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RECORD ENTRIES RECEIVED, A SUCCESSFUL^EXHIBITION. [BY TELEGKAra. SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT.] Hamilton, Wednesday. The seventeenth annual show under the auspices of the Waikato Agricultural and ' Pastoral -Association was opened at the Association's grounds, Claijdclands, - near Hamilton,. to-day The, day was- perfect and the ' attendance of the public was good. Record entries have been received, which give a good indication of tlio steady advancement of the Waikato as an agricultural and pastoral district. In 1905 the total entries received we're 755 in 1906, 896 in 1907, I486; and this year tho- number is 1723, as great a ratio of increase'in all probability as could bo shown by any association in tho Domin- , ion. • .Tho .greatest increase ■ was in horses,; there being 134- more animals in tho roadster I and carriage section than last year. Cattle and sheep showed a slight increase, while pigs have more than doubled in numbers. Altogether the association has reason to bo gratified at the support accordod it by the ' farmers of the < district. . Most of the judging . was satisfactorily completed to-day, the spectacular classes being, as usual, reserved for to-morrow. ' "• - " ' ' The' quality of tho stock = shown -has never 1 beoii surpassed l any : previous show. . Particularly was this noticeable in the horse sections. > A good*: deal of interests-centred round , tho aged draught entire, class, in which pride* of place Was accorded : to Mr. V... L. Bagnall's bay -Benmoro's Pride, who was foaled , in 1902. The winner showed -up in breeding and size, and- was sired by . Benmore, his dam being Bloom. Second honours wont to tho Agricultural • Department's imported . bay Resolution,; who..• was much ; admired. .< Thero were five competitors. The three-year-old class comprised; a. serviceable lot, tho breeding of tho winner being Ben WcOormack —Blythesome. The mares showed plenty of quality, and .there' was' keen' competition ' in nearly all' the classes. Mr. VVm. Taylor and the Agricultural Department secured -most of- the awards with fine entries, and all the more credit is due to the. former : for the -success of - his own breeding against the imported •• horses of tho Department. In tho light section there was a good; show of thoroughbreds, tho • colts and fillies being noticeable for excellent breeding. Most of the interest, however, centred round the roadster arid hackney l classes, in which there was very keen competition throughout. Tho mares and fillies were of exceptional quality, and moreover all tho horses were shown in splendid Condition'. '- - '■• •• v — _ ' • The cattle classes were woll supported and showed improved quality on previous years. Mr. Wm. Taylor was the most successful exhibitor of pedigree, shorthorns, taking the - championship award for his' tivo-rear-old bull Baron Rose 3rd. Ho was- beaten by ; the Department of Agriculture for championship honours in . the other, sex. Mr. Vero Chitty . scored heavily in the grado shorthorn -section, 'and Mr. J. C. Allen was solely responsible for tho Polled Angus section with some fine and typical specimens of the breed.' Both championship awards' for pedigree Jerseys Went to Mr. C. Day, the bull being in the two-year-old class and the cow in tho aged division. Mr. Day's stock throughout was admirable. For Ayrshires Mr. G. Watts and Mr. F. C. Litchficld secured the championships for the a (red .bull and -two-year heifer respectively; The judge spoke in high terms of the excellence of the exhibits. Tno fat sad dairy cattle sections were equally well supported with animals of quantity, and quality respectively. . The sheep section, was riot a largo one, but what the entries lacked in number was compensated for in variety' and ' breeding. Tho i Department competed with -local breeders in tho English Leicester and Southdown classes, and with a good deal of success. Following is the list' of judges:— Thoroughbreds and carriage classes, Mr. Alf. Reid (Hastings); draughts. Mr. J. Johnson (Otago) {—.volunteer class. Lieutenant-Colonel G. A. Wolfe. Cattle: Shorthorns, Hereford, Angus, and fat classes, Mr. P. Gillies (Palnierston); "Jerseys, Holstcihs, Ayrshires, and dairy elapses, Mr..C. Washer, sen. (Haworn). Sheen: Lincoln? ; arid ' Leicester!?, M*'. ! W. Gadsby (Manutahi); " Southdowns, *-" Shropshire!;, and fat sheep, Mr. G. Eiiott (Hastings).' Pig?: Mr. Geo. Watt (Cambridge)...-f The following is the prize list:-— BOUSES. • Draughts—Entire, 4yrs and over: V. L. Bagnall's Benuioro's Pride, 1; Department of Agriculture's Resolution, 2; R. llannon's Lochaber, 3. Entire, 3yrs: Wm. ..Taylor's lien Dawn, 1; J. C. Allen's Ben Marshall, 2; VT. Dunn's Sir Edward, 3. Mare, any age, in foal,, or with, foal at foot: Department; of Agriculture, 1 and 2: Win. Taylor, 3. Mare, any age. in foal, or with, foal at Wot (eligible stud animals excluded): Department, of Agriculture, 1 and 2; J. Teddy, 3. Dry mare, any age: Department of Agriculture, S 1; : Wm. ! Taylor,,2. ,Dry marc, any a-re (eligible stud ] animals excluded): Department of "Agriculture, 1; Charles Harwood, 2. Colti- 2yrs: C. Day, l; Department of Agriculture, 2. Colt or gelding, 2yra (eligible stud animals excluded): Department of Agriculture, 1; W. Newell, 2 and 3, ; Colt, yearling: Win. Taylor. 1 and 3: W. J. Holt, 2. Colt of gelding, yearling (eligible stud animals excluded}: W. Holt; 1:' ThOs. Powell, 2; W. J. Missiu. o. , Filly. 3y?B. J, Pollard, 1; William Taylor, 2 and 3.- Filly. ->-■ 3yrs (eligible stud animals excluded): Wm. Taylor. 1; A. W. Day, 2. Filly, 2yrs: Wm. Taylor, 1; W. J. McKee, 2; W. o. Holt. 3/ Filly, 2yra (eligible stud animals excluded): W. J. . JlcKee. 1: W. J. ■ Holt, 2. Farmers' pair of : two-year-olds; W. Newell, 1; Wm.' Taylor, -2.Filly, lyr: W. Newell. 1; Wm. Taylor. 2, 3, and 4. ?.Filly, lyr (eligible stud animals ex-; cludo'd)i' Vf." Newell/i; C. 'Day,-'2;- Wm.Tay-.; •lor, 3:- Win- Dunn. 4* . Heavy, draught mare or., gelding, 4yrs and over: Department, ol? Agriculture. 1; Wm.' Taylor. '2; 'George Clark' | and Sons, 3; Jolly and Clements,- highly' commended. Spring Cart. ilorsea, Etc.— spring cart } horse, np to li tons: Department of Agri-, culture, 1; Jolly and Clements, 2; Chas. Har-i wood. 3; Kelly and Dowd, highly commended. Gelding,* 3yr»: J. Pollard, 1. Medium spring cart horse. up to 1 ton: Chas. Harwood, 1,-; Kelly 1 and Dowdi' 2': X" A. Bririd. 3. ' Trades- < man's turnout, tip to laovvt,: C. D.-Innes and . Co., 1; R. J. Glover. 2; Waikato , Farmers' Supplv Co., 3. Mare or gliding, most - suitable for farm work: Wm. Taylor, 1; Depart-' .mont of Agriculture, 2; Chas llarwood. 3. Farm pair: Wm. Taylor. 1 and 2; Chas. Harwood. 3. Pair (eligible stud • animals -ex- : cluded): Department of .Agriculture, 1; Chas. Hairwf.od. 2:-Jolly and Clements. 3. 'Teaifl'of' three (eligible stud animals excluded): ■ Denartmont of Agriculture, .1; Chas. Harwood.. 2; Jolly and Clements, 3. Pair, suitable to. run express, up ta-.l ton load: Wm. Itoth-.' well, 1. Farmer's three- horse team": Wm., Taylor, 1 ami 3; Department of Agriculture, 2. ■ Four-horse team: Charles Harwood,, 1; Jolly and Clements, 2. Pair lorry horses: Goo. Clark and Sons. 1: Jolly and Clements, 2; Simmonds and Osborne. 3. Light Horses. Thoroughbreds.—Stallion, 3yrs and over:' Huph Smith's Muslcerdale. 1; Frank Marshall a Cnmpfiro. 2; ,A. E. Fear's St. Crispin, 3. Colt or filly* lyr: J. Cavana^li, 1: llybnrn Bros;, 2: A. 11, Storey;- 3. Mare, any age. in. foal, or with foal at foot: W. Innes Taylor, 1; R. H. Pcalce, 2. Dry mare, any aere: Frank Itothwoll, 1'; W. A. Oliver, 2: S. FuUcrton, 3 Filly,-lyr : A. H.-Storey, 1. Roadsters and Hackney. l ;.—Carriage entire, ' any ago; A, E. Fear's Reality. 1. Road- , ster or hackney stallion: J. Pollard's Woodstock, 1; A- E. Fear's Reality, 2.' Trotting stallion: Frank Quinn's Slioai.' 1. Pony .stallion,-Under 14 hands; vC. H. Hargrave. 1: Win. Newell, 2. Mare, in foal or with foal at foot, adapted • to - breed; weight-carrying hacks: W. Innes Taylor, 1; Jamieson Bros.,': 2. Dry mare, any age. adapted to breed' 13st hacks: Walter Chitty, 1; Jas. Taylor, 2:. J. , Kitchinus. 3. Dtv mare, any- age, adapted 1;o breed 15at hacks: Aubrey Chitty, i: J; A. Brind, 2; Jus. Taylor, 3. Filly or gelding, 3yrs. adapted to harness: C. J. Storev, 1; W. R. Perry. 2; John Fisher, 3. Filly or Bclding, 2yrs, roadster: P. O'Grady, 1; C. J. Storev, 2; W. Innes Taylor. 3. Filly, colt or gelding, lyr. roadster: Walter Chitty, 1;' Frank Marshall, 2: C. J. Storey. 3. Yearling by Young McKinney: Walter Chitty, l; W. H. Knock. 2: Cook Bws.. 3. Pair buetjv. . horses, mares or geldings, 15 hands 2in and over: Crowther and Bell, 1; D. Maroney, 2: Cook Bros.. 3. Pair Of bugerv horses, mares, or geldings., tinder 15 hands ?.in Fotts Bros., ■ 1: R. H. Benn. 2: . Ed. Allen, 3. • Pair of ponies, 14 hands '2lri and tinder: J. "B. Mc- , Clennan. 1: C, : Hunter, ,2 ,J. Gordon. 3. Buasrv horse, mare' or gelding, over 15 hands: Hector Steele. 1: Frank Vosper. 2: F.d. Allen, 3. But»""' horse, mare or gelding, 15 hands and under: H. R. Benn. 1: Vere niiit 2;: D. E. Morrison." 3: C. Hunter. -4. Dog cart horse, .mare.-; or gelding: W. A, Oliver, Jos. . Graham, 2: Jaiftea Gouloy, 3: . F. C/ Hinds.' - commended. - - •' - TVadesmAn'a turnout, up to lOtiwt: J J. • A. - Brind. 1: R. J. 1 Glover. 2. Cob. 14 hands 2in under: C. Hunter, 1: A. B. Collier. 2; Will. SDiers, - 3: E. F. Peacock, commended. Hack, up to , 15st: ' Joseph Graham. 1: V. L. Baenall. 2: :< F. -Storev. 3: F. Pillinnr. hiorhly, commended. Hack, up to 13st: W. Innes-Taylor. 1; John Knielit. 2: Walter Seavill, 3: Potts -Bros., icommended. Hack, up to list : c. J. Storey. / 1- Potts Bros., 2: Ben. W. Myers. 3: Chas. : Shaw, commended. Boy's pony. 14 hands ! 2in and under: James Taylor. 1; Thos. Win- < tor. 2: W. Cox. 3: Richard Reynolds, highly f enrnmended. .. Walking hack: E. J. GlehdWn'; i It, Ben. M. Myers. 2;, Hector Steele. 3: W< Innes-Taylor. -highly - commended. * Hack, ■ 3vrs. calculated to furnish into a 13at hack:. 1 W. A. Oliver, 1; J. Cavanagh. 2: W. 1 Taylor, 3, ••• Horse, marb. i l or gelding; suit- 1 able for. mounted rifles: W, Innea-Tavlor, 1: l Ben. M. Mvers. 2: F. C. Hands. 3. . Mare or ( eeding, by Merrymaker. 3,vrs :-' W. Newell. 1; , Newstead Estate. 2. Polo pony. 14 hands , 2in and under, capable of carrying from' ' lOst to 12st: E. McCabe, 1; Potts Bros., 2; 1 Frank Vosper, 3 . , 1

msk. CAITLE ' ' ' :: ; ~Pedigree Shorthorns.— 3>ts and over: •" m. Taylor, 1 and champion. »Bull, 2yr*: Witt Taylor, 1. Bull, yearling: .Wm, .TayhAi, 1 and 2. . Bull, under 12 months:' WiSi Taylor. 1 and 2. Bull, 2yrs or 3yrs. to b* judged from a dairy point of view Depart* ment of Agriculture, and .2;' George Jack; 3, Cow, 4yrs or over, in calf- or -with call at foot: Department of Agriculture, ,1 and champion; W. G. Parks, 2. Heifer, 3yrs, i;.in calf or With calf -at footr Taylor 1 Heifer, '2yrs: W. !G. Parks. 1: Wm, - Taylor;. 2 and 3. ~. Heifer, yearling: Wm..Taylor. L 2, and 3. " ' ' ■■ ' ■ -■ ■. . '■■■ ' Grado Shorthorns.—Bui . 3yrs and over; James Taylor, 1. Bull, 2yrß: George . Jack, 1..-. Bull, yearling: Department of Agriculture, 1. and) 2; Vere Chitty, 3. Cow, 4yTB ' or over, in , calf or - milking :v"Vere Chitty. -! ;*• 'J. Baxter. 2 and 3. Heifer. 3yrs, calf or milking: - Vere: Chitty", ' I'and.2 J..Baxter.,3-, Heifer, 2yrs: J. Baxter,.. 1; Vere Chitty. 3 *'- and 3. Heifer, yearling: Vere Chitty, 1 and 2; J. Baxter, 2 and 3. _ Grado Cattle.—Two steers, any cross; yearl-' ings: J. Baxter, 1; Alex. Orr, 2. Two heifers, any cross, .yearlings: Vere Chitty, 1; Alex.' . Orr, 2. .- .. : -•' Pedigree Herefords.— Bull, 3yrs 'an"d 'over F. McFarlane, 1 and champion. . . Pedigree Angus.—Buji,-3yrs and over: J. C. Allen, 1 and champion and 2. Bull, 2yre: J. ,C. Allen, 1. * Bull, yearling: J. C. AJlen. 1. _ Cow or heifer, 3yrs and over, in oalf or milking: J. C' Allen, 1-. Heifer, yearling:, J. C. Allen, 1 and 2. r , Pedigree-Jerseys.—Bull, 3yrs: Willis Bros.. 1; C. Day, 2. Bull, 2yrs: C. Day, i and champion and 2. Bull, yearling: Mrs. F. Luurd Wright, 1; C. Day, 2; Willis Bros., 3. 1 Bull, under 12 months: Willis Bros., 1: C. Day, 2. . Cow, 4yrs and over, in calf or . milking': O. Day, 1 and champion; 2-and 3. Heifer, 3yrs, in calf or milking: Willis Bros.. 1; 0. Day, 2 and 3. Heif*;,- 2yrs; ■ Willis, Bros., 1; C. Day, 2,and .3. -~• '.ifer,,yearling: C. Day, 1, 2, and 3. - - Pedigreo Ayrßhires.— 3yrs and over: George Watts, 1 and champion and 2.' . Bull, 2j-rsi.F: C. Litchfield, 1:. and. 2. - Bull, reaj'l* ing: Department of Agriculture, .1; George Watts, 2; F. C. Litchfield, 3. Cow or heifer. 3yrs or over, in calf or milking-: -Departs ment of Agriculture, :1, .2. and 3. Heifer, 2yrs: F. C. Litchfield, 1 and champion; Department of Agriculture, 2 and 3. Heifer, .yearling:. F. C- Litchfield* 1 a»d>2; department of Agriculture, 3. -- • 1 — ■- : Holsteins.—Bull, 2vrs and over: G. W. Luxton, 1 and champion: Given Whewell, 2. Bull, yearling: Given, Whewell, 1. Qow, ,any age, in calf or milking:-H- L- Day, i and champion; J. W. Walsh, 2: G. W. Luxton, 3. Heifer, 1 or 2yrs: Given Whewell, 1; G. .W. Luxton, 2 and 3. Dairy... Cattle.—Champion dairy cow: W. Manktelow, 105.5 points, 1; Department of , Agriculture, 102.5 points, 2; Mrs. , Steele. 100.5 • points. 3. Cow, any breed' or grade, in calf or milking: Department of ' Agriculture, 1; T. H. Larrdford, 2: E. Dee. 3; C. Day. highly ! commended. Grade dairy cow," any breed; .milking: T. H. Landford, 1; E Lee. 2. Dry ; grade dairy cow, any breed, in. calf T- 11, Dandford. 1; E. Lee, 2. Two grade heifers, 2yrs: Willis Bros., J : Department of Agriculture, 2 and 3. Two grade' heifers, yearlings:. Newstead. Estate, 1 and. 2; F, - R.- Seddon,, 3-. Two grade Jersey heifers, yearlings: Newstead Estate, 1 and 2; F. R. Seddon, 3. Two ' grade Ayrshire heifers,, yearlings: 'F. R. Seddon, "1. Two -grade Shorthorn heifer?, yearlings: Department of Agriculture. 1 and £' Fat Cattle.—Ox, any age: Jas. Taylor, 1 and commended; Ed Allen. 2 and' highly commended. Fat bullocks, 4yrr»; Ja«. Taylor. 1, highly, commended, and commended; 37, Vosper, 2. Pair fat steers, 3yrs,, most suitable for local trade: Ed. Allen. 1. Fat steer, • 3yrs: Ed. Allen, 1; Fat'steer,.2yrs; A/LOrie. 1. ' Fat cow. any age: ;GoftdwinTßroß. > 4,a,wf 2; A, ,D.»- Souter, highly commended', and commended. Fat heifer, 3yrs and under: -J. C. Allen, 1. Two freezing bullocks, any breed or cross: John Knight. 1 2.- Freezing; steer: Alex. Orr, 1, 2, and commended; , John Knight, 3. •<.; -. ... v ■■"> - • , - ,v• .SHEEP'-; tf.'.v. Lincolns.—feain.' 18 months and over : "R. H. Pcake, 1 and champion; W. G. Parks,r-2} f Ebcr Barriball, 3. Ram, under 18 monthsi * Eber Barriball, 1 and 2; E. H. Peake, 3. Tiv'o rains, under 18 months: R. H. Peake, 1; Eber. Barriball, 2; Wm. Parks, 3' : Ewe, any age, suckling lamb: C. T. Barriball. 1 and cham- ; pion and 2; Eber Bairiball.. 3. ~-.Two .-ewes,-: any age, suckling lambs: Eler Barriball, 1; C. J. Storey, 2. Ewe, under 18 months: -'Eber Barriball. 1 and 2; R. H. Peake, 3. Two ewes, under' 13 months: ' E.' Barriball, 1 1 and! •- 2; 0, T. Barriball,; 3 'V V f-n.^ English Leicesiera.—Ram, 18 months anii over:.: Department of Agriculture,-* 1 'rand champion; F. Pcmberton"; 2; • J." Gordon, " 3. Ram, under 18 months: F. Pemberton-, 1 'and 2; Department of Agriculture. ,3. Two rams, under 18 months: Department of ; Agriculture. 1 and 2. Three flock rams:' Department % of Agriculture.' 1: ' Ewe, "any age/:snckling ; lamb: G. E. Jackson,. 1 and champion; rt Jsj , F. McNicol, 2; F. Pemberton,- 3. . Two.-evrps>';'. V ! any. age, suckling lambs'; G. ,E. Jackson, 1: ; ; F. Pemberton. 2 "ana 1 3-. . Two i dry ewes, 13 months and over: fG. E. ■ Jackson','l;; E.?EV. ! :'l[ McNicol, 2; Department .of Agriculture, 3. - Ewe. under 18 months: .F. Pemberton, 1 and 2; Department of Agriculture, 3.'-Two ewes, - under l 13 months: F. Pemberton,. 1 and'2; Department of Agriculture, 3. - . Border Leieesters. — any age: - Win. Taylor. 1. 2, and 3. Ewes, any age, suckliiig lamb: Wm. Taylor, 1 rmd 2. Ewe, tihder'l3 months: Wm. Taylo'r, 1, 2, and' 3. ■* (fi '-. ' Puomney Marsh — Ram,lß months and-oTeT-r Jaa. Close. 1 and champion; H- S. ■Hawking.. % 2: and i highly -commended* f) - Ram. under. 18 months: 11. S. Hawkins, 1 arid highly' commended; James Close. 2. Two rains, under 18 . - months::»H. S. Hawkins, 1:; McKinuon Bros., > 2: Jno. Allen, highly commended. ; f Ewe, anyage. 'suckling lamb: James Close. I':and .V champion and 2; Walter Chitty. 3 and very . : highly commended. Two ewes, any;age. suckling lambs: oames Close. 1 and. champion and 2; Walter ChiUy, 3^:* Ewe, under 18 months: W<ter Chitty. l .and'2; James Oioeel 3- Two ewes, under 18 months: James Cloce, l: KcKinnon Bros.. 2: Walter Chitty,*3- - - Shropshires.—Ram, 18 months and over: E. Barriball. 1 and champion: C. Day. 2 and '3. V / Ram, • under -18 months E-. Barriball, =-1, '2. and 3; C. ; Day, corßTrieTfiied:'f; Two Tatar. - i; under 18 .months:'-E.'i.Barrlball. l and 2; ; i-G, ~; t Day, 3. Ewe. any age. suckling lamb: lv v Barriball. 1 and 2; C. Day, "3 and'iiomfaend- • fed.- Two ewes, any age. Suckling : lanibfcl E. Barriball. 1 and champion; C. Day,-'2-and 3. n'.'« Ewe. under. 18 moot us: ,E. Barriball, 1' - ; and 2; C. ■> Day, 3. Two - ewes, - under' 18 ' months:' E. Barriball. I'and '2: C. 1 Day, l 3." *• Southdowns.— 18 • months »n'a>>©T«*r;£S© Department- of Agriculture, l. and champion and 2. Ram, under 18-months: Department l of Agriculture, l and 2.1: Two rams, under ' , 18 months: Department of Agriculture. 1 and 2. ' Ewe, any age, • suckling lamb: Depart- : ment -of Agriculture. .1, and r champion; Ewe, under 18 months: Department of Agriculture, 1 "and 2. .. Two ewes, uftder 19 1 :: : months:' Department of 1 Agriculture, 1 and 2. ;fc,,'j ■'} ' Sheep .—Fivo ! ehOrhf;.er<sßfibned -"wetlwrs. most suitable for local trade; Walter Chitty, 1, 3, and commended; .W. G. Parks, 2. Five '.'~c, ehem crossbred wethers, most suitable 'for : freezing: Thos.- Martin. 1;' Walter Chitty.~B and .3; Alex. Orr, : coijihiemlfe^l'F.ivfi-. wether#, -s wool f value: ..WiUter ,- Chatty, I.,and,!,3vi■■i'!s Parks. .2. Us Five shorn - crossbred- ewes, most suitable for lpcal 1 trader' A. Lorie,' v l; Walter -: i Oiiittv; 2- and ; 3 'Goodwin Bros., eommendft?. m Fat any ager AVaHer'-H.- Wrlghti:Xap Jijme% Pprlane, 2; , falter, 3; . commended. .afe;«ttidjlj^ep eligible): C. Day.'lt 0: J. Storey, 2: Waller Chitty, 3. Fat wether, any age: Waiter H. Wight, 1 and 2; Walter-Chitty,. highly-com- , mended; "C. J.' Storey. ; commended. . Five crossbred withers, under '13 months; iri'£no >■■•? wool: 1 Alex. Orr, 1 and 2: W. G. ; Parlcß, 3 s : Walter Chitty. commended. Five crossbred, ewes, under '18 months, in the wool, . metxsuitable for * breeding -purposes: Alt r x. Orr, 1; XV. Chitty, 2 and,, commended; Thos. . Powell, highly, commended ! . 1 Five profitable ewes, under 13 months: A. Orr, 1 and commended; W. Chitty, 2: ' " >" 'r-".((if ■ . " SOUTHERN SHOWS. . . _ 4 , • •, 1 ' " r ,;£ .'.r.' -• . fjitii-rri » y : WANGANUI. • [BY TELEGBAI'II. —I'KESS " - ASSOCIATION*.] " J" -. WAjfOAkOl, AVedncsday."' Tho Wanganui Agricultural and Pastoral Show was opened to-day 'in excellfefit / weather, there being a largo attendance. -; Following ,is * a list of tho • cHampioxishps . . awarded:—'. Shorthorns: Bull, R. B. Hamilton's Fairfield Duke Dalzioll Brothel " h Blair Athol Duohess ' 11. - 'Polled - Angus: ( Bull, J. J. : Campbell's Colonel j . eow, >v J, -J. Campbell's ' Grand ' Duchess. • Horeforas: ' .• Bull, G. F. Moore's Ensign cow," UK 1- *'. ; Moore's Lyclia. "' Holsteins; . Bull, .Kewtori: King's Sir Dekol'; cow;"' Newton King ... Galatea." AyrshiresT Bull, W. P. Harris' liittlo* Earl: cow.' W. - P. Harris'- Daisy. Jerseys: 'Bull, John Short's ' Pridb of Bea- " con afield ; eov.% R. Exley's Duchess Elma;' ; > . Sheep.—: Ram : and own, W. v'i' i■ Perry. English Lcicesters:' Ram and oivo, S. R. Lancaster. Border Leicesters: ; Ram, - J. R. Corrigan; ewe, Messrs. Slack Brothers. ■!' Romncy Marsh: Ram and ewo, v" Ernest . Short. Southdowns :t* Ram. and' owe, Nelson Brothers. . Shropshiro Downs: 1 Ram. .and owe, J. R. Corrigan. _~ ' , ' „ V * No pig championships were awarded.' The following special prizes were awarded ' .in the dog classes; --Cocker spaniel:. Puppy, * Charles Ride's Milford. . ..Spaniel.:,"/Dog, Mrs. New combo's Black Prince. .Greyhound, novice: A. H. llodgeTls Red. Rover. Tho following prizes, vwra- awarded t—Pointer: .Dog, Bernaseoni's . , Soraaphore Skipper; bitch, BeraasconiV Semaphore Sequesl. . Mrs. J. Gleeson's Leonie won ; the ladies' bracelet. The show so far has been a record success. - v • " ' Canterbury:" . ' [B? . TELtGRAI'HiTrI'UKSS ; * ASSOOIATIO.V,] . . " Christchdrch, -Wednesday. - ' On tho Addington Show s Grounds to^day the Canterbury Agricultural - and * Pastoral - Association's metropolitan show was inaugur " y ■ ated in favourable weather. The attraction to-day was undoubtedly the-display of.-form- / ing implements and machinery. Last v_\ir this important section was a groat disappoint- -- "* mont, due to the .fact that practically all-iHo,,'. j larger firms did • not show. This year thero was a reversion to the' old state of afFairs According to competent authorities, hibition of'farm^implement^hd^hiaw^^^MS waß. J ,;tho. : .finest?:Soen;>-f^F®toM i ?§?®S|K'Bi^^S other important section was that f doyowfl '.? 1 motor cars and to . camftffpa. TOO » ' r - , popularity of tho autoinoWles by the very fine and varied display| S display that, according tojome was possibly ti<o fined tßat 1' J » J nesseds in the Dominion. IfJ-mofrow n.oru irig the sheep, draught horses, <«nJ pigs will be judged.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13905, 12 November 1908, Page 7

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THE WAIKATO SHOW. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13905, 12 November 1908, Page 7

THE WAIKATO SHOW. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13905, 12 November 1908, Page 7