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THREE RECORDS BROKEN. • &'4smmk~ :. ■': 'yy- '■.•yy FIRST DAY'S COMPETITIONS. The ; sport of swimming has many i devotees in ,Auckland,:; a circumstance; that ■ is ;inevitable when the advantages of the waters of . the Waiteinat'a for bathing are noted, and it was y therefore surprising ; that '-in 'ideal weather conditions the first day . of the Now Zealand :, championship ■;, meeting, held : ' ! in tho : : Auckland 1 Graving Dock on jSaturday afternoon, 'should have been so poorly attended, less than 1000 being present. There were two'contributing factors, to the. small attendance."',The:officials managing the carnival had failed to appreciate the value 'of publicity, the ' meeting being but poorly advertised, while in the second y place the Aiistraliah-uLuckland cricket - match was a groat counter-attraction.; . ;( * The sport provided can only be described by one magnificent. Never before in Auckland has such a race ; as ' tho 220 yds championship been witnessed' .The three first men were within half*a yard, and each on© broke the New Zealand record time. •The wiuner, M.E. Champion, of _ Auckland, received an ovation for his performance. The 220 yds breast stroke '.. championship brought to light a marvellous swimmer in C. Atkinson,' of Canterbury, who broke the world's record for the distance, held by P. Matson, of West Australia, the time, :3m. 145., being reduced .toi3!m^riO'2-51i The 880 yds championship was more sensational than exciting. M. E. Champion, when' leading in company with R. Healy, gave up at 480 yds, having ricked. his thigh in turning. Healy went alone, and won easily.;; Ho reduced his own New Zealand record of 12m. 45 2-ss. to 12to/ 41 3-5s. v ; ; The meeting of Champion, Healy, and Freyburg in the i remaining events; during the week should provide exciting sport. ' ''-■-. ■ The judges of the swimming races, Messrs. W. ; Johnson, H. Frost, and. 6. Tyler, had some very close finishes to decide, but carried out their duties without question. The judges of diving, Messrs. G. Tyler, G. Katterns,> and;, L. C. Gibbons, v ~ however, gave a decision which did not meet with v general approval, the work of the Canterbury men, IP. Schwartz and G. Gemmell, being so good all -round that:' many good judges thought they would tie; for the prize. The handicap■pens,; Messrs. C. O. Hughes, W.Goffin, and J. ; J. Mulvihill, '~ had carefully." framed the starts,, with the .FesUlt that plenty of close racing was witnessed in the handicap events. The s starter, ; Mr. Katterns, was handicapped by having • to use a gun which ; generally refused to go off at the critical moment, the result-being, that several ■ starts were' spoiled by "snap caps." The other officials who assisted -at. the" gathering were the ; timekeepers, Messrs. ' K. 'Hcaton,' W. Meredith, and J. ;■ J. Mulvihill; standard timekeeper, Mr. W. K. Duncan: referee, Mr. ; H. Frost; result board steward, Mr. H. ! J).; Crawford ; ■ inarksm-en, V Messrs. . J. Torrens , and 'L. A. G. Rich; hon. secretary and treasurer, Mr. J. J. Mulvihill; assistant-secretary, Mr. B. O'Hare.";:>-.;-y &;££?■. :.;."y ; ; ':;■.. Following are the details:—> . . > g BOYS' i (under 17), 50yds. ':■'■.First• ieatW H. Shiße. 55., 1: H. Coffin, *Bs.. 2. Also started: E. Bfophy. 75.; T. Boss, 7a Won by a touch, r Time. 355. Second heat: E. Bovaird, 55..- 1~.T.: Stewart, scr.. 2. Also I started: Cayaye, 2s'.; F. J. Preston, 35.: E.?KuUldge.vss.; , C. V. Welson. «fc; W. Limn. 6e. Won by inches. Time, 335. ( :-."-.' I ' -FINAL HEAT. * ' ' ■ | E. Bovaird ? ... '.'.. ...... 1 >- i H. Singe .............. 2 Won - by, fair margin. Time. 325.I ; . NOvicE HANDICAP, 50yds. ;?vFirst heat: -J. Johnston, 4s'ii' : - i i 1; v - E. : ' C. Griff en, 55., 2. Aliso started: T. Kerr-Taylor, at; C.' Thomas, 6s.>: Won easily. Time, 345. > I :Second i heat: O. Sommeryille,; 35.; . 1; v H. Mendoza, 35., 2. ! t Also started: H. ■ G. Sommerville, - scr.; ■<. W. Champion, 3s:; W. Cow- - b ley, 4s. ;■- W. ; Cossey. i 45.;: B. iTrevarthen, . .45.";. f L. Partridge, sa;:^o.:Btewart. 6a.=: Won' by. a: touch.: Tune, 32 l-ss. Third heat: C. Little, 55.; 1; J. ' Stone. 45., 2.-y Also started: J. Mc- \ \ Gainness. 2a.; F. Sceats,*2s.; •• N. McLeod. 4s-| F. Franks,- 4s. j J. Fraser, ss, Won by inches, i Time;■ 33 4-ss. ; Fourth heat: : J. 3lcQuiUen, 5b.. 4; W Beard, 6a.. 2..... Also .started J. Gibbons. Is.; ; A. Nicolson, 4s. . Won by a touch., Time,' 335. * FINAL HEAT. " ,- J. McQulllen -- ... ■ ■ ... ... ...i» C. Little .„ ... ... ...... 2 , : -' First and second '; in each :. ; heat •" started. Won by half a yard. Time, 33 2-ss. ; - 220TDS CHAMPIONSHIP. (Holder. B. Healy. ■■:-■ Wellington). Records: . World.'sT (Austral- ::; asian}. B. B. : Kieran, Sydney. 2m. 28 2-ss; ; New >Zealand, B. C. Freyberg/ Wellington, 2m. 41s. Standard time, 2m. 445. ~ First Heat; M: E. Champion" (Auckland), 1; B. C. jFreyberg (Wellington), 1; G. :Seymour (Napier), 3. ' Also started: E. H, Bailey:• (Cani terbury). fi Champion won by 14yds, Seymour syds away " third. - Bailey- did not finish. Time..2m.f47 i-55.: ; .,; Second heat;:B;, Healy (Wellington), 1; : F. = E. : Dodge (Canterbury), '2; C. Welson (Auckland), 3. ; Also started: J. ' Grant - (Hawera). B. Bell- (Auckland), and -C. D?"Campbell^ (Wanganui). Welson led .over, the first :150yds., and> was then daught by Healy and Dodge, the former winning by a ; = foot; while the latter 'was a yard in front of Welson. Bell did : not finish. Time, 2m. .45.2-53.,.' ~.;•.., :■ , , : ."'.;.: ,•■.■;:. '-',:■. FINSi HEAT.' ;■-'■.:■ M." E..Champion (Auckland);... ; .-. 1 K. Healy (Wellington) ... ... ... 2 B. O. Freyberg: (Wellington) ...... 3 : ; Seymour was left at the start.',, At 50yds • Freyberg - and", Champion: were - a • •; yard ; - in: front of Healy and Welson. /iChampion?was I to the lead at. 75yds, and -at:: the 100 yds b turned a /yard: to the good of Healy, the I time for the distance being 665. : Healy gained at the if turn, and .at? 150 yds -was even withChampion, while liyds'behind Freyberg was • putting in a spurt. :' At 200 yds Champion led : Healy "and Freyberg by: a yard. The ; two latter made -a ; great effort to ■: reach the leader, but ; failed. Champion:w 1 inning-by, a. foot from Healy, while Freyberg was about ?halfarviird behind the winner. It was ?a: great finish;« and « raised the crowd to : ini tense '-- enthusiasm, which ;>< was ~; heightened when, the ■: officials announced that. the ■time, 2m. 405.. ! had broken the ' New Zealand record: Dodge who was fourth, missed standard time by 3-ss. > \ ~.,;;' .■■' y - 100TDS OPEN HANDICAP. * First heat- L.' Kerr-Tayldn-85.,: l : . ; 8. -W. Kean; 1 2.. 'Also ;¥ started: '>.s:■•■> D. . Stewart, : scratch; J. 1 8. Emmerfloni Is.; A. Bnghthng v 25.; P. V. "Mason. : -'■ C. B. * Walrond, ss. jD 'i G. Saunders, 9s. Won easily. ..Time, ,68s. Second heat: A.' O'Hare, scratch, 1; L.Hales >>: (Christchurch), 65., 2. ; : Also started: >E. H. BaiteV. 2s. jB. Becker, 2a;; ■-: R.-. M. Bell, 25.;-; P. Sehwartfci +Wv Bernard, 9s. Won easily; Time,: 64 l-5«. ; O'Hare swam the trace under, standard ? time. Thirdheat: t M." JHur- : phy ; (Cltrist«hurcb),;..7B.p 1; -.?.L.; H. Weston, scratch. 2. Also started:. L. Dingle, Is.. L. Annand. ss. Won by a touch; a good finish. Time, 695. Fourth heat: G. Harrison, 75.',, 1; A. A. Archer, 9s« J 2. Also started: <jH,'! G. SommerAdlle,'-35.; V.Drake. Vs.; F. Truscott; Bs.. Won by-4yds.'.Time. 70-4-SS. Fifth heat: W. "Dervan, 75., 1: H. H. Williams (Christchurch), 55., and G. Gemmell (Christchurch), 65., dead heat, .2. Also,started: L. W» Dodge, 7s. : A great finish..: Won by a: touch.: ; Time, 72 l-ss; Sixth heat: W. T. Matthews, 58;, 1; E. ; McLaren, 95.,- 2.= Also started: i A. D: Campbell. 65.; I. Stewart, 7s. Won by barest of margins. Time, 675. . ,-,-.' ''.\ '."': "r . , FINAL HEAT.' \ ,:'■>,:L. Kerr-Taylor .... ... ... ' ..V 1 . . , A., O'Hare ... ... ...... • ... 2 , M. Murphy (Christchurch):;".;. ;;■;.•. ... ; 3 f •: "iFirst ■ • only '. in each.". heat started. A great race. iO'Hare made % a great effort to • catch the limit ■ man, but just failed. -Time,. 68s. \\. ; ~'.' DIVING COMPETITION. ' G. P. Harma... ... ... ... ... .1 ' . M. Kronfeld ... ....... ..v ...,.%- • ' G. Gemmell ... ... ... : ... ......»3 ' Also started: W. Champion, W. i-'o«ddeß,?B.'-Becker, G;; H. Neal, F. - F. : Kronfeld, : P. Schwartz, C. Moore, and H. P. EonayneJ The diving of Sphwartz and: Gemmell were generally considered the best all-round dis- ■ plays. , - "" ... "' ; 50YDSi' : OPEN 6CEATCH RACE. Record '■■ :;■' World's (Australasian); A. . Wickham,, Byd- ' ney.- 24. l-ss. . , : • First heat: E. Marett (Auckland), 1: J. S. ' Emmerson (Nelson), ; 2. i Also ;started—F. Bernard lHawera). A good finish. Won by a foot. ,: Time. 27 l-ss. Second heat: L. Fristrom '(Auckland), i; G. Seymour (Hawkes • Bay). 2.'--. Also started—E. H. Bailey (CmiterburvV. < A. Danrell (Auckland). % f Won ,by a touch. Time, 28 l-ss. . - ' ' I \ FINAL' HE AT. .' ' Marett (Auckland) jtr... ...- ... 1 ; Emmerson (Nelson) ~ .... ... ; '... 2 , '.- '■■'- (Auckland)'-. v ;.'.-. ...;;..... 3-: ' Seymour and Fristrora got - a ; bad start. Marett won by inches, the third man being 2ft away. A fine, finish- % Time, 27 l-ss. , ■■ 220 YDS BREAST STROKE CHAMPIONSHIP. >• (Holder. A. M. ; Russell. ; Canterbury). . Re■■scords- Worlds. Pi "Matson (West Australia),' •■' 3m 14s: ; New -Zealand, A. -M., Russell '(Canterbury), 3m.- 295., Standard time. , 3m. 30s. I ' , C. Atkinson (Canterbury), ".:y.t" ... 1 ■'•..'■ W. Cookson (Canterbury) 5..:.:■; .... 2; ~ ,W. B, Jerrom (Auckland).,, v ':". - ( ~.., 3,- : Also 'Started: TniscOtt (Canterbury), A. M. Russell (Canterbury), W. R.' (Auckland). After \a; false start through the gun -missing .fire,,, a ,good send-off /was effected. : Atkinson went "to the front at once, and at the turn, at ' 100 yds was 10yds_to the > good ■ of 'Russell,v'who'was : half-a-yard : ahead 'of ! Jerrom', and > Truscott,; the -■'■ time being .-, lm.;: L lB» f " IJorton retired at WOyds. Atkwspa

**" came along in fine style, and ••. won byV2oydß from Cookson.' who?.- was syds -ahead .Of Jerrom. ? Truscott was just beaten for third place. . The time,' 10 1 2-ss.;:'is a world ;record, -beating that made by P. Matson,:.of West Australia,; of :3m..' 14s. / Atkinson. Cookson. ■Jertom.^TruSoott;" and Russell were all inside : standard time.; '■ ;■-. ; - "„.,,,' 380 YDS CHAMPIONSHIP. (Holder, R.: Healy, .Wellington.) -U Record: Australian, B. B. ' Kieran. Sydney, 11m. 11 • 3-ss. s New Zea- : land, B. Healy, Wellington. '12m. 45 ' 2:55. •-. Standard time, 13m.''-, - «: ', . -■ ** : R. Healy (Wellington) ... , 'Jf ... J' "■;•■". F. E. Dodge (Canterbury) ..-.»,...; 2' ■'. C. H. Rich (Canterbury) ...... 3 t • Also started: ; Grant .(Hawera), Manhlre (Canterbury), C. :" Welson (Auckland),- F.'J. , Kernott (Auckland), and M. E. :, Champion (Auckland). ; Chaflopion had the worst of the start, and Healy led by lyd at the 100; which was done in 71s. : Champion caught and passed . Healy, but ' lost >: at - the 200 yds turn, and both were' together s«t 220 yds, which was covered in 2m. 495., the 'order of the others being ' Rich. Grant, Kernott. Welgon, and Manhire. The leaders swam in company to ;440yda, the time being sm. -At- 480 yds a- sensation was caused' by Champion, who was swimming level with Healy. giving up the race. He, had .ricked himself in turning. Healy went on alone, beating Dodge by 25yds. Rich being syds away third, and •Welson : 3yds away fourth: - Then came Grant. Kernott. with Manhire last. •. Healy s time.' 12m. 41 3-55.. -broke the New Zealand record of 12m. 45 2-ss. , held- by himself. Dodge finished : under standard time.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 14300, 21 February 1910, Page 7

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SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIPS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 14300, 21 February 1910, Page 7

SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIPS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 14300, 21 February 1910, Page 7