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WAIKATO CALEDONIAN SOCIETY. ; * •-*\itC-%mm ANNUAL - SPORTS ' MEETING.; 1| A SUCCESSFUL GATHERING. " The : Waikato Caledonian Society's fourth annual) gathering <was- held at- the society 1 ® . erounds, Frankton Junction, yesterday,: fine '' ■- but windy weather. A programme of athletic and; Highland : events had; attracted . large j nominations ;■ from pedestrians, athletes, and • M Highlanders, and the result. was a 'most successful day's sport. The attendance" " was large, over 2000 , persons being present,-, and they were rewarded with .exciting athletic competitions of a* varied • nature. , The ■ running. field, and axemen's events "were carried ."■■ out • under the capable supervision of the officials of the Auckland centre (N.ZJA. Union), whose experience contributed largely towards the success'* of the i athletic, part of the gathering. -«i The finishes in "the"' running races were -close and exciting, . while the .Sold and axemen's events were equally well' contested. There -was some good. dancing, particularly by J. Center, of Victoria/' and B. Haddow, of Auckland. -The-Waikato Cale-, donian Society's j gathering, is increasing ;in popularity each year;. and already it "is looked upon as the premier Caledonian meetins rf the province. Following are details of -the- events: - f.ii,; w.-v;-Maiden Race, 100 yds. ..Young, 1; C. Brown, 2. Time, 11 2-55.. ■ - . , »< , i c + _Boys' Race (under 18).— N. McKay, 1; .W. Kernan," 2. Time, 12 3-ss. - "'\ , Senior- Cadets' Race, —Hailwood, 1;: Dunn, 2. Time, lis. • ' - Cadets' Race, half-mile.— 1:' N. McKay, 2. Time, 2m,125. .v ' ' , Amateur Handicap, 100 yds. Prizes. trophies valued £2 and £I.—W. 3. Hindman! 2yos, 1; X<]inaii, syds, 2; J. L. Saisisbury3yds, 3. . Also started:'F. W. KilEppWds;, NichoJls, 3yds; F. O'Hazilon, 4yds; JL. • Mawhinney, syds. , A good race, won ; ' by, naif-yard, with others close up. Time, 10.4-ss. 4 Caledonian Handicap, ;- 75yds. : Prizes, i>s, 2, Ms-—heat: G. F. .. ilea, 9iyds, 1;, t. .Oavidson, B iyds, 2. Also started: P. McCuLoush, VJyds; A. Jfi. McCracken, 9yds:, M. r oaa, ltiyds; A. J. Farley, 10yds. A very otose finish, ' won -by inches. Time, 7 3-5 becond heat: A. N. lies, 7iyds, 1; V. Hogg, 9yds, 2. Also started: W. V. Quane, Bjyds. on -by a bare yard. Time, 7 4-ss. -Third J?f n j itann, r 9!yda, 1; G. Richardson, a4y<l3, 2. Also started: E. Lambert, 4yds';, •; it. C. -Burns,' siyds;i: E. Grimmiondi'Tiyds:! ' J. Lane, Bjyds. A great' finish, won by Ift. Time, 7 l-ss. Fourth heat:'--J.':G. r Brain, ' " Byds, 1; J. O'Conneil, 7yds, 2., Also started:, . "'s'-' ,„- 'Oornaga, ■ 3yd3; E. J. Donnelly. 54yds. W°n, to.half-a-yard. Time, 7s, - Final heat:! . r" w G. B. Mann 1, V. Hogg 2, G. Eichtrdson 3. JLhfi six others who qualified also' started. * A great finish, ? wpn' by ra. foot, with--rest of i; field m a line. o Time, 7 4-ss. • ; Amateur Handicap, , half-mile. . - Prizes, trophies valued £2 and £I.— J. Hindman! 2°?ds, 1; T. A.' feainsbury, 30yds, 2;-C. Nicholls.4oyds.-4 3.. Also started: L.Mawhin- '- ' ney 40yds; W. Sainsbury, 40yds; F. Marsh, 50yds. -..Won easily. i.Time,;2in, 6 3-sa. '■ Waikato Sheffield Handicap, 100 yds. Prizes. fW, £4, £I.—Fust heat: A. N. lies, 10yds, 3 J,; V - S 'i ee r, Wiyds. 2. Also started: ;; V.: i Ooraage, 3Jyds; H. C. Burns, 6yds; W. J. McManus, Byds: G. Richardson, 11yds. A > close fimah. Won by half-a-yard. . "Time, .3L'?i5P-" Second heat:, J- C- Brain, • 10yds, 1• : # v F^' 6 yds. 2.- Also started: B. G. Mann, 11yds, J. E. Brayshaw, 11yds. Won by a toot, others dose up. 'Time, .9 2-ss. Third" *,U 4 : heat: E. Grimmond, 9yds, 1; D. L: Mason. 10yds, 2...; Also - started: E. ; Lambert, 4iyds:,.:; .v- S a 1" w D i? r^ lly ' B yds; P.. McCullough, 9Jyds:i ' A. E. McCraoken, lliyds; M.' Noda,',l2yds.« ' T The finest race of the day. The back-marker caught the field on the . tape, six finishing iaS? -- v a line, ,'lhe j placed men were judged ?to be inches in front Tune, 9 2-55.. heat: ( ' a v jX a Davidson, JLlyds,: %, Also stmted: J. O'Connell, £yda; A. i. Far-, 11 ley, 12yds. - .Won by half-a-yard. i Time, 9 i-ss. -"" *•. 1 . First.semi-final heat: G. lies 1. V. Hogs 2. Also started: Wall"and' Grimmond. Won by inches, -Time, 9 2-ss/1 Second semi-final' ! (tl'j T1 T -fr Blain 2 - A!SO started D. L. Mason and G. Davidson. Won SC'Si-ife? by . half-a-yard. .; Time, 9 2-sa. - Final heat:, A. N. lies 1, G. H. Des 2, V. Hogg 3. J. G. lirain also started. A good race from an SiSifc even-start.' The field closed up in the last ten yards, and A. N.- Hes won by half-a-yard from his brother, who -was inches /iii;>,ftont ?of tne other two,' the placing of whom gave the v-/ a difficult, task.;' Time, 9 2-55., -4 Anniversary Handicap, half-a-milei Prizes. Vtti; &V' £1C H. Weffch, 70yds, i; w! j! : - "vV McManus, 55yds, 2; J.. Richardson, 60yds, 3. ~ « Mso started: S. : Barnes, 35yds; IJ. 5 Matters.>\-S | Sjig. BSydS; N. Young, 60yds;. I -D.- w' ii a 65yds: BT. ■ Gavin," Masoru 60yds ;j ' D. Falls,;6sydsr _T. Gavin, 65yds; A.- Edwwds,. •^ a ; ;C. Scelly, : A. 3. Farley. 80yds. The winner went to th? front earlr" % in; the. race and, * running"., easily, -' shook o ft -/• V i successive challengers and; by syds from -• ~ - ilcManus, with Richardson -a ; Rirnllwr- - di s . ' , tance away, third. Time, lm 51s. Om Mile- Handicap. Prizes,,£B..£3,..£l.— MM R"-?* ' 120 yds, 1;: J.' Richardson, • £S- Buses,; 25yda3^frenta,'4j"'lV-'p r;;D;-i Falls,:Sparrow, 120 yds. The winner rar, weS, and won by 15yds. Time, 4m 21 2-ss. fn rao ?}, et ' „, 30 °y ds hsadioap. . f™, e3 > ,^s,_£llos, 10s.—First heat; V, Moggr, 20yds, 1; E. Lambert. Byds, 2; J.'G. Brain 25yds,-;.3.;if Also f started: ?E. Wall, Byds w" •v * Q.uane 15yds; H. C. Burns, ; 16yds'; G.* Mimnj 20yds; E. .Grunmond, 23yds; J V. Brayshaw; 25yds. A good race. . Lambert caught the field 20yds from the tape, and a 5 desperate - finish - saw , Hogg, win by tail a . yard from Lambert, r who was '.a - foot laaS® : £M front of ;a-bunch of several irunners Time. 3° 2^ 8 - ' Second heat:, D. L: Mason,. 25yds!^'ri*'■ 2; McManus, 15yds, 3. Also I started: R. A Glelsnil - 16yds; A. N. lies, 22yds; A. J. Paries 27jis'- s Mason, who fed from, start to finish, won by' " 1 , - * two yards. Time, 30>4^5b.-- Final heat: D' I L. Mason, n l; E. J. Donnelly, 2; Vf, J. ;McManus, 3. Also Started: E. Lambert V. 9 7 tone* 30s d J " G * Brain. Won by three yards. " " THE FIELD EVENTS. ; (Prizes, £1 10s' and 10s.) '§ ThroTring 161b Hammer.—J. Wells. 96ft. l:i " iSS A; Q.- Duffoll, 80ft, 2. ■' -» _ Broad • Jump Handicap.—J.,-Weatherly, (in- "i -. ; ° eluding Ift 6in handicap), 18ft Bin, 1: W. V. 5 , Quane (scr), 18ft 6ia, 2. If. Hop-Step-and-Jump "Handicap.— V 1 Quane (scr),»39ft i lOin, . 1 f, G. Bradley .s (Sin). ; 39ft 6in, 2. • I c ffish Jump Handicap.—W.' Qdane -(scr) a sft.4in,l; M. Rope (2in), sft 3iin. 2. .- Putting 161b Shot.—M. Carroll-(lft), 35ft • 1 lOin, 1; A. G. Doffull (2ft), 35ft Sin, 2. - " Wrestling (catch-aa-catch-ean). Prizes, "£i ; Mid £I.—C. Brown beat Hi Burt, iri the. final. - Two other competed. . ■ . > |'~ ' AXEMEN'S CONTESTS. :■ j > _Anniversary - Standing Chop Handicap, h£ » r ! 18m blocks. Prizes, £10, £4, £I.— Green,, ; 355, 1; D. Pretty, scr.,'2; E. Pretty,'2Cs, 3. '' " Also competed: C. Sims, ; A*. G. v Dafull: - 30s, A. Pretty, 85s; Tere, Waamu, ,355. aha J. -O Heme, 355. * The scratch man, : D. •-j Pretty,'who was operated oii':"tffi¥ .(a-pjvCTVit. a month ago. was making up his: handicap'/but failed to maintain the pace, and -had'"' -1 to be content with second place. - ; -j in _ aikato • Chop (maiden) loin s "blocks". Prises, £4, £1, and 10s.—Jv- Borell. 'l; Taraho. 2. Eight competed.: HIGHLAND EVENTS.' ' . : Music and Dancing. Bagpipe Music. Prizes, £2 10s, £1 ss, 10s.—Marches : J. Center, 1; A. W.. Mc- S Millan, 2; R. Haddow, 3_ Strathspeys and-* Reels: fJ. Center,, i'; "R. H»adow, : 2; "A. W. u: ~ Vv McMillan, 3. * v , - , ' Dancing (male). Prizes. £1 10», 10s.— Sean Truibhas: Haddow, 1; Center, ■2; Currie. 3. Highland Fling: Center. 1; Haddow, j 2;.. Currie, :3. Highland Reel: Center, Sfi#fS"i Haddow, 2.-' Sword Dance:- Haddow, 1;: Center, 2. -- Dancing (juveniles under- 18 yeais). -Prized _ i trophies valued £1 and 10s.—Highland Fling,' boys: F. Stewart, 1; L. Halcrow, 2. High- - land Fling, girls: Lena Scott, 1; F. 'Mc- - "Dougall, 2.,.- Highland Reel, girls:": F.-'Mc-r- 1 -. - Dougall. 1; Lena- Scott, 2. >C Sword Dance, \ girls:-Lena Scott, 1; May Thorn, 2." .' .. Dancing (juveniles under 10 years). Prizes, trophies valued- 15s and sa.—Highland Fling, - "> boys: A. Cameron, 1; B. McDonald, 2; Leslie Benz. 3. "- ' Highland Fling, girls :• Ruby Phillips, 1: Nellie Finnie. 2.,: Sword Danc% ' boys: B. Phillips,. 1; W. Hill, 2." .

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15520, 30 January 1914, Page 9

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ATHLETICS. New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15520, 30 January 1914, Page 9

ATHLETICS. New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15520, 30 January 1914, Page 9