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■ , __— —- - ' " j Dress mi Fashion. 2, '■':': Boots and Shoes. j _ _—, —_~ , —' '"'-"" "^fflll [TWO SPECIAL SNIPS! i| LADIES I 1 Gent's Camel Hair Slippers, | ■■■ '■■^ l^ wrottiM 1 rriiWPiiiWWWW ,w T aw i "''^Shl i value and something to keep J :^Si^v i * „ « ~ » jt _.««_•« i value and something to keep 1 V%„. -,»«,» • a __«• ,»» -~ ; •"■ 1 feet warm-Snip Price 2/11 | fImP9W& 1 JttSt What you-require for tfelS CoW I Ladies' High-grade Black I (MM *\\ 1 Weather. /r ? Ki I Glace Button or Lace Boots I \§B & .^A-1 ! *■ : ' * .'V,IW I (Bective Brand) stylish toes,- IIH ~;.. t I 4% Aj? ail _ ti-i.iS*« : A I price, 21/-; Snip | ■ ® ae &* '"C bargains 1& | stome'S L~ — -jWARM WINTER COATS, | HAPPY FAMILY SALE I, at 6s lld aad 7 " s _ M , wort h i^Tel j of Boots, Shoes, and Slippers, - 1 "■"*■"" " , ..■ 7"T""'^' 1 which is wow m full swiNG " I Ail our other Coats and Costumes reduce* to : ;' I at all four stores, .'■ Bargain Prices. A marvel of cheapness. j-f-sißaEpq_aHEM "" ~ Machinery. - Fl .__ -. «__, alf I mbb a 8 all Q' - "oiL^eNGINls"- - - BENTALL. fl S\l_L|lfi!« Mg |!|l Y it,Mbmtu«»to. y |f|__ l ||\_LLi ** 'WVfO'ill E„_ - VjB_X.TJ HOUSE, ."; ■WESBI'- English w _*..«--»-» * . , v |, "°rr s JUT ___ Comer Queen anil Wellesiey Sis, ;■ Price is Lower. - Laid inoa«,i. WHERE YOU GET THEM CHEAPEST. - t?fs*l WHERE YOU GET THEM CHEAPEST. (' T-22255252255. , —— ——- - ™" : fe%.£# • Merchandise, ■ * .V JsSti%? -r A - THE SCONES WEIOK TOOK Ist and 2nd PRIZE AT THE mil DTJ]lH»__fl I £' , \<-* ' £ « I:^3^jt,*^_jg - _k ' SHOW WEEE MADE WITH • ~«H i-. iMin • Crown Baking Powder : rcgS *\.'* ''■'-' I™ ' That's tangible evidence of tha goodness of this great- baking powder. ~ ';.' v ffi'-i -h """'^ --''' Mmm 1 Without doubt, if you want your cakes, scones, etc., to, bo light and whole. |f§ fe&r> /'>-.T'"'"'.' y, '"'- 1 - ' *-"_ some, you should use "Crown." AE the ingredients in it are pure •*__& N| \_s__j_ .'-' ? $ - r .- VpIKF ' ' wholesome—the very beat. , Absolutely free from alum. : .In your next W ifc-' " • } '\ ' grocery order, write "Crown Baking Powder." \ And/not© t!w imptovemeat :g y-->. V"' ' 3By °AL^| S ASK YOUR GROCER TO SEND YOU ; ; J3 : ■ : ; ; : 'Club Coffee and "Eagle" Starch;:f '■ ' ?,?^?i^Se^^^^^^:^^^^^ : '.>. -::•',} «club" is one of the few good Coffees in New Zealand. >'Eagl_"- Stan* '•''•".' : .-'""* — __._,. -_ - >~igf is the only gold medal starch in New Zealand. ||| : : - ¥lf gy ■■ _ jj, ■. ■/» 1 XJB Coffee, epfee,Starob,«o4"';.' >.^ ' '--'-^-—' r- *-*•«"-■ W (ll«£»rftf & ilft Llfl Pepper, Manufadarflii,,,;,! fl ThJ 6 Vertical Engine is wsciallr adapted for Farm and Dairy use and we are putting it on «b«i ■ Jf e VII *»■ %«"l#«s> ««rUt) ■ DUHEDIJN. •■' ■ '<* l& raarfcotatapricothatdeflescooii'sotjtion. Do not purchase an engine before commnmaaUas: *-»»-' _. .... - ,_,'' - ; -.i\*j II Kith us. or call and see one working in our warehouse. ,'" .. Esto, __——._-_■.-:_. WING ATE 81 CO., Ltd., Q a ! e ea Street. Auckland. ! """""""" "" TZ ■ ■ —!;" ■' ■ T~^:-^^^M ' __ Furnishing Goods. 1 I Guns, Anmanition, etc. ' — i ~~ "~*~ *>j*tfnMsSi - 5 l .-^ I GUNS must be cleared ■ • ii' fc fBm'IT ■ M *^ ! t Stl / _h *-^' J -'-' 1 -''^" •"'-■■ $, t f-F-'Fi m I ff jl_l l^li^WWfcil-'W* l . ■J r lrt.iwt' •' • '' l '&Wl??t*T~ !^9^ 111 11 § Evitfc's complete stock of above is being sold by Hazard a* "givs-awa,y }> '' f||l " -SSE -"^^^^^^ l i| Mlf -11 ARMY SNIDER RIFLES ■ ■-...■ .... '. — 5/- each ||| I Hoosfi Furnishers: '" ~, m 1 carbines ... rAI ... -:'.:.:-oVvj„i|iii| nuuac ruimaiiGia. -— I I SINGLE BARBEL BREECH-LOADING GUNS ... 27/6 „ "|g I I FISHING RODS ... .-, .- .- ... 1/- „ _ - 'M J. BROWN 81 SONS, NEWTON. 1 :: : : S: . 1 j __________ I § REPEATING AIR RIFLES .- . ... ■~ ■ , 5/- „ ~ -Jl I. pocket knives ... ea ~ * :& tmmsmmss^Ba^^^^^^o^S^^^aa^^si^m^^as^sm ggg-gggsj~»gSE°Bgggy I SNIDER CARTRIDGES, slightly damaged : '.1 1/. per 100- *sms W§ Medical. lEEE'S A WRINKLE! If yoou have « WEB-WOVEN CARTRIDGE BELTS; ' ... ■ ~ ' 2/6 eaclti fggg _. , —— Xl Cold in the head, or a. tickling: coush, ..12 G. CARTRIDGES, Evifct's Special Loading 1.2/- per 100 , " % '?M ' ' Salf apiece of'loaf °ingar. and allow the Don't miss this chance of buying sporting requisites at undee-a>s* priow. '. M , THE GREAT 1 S3fi&2SV£43S«CS. ' ; LEVITT'S Late Premises &«*Goodta»w, fl I Fit- I peat thls every hour. In this way you """""""" £_ Vll I *Jf JTI QUEIW STSttEO" W*i' 1 UAiQ DErAJ9Cr%V will get fnU benefit of "NAZOL.'* and '■ ■••■'•.■ |; * ; ■■■'■'■'.: ■■'■■: . ■■■ __, ••'■' , •■' ±__ __ . j*jivr«.»__|^M j OAIK KbfvlLOY ß secure prompt relief. ______*" miMmmmm ™ ■ IMli Modern conditions are very bad for ;■ "' "■''•'. : ''.-'. ".';.;' '/'.•-•■:■■■•.■•■.;.■•:. 7„: ..■"...'- ■: - ;: t ;', : ;';•.:; .'';. :; ii... ''. ; V.,.^Ssf||f§§s the Hair, ©specially since the system .:■:■'■■ '''C .^;^^'.. : :.^'':-^':'^y!V^P^p| oi using; a little good Pomade has •/ ..':,..' : -.'. .:.■■■■■ ;■.:;;■■ ,-.-.' 'i< L <';||§_3__ fallen Into disuse. Men wash their ■~-.■ ';<'.. : '.'.:.■,/■,'..;. '.''/y"■:■.• ■'*'■"■■' ■■: '■ : '; ■ -i''' 1 : :..':-^' s 'S ;^-V'T\.::-;:i;V^f^^^^ra[ hair too often, and keep it cropped. . ; .''„.■.'■■;'. : '•"■,'-:.'"'V : ' ''. "'; y'^' : '''-ji : ' :^l'^SyWim^M too short. The result Is dryness and ".. ■ :,; :^'-yy-''-y■'■■:''■■'■ ':"'■':■.' ■■■■"■'''-vi.^'^V.:'V;&2M!|^ls|6S wholesome) and Infallible s/mel* ™" "" ■ WSBBU WBwr HHJBI H HI W V»U iffli 91 aw. B V.S-'S «to~ •' ■ ■'.■-"'' ''■„■; ..'-■'.' ■:':"-': ,' "■: :. ; -; •'"''■ '- : '; : '.- : "'' : ;' ; ':.:; : :;.... : : V :; :' : : : ; ■'■■'.' : '.m ''.'"■-"■' '-\\;'" .' : ■ : ; Vf V M^|^i^^S BRIGE HBHlllllllllllllll ■ «■-■■■■« 1 HIMIIIIIIIIHUa 11 111 lIIML.-JTC ■ ■■■■!■ !■ 19 REGENERATOR! . ;:§§ Prl«, 3/6 i. Special Streß|th, 5/6. ' ; : y'-^j BRACE'S ' • '..V- -'. -,!fi| ■ CIRCASSIAN CREAM i^^ii«^ 0 y^^^tm ' *' A If After Thirty Years' Experience I have jj/r- VV** f\ [\h _fKj fj\ ■e_JMTSTV " ' -^1 Producea an Appliance lor Men, M((((f(frr ~ r*>wLVK it ft if%/«i*»C , "j Women, or Children that Cures *^* ,ll^^ » l; ®| I Send It "on Trial. p^^^J^ X GUARAj£rggo PUKE h come to me. Where others fail is where 1 . _'. 'J-fill hava mv greatest success. Send attached , • . , ■'.',',' ,Mfi coupon to-day and I will s«nd you free my > . r ;| illustrated book on Bupture and its Cure. , " ,?| showii!? my Appliance nnd givint; you prices - » "X=* and names of many people who have tried - ' ' , '''"•*% lit and are extremely grateful. It is in?,tant : ' . • , , .:, ... » ,' ,'•« I relief when all others fall. Remember, I use '-.■■ . '4y no salves, no harness, He*. . . f'^s J ; % Obtainable from all Storekeepers and Butter Vendors. : | >^*i < ' ->\s ±-\S »^^ ? I 5 £*%s■•■ ■•■■■* ' ---« ___S_____S __H___| -»-3 fe ________ ™™ g,—- m __ "" 't'M Tfc :-.v';;"p m_;h „-l MODERN .J? UKMITURE -^ The above is CK. Brocks, who has tees | **"". mm ixS* eAi IgL .JgLJm S,' 1 !'^! Curing Rapture for over 30 years. | ADTICTir *»' -J" -»_,_-__«_ — ' . \<*\ii|£l H Raptured, write to fc!m to-day. , ARTISTIC AT FACTORY PRIHCC i' ; 'v I make it to your measure and send it to j ' . 'iwivni riflbbSi >/[ #J j you on a strict Braaraatte. of satisfaction or i — ■ ■■(f.r: -. '■. ■■ ■'•ri.>.y , sim ' $&.*&?$& \ LARGE SELECTIONS 1M C&EIMETWARE, UPHOLSTERY, * ■ Hi it. I send on trial to prove what I saw is : BEDDING, FLOOR *■* >-,**->-.....~~ Etc InnpeotSon Invtltt.d. 'SI true. You are the jndire. and once having -»-.*•■#«-«». hkUQR GOVERINGS) Et©» Snaaeotian InirliNsd. I seen my illustrated book and read it, you i ~,,. .."-PTOMin invtlina. _ ;^ x will bo as enthusiastic as my thousands of SPECIAL DESIGN'S PROMPTLY MADE TO ORDER. REPAIRINP ■ AWn Pt?v.r, W i~,T,,« ,„ ~« ' * V - J patients whose letters are now on Hie in ° . WU "' »arAltU_«Ur AiVD RENOVATING IN ALL BBANCKE3- -1 V# my office. Fill in this free coupon below | _ . _ • ..__■ . .-. : :-'.■';'■■.-,.. .':'■.''•■-,-•:;. i ■ '.. P'ease send me hy po'strirtpiain wrap- 'Iw| • fiwliWs fl , i;'. ?^, y ? ?r Ul »strated Book, and full in- | IK f habtmt Hfirthpfn l*l»fi flJ!f«Tn»)* -. . F ' • |S| teureof rupt , u t re your AppUance & Just Dsa Morinern I,uB <VJGTOR!A QUASMKIX Facing A i &Br Park, *r 11 NAMB • _ MANUFACTURERS 07 FURNITURE, CARRIAGES TK/IMR «««-•«'-.«*«.« . « 'SBB ADDKESS ....„ ..,„ - S o,lption ß of WOODWORK MOTOR OAI*6» and *" ;' V ! HHI __ *••••• —•• MOaOPiptlons of WOODWORK* -, f-.lf'S L*!-a-a-B-M-Bai ■ Sa-a_J_a__,_,, ' ghwlflel ,„„.„,.„ •W. J. 00USIN3. Otaßti H**^y^sM

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15056, 27 July 1912, Page 8 (Supplement)

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15056, 27 July 1912, Page 8 (Supplement)

Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15056, 27 July 1912, Page 8 (Supplement)