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j I Wffti'QuaiftieS j ~ " r '' ' ~ ~ ~ ~ — 33353 Criticise I" f ~ OSe "' Pm To " Jay ' SMnrday> SMITH & CAUGHBY'S, • ,i„ea., P .„.x..^( S a,„da y) '. 1 Gare I MONDAY and. TUESDAY NEXT, and following days. ' lfll|| I J I The MILLINERY section of our Show- Next Monda the whole of our extensive Window Space, and the interior of our Establishment will 3 :! / TEcmiSJTfeel' 111 MiUinery be dressed out in WHITE. The hot, trying days; are quickly approaching. Now is the opportunity ■ ~~ tiT <s?pl ;|r l J|% -- ■ - -■ v ' to select suitable goods while the assortments are complete. Do not fail to visit us during this im- fkf a fyf \ 8 ' DAINTY SUMMER BLOUSES IN — ~ISSfcT portant display. A hearty invitation is extended to all. The WHITE SUNSHADES. JvQW J?IQUSBS &:: \ ' ' itf THE NEWEST STYLES GOODS advertised to-day will be offered in connection with the Dis- Our London Buyer writes that . > I i in \ftfo& M\\ >A fyhif] ' ' play» and will be found of Special Value and well worthy of notice. "a. lady, does not look correctly Very Stylish and ®fiective, in ' ft 4 /rmkmm *#?K W»f • —____— — _j: uni®. u W , wrWs i i £•{ i/>§Sll( pip J£r Important to out-of-town Customers --«g- : SILK I .:11m if | u 1 /af "• ~™«»* 1 Iff Y/ ImJI Calicos and Sheetings. and ■ lIILJ w!SL mm\\Wlj/ %W TO! JHjHraf 4 *« Whito Kid Glove8 ' good ff wfrf/ •"=■ ■:.t w\ Mfllfe F? the \ d V g TV°J hi Famous Brand. .The fact that w« sell 2 mile* Very'^SpecialValue-Ladies' Short White IJOw^UH f. V(|)W- L 4 ." Waterspray «b, the best and ** Kid _(3™-®U pair, also p'rito ?°p" medtomleJgth Stiilfflm IfHI if Medium College-Win, 3/3, i Sim,, 4/- per " WATERSPRAY" SHEETINGS. L^— 6/11 p"^aS h ShtrS k TaJ a ' >Te ' jI I NON'&UST^fJjV k over hip a „db«k s is v|i II I f m'm '' *'' *■ *»• »-.w, wp- ■ . jSMkA I «* . « , * ? Price, 6/6, Postage paid. .. *,„ 141 • , Pi . 'l v > °/ u i w /°> *L, 311.. «u, mS£ m, m. w. 4/n, 5/6, 6/6 7/6 ¥,•%??•,« illlPa'llflP/ ft) — A Medium Bnab % « a*m n . _.' .. '1 -.iW. - Lonjtdoth—27in, 2/11; 31in, 3/11; 36in. §?! n \b< Vty> V&h> 1/8- !,«!;**' Rh/vrf. Wki« A ' ri.u /uE». *1 ic l™ I Model, for average !-v u ''- Tl - r No. 937—Pricft, 4 /11, Postal paid. 3/8 4/9 5/6 5/0 6/6 7/3 7/9 8/9 72in —lid, 1/1, 1/3» 1/6, 1/31 l/10i. ' 1/11 Six 01% {>«, „®- « lovr<^~ /t* A* / figure fashioned of % Start the White Muslin Peter Pan Cellar, Magyar No. 151—WHITE JAP. SILK BLOUSE, 916,10/6. 80in—1/lA, 1/3*. 1/6 A, 1/9, 1/11, 2/3, 2/6. lS lSt'U?' IS Dg —" I i Cfeuiil, with very long 5 Spring Dressmaking *•«.•« ffl-WUi ,AB ««•. Sa s ta Slcav,, a „ ill usto tcd-8/6 Ma '„' 5/3, 6/3, 6/9, >MmW ' r akirt .'pd ba«k Js J wipring and 10/6, postago paid. 713 o/q q/A in/ft 11/ x ip/q TjNBLKACHED. S'l tilFI a Prlcß, 8/ll f Postage paid, | With the CORRECT ENORMOUS SELECTION OF — NOT IBLE OF r //9, 5/9, 9/6 10/6,11/3 12/9 15/3 M Hid, 1/1, 1/34 per yard. tO/ lyßifSr " ' " ■ I CORSET, ° WHITE DRESSES AND WHIM GOODS NG OCR 12/6, 13AJ 5/ 3. . . — - '' V . : | BON TON and ROYAL WORCESTER costumes. _ 4spSjills m embroide T red 5/3.. 7/6^B/9,9/9, 10/9, 11% 421 "' 40in-7d, Kd7io|d™, N i/ii, 1/3 per No. 285-white muslin , blouse, a ton Sirs - 1.,,, ~ , . ... . 715. WHITE MUSLIN ONE- • ROBES WELL WORTHY OF yard - M/W fi \ \ ' Embroidered PS" 4 ' 88 illustrated. BON TON COM rS, ' ;f Are the best and cheapest. Obtainable PIECE DRESS-EMBROIDERED INSPECTION. MM // \ - 6/6, postage paid, «nq lestion,*Uy th« « '• °annnu!nr Nn fnr'Mpriium wdfibndZ MUSLIN MAGYAR BLOUSE, EXCEPTIONAL VALUE. IBr , tA _. ~ IMr I ffl. from obtainable only, 3 " )%JST V 5-JSr No. White Embroidered Rob. WftltC LUieO Damaßkß \ if/ 11, • * ,'SMITHi AND CADGHEY, £ t rtSt'E IfeLIN ONE. .TtT: DlttEOT FROM BELFAST. ' \\j C REAI * ; AgelA „. ', j PIECE DRESS - AT A va r —White Swiss Embroidered _ • EXOUISITT3 RWTRS ■' • s^TZ m \'° d r - *"■ »" *«* m . r. d m 4s. "m itry a ° d iwo h iie z£hJ?"€F£i *VtfWiSNts ,N te s/ v Am,^'w '-' .«» S; IK . • MM«S. mT'Eb -d d V 6/6 ,5/11, HW-Udie, W M „ab b C M - |F\ - ' , BLOUSE trimmed Vtil. insertion Robe Stt fij ' Unbleached-54in, 1/-, 1/3, 1/6; 60in, 2/-; manuLturA samples at 1 S i/fi S. W^ite on^v ' AT L ? d £j? d , Children's Dresses. S'. \ ' f , : - . ;^gsas^^7 : Er:€|h ,1 v • liW^ fao "' ith " BnnSStb,- M^r V IS C'l great piofiMWn. ;'• I I ft - '■ ~ 1 fc M^U»'r ,and 2 &lfftt 6 / 6/6> 6/3 "' 9/6 ' T„ 2 i ffef KI 11 1, HOSIERY. — — I i f,\ ■ LADIES LINGERIE. SCARCE LINK NOW TO 2by 7/6, 8/6, /6, 11/9, .5/, 17/6, ' W|, l/Il •^'^^in 1 , »S IfcM OKHT.« M BOYS' WmK WAS, Il' 1M i Jot & X£Tt Ti!WS"" 2 ». m «»• 15/6 ' 17/6 ' idiL^ l , l o, 1A^11 , i„ wK!Ki H„»e-^ 6 , 6/„ pai, 'fj fli I almost bewildering. Everv Oar- CREAM R A.DIANTA notr>H for 2bv 31 15/.' IQ/fi ot;/. 00/fi tc/ t Q /a t? • . Children s Wliito Cotton Socks, with Cir- THE FOLLOWING ARE VERY Mil M Jil ai. .. ment has been carefully subjected wanhinc and wearincr qualities— 2by '22/6 'Z7/6 39/6' Runwrs-Min by to, 1/6 1/9, l/ll; cular or Vertical Stripes and Soil or • SPECIAL VALUE. fllofn .JrajlNi ®aa" d . » l/ni '^ 2/ „, 5/6 per !Na Mii£ £jt>: ■ * * cos,£c^4'«- v , v aig«;s£iisrw KP^SIE!^^IS« : "-■ —— NOVELTY ■.■ - — Ladies' White Embroidered Sunshades— 15/6, 16/6, 17/6. OP.D COAT3—2I/-, /lIIIIiB/ffl{llßli |||t\ " LADIES'AMERICAN NOVELTY _ I 7/6,7/11,8/11,9/6,9/11,12/6. SERGE OR GARfeICORD COATS-21/-, MjUU'ufflllaH ij ; Ribbod Cotton Combination,, I CMITH CT f/ A firwrv Bpecinl Showing ot Ladietf "TrplSiOß fiVwi. aMMIIi 0 "' OXVIII fl <2T vAUurILY, epedd su #°f,fe^ ,B / 6 ' •—» wide knees, 3/11 and 6/6. I • ® Ja» J& Mam£ JS± m White Neckwear • j OPERIOR PANAMAS—IS/6, special; r *".■ - - I SW •- I AnnklnnJV r«.«» SK • f • wmited - , a lfiVw 4 No. 06—WIJITK LONGCLOTH PRIN. Samples in White chrap SC S j _- M AWCKlftOd S Uffiftt SuOppinS EOSOOI*III Dili LAfTB' TATiOTR TONNIS SHntT&-J/ltS' 3/11,4/6,5/6. No.SSO-Th. L«U«t W^lte «•"' No. 96—WHITE LONGCLOTH PRIN- Underwear—bought cheap and - -I FAMOUS FOR EXCELLENCE, VARIETY, AND CHEAPNESS. I"$& ! LAWN JABOTS TENNISSHIRTB— i S.. Iri,h 4/6,5/6. No.62o—The Latest ? CIISS SKffiT, trimmed with. % . marked exceptionally low—will b®.. ~ FAMOUS FOR EXCELLENCE, VARIETY* AND CHEAPNESS. Variety! Style! Good Value Always Good Value ini Irish Linen and Pkated Skirt, trisd and Ribbon. 12/6. P l ' Offered on " ' . ; «.. ....... m ».». ««• r vnwini 899. A Vi£/ ♦"sL Lawn Handkerchiefs. with Embroidery and In--7 1 A Vmb ReS? Yo? T«y tho " GLENGARIFF" Double CoUar. ' "ertion^oi^Sv^ v . Postage paid..

. Dental. 8 YOU CAN LAUGH, EAT, CHEW, COUGH, SNEEZE 9 AS OFTEN AS YOU PLEASE | BY ATTACKING ONE OF I Dr. Ray tier's Triple Suction Retainers.* I THE AMERICAN DENTAL PARLORS, I I Queen and Welleslej Sts., AUCKLAND ; to Wellington. I "l7iTT*i lIMWIIIIII 111111 ill 111 Imm i lIIII.iII milium iieiihiiiiii mßummimi mi— imiiiijiMwmmiinT Merchandise. "" ■ ■■-■ "i — »■ ■■ ■ — — —— i , , . v - JUS LANDED, tmurn^ IHSrpets RUG?! I 3 111 &- LINOLEUMS - JIL, £ I J. BROWN & SONS, I | NEWTON. £ wswswswrrrrrsTrrs-^wrrrrrrswrrerrs-r* SvEAU w' m^S^aMM!xiiSm^Spß^y.' B are used by all Motorists who want the best H HP q ua !'ty and construction ensures a big mileage, and more | ll[ satisfaction than you can gat from any other tyre. | f| It will pay you to specify " Dunlops," ||

— ' " ggggggss,. l ., ■ . 1 ' -- —m' ' Tobacco, Cigars, Etc. ' ' • imd ' ''' ' ' ' — ' _ ' ' " ' '' _ ; • • SEE OUR SPECIAL DISPLAY OF ( Tobacco Cigars Cigarettes at Queen Street Depot: COLMADO CIGARS, 6 for 1/-, 50 box 8/-, 100 box 15/-,. - IDEAL ROTHSCHILDS, 5 fori/-, 100 box 10/6.. STAR OF CUBA, 3d each, 100 box 23/6. ];■ r' These are our Exclusive Brandt), and the best value In the owvinee. " . , , , MARIA CHRISTINA, PARTAGAS, INDIAN, AND CONTINENTALCIGARS r'^ 1' >' M i! ' in large variety. •' , J; i *r ii 1 ARDATH, Cabinet No. 44, 9/6; No. 66, 11/-. '% ' i;; 1 HUTCHINSON'S IDEAL WHIFFS, 4 for 8, 100. box 20/6, Kalabash Pipes, 2/6 to 10/6. ' v Leases, 6/6 to 9/6.. -V '•/> ' " 1 (, The best values in Pipes on the market are ' 1 i ? !i' 1 ' HUTCHINSON'S UNIVERSAL, lOd each. HUTCHINSON'S IDJSAL 4/Beach. ' { Pouches, Cigarette Cases, Cigarette Holders, Cigar Holders, : ' :, y eacn. i i , '-'r V In fact, everything conceivable for the comfort of smokers.. •''>» ■' v ' - I", We shall be pleased to send No. 17 Price List;, ■ Z,., 1 '':■■■ .h..: *,?, !'" '*» HUTCHINSON BROS., Ltd., SSfi&SSfc. I ; THE UNIVERSAL PROVIDERS. 4 STORES. I Dairy ' Produce. ■ ■' HOME SEPARATION I 117E are buyers of Home Separated Cream for butter* * * making purposes from farmors who are dairyI* *in Suburbs purposes from farmers of are dairying in Suburbs and in districts North of Auckland, where there are no Creameries. Highest prices paid for butter-fat delivered on Rail or Steamer. For fuller particulars, apply AMBURYS, LIMITED, Newton, AUCKLAND. is KING of sewing MACHINE& | for Ttnnfa ' \ [ B \ /.• /"VUEEN IS queen OF SEWING machines I MS * Cricketers! FA# Bat* and Cricket Aoentorlmt weatook haw a B -! ; V JpEADLES PBOM ... £5 15® Q» I W 9*o* service reputation, QMJW# wllfW* j»^§g§| ttands peom ... 1Q 9 0 D I f Sport Enthuslaete gmemli\/^Hrßowh t fishing Tackle, Croauet The Guarantee: Made by the White Sewin* | f>od», antf mrythlM fa MM, fit «fW W»l. Machine company. who, as Makers, ha™ I Seaton i atocke an Signer ana Better than over, VmlW#®! eiven over two milljop USEES the greatest ■ ??f* . — ,v. cx i a ten 0 Ear ta obtainable W. [I <J. WISEMAN 81 SONS, ! I/TD^| "^lSri 5 * | Sporting em. SpHla,!*,. m Stmt, *«*W' 18 « "< w*iTCTTßi,aflTßft*r •• R—— • y.• i M 'rtn n lTiwM4 Ko . .K* - 1 '■'JI"—» Price Lists and P * ram * ? f "" ■

Famishing Goods. MODERN I FURNITURE ! ARTISTIC AT FACTORY PRICES. LARGE SELECTIONS IN CABINETWARE* UPHOLSTERY, BEDDING, FLOOR COVERINGS, Etc. Inspection Invited. SPECIAL DESIGNS PROMPTLY MADE TO ORDER. REPAIRING AND RENOVATING IN ALL BRANCHES. /tist behind Northern Club (VICTORIA QUADRANT), Facing Albert Park, ' ' MANUFACTURERS OP (FURNITURE, CARRIAGES, TRAMS, MOTOR CARS, and all desoription* of WOODWORK. J gb,a * MW - W. '• COUSINS. Genera! Manager. Ll!e '■»«««■ Boots and Shoes. I^GOVERNMENT^^, J FACT No. 4. I Auckland's Leading Boot & Shoe Dealers. | ft LIBERA!, SYSTEM OF NON* I | FORFEITURE proteots every 1 CZ^'ZCKn 1 Assurance Policy Issued 1 T ' ~ _ * " R i i..- S L»argc range of up-to-date Cricketing Footwear to suit all tantes- § I by the Department. B Gent, s White Gent.'s White Canvas Boots, J ' |§ p a j vas Shoes rib- &|pf||§|fc2v ' leather soles and heels, no lining, Eg ScBUTAMTUt surrender values and loan j$ bed rubber soles, light and servicable, 7/11. i values are allowed after two years, and |/6 6/1 L \ Ditto leather lined, 9/6, 10/6. I . if the premium is not paid within the H Ditto, leather ((\\ V , ■, „ _. iX , x , 1 M ... , , - .. 81 soles and heels 3<6 iiir\. X-- White Canvas Ditto, latest i » thirty days of grace an account la opened H nceis, j,„ i>ii American toes, 11/6. 1 I crediting the policyholder with th ° aur- I c SperiaJ White Tj \ White Canvas Boots, Chrome I , ! render value and increases thereon, and gf Shoes V, T c '/r y }\ \ V v mMX soles, no heels, leather I » J debiting him with the premiums as they I |sA v V »k ".Very special, 9 ' 6 1 | fall due and interest thereon. As long as 9 white ' Canvas SPECIAL VALUE. E , the amount to credit exceeds the amount | Shoos, Chrome Best Doeskin |j ' I owing the policy is in full force, and in if s °l c ; , > no heels, leather lined, Sy iJJ! 6< i'a/r II j i . . j ti_ . it .. 1 Bterling value, 7/6. vv / \ 3016 > ID /°- HI the event of death or maturity the sum ® ' Jwv. / 1 Is j assured and bonuses, lesa the arrears 1 EXTRA SPECIAL Best Doe- §jl with interest, are paid. | Skln (7nckoti "S Shoes, 15/6. I - 4 STORES 4 I . 4 No - 1 Store-Central, corner Queen No. 3 Store—Marina Square, Devon. I rTT»rr ~ I $ *** Darby Streets. Phono 3053. port. "evon- £1 ! MAKES There 19 a constant 8 D M if demand from all I 1 No ' , 2 Store-EndeanJ .Buildings, No. 4 Store-Karangahape Road Hate 1 HAIR ***'» oI the earth I « Lower Queen St. Phone 1945. Johnston Bros). Phone 1018. I GROW EDSON' S l "iw»»iiiira»jqiicwy^JW.-n«v^i^»r.'.<aiWMgtMi^rrxCTicqooMg^iiTrii| Ml< | , n naaMpßcgoaaiaß ■Mbimwin ILriLIOUN S f Pulleys. ~ o„c» HAIR "PHILIP'S" pi ANn c D DEPOSIT the J? E I E W.. pressed STEEL pullets PlANW^Blif;' ....... iwd°i. 01, H.V?iS to " "* -Arm*. PIANO*? "NO "deposit. WORLD, li'taft""® JyO» Best by Every Tost a.r"4 K?hires! Marl stock Sizes, 6in. to 48in PIANOS «a.«,ll K T As a vigorous hair I and dlamatar. PJANOQ; NO DEPOSTfJ •f /U «eali) tome it ia onsnr. WaST ' 1 1,1,1 • ''**° MU O 23, HIGH ST I ?/0 w " I® "PIONEER" Pressed PIANOS 7/- a WeekT' ! J. EDSON Jkf s g ™ H PiANOS^gffig Id extra. AUCKLAND* MUL steel & BRONZE PIANOS 8/ ga. wl AUCKLAND. Shafting and Accaawriej PIANOS W/Q^TP 7 * • , _ Pl AivirSc O/- a WEEK. I=3 Aft T UTOT PIANOS za. Br. I CD.—' are showing a grand line of Lifflissl© " »• MwiVl, PIANOS NO DEPOSIT. are lovely goods, jwd the colours are all . Ud " PIANOS N "s."^ b sr. ssid otefi^.^ct^ti^rSt. Up -- CosUimler ' " Atsckland, I PIANOS I °i?a Htan ST* I

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 1514, 9 November 1912, Page 9 (Supplement)

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 1514, 9 November 1912, Page 9 (Supplement)

Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 1514, 9 November 1912, Page 9 (Supplement)