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CANTERBURY'S BID. INTERESTING CRICKET, AUCKLAND'S FIRST INNINGS. The Blunket shield match between the representative elevens of the Canterbury and Auckland Cricket Associations, was commenced yesterday morning at the Domain. The morning was line, the brilliant sunshine making the beautiful surroundings of the playing area appear at their best. Auckland won the, toss and decided to kit on a wicket that was a bit slow, The local eleven played a patient innings, the bowling of Bennett and the splendid fielding of the Canterbury team, preventing the total from mounting rapidly. The boundary, too, was unreasonably large, and proved the undoing of Rclf, forthe hit he made, when caught, would have been well over the ordinary boundary. The Auckland first innings finally closed with the total at 239, Hemus having the credit of compiling top score with an even halfcentury. Canterbury had scored 11 runs for no wickets when the bad light caused cessation of play, at 10 minutes to eix. The weather changed after midday, the sky becoming more overcast as the afternoon wore on, until about four o'clock, when light .rain fell, the showers continuing at intervals until stumps were drawn. The state of the game is now in an interesting position, and there is much speculation as to how Canterbury batsmen will fare against Auckland bowling. The attendance during the day was well over. 2000. The arrangements for the match were again first class. The following are the teams: — Canterbury: D. Reese (captain), R. M. Ollivier, A." Anthony, H. B. Lusk, E. Humphreys, J. H. Bennett. T. Malone, A. Sims,' C. A. Box-shall, B. B. Wood, S. A. Orchard. Auckland: A. Hadden (captain), A. E. Relf, G. Cummings, W. Brooke-Smith, L. G. Hemus, W. Robinson, F. R. Mason, E. V. Sale, E. MacCormick, W. T. Stomson, and A. MacMahon. Umpires: Messrs. C. Garrard, Christchurch, and J. Pritchard, Auckland. DETAILS OF THE PLAY. Hadden won the toss, and decided to bat on a wicket that was a little slow. Punctually at 11 o'clock the Canterbury team filed into the field. Hemus and Cummings were Auckland's opening batsmen, the bowling pair being Humphreys a) the Newmarket end and Bennett at the hospital end. Cummings scored three -off Humphreys, and was then clean bowled in Bennett's second over—a maiden with a wicket: . 5 —1—3. Bennett's average, one wicket for 3.

Relf filled the vacant crease. Hernus was the f.rst to run into double figures. When Relf was seven Humphreys sent, down a no-ball, which Relf hit up into long-off's hands, a single resulting. The Canterbury bowling and fielding was good, runs coming slowly. A late cut by "Relf was well fielded by Orchard, a single resulting. Malone relieved Humphreys at the Newmarket end, Relf scoring a single off his first delivery. Two more singles, one by Hemus, and then a pretty leg glance, came from the over. Relf had now caught Hemus' total, 11, he having teen at the wickets an hour for the runs.

Bennett sent down a maiden, and then both batsmen, who appeared to like Malone, opened out to him— singles and a leg glance by Relf for three coming off the next over. Bennett sent down

another maiden, and then Hemus bumped Malone over the slips for two. The next ball Eelf drove straight ahead tremendous hit—and although Ollivier got near it the ball dropped clear of him,'a fewfeet from the boundary, and rolled over, registering the first boundary hit of the match. A -single from - Bennett's next over brought 50 up at 12.25. Relf, 19: Hemus, 18.

Off Malone's next over Relf scored two successive boundaries by pretty off drives, the second going through the hands of the cover {joint. " Bennett's deliveries were being treated with the greatest respect by both batsmen,' and he was keeping the -runs down well. Off Malone's first ball Hemus put one up on the off close in. It fell short of the field in safe territory. Humphreys relieved Bennett st the hospital end, his fifth ball being snicked to leg for two by Relf. In Malone's next over "Relf lifted him to the on boundary, bringing his total ap to 33 as th« result of 90 minutes' play. Hemus square cut Humphrey to the boundary, a four being saved by good fielding on the part of Anthony, a single resulting. Play was steady for a couple of overs, and then Hemus. by a beautiful late cut, sent Humphreys to the boundary. Relf scored a brae© by a nice forward stroke. He followed this with a late cut, and a square cut, two resulting off each stroke. A late cut. by Hemus, off Humphreys, was beautifully fielded by Orchard at deep slip. In Malone's next over, Relf tried to lift him clean over the boundary to the off,'near Ollivier. The latter ran sideways, and judging the take beautifully brought off a magnificent catch about five yards from the boundary: 87—2—41. Relf took If hours to make his runs. Malone's average, one wicket for 42. Sale was next man in. Bennett went on at the hospital end, replacing Humphreys of the bowling crease. His first over was a maiden to Hemus. A oouple of overs later Sale opened his account with a single to the off from Malone. A double change of bowling was then effected, Reese relieving Bennett and Orchard taking Malone's place. Off Orchard's first over Hemus scored a boundary by a pretty off drive. At the luncheon adjournment, 1.15, the hoard showed : —2— Hemus, not out, 40. Sale, not out, 1. Out of 21 overs Bennett had bowled 13 maidens. THE GAME RESUMED. On resumption Bennett bowled from the hospital end, his first over being a maiden to Sale. Humphreys bowled from the Newmarket end. Hemus cut the first for —run out— ball not reaching tlio boundary. The century went up after two hours 20 minutes' play. A period of quiet play followed, the Canterbury bowlers sending down stuff with which no liberties, could be taken. The field was also beautifully placed, keeping the runs down to a minimum. A brace by each of the batsmen, and then Hemus cut Humphreys through the slips for three, bringing 110 up. A few balls later Hemus cut Bennett for a single, bringing up his half-century, as the result of 2£ hours' play. Off the second ball of Humphreys' next over, however, lie was clean bowled : 111——50.

Sale, not out, 3. Humphreys' average, one for 25.

Hadden, Auckland's captain, filled tho vacant crease, and scored a couple off the first ball. Bennett sent down a maiden to Hadden, and then Sale got a lucky two to fine leg, following it with a single to the off, the result of slovenly fielding. In Bennett's next over Sale gave a possible chance in the slips, following it by a pull to the boundary for four. Sale's double figures went up as the result of 55 minutes' play. Off Humphreys' next over Sale scored two, and a boundary to leg off successive balls. Singles from both bowlers followed, and 130 went up. Humphreys' first ball Sale cut past the wicketkeeper to the boundary, bringing his 20 up as a result of one hour 10 minutes' play A couple of balls later he made a square cut to the boundary. Bennett's first ball, was cut by Hadden for two, and then a smartly run single followed. In Humphreys' next over Sale put one- past point for two, and a single to the off brought his score to 30, as a result of one hour 20 minutes' play. In Bennett's next over Hadden was clean bowled: ——8. Bennett's average, two for 29. • Brooke-Smith came in, and played out Hie- over. Malone relieved Humphreys at %> Newmarket end, and Brooke-Smith rSfeed off him, pulling to leg for a single. boi? first delivery of Bennett's next over of byes resulted. Later in the

over Sale, was clean bowled: 157—5—34. Bennett's average, three wickets for 30. Mason replaced Sale, while Humphreys replaced Malone at the bowler's crease. Brooke-Smith glanced him to leg for throe, and then Mason opened off him with a single. Bennett sent down a, maiden to Mason, but Humphreys' next over was scored off, the field for the first time showing signs of looseness. An incident here was the picking up of a slowly rolling kill about a toot away from the boundary line by. a boy. The umpire awarded a boundary, and Brooke-Smith was in double figures. In Humphreys next over, BrookeSmith got his log in front, and was out, !h\v.- 172—6—14. Humphreys, two wickets for 58.

MacCormick was next man in, and played out the rest of the over. He opened his score with a single in Humphreys' next over. Mason was trying to force matters, and was opening out to Humphreys. He scored three off Bennett by a straight drive and the first ball of Humphreys' next over he pulled to the boundary. Before the over finished, Mason lifted the ball right over the bowler's head to near the boundary, where Orchard brought off a nice catch: 7—13. . Humphreys' average, three for 66.

MacMahon went to the crease, and played to the bowling of Malone, who had replaced Bennett at the hospital end. He opened his account with a forceful square cut for a single. Ho played a maiden to Humphreys, surviving an appeal for lbw off the last ball of the over. Afternoon tea adjournment was then made —four o'clock—the score being : 187—7—14. MacCormick, not out, 2; MacMahon, not out, 2. The boundaries were unusually large, and at the adjournment only 13 boundary hits had been made.

' Light rain fell during the adjournment, S and play was resumed in a shower. Malone opened, bowling to MacCormick, a ,- single resulting off the first over. Ben- . nelt replaced Malone at the bowling J crease, hospital end. Off Humphreys' over MacMahon, who was batting with confidence, scored a brace with a pretty ' straight drive. Bennett sent down a e maiden to MacCormick. Then MacMahon scored a single off Humphreys, following with a nice late cut for two'off Bennett. In Humyhreys" next over ho cut beautifully to the boundary, where the long • grass stopped a four by six inches. Off • the same over he put a ball through the . slips for a single, and 200 went up at 4.25. MacMahon was into double figures. During Humphreys' next over MacMahon was clean bowled : 20714. Humph- • revs' average, four wickets for 73. Stemson went to the crease, and opened , with a single to fine leg. MacCormick made a brace off Humphreys with a .' square nit, and then Stemson scored another single off Bennett. Light vain "-as still falling, and sawdust was brought into requisition. Off Humphreys singles were coming, partly through loose fielding. 1 The first ball of his next "over was driven • by Stemson to the off boundary, and it * was followed by a single, three overthrows ' following from the return. He got another ■ single, and then Humphreys placed bis "' field deep and tempted Stemson. The old ' rep. drove hard for a brace, and followed ' it by a single. Bennett sent a maiden ' to MacCormick. Stemson then drove 1 Humphreys hard for two, the publi: . warmly applauding the vigorous cricket. Both men were now well into double ; figures. Bennett sent down a maiden to MacCormick, and then Anthony replaced ■ Humphreys at the Newmarket end. * Stemson pulled his first ball to leg for ' two, a misfield by Sim giving an extra - one. Anthony's next ball, a slow, secured ' Stemson's wicket: 2379—16. Anthony's ■ average, one for 2. Robinson opened his scoring account with a poke to leg for a ' single off Anthony. In the latter's next over Robinson stood across his wicket to : pull, and missing the ball was out lbw, the innings closing at 5.15: 239—10—1. MacCormick, not out, 16. Anthony's average, 2 for 3. CANTERBURY'S INNINGS. At 5.30 Auckland went into the field. and Wood and Lusk came in to bat. Relf sent a maiden over from tho Newmarket «nd to Wood, and then Stemson went on from tho hospital end. >. Hie first ball was sent to square leg for tyvo. The second ball gave the crowd a thrill, the bails coming off the stump, and Wood left his crease for the pavilion. Ho was called back, the kill having evidently removed the bails from a rebound off Hie wicketkeeper's pads. The next ball was glanced to leg for fourrun out— ball not reaching the boundary. A missfield in Relf next over gave Lusk an extra run. At 5.45, an appeal was made by Canterbury- against the, light, but it was decided to play on. Slumps were drawn, however, at 5.50, Lusk thon being 6, not out, and Wood, 5, not out. The following are the scores: — AUCKLAND.—First Innings. Hemus, b Humphreys 59 Cummings. b Bennett ]" 3 Relf, c Ollivier, b Malone ... ..'. 41 Sale, b Bennett ... ... 34 Hadden. b Bennett ... ... "'* q Brooke-Smith, lbw, b Humph revs ... 14 Mason, c Orchard, b Humphreys ... 131 MacCormick, not out * ... 25 McMahon, b Humphreys.. ... '.'". 14 Stemson, b Anthony , [[[ 35 Robinson, lbw, b Anthony ... ... 1 Extras ..." ... >#< 29 Total ... ... ~239 BOWLING ANALYSIS. Overs. Mdna. Runs. Wkts. •Humphreys ... 47 16 97 4 Bennett ..1 ... 54 33 47 3 Malone 16 0 57 1 Reese .... 1 0.1 0 Orchard 1 0 4 0 Anthony 2 0 3 2 * Humphreys bowled seven no-balls. CANTERBURY.—First Innings. Lusk, not out 5 Wood, not out ... ... 5 Total for no -wickets n BOWLING ANALYSIS „ ~ Overs. Mdns. Runs. AVkts. Relf 4 3 2 0 Stemson 4 2 9 0 Play will be resumed at 11 o'clock this morning.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 13948, 2 January 1909, Page 6

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THE PLUNKET SHIELD. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 13948, 2 January 1909, Page 6

THE PLUNKET SHIELD. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 13948, 2 January 1909, Page 6