV ! ■£&&*s** old baby makes *' * ■"§ • W 'M, two meals every QIP JOSHUA ijßfcfC^J day of Gerstena ° IIV J VQIIU -Jml'>■■■&% Milk Porridge" BARTLETTS Qk/ • . This is what Mrs F. Bax- . -__^^n^^^^!^^K I ter, of Temuka, writes, T5/"\/"W r 'V^ 1 adding, too:— "I find it ■"■l 11 J IV. * "^JK^mMS^^^S^A^^ ' I better than more expen- X_r—» _* • m\y2Br\^*^Ez£M*Zo?^fs& I sive foods." Hundreds J^ r 'jg?s'4 i of mothers throughout * f/Ml/rir 1 f?\ jLW^m^^^mV^\y § the Dominion will* en- ** I 1-1 _H HI llVfl W* • «aP^!O2L-*y ' 1 dorse this. * **JL-i llXJlVllUl W^^^^^^^^' Any child that is ailing l"'\/"\^ ,, T' , 99 W^^^^^^ at all, and over nine 111 II llf l\ W&iz^r months old, will grow * »m yfe*^ ST* EXPLAINING THE NEW SPECIFIC FOR bundle o Of health, if A"TAD DIJ Asthma, BfOll■Wtonn AMn,j " Eto lit/13it/IIU The GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY I I AND THE MOST POWERFUL ELIMINANT OF 1 ■111 CATARRHAL POISONS EVER PRODUCED. i iWiiHißi now USED by the GEELONG infirmary. | »»._..- Sir Joshua Bartlett's New Treatment society are among those who have taken «iu/<«Wm ViMtntrfciit (or the euro of Catarrh, and all Bran- the New Treatment. "LAtlnclt ift£ HI litfit chlal Troubles Is both simple and irtex- Sir Joshua Bartlett's New Treatment bM//wM MiAK/l(f/(UI»V pensive. 'His Book, the Homo Doctor, is absolutely the FIRST and ONLY cure -».j- -«»u MJiv which explains the new treatment, has for these diseases. No other method so maae wite nui. already run Into the 61st edition, nearly completely rezshes the affected partsall of which has been distributed in the SOURCE of the trouble. No or. There'* nothing to hart the Qreat Britain. No work of the kind dinary inhalant—no spray or ointment most delicate child in has received such widespread and im- —can reach the root of the disease. "Gerstena"—it'« just the mediate recognition among members of Many doctors have stated that Sir pure concentrated floor of the medical profession. Nearly three Joshua Bartlett's Treatment IS THE sun-ripened cereals, with thousand medical practitioners have ONLY ONE THAT WILL DO IT. all the indigestible husks endorsed the new Treatment, and are This book advocates in a most plainremoved. - actively prescribing it among their spoken manner the New Cure for patients. Thousands of men and women Catarrh and Bronchial Troubles which And as for little bore and of all ranks of society and of all ages have hitherto defied all other forms of girlswell. Mrs H. S. Hook, have been cured of Catarrh and other treatment. It demonstrates how they of Loin, writes:— 'Ger- Bronchial Troubles. Members of the may be treated at home quickly and stena' was net node, my nobility, clergy, and many leaders of inexpensively, children (and I hare six vw-ayr IF YOU HAVE CATARRH Remember. "Gersteß*" is . ™*~ ** w mmm *" * * »*m»m» * n fj'^Jf' * , L-!.^.V- p ffcl L* w SMW,r ,rom the drM l disease stomach, which brings on complications. ■ „TS?.i",£!«. i£ -!«.»i! of Catarrh, you can cure it NOW-AB. The disease soon becomes chronic, and I ?f*^is 80LUTELY. No matter how severe the results in Bronchitis. Asthma. Catarrh I £.;"??»*.£* it?* SS# IS! discharge— matter how difficult the of the Stomach, Deafness, etc.. and fre- B «™.t k-jfc llj ....! breathing—how distressing your cough quently enrts In Consumption. i S!^4.i-*-#**t.i"l.- 3**Z how congested the breathing passages- . I S?«;«Si» * ' U ?i ,i°2 hu A..SF t,ett ' s N9W Treatment One of the most remarkable features I dit-cstible. THE ONLY METHOD BY WHICH of Sir Joshua Bartlett's Treatment is I _ „ „ „_ „ YOU CAN. BE CURED. Delay only the lightning-like rapidity with which it B Your Grocer Sells Gerstena ?r ,n £* m * trouble. The simple cold In gives relief, and brings about a per- B x uiu ui«>-a "«" v»«oic«c» th» head may causa Catarrh. Soon the manent cure. it calms the agitated B a_>»E—a-__»aM discharge commences — the bronchial nerve centres. It clears the breath pas- B ' — —— tube* become Inflamed, and the poison- sages. It banishes the choking paroJB' a* mm MM " »- - pan J"8 catarrhal matter drops down Into xysms. It Immediately relieves the con- £§• J* UMM' imt&a || X * throat and finds its way to the Sestion. and stops all discharge. '''. in every bag of I WRITE YOUR NAME HERE-CUT COUPON OUT AND u j-, - "' m POST TO US, WITH 3d. STAMPS FOR POSTAGE, Etc. "efiATINA" ¥ B^T"^¥^, T^ 1 6 100,000 COPIES OF SIR V >f /«r% ■ Ifllrm u M i-4 I joshua bartletts em am .m ** m » A IX 1 111 * L BOOK, "THE HOME Rolled Oats M * * mB J * * m doctor," Finest CeroalFoori , ■ | EXPLAINING THE NEW TREATMENT. 1 in New Zealand! flat —.—-.-.— _ _ " ' ' l I profit by it E ml-■ .1 WRITE YOUR NAME HERE. 1 E Also in 201b Bags. Full XV?i?M ■ Cufc onfc this couon and P° St to us, with 3d. in stamps for postage. • »« weisnr. || MESSRS. KUNEROL LABORATORIES PROPRIETARY, ' ; ' — 29 O'SONNELL ST.. SYDNEY, N.S.W.— *******'' „.''''" Please send me poit free a copy of the HOME DOCTOR, authorised by Sir Joshua CD K|C ASS Is AN IIN fß*raet*.fox.whichl enclose 3d. in stamps. (S»to whether Mr., Mrs., or Miss). Cm* f■ * INSTRUMENTS, MUSIC, lEFJUF.S. • KAMB ; „.„ ..„. . , y jpSjftfl I Write for free illustrated Cata- ~ "' •-••—• "" E fCyH* lofiies. Estimates and all tutor- . 17 , nnrM P «~>L| mation free. ADUBbbS- , „ m PF-JI J. W. COPITHORNE. P 137 Vmaa Stmt, Wtffiaftsa. JJ± ; __^^__^^^^!lentionthispai[>w .; ' SEBAID, 11/9/15. H Medical. _-^i—»-«-___________-H-^_^_»-_______-^_-_-*»' -" r-; —- -, ' ■•■- -_. ■ ■•->-■■ -- ■-—___,—j. ■ ■ •" "!■ '■ ■ ■ aaas ' j Why experiment? Save ? Magll6lia Anti-FriCtiOll Metal I money and annoyance— i ! f «-*■■»■ « nwikivn >«ivtui ,« sure and prompt benefit—by *j r,-. - * «*»■»«!•»«» "FLOWER" Rn<a M «i '{( takine the one really reliable -t-i *"®"' no fUUWtrt tsPand. U( remedy for Colds and Bron- "' :L,VI/,/ _A ' 'Ii J*~ •*?" LiNaEco »•*•_. llaWVi Jr it r . m 0 _&T_u: 1 sion -J British - wM? Manmactarc j ■_fl--«B_li. <i Trade Mark stamped on ersry Ingot. ( ( mmmmmmmmKMMMMMMMMMMMMMM- % Always ask for "FLOWER" Brand. BEST FOR ALL BEARINGS | W> # 1 I D # l f WRITE US FOR PARTICULARS. A) lleSi riles! 1 john chambers & SON Ltd., Fort %__^ 8 : With Intense itching ..' ==•=■=:=:-=.= wrrrrg: ■-■■-■-■"■■'■■■- a —-■-■-.-■- ------_-.-.i-^---i---c-,') and pain ! ■ ■ Cored without Operation. '£-' ,- —"~ — j _ mmmm .i— - -- I^> _ ol^_^_l^^>^__l Mra» W., o.v Hamilton, Waikato, cured ss^^ssssssssssss»ssßsißm««is«iSßss»asssiss^sisßm alter 13 years' suffering from bleeding ; i b-»- m _--», aa m mmm *■**. _•«_. I piles. :; :;V |-_— ■,■■■, r..-. i •■•• - ■-a : (.AD I\/3 LDQ! "I feel in duty bound to tell you of the WT rt&g* _- -~ All IVI tssi RO . wonderful cure ZAOTJ DOUBLE BSOKP- M _KT>K /WaVp »■»■»■ >--— m _ -_»»- ■ TION TREATMENT has brought -hout for S|_~Y 1 IftA- __K£v* mm.?lSm ' i l '- - BUY me. Thirteen years ago I contracted piles, ' V?|\!i*_% m i "/A O. SawJ-SMa(BuffirJ^'' : > and since then I got steadily worse. I could i :^^^*/^^/^s!* BJ SKSS?&X_ -^M *lf?: . i f\\ff f\ 9 a*% ftl sa 9» : not sleep at night, the itching and the pain . V 6855__%2>_«_a " %' Iwillß Im I* were so bad. and during the day I was un- ; I U •_■ I 1I 1 IJ IV 1_ abie to walk. Everyone advised different = *llsS*y'l_i^^J^S_ff__#^^^s»*C r ' P.* W I VIbiVIIIm I remedies, but all failed. My doctor said an I < j^i*jMyy^/xit^^'gW"^fTOJ^_>'' i > operation was necessary. I had decided to ' 1 < rMIPTn -VI PW{ fi-l f\ have the operation, when my daughter noticed I WK^§LJms£JM m NHrpr Mh ■ lIEwl-s your advertisement, and got your ZAKN : v "_^^J [mSWSdHm^^^^P^■ WllfcatF 111-i I I IllM DOUBLE ABSORPTION TREATMENT. ! ' _ '^^^^l^^l^?HaP^ ■'■ '■ TREATMENT cures all forms-- of piles, in- ' " *? -">•<• ' ternal, external, bleeding, and itching piles. ;S:gfe—~—- *'" =g=====»~-»a—»m«« ———':: ? «■"•-- i" - «•■ r-_k Write to-day, enclosing P.N. for 4s 6d. and Sip _*»» 4 a . J&v l4fi|jg^i^^p=ia; receive in plain wrapper a couwse of the K f QTO '?: |e> *<m* t mmu I — »~*« Zann Double Absorption Treatment. ||] V*/ JT \sm.M.\2) L_f : g m^^^^^^ml -, If. after a fair trial, you are not satisfied _—_ _ij ___ «_t 5- B^^S| cfcl *- 1 "■nni»»«, , with the Zann Double Absorption Treatment, £ C25.1l SIVOICI tPO_->le * „£!i§Slij3fg*= ' nam p "*" •-■-«» --- return the empty packet and your money will ■_•------_>--_-_-_-_-_-_-----_________- hi '' SB 8 l|>— «"• i.L—'— >i... be refunded, immediately. Agencies through- , .-.,.,, •-. ~ I's JTTrrr^^T^^m!. 1.. a m__l . ■ " - _ out the world. by using Reliable and Durable ; J^ 3^ , - .'' '"Jin. »" ~=~- THE ZANN PROPRIETARY, H % tfiSPillliillgj^-*^~ '» !^ 66, Lambton Quay, Wellington, N.Z. VUs W i '' m " " ' * lu * Bo- 348. 0.P.0.. Wellington. 11l I WkW I ■ill N STr-■ --■** . \ = UUIMLUF and SAVE2S% M L___J "•""I ' W ff\ _P CYCLONE NETTING is cheaper and • " I I I_■ M stronger than imported Netting. It £3L I jm 0« W is manufacture d_ in the Dominion. JjY* _rf> €-SL ■ ■ flMfer If your storekeeper does not stock _■&_>___? /r*f%k . *»mm*mW | Cyclone Netting write us direct. AraH Theae world-famed Tyres _„_-....,„ " — _■__■__. Wtt & -fr,_,J «!„__ (A C fra „„ ,„J FREE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE of Fencing H ___« Stana alone r«c strength and and Gates pasted on application. Bl«3B_Pfc MS Resiliency; They ensure get one now. __ !_-_—-«■£- _B_R' _ I cyclisU a greater mileage and « fVr! ARICD g I __ . ' ■ I less trouble than any other ? CYCLONE" 9 Freedom From m % Tyre made, and are easily _ FENCE & GATE CO. § Tyre Tyranny! « 1*" ***»? 1 7*? to use. | 1 christchurch. f "1 Are you tired of Tyro fl I Beware of Cheap Imitations. % ; _ i troubles —of frequent "Dunlop*'' are only /^\ rim-CUts, blow-OUtS, and genuine when they bear sjuaMi ssbss««mi^w^sisis——— the other Tyre mishaps **>" Trad* Mark *»- ET.T~' ««» »tTt mT»a?*w^l | that tax your patience | obtainable all cycle agents •: g WUDII-MILNE TIRES 1 Then try gOOd, Sturdy H!.^" WLOI> *" >,B ** <A " BULtCT "" k.z. 1 y»^« _ Ughzi tyEritutWe t v ct _. 3 I and learn what real Tyre \^^\jag^^^ I IBM r '' ac ' SSft3 f : ? ect » n I For fifteen years Avons wS&f-S It aT\tf &WmWl ? Wl WOOD-MILNE S % have faced comparison W&S£3 g _-_I. .Lf» _% 1 &*? onrni*! P_ ■ with the best Tyres built MW OIUD \__% 5 IM SPECIAL %M g a Hav^en* T I Coffee Powder! 1 H ■>***— m I Wt _r Kisen ■ wVtiww runuci a effect-of!»« t>k being ia- p» i lIS ■_- j> , I il-S— I mt I T •. _Te_ I • M Bfc™t Thus rniiria. the iciion of ISSsS hi World's finest. J&*\> I HI'S I CITS fl IClt. H | 5...:,H uriux j^ra[ g tain's 1 " high?"" J_*N*!-r 1 * 8 infinitely more enjoyable I I Note the shape. jffi§§B I buiVd 6d ' i,yre - Wii___i 1 Wten *UP°f th delicioU> i I S. „d mV«" RotterTwsil |W I 1) g 1 Coffee a powde'r ro"dy I jillm^ 1 «aung SStch S I David Stran S> "i. InvcrcargilL I I 1 « C-.M.-sje ______ « J 1 ulittccl 01 N.Z.I crot: WBrandcnSt.,Welllngte_H •■"••'—I• [' «.W to 5 LMdlng Crooeri . j EVERY TYRE GUARANTEED. J v

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 16020, 11 September 1915, Page 8 (Supplement)

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 16020, 11 September 1915, Page 8 (Supplement)

Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 16020, 11 September 1915, Page 8 (Supplement)