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— • A niT/rr< pi TfVff* A iit Ffcf ACE French Lace Sample Hose. ;'JI The M. &C. College /| ill (in I,IJ 1/ I Alii ■ rUKvIIAuC Flowers. I I At the prices marked for Monday ibeso r "Jji _ . , , AA & AMm4 various makes will be found verv atsrac- '? la Coat Shirt. ™ MAkmi v All 1/11 Spray. ' ■ The demand for (he.c sensible Shirte has been OFFERING ON MONDAY, „J' „ at a discount of 20 per cent. ' " I to these .enable Sblrta W been UrrDKinU Ut\ I * > Usual Price, 3/6 to 7/11. : I The demand to 'li-M-.- Here an opportunity is presented to the PLAIN BLACK CASHMERE HOSE/ ? | Ajuite phenomenal. Ue are gn J - ... |f A. . j • _ fJ. Here an opportunity is presented to the extra fine finish and fully fashioned, fl sizes for boys from oto 17 years. \A/ I I*B ATIIPI* liffl 11 II $1 fi if %7 AT T f*£BCf" 1 V(S lI6illS« . home milliner of souring at a very low ranging from l/« to 4/6 per pair. ;s4A 1 Prices just the same as the old-style garment. . W I LII UUIVI 1111 llDyall J Ai-UCIvU A price one of the novelties of the season. LACE CASHMERE HOSE, extra soft"- 3 These are REAL FRENCH FLOWERS, fanjh. limited quantity only, !/«, 1/# , J - — Following upon our announcement ol last weeb ' _ — — SSin.SolrfS " ' ' EIBBED BLACK CASHMERE HOSE, -§ viz.,' *' November attractions," we are again prepared . flower is veiled with White Lace, and light in weight for present wear, from .. im ] with a flfle collection of specially-priced merchandise White Embroidered Blouse & * ar S® trail of natural - I REAL BALBRIGG AN^ COTTON HOSE. .|4 Sen P folii?e. by * natUFal IRE BALBRIGG AN COTTON HOSE. I | [ I | or MONDAY These are a SPECIAL line we have ' m [ * , |_ M - „ The usual prices were 3/6 to 7/11 spray, I v been fortunate in securing, being ex- ;SI Items of unusual interest will be found in almost LcngUla. but as they came to hand late in the sea- . 1 cellent finish and very comfortable .to| 1 r /■» -,-a a j-Li-i TTn#*rllrtf'lC , -n son we are clear at a ridiculously ' the foot. Prices range from 2/$' to ' M vOllOn I OrWIUIIDi every section, and whilst some 'Of them represent new Elaborately worked on fine Muslin, these | /| 1 A low figure. Hence Monday ' price. " 4/11 per pair. *• , w Wonderful lace and Insertion Values. and very Marce &° ois > otters show s **° ts »i such ,bw Length., .f which we h.™ 12 d««. only, I / 11"0" . ' ' ' I . . ... J importance, especially to the housewife, that early will sell rapidly on Monday at / r* Another Flower Bargain. fashioned, clearing at the low price of ?11 price' "W.'MnS Shopping will be necessary to avoid disappointment. Ueual Price, 2/11 and 3/6 each. each . Also consists of the fashionable Flowers 2/5 per pair., S ] | TOR?HONs. ns !Ftc,a ' ' # ' doors OPEN at 9 o'clock. ]_ — T — | They are of especially strong make, in as- Usual Prices, 2/11, 3/6,4/11. : — ' g sorted designs, specially suitable for underwear ... yjj '""widms **> prices per dozen on ■ A CURTAIN BARGAINPrices 20 to 50% less than usual. onmon™ i/n Smart Cord 1 1 •■n Wide «d This purchase of job and sample Curtains is one of the LOT 1. 300 PAIRS LACE CURTAINS, perfect in every re- I See the Window To-day. DfeSSCS-WAStllllg | *;« 9A «er dozen biggest of its kind yet made by .M.& C. epect, and showing in « great variety of designs. In 1 . ' .• .. , 'II lin Wide, 1/- per dozen. .. There are SINGLE CURTAINS, White, Ivory, and Ecrui. 20 per cent, under usual prices. « . many attratlve^ Fmckn I 1 IJin Wide, 1/3 par dozen. ' that our patron, are oEred on 2jyds, S /3. Usually 3/3. "f 3,6 to 12/6. " " | OjtLes. nice lino, of ONE-PBCE 11 I=in Wide, 1/6 per dozen. Monday." - 3yds, 2/6, 3/6, 4/11,' to 9/11. Usually 3/6 to 12/6. One very nice line of ONE-PIECE% M I„ tt"o^f r lotion to for f Ulltrilllined' Straws. i watch the Lace at 1, per ozen. really handsome styles that would grace the nicest rooms of the .COT 2. 250 PAIRS SOILED CURTAINS. Only one pair of j n conjunction with the two flower with loops and buttons. The collar, yoke :j ?<j fl home. . . each design, • and so slightly soiled that they may be specials, wo show a remarkably cheap line and cuffs are of fine White Val. Insertion! 'J || The whole of the Household section is devoted to these lines, nvd with"*** laundering. 334 to 50 per cent, under usual of Untrimmed Straws. The Skirt has the new floating panel back &1 . and in order to facilitate handling and to cope with the demand , v ,- f _ " , Ivo .. From 3/11 to 19/6 The u / s o are P ntt y' and crossway fold near hem. Serviceabla I M tliat is bound to ensue, the various qualities have been sorted P" ces - White, £,cru, and Ivor\. 1 rom 3/11 to 19/6. Burnt, White, Saxe, Cinnamon, and Black. and smart. , ;;r i ' up into different lots. Usually 5/9 to 35/-. And there are six modern C/fll' * PRICE, 39/6. M ["» . 11 Here are some of the prices. Be early. Boardinghouse- ; . shapes to choose from. D/ I ' - In Grey and "White, Black and If keepers, especially, should take advantage of this offering. LOT 3. 1400 SAMPLE SINGLE CURTAINS. This lot em- - XACB. Nattier and White, Reseda and TOntoi ''$'1 9 ' * braces some really fine specimens, and though the " ~ S Mam? " Pfthfisoicrrc" designs are all different, in some coses it is so slight • . '. ... . •'. ' •^'ll INC W * JJ tt « 4- • that pairs can bo matched sufficiently near for hanging. C 'I! #.£» Curtains. In White, Ecru, and 'Ivory.. On Monday, 1/- to 9/11 9 • ImH M)IMrS. ' Tbis line consists o! Serge and Angora Hell each. Less than half-price. . I TklS 5| . - jft. % I '^I This line consists of Serge and Angora Hall 8 lW| || I tMI JT%. jMI ■ ft-Q Y H By parcel post we have just received another Curtains in various good designs. 10T 4. 245 CURTAIN ENDS AND LACE NETS, very choice ' 1 £?M.IIJI Jl A C WnL V WW* very complete range of these popular. Conceits. Colourings-Red, Blue, and Green, and all 3* goods, and excellent for short Curtains. From 3d per 7 I • < ; V' - ".. The very latest designs are embodied m these yards long. - j» ' " I LIMITED ' ' goods, and they will be welcomed by wearers of The quantity is limited, and at Monday's length. ■ ' , . iength. 1 | |H smart npclcweai-' prices a rapid clearance is sure to eventuate. , ' ■ — . . . - ;iSM "ROBESPIERRE," in White Muslin, trimmed The values are wonderfully good. LOTS. 139 SAMPLE) PIECES OF BRISE BISE CURTAIN I QUCeil StfCet, AUCklaOd. I M Val. Lace, 1/r, 1/6, 1/11, 2/6, 2/11. ' : NET just long enough for use on small windows. ■ •: - ; . ■ " ROBESPIERRE,'' in ' Amriswyl Embroidery _ SERGE HALL CURTAINS, all new designs, in Red, Blue, and Superior quality. From 3d per length. Jl^E Muslin, with dainty Guipuro Lace Edging, * Green— ■ - ' ' W^i 5/6 and 9/11. ~ ' Usually 13/6 17/9 21/- 23/6 24/6 • . - • IfVl ffM At" (*Af ] Ta Ah# /^A.mmmm'4- ' 'US "ROBESPIERRE,'' in .White Washing Silk, On Monday 6/11 11/9 13/9 15/6 15/11 VUldCld* fO Villi M)I111C!T '."4^ with kilted Lace ie«rs, 3/11. 10 Pairs onlv BEAUTIFUL ANGORA HALL CURTAINS, A RMllffflfl Ilfie of Whiff ' ' ' ' fV A "v ' "ROBESPIERRE, m Black and White Satin, 3' yards long, in Green and Red. Usually £5/10/-. On ™ DCoUIIIIU LiIUC UI 11116 » - We have a nice variety of RIBBON PfltfOllS : ' f '^fl trimmed with imitation Carrickmacross Lace, Monday, 75/-. . CORSETS, eo suitable for Summer wear, ».»MVUO. 5/6. ' Mficlln RciYPil OfPCCPC and described here, three' numbers., : "ROBESPIERRE," in Finest White Lawn, XUUSIIII UUAVU 171 VOTWDt , ; Itaaidente at a distance Aamw nf edged smartly with Guipure Lace, at 2/6, , 11 "a No. 1. IN WHITE WEBBING, a narrow ing advantage of thetQ Bpedal v "nnct»'* r -^H 2/11, 3/8, 4/6, 5/6. These are very delightful jtyta, and at the tpccial price. «M*> firmly l»ned, mli two m- 'ehould mail their orders op t*L*2T 'J| •'nrtrmPTPRRF" R\rF ratT jds in SHOT — ' « * •« «« at which they are marked, must command attention. penders attached, sizes ranging . •.... SILK, piped with Black siS'andtaKadeaof Creaill Taffeta VOIICS, all ' Each Robe coneiete of a length of flouncing for the Skirt, from 19 to 24. Price, g». * ont dolay, to, .to haura will ». tt, Lace, 7/11. ' - H which is not shaped in any way, and material for Bodice and • Ho. 2. IN WHITE AND SKY FANCY mkcjwjm saaiy ainxuuslHa, - : M Also a very smart novelty in Black Satin at \l7 nft l trimming. It will thus be Keen that the number of styles in WEBBING, medium depth, well ■ • •'SmB 5/6 and 7/6. " W 001. which they may be made up is unlimited. • - . ■ ai)d w it h two • , ' ! .*• " ROBESPIERRE" NOVELTY, in White . The exquisite Embroidery, mostly small designs on the finest Sizes 19 to 24. Price, 3/6. We ' PflV:'th& Pftshnr^'. fe.'Alg ' Washing Silk, edged with imitation Irish A favourite material for Children's Dresses and Ladies' Swiss Muslin, with hemstitched border, has only to be seen to * _ _ QWyp -pAnm' qittv ' •>' BABY CROCHET Beading,. white caacadc Blollst , Very good washing. 42 to 46 inch. * VP™*"*- *> the w,ndow and departmental d„p„y. 80. 2. WHTIB FACED Sta* Mj'-'i 01 Lace. 1/9|, 1/lli, 2/3, 2/6, 2/11, 3/6. Prices, 14/9, 15/9, 17/6, 19/6, 22/6, 26/6, 27/6 each. an d heavily boned. In sizes from failing to please upon receipt are wiQioglg , :rv:' ; j*l||^ I 20 to 24. 5/6 per pair -v exchanged -or zemittancg jcafimded, :

Dress and Fashion. TO-DAY is the j LAST DAY OF V 'A I a™ I ~ EVERYTHING IN THE j j MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. j ; ; Half Lowest Sale Prices j No Reasonable Offer Refused for Quantities. J i ■ - • Very Special Attractions! Great Bargain Time ! mmmmmmmmmmmrnirn miwiiw m\ i—juim—lHlßll iimniiMn i ) i Remnants! Remnants! All Remnants at 5/- in the £ Less than Lowest Sale Prices. , Men's & Boys' Wear: | Men's Tweed Top Coats, large assortment, Half Original Prices. j Men's Zephyr Shirts, fine quality, fast colours, 2/11 and 3/6, now ], 1/11* !v'| Men's and Boys' Straw Boaters, from 6d each; % Boys' Drill apd Cord Hats, l/» and 1/3, now 6d each, ! j Men's and Boys' Tweed Caps, 1/* and 1/6, now 9d each. j Men's Fine Summer Vests, and Pants, 1/4J each. j Boys' Tennis Shirts, 1/1 and 2/2, now 1/3 and 1/6. ! j Boys' Washing Tunic Suits, Half Price. ][{. - — "— • - '\ Jj . EVERYTHING IN REST OF f SHOWROOM 2/- in the <£. OFF LOWEST SALE PRICES. | ,■ I i J. H. PORTER & Co, - ' DRAPERS AND MILLINERS, 60 Queen Street (Opp. Smeeton's)

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 1514, 9 November 1912, Page 10 (Supplement)

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 1514, 9 November 1912, Page 10 (Supplement)

Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 1514, 9 November 1912, Page 10 (Supplement)