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Unfavourable weather conditions pre■vailed yesterday when the third annual prize meeting of the Auckland District Rifle Association was commenced at the •Penrose range. The competitors were unfortunate as far as the conditions were concerned, and several experienced riflemen expressed the opinion that rarely, if ever, had the elements been so tricky at ■the range. Those who tired early in the •morning had' the advantage, if any, as, although there was a light drizzling rain, there was merely a slight drift across the ■range. The wind sprang up, however, clearing away the rain, and gradually increased all day, ■until in the afternoon it was a boisterous gale, and blowing almost straight up the range. The light also was •very bad, being at times dull and indistinct, and then bright, but with a disconcerting glare.

The meeting is a fairly representative one, the majority of the competitors being territorials and senior Cadets from all parts of the province. A number of rifle club men are also competing in the open events. More notable amongst those present yesterday were Captain M. N. Atkinson, recognised as one of the foremost of New Zealand's rifle shots, and the champion at the Auckland Association's meeting at the beginning of the year, Major Cox (a veteran shot), Rifleman Yeo (last year's champion), and Riflemen White, Parslow, •Patrick, Anderson, and Devore. The meeting is being conducted entirely •under service - conditions, the targets representing as nearly as possible the enemy us seen on a battlefield, and neither slings nor scientific sights are allowed, the rifle being used just as it id issued. Believing that volume of fire is what counts moat in a battle, the various competitions are so arranged as to train the soldier to maintain a. high rate of fire Consistent with skill. That the policy of the Defence Department in adopting this method ol training the territor ; 4l forces in the use of the rifle is a soi>ad one is evident from the increasing popularity of the meetings, and the enthusiasm with which the work, as interesting as it is necessary, is being universally • taken up. This meeting eclipses that of last year in point of entries and thoroughness of the arrangements, and credit is due to Captain J. A. Wallingford, district musketry instructor, for # the able manner in which he is conducting the contests. , Good progress was made with tho' matches, 11 of which had been decided •when firing ceased for the day. Throughout the day, and despite the conditions, •the shooting was of a satisfactory standard, and shows :an improvement on previous meetings. Special mention is due to Private T. L. Lee, of the 16th (Waikato) •Regiment, .who yesterday won eight* matches out of a possible eight, beating all the champion shots with the consistency of an experienced rifleman. His success is all the more remarkable when it is remembered that he is merely a lad of 18 years, and until now has been practically unknown in the shooting world. He first •handled a rifle only two years ago, and already is considered by many to be a coming champion of tho Dominion. Even now, in this class of shooting, it is doubtful whether anyone could ! be found to beat him. At present he is leading in the grand aggregate with 212 points out of a •possible 235, and he has annexed by his performances to date the Clark Challenge Cup., , . . .T >.f : • ' ■ - A large number of contestants are encamped on -the range, and the catering is being excellently carried out by the range officer, Quartermaster-Sergeant Morgan. The meeting will be concluded to-day. ' s Following are the details to date:—

, ' . ' MATCH NO. I. : . (200 yds.) ; . . iJSL Application: Second class figure target, ■,?«£?' seven shots and one convertible sighter; time allowed Bm. (b) Rapid: Maga«Wa er ? l)ty '. cut °®. ? n > breech closed, 10 minute 1(5 remaining in view for one

P1 i2,33,« 1 f 5 ' 16th V*** o Regiment, S " ?® nt » Divisional "signal Com- 8 ° P»ny, £1 10s, 34, 41 ... ... ... 75 Sergt. Walker, 18th Company *=** t Cadets, £1. 35, 40 .. .. 75 Ll ®»> W. Home, 4th Waikato Mounted Rifles 15s, 34, 40 ... ... 71 Cadet T. Rayner 24th Company Aucfc land Senior Cadets. 10s, 35, 39 ... ' ... 74 e j ?a ftl' Kin &' B College Senior Cadets, 7s 6d, 35, 39 ... 74 Lieut.-Corp. Wallingford, 14th " Company Auckland Senior Cadets, 7s 6d, 01, 4Z ... ••• ••• ».* <>m <72 Sejßt. T. H. Watson, 3rd Auckland Regi ment, 29, • o, S€ret ' A. F 1 ? 11 3rd Auck--3 - 40-71; Pte. G. Devore, 3rd Auckland Regiment, 34. 37—71; Corp. N rw 1 ?' 0} ™ Company Auckland Senior Cadets, 31, 39—70; Sergt. R. a. Alford. Grammar School Cadets, 30, 39-69; Cadet r;Hv« M"™ stlCmpally Auckland Senior Cadets. 33 3669 Lieut. W. J. Cox, 3rd Auckland Regiment, 26, 42-68; Corp. H B S®?,' o . lßt h Company Auckland Senior 28, 40— Lieut. L. H. Gillett, 16th Waikato _ Regiment, 29, 39-68; Col -Beret Mcßae, 16th North Auckland Regiment, 32, 3&-67; Sergt H. J. Bruce. 6th Hauraki Regiment. 28, .38-66; Sergt. Thomson, 3rd Auckland Regiment, 81. 35—66; Corp. A K. Jincson, Grammar School Cadets, 66; Pte. T^ y - King's College Cadets. 67;— each, cc o' J/ xrr Mason, 16th Waikato Regiment, 65; Sergt, Waygood, 37th Company Auckland Senior Cadets, 65; Pte. G. T. Crawley, 3rd urni w3.. M i oun i cd •Rifles, 65 Pte. J- Tua, 16th Waikato Regiment. 64; Cadet E. H. Wright Grammar School Cadets. 63; Pte'. Si" R Perkins, 16th Waikato Regiment, 63; £;«• W. McDonald, 4th Waikato Mounted Rifles, 63; Cadet T. Earnest, Grammar School Cadets, 63; Corp. Hiatt, 37th Com pany Auckland Senior Cadets, 63; Pto G 8. Mead 18th Company Auckland Senior Cadets, 62; Sergt. J. W. Johnston. 6th Hauraki Regiment, 62; Lieut.-Corp. W A Jones, 18 th Company Auckland Senior Cadets, 62; Cadet A. Wallace, 7th Company Auckland Senior Cadets. 62; Trumpeter H. S. Cruickshanks, 3rd Auckland Mounted Rifles 61; Corp. F. J. Weir, 3rd Auckland Mounted Rifles. 61; Trumpeter J. C. Morgan. 3rd Auckland Mounted Rifles, 61 Sergt H K. Hill, 14th Company Auckland Senior Cadets. 61; Sergt. M. F. Clark, King's College Cadets. 61; Sergt. P. W. Smith, 3rd Auckland Mounted Rifles, 60; Pte. E. P. Smith, 3rd Auckland Mounted Rifles, 60 — 2d 6d each.

MATCH No. 2 (300 yds). (a) Application. second-class figure target, seven shots and one sighter, lying time allowed 8m; (b) individual field practice, target figure 3 on a pole, rounds unlimited, lying, two appearances of target for 10s and 30s respectively. Thin represents an attack on an outpost for recomaaisance purposes. The best military shot is considered to be the man who first applies ail effective shot oil a service target.

Tl. Pte. T. L. Lee, 16th Waikalo Regiment, £2, 31, 35 .. . 66 Serjft. T. H. Watson. 3rd Auckland Regiment, £1 10s, 33, 30 63 Pte. S. L. Bent. Divisional Signal Company, £1, 34. 25 59 Sergl. Thomson, 3rd Auckland Mounted Rifles. 15s, 28, 30 .. .. go Corp. H. B. Gebbie, 18th A.S.C., 10s. 27, 30 57 Sergt. A. Plynn, 3rd Aui'-land Regiment, 7s 6d, 32, 25 . ' 57 Pte. J. McCready, 16th Waikato Regiment, 7s 6d, 26. 30 gg Sergt. S. Walker, 18th Company, A S C 30. 25—65; Corp. F. J. Weir, 3rd Auckland Mounted Rifles, 29, 25--54; Corp. A. R. Ericson, 11th Company, A.S.C., 80, 21—51; Pte. G. Crawley, 3rd Auckland Mounted Rifles, 29, 20--19; Pte. J. W. Shecklefew, 3rd Auckland Regiment, 24, 24—48; Pto. H. G. Howie, 6th Hauraki Regiment, 22, 25 47 •' Sergeant A. S. Thompson, 16th Waikato Regiment, 27, 20—47; Sergt. R. S. Alford 11th Company, A.S.C., 26, 2046; Cadet A. Wallace, 7th Company, A.8.C., 26, 20 46; Pte. G. Devore, 3rd Auckland Regiment, 31. 15— Sergt. A. Robinson, 16th Waikato Regiment, 20, 25—45; Sergt. N. P. Clark, Kind's College Cadets, 20, '2545; Trmptr. Cruiekshanks, 3rd Auckland Mounted Rifles 23. 2013; each ss. i Col.-Sergt. Mcßae. 15th North Auckland Regiment, 43; Cadet M. J. John, 13th Company, A.S.C., 43; Lieut. L. J. Gillett, 16th Waikato Regiment, 41; Corp. L. Champion, 16th Waikato Regiment, 41; Sergt. H. J. Bruce, 16th Hauraki Regiment, 41; Col.Sergt. C. Haverie, 3rd Auckland Regiment, 41: Lco.-Corp. W. A. Jones, 18th Company, A.SiC., 41: Corp. N. Gebbie, 18th Company, A.8.C., 41; Lce.-Corp.P. L. Beasley, 3rd Auckland Regiment, 40; Corp. C. Hieatt, 37th ' Company, A.S.C., 39; Cadet G. S. Meade, 18tn Company, A.S.C.. 39; Sergt. H. E. Hill, 14th Company, A.S.C., 39; Pte. W. McDonald, 4th W&ikato Mounted Rifles, 39: Pte. W. A. Mason, 16th Waikato Regi-

ment. 38; Pte. W. O'Donohue, 6th Hauraki ? eient 4' 8: Cadet P. G. Watson, 23rd v 1 P- W. Smith, 3rd Auckian£ Mounted Rifles, 37; Pie. Johajmaon, No. d 1? Company. Engineers, 37; Lieut. W. Horne, 4th Waikato Mounted KiSes, 37; each 2s 6a. MATCH No. 4 (200 yds), open to *.ii-comors.— /u? °"i seven shoes and 1 one signter ; (b) rapid, shots; target remaining m view for one minute. War authorities consider that • the battle of the future °? by volume of fire, and the rapid snooting, therefore, trains the riflerapidity accurately at the ', greatest ' TL Pt Jc> 16t h (Waikato) Regiment, 44, 00, 37 ... IM gQ R ?M l K J, i>i P 1 - n W !j ite ' Auckland City Rifle T Club, £1 10a, 32, 46 ... ... 73 no" £ ox Auckland City Rifle Club, *1, 03, 35 ... Capt. .M. N. Atkinson, 3rd (Auckland) Regiment, £1, 83, 43" ... 76 Pt G - 3rd (Auckland) Regiment,' 41, 34, 42 ... ... 7$ Sergt.-Major A. Mooney, Permanent Staff," 15s. 30, 41 , 76 Rf }™- J; Parslow, Akarana'Rifle" Club, 16s, 34,j41 ' 7 Pto. S. II? Brent, Divisional Signal Company, 15s, 34, 41 ... 75 Se -, c gt -o?- Walker. 18th Company "A.S.C.; 158, 35, 40 ... M| ■ " t 75 n, M si or ,?• G-.Cox, 3rd (Auckland) Regiment, M R 7/I?" 1 ! 4th .(Waikato) PI - ,f1," % 4 Sr 7 l : Kflm- Head, Akftrana Rifle rll ' A I 9 — 74 ! Sergt. C. Wiley, King's College Cadets, 35, 39—74; Rflm. J. C Yen Auckland City Rifta Club, 34, 39—73; Sergt. 71 • (Auckland ) Regiment, 31, 40-^ M% Mere r Jf" M Mo o e ??'- Brd (Auckland) A4r ™ r orp - Gebbie, 18th Company j'S'P In' c apt v Kretschmar, 18th Company panv AS d S R Q rg T- K V S V, A T lJo^ d - llth Com " P a °/> A} 3 'V-> 69; Lieut. W. J. Cox, 3rd (Auckand) Regiment. 68: Corpl. H. B. Gebbie, 18th Company A.S.C., 68; Capt. G. A. King, New Zealand Staff Corps, 68; Col.-Seret KffS als u ( ?°!a th Auckland) Regiment, 67; rufh' C 7 H ri de i? on - Auckland City Rifle MnWeJ'pffl 3rd (Auckland) Mounted Rifles, 66;. each ss. Counted out; Corps 66 Garland ' New Zealand Staff MATCH No. 5 (300 yds). open to all-comers. MM, Application, seven shots and one £'%' time allowed Bm.; (b) individual lieid practice, unlimited rounds, in 10s and 30s respectively. T1 16t k Waikato) Regiment, ■nn * * •• •• •• 66 Rfl ®n «• C. X,« Auckland City' Rifle .Club, £1 10s, 80. 35 .. .. 65 . Q.M.-Sergt. W. Morgan, 3rd (Auckland) Mounted Rifles. £1, 32, 30 .. ..62 " o?" o ? ea ' Akarana Rifle Club, £1, 31, 30 .. . r t •... 0^ Pte. S. L Bent, Divisional' Signal Company £1, 34, 25 .. . . . 59 Sergt Thomson. 3rd (Auckland) Mounted Rifles,, 15s, 28 30 .. .... 68 i-» M Si or *?- Moone y. Permanent' Staff', IDS, JOy OU , . '. . . CO Co. l ®-. .H. B. Gebbie. 18th Company, Auckland Senior Cadets, 15s, 27, 30 .. 57 Bergt. A. Plynn, 3rd (Auckland)' Regiment. 15s. 32, 25 .. ... ~ 57 « Patrick, Auckland City Rifle Club; 31. 25—56; Capt. G. A. King. N.Z. iflH? Corps, 31, . 25—56; Sergt. S. Walker, lata Company, Auckland Senior Cadets. 30, 20-55 : Corp. P. J. Weir. 3rd (Auckland) Mounted Rifles. 29. 25—54; Rflmn. W. Cox Auckland City Rifle Club, 32, 20—52; Sergt.Major D. Manners, Permanent Staff, 29. 20 —49: each 10s. Lieut. Atkinson. 37th Company, Auckland Senior Cadets. 28. 20-48; Sgt.-Maor A. J King Permanent Staff, 32, 15—47; Sergt. R. ckfdH°ofi' offie Company. Auckland Senior lilrfi w 1 i '0, 1 te " G. Devore, 3rd (Auckland) Regiment 81, 16—46; Sergt. M. Clark, Kings.College Cadets, 20, 25— *o; ltflmn. J. P. White. Auckland City Rifle Club, 29, 15— 44; .trumpeter Cruickahank, 3rd (Auckland) Mounted Rifles. 23, 20—43; Col.-Sergt. C. Harris, 3rd (Auckland) Regiment, 31, 10—41; Capt. H. L. Garland, N.Z. Staff Corps, 31, 10—41; Corp. N. Gebbie, 18th Company, Auckland Senior Cadets, 31, 10—41; LanceCorp. P. L. Beasley, 3rd (Auckland) Regiment, 25. —10; each 6s Counted out: Major R. G. Cox, 3rd (Auckland) Regiment, 30, 10—40; Lieut. A. E. McDonald. 16th (Waikato) Regiment, 80, 10—40. MATCH. No. 6, open to all-comers.— Application:: /First-class figure targets, seven shots. and one sighter, lying, time allowed, 10 minutes. (Purely a sighting competition.) (b) Rapid: , Same target, 10 snots to be fired in one minute. - ■ Tl. Rflmn. J. P. White, Auckland City Rifle Club, £2, 29, 41' .5. ... .... ... 70 Capt.. M. N. Atkinson, Brd (Auckland) Regiment, £1 10s, 30, 40 ... ... 70 Col.-Sergt. Mcßae, 15th (North Auckland) Regiment, £1. 30, 39 ... ... ; ... 63 Rflmn. J. C. Yeo, Auckland City Rifle Club, £1, 31, 37 ... ... ; ... 68 Sargt-Major V. C. S. Beer, N.Z. Permanent Staff, 17s 6d, 31, 37 ... .:. ... 68 Rflmn. W. Cox, Auckland City. Rifle Club, 17s 6d, 31, 37 ...• - ... ... - ... 68 Lieut. W. J. Cox, 3rd (Auckland) Regiment, 15s, 27, 39 ... 66 Pvte. T. L. Lee, 16th (Waikato) Regiment). 15s, 33, 33 66 Sergt. Thomson, 3rd (Auckland) Mounted Rifles, 15s, 30, 35 ... ' .L 65 Sergt.-Major A. J. King,' New Zealand Permanent, Staff, 10s, 31, 33 ... ... 64 Lieut. J. Hubbard, M.G.S., 6th (Hauraki), 10s,; 32, 32 ...J> ...V : .If- .., 64 Corpl. P. J v Weir, . ; 3rd .. (Auckland) Mounted Rifles, 10s, 28. 35 ... ... 63 Q.M.-Sergt. Morgan, ' Brd 1-(Auckland) Mounted Rifles, 10s, 29, 34 ... ... 63 Sergt. A. Flynn, 3rd ..(Auckland) 1 Regiment, 10s, 31, 32 ' ... • ... ... ; ... 63 Sergt.. J. W; Johnston, €th (Hauraki) Regiment, 10s, 27, 85 „». r ... ... 62 _ Col.-Sergt. ,C. Harris, " 3rd (Auckland) Regiment, 28, 34—82; Rflmn, A. Patrick, Auckland City Rifle Club, 32; 29—61; Pvte. G. Devore, 3rd (Auckland) Regiment, 34, 27— 61; Capt. Kretschmar, 18th Company-Auck-land Senior Cadets, 28, 31— Major'R. G. Cox, 3rd (Auckland) Regiment), • 30, : 29— 59; Lieut, W. Horn, 4th (Waikato)'Mounted Rifles, 28, 30—58; Pvte. S. L. Bent, Divisional Signalling Company, 30, 28—58; Sergt.-Major Mooney, New Zealand' Permanent Staff, 27,2855; Capt. G. A. King, New Zealand Stan Corps, 29; 26—55; -Major D. Manners, New Zealand Permanent Staff, 22, 32—54, 5s each. MATCH No. 10 (25yds).—Teams match, landscape targets, sighting at 1000 yds; any number of shots to be directed at will of commander, within five minutes. 37th Company Auckland Senior Cadets (Avondale) .. .. .. .. l B Company 3rd (Auckland) Regiment.. 2 18th Company Auokland Senior Cadetß (Ponsonby) ... .. .. .. .. 3 MATCH No. 11.—Squadron or Company teams. _Repreesnting an attack on an outpost. Target, figure 3, and 10 iron falling plates, figure 3 appearing over a breastwork at 200 yds, and moves along a frontage of 50ft in quick march time for 30s. On disappearance of figure 3 10 . plates come into view and remain for 30s. • Ten rounds allowed each firer. 18th Company Auokland Senior Cadets.. 1 B Company 3rd (Auckland) Regiment . 2 37th Company Auckland Senior Cadets.. 3 MATCH No. 21, Fire Fight (150 yds).— Teams of four senior cadets from any one company in charge of- a commander; targets, four falling plates; when one is hit the cadet in opposing team whom plate represents, ceases fire. B Company 3rd (Auckland) Regiment .. 1 37th Company Auckland Senior Cadets.. 2 18th Company Auckland Senior Cadets.. 3 MACHINE GUN MATCH. 3rd (Auckland) Regiment, Lieut. E. G. Prazer, 217, £4; 6th (Hauraki) Regiment. Lieut. J. Hubbard, 88, £3. PROPOSED NORTH AUCKLAND MEETING. Members of the Dargaville Rifle Club and the Beni9r cadets went through, grouping and application courses at the rifle range on Saturday, under the supervision of Captain Bellamy. All the riflemen passed the tests, and the shooting of the cadets was satisfactory. During the proceedings Captain Bellamy stated that the proposed North Auckland rifle meeting at Whangarei had fallen through owing to lack of support, and the group officer (Captain Barton) suggested that a meeting should be arranged in the Dargaville district. The' Government would grant a subsidy of £25, and as there were two companies of territorials, two of senior cadets a rifle club, and a strong squadron of .the Legion of Frontiersmen in the district a successful gathering should eventuate, especially as entries had been promised from Whangarei, Otamatea, Hokianga, and Helensville districts. It was decided that the rifle olub should call a meeting at an early date to discuss tho matter.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15520, 30 January 1914, Page 10

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RIFLE-SHOOTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15520, 30 January 1914, Page 10

RIFLE-SHOOTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15520, 30 January 1914, Page 10