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1 1 r" I SEE THE WINDOW. i■ " , —!~j""|~~ | l ' I' J ! i^Slnil-^^ *"I Fo 4 orders fc, these Bpwi . 1 1 /"» /Ti/\ jH r* y* wB-J ' " *" B*o l"0 PS ''• ' pV ally pn ' Ced Curtail,s will re- 1 I £300 worth of Job Curtains from Nottingham. nil? \\- h c ""- ';i • I & ** **. &fc£-' NM 14 f F As a b.g demand is bound to g § Mi'l-v-■"■: 1" ; i ((\'|^8 3 5I''*1''* ! J' I)\ pnsue ' re( l uiremei >t3 should be 1 U^»)b|P>ih.,nuoK.i|vw.o,^,>^H,-.H, ri v^Muni^^ 1 i made known without delay. II ] » ~ ~ , J' I'i ■ " < u * SJ)((ES "% ; ! ■• H '■' -fl Order, will be executed ™ th e I Savings of 4/- to 10/- in the £. Pi ' fe4 »f / Pld routlon they are wiwd -• 1 : . ' ■"■-*!' ■-■4^ : L i II 1 «> order, first to receive/ 1 . J1 1i 7 mtjtJa°n!>s4 i 1 U*"* f r ~r . .M a The offering of this splendid line is in pu> ' O. . -:: 'j , 4l#ffl if ItF r li»! ''.I • I' Kl )) 1 Curtain Ends and Nets. m«. ol our policy, announced a few ,*,. ago D™*™* C* '• - n ... HI « t^ 1 2' I : I I $£%?!%& I.ha,, notwithsunding the difficulty of repeal PerfeCt CllrtaillS IU Exquisite J j| «L §f J fR Li I* > !)) &!ftlpil ,-: , :7;-:r,;;*k!r;::,\l':*'r";: -» B »« iai «—* p-*— - - «-*«■ \to\&n Li I iu;/iMiJ!w > i r I - Mm.*. n.ev arc «.. useful fur the odd buyers, those that were already secured would be wsaigiia, • *>*j ~:.;. j.. ,: .s»srt&*- ; -ffi| J -$fP$ * - ,r T ;ll ■ :! ;; J/ V "ilk ' W,,,dOW " '" submitted to M. and C. Patrons in the usual Ltl j. J S *)) )*&s {• I' j'j •'■ 1 W Ji? 1 The end., .i.r from 1 yard to 2J yards way-that means, as past experience shows, they The™ are 96 designs in the range to Or . ■-. j" J !•. i I eel \\m 1 • I. »ic. and Hip sindo Curtains are, of Hpr ; v „ th. r..n h«.,„fi* ,>u ~ , . choose from at prices ranging from 1/11 \«lti ,'■'• 3;' '"I 1 #,"' : MJi' Mt&SSV ''\£- ;: ''>'' \ \ J# W X. I "r«e "full \" •th^iri'-le" 1 ' 181 " 8 *"'' " f derive the full benefit of the special clearing to 23/9 per pair. Ordinarily prices they f/%/irß\ X 1 ' rn.;>:.' "'' l 1" Prices. wouldbe2/3t047/^perp ( air. P " "' '* L.» j ')) U|i| f J%f I 1 '') !IfjW /\ \ |/ " You uill note that your open order amount With such a hug© variety it is an easy L < U^WPw^W^^tT^ "SiS* —^ff^'''■■•' BffTfl M » fc //r *V' I*// ' & \ I for Job Lace Curtain* has been doubled, and !jj«^ r £° ° hta ' n CUrtains for an >' room j)»° ;jj' l' I ffl' lf§- f\ i our reason for so doing is solely due to the "' '"' ' ° ''"' )V| i■ i ' : {'■■'/?& v - s■■ )£> ' Wisti l?:|"f • W^T^^^ r^~" ~" ; .v - f *' f /wlw \ 1 ' Rri<sP af1«1 IMS fact that ice consider this lot one of the finest Here are the particulars :- ll' f *" S" J J fc |3 %' j" ; i ' WflfUA / yfl \ I 1 I Dni>e dnu vurdge nets, u C have handled. h.n- "'"'■. '■ i: ; piff J Mm\ \ 1 ' 1 „, Vn „. ; ,1,1 LACE CURTAINS, in White, Ivory, and Ecru. F'"!!^'' 1 f fe J/ V. ft! 1 *5V ; ' W V» \ i For either fro*, curtain, or Lon S Case- ' ,of .Nottingham, recently took over *' tcrß - W: > .!,.. «>, J* /Mll'Mf „ >*. ) M 1 n„n. Window,. .1,,,p i< , ni.« assortment the. plant and */or*« on hand of -*-. Ban,, 4 yards long- f Hv ' .JP: J i#«l' : &> ! ''" *W F "/ I I „hl,eaWe. 20 uei- cent, and more are desirous of fitting these latter rjuickh,, they Tuesday's Prices, 1.11, 23,%2 11 56 fe| ! li^—T' w -if J* ; TTr?v :•o ]' ** w '' -> ; '''- i !- 5 / F'i ' desirous of quitting then latter r/uickl'j, tic/ \\ n .,\ v n i,, p o t o Q tV"c ' ?'■?" for 8 : v_ ' \ (?■ IL, U fS~ -V « ■ 7 ' t- aa -* SM f \«\ / I the ~™. to be effected on this part of „<r C otcrei,, a prirc, or e uJn„ thai <J d , LsualNalue, 2/6, 2;9, 3/3, 3/6, 6/6. ff»/ .j.-i :■■.} >~ ;;^ < ■*&*'% ,jj Oj ..|N ; . :,; t? I /» / I I the line were offered at a price for clearing thai could o■d I. - I; I ItW }«• ' fi,F/ : : ■•• :: : > :: ':^ S ' |i :| " 7 / W I i ' ■1 ' not he rriistrd and ,rr nrr rnnfdrnt ihnt thru Ja OS long I 6; } m y teA|)V s^s^>^*^»u><iiil«.*i» M k>ft»>,',(»h»K>SM J>ibSuaSi-i\ / f\// W St ' 1 BRISK RISE NETS, widths from 18 to not be isist land uc a, c confident that they Tuesday's Prices, 4/6 5/6 6/11, 7/3, 7/9, 10/9, 12/9. f f : -J A < \ : l : W I 0 f \\\ f ' ' '* | 30 inches- ' mil sell well. Lsual Value, 5/6, 6/9, 8/6, 8/9, 9/6, 13/6, 16/6. 1 gj.S | I V''^^ "} ! " ■' 'IS 4 I // m\ I / I'-P^ I Special Prices, 3*d. 4Jd, SJd, 6jd, 7 jd, Inspection bears out the foregoing remarks. I 0 .-..,. Itl " I I :4t fetf 1 \#s 'P ill*! \lAl 1;" B WW, to 1/11}. _. ... .. . * . Tuesday's Prices, 59, 6/6, 8,9, 9,6, 10/6, 11/6, to 27/6. I J ■ . I- liQft'.'. |S )M( flaf : % v f*r'% 'I • I S %/// «1 MV I■-• " I The designs are the newest we have seen for some Lsual \alue, 6/9, 7/9, 10/3,11/9,12/9,14/6 to 35/- I .■ H '< • W&& ■ < H I f, &li Vi faV & : I l " lially %W Bid ' 9id ' timeand the assortment much more varied than 4 yards long- !.,•/**> y , i|i §[; T"'. HI %:KPP «> |«?j J H »•'■ II *' °'" the usual " job." ' Tuesday's Prices, 13 6, 17 6, 22/6, 23/9. I l] A '; -r* Hx 'lMfitt I" 1. /'/ 11 ' VITRAGE NETS. 30in- . Usual Value, 18,9, 35/-', 45/,' 47/6 " % i ■} I ■! fcM ? ? 8 4,\ I' I ■ '■' i Special Prices, SJd, 9id, Wjd, I.l*. From 4/. to 10/. in the £ will be saved by secur. I fjj : ' : :. : J ■^^•'*-"FF'' :; /fillKf <3 ' . 3) LI -'llil i I r.u.llv lOid, "id, 1/3, 1/6. ing these goods on Tuesday. Early attendance - U"{ JH | : 31 Off &} &j■'j' kM ! I Ml I.; : 1 Special Price, lljd. Usually 1/11. is essential. r.,«f«S«e C i« 1 I_l . '. ■ ■ *? II F/ //Hill i" " special Price, njd. Usually l/il. Doors open at 9 a.m. CnibH r«,faJ«c ,t C ~r , Ml 1 1 Soiled Curtains at Exceptional Ml !•":- i ' ' Prices. " 1 1 I Oddments in Pillow Cases, Yard wide Calico, Two Finishes. Tlii , rart „, lhe Um mbt _ m . ' — =^ £feS^ JBII | , M Though representinc oddments secured from a Belfast _ _. . . P"'s of slightly soiled, and in some in- '"'^^^SStIIW \ vmllil/llu 1 I ' '• 1 manufacturer, these Pillow Cases are perfect in every "Cf UOZi 4/6. stances slightly damaged, goods. //IfiraOlll I I' V " m way, and should at once appeal to housewives requiring AVinl a lv! \ / ' ill i llffis*4l 1 ■ *^l^ 1 useful and serviceable goods. There are many prices m c , . ... ~ T The lengths are 3, and 4 yards, Ilff MP & All 1" IT«W \\Mtt\\\\ /flNf MM I ifmC" '1. k '*' 1 both frilled and buttoned. Secure a dozen of thls line - It is ex- and ln raost inSUnCCS only one pair to MIINhMIHIIYPF I Til \\\m\\\\ I KWS lit I ' I U both fr: led and buttoned. ~ , , . *" iWH H H a /«.T H ,§ El H1 W 1 iM P ill \\\ \ s\\\\ // vStiHall I ml* I optional value. There are two finishes * design. Wl Vlil/ I VlUfl tW J, f/e, \\\l\\\\ // ®11//fll H/ 1-* 1 BUTTONED PILLOW CASES, 3Jd, SW, 7W, Bid, 9W, and both arc specially suitable for laics' Prices, 1'- to 15 6 per pair ' * 9 ||\ /// lIMM I// 8 J 1 11W. Usually 61d to 1/6. and children s wear. . , ,VP r. \H\\\\\\ ////lA//////// I V * 1 FRILLED ppwumV v. w, im,- w, "'' ch '" i "° swc - Perfect goods they are easily worth 3/11 to 3 5/ - per QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND.- \\TO\ \jM\M ''['J' P ' There will be an eager demand for these. " v\\ ' / !I///I j j , 1; ,..., r^^ T0 , I--': TT.-.m. " ,-- - —... ——~ ..,.,,.,. .1 , I I I lllllliilJhiiiiiiii im nun iinmiiu,,,,,,,. I• »

Furnishing Goods. . Merchandise. Our first shipment of New Season's IfofllffcEl BA AI/friAr" Singapore High-Grade PUBLIC NOTICE. SLICED pineapples. For the convenience of our To popularise this Delicious New Customers who are unable to Line, our introductory prices will be visit our Showrooms during m the day, we shall keep open on Vlfeml ■«. D6F Till FRIDAY EVENINGS, or till 9 p.m., dM I M UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. ' £ TSns » J /ZL ; %P Tins for */■§■ *«fr*i WW Kb Ba H Uwu V W H '<hiyy &dK| %w H OPPOSITE SMEETON'S. SfWEETONSa LTD* Will——————»—»«»—■—li^___ " " ' QUEEN ST., AUCKLAND. I hJ&4LBM& wKtLB if Pour ° ff the fresnly infused Tea into $T) SPORTS / \ <*A?' QHE£N street, AU4KUANO. / fJITVVPUCf 1/ TPIDA \ I> i* £ whether served in the Russian manner, with 1 LUI i BROS" jL/i© 1 sliced lemon ' or ™ th milk or cream, is always an § for your ° I acceptable, fragrant and delicious beverage to I C- # -__ \ offer your family or guest. Its quality never / OOklflg HSlUge. \ VarieS ■ Insist 0n " TTERFLY" the next / -~ \ time and the next. / l The Best Ranges made are the \ our Grocer -"""''-— — I ATLAS NEW RECORD an VICTOR \ keeps full fsßlZ^^SS^sk^ We Specialise in H.P. Boilers for . stocks." WE REPAIR RANGES. IMm SCOTT BROS., CTS., CUSTOMS STREET E M AUCKLAND WiK)

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15748, 24 October 1914, Page 8 (Supplement)

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15748, 24 October 1914, Page 8 (Supplement)

Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15748, 24 October 1914, Page 8 (Supplement)