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I 1 m 1 l\k- — , mm \ | fi B # » I Jj iW" Ever y d3 y throughout our huge establishment the visitor will find business steadily proceeding. Prom all parts of /§ V IV ft 1 aM _ I AIV th 6 Every day throughout our huge establishment the visitor recognise business steadily proceeding. Prom all parts of /1V BV DcpaitfllGllt. UfflfefdlaS S Sll&ShddCS j VJy* the cit Y an d suburbs and towns near and far come ladies, who recognise that at Smith and Caughey's they will obtain the DfGSS DepafitlMnt. UfUfefellaS S StlASlftdGS m i latest g°°ds at the lowest possible prices. Our trading policy is well-known, and recognised as beihg in the best interests J Sponge Cloths are verv fashion bl ~ ' 1 1 \l/vJ «« m. ♦ nn. • "cognised as being in the best interests J Sponge Cloths are very fashionable Ins Sunshades this season partake of the 1 ■ m U IM, ° the customer - There is one price to all, marked in plain figures on ever article, for cash. That is one reason for ,J, i %**° n -' an ,v , show a , ma ?" ific ? nt sele< bright* character ofthe" j raatorial 1 m' •• 1 AIF th 6 WoDdertUl BrOWUI 0l SStabiishment ' WhlCh n ° W COmprlSeS 0V " three acres °* ** space, divided into 27 depart- Ullf "*" " M-d difficulty makfHNHMI w~ m6ntS " Thes6 ™'" ch,r£e °'•*"• bUy6rS 8 " d eXp " ienCed BSSistant8 ' wfao piomi " ly Md courteously —" « MS - ~W "■-" «• ™" CL ° TH ' in *" ~.»d iriety? ceUent °"' b ° lh "1 I i «l§fli™ fIMJMHi *£ m3l goods » but "I mo " ,!l " c ° d ° ttor importune the customer to purchase. To-day we select goods from seve- ir = » CLOTH, with '»"'™.:, - —«• '*>«»•«» I |Sll^S fef." ?■''"?* n-..?*!, V '>-•'; A v /tv- "1 departments, all good value. in* all 5 colourings. Good value, 3/11 for . "mbreUas. and the styles are very I WKSißby ga r* is IS o c o'ii o/c tative when m Liondon. The Drier*; n**n ffia VHHHHOf ' I Lrll/li-O 1 l\V,l<L*l\vJa flmjl Novelties in SPONGE CLOTHS, the ef- Umbrellas good value. 1 ' ■ fective Roman stripes and fancy checks, g O Jl >9 44in " Good value > 4 / 6 P er var(J - new idea m Umbrellas is the "Rain- K Mil WHITE SPONOE CLOTHS are much Si?, 6 "" II "? T 1 - eith 7 "an ura " fi i H ««»M»6M. «™» favoured for Skirts. We' show 3,jL •" sunshade ' , b(,]n S of waterproof | f 1 MML ilßPlllS ™ lae in 40in, at 2/6, 2/11, 3/6, S« v' I "; var,ous l colours-navy brown, I M li v*g»v 3/11 yard sax ?' green ' P ur P le » a nd grey. The price 1 » C l\ We have a well-selected stock, just un- y^ L Jo&lk% W&S& „ QV J ' is from 12/6 up. Ladies appreciate the | M 1\ racked, and it includes the styles now \i J in S S vaf economy ot having one .protection against | an slipping over arm. This j» >4\ Ml \ 44 >n- Good value, 4/6 per 'the PLAIN ¥• new idea in Umbrellas is the "Rain- 1 tIMfIOMS, VTBITE SPONGE CLOTHS are much £i!?u 'II ""I b f T 1 - eith< 7 aS an um " M 6 ' JMf favoured for Skirts. We' show Zd Jt ln * n p l ! shade ' , beln S of waterproof | — 4111? $@?M°f*w£ Valne ' n 40i "' 3t 2/6 ' 2/11 ' 3/6 ' ««, 1 We have a well-selected stock, just un- W%ms /" ' from 12/6 up. ' Ladies appreciate'the j.J packed, and it includes the styles now /*>■ cSSW) I jßSa&r mmSssL* J in StT aTid eoWs Good val sun'TVn ?? M ■P rotet ' tion a S ain «t i:. ] twm rings, for slipping over arm. This *J%k y4\ £ //rj&X \ pearance, just received/ is ¥• Iff 4it « H W wiU be good value for 21/-. Wo %£sk J L/3£x/£<r\ ii /Msfefcw TV // «)) Ifl / 1 AND FROSTED VOILE. Good value, LlllCl\ MM 1 I If \l ally invite ladies to call and make an %d£m hi 1i \ f-MMljll \ FOR BOTH SEX OP ALL ages 1 n m inspection of the charming Bags shown so W'C Pi M \ I» ;^^^^, V \\UftlJ ilWi]#lj/ \ \\\%t la *«,«««■ Irish Linen Mesh Underwear intra- 1 d Ik profusely. Will X*£ "A WBkW/////MJ&&B ' \/*k TsJM*Vg£ W%\ «li» i/8PoriIIl6lVl« duced by us, has had a wonderful sale. SI A-STYLISH BAG, in Black Morocco, lo' l\ A aaiiffiHv // II S always in demand, because th" wea g r wdl A v !'' :t of t ins Pcctior> to our Undercloth- 1 rep. or leather lining Good value Mffif H II \\ // II rV and wash weU. This season we show al % Apartment, will show to both ladies | From 10; 6. ' ° M \l jH'Wffl ' H ffiSxfl W Tnf' Jat? r SeleCti ° n ° f SWun S s in this SS'Sndw^e^ 1 :° £ 1 ionable. Good value. From 10/ 7. I •'-'V-*jj E f \lllll ii \i ill I llifif In CORDED SHANTUNO, natural colour WIJ be post free to an y address - j Good valuO/i" ii I ii ll 1 inns l I iff leading ChflStmaS CdT&S. BAGS, with fan, for opera use. Ui '.Z\\'.\'B ||Q fl I ll Bl 1I ' 11 "if NATURAL SHANTUNGS, 34!n, 1/6}, Chr 'stmas is not far away, and it is J " ' *.*•?.* -".VjQ I\luV l\ rallmuulll JfuV/ 1/ Ml 1 - Cot 6de P heval is a material just ar- to lose . in order that the greetings from I 11 m 111 // <•' Ii VV K\s W BaX6 ' V ' enX r ° S6 ' navy » cream, black' stock, all landed before the war, and on 1 i 'Ell '"""'■ :*-^V:- ; /nf' \MM l M 777 and™"' D ?^ iol ° 1 l^tel—» -Oil: a 8 21 7_W ?7, PTOTJF f ROCK - _ SILK BARATHEA, 40in. in champagne, Autograph Cards are very fashionable. i \\t V- q w w r fSOCK. —*V V\ ivor 4/11 Autograph Cards are verv fashionable. V Sizes, S.W., W. Good value, 2197-SMART COSTUME, 2144-VOILE COSTUME, / VQ yard- ' "ory-4/11 We stock them in boxes, with envelope; 1 |;^^g»^r-W!gS%>■^^■ii 594—FLORAL CREPE ' in stripe, pique sa - or small check coatee. Col- / BOX BLOTJSFS A „-a * »to match. 6in box, 1/- to 2/11; Bin 1 ' - ■:<Ws\ FROCK new W brown «T ,tr !R*' „ Sizes ' ours, tan - sky, saxe, and 1452—SMART COSTUME, in good rif cT *■ HljU Uof'S'-— A wide assortment box, 2/- and 2/6; 9in box, 1/- and 2/-: I MiilS shoulder 'Colours, ci g W W. Good "'"■ si u, i,r skirt. quality We 8 *- All L, ffi * inta - 1/6 - >'"' I Pjnk, sky and white. 1H ' fa - Uood value, 17/6. Good value, 55/-. 12/6 to £1/1-. These beautiful goods have Calendars.-Daintily-printed Pictorial 1 /'-f. &y m %£&<■■ y&%?r%. --L PS ' ./"^k' ; ii,« B V 6 just been unpacked, and we cordially in- Calendars, for 1915, with calendar tear-off H £''■' ' ■ 'MsS''V& * • 13;0 ' vite ladl6S to, make an ear] inspection. P ad for the year, 6d, 1/-, 1/9, 2/-, and I p si ~ E M di \ B ' Umb ' ell " 3 IT MTgE. BS&% "B V ii^ B «dThoBB Book of 24 Maori Studies, an exceed- I L %, , - 'kj Manchester Goods f , fi Lj [' 1 jllf M I■ff BHI »-«Ti B Boys' and Youths" Clothing ingly fine production. Splendid for send- B' CHEISTOPHEE JOHN- Mantles and .Costumes JB. H. H. BL BB„ HfHLjfi fiM«L MMBIT St H Carpets and Linoleums ing to the Homeland. Large pictures in «' SON'S SOISSOES, in great 2™ y *&**?&& ■■ iM^^ fl 3 / 6 P er book - I %T'~ 1 maker's Cutting-out Scissors, Sewing Machines S S '"" "'" Uui "-' "" ®" ~~~™ I M Furniahing Drapery very moderate prices! * & 1 ri.,;:/^rj^_^=.-f^n=i^ T „, c . V-, „ . Silks ia». if AIICCM CTDfFT «ik. Jw ffplß \„ JSr Gent, a Clothing - r S V" " - ' ±-'T :i l2*7 Shop Scissors, ail Scissors. Tailoring. Ladies' and Gent'a l|UfillW MKhfil, WL | A Gloves and Hosiery Note.—Out of town customers will need I 5..-.-^c..fei!^frfci- m -irf T Good value. From - 1/- to . Travelling Requisites A 1 1 J> rL- r> , *"""* Haberdashery to add postage to the prices. I 6/11. Toilet Requisites AUCKland S raSniOß. LentrC Household Ironmongery | "~ Infanta' and Children's Clothius g

|gM—ii .HiiC/4KjHiic> |[ yx—JIT | | Is scientifically prepared by Mr. W. G. Hearne Jj3hV I I | | who is a Registered Chemist of extensive ex- J)D||m II I I perience, and the Manufacturer is absolutely L]f 1 I I I prepared to stake every ounce of his Mag- IsK 1 1 | | nificent Reputation on the fact that ' I HI?ARTWI?'€[ Bronchitis I 1 I I is equally beneficial to Children, Adults I I ' I I For €R@UP 9 e@TOli§ & COLDS 1 I I II "My son had been attended by a legally qualified doctor, Jsj I I 1 1 who pronounced him to be suffering from Pneumonia and /\ 11 1 1 Pleurisy. In spite of the doctor's treatment the child gradually l/^A^^^^w 7 »M 1- I 1 1 I got worse, and the doctor pronounced the case hopeless. /PI II 1 1 He told me that the child could not live. At this stage I / 5 I II | 1 obtained HEARNE'S Bronchitis Cure, and gave it \\ Jj I 1 | 1 1 to the child, according to the directions which accompany \\ mm - = 1 I each bottle. The child improved after the second dose. p. ffftni^Sln^^I\! I 1 1 I HEARNE'S Medicine alone, and within three - = "" '»»'» ■■"»"» "™ l ""* ornct Kwmz hoi umbos, cdbi stbeet. weluhgton. I

Boots and Shoes. WHITE SHOES White Canvas, Ankle Bar, 5/11 7/11, 10/9 Buckskin Buttoft s White Button Shoes, 8/6, 12/6 _ . aa White Derby Shoes, 4/11, 6/11, 12/6 Buckskin Button Boots !. Ladies—See our Windows for the Latest in Patent and White Suede Shoes. JAMES ADAMS & CO., W elle%Te7YtEeet east. ?-—*~~ — "*"*~~ ■ —--—-———---——_»__-—-—-—»--—-■ | ■ — _—- ■-——■ - _________,___—_ I ____________ mmmmMumamßßamnßßmmn Batter. DUNLOP I /*&!&. WORLD FAMOUS /S\ I Kuooer I gfllNrl O ,« T . T . _- __, f hTr ] Goods. W BUTTER 1 "N.ZD.A" THE "ANCHORINO INCREASE IN I mi /v ■W% A PR'CES. Ill._£f.U.A. I The Dunlop Rubber Co. AND I of Australasia, Ltd. M W| _Tfc WW _P_. W^k 1 WELLINGTON & CHRISTCHURCH, j_j| Jn| g Whose Mills are situate in Montague, *" ~ ~~* i| Melbourne, beg to notify Traders and | ■_» __, - SiSiSSrffffait Butters are made under the most approved process in a Manufactures, Tyres for Motors 82.%'teJIKas I HIGHLY SANITARY FACTORY Eequirements, Boot Heels, Sporting Goods, Etc., Etc., and has no 1 -•_■_,■ __ __, _~_ --» fc 4.,^^ M . i from SELECTED CREAMERY CREAM DEMAND And are Guaranteed to be "DUNLOP," ABSOLUTELY PURE. BRITISH AND BEST. I ■ 1 'ANCHOR" "N.Z.D.A" raoEN __ • SS\ New Zealand Daily Association Jp^, THICK PEEL. (Hjrß J LIMITED. jffilßil Tender, Juicy, V A « <$ / Fun Flavoured. Wholesale Depot 1 WEULESLEV STREET. MvP-S^^ I The Peol par excellence. »»_*_!__*' The Peel par excellence. Every packet branded j *^^~"" —_-—_--—.■_-_-_____ _--—_■--———■»—_-—-________ Phoenix." -_== " ' • ; ~ ' ——————_, _ . , Manufacturers: Ale, StOUt, etc. J ' " —— ■ '■ t m p.™ €<"■■ LTD , ■ .___, ' GEO. W. BASLEY ; PPSEDm. I «m__omott man. . ! M "" M & 1 _1 O M *V_„ -£-=-_v .** __ _#» *«_»<_H„rl I P-tfflrt_,D<3(gß_ - Trafes_ l ik3. A*^4__''''' , ■ ■■"■ H Ei«Wß%Bffl HIPKINS & THE AUCKLAND DISIMfi* ftx^^SSk hipkins & coutts, J^anSST*M:iil%&lVttM? Wine and Spirit fifwehant* CWVEBSALFATBITSACEffiyggJ I AUtTOM 318EE1 S2_? [ |jsMgoHgggg-^^^gg^l '-' ■ __f

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15748, 24 October 1914, Page 7 (Supplement)

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15748, 24 October 1914, Page 7 (Supplement)

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15748, 24 October 1914, Page 7 (Supplement)