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To be Published simultan- ''J^SS^^^ eously throughout Australasia. . ■ I THE AUSTRALIAN -- The Great New \ | 32 Pages—One Penny, Journal for \ \sjmf\ A 1 First Number ready Nov. 16. Women of-all \ \f/' |Ql Ages* t I THE first number of Australasia's First Penny Weekly Illustrated Magazine devoted entirely to women'* | interests will be published on November 16. Printed on Magazine paper, profusely illustrated, and con- % sisting of 32 pages, this weekly magazine will deal fully with all those subjects dear to the hearts of woman- I kind. ■-■'■'' I Woman's Dress, Woman's Work, Woman's Recreations, Art, Literature, The Drama, Music, Fiction, Social 1 Items, etc., etc., will receive special attention. i ' i There will be practical hints on economy in Dress, in .the Kitchen, in the Garden, and other departments : H ' of Woman's Life. There will be serious pages and humorous pages, pages for adults, and pages for children i —but every one of them full of real interest and clean and wholesome withal. yj -r 1 1 "The Woman Thou GavestMMew. w I "The Woman Thou - Gavest Me." I The long expected new Serial Story by M kmSNg* '$fflKg&mk. (Exclusively secured by the " Woman's Weekly). , [E ■■;'■■ fHHwß^Bfi& ! ''lHßßW' We ha ™ secured the SOLE AUSTRALIAN AND > 1 VfHra&BS nHyiK 11Is*S31eI» NEW ZEALAND RIGHTS in the loner-expected serial 0 m • *•» ' iiilwSSL' story. " THE WOMAN THOU GAYEST ME." by Hail I % \Sgwß»f. Wi'S'i v ■'>' <, -'mWMM* Came, and its appearance in our column!! will bo I '& Bt *p;, ' 'fii H 'ffl&3R&&Sr ' Simultaneous "with f its publication in serial form :.n : . : gt , ~ Hall Caine's new serial will undoubtedly be the - ; • I J)^^MM^B^WMWMHWMffi^k- , literary sensation of 1912-13. This fictional, master- / • ' ' 1. JSBgm HHHKd iIW. piece—the result of two years' Work on the part of 1 the author— a powerful handling ,of a, great and . • | , ltal teme » with a rare vein of /sentiment running i © > m z trough it. The characters will live in memory, and ; ''•■■ '-Is ', SW^m^^^mmmS^y-a^^SS^^^ii'■ •'bo down into British ■ literary history along : with the « §8Bb3BBb& creations of Thackeray, and Dickens, i ''1 I^^^Slra^^O^' 1 ' ■ c^? y in l5 th< s Bria , l wiU bC & series of superb 1 V ■ illustrations by Prank Oraig, R.I. A -; : !; ; '''■'■'''S /: ffflfpSllililb '"" ' - : £ ain £ T stor s,* v - e been secured in this new Hall '■'■'■■ ■-' '■' "''l. IN' IWffimtk ■ ?& Woman's Weekly at enormous cost, ft will I ' '7'lffHßht the Woman s Weekly at enormous cost, and it will I TFs3SHHeK2» /'iMm be ted that not only is this the first time" !■ mtimk W tralasian public has been given an Opportunity of I w„™i° ne 0 * thlß ce .'ebrated author's serial novels :. I\Wtf'%*k %L. . b - efore & appearance in book form, but it is the first .••;'■.■ :■-..>;• S3 ; VSr/pfc t&f&lfiN ifelLil tlm S a Hall Came story has been presented to the § '£WMI" IpS* ' . The first .mtalment of this fascinating IS **"* *-^f ( . ■ .^M-; ■ ■ Story will commence at the end 1 ■<ji of November. ' 1 ; : ;.;! r . - |.■ -. ~ ;'- ff J&ZtJIJ . The Magazine in a Minute. I lAH nnii>vt>A . CONTENTS ■-~■■; '..;-'. ■ '■:-. ■:,•'-■■ '~~ ■• ■-.■■■■:■■. ■ ■■■'■■r.T" -''"".' ''.-.dr."'- '■' 1 i 111 DQITCQ OF No. 1. ' \" Irj '•-.-■ '-. ; READY ON |i 111 rIIIZiCLO. ~ _ ■ ,■■ . ■- *"• -j. ■■•/.■■■-'.V..- NOVEMBER 16. , ..ft Three highly, interesting. ■ The Call by Ellen Glasgow. * .. Advertisement Ends Competition-£6oT" 1 instructive, and amusing ' ■^eFwfdom- of the Woods, by. Donald prizes. ™« competition-* in M competitions, with a total „..:,„ , v . Summer o,i day Snapshot 'Otomn'etitiun : '' ; ' vII prize value of £250, start Elbort. Hubbard (Idealist. Dreamer. -£21 in prWa. . • '«pemwn W with the first issue. Alto- Orator), coming to Australia. How Should a Man Propose-Essav j ffl srethcr 170 prizes are offer- Smiling Jane (Short Story), by G. It _, competition. '~'*.-,, J M ed to readers of this nevr Hyam (winner £20 prize Lone Hand Education, by Ernest Crossby. "." -." V ;"'J'T' 'm'"" Journal. There arc no e«, * hort Story Competition). A Page of Humour (Illustrated). -J If ' tranco fees of any kind— fashion Notes and Illustrations. I Hints for the Kitchen (Rummer Recipes) IHi free coupons are printed in £ Bwc»elHatton. " by L J,«„. TJfieful Hints for the Home. '"''-■ No. 1, pving opportunities ,„ ™ «iu« B »ua ucssens. I , Proverbs: Selections ,-„-_, manr ~ M to display your skill in all The Care of the Teeth (with photograph ' lands? • Se,ectioDS from m anr j., : M the competitions. of Miss Phyllis Dare). Hot Weather Ailments.- Summer pre-' ffl ' The Art of Hairdressing (Hints and II- m , oa " tjons - . M These competitions point lustrations). The Drama— and Notes. $9 the way to a dozen easy Children's Page-Humour and Competi- Art. Music. Literature. ' if methods of supplementing tions. > . A Woman's Prayer for the Child to ffl ! : your income. European Trip Oompetition-£l5O in Come - I M nrizes - • And a host of other special features. I |fl ■ '.','-■- .■■''■■.•.'•.'";"'.'•••■■.'■.:•■; ■..■','.: . ■:, :■P *VI . . "■'.. >*'...:■■■■■-:'■.'... ''.','.■■'. _*. ftl >- • • • ■■ '■ ■- ■ :■■; .■•'.,:.■■-..■• <r<-- ■ . ■.•'•■: ."■.;■ V. ■~■;:•■:',.■.■; i ..■'■•. •; To create immediate and wjdesprflad interest in this new magazine, the Publishers have decided to make a, uniaue w ill ; : gift offer to first-year subscribers. ■ ..?-■•.."•*"■'• W*"vs, The yearly subscription to the Woman's Weekly (including postage) is S». For this modest sum the magazine will "'■'' 'J ; be posted direct to your address every week for one year But to first-year subscribers we also offer choice of the: «■ following magnificent gift offers.— • v .. ."v jM -'. _ ' " '' 1 - GIFT OFFER NO. 1. GIFT OFFER NO. 2. I CLARENCE UNDERWOOD'S NEW PICTURE- SIGNED PROOF ENGRAVING BY OSCAR BINDER. '.' i "THE GREATEST THING IN THE WORLD." rJj^iJff^W^^!t^ia^%mU Austrian Artist, Oscar Binder. , These:proof Engravings |: K '' ; This magnificent picture, recognised to be this cele- which attracted., so much favourable attention -when first <■-■ •ill : 'v brated artist's finest and most pleasing creation, is re- published in Europe have- been SPECIALLY --AUTO- ■' § ' produced in full colours, size 20 by 16 inches. GRAPHED FOB US BY THE ARTIST, and in that form 4 5 This same picture, reproduced exactly in the style offer a unique opportunity to secure a pair'of handsome ; | ; offered to subscribers, is on sale to-day in leading Art , pictures sold in the ordinary way. at 12s 6d per pair Ate "■'■■■ '. 1 i' Galleries throughout New Zealand at 7s 6d per copy. far as this 1000 AUTOGRAPHED SETS will go they will . i ' ■ We have secured 1000 copies, and so long as that number ho presented free (in pairs) to annual snbseribera selects ! ; a ■ lasts they will be presented free and sent post paid to ing Gift offer No. 2. Size of each picture, 14 by 10 in. < 1 > annual subscribers who avail themselves of this unusual ■; Fill in the subscription form at the foot of this ad- - 'I :; offer. yertisement. state which gift offer you prefer and post; ' fa Your money will be promptly returned without cues- U a §&» Yenro' «snl«ni.i«tinW «,ni u '*i " i'' ; » '1 ' tion if yon are not fully satisfied. pictures! ;" Subscription w.U secure both ■ set* of | FREE TRIP to EUROPE Four Candidates Wanted from New Zealand. i The Publishers of the Woman's Weekly have decided to send one of their lady readers to Europe next' year. A i certain number of candidates will be nominated from each of the Australian States and New Zealand. Nominations M are now invited for four candidates resident in New Zealand. « m Candidates will be nominated by the signatures of their friends, who need not necessarily be subscribers to or H readers of this magazine. fg ■ THERE WILL BE NO EXPENSE OF ANY KIND ATTACHED TO THESE. NOMINATIONS. If At the close of the nominations the names of tho successful candidates will be submitted for election by the if readers of the Woman's Weekly. K I ■ All nominated candidates will receive prizes. The first three prizes will be: (1) Trip to Europe; (2) Trip to Sydney,- i (3) Trip to Blue Mountains. Thirty-seven other awards will also be made. M PRINTED NOMINATION FORMS ABE NOW READY. AND WILL BE MAILED FREE ON REQUEST. § SUBSCRIPTION FORM I To THE PUBLISHERS, . ' i[s one year's subscription to the Australian V *■■ 1 ■''^'■ Please send the magazine for 52 weeks to m/aeWr ' ■!'•''■''• address given below. & \ — ~'\ WiMui(f 1-v ' i' ■ ' Also send your Picture, offer : - i It is understood that if for arty reason \\^'' r -ffl lam not satisfied with the gift it. can be »w'lKiEfls& ■'l^S^^''Al^'f!Sm^■ ' ¥ returned not later than three days after \V§*;\V' \£ Ife -*C2&! '' ' § arrival, in which oase money is to be re- V • -XW' 3 ' \ 1 —ZII.'1I.'I'I""II RFfiEiY Nov IB A -1' (Write plainly and state if Mrs., Miss, 111-riM I llUfi IU V \sßMitf> '- ' "i should bo made by Postal Note ONE PENNY* <L \$T Ml Remittance should bo made by Postal Note WMBS "BllMnlYt ; \ . ..>^WJR^■■,-. ,Wl or Money Older. (N.Z.H.) . . THE GREAT NEW JOURNAL \ '- , "' g

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15142, 5 November 1912, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15142, 5 November 1912, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15142, 5 November 1912, Page 9