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■I'- j '_ i _^ -^^_ II 111 l ■■■■ ■!iilllllllMI«MII«IIIWWIMII»MIWM''^W ————IT '. ' "'. ' llf^ I OVERWORK MAKES WEAK KIDNEYS I Ifs the daily grind that .carsmea ,— AUCKLAND I TfRpW^J out. The never-ending day after- AUWi\L*Anii. — -"-UJLli2!j| ■ I day rouUne of overwork and worry WELL FOB 10 YEARS. B 'T'j *y**~* l|«*""Vr *" . sends a man home in the evening *%££>"%£ HNHfe~4 ft«T^ 1 with nerves on edge, and feis back Auckland. says:-"For about /] /* il JX' |If JjSw 1 '.. . ... , ~ t,_ »■- i-j j four months I was in agony with ij \_ \ §C^/w"^ - ""*""® i aching like a toothache. The kid- pajns . q fte gg^l of my bact |U «* j IjggTl- | 1 nevs are usually to blame. They i Aid not know what was the *Jnm!B«ftflnn , i yS * , ,_ 4 . cause of the trouble. One day. ilMraMllmllllMSK * i are the flrst organs to feel the strain, however, i was resting an ad- [I Al 11 lint fM |/ J : \^ and to become weakened by over- em ~*f"S"\S , SS! H ( li*\lAPlLm<^Bmßs^l tiuu iu <"■■.»""- j Kidney Pills, and as the srmp- il JJ^Ji ! J^^|^'«S|r7 Work. Then IOOk after your Kid- toms described resembled mine, 11 et3^^LL>^^^'L^~-~ r , a *h A «. k«i« fcr I knew that my' kidneys were H t y^^W^^^,t mm^' ' i neys in time, and give them help b 5 mt of order and tho cause oI Jl g %%&s&£& t taking Doan's Backache Kidney my backache, i resolved to try M{\Ml#Tl II 8 this remedy, and got a bottle 1\ l\ 11 UVs t T / ,H V —- Pills. They have a quick and direct of puis, -me first few doses \\ I? V, ft-l&Vit I / eased the pain, and alter a \} ?\---\\'li&\m!* I ->'S]fi'& l %S3B&~ ■ I action on the Kidneys. ThCV help short course I was quite cured. JVffiCSoV&raiiy / t&-'H3O&S& i action on ine > uw* 4 ft mmim now sinee 1 u , e d pAm\mmWf/ / - ;^J the KiHnpvs to drive OUt the poisons any of the Pills, and I have had tilvllllßwsS**/ -■'/ 11^ the iwuucjb to «" ,v "*"• me f««*»"* no * sign of the pain» returning. ,ll l : Wi< / /'/ ' +!,«♦ smFfle* *u» Wood cleanse and To sufferers with backache 1 \\WW*ffM^ / MSM^J?S$ff////, that infest the oiooa, cieans>e ana saT , D{MUI - a Backache Kid- •* Mfflmvm/w// » stimulate the Kidneys, regulate the -V .cured me. and J% mMM ! | urine, and thus relieve backache, s conflmMh. above \SSB&/ MYX^/W It dizziness. langoor, grave], and since Dean's Backache Kidney W / X\& ' j dIZZtnCSS, langOUr, gravel, auu pais cured me of backache, and Cf \M / \\ ' ! , now I have "more reason than #ym / / \ ofc I dropsy. ever to praise the Pills, for I J s//g/ * \ a .j Price. 3s per bottle, or post free from g™ a trace o^backache^nce!" 1 * £veWl VtCtUTS Mis a St&TU*'* j Foster-McClellan Co., Pitt-street, Sydney. - ««wa *iw*iw» w»v» » «wia« ' mm North, South, East, West, mm tswx « n r i " ;<? unfed Rm? ■ w&w ij-.'i<M £y.C£-. IS VOi&Ci sjt*oi 1 The success of Bonnington's 1 \sm 'SS^^SE^' w' r 18$%$ 1 Irish Moss has been so great, 1 . gg| Very Old \%7t tt Z t » I and its sale so large, that 1 'gm ' Special OCOtCII WHISKY flm? H unscrupulous persons have i * i ft t * I tried to imitate it. in | -\|» } s popular world"Ovei\ it IS Plm order to make a larger profit 1 >31p|i « - 1 it . i* » Msws' 1 .—l«^— endem«toMU b -|h| appreciated by all nationalities, Mm' m you one of these imitations. Ask m ■■S\sfi®L **,r'Jr *»***»* v»»r ' * MsmsM'' tit for Bonnicgton's and insist oa get- W, f . * .-tf_ £-___ A M&ttl&£--' I tbgit. roroverhif a cen4; t 1 >|#m but is exceptionally favoured Jlfff, h has been the standard medicine for js * «T ~T I 1 f M^^f.t' I cough* and eous-ihere-. nothing | A#im byNewZeaianders because Jiiil ■ ao safe, so reliable, so eaectjve. ra « " <? I MRj.TURNER.ofD» t di a . I of its reliability— always J£r@ffi§&. m * wniesr- For soma yeut ! hire H '''*A.?'frs?« * * i^^BwSwSA'v B kid Boaninitoo's Irish Moss for H .t '• •'*s££&&!§& pP§fk ' - , , » ft «KW^'t; 4 .- r g Ma. Tamer and ike h« dtrittd ft i "iXife*«a |%?Sk fll* ffl t &§B^eB&WJ'-'-- « much b««at by fame. She w« M \.3B®issk iPagk «vUIIO tdrllt 111 iiaVUWi i^S^^^%&* ; • m . cooudeied cooioniptjTa but Bon- jH - ".~J\sg%y %13§SSs8k * * J^^^^SsSS*'*"' Wk mesaa'slrishiMoshMquiJerestei. M ' fMlfttV* «HKi?J H «lfe. visile a M '" CStOU- PUlily* ifflKHllMS'^fc m 1 h»ws tßCOmowoclcd il to many Jf .^^ISSSbSsSSvW^* ; - i- - % benplused with ib elect- \" T i^^^^l^^^"-' VMMfWi jd:kMA Ifif 11 nifliWll 111 1 ' One cfuje principal brands of ' Agtnit- %/ 1: | . Ti= Distillers Co., Lid.,' * »% matuam IT i. j"V frC*<.>ViU r-iilX %# \ Largest Scotch Whisky W&BN&s%teii , -$W ' DSsSlfcrsiniheWorM. & CO., Ltd . PIUS© (^'i», f ™^?^^ ogßiooo - » jar | EDINBURGH, SKMTLAim. AUCKLAND. | I, ~,„ ; , ' i ART"*"" not'Teart I ' HUDSON'S & BnUsBWMUA M !■«%! lof the reasons why I m 4.L f I * « II YsMltflhflP Si Aflfl "it yon afroald make aa 1 KUfflCfllilOl JUJIifiSS H If tUIVS |I P'CW-l I f° r the cur. of Coughs, Golds. «. '■•'ff* : " f- ski R-.» *- ll «^>Jb'v i AVf» beciaaeweaarddelib- ifc Throats. Bronchitis, Infitiema. and the Pr» MB *• Hie pest ■>■ ifew $&s&* \ erately r *"«r oar g Tontion of Consumption. if Malll/al Aperient Watrtr Hi te«Wikr > * stock to make room. M ' Recommended by the Medical Wor'd. viz.; M «f 4-k« C__;„-l„ fl To a? hie re our object 15 -" The Lancet." " The Australasian Medica ftt JBOttlCa at the springs m i f JBIM - f«PR' ■■-- „„ „„- m Gasette,' "The Practitioner." " Medic &\U&t>A the World avfrMM Wf * 1 "' he pnete are now m PreE3 an<J Circular." "Medical Beiriew," j. ° T-Zif #1 ' much lower aU wand. fo •< Practical Medicine." Delhi (India). |J lMofc no lawt-awaeil***"! tefj Come early! g Fop the *j| «• HmroSraß 110HES BROS., *3&* I voice i « J ielißfttiOKn j SP/? S 1 110-12 Kar> a ngaha»>e Road. | THROAT!! iff § " '""""' ■ IIMMTOa LUNGS!!! m 0 I * a Bnssg L METHVEN WASHING BOILERS ARE , % Il «' |* | THE'BOILERS FOR WOMEN. I 1 I' •'p|V j jjiilUl Housewives will And Methven Boilers more convenient § S « every way—easier to wash with, easier to heat easier to M - ** I S - TOp-J 1' keepcleaa. A.Methven Boiler can be used inside or out; *§ - if] lliillir vou can lift clothes into it or out of it with less difficulty ; . §§ § ° '■ fMETHVEN WASHING BOILERS ARE *if o& * * THE'BOILERS FOR WOMEN. I | I Housewives will find Methven Boilers more conveniens / " '™0 g S « everyway—easier to wash with, easier to heat, easier to l l '. 4 - 3 S ■ keepcleaq, A Methven Boiler can be used inside or oat; ** *" •" von can lift clothes into it or out of it with less diffiedty § P § ° than with a bailt-ia boiler; and you can heat it quicker S « * . j Bffl ' because the fire, as th? illustration shows, is directly under © © © ° the copper. It's the quickest-heated faoUer sold, and so the ®r* J vm H H <] most economical cad satisfactory for a women to work with. tBPk?? ' j' «s - q Stocked by all merchants.. If you cannot obtain one, sold by all Chemists in tine, price Is 6d, writ*' to „» ' forwarded post free on receipt of stamps wriiewus. fey m&nn iactxireiii, m ANDREW M. PATERSON, Wholesale Agent, Httdson'sEumentliol Chemical Co., ltd. A Makers. DmiS *0. Commerce St.. Auckland. *9, YORK ST., SYDNEY. J^^^^^^^^ 1 "* ■'■' '""^^V^i^P^^^ ■II If Soli Wr JJif rreprKlor. 11l 113 -a-. - . Hi I ill «»r» TjrT>T'tT'kVQ 111 lit Hi lif ST HE/iuliNS ll I Ifit W !mi 111 "™* JciJSL»r!,NS II I tjm REPEATlNfi^^^p^ Wk an old story if it is a good one " The story of the wonderful success which has been achieved by Beecham's Pills, as a medicine peculiarly suited to tne requirements of the household and the general needs of the public is now an old one. For several decades they have been a recognised specific in cases Jijt i of stomach and liver disorders, and the ailments arising therefrom, and it is a mmm I significant fact that their corrective end curative properties are as highly valued gi i as ever. Their good work still progresses. They are a present-day boon and- J? w 1 blessing to many thousands. m « !WW e requirements of the household and the general needs of the public is now V^BL \ an old one. For several decades they have been a recognised specific in cases JlLji i of stomach and liver disorders, and the ailments arising therefrom, and it is a flNl I significant fact that their corrective and curative properties are as highly valued Jg|| i as ever. Their good work still progresses. They are a present-day boon and- Sji 1 blessing to many thousands. m » II have a splendid record. Time has tried them, and out of this most perfect test Ijlf 1 I they have emerged triumphant. For constipation, indigestion, biliousness, if . m depression, and the other distressing symptoms of a deranged stomach and dis- I'm I ordered liver, they still remain the great and sovereign remedy. Their reliability 11 f —their sheer merit— their undoubted efficacy—have proved in the past, and are llyi I proving in the present, the truth of that old saying—BEECKAM'S PILLS KM M& ARE WORTH A GUINEA _^$| il ill )Jl)iw THOMAS BEECH AM, St. Helens, JI I 1( jl Jjl j 3 ' '•';■■. -.;"'''■ ' •* liiilllllllllllllllS ■'■ ■;: ■:

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15056, 27 July 1912, Page 8 (Supplement)

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15056, 27 July 1912, Page 8 (Supplement)

Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15056, 27 July 1912, Page 8 (Supplement)