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LONDON WOOL SALES. COMPETITION MAINTAINED. By Telegraph-Press Associntiou—Copyright. London. July 6. At the wool sales there vas good competition for all classes without quotable change. The following prices were receiver! for the fleece portion of the clips named : -Annedale, top. 19d and 18£ d ; Orimmatiia, 19d and 18|d ; I'pcot. 15d and 13Jd. BRISBANE SALES. FOREIGN BUYERS ACTIVE. By Telegraph— Press Association —Copyright (Received July 7. Sin p m.) Brisiune. July 7. 1 lie wool sales weie excited, Japanese and American buyers forcing the competition for good wools. Italian representatives are also buying freely. Pines obtained were from 10 to 15 per cent, above those at the last salts. MOUNT MORGAN COMPANY. REVENUE OVER A MILLION. By Telegraph-Press Association— Brisbane. July 7. I he .Mount Morgan Company's revenue tor the year ended May 31 was £1,005.399, and the expenditure £833.760. A dividend of Is per Ji,. o was paid on June 30. Ihe year's yield of the mines was 9075 tons of copper and 116,5050z of gold. PROPERTY SALES. Messrs. Alfred Buckland and Sons report having sold at the Havmarket oil 1-nday last, in the estate of A. Roberts, deceased, two sections of five aires and 194 acres, which realised £60 and £69 10s per a, re respectively.

STOCK SALES. AUCKLAND. Messrs. Alfred Buckland and Sons report as follows :-- At the Ilaymarket on Friday Inst we had a full yarding of horses, which were dull of A' -V' 1 " 50 so,d realised late values. \t uMonday no heid a clearance sale at air. fc. hraljevich's. Taupakl. Buyers were in attendance, and satisfactory prices were realised, The dairy cows sold at from *<' 10s to £12; 12-months heifers. £4 2s 6d to i Ui',~ 6; farm ilorses . £17 10s to £20. At Wellslord on Tuesday we held our usual monthly sale. Dairy raws brought from i ' 7 ,158 to £9 ]0a for best, others £4 to .1 10s i. fat cows. £6 15s to ±10. empty cows, id to £1 2s 6d; good calves. £1 Us to £2 5s tat. sheep. £1 2s 6d to £1 5s 6d; fresh fullmouth ewes, 13s 6d. We had a small yarding of stock at Holensville on Wednesday, which sold at late quotations. At Weslfield on Thursday. July 1. dairy cows sold at from 19 to ill for best, others ±o 10s to £6, small heifers. £3 10s to £5empty cows. £2 5s to £4 17s: yearling heifers. £1 IDs to £2; 18-months-old heifers. £'- 8s to £3 3s; good full-mouth ewes, in lamb. £1 Is ,6dto£l 3s ; ' d - others 15s 6d to 16s 6d; old ewes, 12s Gd to Its 6d : small store hoggets lis to 12s 6-1. smaller 9s to 10s 6d. weedy 5s 9d. ~.W e, held our usual monthly sale at Wamkti on Saturday. B nd had a large yarding of dairy stock and a fair entry of store cattle. In the former were three whole dairies, and these found ready buyers at from £11 10s to £14 for best cows, second Quality £7 10s to £10. aged £5 to £7. Mr. A White's cows averaged over £10. tows and heifers on account of other clients. £7 to £10 ss; small heifers, in calf, £4 5s to £5 10s; fat cows and heifers, £5 10s to £8 15s; empty store cows, £2 to £3 17s; yearling heifers. £2 3s to £2 13s; yearling steers. £2 17s to £3 10s; 18 months steers. £4 to £4 6s; good calves £1 13* to £2 2a. .smaller 13s to £1 ss; young pigs. 10s to 16s 6d; poultry, Is 5d to 2s Id; horses, £9 10s to £25. The clearing sale held on account of the trustee in the estate of the late Mrs. Moore at West Tamaki on Monday. July 5, wag well attended, and the cows sold freely, best making from £11 10s to £14 15a, others £7 to £9. inferior cows £4 10s to £5 15s. On Wednesday, July 7, at our weekly Westfield fat stock market, our entry of beef numbered 323 head, comprising 224 steers, 98 cows and heifers, and 6 bulls. The quality was not up to last week's yarding, although there was a fair proportion of choice and prime cattle. There was a keen demand throughout, with a further advance of from £1 to £1 5s per head. Choice ox sold to £2 3s. prime £1 19s to £2 Is, ordinary beef £1 10s to £1 16s. cows' and heifers' £1 10s to £1 19s. Steers ranged in price from £9 to £19 2s 6d; cows and heifers, £5 to £13 2s 6d. Twenty very prime steers from Mr. Ed. Booth's Turn a property averaged £17 12s, and many other consignments averaged over £15. Eight choice quality cows from Mr. J. L. Home. Papatoetoe. averaged £U 16s Bd. About an average supply of veal =oVI readily. A few extra choice runners and suckers made record prices. A seven - months ■ old runner from Mr. J. L. Home. Papatoetoe. realised £10 los, and was purchased by Mr. R. Cochran, Devonport. which is easily a record for Wesfficld. Runners sold to £6 10s; heavy suckers. £1 1» to £6: medium suckers, £2 10s to £3 12s. lighter £1 18s to £2 15*. light £1 5s to £1 16s. small and fre«H-dror.ned. 3s to £1 Is. The 1086 sheap penned were a long way below requirements ::nd. in consequence, there was si keen demai.d. values being extreme. Heavy wether-" made from £1 10s to £1 lis 6d 'no extra-heavy wethers offered), iied>um to heavy £1 6s 6d to £1 9s 9d. unfinished £1 Is to £1 6s; good ewes £1 3s to £1 4s ni extra prime came forward). There »■«« a full y.ird'ng of lambs, which sold at Ivelier r->tes. in ■-ynipntliy with n uttnn. Best lambs made from £1 Is fid to £1 4s 9rl. good IS? to £1 is. others 13s to 1"«. -.331 sold.l Although an average yarding of pigs, there was insufficient f»" requirements. pud late hi"h prices were fully maintained. Choppers sold tit) to £1 l c, s 'no heavy baconers yarded and are required l , lxiconers £3 7s to £3 IS*. litfhl bi.con~rs £2 IHs to £3 as; heavy norVer= '2 13s to £2 l*s. medium porkers £2 fi« to £2 12s. light £1 12s In £2 2s: slips, If- '<> £1 ss; weaner-. Rs to 15s '193 *old.) On Tuesday. .T"lv R. at .Wn Akn. Woiuku, wo he'd a sr —>'&I "-ale of Mr. S. X. West's i dairy herd The- was no! it extra laree | s>"enrin>icc. lu-.f those present '«"p buyers. ;Tl row-, were a nice, even lo'. lining princij pa'ly ">'ond culver" ('o"M>cl'l ion was keen I nnd pi"'- 'i'iri" ri'i-rj Be°t cows realised 1 from "12 to £lt 15s. smaller cows £9 to : *'11, others £1 15= to ''3 10-; hordes. £7 to I fit' 15s sow«. in oi't 3<gns to sgns; i wesners. 16s 6d to 17s 6d.

Tic \"«"V Zealand r.o-. and Mercantile \.mv f'-i>'>vinv. ' iinit«l. report :-- .A' Westfidd on Tli->r...l;n we had a larce ...... Ijr... •■'•,] n-'i-r« >1.....-otl :in :]"nrnvpment ~'.,' In r . ..:.!-. H«w( r'tirv nr< sold -t from M ;>= to l'l". : best dirrv leifers. £7 to £9 c. othoi cows. Si *o £8- cmnty cows. i,-'(= )•• ft 15': ■•.■•lvt>«. IP* to £2 ss; weed !>■»,. 7s to 11?. \t \!'.frt Yards i"' Fridpv horses were rnrdrd in small number*, and a<»»in proved -In,. .<■' sale. Hesivv rlr.'in"lit horses sold f •,, »>•■•-. '■ fsfi: rr-cli'l'rt ditto. £15 10? to co: !,,ri,t harass lior«««. 110 to £10 10s: hacks £<• to ft J fti" £12: eai-t. £9 10s. fl- "F'-'"'i:i -it I'-'nakur" wo lipid a special ,l„j r .- .:,l« when We'- tli» adve-tised minibev l:1 .«- for—ard. The demand was ko"n and <-nod "rices were r.-»'is»d. especially nn'-th'ir close to profit. Best dnirv rows s-lrl from (, 0 ins to £15 ,">»: ditto h-ifers. £- sr. to CP If.-- other co-s, £5 to £8 ss: ot l,„ r h»if»r». t"i 10. to ff,. On Tuporlnv at Pn«'ikiiru we hold our monthl-.- ft"'" s: ,],» was barely an ft'-oracro vard : '": of stork, and prices improved for nil ojasses on late sales. Two to llir» «l»"« €5 to £7 17s fid : no crown stye's yrd-d: calves. 2"so *"2 Us- e-riPtV cows, £3 as to £5 Is: bulls. £4 ~, .0)3 ids: 50 l>e»f a' WestfiMd rates. \- -d. on Wednesday, fat i-'MI" were vardod in ("-erase numbers, many of them hem" of excellent duality. Bidding was e*tr« br' and prices advanced on lute n"o«sl;rn=. Prime nji-n sold to £2 3s per, other- '•' 1"- to £2 oer innlh : 20 steers from F W Manning Hanraki Plains sold a! from i'lfi 10s to £20 7s fid. avera»in2 .{•1 6s fid Most of -ho Waikato consignments averaged over ill Cows and hei*/»r« soM at from £1 11' i,i £1 I*.. heat 0,, a 1."tv sold I- £12 5«: others, £5 in, to qi ~, \ draft of 'JO sm-.11. but well-fatted, onttlp from Messrs. R W frollan pvera-ed £15 8» Calves were penned in small numbers and atrain improved in "rice Heavy venters £; is to £5 19s: medium-wei?b(s £3 n, to ft ISa; smaller do.. £2 8? to £% 7s: others. £1 8 ? to £3 3s; small and fresh-dropped. 3= to £1 Sheen were penned in very small numbers and advanced i" nrices from Js to 5= I, or head Be°> wethers sold at f ro r,, £1 lis to £1 l«s 3d; others, £1 . is 6c ] to £1 !1= 0,1; ewes. heavy, to £1 lis 9d : other" i*l 2s to *:\ 9=: ho—ets sold at lii'tli rat« s rw-=t to £1. 5* M- others. £1 1? to £1 4s nd Piss wore penned in average numbers and ncain improved mi price© baroners, £3 5s to £•( 3s: baooners. £2 17s to £3 6s; I large porkers, £1 13s to £3 2s : porkers. £1 12s to £2 i°«; slips, 16s to £1 6s; weaners. 8a to lis 6d.

Messrs Dalgety and Co., Ltd.. report •having held their usual weekly stock sale at Westfield yesterday as follows — Beet: A small yarding. There was a good demand, and pi ices were about £2 per head higher than late quotations. Extra prime lots made equal to 41s per 1001b; ordinary prime lots, 37s to 59s per 1001b. cow and heifer beef made 28s to 55s per 1001b. according to quality. Mutton : A small yarding, and a keen demand. Prices were 2s to 5s per head higher than late rates. Heavy prime wethers made 28s to 545; medium weight ditto, '25s to 27s Kd: inferior wethers, 22s to '_4s; heavy prime ewes made 25s to I 28s: medium weight ditto, 25s to -24s Gd. ] Lamb: A moderate yarding. Extra prime woolly made 18s to '235; medium weight I ditto. 15s (id to 17s lid: inferior. 15s Gd to las bd. Pigs. A moderate yarding, which sold at late rates. Choppers made up to £4 15s: baconers. £-2 15s to £5 18s; porkers. 53s . to 48s. or equal to Gd to GUI per lb. ADDINGTON. [BY Tt.LI'.OHAI'II — I'RESS ASSOCIATION.] L'uiusti llt'BTH, Wednesday. ' At the Addineton live stock market there was a moderate entry ol fat stock and a good attendance. Fat cattle showed some improvement. and fat lambs sold at about ■'st week's rali.s. There was a keen demand tor store sheep, especially lor hoggets and ewes. Fat sheep were tinner. Good sound-mouthed ewes brought from 15s to -21s, medium sound-mouthed owes 123 to 24s sd. j fairly good sound-mouthed, tour, six and eight tooth ewes Ms Grl to -His 6d. inferior tour, si:; and eight tooth ewes 12s lid to lis; forward hoggets 15s to 16s 7d. fumy good hojfireta 12s 9d to lis Gd. inter.or j hoggets 8; 9<{ to lOg lid. good ewe hoggets j 143 to 17s 2d; tour and six tooth wethers, 9s I Gd to 'ids Gd. Fat Lambs Prime lambs 18s 6d to 21s Id. medium 15s to 18s, light and unfinished 13s 6d '~, 1 is 6d. Fat Sheep: Extra prime wethers to 30s. prime wethers 22a to 27s Gd. others IBs yd lo 21.i Gd. Merino wethers IGs Id to 17s. extra prime piivs to 335, prime ewes 20s to I 27s 6d. medium ewes IGs to It's 6d. interior j ewes 12., ,">d to 16-1, Merino owes 9s to lis sd. Fat Cattle. Extra steers to £17 17s 6d. I ordinary steers £8 to £11 12s fid ; extra | heifers to £11. ordinary heifers £5 17s 6d I lo £1.1 10s. extra cows £11 7s Gd. ordinary [cows £5 17s fid to £9. Price of beef per lOOil). 25s to :!7s 6d; extra to 50s. j Store Cattle: Yearlings. il 13?,; two year j steers. £3 2.-; dry cows, fl 12s 6d lo £1 15-. | Dairy co.vs. £3 to £10 Ids. '. Pics . ('hoopers, 50s lo 90s. extra heavy I baeoners In 80s. heavy baconers 70s to 75?:. I liaht bar-oners .Vis to 67s . prim per lb sjd. Heavy porkers :lSs to !.".s. i gill porkers 28s i to 355: price per lb. 5-d lo 6d Medium stores 22s to 28s, small stores :fis to 21s; I v.'.'iners 3s (for very small to lis fid 'lor j good sorts!; ?, ws. in pis, 30.-, to 32s Gd. | BL'RXSIDF.. I [BY TI-.1.1■.i.K.11'H —I'RI.SS ASSOCIATION.) DI'.VKDIN, Wednesday. ' . At Biirnside to-day there was- a full yard- : ins; of la; cuttle. 206 being penned. The entry consisted mostly cd medium quality i bullocks, cows, and heifers, with an odd pen lof Rood heavy weight cattle Competition I was keen, and prices were firm at an advance of 10s to 15s per head on last week's rate Medium duality cattle were not in such keen demand, and sold at late rales. Prime bullocks made £15 10s to £17. extra to £19

2s fid: medium. £13 to £14; others. £11. to £12 10s; prime heifers and cows, £10 10s i to £1-2; extra to £11 2s 6d ; medium. £8 10s j to £9 10s : others to £7 j The yarding of fat sheep consisted mainly i of medium wethers and ewes, with a few ' pens of really prime wethers. Freezing ' buyers were operating but had only limited ' | space. There was fair competition through- 1 I out. prices for prime wethers being if any- : , thine, in advance of those ruling last week. ■ I while all other classes were firm at last week's rates. Extra prime wethers made 32s 9d; prime. 26s to 28'< fid: medium, 21s to I 255: light and inferior to 18s: extra prime I ewes. 37s 3d. prime, 21s to 2-ls 6d ; medium.' 17s to 19s 6d : light and inferior, to 15s. 1 I There was a small yarding of fist lambs. ! ; 1343 being penned. There was keen com- ; 1 petition between some export buyers, who I had limited freezing space, and graziers, and prices were considerably better than those I ruling last week. Best made 19s to 21s; extra to 255. medium. 16s 6d to 18s; others! to 15s. j There was a small yarding of nigs, in con- I sequence of which competition was very keen, ; and prices showed an all-round advance com- I pured with last week's rates

MARKET RETORTS. ■ Mess a Alfred Buckland an' Sons report i haying held their weekly sale of hides, i skins, wnoi. etc.. at th« market on Tuo=- '. day. July 6. when average catalogues of nil lines were offered. Hides: Market excited for bu'c'icrß' and freezer lin.-* We yunte: Light ox. lOd to 10JJ. medium ox. IOJd ; stout ox. lOd to ]ojd: co.v. best lines to 10jd: medium cow, 9*d to 9;d; poor quality cow an! ox, Bd to 8!d; stays. C;d to 7d; j kip. Sd 10 Sid; yearlings. S'd to 9d: calf- ! skins, lOd for best, &d to Did for good con- i ditionod. damaged, nieity and neglected. ; aid to 7 id; cut calfskins. 6<d to ~d. Sheepskins: Butchers nicked »kins to 8s ' 9d; medium to go id, 7s 5d to 8s 3d; small and short wools. 5s 6d to 6s Id: lambs and | tegs. 5s 6d to 6s .Sd; _:ood full wool country I dried skins, equal to 8!d nor lb; half and threequarter wool. 7d to 8d per lb; neglected and damaged skins. 4{d to Pd per lb. Wei 1 calted country butchers' skins are making equal to butchers* rates. Wool: Bright crossbred, in bales. Is id to i la 3jd; mixed crossbred, Hid to Is Id, lambs tfree from seedi Is 2d to Is 2'd. seedv > 8d to 94d; pieces. RJd to 9d : locks and ] pieces. 6Jd to 6;d . dead wool, clean, lid to ' Is; crutchings. in bales, Hid to lljd for ' clean; in bags and dumps. 10<d to Id. medium and ticky, 9Jd to ICJd. Tallow: Market improving. In shipment casks. 24s to 265; in barrels, 21s to 235; tins and drums. 20s to 22s 6d : good clean mutton tallow in tins and drums, 2-la to 265. Horsehair: Tail. Is 6d to Is 7'd. mixed. Is 3!d to Is 4»d. Bones: £5 per ton. i

The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. Ltd. report as follows: — We submitted and i-old average catalogues of hides, skins, and tallow on Tuesday, competition being keen for all lineß offering. Hides'. Market advanced. "We quote: Extra stout ox Hid to llfd: stout do., 104 d to lid: medium do., 9id to lOid; light do.. lOd to IOSd : cows, best to lid. good lOd to 10id, inferior 9d to 9id; plus's, 6d to 6Jd: kips. 8d to Sid; calfskins, best to 10d. good Bid to 9id. cut and damaged s»d to 7Jd ; damaged hides, 5d to 7{d; horse hides, 6s to 12s each.

Sheepskins: Market brisk. Best butchers skins, picked 8s 9d to 9s 3d, medium 7s to 7s 6d, small -Is to 5s 3d: country dry and woolly skins, best 7d to 8d per lb, good 6d to 6jd, damaged 2jd to sid. Tallow: Market firmer Best mixed 25s to 265. good 23s 6d to 245. inferior 18s to 20s 6d; rough fat, lid to lid per lb. Bones. £5. Cowtails. Is 4d per dozen. Horsehair. Is to Is 8d per lb. Wool: In bales, (lumps, and bass, selling freely. Bright crossbred Hid to 123 d. coarse lOd to 113 d. inferior B}d to 9*d ; crutchin-js. best lo 12d. Rood 9*d to 10' d: lambs. 10* d to 13 ! d: locks and pieces, s'd to 8!d.

Messrs. Balgety and. Company. Limited, report having held their usual weekly sale of hides, skins, tallow, etc.. on Tuesday, as follows: — Hides: Market continues to maintain the recent advance. Butchers' hides, well flayed and conditioned 'ox hides in short simply, stout to IOJd. medium 9d to lOd. liirhl 9d to 10* d : cow, well flayed and conditioned to 10Sd: wet conditioned. 8!d to 9td; dirty scored or sloppy hides at lower rales: damaged and cut. 6d to 7ld: stags. 11d to Bid . kin. 7!d to 9d ; calf, bent lines to lOd. good 8d to 9d. cut, damaged and meaty 5d 10 lid

Sheepskins: Competition good. market very firm Dry woolly skins to 9s fid. medium Is 6d to 6s 6d, small 3s to Is: dry fts, fid to Is fid, according to length of wool. Skins with weevil-eaten and weatherstained nelts at lower rates. Butchers' salted skins, best, fis 6d to 8s fid: late shorn and small. Is to '>s; pelts. Is Gd to 2s 6d : lambs' pelts. 2s 3d to 3s fid.

Tallow: Market continues dull. Best in shipment ca-sos '26s 6d; tewt casks, good 20s to 24s Bd, seconds 18s In 19* 6d: tins. 20s to 22s fid. according to quality. Cowtails: Is Id iier doz. Horsehair: Tail. Is 3d to Is "id; mixed. Is to Is sd; mane, 7d to lOd.

Bones: Good drv. .('5 per ton. Wool- Competition very good and the 'oca' market has advanced. We quote bright crossbred. lOd to Kid; colted and dingy. Mto lOd: lock«. 6d to 7d f'rutchings selling exceptionally well. Bright and clean, ltd to 12■ d ; medium. Old to 10' d: daggv. fi'd to 8!d: in bntrs. Id per lb less. Lambs, bright. 11' d to 13d; seedy, 6-id to 9'.d; pieces. 6d to 9cl.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 15964, 8 July 1915, Page 5

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 15964, 8 July 1915, Page 5

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 15964, 8 July 1915, Page 5